HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-8-24, Page 5:,'k. THE ^ks r.E!dPJit:: X r i Y u, w.: sl,,• 2r+ - THE SIGNAL : GODI RICIT, CONT.. THURSDAY. AUGUST 24, 1893. ANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE £ITAIMAIDNSS t«•1. HEAD OFFICE:. TORONTO. IMO r., MN NoLues SO LARS . S. It. WALKER. 001EIUt GODERICH BRANCH. ovum. OMIt1N0 OUSiflU1 Ta*MsAOTED. FAMMINIV NOTA ONMOUSWIIII Dorn a1E410 PAYAIIL1 AT AL. rovers WI CAItAOA. AI1O 1 NE .Anted►AL oats in no UNITED STATIM GUTAT 13111TA1N, FRANCE, tIL11Mt/DA, as SAMOS SAM DEPARTIIEWT. wows or'LOD AMD UPWAtnDS anoarv.DD AND cu..vsr nem or atrium ,e0_ 4711WIMIST YOU TO •1N ►rNOMAL AT TIN. ENO Or MAY ANO .- tela tN MON VOA& plp.alal AffuNENw elven M Me 111•11•04110 Of nDMrr•.ret•t wren pMm.re' Awn Hat a. R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. • 14.10O,000. ALAS t 1113% 010, xzurlir 411, leaks Our 11 .ASAP mics I61BOR BCllB .IN WALES. svetta ONE P6ICE 1 It is generally understood that re sell fur Cath only and at One price only. The following from a writer thoroughly versed in busi- less nletiss>tlr aptly describes and Nuq.,:res the old and .(•+Stan' : The change in making prices has wh,s!c av+tem s"•1 trade The old way was W put two private suarka on goods, cost and asking price, and the selling price was ee hatever *um between the two t'.sc buyer and seller Wight sgrce upon. The asking pries, of course, was pretty high, and the selling price depended on the skill and I":rsirten_e of the buyer and seller. The new way i., to make o..e (,rice and never way - from the now the method of overturned the machinery of it 1'n,lcr the old way, buyer and seller haggled over every transac- tion, a must trying experience for anyone of sensibility; Ansi in most casks the buyer carne off second he -t, because the seller wood be the snore experienced of the two and become the sharper of the two at a ltargain. .1 storekeeper. not more than fifty years ago, had the wit to see that such doubt, about the value of sn.•rchandise and such disagreeable Nrience in buying viers serious hindrances to trade. He invented the new way, had the courage to carry it out rigidly and became a great merchant. Others followed Li; example and became succeneful "serchantss ; so many and so suc- cessful that, trade has come to ire livides into two classes, one -pries an.1 no -price. Anybody who looks out upon he world of business can see the hangea going on. The one -price ystem is extending, and great t e stores are (;rowing up under it. The no -price aystcm is still hang- ing os, especially in the country and in the poorer quarters of the cities ; and there is great outcry 17 those who do not yet tinder - stand the nature of the conflict. Success always brings failure into relief ; and those who fail cry out against those who succeed." Make yowl owe inference of whish in the better system. If you're reaaonab le you'll probably favor the new. Add to this the Inanifeet advantages of Cash -both to buyer and seller -and Ree if our claim to give the biggest and beet DOLLAR'S WORTH is not retie - We've sna•le great pr 1.iratirnlr for Fall. Over fifty eases already opened. The remnant of Sus lit e Stook it in the way. Some lines go at half cost of production. It's )rUlr opportunity. !1 Highest Current Priers for Rutt. r and Kam Atseeks by tae airtime* as the C.)Uerl.e -alea►.•.te 1re.eoree Talmo t. C..reo the Setae Ow..re-aes.55,te t. wreck !rains gad 1. Coe Of the Gas LONDON, Aug. I1. -The struggle be tweets tee masers sad ,wineowaere is no nearer automat slum three weeks ego, rhes the sink, be a. In the Mldlaad counties aloes fully 2O0,U00oelliers are idle. Ie South Wales the situating is a erltial that more than 3000 Infantry, ba.ids% save airy and a noes battery, have bets ad - {wood s■ aeticipatien of tames' note. The whole datrsct is in • state of feverish ..as. net and apprehension. Fnalay 10,000 miner§ march..' from Monmouthshire and the Rhondda Valley to Merthyr Val. tweety•two Doles northwest of Curti( They noted in the parish, and its environs, smashed windows sad better- ed buildings. Several area were maltreated by the mob, bat eveatually after the reining of the riot at the rioters marched away without liaviag dome any aoasiderabl. damage. A despatch from Peotypridd to -night rya that the troops have been Brat to Merthyr Vale, u mon trouble threatens there. At the meeung of the dates et the Fifeel.tre msa.•rs today it was decided that the roasters' oder of 12i per coat. advance 1n wages be dee:need awl that the men save she pits. Tide amus that 11,000 Frfeahire masers will ga0i't oa Mouday. erases Oreer.4 Ora. Latrine, Aug. 21. -The situation in South %Vales meta( to the cal strike bas sat improved. Tia strikers nude repeated attacks on the collieries batrrday and numbers d strikers, workers sed optics were imparted u the conflict The district was pretty excited Italurday. treat military sad ponce pree.ouoae bars been takes, &¢.d the Serio-eaeee 01 the sitaatloa mea he judged L the fact that the col means kiv* asked for 2000 Infantry .ad 1000 cavalry to protect the collieries and the works( collier.. Over ;00 infantry Nave left Plymouth is teases for the Rhondda Valley, .ad .00 other. witl pro- ceed to -day. The desperate measures which the mea are taking in order to cornu the coal owners were .h..we Yesterday when • body of strikers endeavored to stop the work of the colliery which &lotu .ap- plies the Pontypridd Geo %Vorls,ia order to put the town so darkens.; while to -day stones were foxed oa the r.tilwsy line which sviJatly had been placed there by the strikes The district has the appearance of being in . stats of siege. Seatinets ars stationed oa the hill tops sad roust the collieries to soaounce the ap- proach of the striker@ to :he troops. The polis'* are geardiag the oolli.iPs, of which Ices than ' 1' i est of 904 are Row "reeking. The waking collieries ars chiefly is the E..bbw,ale district, sad the ntrikas aa• B ounce their iuteatioa of marching there e to -day 50,000 strong to atop work. Rtotoss .cora are expected owing to • deciaioo of the owner, not to pay the sink. ins haulers who Deviated the trouble. The mine owners appear to be resoluta ie their refusal to aoaosd. the 20 per prat. advance et wage, deeraded. It is estimated that the nice have already lea £300,000 is wages, while the output d the collieries, which is 47,000,000 tone, bee folios to 2 Thus Matey Nask.e Lanese, Aug. 21.-i. view of the ex- pected rise of the bank rate discount has rumuasd fine at 4 per tsar. for 90 days and 7 per mat for 20 days Resines oa taw Block Reshape was almost stagnant, s the usual dulness a the holiday season, combined with the amass heat ted ea - certainty of the (.tors American market. reduced dealings to the minimum. Every department is affected by the depression. I. sympathy with New York quotations of America r@itwsy securities generally were week. The tots of the Pare and Berlin bourses was cat. Italia securities were .spsoially weak. .k. Irrs,ek itteett.... PARIS, Arg. 21, 1 a.m.-The manse re- rrivd up to the presses tame show the Republicans. • of 106 Republias. • win of Ere mets, 12 Royalists. 7 '•Rallied" sad three Rwmi.i•.ids. Beaty-Mgbt re -ballots an may. Pewees Katal. Beut.re, Aug. 41.-A Matting replesi.. oeourred Saturday is the King Lsdwig seal mise at Hera, mer Bochum, ie West phalia, Dud eves miners were kilted. Sia were werieraly iajresd. The R.MM mel.. Bravos Area, AEE. 21. --Th. rebels Ase the Praises of t errhstss bare d.fe.t.d the O.rer.meat %rweptr and are Mal Chill es annuls* city. 11. 11. .$ ►sakes, Vt&vw.t, Aug. 21.--Dhp•teba fres brsile, Ro.mula gad °data, (Meth Ren elti m Abet slight earthgrake shake shah both shies yesterday atomise. A MAIDEN IUEO FOR .s0,000 - c .,gad Irma Atte..d.0 the AEIseMe.r .r Nee NtaA•e Nesh.sua W ATtaarn, Celts., Apr 91. -Mm. • deserted wile. 91! .se. d ee.idtug leers. has brought a .sit is sgS. to the smcent of l0 tte0 s•i film bask a Illtuas d ? .w Redte.4, ieet Om the dewier d the s&.tio.a el bee hvisk.vid, Freak W. lands. • dethiy dray mer. T e papaw have hose served se Yee. W I1Wss. whs a said t o be were belle Erode. y w►stal 1355+ the •..sent imiv.l..d Ami the liplanumix males. 1 TEt Se gal be tent t• age adJreie i. FRENCH FLANNELS 50 PIECES, 50 CENTS We open to -day a beautiful range of new Flannels from France, price 66c. a yard. Best quality made. t. PARASOL SASE TI IS WEEK_ All grades marked down to Cost Price and under. Finest selection in Goderich. Inspection invited. W. BCiIESON & SON. SUMMER SALES, 25 per cent. Discount ON ALL Summer Goods. MRS. R. E MITH. C. A. HUMBER & SON WATCH &JEWELERY EMPORIUM New Goode of the Latest Designs and Patterns in Watches. Olocks, Jewelery, Silverware and Optical Goods. We aro catenag tor a share of the trade, ted it ae.ae.ablr ►tires and fair Treatme.l must ter uythlog, we w maiden la beviag a shawl at Tour patrertige. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Prompt attasttos sad satisfaction Reeraateed. 0..A. HUMBER 81r, 801•T, Sten soar Abraham Smite's Clatblag gas., ea the tlrs.re. Remember the Auction Sale of NRS. BICH'D HAWLEY'S FURNITURE HOUSE FuRNISIIINGS To be commenced on Thursday, Aug. 24 And continue every Afternoon and Evening until everything is disposed of. Ther. will be Bargains to be got in every article required in and around r boos.. Sale at Store formerly occupied by DANIEL GORDON. THOS. GUNDRY, Auctioneer. Wingham: Thos. Manuel returned to tows ea Tuesday from Victoria, B. C. He reports trod. somewhat slow cm the coast rat present, bat uncials retuning in • taw weeks sad take the family with him. Mr. Masted is t4. i tare of health. Hensall : R. Patterson, sr., lad the mis- fortune un Wednesday d last week to get the fingers on his right bud badly cut avid mangled while operating oma machinery io s kis planate mill. Morris : On 1Cedurl►y of hat week, Thoms Knechtel, teacher, of Morris, led 1 Mira Lizzie Reid to the altar. Rev. D. Perrie, brother -its -law of the groom, p.r- )armed the ceresnoty. WESTERN FAIR LONDON, SEPT. 14th to 23rd, 1893. Canada's Favorite Ezhibition I'..LsRLr,,K D 1951:. Ter *LOW IT TIM MASH 14. LIVE STOCK EXHIBITS. Kahle* close September lib. The best tied largest Stabling sad Spas allotted on receipt of entries BETTER SPECIAL ATTR&CTIONS ltA. VKR IWPO F:. t1ieNR1 Kar en esne West UI ►Nal.. For Pres Lets ed iefruns. apply to •AIT. I. N. Pan. TOR A. MM. US Walt a Bit! Far>;e,t- LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP Facts are so scarce in this world that it is possible to live a is one : good marry years without becoming acquainted with one. Here We've been busy as bees ever since we started business. The reason is obvious: We have trade your needs our study, and are keeping up a feast of good styles and goon vainest, and in buying your Boots and Shoes from u, you get better value for ter ter '-sone y than you can get eleewhore. Von will be delighted. with the good goalitiem or our goods. We have a choice me - ,' lection of Ladies', Militate and Children's Oxfonl Tia I'Shoe& Thousands to ehoose from All other linea complete. and guaranteed to fit, to wear well, and give entire eatiafaetinn. Oar -priest Save money while you can h)• haying your Boots and Shoats front aro the lowest T. FOWLER & 00. a,e.e BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, , . .. ' $12,000 REST, _ :.. , t ,000 000. A Savi„hr Dc/.rrlr;;c,ss %alien with This brawl/. Interest at:/eev..eet at c,rrrekt rales. II. LOCK I FOOD, Manager Goderich Bra,'c& I would a•1t'iee those Parties w;:o contemplate putting in a Furnace to take has ben oiei a BUCK'S "LEADER," Constructed on the same principle a, the " Happy Thought gauge, with the Duplex Grate. References : Rev. M. Tutetru St. I:eorp's Reetcry, and ala. JAMES VATar. Heap ware Meroha&t. Just received, a car loud of WATER WHITE OIL, which I will sell low fur cash -wholesale and retail sal trust all those indebted to sue for the year 1892, wt:1 w11 at oats and settle the same. Yours respectfully, G_ N_ DAMS_ SEASONABLE COODS, FRESH AND RELIABLE. CANNED MEATS, YEGETABLES AND FRUITS. !V GENERAL GROCERIES we esu suit you in quality and prion, and baits • trial order from you. R. W. RUNCIMAN nuoos55or to H C Haws you an lis. of take A BUSINKS8 or 8HOBTHAN COURSE ? FOREST CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE OF LONDON, Atasde HiA,13 ted SHOt'LDNJt9 above the acsrage B1.inees College for Thorough Practical Teschi•t. College recesses Sept. lth. Uatekorne hen. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. METHODIST IIA<:All.• POR `tet-m,ses.- (M 1 and timet 1att..t is an iUusRrat- ■UCH WORLD'S FAIR d ""°'' i, the ria University, Rev. the Fres LIKE A tvatlsoa, d Victoria L'nivasiCy, oB :be Few Church Jubilee, reooaaLag the heroic self- e aoritioss of the fathers and (Deaden of the WILL Hi Free Church of Scotland. Mather illustrat- ed article of much intermit is one by Mrs Helen Campbell, entitled "Light in Dark Places." giving graphic pictures of Jerry Makel yes Maim work in the alums of New York. A brilliant character study of Thomas Carlyle. with striking portrait, ooevsys • better imputation than many have of that vroat, writer. A Young Heart of Oak" is • brief record by the editor of the brave yang life of Lieutenant Harry Bo1- dero in H. M. Royal Navy. The editor al- so describes, with full pictorial illustration, the famous Noble Sanctuary, or Mosque of !)mar, on the site of the Jewish temple oa Monet Jeorieh, ea of the moot sacred i on earth. 'City Charities," by Rev. Dr. Barras, is a careful study in Christina soci- ology. A strong paper by Joseph Cook de- soribss Anglo-Saxon Fetioa, a dream which seems nearer fulfilment than ever be- fore. The bnlliaat illustrated papers es British India, by W. S. Caine, M.P., approach completion. Tarmac: William Briggs. Price 22.00 year: $1.00 for six Canada's Great INDUSTRIAL FAIR TORONTO SEPT. 4 TO I6 1893 EXCELLING ALL OTHERS. New Stables, New Cattle Sheds, Aad many ether improvements. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. Greater and Better than Ever. The People's Greatest Oatil i 11e.* t.se.rdess e. •11 aallwars. J. J. MITNlla. N. J. NIA, Pr•rstdewt, Jlfi.rrr. roman,. Bramwell' : i be Rev. W. T. Chia, form- erly Episcopal '.List..r here, bat sew •t Fenton, Michigan is bete spading his holidays. Hie wife and family aooeeapany aim. H. likes the land of the Free. Wen though he wee • goal. key, wbjeet berm McKillop . James Longearth, of Iio- Killow, sold s Ess Perobao, mare this week to Mr. Taybi, of Teckerwmith, ter *96, which le a pretty good pries for a bee.. these dars. About tures years ago Mr. Learwerti refused $160 for the same amass!. lieaforth : Win. Rasa. of Hallett, View Kilburn, delivered to Thomas Case, last week, two of the Easet young heifers that hays been shipped from Vafortb station for • good while. They were both two years oil sad atter leisg driven out here, weigh! 1,760 peewit. ttasterth : R Iwar.l 0',1 11, w i, at as tease worked ea teamster ter Themes Dwsey, bet who has been i. Cal/feral* foe es,cet.ees years, was in tetra lite week. He same to Os &4& to vert his mother who had beem merlesdy ill for .nese time cad who bas dace dial. Tett CANADIAN MAC iris ToaArl r.sr.- The ('amelia Magma..'s 5514-emenner taw. e sti number i. riot IR variety of latereetumg topics amid copious in illuetrstios, tad well Rei.tai s the reputation attained by this moss creditable of Candia literary psri- °dicaia le actior, the illustrated story, "7L. Backsliding of Elder Pettus'" by W. T. Josses, gives a graphic picture, true to life .pps..tly, of the inner life of • Shaker tlo55maaity in Ksetecky. "Aoortt.d by els. Deed," • capital story by E. Mad:. lsweo., is strikingly original in treatment. The il- lustrated artMhs w "Something abous r Hawaii," by H. Spatter Howell; "Upper Canada College," by W. Alla' Neilro.. sod "A Moamit04a Mato►" u the Himalayas, A. H. Morrbo.. t )tb.r &,tick. •r., •'$i JoM T Seppsonon •mid Hie Ctitttmaes,, • d.t. ,i el the i'S.edMa premier, J. L Tien s, C. E ; "Pobtisl U1..amsseooas el (lasso,' by Rdw.rd Medi; • • R,der.das &mid Pfe1'erte,' ti Hemi. G. W. Rom, inter of Education. Ontario . m• r.1 of Tillage," • ) d farm ids, W 11 H. Hryest The ieplaoer eat a . aN glen," by J. L Paya.; ' Ceacer. rill► i.m," by Rehm A. Haim "A (bus ., eros," by S 5tewvt, D. L.II t '' t^r tr.rvi tkss lfetfth-bless R.a.bi geek .,' R !inks: "A C1sRiia. iN])strife &mid book rw t;. Irry the a sumbss d s viatfaw•1 r p well hiall sord e tobewltb t°Arkeirisoer hJ04:44 4aEtanehp abreat P.hl.h.dd &the T a, miy Publiehgas nin b rent a Ar Tse BR''••SH EXCHANGE pEalg/Ul CURL Iw/'It nu rAMOND TEA MEDICINE, Easter Rse.ttly 9.mod t:idley "I",Aseteed to refers s1. rtes! wrnderfil/ with er .oeM..t that laid biro op f oh ofveneet is m Melia pa tyre dmiws .sawerrl d&ya Wail. sr§ the &ot i•t g'n.E .mnlsoe di ted fsa.M la. aiek.t• rhe heat dept iota tM hosts Ale foot tri p.1ee i. do Par MI ta.1s 1: 7"."6'. hmi:•f and 1 estM.e wN"'rnsalk ■► .....edta.rw.en•.ruvetP;,•r, wws.rt. W bus. , to mer owl: g..yye ke At the above Nina tk. .,sant: i s eT 10 rt.* d weeks. rsaa Af awed he elm UMW. M4t1au. T[/ . W. N. uteNt.er, BMm a,a ed eeriest the sed scraper attar -heel t. S ep, whisk threw hum forward sad e Ides • very .sverely sprained olds. ern T*okerenekb : W. Iiaw4r,r s twe►s ge1 W. Rs.Arrd, she ha be Rama read, Ta r@ taemitL 160 aero 11 e • was •As .sr - Una, being immedinedy rd j 'persinew. awl the „mia si• • '5, oo