HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-8-24, Page 1semi IOW MI MO elliMAFWIN
Segattt>u sow U t Ufa DeLlAa !
A 1 WI, i, Aievatlaa
VOL. XLV. 242;
• M '
I Sn 1MAW Togs Num is MAW,
R Ile Ar vasa*
C. C. C. C. BICYCLE MEET. i E„ry'"'` J. ''``bi 'a' 111 Via. FROM OVER THE COUNTY.
'tsOOI.1.--.1. O. Rees, sad C. Wn Ater
Starter -A. a Ham& l • WOWS, OBS Obillinfid t FOIN
Clrks of the Coarse -W. IL Thmesse d I SIM p111•1a1.`>r111.
Id. O. Jokssto.
Refers -W. B. Clerk.
bess_R. It. Sallow,
tb-PMb 8atobes--IL 1L irsdy Oe 7
tld of Thanks- Audrey Ores...... 8
setts dale -T. liasdry. arotiereer8
irsl reFPIisia -Fraser & Porter i
souk Lost Tut SKi'AL Gen 114
ax, goods - E. H. Caddy
Parmelee I.c.t --- A. P. Helwse ... 8
W arta; F J. Pridb•et. ... 1
markable l'wre--8. I ter 8
I K- V /0 jr(icii,, se iiiterder. A.
rias wife e.r. Was. Warnock. of a
bY Jawwe athe tte of
kwtowrie. ommeter.
)IILL2,R-tvA1J&LIt-At the re0demee of
N brtle i mother. West -et. llrtllla. Ault M.
Kee. m Nt Ibe R K. Grunt. UALi Rebel
wag,,' daughter of the tate Rmkt. Welke,
Watt Dumfries. Co. ,,sent. to Thos. ii. MU.
.r of r.y- nauseous. C 5.
Mr ss.! Mrs. A. J. Moors have rKarssd
w e.
Malcolm Nicbtleao is rusitug Maeda In
Ik W. Roes, of
kis week
Min )larks, of Bruceh.ld, is elitism
meat in tows.
perry t1'•Itee. d London. visited is town
lariat the week.
J. it intim of Kalamazoo, is borne for
iso week. holidays.
Ceti and see Kidd's 61 00 .hoagies before
Capt. Shwa. Hays, of Sealoetb. was is
esti last wet k.
T. Nauru a•d 1. T. Aches are visiting
IM ttarld's Fair.
Ik. A .1 Johnston, of Termite, was is
.dericb lunar the week.
M re W m. Martin and children are the
(esu of Mrs. J. C. Martin.
lar. Baker left per ser. Carob ria kleatday
bet to :wit friends is Detroit.
1. Cote, of the Public Works Department.
Maws, wee is tows dur%g the week.
I.uodo0. was in town
BhortStories from the
en's Note- Book
Tut Starner t'oras Coiccket.--The oat -
aide attractions proved too strops for the
s•$Ktainment is the Grand Opera Hoose
Report Gad the auso
a•dae was ret halo. The pro-
gram, • long ere, wee carried out, however.
Wrens Grove le tie,, I Prom Rivet, M
S evere -grerythieg t. 41Net the. kola
Tlrensh this wilt -u Tos've a Rode la a
Tor Ceuta, 1 rade !v Best IS t a /'eiders
Amar. ,e Takla' both. alai Mani Sell
real 11.
Robert Haley, a Cleveland. is speeding
' kw weeks in town visiting friesia
Mos hate 1f*Kay and blies Rbesbmo. of
Detroit, are amities their Areata hers.
Yew Gerrie Grabels bell returned from •
MI week.' vat is Detroit sed C'lerelaed.
Ifs Eunice Fester. d Sarum, ie visiting
s town, the guest of Mies Mary Ktliott.
lin. Lowe, of insides, is the guest of bee
&niter, Mm E. R. Wanes, C'hurek-stn
4'1..0014101 Parked the Csstrai school, bee
returned from his trip to Kansas and CV -
FINK TAILORING. --kering Sad stoats w '
sto;la great variety nest .weer • hoe:
ase saw taws, os the Square You can hare
• big choice and ref". s stood style ural etc at
were moderate prices. b Maneermse. alar.
Neter meted the Mimeo mltr earl, )oe got
a molter good fall crit et V. J. Protium'. mad
thio , oa wW hen so ems tees(b4tesb
pointing at the neattrep of roue garb dud sal -
114t yon came frau away beak.
Tee bi,ycte Islet was a credit to tee mem-
bers et the C.C.C.C. and meowed a pretty
pdk...tare to the ool.okere, eat yes wont to hate
hue tat impressions of kan.tea a areas doe's
tall to leave ) own order at It. 41. stabowe
et eat&
meander, k Co. have decided to go eat of
Ube etiverwaro breach of their bneiaoes. We
wewW therefore midi -Me say poems w to
secure Marsala" to that Una to sell ea
b.tur tt ie art goes. The pries, aid amoaish
.yes • fall line oil gardes base, laws tprinkt
ems etc., se head. Ssuedrrs r (.e.. West se
`mail;. Relle+ --The C•endien Kcprws
Miss Sibley is • young lady of petite *rare.
• erNty lase sad natural In all her gesturer.
She poraaaaa considerable dramatic power
and ksr first number, "The Kittens," was a
abler piece of mimicry. Her beat eaamber
was “La Cies ted the Master." Mho Ida
Walker aught the audiarw with bar first
. ambsr, ' Flower Girl," and bed to re-
spond to as encore, staging "Leat Night" for
bur second phew. Mbe pnmeses • voice whish
givee evidence ot cultivation and power.
Her auicoaae were token.wit11 ons,, nod
eery trate was clear and diatiect. Mime
Walker will be welcome again should she
appear here. The pianist of the °venous,
Mir F.lith ('umlao, • post gr.duatc ot the
Toronto ooasere-•tury, played her numbers
is a style which mtisted be. audiesoe, and
elves promise of being in the frost rank of
our Caoadiaa aocompmzuata
A (.ItlTLr F:ertatalnT.-The Presby-
terian News Company, Toreato, has come to
grief. Eight veers ago this oompany was
formed and undertook to produce • first -
clam religious weekly, to be known as the
Pesbytriaa Review, at we dollar • year.
At that time the field was occupied by the
Canadian Presbyteilate published by C.
Blackett Robinson, and many tbouitbt see
area( paper would be better than two hi -
different odea. The Review grew, however.
and had at one time • clrculatioo of six
thousand. Rut it sever came within sight
Co. offer special rates on whipsaws of fruit,
baiter, eggs and all kinds of produce, now
is the time to ship plums, posn,etc., buyout
friseds ata dieters : quick despatch ; two
rtrweae s daily. H. Armatreeg. 045.1..
Oodoricb, Ont- ?Whets, telegrams sad ex-
press to all parte of the acrid.
A<vrnto Ixoorrnv K1u.•sn (h•T. -
Postmhasters have beau notified mot to ler.
ward u7 mail matter epee the outside r
oovw d which are '• any words toadies to
isjurtoosiy affect the .wmmereial or social
stud%g of the person addressed." Ravel -
ops marked • Bad Debt Collecting
Agency," etc., will be sent to the 1
Letter Offen
('m haft 0D.- Pi -Irmo -Rev. (leo. F.
Salton. of Stratford, • former pastor of Vic.
to ia-et Methodist church preaches to kis
farmer oomgregatios Sunday morning sed
ev.ety at 11 and 7 r. a., respectively.
Viatria-.t. will welcome him with largo cos
eregetio.s, as Mr. Salton was great) be-
loved. Ker. H. Irvine takes Mr. 8s1tee's
week in Seratford. _
Getman m C. C. C. C. -We .mdeestaad
Ibs Galeria C. C. C. C. purpose holding a
maim N weekly meets as the Agriculture!
Goads. emmme0cisg se Monday seat et 7
r. r., whoa eompetit ea. for prizes well be
held by members d the club. There will
Os two mate Monday next. -ow • mite
heedic.p, and the other the beet two iu
three half -mils beats A .mall fee el 10u.
for adult, and 50 for d►11drea will be *barg-
ed eat the sate. Greed eland free.
G. T. R. Cater 8x.rastova-Aug. 25,
26, 213 ticket* to,Meetreal only 89.70, King
stns, 86.70. Qabs., $11.70. All tickets
good till Sae. 11th. Another World's
Fair (*bicagn *Ielyd= Sept. let and 2n41:
tickets only 811 06, good until Sept. 1311.
Dam's fed to vat the Worlds Fair.
Tickets, berths and all particular; eau be
procured from 11. Armouring, town tieket
wrest Grand Truk Ky., Grand Opera
Rosen block, Godericb-
Thea Graham awl wife, of Cleveland are
values Mr. sad Mur. K. Graham, of and,
Tax Mims Maggie and Asci. Creighton,
.( London, are the gusts of Mies f+harmas.
Mrs. 1) Rom is gone on a two weeks'
visit to friends and relatives in Sarnia and
Wyatt tog.
Ilan Mina MN;rotor bas etereed to
Ibircit after speeding a mouth is town
rieues friends.
R A Murray, sone years back a meat -
ter of the Bank of Montreal staff, was in
teen lint week.
Keit tl illisw. painter at J. Walks s
array works, spset Thursday last at the
home of hie resets is Sealortb.
Tett Soleei. will be seat 100075441(5. in
Canada aid the Ueitad Stats free sow ea-
ti1 Jan 1, 1894, far 26o.
Mrs Marshall Gordon, at K amloops, 11.
(, wu the [guest of Mr. and Mn. C. G.
Newton donng the week.
Mow Mary Craigia left on the 16th int
fir Toronto, where she is taking the Normal
ham' course of et ed,e. this term
Mute and the Minns Mary and Dara Prise
returned last week from a visit to their
brothers at Sault Ste. Marie, Miob.
Mw [huff, of L+eatorth, has charge of the
1. 1' K. telegraph during the abeers .f
Mw Rai, wbe le taking her holidays.
i)r. toad Mrs. Nicholson have returned
bee the Waite a Fair. The Doctor also
Tailed the Latessati o•I Congress of Deat-
Mrs. Wm. Caatelee, W.et.$., who bio
but Adam friends is Moot Clonus
and Port Marco, Mich., returned home last
• Mrs. W. 8waaaaa and Mm. Morgan, of
Hamilton, have left tor their home i Ham-
Iks after • pleasant e.ojmre of six weeks
r (;aderieh.
Mims W. Hackett and C. Stewart of
Lmkaew wheeled tato tow. to sea the
era They my they made better time
tbaa the "Royal Mail Sewws" and najeyed
the day iinesenael).
The Gathering In Ciederleh
a Bu00Sss.
• Wavy Sala Norse the Sr, Belem Lars
Use tier !Heidi -Elm Trouble Abseil
dadwal •.. 0ssan.rdntt.s-• wed Nam.
bar Aldred. the reef-11te Sra.lt el ale
Some .Ser-esr5e►Lhl t'emp•/IMr• le
Oilier tweets.
The a/bee/uses of Ooderbb-C. C. C. C.,
-have saoeessiully demonstrated that whoa
they take bold ot anything (t goes with a
whirl, no smatter what ubetaoiea may 1e in
the way. Some weeks ago the members of
the club became seized of the idea that no
better plaice for the boldt'ig of a bicycle
meet could be had than (.odertcb, sad at
once set about making all s000.sry arrange-
ments ter the event. Competent commit
tees were struck and the work was taken
hold of enthusiastically by the promoters
and their friends.
Bat one thing occurred to tear to any
considerable extent the work of the team-
mate., and that was the difficulty that was
exrerieeced in making train arrangements.
It was hoped that special reduced excur-
pyang. Fon- years ago a book roan erne rats, would be given on the day hn
added to the company's bonoaae, bot the question but up to a very lata boar little
Abele days
was evidently mismanaged. .,r no satisfaction was given along this lice,
A few ago the book room was surd to end • proper length of time for advertising,
Revell, a(. end a for (octy-4.e owta on the sobedule was not had.
the dollar, nod merged with the stock of the On Wednesday afternoon, when the dark
t ilkrd Tract Depository. T1s Review was Meads loomed up and the heavy rein der
141.0 .old to Clougher Bre., two eoergette 00.50441 ter oto tae .14)41, 11055 fared 141st
TDasa Kpisoopaitana of Tomato, for 85,000. the jig was ap ao far as tis bicycle west
ban kneed their first numbs". The was concerned, Lad al early morn .o change
page is smaller than before, the quality of for the litter Led takes place in the 0p -
the paper inferior, the trice higher. and p.acanoe d Lha shod., . the rain
that whbeat oompwa.tmg editorial im- 11.14 ee Sed to (s11. 86ortlyattrten o'clock,
Nut s0 1. The stook -boilers d the de- bowevr, the blue appeared in the sky, and
Nut 7 are righteously i, end nt. the sun peeped forth, after which • fine day
Is eight loon 836,000 01 stock, Lad •11 was puede Uy warsd.
other revamp kayo 11....wefkw.d ace and 1b• 1 of Lb. Wer. wars astir early,
loamy 04.1.15 roma% un•tirid. The history completing the eooratiaa.. and bbut.
of this st!res ompe0rs methane the ethane elusro p tod.a garish displayy nom ot boot.
of joun•I1MtM /eft.-Wa.i.t0ck S' entiaal- hag, Union Jacks, Stars and Strips L.d
diet few• overgrew:a, displayed to suit the most fas-
TOM/NBHIP 6p01JNCILS. tad ions taste.
The trains breaght is sizbeeu fall laden
macho' with wsew from Serei*. Strat-
ford, Tomato. 8eefortb, Clietm, sad Mher
inlets, and nearly 1,000 others who bed
Dome to take in the day's spurts. la the
afternoon the Cambria arrived from Kin-
cardine, bat 11e bevy .e• m the lake bad
been deterred many from menet hither,
and only about 100 visitors showed up from
the nortben town.
Tae Llo[RAL CoNrr:NrtoN.-The official
report of the Dsmimre liberal Ccay.otioe
at Ottawa % i the bends of the printer And
will be kmm.d in abeet a week. it will
imolod. • verbatim report d the rssoletious
sad upsides& sad • osselete list of the
delegates in •teeed•0w. The book will be
heed is pamphlet brat .t a low figure,forterra, circulation. 'Ilse will also be
• booed edition, with portraits of Hoa
Wilfrid Leerier, the�, sod Sir Oliver
!dowel, President. the vies-Prssideats and
other officer* of the Coev..tdaa. Thos, d.-
shri•g to get copies. or to mkt is the dis-
tribution of the book..410.14 smmanicate
with Janie* Sutberlaad, M.P. Clolrwsn d
the Committee, or with the )�dldvet Prima-
te" t Publishing Comp, Tomato, pub-
lishers d the official anyreport.
ENJOYED Tawe YOUT.--Menne Deems,
S.alsoti sad Baxter. s Detroit, who have
Mon holid yiv in torn daring the past
few days, the Bests of Min Etta Baker,
eaj0yd their outing. While here they
wilPuget Farm and several cf the
w rnsms1.g _tower, MelodiesBeams. r •ed
I:ny4 L lar. Hashish seemed to be eery
math Waimea le whist he saw at B. ■-
milbtr, sod se the way back fres B•ydM,
Mr. Demme let his hat, and p to date it
hes an bison heard of. Nese al the big
*obs ha *41.of Bayfield river stay
know .e.et11.h•0► perhaps
geese lee beau m.res, the news i that
melg41borM1d soy have takes a maim to
it. H.esvr thesera �k se Lige
terms d their t M edseah Dad vki.ity.
They ret■roved be thmx homes i the(Ary .f
the Straits, par ear. Wham*. isr. 9sd.y
lad -Coe.
Dosage's Dorms' -Aa imeidoet sower -
el M Martha the ether day el a very
paaudir organ, myo the News Desa14
Mel.ed remedy wet to week her the Bet -
talo Fieb Co., and wan Deet is the "treses'•
with per a lab, whisk w stored !herein
and frame. Tb. tbrwmemvMr i the
framer le savvy Unity degrees hest ore
sad 1To.efd garleeMd to pat ea • pole of
edam, widish are pevitied for the M Be
was easy is She buset some three _.*5 .
bat was he erne est he sena wand Mot
d the lagers ea honk bene were Meso
nit The gnus 1re.5Uhm from 20 dogs..
Weer ler to iS Annie ohm we
we ifar re as pan-
00, his
d be has ss hel ome eek
Ser sine. sad
sad will bre la ods We an-
al sew el* takes the em1W. Denali ealibel e/ as. hews7 w ga near
=ran run mere i eesasmlr, ne M wan
slit thea witrtau --tones ae motel "
August 12, 1893.
Council met today. members all present.
The minutes of former metes' were tread
and approved. The treasurer's report
showed • balance oe band. August 1st, el
8356 16. Moved by Mr. Todd, e000eded by
Mr. Derain that the ewe .ad treasurer be
empowered to barrow MOO for • tem et
Mire. menthe. Carried. The seat d nix
dollars was girth to pandas. • railway
ticket for Jason Carom, an indigent, to m-
obile him to go to Ms friends. !love., by
lar. Gibson, se000ded by lar. Todd, that
for the purpose of raising the sinuate
necessary for comity, township and scbo..l
prepowe fa the current yew, a county rate
of 2 3 5 mills and • township rated 2 1 5
mills be levied ors al of the amenable
arty it the township: ala sufficient rates to
raise the amounts required for school pur-
poses by the several sections. Carried. A
petition trona H. Smith and others, re water
course, was read and received. The reeve,
clerk, and Mess Duraia and Todd were
empowered to Accept the collector's hood, i1
eatidacroryrhe follow%g cheques were
Issued : Jaoob Miller, several jobs gr•disg
And grarolliog, 8190 01 : Jacob Miller, cut-
ting hill, M.B., 867 75: Jaoob Miller, culvert
.ed grsr.11mg 8. B. And Rep. road, con 5,
836.50; Jacob M(lkr, gravelling, 815.84:
John Boyle, catling hill, ooe. 5, 432.00 :
John Welsh, brushing oppe!te lot 90 oon. 2
and 3. 815.00 ; Jan. McCloskey, grovelling
cooceuioo 1.846.00 ; Jas. Moclaek� gr•v-
allin., $34.60; R. K. Miller, part 87b
00 ; J. M0As.key, wittier hill, son. 8 and
9, 830 00 E. Brophy gravel and drainage,
4260 ; floe Quigley gravel and drainage.
810.46: Jana Hoeg, antral jobs tl, $240 ;
8106 66 : Mea. A Wilson, gravel,
Patnok Webb. grovel and drainage, *5.00 ;
Jobe Craig, great to Jane (anon, railway
fare, 86.00 t John ILUritriek,Rtevelli.g amid
rePekrine raid. O&M John gravelling, len in pector% awn 81.60, 418.10;
Thos. Lost, brushing, grsys1M./ ted advert.
863.00 Thea Aadenea nutting b21. oar.
Mr .ed Me. Win. Hepburn and °hildnta,
el Paradrd, who have hese misadier •
Mss. of weeks in Dederick, returned to
their home fast week.
direr Todd, of the( Tutees News Resort/.
task us the bieyeiteareameat. The '•alp -
Isis" is t a bad sort nerwesally, slfimg441
lies to be • "blase" in kis paper.
art Wilmot, mother of Capt. Willtse
et tag S. A.TLrr, who bas bees nano, her
r. kr • aa.aapy11ss f works, sousher
ed to a
has i ilueesm, Ont.. Saturday lam.
W. Y Thomas, of the Bank of Gannon.
Ish ea Saturday to take a potties i the
brush at CWlingwood He will be mash anis-
a w wee a general favorite with all
Vary Vidal, of British Columbia, was
me of the Sand 1eydin 01.41 N the east
s,ad span
woo teller hi the 'local bromide el the Rank
of Ceonserem,
Wilikson. Ake. Orr kms traded kis
P'8mf i Mire with W.. Dans el Ger-
no, 21ler
ei. hotel ithat ..Ilya thMr. Orr
_p!mriw at hi Garvie property
.wina of September.
Climma : B. neat, A.esm ••d. drab •
e nodpe wart ei
her day dmr le
00 isalaam
hoed reeapAwl l`ealthen won la ash.
Stratford Bea000 : If Canada is as well
off with 5 minnow of a population as It
would be with 60 mtltio.s, as the Hamilton
Spec. argues, w by is the Government spend-
ing 8180,000 • year en immgratl0D'
Hamilim& Times : It may strike some A.bdold : The tall cheat taming out
people that these pmstkmea who are ship- 12 to 20 bushels per acre in thus vicinity.
ping barreetiog machinery to Australia, Wroxeter : The rete of Mistime in
there to compete on equal terms with Brit- Wroxeter this year will be 12 milts on the
dol r.
grey Duman McDonald and 1ace b
Kreuter hove been appointed tax collectors
for 1893.
W Ingham : Joseph Vaasa% and family,
tlE WAST0 THE TARIFF N►IRI 1110x. .1 Kincardine, boomme residents of Wing -
Senator Smith, in an interview published ham last week.
in • Se Paul paper, declared that the Can-
adian tariff was not a very high one. Under
that tariff the farmers of this country were
taxed 84,200 on 89,200 worth of wagons ha-
purted tut year. Thus is close to fifty per
owl. What would the Hon. Frank con-
sider high' -Toronto News.
• Weekly .hage•l N toasty hews Served no
to twit Every body- Pub nod Poise 4 Be
pad sad Ceadra•ed Wrens Every Heaton -
Tlae Cream el 11e t'euty News he errr-
Cautage .r Ike Latest sad Witt New.
from ear Loral [sewage*.
Ws and the United States, ought to be able
to compete with them is Canada. Or is the
Canadian consumer giveu over for extra
picking. .
This race was the opening event. The
route was to Be) Sad and hack --about 25
miles -and a bakers dozen took part. 'rhe
start was .made from the corner of the
Square and Kingston -et. Ie addition to the
hear promo -viewers, two others, ase of theta
hod the pluck to fnieh,
t t e rernstrdrr were not visible to
(:nd.rich folks as riders two minute
after they had carted for hayfield.
At 12>4&Lerjp[d Goderi.:h and Cumptoo
of Win ham were sent off, and from tinoe+to
Mine other batches of riders were started
until the the last man, Desks of Toronto,
was pushed off nineteen minute after the
first pair started. The crowd leeched and
headed for the grounds, where amid a salvo
of applause Dr. Robertson of Stretford, one
of the third batch of starters, was soon ems
oe kis return from the weary run be the
southern village. Although the Hob City
modiste came in first And won the handicap.
the tame prim went to Desks, who storied
Let and finished forth is 1 hour, 26 min.
and 47 .me. The time, s.maideri.g the laj
of the route, is oor.idred fair.
ROTH A ailD•A$ AND A THltr.
Ottawa Free Prem: In tobat a number
of disguises the monopoly measles is able
to appear. At time^ he comes before the
people as • poor 'toggling industry, unable
to stood on his feet unless "united by char-
itable 000tributiom from the taxpayers Is
the form of public bonuses and tariff pro-
tection. Heron pose es • beggar on crutch-
es or • bully on horseback, as circumstance'
descend. When the trick of exposing bogus
sores fails be can play the enigma ; and
when the people denounce him sea fraud
and • robber he claims to have the strength
and power of • giant, sed ability to wreck
their banks, shut up their factories and ruin
their entire country unless his demand" for
public tribute are complied with. The
monopoly 'aerator, of which the Thompson
Government le • sieve, takes special delight
in robbing the poorer ciaw ot the Domin-
ica through the seamy of specific duties --
taking cars to bawd over • there of the 'wag
to the Tory campaign find.
• bares crowd slathered .ad'
the sew grand stand and the 8s.
Dari t well -fined. The b eat of order was
maintained I&.W gbont, sod the alteration's
events gave ahorsegb mwtaotim to the
Mate getburiag.
TIM tT.WS moterTr100
was seamed to Sara% 0od Seatortb. The
I rey : The towosbip rata for 1893 will
be 2 mills; county rate 24/10 millsa.d school
rate 8'10 of • mill.
Cranbrook : 1). Zimmer was fined 820
and costa for violating the Crook's Act by
selling liquor on Suuday.
Clinton : Mus Ida Boles hue bees e•ew-
gaged as organist at Katteobury street
church, at a salary of 8100 per year.
Londeeboro : T. Brown, of Auburn, and
W. T. Bounden, of ibis place, left for
Manitoba, Let Friday, with 16 horses.
Brussels : George Rogers has taken a
position with the New York Life Insurance
Co. and has Heron and Middlesex countis
as his territory.
Win/ham : Sr. Coombs, who hue been
employed in C. K. Williams' drug .tors for
some time, has removed with his family to
his fano near Jamedows.
Wingham : At the town council the rate
of taxation for the present year was fixed at
twenty-one w►illa oo the dolLw. Last year
it was twenty-two mills.
Walton : Mr. Kerr, of McKillop, has
been engaged as teacher of our school and
will oommeaoe his duties next Monaay.
He oases well recommended.
Hay : Tb. rats to be levied for 1893 am
as follows: --County rate, 2 mills m the
dollar; township tate, 18 mill Sad
township grant to schools. 9 milk -
Loodsboro : R. Adams was thrown
from • toad of oat. on Wednesday and had
his head, arm and hip considerably bruised.
so that be will be laid up for • while
Clinton : The trustees of the collegiate
iestitmte have engaged Mime O'Connor. of
Oshawa, .. • suooeastx to Mrs Hume, at •
salary of *500 • year. This is the name sal-
ary as paid betore.
Yeaforth : On Wednesday last Chs.
Seem, eon of Alex. Scott, of this town, he-
adline a bent+lint, taking unto himself a life
Putney in the person of alis. Maggie
Thompson, of MoKillop.
Morris : Drat Tuesday Jus. Bird, in his
64:11 year, and .Ino. Sharp, aged 15, polled,
tied and shocked • 41.1f acre and 10 Ser.s of
flax, on Mr. Bird's farm, from 10 am. to 6
p.m. Mr. Bird thiukr any two who can best
that wilt be bustlers.
%I/Ingham : Dr. Rom, who bas been tak-
ing Dr. 11eldrsm's practice daring the !ot-
ter's absence at New York, lett town last
week for Winnipeg. having received an ap-
pointment ent on the stiff of the city hospital.
Dr. Meldrum will return to tows is • weak
or .o.
Brussels : Mass. Scott & Jones ship -
two cars of prime cattle from Brow"
last Wednesday. 20 head were purchased
from Wm. Robb, Morris, which averaged
1,363 pounds, netting him about 81,160. A
Dumber of fine animals were also brought
in by Mss.. Bryan.
Clinton : (a Mstardoy, Fed. Turner was
helping his son with the harvest. and was
enaaeed is driving • binder. Suddenly the
of the wheels wont into an unnoticed hole,
and the jolt threw Mr. Turner off the seat
lo falhny he .truck his nide on some perils&
od the machinery, hurting himself so badly
that he tblaks be bas fractured bis rib..
Mateo : Arthur Omit bas bought tram
W. Bowden the 76 era ea the Lome%
el the beim'
Raeford property bought by lis
last week. The eimad.mtioe is 1s the
a.igkboeswd of $3,500. This will sow give
Mr. Couch a rear entraacs M his farm on
the Hares road. He purpeees, &leo, asUing
• portion of it in ere ad tea acre plots.
Chi.dkarst : Derlag the,hued. storm
last Friday amenTobias R okmao had
Om fihead d tattle killed by light/dug. Tbi.
TRE N. P. A remixes
Meetreal Witness : The National Policy
has loon a greater failure that the McKin-
ley act. Everyone remembers Sir Chas
Tapper's and Sir Leonard Tilley's
glowing descriptions of the open
tog up of the Canadian North-
west W the Canadian Tactic railway sad
by the creatwo of national industries as •
result of protectant. Tbo great fuming
00aotry ot Maoitube anti the ietri/arias
etas to be tilled up by people who were to be
lauded anywhere tt.rmrhont ite whole len-
gth by s great national railway. Theca
was to be tilled up by prosperous meonfao-
tlsren and manufacturing operators and me-
chanics Now what has been accomplished'.
From 1871 to 1881 before the introduction
of the National Policy the population of
Canada increment nineteen per coot. Dur-
ing the decade from 1881 to 1891, in full
swing, the Mermen has tallm to twelve per
cent. There was an addition to oar popu-
lation of 689,786 darinv the ten
years of tariff for re:'aoue only,
though the 'rester part of that
decade was • period of world -wade de -
premien and of1b 7,869 only during the ton
of the National Policy. A. the United
&tats sans tolls us, then has also bees
an increase is the number of Canadian.
leaving Canada. During the free trade de-
cade from 1870 to 1880, the number of Can-
adians is the United Stats increased by
223,693, but daring the protection
4eo de, the bomber increased by
963,784. Canada should turn her face at
Dane towards tariff reform, eoo...my, Sad
purity, and 2st rid of the National Policy,
d protection u r.va..ad oorrupliea.
6 •.d 7, 830 ; W m M , anima, clatter had the larger number of represent-
sea 11,817 ;Jas. Walker, inspect/tag gravel-
ling $3.00; George Aisstrong, gravel and
.erdly gap, 81&30: Tboa Fisher, plank,
$3.23 ; Geo. Bradford, mending •••spar,82 -
50 ; Dr. Mackay, c assiasa, lard certificate,
James Hasa, l00 ;Jams Arnow, gravel-
Msg. 87233 ; Jams Alma. gra vel, 44 60.
Conseil adjourned to meet oe 80.1d y,
Oto► 14th. R L. M,t.Lsa, Clerk.
The 4.4111g hs hes very light this
The dredpps is set work lag awry mteadil7
.t yeast seta* M nosh weather.. fou i.
new workbag acv the rah pier.
•tivs --37-bat bad so many .mall boys
with wheels i the procession that • tory
went forth, 'Bring ales` your baby car-
riages!" Surma had a full -uniformed re-
prssmrtatice of 33 moa, and was deservedly
awarded the prim..
Tea "aami TIN=" ►a1A01
by the ,herein slob afterward., would have
draws smiles item a seek, and contributed
in ne masa Mgrs to the hilarity and Seed
haws that prevailed dining the afternom.
FoBmwieg k the
beano es Tam Rama:
Twentyy-lve-stile read nee to Hayfield
sod raters -Dr. Robins_., filet , 1;
O. K- McKay, 2: H. Tinter, 3 ; J. F.
Desks 4 and Iimm Etfma Time. 1 bear,
96 entuatem, 47
HSM -maw (1171s1. t) -W_ H1 _slap, To-
ombs, 1; T. B Mot(aeahy, ete.efwa. 2; L.
1). Reb0tses. Tre5M, Ti 1:13 1.8.
2:50 data---11Y1yney, 1; T. R. MoCarthy.
9; Ytomagr 3
Or miK tops -W. Hyslop, Tourers 1;
B. J. P. Sabi. TeronM. 21 T. R. Rees, -
M i Timm. !A6 1.8.
mils, meaty R. W. Uvbapksu.
1 : A. T. Coop.. 2; A. C. Maier, b.
Tw. mane. eht ,tions elaw--Baa mmy, 1 :
F. & (endo.. : W. A. Miteb. l,1 11mem
Thue mile lap res-- W. flyelobs Torwmte,
111 W. M. Camas, Toronto, AL Thin,
Ralf mils: 1:20 ekes -I. L. D. llobie•-
ma 1 ; 1 ming, 9 ; :ie,W5, 3 'liiars.
1:1 2161
The taw Marley r05 m Mrs ea Mon-
The tug Moen. ped burns Tweay
ea her way is Port Albert.
The tag Earl, el 8eethamps•. was in
harbor as Tuesday.
2e►r. Greyhound loft s Tuesday for
W4aAs wifh a cargo of salt.
Th. City of Windsor mak hr regular
calla, awe ea Sarosdy .ad up en Tar
The yacht ,hashes was set ea Tuesday.
Sar. Beene wale1 at Wedimday and
trek on pansies sad height.
Ser. Cambria wee is s Tbusdy and
Neil act an axsreles i the .ftoriosr.
New Bruuwiok cedar shingles at KWh,
11.80 eq.
Rao. Churob Sunday nohoolwill
be held to -day on the grounds adjoisies the
Tea SPINAL .111 be sent to any •ddrem in
(amada or the Calton Stats trom now ne-
tt' Jas. 1, WD4, for 26e.
Why by yyeetiust ..wing senhiin. from
gurs eat i 41010 apel.w, when yon eau
tis best f�oqued from G. W
Oust tis.
That t. . -sus eermm. wash, k1 e isply
M (1st pa..11 that i requires is to
the esad will -tested dere serer in
Patas d
penmen Oen EEMroner. Same. Bade. pala-
tine. putsrn s tlga i trance maim w
n ese gate bed M hat. ails gas* es fret
ow add sena.
"�1hg Dry le.
terse fee 828.00. k •amnia: ones, is some of the cattle were
Ifah. ]tensa and d every kid. said to have bees nee hundred and fifty feet
as animals, eared is. 30 miwatm by Wool. •pr& Mr. Ryweknmeyvae.(1oesn lie oeriees,
Liam. theitery L,m. This sever kik. as Ole 004mads of three soler, •
Sad by F. Jesda., Druggist
Mr. Ed. ,,penman its rsoaieed the me -
trait df.( two sew end ebism ys e.
Y"teeirm )k*liledW shoe.. 1s. Ladies
Aid teased ewer p3 ea the 17t.
One smile Club sees lamgind, 1 t Disit-
ynb}. 1 e W. y.
�pmeis 2 t a. J. P. Rmith, Te oMu i
raring sod • snit.
Gatwick Tea : The mere sad treasurer
were empowered to Jarrow the eau of 8200
ter tewadip porpses. The hasping rites
were levied ler esgaty parjptm -2 milts
mad 6.10 as the draw. tdar township par -
paws. 9 mills ter ep.oW anheel purposes, t
of a ma411 en all ratable property and taxable
isoem% ses04 lopse'M School .sp ortoesy
sad the lewd whoa goalies tax rsgiirsd i
the odweenl wheel trustees be levied ea ossa
(Halon: Master Jess Fortelle has a
maple of pally little pets be is raise%,
which ban the mrit of being of some vast,
even tribe, ore • little da (mess to heed,".
Tewy us • 01 mirk (the ms
them a oS• Wises, to Levi Trick took
sailer her are) orad seem D.1 rap" their ..p-
MyNF al (/N 01 tee. win ate.
kir M Waft Na without bites. bat the
other *ill art.
Tlel Semi IlLa 0 Mats Wang.
1.0.110700 Arg. 21. A good teary peo-
ple 4a thins days ars nidnutly iguanas el
west iia them. 'Phi/ era remedies ler
*egg, Aeasatim. uai.Mieo or seas soak
and .iba a time Md eat that dim-
kideer mimeo all the tremble.
Rare are same mecums- Jams Cru,
* 4
MMpsyh epuroor thi
i • remedy the orld ren
.mail he %nd Dodd'. !ikon AL WThey
earsd him, s the primary sem
pnpni 1tty eadosbtedfy i bre kidsefa
♦ well-k.eww lady yaw% to the Teresa
}yrs • short time or Natio/ that she bad
ksa eared d a womb disorder by mesas el
Deid's kidney pills. She did not Walt,
rata she wee eared, that dinotirted tha-
ws were w e1
sent el the t.w... V.ba-
an liths.' eat bet . wee
owed of niw� y stimidies.
by the mem trendy. Me tos, lead eat at
able dee that hi kMarye W all deg
the gauge of ►n seffertme. Thies are
ossa e/ maty Mho espg hese that eau
Met trek.
ewes 5v Tan DAT.
talg rs eat e. WHlsmy ix. 10.., est/
v. w.
Cuts t Oa Friday afternoon. Mime Me-
sa Frew, Neempapher for the Salt Assel-
ala, lea • morrow ursape ham dreweleg.
.he Was ems of • past plekmd4 at
ed W
Zed. sism ;ck4
. 41atYmg. whs. oho
vs enrimd Mpud ser ,spa. !M mak •
seeple d this. mai /Bks riot mdo imam*
whoa, poreadlurlift.• wows .tree!
Mit mil 1111011or .ser ekmipw
.eat tdat woo rem* SW wet
tams is ..usld al.