HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-8-17, Page 4As 4 THE SIGNAL : GODERI CA, 'f )NT., TTI (TRSDA Y, AUC UST 17, 1893. Shc $ignal, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ■I D. NollINILIONINST. Moe of Ptiwkoa ab, 10. North -street, CleaerieOatarie Tear K embesrtptlsm t Osie month. in advance 4 1l Tbree m stns. '"***•••• f. Six " 56 One year. 1 OD If credit la asR.d, the /rtes per year will be 1 5o AdvertWa. Raps Legal and other casual advertisement*. Isb. per lioe for first iusertl.a, sad! cents per line for each .ot.sequent insertion. Illewred bis • nonpareil stale. Business cards of six hats and under, 15 per year. Advertleemeata of Low. Poland. Strayed. Situations Vacant. Situations Wanted artd Runnette Chances Wanted. not eaoeedlag ) Maes rumps/ell. sl per month. Houese on :tale and Farms on Sale. not to exceed r how.. SI for drwt month. 50c. per sub atieuc..t month. Iwrger adyr.. in proportion. Any special notice, the opleet of which is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any tudi- vidual or company. to be considered as ad- vertisement and charted scrorihurly. Loyal notices in nonpareil type one cent pet word. no notices tees ishan lye, Local notions in °editerry readier type two cent■ per word. No notice for teas than 50c. 5 oi..e. for churches and other religious and beoe'otent lustitotiose halt rate. ('.ssw.erdsl Cataract AdvMl.essr.ts. A 'milled number of diepIsyed advertise meats will he inserted at the &Bowing nue*: Per Inch. one Insenfoa. '• font inser:rine 1 W three mcwthe. ! M ' etx'months ,._.,........ 1 OD one year 5 IP No advertisement less than two inches in length wi'I he calculated on above bads. 5 per cent. discnnnt allowed for cash payments on three months' contract ; le per cent. on sit months, and 15 per coat. on a leers. Tbes couditios.s will be strictly enforced. Attest ••Ttrr Itbsal" 'enemy. Rnh..•riber who fell to re.,eive Tile .SIGNAl. regularly, either by ca -vier or by nisi!. will confer • favor by acqustraing us of the fact at as earls • date as poaible. Lome at emir Label. Toor label is a @tending receipt of the date to which yon are paid up. see that it is not allowed to fait Into arrear. When • chrome e of address is desired, both the old and the new address should he riven. Rejected mantscrtpte cannot be returned. of 'orreeponeen.e must be writtew on one, side paper y. t .►Meier'. 1.51ee_ J. C. Le Teazel. of Godertch, hes been ap panted Loral Travelling Airco! for the town- ships of (ioderich. Colborne. Ashfield and Wa- wanorh. Local pestmaeters over the district are also empowered to receive subecriptioos to Tog SiGv tL All communications must be addressed to D. MoMILLICUDDY. T.lghsee Cell la '�Geds ob.tb.t SOOrRIDfg.'1'MifrOmAT. ACIL 17. teal Tea DestiA. BANNER APTLY RAYS: "J. perial Federation has been welded into one harmonious hole." IT 001'1.1, U.Y..+T LOOk A. It "THOI' shalt not steel," had been blotted out of the de.:alogue by our promo rule,, at 1 Htawa. Tea I•x.1'1E rr to THIN *E.Tlux ARA 1'N. decided, whether The Star supports the War Lord or the War Lord supporta the Star. TH. V.:s. or TUX TIYRti ARs tint in early Dominion election. That's why PAT- TERS -0;i, the member for 1Valkeryille, u trying to mend hams it ibis district- WITH istrictWITH AN IYPRtIAI. GENERAI. t.roe mooder•in-chief of the Canadian militia what earthly use is there in ('nada for • bloomtog civilian War Lord, anyhow ..cop A%ERA,R MARXIST t: PR0141.x1. n thle section, but with low prices and • roe tricted market the outlook for the rigric't! toriat is not parte-Wady bright, we regret to state. it SIR .loll♦ M I)O"A1.1, %EKE ALIt1 .1. I'. i'ATTEI04,N would still be the "kicker on the back benches " instead of hectoring anouud as the 1'aoadien War iord, and travelling all over the country at the public e ., penes. Ir Pit MOYTAWre 04' ...IT THROUGH with the official ear Victor, will he b• +•sod enough :o seed Romp to (;oderich so that War Minister PAITgttwE, the member f,r Homme \Vu.kcR, cam return to the capital at the public expense' Ht- 0t 'tT'T T/IE " R.PRRt\TATIa. or whom any constituency might feel proud,v try another fall with the member for North Essex, where his abilities, if be has any, ere better known than to Huron ` Absence should make the heart grow fonder. W. F. Mat LRA!t, 11.1'., OA.►•T AI'RAtG to meet the American fish liars on equal terms at the recent international gathering at Niagara. He was conscious he could hold his own with them without Nitrite, the handicap of • protective tariff is his favor. rimy R. TAL&I0.: 0/ erTower meters soother lance duck tote the Dominion (••bi- set to the pence of Col. Tom stet, M.P. for South Norfolk. Oso would think that with the CI.aths WALL.eipt, (.estT1.Ava, T)a,a., Finite:w re sad °then of that ilk, there was • rup•rabrodaace of dory timber in the Tory statesman factory already. THa I)rTA%A }RIK Para., Tae IIIHITOR or which knews eos.idessbly more about ream - dies polities than does oar local conteen p.wary says : 11 the Tories throw Sir .10"t Tnowr'su• overheard and give Sir ('H tnevi Tt ream the leadership theirceIulwet will indicate that they harm more faith is beg and bribery then they have is hy• pnerisy sad hwmbs.. Hi *RAH ,oR CANADA ! NKR Is WAR Iv.. 4 hug exhlhit at the W erld'. Fair. and is away up ►a the frost rash: her aisssml .d forest ry exhibits are asnegst the beet : her ahem exhibition lead *Se proem*ree . her atblser omelet' of the big prism at the re - mat emmpetlatss ; the tag of war toms from the little towmdlip of /,orm•, Oxford enemy. polled the rallit of the eosUo.ut est el its beers, en to speak : mid M the reseal iatr- tatimssl twm.s.s..ry el Omar WALvnm the im fee telligelhe beg eller, was is • Omnaerad Asa ti tlpi0 old a ..1 thy l thee tee estm feels le dab ...eery twbe nes afraid that Oaead• mea be wiped of if placed is Mo owspstINw ssataseretally with the United Steen. Tile Ktrl•la. *YN'Y ith fu$IAU.r ereise Mai Crusade t. is • Bounshing misdates, gave the Ile to rte attersaos one day last week by drawing attunes to ie. news °demos W the amber ce sass est of work is Tomato. the mast prosperous city of the I)omiston. ;Lys the Keipire, •• They asked for bread, but without effect ' 'mother &ruole expressing the idea that 1'aned:ans are • eeU-oosteined people, will now he Is order. W M [1CR COUR TIM Ft AM T It is • well known fact, and one which should be of "gnat camera to Keforstery and (Unser -alive. for they oinally help to foot the bill - that almost every member of 1'uoservauve (;overnmeuts of Canada lives .sol travels oa • scale of maquitkrosw which so business maim itis the ministry could afford SiK JoHo If t. 1NIYALI, was notoriously s 'Muer in this respect. Although there was .o patrician blood in his veins, hessldom, if ever, condescended to travel in a railway car with an ordinary Canadian, but kept • prtvate car of his own. Mr. V %ekeszls always travelled to an ordinary oar during his term of office. The present I k,uunton Cabinet is follow- ing Sir Jwrv's extravagance. A notable exabtple u the Minister of War, Hon. J. C. Terreasoe, whoa. seat in West Huron was bought for him by funds which carne from these w -bo ret special favors from the Gov- eromeot ot which he u a more or less shin- ing member. It may be said this is no business of Ttis Sh: t.L's or of any elector of Canada, but let the man who thinks so calmly consider the situation. Ib these men earn money in any business enterprise! They do not. CLARK WALI...R has had to give up Su country store because he is in • position to know what changes may he made in the tarilf from time to tame, although it he is to steal, he might better take money in that way than in many another way that will be open to him. Sir Joest Mnever earned a dollar at his professios while be was Paine NI mister of l'an•da. Mr. .1. C. 1'Arrett•0v, we have the bee: reason for asserting, was not born to wealth ; he made nothing out of law, of which his knowledge is meagre neither has be been the recipient of wealth by legacy. 1 et he lives like • prince of the blood. When we see these men who have the spending annually of thirty-six million dollars our dollars -living in such magnifi- cence, and travelling so m'rsndly we have as much right to engage detectives to watch their movements as has a brink manager to have the clerk shadowed who, while getting • salary of 8500, spends twice that sum In riotous home. In his case, the bank pa for the noting ; in the other case, the peop pay the piper, while the nun who thou be the public servant, but who really comes the public master, enjoys the pleas arse of the dance. if it is notorious that Ministers of th Crows in Canada spend money lavishly their own pleasures, in gambling, etc., it. equally notorious that many of them d possessed of :mimes, riches. Sir CHA.L Ti i i rK, who entered parliament nem years no • poor man, is eoormomsly ric seethes "B•' .t the thead'an PM& Rail- way. Is ail emend minim dollars have bees take from the people d (woa& by means of teepee on oeatra.t.rs and co- couptag them at the pubbo express. It M little weeder, therefore, that our public msen who have bad wad opportuni- ties witbis reach as was well said by Hoe. A. G. Joest oa the Moor .f parlumest- •' suddenly emerge from • chrye•ls state of pasperde s tato tbat of the full dodged millimaire." TH s See s AL knows whereof it tweaks sod could, If tt so denied, point to tnyeetme.1s made is United States se curates, " as the dead quoit " by at least one member of the band 4 loyalists which at pretest comprises the 1'abiiet of this Dominions. All this junketing up sad down, and all this °atestee. 's d:. of style and lavish eatravaganoe eventually costes nut of the pocket of the taxpayer of this oountry. Ken.ember that fact, voter, when next yes see the nthcial car "Victoria" In this section. t'abao.t Mioiatet• and their semi. hes may dance, but you are the people who have to pay the piper__ TME MAtw TIMO 11 CA/1•11,11. That erstwhile resident of Detroit, the al leged editor of the Star, is taking • great deal of apparent satisfaction out of tb financial and industrial tremble" of tl Uuited State, and has base boasting tba Canada dor pot feel the depression. Ae usu*lly the case, our esteemed contempor cry doesn't know whereof he speaks, or would not be raonioe the kir with shouts that Canada was oot affected by commercial depression in the United tits Take the returns of last week as repos by Bradstreet, for instance. There were futures in t'made and 459 is the Coi States. The number of failures in the (uited States last week was nearly three great times as gat as in the corresponding wee of 1892, and it u a remarkable coincidence provtov the close oommercial relatincebi b,tweep the two countries, .bat the Cane dean failures also numbered nearly th u nes as many as in the same week fan year. In the week ending August 3rd 492 there were 16 failures in Cenaolt and 55 in the United State'. Placing the population of the United states at 65,000,- 000 and that of the Dumisioa at 5,000,OG0 we find that Canada bad last week one fail re for every 116,279 inhabitants, while the United States, notwithstanding the severe financial stringency, had only one for every 41,612 inhabitants. Had the proportioe of failures to popula. ion been so great in the United stars as in &nada last weak, the republic would here ported 516 bankruptcies Last week instead ( 459. There were 43 failures in Canada vat work compared with 33 in the preosd- ng week, 16 in the corresponding week o last year and 25 in the sae week of 1890. e. nes while there wa decrease of 30 in the umber of failures in the United States last eek there was an increase of ten in thereas Canadian failures. The ince of failures Canada is largely due to the prsyalest epeeesion to the United States. The values all our back stocks, railway shares and her securities have depreciated in sym- thy with the shrinkage In Gk. Neuritis* in he United States ; and financial depression that country is felt almost as keenly in Canada as in any part of the repulhc. peaking on this hue, the Ottawa Free Press, owned end edited by C. W. M ir- ru., :he brother of the editor of The Star, Y• Yet we see foolish Tory paper" rejoicing er the depression in the United States, se such depression were a blessing instead of injury to Canada. 11'hen the prices of away and beak shares, lumber and fart Alicia go up in the United States they girtn in Canada also, and when values fall tori e ne:ghbouq republic there is • c,rree- ding decline in Canada. Peder such rcum►•.ances the conduct of those Cana ane who rejoice over the pprevalsnce of mineretal depreesioo in the United Ste!'s inexplicable nicety. Perhaps the Thnmp- tan organs wish to have it understoodhat the Incr: asin;; number of failures in Dominion end the shrinkage in Ca mithau Tway and bank stock values are due to National Policy, aril not to the de. pressed condition of trade in the seighlror- g country. 1 is he heatlae the tee. teed 43 ted k p M t 1 2 L 1 C n 0 ys i le f m ld A a w to d ot of Pa t to isS 'R ov if an res P^ th Pan ci cc di is .on the rai the Ip be - r 00 is ie e b, aid owns inveetmeuts wtthoot end. He is said to be worth About a million sterling. Sir JOHN MA. Ian.ALt,, though all his lite No- mad. an ostentatious parade of poverty, died a- rich man. His mal tells us that ne possessed certain stock in the C. P. R. a sufficiently suspicious fact when we consider the intimate-elatioum which existed between him and • company which bas had one hundred n.iihons of our money, in one fors: and another, poured ;oro its coffers. The stock is said to hate been oririnally about tr250,000. Sir Ht,mit LAs.:rvi•, who is popularly supposed to be very poor is really very rich. The facts sa to how these mei came by their money may come out ionic, day. The Ministi r of War•has oc'upid pecu fur relatiooe, not only toward t he tonere meet, l ut toward those who have had l;overomeot contracts, an4 seen otherwise he:matted by supporting the Conservative party. Take the case of the Walkerville whiskey distillery. A few years ago, when the duty on corn was annoying the distil ler., the (;overnment, pretending that they wanted to protect the public from the wiles of the artful whiskey maker, pasted a law compelling distillers to keep all whiskey in wood and under charge of a Government of$oer for two years before selling it, in order, as was pretended, that the Basil oil might have • chance to soak into the barrel and thus render the whiskey lees intocicat tog than if drank when fresh distilled. Whether it had that effect or not, THE S1.:yA1. cannot may but it c&asot be detsied that the distiller charged iiterest oa his money so locked up, sad rained the price per gallon to the wholesale purehsssr. it cannot be denied that this created • power tul mniopoly, for no man ba. mosey enough to build • distillery, put is an expensive plant, manufacture • large .luaotity of whiskey and wait two yew,, before he ciao get any profit on mob as eiornotu Invest reset as this would domed. The W ALS IRs to ens year are alleged to have mad. as mach as 1'200,000 more than they would have made had they mot been so favored by the I:overwosot Farther, they desired a toy railroad frees their whiskey stills to their farms and summer hotel on rake Erie (Is the Tautest ••' the Truistic, of course, though incidentally it enhances the vales of both their Walkeryille and their i.ke Erie ptrep.rtiest, aad to enable these to build this road they were given about $150,000 by the (iovtrsm.ot tN that s:eyeet meat Mr. .1. C. PAngswns is • member, aid Tee Remote deem bile en Injeettee in crediting hies ells haying lied sufficient iafi.e.es with ilial (:eversament to iodises these to greet sues • sem of money Farther lima that, the highly honorable Mishear d War, ea ehairwa• of the Women (scans Como,.-atfve ewespeige e.mslitese, was a eesgdestW yeet of the threer.asst wMheb absorbed web me MweMee sem (gem the trelAceielorg 1w WAR ON THE TARIFF. Toronto Telegrwm Protection is an ex- ploded recipe for national wealth. Tim Empire wobbles grievously as it tries to ex- plain how one of the evils which is snaking the Potted States poor is keeping Canada rich Stratford Roscoe : it is stated that im- mediately upon his return from Vagland Mr. !tattoo McCarthy, M. P.. will stump the Province on the tariff question. Ar- rangement* have been made for • series c political picnics. • I )nodes Rapper : if the Spectator would make nos tenth the fuss over the Canadian farmer, with his 60 newts • bushel for wheat sod the combines on his back, that it bas made over a few :Maude in the St. Lawt,.nce it would be much more to the purpose, Hamilton Tunes : The Tory press is treating ire resoles totems very Iv.ld ar'gu• moors thew warm days. Fre. trade pre- vail. is Rotas. Limes are hard there, there- fore free trues u to he onedemnnd. Pro. teetMm exists in the 1'nited State.: times are very hard and bushman is &remelt: d, thereare hardhis ails ; the 14itish marprotection M to be 'Rewired. Tamen therefore vluabie is Cameo, Thea are hard is the States, therefore the United Mau. market ie worthies. It's all very clear after that Rtrwthel Age ; Meet reseristonaists are Wiest se Vis. mew..f setisfeceto jest sew to the Ilemi.isl troubles that pre- vail ea the ether side. Yet tb.s seeable@ hers crisis ie • ie whi. that is:� q te the seek •.rd wAieb is the eters of the N P , we. tise sae si y was bald op se the bright .xaispls et the somas d prot.etiesee prineipk-. Why d d set pewee. save the Stases frees the SIAM tombs4wht- h has *ser Wien 1b gMs.peU ieteres seed Se FIND SIM All are set1ed b t/ssbe1e Met their revery leasfly *add y a os., • batt* .4 UM bete Im.Hy ems �►.` by 1 n HAD TO BIM OR BB BATKN. Iidis! AND VLAJIMI uCi VP TIM LI,flew OJ' ft* Mil, leased. eI IM Mral.g .r am. %esss.r Boa Jamb -elsas.s aarr.aa4 aha tibia lag tY.sm.r cad Dsvearee rhe re... ssr1eh.s Mee ea Tbiuy J.mpool. RAs FILantIRao, Aug. 14. -Further par - timbers of the burnig of the steamer Rae Jim uff the Chines toast merit received hese Saturday. The Spade► steamer has Jus. left Hong KWIC f r Mantle% t h • fell crew end. all the Chinese that %weld be stowed away. Thirty mile. utl It,,rrgay, P.iut fir. was discovered between decks. Two Iifeboate were destroyed by tea dames, and the other" ware capsized by t'utnas.. Sharks made abort work d thaw, end to this manner the se.00d engineer, steward and wooed officer lost their lives. On the fire beteg discovered almost all the Chinese sae up the rigging and other high places. As the fire worsened is intensity the poor wretches dropped on the Jock •rd ludo the fire. Others jumped °verbose! and were devoured by .hark.. Thor who reached one of the brats tilled it to excuse., sad the .barks le%ped into the ter to snatch their prey. Th. panic we. fearful. Tbs Cb:noise huddled t„getber and tilled the ter with chef. moans. 1 he fore and aft p-uts of the burning no - Were full of people impb,ring aesi.wuce and the central portion tel the teasel was like the crater of • volcano. The shirks came a droves and hundreds of them could be area around the blazing steamer. A fireman succeeded 1e reaching one of the overturned boat* sod righted her. He then west to the otb.r• anti managed to get two more of thea .•n an even heed. They were .4 kept at• dutaece aces e..ry- body who wanted to get into them had to run the gauntlet of sharks. In this way 91 termite escaped and reached shore after 16 hours of hard rowing. They at once telegraphed for assistance And the steamer Se. Antonia was sent out. W hem she reached the derelict three1 'h i ease, more dead than alive, were found 1e. the ,:gJies. The ta:ua were of steel. Tins male the t..t,l eared 101. lri.aoduog office,, m.) crew there were •=: penpte no board. so the sharks at:d d.n.es mutt have dev.sred 162 The ran ,on was towed later Manilla.. still ea fire. SUNK IN LAKE ONTARIO. The Crew newel Mows With t'otaid.r- able Wmewlty, Rocac.rio, N.Y., Aug. 14. -The worst .term of the season was experienced on the take ,o the vietuity of Charlotte between 9.fclock Saturday evening and 4 o'oloc1 yesterday morning. The wind blew a hurricane from the oerthwe.t and then veered shout four points earthward, making • tremendous heavy crofts tea. About 23 miles out the schooner Laura, from Oswego to Toronto, loaded with ;011 taus of coal, sprung a leak at about 11.30 o'clock and despite the wiriest effort• of the crow, went down at 3 o'clock yesterday morning. Reside the captain and mate there were four hatads and a woman, who acts.' ae stewardess o. board. The crew succeeded in launching a boat and all lett In safety before the vessel tank. They mel • coat spread en an ceras a sail and steered for Charlotte, and after six and a half hours of hard work reached the life smog station none the mores for the disaster. Captain Doyle and bin crew met the boat some distance out and towed st to the pier. The crew at the schooner were taken care of by the life- savers The L avra was • small "dimmer belong- ing to the Matthews Company'. Ilse of To- ronto. She wsa valued at $ 4 ai, an.l her cargo of i00 tons of eoal wsa worth about $90110 more. There was no insurance. The boat was ooseroaadd byMemel Markeso. of Hamilton. The fobw'Memelng is the crew- Mats, Robert Conlin ban.i., A. Mees, William Thorn, '1 houo,i Fir her, Willem T. Dougherty; stewardess, Vre. Elizabeth Mallett All ere from Terrace. The boat has not been out of the dry dock three mouths and was considered entirely seaworthy. It is supposed that the action of the wares wreathe. .tale tel the timbers loose. It is said that the Laura is the first boas ever lost by Captain Marke•nti. The asp talo and Me moo and Mae. Mallett alerted f..r Toronto last evening by the ateamet Cerot.es•. THE CAPSIZING OF fHE VICTORIA. Was it ms.. 1. Mfeative Design .r this - atrocities 1.0ehOr, Aug 14. -Om the highest as. therity it is learned that the Uover.meel b.. decided to hold an inquiry into the eae.e% which led to the capsizing of the V,etoeia after she Aad been in °atheism with the Camperdoene This is to be dose In order 5. resolve the doubt whether the eapsiz.ng was doe to defective design in construction or to tea fact that the watertight oompartsa.sts were not completely closed. The inquiry will take the form either of • Parliamentary Comssitee or of • eremite sine of inquiry smiler to that which investi- gated the Tay }trudge disaster. The animas of the eosrt martial os the survivors of the Victoria eim.,sume ars to be prompted to Parlament. ft is not yet d.fieit.Iy decided whether Admiral Mark•es and Captain Jokes= are e.1 he wren hartialld ter hazarding the mimeo. the C:amp.rdo.n. CHOLERA'S HARVEST. --- Sestet, • Tlr..reee a►asmbe 1. Nemec ah. POM week: isomers. Aug. 14.-O11Ic1*I returns rhnw • great Messes of Closter* in Roofs In the IasS wast. The figure. Wyse for the differ. at /.-viness are as follow': rams. [ sordid • 0y.1.... .44 ITE DOW Rtdae sees eat 114fel Kiel 4? (Nedra .......... ..110 el .110 V Ienl 1 U 11. Kiel:MOM..I N 1111 le Ila timid*v 13 Remora • .r. et 3 Vle•itinlr is 5 Kowa. le la there wenn ININIIII &mum ie Somewly d.ilb. More wee M 111th d pea hams sod 13 dtlliA A .s('.sa - , 0.fleet a 4awy Leanne Aep 14. -The apwei.terese e/ the Dab of Cement,' te seemed Gem, OW ltvdy. Weed i. envn.mod el the Aldor.b.t district was Memelly asssees.d Ratirday mersMg. Reuters of this appel.tm..s have bee serves far mem. thea Is 1e somber h. the .s seep la sauced tea Omemeeeeeekeeter'►aet are GENERAL. The lntersattiosal lioofatb* doegiaee at Iia seeswu u Zurich decided la favor of estabile/tang aa eight -sour day. The Italie. Ails -mug meet bus been vested by a severe earthquake. It is e.- pscted seat may lives hat. been lust Acether death frogs cholera has occurred al lirmsby, Eagland. Two deaths are ,e- portei from New York at the Swinberes Island hoopttal. The spposatm.sst of tea Diem of (`oo naught to suc.;eed Gomm' r E.etya Weed in the command of the Alderahut district u ottictal►y annuunoed. (:rent Motets was ow Wednesday ixgbt misted by terrible rata end thunderstorms, which did en mimeses amount of damage throughout the YHtuiry. Tim latest ufieia1 statistics oa the sigh tees provisoes attal`ted by cholera in Euro. peen Ruane show that there were 41AI case and Ix8 deaths in oae week. George 1.raudur, the French pedestrais journalist, has reached Chemin. having tramped all the way from New York ants July 13 without spending a test. The proposal that Irish members of the Imperial House be permitted to tot. only ou amendmeets to the H Rule lith was defeated in the Drool' Commas Ivy 221 to lxl. Foglasd, Germany and the Uslted St.tr have resolved upon decisive mod eoabined action to end the Samoan trouble. It is reported that the erlutioo rill be the exile a( Metsata. Bumhay. India, was .a Friday the seems of fatal .eligtous riots between llah ,n.etaat and Heidooe Mauy persona h.% ie herrn kill d. Yeaterdey the military w.;t, called oat, sod tired upon s mob ..f rioters The steamer Lucanta. sister *hip a the Coniwuu, both of whicu ar..'w..e.1 by the t'us.rd her. has left Greenock on her incl cruise, which will 1e made around Ireland. Obs will said from Liverpool, for New York an Sept. :ilk Iotersatiotal Soei.hat ('ongrwn at �umtch slowed Its sitting. on l4A:urd.y. it.- snlwtions were adopted .n favor of legis:.. ave promotion for women sad giris, . tau yours' labor day, concerted tuteroauuttal action on urates quettons and uwversal suffrage The t'.'ofer.nce of Finance Ministers of tbs. German States, has cu.';ailed its Iabr. at Frankfort. Thev have appdntsd • co,u- mittee to meet in Berlin and draft lolls for presentation to the Reichstag, emhu,ly- :ng their couctustons as to the mamas of 'Mattis the ext .y necessitated by the .tarry BOIL It is announced that the Government of item Intends to or.ler eat paymee;t of .'tutnms duties be macho in gold. Tao wet! tee equivalent to au increase of 10 per cent. in toe duties. The tical deco em in the matter nay, however, he re..reed until the Putted States Gonwanient'tetermines what action it .iii oke in i.ger•i to silver. Tile waterspout of 'atsrdav committed terrible ravage. in Stype. 'Ike town of .ioesting was nee.iy raised, and hundreds narrowly escaped with their hors. Ni.e• teen tull.tes weir ivandated, and t.. whole country we. deva.,ateh. Maury ewes lied lambs perished, mist be crops wore ruined. At lest owe parlous neer. drown- ed. PERSONAL MENTION. FriJay Hon. Wilfrid iA••rir was pros- trated by the beat *mile ad iremold as sa- lience at L'Ussomptiou, (tae. Hoa Oliver )lowat will probably be Med by Winnipe; Labrale to adder*, • public meeting dur:ug is western trip. Cei , 10c. ;s 10c. ('resident 1'leveland has granted a pardon Ib Plug, i 20c ' . Pater J. Claaseu, the New York banker, who was eseieoc.oced to am testi imprison- ment apria.rment is March, 1691. Seamier Pettey, I:omssies,wer front the Northwest Terrttones t. the World's Fats. B WILIIAMS'. T'IINK ILLS ALE EOPLE e. Item 1a R from •ri Osis .,I► a si,ess.e Go. N it cues and w.sasis,.Slctt•S WEAK MEN •sd std) suffering from maned writ r. SU MERINO WOMEN ldlila.d wItli UM larekneesee peeislier is tem wad,"-k ms ol Um Ibsen PALE pills SALLOW WKS Ohditake those PIM Asy.seiebtrradon ek adM No drift notall tr.glarit► odd Bowan. ow har411011a. :om all Sodom tet as Undo nark or will be iii by nullkondos. pea patA so receipt of piste.-to.ests a fisc: w e tee w THE OR. WILLIAMS MED. CO,, litotkfille. Oat. or alarmism, Le OldChwn t (CUT PLUG.) OLD CIIUE1 (PLUG.) No other brand of Tobacco has ever en. joyed such an immense tale and popularity in the same period as this brand of Cut Plug and Plus Tobacco. Oddest Cul Tobacco staaap . ewers is CasadrL MONTREAL. A POOR M A N indeed is he whose blood is poor, who has lost his appetite and his le:h and seems to be In a rapid de- cline ; but SCOTT'S EMULSIOI Of Pm Norm& Cod N cam maw it e t' rstleol s sopa* lis.5 sol lith Med, me ss %tom kle am, AAA p,rlttt Sh,eissl IUs ane amps. OAK c•mospisa. Sareloke and Ormosillia IT fit ALMOST AS MAUNA AS MML Pr.gr a sell bsasset A awns. tenerfee. x M la Ottawa. De spoke very caeerl.Yy et the cop pr space. mo the Terntorie. Karl Spencer, First Lord of the Admiral- ty. gay • a .fussier in t.00dot se bo.or d Adelina Erhea and ('apW n Malta, of the United States cruiser Chicago,w►ick s sew at Rootbamptos. Hon. A. 41. Blair, Premier of New Brum - were. has commuted to speak with lir. Fielding. of Nova Sentra, sad dad L H. Davies at the poliut al meet ag to be MIS at Youcton o e August 21st. Ex -Premier Mereser, who hes jut m- iaow! from his New Kngload roar, baa, he Mates, been preaching the gospel of wee pendeace among the French Castellano', sod has received offers of moral support from leading 1'.S. public oleo. Mr. John Castigate Seeret.ry el State. who has been acting as Minister of Manes sod Fisheries during Mr. C. H. Tepper'S &brace, has at his owe largest request hem rsWved of the duties of his department be Astug Premier Mi. Mackotue Rowell. No Warned. Dse't be • fool; kmow what yea west sell role to be imposed 'moo by %tee ly desire Tisa they attempt to palm off @ors prods* tope substitutes for Patin'. Painless Cent Sxte.ctcr, the may safe, tae-, sad pt•ides suis. core. Patera's Cace EIch.otor is tea best, the safest, said say risible cors rem- sd►. Sell by all dealers m esdieise. Look out for this label. r i /• // fi // //p r //