HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-8-17, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODEBICH, ONT. THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1893. 5 eieroa THE ANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO' NM — OR) WI WARM DOLLARS • B. fE. WALKCR. of 0P&L MAMA/ MR. • s11.000.000. • 111.100,000. OODERICH BRANCH. BANKING I TRAMSAQA* TIO. FMtt1r Noma Dts(ouwTga �g IMMIMO ►ATAr.I AT L. POINTS IN CANADA. AND THE PRINCIPAL PTlaa i„ THE UNITID STATU SEW S.TAM. FOANOE. OERNU0A, as SAMOS WK CVARTNNvMT• ogroslTa OF 1111.00 AND INWARDS NEC[IVEO, ANO CURRENT RATE$ OF terns $T AMMO TO Tett /.tNOIPAL AT TME END O► MAT ANO iagN /N .AOM TNA.. Weald Attrition glom. tie the O•U,otiels est raw!-•^«'_' ^_-_- iartstdre' Sides Net"' R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. osb►la11Ri ' ;ome �O )ur Iosing Dut Sale Df i The new armory at Brantford is nearly .owrpteted. The True Slues' °ashrattos •t Cubourg, we a grand somas Stratford's rate of taxation has been fixed at 21 mills on the dormer. The crepe in the tictaity of Kellestlle are wagering greatly trout drought. The Aegliese Synod of the Doers of Repeat's Land is in war at Winnipeg. Twenty-eight failures have been reported in Canada by Bradstreet' the pat week. Mr. sad Mrs. A. Aber celebrated their golden wedding the other day at Welland. The anneal camp of the American Cason Aromat►o• la in proems at Wolfe laland. The parade and picnic of the Young Liberals, of Loodou, was • decided success. Hotel ma oa the Thousand lslaade are complaIntag about the deprsestos is trade. Mr. Ilona maser, of Most.rsal, was robbed of $U.'UO worts of diamonds Malar - day. About 100 exasr s:mime from Smith 'Norfolk visited the Orem Agricultural College Friday. A valuable Jersey mow, *wad by W. H. I Hueter, of London, was roomed in the posture tied. Allen Hogue, of Ludo.. has seat to the World's Fair *2.351 Caeadi•a ..tales for poultry for Ontario. I.a An eight-year-old boy .d Jur Daly was rue over at Hamilton on Setsrd y, and snstatsed fatal mires The schooner Laura, used by Matthews ! Co.. of Toronto, was ,ant dstisg Smut. clay sight's steno alar Raeksster. Tbor* w several more � this sea. Gerarrdo's boys comers to a left F: sr. A party of two hundred boy ag lead Feeley. The Italian warship Elsa has bean obliged to aaeber in the SL Lawrence. sear Verdure., owreg to her seem' apparatus refusing to wok. The reamer Empire State shot the La- chine rapids at night with sear haedred ea board. This is the first tines a steamer hu Buse err at might. At Perrier.' • by -taw to build • drain for the electric light works to the river was carried sad o.. to .rent a sew school bnildiag was defeated. Fire broke out is Abbott's ouriage fac- ry. Ottawa, and 1 ply minsurance, spre toofJsr ach hetldisge. 1 bore sed the loss will be heavy. Alfred Ormsby. • car repairer. was crushed while coupling an et Alla .dale on Friday, and died of his injsries at the Terms) (:.neral hospital in eke .vssisg. DOMINION NEWS IN BRIEF. Blouse Waists, Parasols and Summer Dress Goods. FRENCH FLANNELS 50 PIECES, 50 CENTS We open to -day a beautiful range of new Flannels from France, price b5c. a yard. Best quality made. PARASOL SALE THIS W==K - All grades marked down to Cost Price and under. Finest selection in Goderich. Inspection invited. We ACZIESON at SON. BANK OF _MONTREAL. $12,000,000. 6,000,000. CAPITAL, REST, .4 Saying Deparfi lens has been ojened in con- vection with this branch. interest allowed at cu"rent rales. IL L OCK WOOD, .Ifanaier Goderich Branch. • I would advise those parties who conteulplate putting in a Furnace 10 take BIJCK'S "LEADER," Constructed on the same principle a* tit Happy Thought Range, with the x e. References : Rst'. 11. Tuasiet•LL, St. Georges Rectory, and Met JAra>a 1 .t Vim, Hard- ware Merchant. Just received, a carload of WATER WHretail. OL, which I will '. II awl trust all those indebted to me for the year 1892, will call at once and settle the SWIM. Yours respectfully, G-_ N. SUMMER SALES, 25 per cent. Discount ON ALL Summer Goods. MRS. R. B. SMITH. Mr. George Spotswood, of Kenitra, Oat.. leu shipped from that city to Chi- cago a sample of pure galena hone Pres- umes lead mins that weighs 214 possda Alkmaar A. L Bdyea, of Victoria, B. C.. who is is Ottawa says bemuse on the Parke Coast r rather dell at prssest, al- tbeagle the salmon pack this aeasw will be Stormor and the seal catch fully up to the avenge. The ,sill owners of the Chandler* have safari to erode to the repeat of the bands, who recently petitioned for • charge from sieves to ten hoonMday. Owing arson a to the deemed period of ke is rarely. The C•asdian Goverment has extended • further invitation to English tenant Layman to visit this country in ore. 'air be° a the aditJe. oK lo Charles Tepper is sew electing twelve re- pre.etadve mem. delegates _ The French -Cuadra ae Maehhumetta, who have bra investigating the track of curry lying east of lake ()rglein,, in the Northwest, speak in the highest terms of the district, and will re- commend it to isa.dieg ,imi�•sta. The Alla. Steamship Company has wen an action for libel red btu The two hundred posed/ against esthe Alms si User, Usi, which ek ggei with appraiser' the imam le their outplay, and also that they employed iastspeest s•sn. The aegis. who were celebrating the at Isar ib -Lake out Wedenday�met and or�gsaiasd ' The ietsrsatiosial Aoeeiatios of Angler." A large c.mmittee we elected to draw up • cosattttuties and take the steps seeeessry to pet the associate's ea a workbag basis. Itir. James Prises wea the bah story pries at the competitaes in esenectt.s with the celebration. ACCIDENT RECORD. C. A. HUMBER & SON NEW WATCH & JEWELERY_EMPORIUM Winding up Sale! New Goode or the Latest Designs and Patterns in Watches. Clocks, Jewelery. Silverware and Optical Goods. We aro crams far a "bars of tM crude, and if NeesaaMe Price. and ralr Treatment conal tar anything, we are confidant In bevies • share el year Waroe•ae. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Prost mantles and satlafactloa guaranteed. 0_ A. HUMBER 8z SON} Meru reser Abraham Ssslth'D (9othla t Store. en the 4.afs. AFTER TWO YEARS RUNNI G We have decided to wind up business to August 17th, and to ac- complish this object will have a CLEARING SLAUGHTER SALE COMMENCING T An.seday, U'1.1.1y 27, '93 --- Brussels: G. Perris, formerly of Bremer, Whit driving trout Oxford Mills to f took • number of prizes m the Caledonian ttampavuu, tticnaad Lamm lard woe, •a g•m ea at the World's Fair, competing against aged couple of the Towsakip of Augusta, lhiscaa C. Row, ('. J. Currie, Donald Smith, wer struck by the "Pram going mei at Purcell. and other Doted heavy weighte Harris' crosnag. and both instantly killed. Allen Treiber. a Id residing near the McKil op : The barns and stables belong - at fort Hope, under- to Mr. Little, on the old Ross farm, east :o k t Trask statim of Winthrop. were destroyed by fire oo took M di r • cep on an old guu. The Thareday evening of lad week• wears was discharged, and several Mick- rhot enured the boy's ann..phaterrng the bone. Tim steamship Hampshire, which arrived WESTERN F at Quebec Friday from the eared Ktag- 4os, had Der starboard bee store in by Bolusing with an iceberg in the Straits of Bela life This makes the sixth .touter that has suffered damage by collision and r Mrs. Sarah German wan burned to death st New York ender peculiar circumstances. She was cleaning • folding lied .with naph- tha. She had • lighted eandle in her hazed. The candle fail into the naphtha na et a baae. Mr.. Gorman, who alone, fell over the Lad from fnat. It closed on ber. A fire occurred. ier it was sot Until is was extinguished that the fir.im_n found the charred ad rs•d body of Mrs. Gor- man. Alex. Mardecb. •o engineer, we caught ie • belt and ietsntly killed at Sarnia Thomas Lock tell trews a train .t Bor. ford. One , ea Saturday, and bad both legs takes of. A child of s man •meed McNeil' at bosh. Oat., Oat., drank wase oo.l oil and died hem the efOote - " I M't wast Any Dieser.' Well if yoo should miss • meal, all the hatter. 1't let anybody induce you to est if you dost feel relined. Tell them to mind their owe stomach and you'll mind yours. The appetite will return after the digestion is made all right, and ooe of the west and surest help in that direction is a moons of Membruy's Kidney and Liver euro now es tele by all druggists ie Geode. For salt at O. A. Fear's drug eters At Peterls'. Jobs Urea, .r.113 •� dfororare, eras seised with cramps whir swim- slag Ahee Crew.. the Is yw-old daughter el Mr. William Coeem, of Demos, was Jned heDreWhit, Owen Senna, took • eK of °sash+y. aced did from the asses .t h..ior*►eg° absrtly afterwards. A sew here Basler with Sib heft, sad . carers hoer belonging te Thews Me- iyri. were destrey.o by are are Wood - sleek. A bay named (:milieus we roe ever Ivy a bene ams wages at Rust fart, and rani ved mreies true which be diad • rs pie et boas Leer. A ties. ace the Taft Vale Railway, es A Waw ran .f the risk„we, to CeeiA. Oho death of eaves- tehss M.tar74.7. °suss.! teens peas es les with the tin_ The tegoee0 le erwr*+°t ins e4 ileo two Mitchell 10070 we et � N ore* mid the 'sty tWceeaed. verdin el Everything Goes. rartiittiws1 Current Prices for Batter Mid LONDON, SEPT. 14th to 23rd, 1893. Canada's Favorite Exhibition OF Gams and Cliiltlreu's Furfflshllls. The Stock is well Assorted in S=ASoINTA137.+= 0-00=. Always doing SS we advertise, you will find this a rare chane. Don't miss it. • TERMS CASH. ONE PRICE FsTAeI.i•N&D 18613. Tar. 11.111,11 1111 Tea NetllUta\. W. T. HAYS & Co., McLean's Block, Goderich. SEASONABLE COODS,_ FRESH AND RELIABLE. CANNED MEATS, VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. " GENERAL GROCERIES LIVE STOCK EXHIBITS.I Luisea tear eeparmber ass. The best and largest Stabling and Space allotted on receipt of entries. BETTER ,N1911 1(RACTIONS OWeetel Eteersece. afem An roux. For Prize List and tstormattoe apply to GAIT. 1. H. iOSTE. THOS 1. BR0OWNE.. President. Walt a Bit! we c•a suit you in yoality and price, and invite • trial order from you. R. W. RUNCIMAN Successor to E. Campaign.. LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP I Facts are so scarce in this world that possible Here is one good many years without becoming ng 9uted w • since We ve been busy as bees ever we started business. The reason in ohvione : We have made yourns r Andy, n and are keeping up a (sant of good styles and good velum, mau your Boots and Shoes from us you get. better valve fit► wire tnonr'y than Ton can get elsewhere. too will he delighted with the good rlualitiee of our goods. We have a ehoiee se- lection of Ladies', Minn's' and Chil'lren'n Oxtortl Tie Shows Thousands to eh o o s e from Ml other lines complete, and guaranteed to fit. to wear well, and give entire .atieiactiaL Our:prism are the lowest. Save money while you can by baying your roots and Shoes from you any id.n of Oak' A BUSINESS or SHORTHAITN COURSE ? FOREST, CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE OF LONDON, *hinds HEAD and SHOULDERS above the average Busher College for Tboroush Practiced Teaching. Cof1ege r.sieaa Sept. lth. Catalogue Me. J. W. WHST]iERVHLT. Prinoipal. WORLD'S FAIR WILL Hi Canada's Great AUCTION SALES - All lea metgetting their sale bills printed • isle °Mce will have a free notice loosened In this list no to the time of sale. es Aug. 19th Auotioe sale of buggies, her - es, stn, on Saturday Aug. 19th, he the Auction rooms. Crabb's block, at 1 o'clock r. n. John Koos, ecotioser. Aug. 18th. Auction sale of goods and smtter.t Wm. Killip•, lot 67. Maitland * cast, (:edrich township, on Friday, Aar. 18th. Thoma. (landry, auctioneer. Aug. 24th taction Das of farm stock sed implements and household trainee. of the estate of the late .1a. Willcox, no Than - day. Aug. 24th .t 1 o'clock P.0.. at lot 23, cos. & Goderich Tp. .lope Knox. an ese- tiosr. Aug. 24th--Anetios sale a filet-clamfilet-clambo..sbold fsrnitare os Thursday, Aug. 24th is the dere lately occupier) by l.. )iel Gordon Wait et, at 1 c 'P. N. Store cpon for the iarpeetioo of geode all day. i6.rNsieD. Tbc. (Inttdry, suctieu.er. Mts. Richard Hawley. proprietress. Toa INBUSTRIAL FAIR T. 11'OWLE73. & CO. girths* Sue. test 04. !loset t tf II11011r TORONTO SEPT 4 TO I6 W ow blear Ry.r f urs tts4. 11 -NMN bp flwv BRITISH LT EXCHANGE A wOOOERrut CURE AwllTS tSf. 1883 DIAMOND TEA UCEll106 All OTNERS MEDICINE, _Obsysebred to s m m orthe et wooded■1 New Stables, New Oattle Sherle,1 tats Is limn ns• so three Basra Anil may other Ireprevemesta b=1":=18.•tY 1•••w•- pole. alnb w ninea hoseree bade g. l taste in SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS. I «`�heei sodl'ts 'a' d”' arw"I,.a� laToil beget op • read w ewe db. 11.a.q r hasio+Wovor, ems wbwa yoga!Greater and fitter than Ever. 1 tt AO e tw.mlwL w.lost 'be witabaales[ ,b, sej fIN'•A• -6.- • a" AT ?be Petite: Grr,�st Inial (hiiu A` uh...M t M tea tinter. item, [sneerer a •11 Nadtwmr• MUM Til "Menai. J J 111114110W,N. J. tel. �. 0 E� tib rr.eter'd. Mieospr. Mrlwfw