HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-8-24, Page 3M.
b. Y
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MS rt M' • 3S r. A
ace yl
imam ras.pkaes . et sp -
per's, wooer woo was UTena1-LT r1Dts°
As -rya •N'Liss r sece($D Mea
r.tsr uoe . o--nOw sus wig eerie.
Bram rte Arkansas Demeerat.
The st. t el renewed health told i• the
Ishosat., article has been oarefally invest -
igatel Ly the Democrat, and ie of the deep-
est interest to all parents. The 000dition
et dies t leniceats is that of thouaaeda of
ens to our land, whose health sed vitality
• Powdy but .only being sapped away.
Pete, lot dem and sallow girls meet se on
every sole. and w1.se ter mise prompt
..uures an take, se in the are of Mies
Clement, • premature grave is the lit
rcuable rcmlt. Lulu Clemsats the sine-
ws year old daughter of Mrs. Coes V. Cle-
srts, one of the most premtaset reindeer
d Losoke, Ark., was attacked wells • mys-
ensue •eatug dames over • year ego,
wed despt' a the strsssoue ,Corte of the local
physicians she continued to grow werse-
her blood sad termed to water, she suffered
Mensa &goer, aid was almost ready mints
et We when retie( came. Her stcty le beet
laid se related by bur mother w • Dsmoorat
repot ter
le the fall of 1892 my daughter Wipe
▪ tow ngm that some die.ae wee wreck-
er her .y stem. Despite the constant at -
Yatton of focal $physic ia.s she grew worse_
Set complexion was pale, and die became
sheer u white as .snide. :the eomphained
d heart palpitation. Her feet and beads
were cold, sad sae was arose driven Tato
hysterics by raokieg bead+cbee and back-
aches and 'boners of breath and other die-
t/ening symptoms All these eoadit.ncs
betoken an.' Will. Or in other words watery
sad tn:porerabed condition of the blood,
witch cont" rot perform the f.octioas of
acture. She had no appetite ; for meet
days she did net eat enough for • child to
to intent on.
H.r imeditine grew from had to worse
sed becoming alarmed i sent her to promu-
wt physicians is Virginia, Tenseness sad
Little Rock. AU efforts of this nature to
regain her health proved trshle.e. Patent
, ed:c:nee of menu kinds were tried sad
given thorough testa, but without any ap-
parent effect towards impee.riag the patient.
" Myself and daughter had almost des,
ap in despair, having almost concluded that
• r«tnrstwa of her health was eh Warm
ability. in the Arksaone Remotes& I d;. -
ped an advertisement of Dr. William's
Pink Pills for Pale Fps, which claimed
that they would give rssdy relief to pawns
suffering from a disease the symytome of
vb. h were the same as in the cane of my
daughter. 1 purchased some of the pill*,
mad commenced giving my daughter thew
i✓ills • day. Beiors the drat boa had bees
taken an improvement was meted. Odor
in her cane was untied, sad her appetite m-
torsed. The terrible headaches .ad bask-
. ebes ceased, sad she could breathe more
freely. Whoa the !mirth box had been
taken .he wee seurely well, sad sues them
has enjoyed exoshleat health. She is mew
rebut and fall of life'
making ear family
Inn/ cans more- Quit. • ooslraet le the
situation six menthe aro when everybody
thought she would ,tie.
' f think 'Ptak Pills' the beet medioiue is
the world for the bled, and hey n.aa&-
Mded them to several attains of this
ober• wbe have bee restored to health by
its u.e. Mrs. Henry Brows was 1. a very
bad oration. She tried the Peek Pills,
when .he improved rapidly end is now a
vert healthy woman."
The di. weever .1 Dr. WiHhset'. Pink
tiler for Pale People certainly deserves the
hither tribute that pan can helm His
Mdtcise hes dere. More N e1Mviste alasI
Mitering of ionnaelly thea My ,titer mdi-
et.e know, to sele.oe, sad his asae ,besld
he headed down to future generations as the
Il>�lmwtesegiataasavmy nt of Dr.preWt ye pk&
Pins have an seennes sale, sad from all
'.augers cismev elperiereff Moir.
Inhering their me.isRvermean asses the
goal work has hese .oaonepilYed otter smi-
pbysorne had failed, sad
Ns mums beyond the lures est uma. aid.
Aa analyst• sheave that pr. William& Pink
P111. comets is • ,,,dewed Ihrla est Meese-
ne.td.seet.ary to dive sew ltf• aed irseha&,e
I tits bleed, d resters shattered ,crus.
G en
ay .n sa natal/lag , geetie for snob
dimmers as leerraeser ab.aia, r_• _ l �r-
Oyne, at. Vitae' dues, ..0
emr.. atetn, servoOle s1/ar
.:eats of le trlppa, ppIpWert,itatle. of the Wert,
Mat sad nations ee_pi.tree, semen
er...11 diseases dsp�� epee vls�tja
ed harems la the Mwd, seek es eersfukt,
*Beate erysU*lea. est. They sees also s
spume to trashier peenteer be femur leis, •.eh
Iwse.tauews et ner•leetee-■rpedemte
*Mestere* .r w Tine Cassie• tae mess
N.U..aat renes, er1 Vele of to IWnselr
•Meppw is a Mut Ti....
This is from The New York World.
A patient in the New York Cancer
Hospital accidentally `,mneme inoculated
with the v irue of erysipelas gem al weeks
ego. As the dream pretgrvssed it was
n oticed that the patient's carte •rues con-
dition improved. This fact suggested
to Dr. W'llilam T. Bull the cdvieabdity
of inoculating other patients with the
poison of erysipelas. Aomordiugly several
new were set apart and .xp.•rtmeota
wen begun and carried out by IN. W.
B. Coley under the direction of Dr. Bull.
The inoculations were Blade not only o0
patents with c,rcinoura toomownly
known as calmer), but also on others
who wen,uffering from aarcoma,whiclt
is a much more mallgaut form of tum-
or than the ordinary cancer. The re-
sults in both forma were very satisfac-
CLAWS= Or THE nn M'T1oX.,
For incubating purponsa pan culture
or the streptococcus, the germ of erysipe-
las, was used. Of the cases of cereme-
n t. about e5 per cent were reported
cured, while in the sar000satous cases
the results wen eve& better, showing as
many as 40 per cent. of those experi-
mented upon to have become well and
free after the attack a erysipelas.
The injections are, as a rule, made
into the tremor itself, and were repeated
every 48 boars. The reaction producer'
was almost identical with that produced
by true eryaip -las, though in most of the
oases it wee milder in degree, poring
away within 24 to 48 hours. The dan-
gers attending this form d treatment
are inaiguifidant, when one considers the
usual outcome of a case of saner or sar-
coma, which is almost invariably fataL
ee end an
ed e"keser iiId up the Mood, tit'
eh the glow .f health Inbe&
p.d sallowinin men they 'fleet a radial sure
an ssaas analog hews meatal worry, ever -
m, er,team...( whatever sates.
Dr. W illiamw' Plait Pills are wa•dratarsi
tit. 1k. W illi•ma' Medisal C
Oat., •.d fieke.rNady, 11. T.
sad w said is hose (sever is leave from
b u" dagga sr hundred, amid the p.bdte sees
sr a u* suerw ienitateoaa s.ld
I rnihia .liap•l N ISO oasts a he: ••• •d- holies
O' 1I VI bad rm. he hot -
In the report written by Dr. Coley he
concludes : Fist, that the curative ef-
fects of erysipelas upon malignant to •t;ors
is an establiabed tact ; second, the action
upon the .arena is invariably more
powerful than upon carcinoma in about
the ratio of throe to one; third, the treat -
meet of inoperable malignant Rumors
by repeated inoculations at erysipelas is
both practicable and :not attended erith
great risk; fourth, the curative action is
• stematic and probablydue chiefly to
the toil products of the streptococcus.
which products may be imitated and
used without producing erysipelas : and
fifth, that We method 01 LOOM' lei ion
should not be employed indiscriminately
until further clinical experiments have
proved its limitation&
Own* Isr.raini ag News C...•rat•a •
Oewt 1 o.d..sry,
Genuine amber is becoming scarcer
every year. In the not tar distant future
a real amber cigar holder or pipe stow
will be a rarity and a luxury.
The cigar industry in Florida has in-
creased rapidly within the last few
fears. Coe state is sahl to be the
ourth in the union in the manufacture
eat cigar* and the amount of tobacco
used. The number of cigars manufac-
tured last year amounted to 156,879,6.
A prominent Anterior% buyer of bigh
gide tobacco lest, recently returned
from Cuba, says a large crop will be
harvested Mie year. but the pr.cce main-
tained will be high. The quality 5.
of tie best, and good cigars ought to re-
A French scientist declares that the
practice d medical students and anatomy
det•unstrators, o[ smoking in the dissect-
ing room, though effective as an antisep-
tic, has • dieartrone effect ups 51e off-
springs of the users of the weed. The
. ext g.oeretion he. says, will 1. of the
n ormal power of resisting dleesse, chiefly
through the transmneecot of defective
nervous system& Ills powers of foe -
sight are mtarveheru&
The Legislature d Florida hes pas sed
an excellent law prohibiting cigar n,ann-
t urers in that State. outside of Ke)
)wt na
from desistmg their brands
under that city's name. The reputation
of Key West cigars will now be protect-
ed from the multitude a fin .riot
makes, with which theooustry hen been
flooded. Heavy floes will be imposed on
Klllikinick or kinibd.ik, which the
Indians are in ter habit of mixing with
Where" is rapidly becoming extinct.
Several plants have received this name,
but they have 0e right to it' The true
herb is the inside bark of a young wil-
low, and *ben smoked alone makes a
mold and pleasant amok..-Pbtarntaosn•
Boal Era,
TTe railway companies of Elegised d
Wales own over 250 quare wale .1 the
surface of country.
Rosario. a bitbsto unknownpe$u
the Argentine Republic, . 1001l
tone of wheat Zest May.
The Uwked States have, feet teak 1N
albs ol railway, E0 l000tives, 17 pos-
arsesgr oars tad 714 freight case.
A letter mated is London April 7 and
re -mailed in Hong Kong made the cir-
cuit of the world in the fast tivaej elf
eisty-two day&
The beet quality of dynamite is • mix -
tuts of 78 per cent. of nitroglycerin and
15 per Dent of a snicker earth known as
Al the beginning of this century
dandies in the german army wore ear-
rings and adorned their finger, with m
many rings as they could conveniently
The luminous paintings .aid to have
Dee, cummou among the Japanese 200
Tears ago were luminous only in the
imagination of the traveler who invent-
ed them.
The Natio/sal Bank of Italy, like the
Bank of England. manages the finances
of the government. It is a practical
monopoly and has branches m every
large city.
Labrador, a country which we always
associate with articauwdrifta. icebergs,
etc., has 600 species of dowering plants,
N ferns and ever 550 species of rumen
and lichens
Alcoholic insanity is twice se commons
in France now as fifteen years aro, and
the number of persons placed under re-
straint on account of it has increased 25
per cent in the last three peers.
Among American towns there are Ave
(Accrue, three Tully., sit Cate, Devoe
Ovide, .iz Virgil., nine Boraces, tea
/dales, .even Hectors, seven Solon, ten
Plato., fifteen Homers and tour Scipios.
Sunday was a day of ammement with
the Loodmters of 1800. Acoord iu4 to a
calculation 200,000 of them .pent each
Sunday in summer in the suburban inns
and resorta m getting rid of 11123,000.
The story of the invention of malleable
glass by a Roman glass worker in the
time of Tiberias and of hos being put to
death by the emperor a as a ewer fabrica-
tion. No such glass was over invented.
A .cream neer Tuaou, A.T., petrifies
all soft substances thrown into it. It it
in the gnat Colorado potato beetle belt,
and at the the time of their migrations
thousands of them strike the water and
ere converted into solid stone.
Impartial writers are quoted with say-
ing that the gold contained in Use
medals, Tesels, chains and other objects
pree.rved in the Vatican would make
more gold coins than the whole of the
present European circulation.
The imperial canal of China is the
longest in the world and greatest in point
a traffic. Its Ieugth is 2,100 miles, and
it connects forty -Doe cities situated on
its bank.. It was completed in 1330,
alter 900 years spent in its countruction.
Do W....• t.t.w r
That as a soothing and cooling appli-
cation toe the skin nothing surpasses a
tar diem of bush ~amber rubbed
gently over the face.
.arse, is
omitted and sugar added to the
hot tea, with a shoe of lemon.
That after tlla jmios has been eq.resed
from lemons fie peels anfy be utilized
for cleansing brim Dip them in com-
mon salt and .miler with dry break dtet-
�t s gds veil Is the cwt protection
fir d skin during hot weather,
and on ttu scour* should • thick veil
With large spot b. worn.
Thet t'darvisits" bsteed milk"
wAs 11
more, hutt “ "paTys
it merle any dilereeoa, only when nos
Y r Rosam one mast do as the Romans
That told paint sad varnish may he res
leered by an emulsion formed of two
parte of an.tecn(a shaken np with one
part r turpentine it w411 soften them
so t j may essay be 'reaped off.
That Tent ish berellslg in pure whits
le mmnsidesred the meet sonnet thing fee
the ensuring of chairs and member In
the •trmenar •ittlng'rette.. The toweling.
--- ... .w... AM mown wrinkly
- -met to
B irrigation 25,000.000 acres art
fruitful in ladle alone. In Egypt
there are about 6,000.000 acres, and m
Europe about 5,000,000. The United
States have just begun the work of im-
proving waste area, and have already
4,000,000 acres of irrigated land.
The countries relatively richest in
horses and horned stock are Argentine
and Uruguay; Austria has the most
sheep; Seryls the greatest relative num-
ber of pigs to population. The poorest
in horses is Italy: in cantle, Portugal: in
sheep, Belgium; in hogs, Greece.
A geographical expert estimates the
fertile portion Of the eurth s surface at
20,269.200 square niiiea The barrea
regime r estimated by the saute author-
ity as 22.989.000 quare miles, divided mi
foUowO.: Steppe, l3-t50l,000 ; desert, 4.-
180,000, and polar region, 4.888,000
quare miles_
<.neoeg the peculiarities of Quak.'r-
itun, a correspondent pante out, Quak-
ereeees are not allowed to wear gold 0. ra-
menis or to have their ears pierced tot
earrings. 11 a mother permits her daugh'
ter to undergo the operation both
mother'snd daughter would be "reed
out" of meeting.
The soundness of a beam or hop' can be
accurately determined by the sense of
hearing alone. The ear should be •p
plied to am end of the beam, while the
other is struck with a hammer. It the
sound is clear distinct and sharp, th .
beam is soured in every part ; J dull ot
mailed, decay has vet m somewhere is
the interior.
The City of London bas no park within
its borders. andet the largest recreation
tern en to Londoners is under cob
trot of the city corporation -namely,
Foyer, with its 5500 acres, of
nearly y nine ears miles of almost un-
brokenwoodland, formin` one a ter
most extensive and beautiful pleasure
grounds in Europe.
Johnny Reba, the sobriquet given by
the soldiers of the union army to con-
federates during the Tate war mf the
rebslUoo, is said to have originated in a
colloquy between pickets. The confed-
erate soldier objected to being dubbed
by_ the union soldier as a Johnny Bull is
snub= to the coentenadc* given by
Creat Britain to tbe cause of Use seceding
states, but submitted b Johnny Reb
without protest
An Ethiopian in Abyssinia will tell
you without a blush that he is asereeari-
Iy washed et birth. oI..ns himself on his
marriage morn and lupus to be washed
utter death that mete every year he
dips hematite
t. ter river on the festival
el St John the Baptist, and regularly
every morning he wets the end of hie
toga with the moisture from his moutb
and freeborn up leis eyes. Whenever he
feels his hide harsh and uncontrollable
he anoints himself with mutton fat
The theory of the Mogpi snake dans,
sob speak. Is Ms ability of snakes of all
trrte to marry petitions to the higher
powers in the system of aerial divinities,
and during the 04.bratime of the snake
dance, which Web nine days, a groat
number of serpentsares eapso*�[rayed
b for rained then tented lose Is
Gerry the pea
beg ligbtnfig snake, gwliose herm, le is
the thunder donde above the summate d
Me itso.ntalas..ad whit in turn ,tarry
the petition le the rain god M the heaven
it Ica generally s1450. bee tures er hone m
to site mimeses. freest tbs thee side of the when
the blood lett the sigh
bgssverred thee wbede area.. and then
in rammed bo the starting pant.
Wares ts seek* k
senor- ,hep the time k much sheets
then that Drums d tabulated been,
ay, Prns'sneer ilaltee, sheer that the
blend ret roan sakes e tesmpteala '$trot.•
- - ....�..� K t west" dee
Cherry Pectoral
Has no equal for the prompt relief
and speedy cure ofColds, Coughtk
Croup, Hoarseness, Loss of
Voice, Preacher's Sore Throat,
Asthma, Bronchitis, La Grippe.,
and other derangements of the
throat and lungs. The best-
known cough -cure in the world,
it is recommended by eminent
physicians, and is the favorite
preparation with singers, actors,
preac hers and teachers. It soothes
the inflamed membrane, loosens
the phlegm, stops coughing, and
induces repose.
Cherry Pectoral
taken for consumption, in its early
stages, checks further progress cf
the disease, and even in the later
stages, it cases the distressing
cough and promotes refreshing
sleep. It is agreeable to the taste,
needs but small doses, and does
not interfere with digestion or any
of the regular organic functions.
As an emergency medicine, every
household should be provided with
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
"Having used Ayer's Cherry Pec-
toral in my family for many yearn, 1
can confidently recommend it for an
the complaints it is claimed to cure,
Its sale is increasing yearly with me,
and my customers thick this prepa-
ration baa no equal as a cough cure
S. W. Parent, Queensbury, N.B.
Cherry Pectoral
p.�.r.d by Dr. J. C. . •;w a Co- Lowell. Masa
S..Li by au Drvgtl.t.. Price 2. ; .is bottle.. it'
Prompt to ant. sue t0 more
ins. asakrwpr.
The weary tourist opened the awaking
gate and moved slowly up the gram -grown
gravel walk that led to the door.
"I'm a common tramp, muter." he said
to the man sitting oe the stupe, '.bat I'm in
mighty bard luck, and if you can give me a
lilt 1 shall be very grateful I am the own -
.r of a silver mine out Wen.
" I would help you it I ooald, my friend,"
answered the man oa the doorstep, wring-
ing his hand in brotherly sympathy, 'bat
I'm a little worse off than you are. I am
the owner of • couple of wheat farms."
A Feeders Cook.
A perfect 000k suer presents ss with in-
digestible food. Than are few perfect
cooks and con.squeatly indigestion is very
prevalent. You can eat whet you like and
as much as you want after ,wing Burdock
Blood Bitters, the statural .peailia for in -
digest -tea or dyspepsia is e&y faun.
1, I
Goods Aboul Hai Price
We ;have about 900 yards of
Colored Dress Goods that
we are selling as follows :
50 Cent for 25. 25 Cent for 15. 15 Oent for 10.
33 " 20. 20 " 14. 12; " 9,
30 20. 18 12; 10 " 7.
The most of the above are all
Wool and good Shades
and must be sold to make
way for Fall Goods.
35 Caul Allioo! Chale for 25 Cls.
Highest market price paid for Butter anti Eggs.
57 discount for Cash on close cut regular prices.
3A first-class Dress and Mantle Maker up -stairs.
Great Carpet Warehoused 9
of the County. 1 i.
Royal Electric Co
&.,.d Ireedlowywrt
rdA• 4 .0r�..wt. M....
111106101111111 mums
sr 11Nlet tag' Ala
Ilme/trM tae Dimethw-
N t. to WN]neto. st.
weemor remove mei sewn & w.. -m et.. n eer
w... is W p.r.i aM4un • prwierig q.a.a
(Brea, NE11ON a 1e.. °Ptw b""'",
.es Yarn, We as all It Pond Meet, N05TaiAL
..r he„iate• H the reser it p
Lori et a.s. dtlr.�b be.- torr
te�ws. wed....+..... .
' ='`C.«.1.1"' M[ROIIA 117'.
e.•Selo Seemessa*Mata wteM. awn
elle" en..e., aye.* •
Imams. C.apa.a.,Tl.le
4141 it. Paul Street, Montreal.
Montrealt�E TiADf o. to
Wall a . COUN 1
Paper Ip ; McA
Factory ,rlayv
set ia1L r. DM, tee
4144mrsistiowlniw. Ono,
area Mods dPlop
hlllimproved Pat. Ar1611eirt Weis
nmtt11O 'a z
R. AOLD !refs.. Rifbi- Tie Oen
Iran ilAT11Et lrf IFL
w.SitOW, beam I1.1., 1913 Heir Deas,
•.5.11 a a1.1..hewn••Ise•tip.-eatltetg
Orel be bent M vemewlee pelf heir M Si
setassl ogler W Murat, p N bags be hent
ire eel essl, mets bee flee, dashed, t
ober be her Inem swag see. peemeel.re
pewb, M .ewe w bob bre asst. Meng
meg eeemer e1 Tema ; w7se ere as br ese4
a was Newer Moore M r1 Sate tie hen site
pins or ear ether pigarsS is. sr is mt1i&
cgQSI retGABtt RtWtoy
�'h► Coslttt,.nPVRIr,s iadagPitYINGgnTHDySppBLOpsid S011t Inst*
ItAOA(tt t10 Dlitst '
Drsgsiat. Go ',sick. Ont.
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Ceaxelage 3mtezwulsact-taser,
Ramis* perabasei *s hede ne est
1 bees am eswajk stet eel, le ,tattiest ter Oierhig. M1atb, ben leve - " te
Me ea roes el writ is
101U-BKOBIDO AID 111111211 BLLCISII?HIi>�.
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