HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-8-24, Page 6a� THE SIGNAL: GODHRICH. ONT. THURSDAY. AUGUST 24. 1893.
•no, t/WpMsirasg
ans. • sae N. f Pusses 'As-
hr AU Sees..+ ..m +•wase►•
-. W. S emsexe R"i'. To.•osae
11 Appears liar Mw Teeple Ewes Sestina
Abest t..
mom the thing° Herald.
"There an but hew people who know
how to serve peaches and cream in • manner
worthy of that luscious luxury," observed •
lady the other evening at • restaurant when
the fruit had been placed before her in •n
altogether unattractive style. "Let me tell
you," she continued, "how to pressat the
fruit in • manner tit for the gods To begin
with, take two or throe large freestone
peaches, yellow ones, fair and smooth, for
each guest whom you expect to serve. flans
them in • vowel and pour very hot water
on them till they ars entirely covered. lot
them remain in there -skiing water for half er
three-quarters of a minute, and thenpour •
ooveriag of cold water pupon
them, t After
&Sump of ice large
they hare stool in the 000ltng bath ten or
fifteen minutes lift them out one by one sad
remove the .kin, which tan be done with sur
prising ease b) Marling it with • knife. and
pulling it gently with the .Patties, as me
does w p.eLtng tomatoes atter similar treat -
meat Th• only difference t. that the
skin spores of peaches more mealy than it
does off tomatoes, When the skins are re-
moved put the peaches into a lara•e earthen
dish, betnr careful to pile thein on top of one
•notesr as little al possible and place the
vessel in the refrigerator. Ten minutes be-
fore tt is time to eery. them Lift tbcm care
fully, o•. ot • time, into a Lamm cut -glass
dish—s salad heel will assert capitally—
and cover them over with finely chopped
ice At Ibe table the host is to serve them
In flat plates not in .mall, deep dishes—
and fdr each person there must be • fork
sad • small fruit knife, with which the pita
as be removed easily and without 'muss" -
seas.' .served this way and with fine sugar
and .i tut gine pitcher tilled with rich,
golden cream, a dish of peaches becomes •
beauuful, luscious, melting dream. Over
such • dainty cue may reverently thank
neon: for palates and heaven for trashes.
Teaeh Girls Mew 1. vee Messy.
el Vit+. Ht -LL A H. TIt•111As.
A pra.•tical result or illustration of such
tem:Lung is more telling than a volume of
mere theory.
It has just been my pleasure to entertain
a living proof that young girls can be early
limit'. to speed money to the best advant-
A 11•MN ■sw.ehese prmdge—T a Niue -
hie V.rre.s Ogees Deer. LIMOtae
Ilse same C.ek. the Dte..r With Deft
sad Mewl atilt.
The extraordinary ad vanes made in
th a employment of electricity within
the last few yeah in aiding elan in
many of the annoying and wearying de -
tads of daily life is very cleverly epito-
mised to an article in a recent Dumber
of the "Engineering Ma n� The
venter tells of • visit W a house fitted up
with all the latest electrical novelties
which make it rival the wonders of the
home of Monte Christ*. His hoot. aa
they ascend the steps to the front door,
push aside the escutcheon about the
push button of the door bell, and there
are revealed two other bottoms, oar
white and the other black. The white
otie r pushed, and at once the vestibule
door flies hospitably open and at the
same in.tant • flood of light is thrown
upon them from au electric larup placed
overhead, which enables the hoot to find
his latch -keys and let them into the hall
without any annoyance of w•itiug out-
side in the ram. As they remove their
coats the host touches a bouton iu the
hall which extinguishes the vestibule
light and explains that, bad he preed
the button disclosed through the es-
cutchoon. as • visitor might, be would
not only hers thrown open the door and
lighted the lamp. but would also have
summoned a servant to open the inner
dour: but that the two concealed buttons
were for the use of the toaster of the
house. w that he could light his way co
entering and extinguish the light on tear -
tog the house.
Before dinner is announced, a maid
enters w itb a tray for the afternoon cup
of tea. She places It before ler mistress,
and after adjusting the plug attached to
a flexible cord leading from the water
kettle into • socket in the wall near by,
departs. The water is soon boiling furi-
ously, and by the time the cups are ar-
ranged, the tea is ready for serving.
Soon the completed dinner is announced,
and the writer is ushered out to a meal
cooked, and well cooked, but not by
coals of fire. There are no burned spots
on the meat, nothing scorched and no-
thing underdone, but the crooking is
rather of the order of perfection of a
dinner prepared in the old, evenly heat-
ed brick evens. The electrical baking.
oven, in which this meat has been so
perfectly prepared, is heated entirely
from the inside, and by asbe.tos packing
and burnished external surfaces all ra-
diation to the outside air is checked, .o
that the heat generated is entirely used
in the operation of cooking.
External vessels seated on the top of
the stove are not generally used in cook-
ing by electricity, but each saucepan,
kettle. fryinpan, griddle, or 'broiler is
provided withits own electrical heater,
and only while cooking is being done is
any current used to a particular utensil.
My guest was teal:: years of age. the
daughter of retined parents the father, •
judg: 01 great reputation iu his men State ;
the mother, thoroughly domestic, but •
wise ruler in her own home, its I learned bo-
fore seeing thedaurbter.
flu the day ot her arrival, my young
trend showed mea Ions list of purchases
ber mamma had given her to make. 1
sighed inwardly an 1 danced over it, think-
ing That means • day s shopping for me -
and sur!: • responsibility. The next morn
ing, as cares ..re presltnk, I handed "Tim-
othy's ,;meet, to my womanly little guest,
say ing " The piper -hangers need so muck
lookuig after, you must excuse me." She
looked thoughtful an instant, then said: "I
think l will do my shopping this morning,
and get it off my mead."
"1 thought •he had more sense," i men-
tally ejaculated, but said aloud : "lieally,
dear, yon see how L am situated, I cannot
accompany you, wait patiently until to
morrow." As I proceeded, the honest
brown eyes opened wide. and with womanly
grace. the child in a tow of surprise, said
There is not the slightest need of your go-
ing. indeed, I do net want you to, you are
an busy '"
" Kut your mother surely expected me to.
select what she sent for "'
"Why, no. she sayer thought of imposing
'inch • task Upon you. I do nearly all of
the buying at home, the babies keep mother
so closely confined. Then she says 1 never
ma learn any younger.
Roll 1 hesitated, eaping. "What does •
girl of year are know of 'corduroy y 1
noticed that tin your let."
Very modestly she replied "Why, I
know the prix and quality mamma uses for
brother's clothes. She thought 1 might do
better hen."
Slow to yield the point i sod "Where
are your samples for the silks you want to
bey ,..
1 haven't any. I know what mother
wants to pay, and the colon she wants, and
I mast no the beat I can, just as she would.
Half coeviaoed, l rave her the name of a
reliable firm, and awaited the result with
bated breath. In an 'insularly short time
my young get reappeared, and I was
c.,l to admit that the purchases ware
more judiciously made than they
wot here been had 1 aided her. She
laugh y heartily, sayief " It seemed se
strange 4,n he treated like • little girl ; at
first the+ would hardly show me anything,
thinking fully waim
ted saples. A t home
they treat tet •e they do mamma, show
mi what t have and wait for me to de-
code "
" No wonder.l' 1 replied, lookieg into the
face of the .pea`r " Truly, there are
eirle .ad girls, and soothers sad mothers
Then 1 questioned tear as to her semen
ph.hme.ts. Rhe seta
1 oo.►tsemced buying w hen 1 was net a
Little girl, and now I liev all my non
elethos. Papa gives m • +a el lowa.oe, mad
1 am trying to save all 1 ems out of it to
put in the savings' book.'
Sack • daughter is indeed a tralsore. 1s
n ot the .ialnple worthy d Imillates!
New York Observer.
tldlmM fare. L
V nn
ice necessary a#.t ainomsysst.ad
attacks of summer rnmplaints
i• remedy
is eao
so well Imams or so seas e. is •h..
clave of d•seas.e as lb Fowler's Tatra a tit
Wild Strawberry. Resp it la the house .s
• safe -guard.
tta a weld's rad 'ely n.
I.dipsat passenger i appose We U1
mannered Twrk aa't red the nigm that says
unwilling is allowed only is the rear ear
The Turk irpsaki.g fee hesumitf) 1 can
read it wedeln. I ban to dis eaetotry six
sent' i hal became Awerieaaiwd
dtgkt.ag r s.ethseptette with the stamp
tt .
MA )
sene•tl's baeineeil seem torlgss.-
NO snow FUR a4-IOt.AR$ HERE
to this most remarkable house. in-
genious precautions are taken against
burglar. Should a door or window or
shutter of the house be opened, or a
leaf or drawer of • cabinet be tampered
with in the night, at once the room in-
truded upon becomes brilliantly illumi-
nated by • lamp which is set in the
ceiling and out of reach to smash; in
the masters room a light springs up at
the ringing of the alarm bell. and the
news ret the intrusion is at once tele-
graphed at the nearest police station.
Should the burglar atteinpt to escape
through the house, he must light up
room after room as he opens the dour..
Against a fire, too, these elaborate
fittings have provided whatever protec-
tion man has devised against that all -
destroying fiend. In each room are
several of what are called "thermostatic
push -buttons' —little devices which close
and keep closed an electric circuit wher-
e ver the temperament of the apparatus
rises above a certain amount. When
this occurs in any room. at once every
room in the house is lighted, bells ring
loudly in all the bed roots*, and at the
same time the nearest fire alarm box is
automatically pulled and the alarm sent
aLELrINO tomes sotmeT1F1t' r'oNDITnONs.
The steeping rooms are arranged with
thermostats above the beds. which may
be set at the temperature at which the
occupants desire to sleep. Au electrical
heater just under the window will wartn
the incoming air and give • constao
temperature to foster pleasant dreams.
As often as the temperature of the room
rinse above that desired, the th.e-
moatat cute off the current until the
balance is restored. in the morning •
bed -room lamp automatically lights its -
self al rising time, and the ever -obedient
current heats the shaving water for the
master and the curling Loop for the
in trill. Omt'E APPLIA N( -rd.
Not less interesting than the house-
hold etnp loyment of the current is the
use made of id services by the master
of the house in the office. Besides the
electrical elevators, the electrical an
and the wonderful automatic tempera-
AY Wires\ sad Floe ase Msael ea be of
Knowledp is power—especially when
one is on a picture. A suggestion to
campers or other folk who are really
rouglltag It is how to secure cool butt.,
without we. Fill a box with sau�k
witbia an inch or two of the top
the butter jars in the sand; thea thor-
oughly wet the sand w tib cold
water. Cover tLe box as dearly airtight
as pantile.
Violet and orris make the beet coin
bioatiun for bureau and chiffonier
sachets. The orris imports a deiiciotss
order of clesWiness and 11,e violet gives
just the •uspicitw of actual fragrance
that is needed
A baked lemon is mid to be an excel-
lent remedy for huaraenttes and MO
that is often resorted to by singers and
public speakers. The Iemoo is baked
hke an apple and a little of the heated
and thickened juice .queered over lump
Bonbon dishes of - gold, with little
Dresden panels on which are copies of
celebrated paintings, are beautiful and
costly and only for the exclusive few this
panicky year,
At • recent weddin- g the somewhat
unusual array of sue ushers and nine
bridesmaids assisted. Five of the brides-
maids wore pale green and the foal
others a delicate shade of pink. All
had short veils matching the hue of
their gowns. Theycame down the aisle
?loan the chanceto meet the bride,
walking first two, then ane alone. repeat-
ing the order until ushers and maids
wens all in line.
The raw -silk couch coven now offered
very chap in the shops make gay and
useful portieres, and wear extremely
A pew lampshade, presumably intend-
ed fur a bride, is of white silk. garland d
with orange blossoms arranged iu prodi-
gal profusion.
Hammock chairs have long tilled an
acknowledged summer want, bot in ten
newest shape, with movable cauopy at-
tached, they are more de..irable than
ever. The occupant cannot only adjust
the back seat and foot reit at airy angle
she may please, but by simply pullwg a
cord can shield herself as completely as
she may elect practically defying the
tierceat rays of the sun.
Date eating is the latest fruit craze.
t;inn glass has a sudden reign of
popularity—the lamp standards a deli-
cate green, with flow ers in gold : Huger
bowls with edges fluted and gilt finish.
Frei:ch women eschew the eternal
blue of the yach'irg English worse':
anh take their nautical outings in gay
dresses of red cloth and flannel. Monty
French women are of the brunette type.
and these the dull navy blue of the con
ventional seagoing gown is intensely
trying. It is a tei.et of tine dressing of
a Parisian woman to wear, first of all. a
becoming gown and, second, to make
that a stylish outs.
White duck hamruock pillows em-
broidered in sone sketchy uthletic de-
sign, as tennis racquets. golf dulls cross-
ed, or a hunting cap and whip in colter
est flax are much in vogue.—Lew Yurk
B.n.aule.a for the Preparation of Cast
lag Beverages.
A correspondent tells us dhow to pre-
pare lemons iu summer so that at any
time a cowling drink maybe prepared
more easily than lemonadand quite at
To six pounds of white sugar add the
grated rinds of 12 large lemons, without
cutting their. Stir the sugar and grated
lemon peel into half a gallon of watt
and place it over • slow fin until it is
dies,lved thoroughly. Then increase
the heat until it boils enough to thicken,
taking the scum t R as it arise.. After
it thickens. arid the juice of the 11
lemons, carefully leaving out the pulp
and seeds. Boil all together for ten
minutes, and when cool, bottle and keel:
in • dark cellar. Use in the proportion
of one-third lemon syrup to two-thirds
Another simple drink is made by
dropping a quantity of fresh leuinc peel
into wide-mouthed bottles of good vine-
gar. After it has been prepared fol
some time. it is quite refreshing on a
bot day if a small portion is gradually)
stirred into a `lass of water.—:sew Y rk
Commercial Advertiser.
Will regulator in the form of the thee..
mo.tat, there are some wonderful labor-
saving devices. A little dial on the
front of the manager's desk has the
name of every man in the office printed
upon it. and when • pointer attached to
• hand over the face of the dial is
above • man's name, pushing the but-
ton in the center of the dial will call
the clerk desired. This teleseme, as ft
is called. is very oonvsslant, but there is
rat a more wonderful devioa having a
similar purpose. Telephones from deaf
to desk are filled with wires leading to a
oentral exchange on the employees disk.
A contact plug is attached to the letter's
phone, and on the desk is arras •
bank of plug boles and aonunc -
irops roamer/dog with each man in the
.Acis who has a telephone. Pushing the
plug into otic of the plug holes and
pressing a button calls the clerk to hie
lei one. while, if It is desired that the
els be not allowed toren his employer,
the corresponding anaunciator-drop is
omitted from the employer. deck.
Should he desire to talk to taro or more
Arks at the same time, he has but to
call them up, and, changing hie contact
fern one hole to another, talk to
.e4 without pnesihlis interference from
Ib. .steers who are waiting 1i11 he speaks
again. *us p.r.ittlng c.mversaneas,
-trultslim . and anis Terri -mines
without a(Illgtng any of the participants
to move fees their decks, and wi=
fihteert.mg telephone commis
Imes of the of the efo.—Phfladel-
obis ■seerd.
That AYER'S Sarsaparilla cvass
OTHSRm of Scrofulous Diseases,
Eruptions, Boils, Eczema, Liver
and Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia,
Rheumatism, and Catarrh should
be convincing that the same course
of treatment wtu. cots You. All
that has been said of the wonder-
ful cures effected by the use of
The Overworked r.rt.
An absurd and inconvenient dictate of
the present fashion is the almost com-
plete banishment of the teaspoon. The
multiple fork has gradully encroached
upon the spoon's domain till even the
various grains and vegetables of the mon
elusive sort, which were once wont to
occupy exclusive little diehes.and have e
teaspoon apiece. are pow amalgamated
with the rent of the dinner. and dr.
of as best one may with a four-
issd implement. For the prennt
Isealnrlos are still permitted for sipping
and stirring beverages without incur
ring the odium of greenness and vulgar-
Meted Viewer Met,.
Flower held in nodal are worn by
young gtria Them are pawise, 11111 s
wild roses, fleur-de-lis and other,
petaled flower made fiat and linked
together. Another variety McInnes each
Rower within • circle and links the
circles together. These and the braided
ars among tb. p!Mtiost varieties of
metal belts.
leilt Water ow salami
Not water M e stimulant, i fool, an
ptic and • siolati.e when all se-
t i ve
tive funetinas are etsspendrl.
When hahy is potging and vomiting
badly giro up all food, jays • physician
ig'I'ho Jenness Miller Wear' no, and fill
teal child week hot fast warm') water
/Item I clew. F r twenty-four
boars he weer Rashes and simmers
110 stomach. Alter • few draws lye
pled. of We to the bot water and, .1 Chs.
Chad take 11 more readily, a vsry IiIM.
seller Oe'ee..nnally • child witless
stomach is in such • delicate ensditio n
that it hes realised telling for some
time will throw up the ant hot wake
given and r.. w► the asovraat or third
dos. p...Meted In, this treatment will
miumlie iodate quiet sleep and recovery
1 hope mothers who have ?.Satoh, heap
isas weak-etnesreh.d babies will try
this .wont slsnp.ts Ion .a►w..• .-
during the past fifty )ears, truth-
fully applies to -day. Itis, in every
sense, The Superior Medicine.
Its curative properties, strength,
effect, and flavor are always the
same ; and for whatever blood
diseases AYER'S Sarsaparilla is
taken, they yield to this treatment.
When you ask for
don't be induced to purchase any
of the worthless substitutes, which
are mostly mixtures of the cheap-
est ingredients, contain no sarsa-
parilla, have no uniform standard
of appearance, flavor, or effect,
are blood -purifiers in name only,
and are offered to you because
there is more profit in selling
them. Take
r..iarri VW Ile. J C. AI, A C. . L..etl. )taws.
5,,;.! by all 'Ururpmr•; Prue f, .,• b xtie.. 59
Cures sum, will cure yell
School Opening
1893 AUGUST 28th :;-' 1893
have something entirely new in Exercise Books and
Scribbling Books. The best value ever shown for
5 cents.
Headquarters for School Boole.
Full supplies of all the latest and best Educational
Works, authorized and recommended for Collegiate
Institutes, Model Schools, Public and Separate
Olaards LI.►ese t ie Me Male .ea1Mel.
There are 200 kinds of pertsms.
Copenhagen has a lady oarpenter.
London claims 700,030 dwellings.
Cock Jam has 8,000 lady doctors.
New York has 7,282 lioeaeed bars.
The sir pump was invented in 1651.
India has 27,000,000 acres in wheat.
The Siberian radioed will oust t'a00,003.-
America produced 294,313 pounds of
aluminium iu 1892.
to ordinary yearn the cost of irrigation in
A single Kansas cabbage head hes pro-
datwd 400 "cigars."
Two-thirds et the gold now in the world
was discovered during the last fifty years.
Freeman's Worm Powders destroy and re
move worms without injury to adult or in-
Twelve years ago one sailor in every 106
who went to sea lest his life; now only cos
in 256 is lost.
Regulate the Liner and Bowels by the jed
iciobs nee of National fills, they are purely
The dome of the new observatory now in
course of erection at (,r.enwich will be made
of papier mache.
Milburn'. Aromatic Quinine Win. is dis-
tinctly superior to any other as an appetis-
ing tonic and fortifier.
A .erne lot in San Francisco once ex-
changed for • suit of clothes is sow ceosider-
ed worth 51,000,000.
As • healing, soothing application for mita,
wounds, bruises and .ore., then is nothing
better that Victoria Carbolic aalvs.
A type of firearm has been invented in
England by which compressed gas is
utilised instead of powder as • propelling
in the five or six months of the year dor
ing whit.h the sardine fishery huts 600,000,
000 of these little fish are aught off the
coast of Brittany slops.
For • sluggish sad torpid liver, sothine
can impair Ayer'. Pills. They ooatain no
calomel, nor any mineral drug. but are com-
posed of the active principles of the best
vegetable cathartics, sad their use always
results in marked less& le the patient.
Mae Were eess/ted.
May—DidGawky get on his knees wbea
be proposed
Margery (bluablse)—No ; I got on them
September Delineator and Fashion
Sheet to hand. TM.sY�
Leval '.sham. Dell Telephone le.
Mains Sew.
Miaing experts note that cholera rover
attacks the bowels of the earth, but human-
ity in rsnral gad 4t asesssary to we Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry for
bowel oompW.ts, dysentery, diarrhow eta
It is • tare cars.
Mord; and alloses.
Hungry Hirgim.--(ba't yea give a poor
Ma • nickel !
Mr. Septets—Cad vat you do mit him
him for bier!
esgry Higgbe.—$.r. Right ben in
your own how
Mr. M All Hint. n Heyou vas.
II a to help a poor m.a vas be is
willing rade mit ma
5 A
-j, COL /C
AtsAt e � I
vU�l r" er^ref N'�SR!
prfc ` rATO
Booksellers and Stationers.
You kill a few flies—the sunit..r• hobl
an indignation alerting. You cntch tit.
whole aa,;eull.lage with
cheapest and bast shade. or else
k.oak them out site ear
PURE INSECT POWDKR, which never fur
Sea -Bathing set Home.
This excelletat assista.ce to health may be hes
by purchasing • tax of sea -salt, 2fic. We keep it.
are Hire's Root Bear --a 26cbottle makes
pilaw. Lime Jake, 50 eta • large bottle.
We C. GOODE, Chemist,
OtisR M ssaeafe ler Prescription.. ac.
Safety Bicycles
PNEUMATIC TIRES, from $50.00 up
• This lean palters Is pstfeetles.
GARDEN TOOLS AND HOSE. o„r,,.e Opmpleme.
Where you will get good, hopes' goods, and everything warranted to be as represest di
We have • 1•,g r stock sad greater varier than .11 the other shoe dollen is
tows oommast bised. We keep the stylish and variety
able goods made in Canada.
Pita are Loiter than the Lowest, ad it be kept there:
........ E. DOWNING.
N.B.—Leather and Finding" in ally quantity at Iowa* prism
Are the best Canned (foods In the market.
AT 40. 60 tt?rc eo cnaisrre PFR 7P017243, -
We are agents for both litres, and s•k for them a trial, mewed tett{
they will plena: and eatsod oar trade with you. Yours truly.
CEAB& ii. Ni.
J_ OPI 'x ac BON
Have added to tiwdr present besinees ens of Ir. J. lush's Latest Style
of Qty Hearses, also rhe *pent line of fun•rai hrnishingo in the oorasty
sad arm now prepsowd to eemdset futiwswls N ptoes ress(.aabls.
This department will be 'Wetly attended to by bin ass William, who. ilei
in the araploy of the latus D. Oordon for the past ton yews. has a
koowledge of the benisorr., earl by pateapt •.untila impale to share pert of
ribs& patronage. Retmemhsr the plate—West's*, on year way br the ped
dim Give ais a call.