HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-8-17, Page 3SeM everys ere at sea a latah, THE SW Ua : GODERICH. ONT. THURSDAY. AUGUST' 17 1693. emit outt44 pgjWDEP 18 IT TO BE SMOKING? WEST, STRONGEST, BEST. Caer+i°' w *ham. lto.moyla• Lima. pboapesses. or anis lquriast Er W. QlLL5TT. Tr,esOehM. ts.+.-- tretesometan resume. ?Moir . Aug. 7. -Three suits for hoary damages hate boons nteredegaa at the lane L.s •t•.1 Company by of coos arae for Witch Hugh IIMm M -1) $01 poster Workman. Knights of labor, and two ,then are sow serving t.,ws is the peai- testuty Suits were entered by Mire. Bebren, who claims 111d3,1100 damage. for the d..tb ul her rtes, •n4 by kdwsrd Paha and Hsrry ,';,thi.i, who claim their health W been permanently impaired. They ask Ilo.,11,9 each. Counsel for the defendants ripest to comps -owns the cases. 11 this le dose at is •.kely that htsadreJe of soils rafts sill be en•.ted. Star e.e.v.v tswm Nee w.. -4a. kp..v ri:r u, Aug. 7. -- The teas Mathews. who mode suck • desperate attempt to mur- der tr •'.!r lot nicht, pleaded ett:!ty au the Police Pour% befine Judge Aage and was renaedd tax eeoteace. He is • whiter by trade and outs •bunt *1 rears of sp It spown drat when be entered the hoose he asked Ids site 4• make bora back tai hoe with him, and as .be did set reply k stabbed liar four flaw with a clasp kad• lir Pause thinks that she ,nay Fonh1y recover. utiles the sh,.ek d0• w Isar hong eo.'leate briar as unexpected cwwpli abase. heed.. sinks nit 01Me*a i,1 r.,,,x. Ont., Aag. 7. -Donald McRae, we of tba oldest resubmits, dad suddenly last rrea.nK. He was apparently in his mini state of health os retiring, sad se- emed • sew gametes alterwade. with purple plash. ateeoeotty. out bring over-.kepticsl, wouldn't the Ise *u• a t l unlike Form t women's tobacco stores have to be re - preserve rile a not satin • tomato can a and repainted, too, and base pt an air -tight, pspr•eed Weser -u jar : it u mmint�n which their window shade+. c *1t with surcu-tii-b rt,SI(' compartment _!aced ° ti turn in the fashions, they pn-cuke-lierts et may its P�" ed w retain the trade of their fair cua- rvrd. Nearly all sort* of farm ecru * ,nay be preserved by the excite:Km tonere? 01 lair and moisture, but for profitable Talk about the Tariff. Free Silver and stor fodder Prohibition and American tin being Mi- meo.tasting, the beet crop nt national issues! Where Si any torn. Prom 1i to an tom can equivalent t rfrontsed porta to to promise w o 6 acre. the . Infeeing,40 trap one of thein that pd bete S w 6 two 01 hay. trading, to M as much trouble and inter mtahtota Its. per day should be allowed each tions as this latest d q ns out mature animal. When building a alb women smoking .' aim to secure the greatest convenience ROY CFot2h-=r CLXE BA('[. J feeding To estimate the OR W IT NO SMOKING FOR THE AMERICAN WOMAN? Nrnesetes Trent A tiros/-C.asptteattsY R11ett Maim Arts.- CoMmes • e allag Twat., era th. Renews. Women smoke? That's one queetioa about which there is coosiderabie doubt. When the Spanish Infanta was here the gat Sadies of the laud, as well as the woad sod thin! and all the other ladies, mice to absorbed in Fulalu s drawee sed bonnets and parasols and pictures sad in what aM did in public to think much about her habit of stoking in pri- vate. And when they beard that the clever tipanish Princess actually does stooks cigarettes when ebe takes a 0otios. American warren were filled with doubt about whether it is right for their clam to smoke. Then Dame an artiC4 in one of the magazines, telling hole the Em- press of Austria' n.anages to smoke up- wards of 40 Turk eh cigarettes* day, sed the doubt grew thicker. Before long. it rs to be hewed. there e asy be quite a divison of sentiment a do n the fair rex ovethe the que•Uoll. It A rner c spirit e strictly against to be denied, either by custom or statute• any privilege accorded to women of foreign countries. Aud when "first ladies over the water have set the ex- ample in the cigarette habit sono Am- erican *omen may be expected to take the floor and call for the eyes and noes on the question. But the more timid of the woman, who want to keep up to the times and who still are not especially anxious to stoke cigt el bin tor heir sou( �' can keep peace Most it souls for a fame y haven't nneshed their summer travel. �' whileuo ag may not thinking the first of s0 tottsaia voyage, . day ur two out will serve as a preventive to introducing the cigarette habit until the expentneuting women get located wbere they nay be sure of their bearings when the experiment of keeping passe wit!: Eulalu and the Emmet* of Austria actually begins. But laying aside all question of whether American women will see It in the light of duty 1 become dd it would errs the . same as men. 11u Cigar stores exclusively for women would likely come in vogue,and, instead of seeing signs announcing "A paper of tobacco with every pipe. or "A picture in every peoka.,e . ci;*rettes.' one might expect signs telling about "Our Isnot novelty -cigarettes wrapped in China silk." 'Try our clay pipes, hoed W ith- eame - THE TELEGRAPH HAI A RIVAL. Tvsers al Alvamsde•• t. OsaasweeM 01 . N Lang-retetaa.. Tet.pb.e. The psuetiosl advantages el the keg - distance are treated by Herbert lows Webb, an electrified engi- neer of wide ezperieue*. in the ourmot number of the Engineering es. Limns of the points that M miasma ollewt The service rendered by the telephone it ie many ways distwct from that of the telegraph. The triplet.** brings two ourresyoudeote foe w face, or rather mouth to ear. IJurtion and answer. suggestion and nexditk-ation, ac- ceptance or refusal can be exclhaug*d in- stnutaneouslr, without any .lelay for writing. transmission, or delivery of messages. When a telephonic interview it completed. each correspondent knows exactly the position of the other, and there is no lingering doubt a* to whether a inesage has been misunderrt.,'d. or whether there 14 not some lemon or error w that telegram that might have h slightly different meaning. R the telephone is to • certain exteut the competitor of the telegraph. and from the superior facilities it ,rde iu the way of free exchange of cwumYnl- Catiun, r*pdtty, and secrecy, tends to divert the more important bush:tes fntm the trlegruph circuits. yet it chiefly creates s business of its own which, failing the telethons. would not be transacted by min.:ewe but would ne- ceseitate generally a journey. This is the re+rou wiry the apparently high rates slurried for lorry;-di.1.1flc telephone communication are mit really expen- sive. !h Targe ciao. of customers who have found ioug.dista:it'' tele h°I'y a great value and w h,:se tuethtlsotduiug business have been modified through the facilities it affords them are the large manu- facturers. Al one time it used to be the practice of manufacturing firma to lease a telephone line for a certain time each day. say from 11 a.m. to noon. giving direct oommnnication between the beat otlice in New York and the factory, let- hals somewhere up in Connecticut. The peeidemt ur gentTelmanager of the cempauT, with all his correspondence Lectors brim, speaks directly to the factory managers and heads of deter. ruents, and the effect is to practically pl..ee oAlox and factory rider the same roof, without sacrificing tate a.tvant:ta p. among others. of the difference in pence of real estate in city and country. The ultl,nate result of such a utilization of telephooe communicate.° is that heavy or varied stocks no longer have w be car- ried in the city storerooms. as even small orders ran be transmitted at once to the factory and tilled from the stock maintained there. Probably one of the moat striking effort* on general' trade of to firm estabtishuient of long-distance telephony will try Louud in the curtai.ltn;, of the middleman's field a operation. The talking wires bring consumer and pro- ducer into the most direct and cine st coilununication p0esibly without placing Lew face to face in the saute room. ecce-- -- - A GAME FOR THE BABY. in tilting ash 1 ale nos cubic toot Like everything else. from a dog down s now the o las sally be fan aW01114.11[ere in line of a the ell"' at•x•k ut the Lara tnay ,. _ nw exercise for women se a always has been, for it is But with the Ar ::ew as fleet as p o,. • hla revival of gored skirts flounced to the :siting the word to the deed repeat, waist. poke huuetn, bewitching wificth its as i o u I each fi1'Are'r, the fon°, log . hits stockings, tennis with iu I rhyme: line which refer to ail tea fingers): The tittle thumb i our : The pointing ringer, two; The noddle linger. three : The ring Anger. four The little finger. five. I take theta. Take them snugly all in bed. Sound asleep ; let naught to said. Silence ! Ib not early wake them. Born into the world with each child. as every mother well knows, is the lore of the rhythmical, which is but the in- fancy of counting, and develops into it -Iii elergwrten News. tatoaeac „ the s o, for each animal and multiply by the the game of lawn -tonne has its day. . numbs" f d* to feed By remain of thereascd o°e-Smelt and in some 0010. back number. Not but that own Leu • doubt( ..i. _ e just as good tiwhich 11 the ebmanure. thus mating mmeans more The t dan- ger and better crops. iii gnis at losa ger to our system ut farming ctop of fertility. There ie too u cop- ping : tort little manure. stem of fs ne eel a a more intensive s7 intne and the more we get out of our sods a nti the more we return the mons wdl be out returns and mum/action in feeling the soul is being pushed to its utmost cspacity.-Farm and Home. A 0010.41 tor c.e...ber nag.. t ane night a few ween ago, upon go- ing into tie garden we found numere°s black beetles on the small cucumbet planta, which were being eaten by them The thought that the smell of turpentine might drive them away matured t. action and we immediately ed s small piece of cloth r � Viral d the spirit, of turpentine le t� to be seen. The morn- ing not kept beetle growingand Were look- ing on •f we found fine, when •Imo days ago the striped btlg just swarming on them. We again applied the same remedy and m • few moments not a striped pest was to be seen. -Matta* of Maine. AFr1Cfl the be to steak i the RQwMv d the bees -41 ras•Ils ee has received tsgnl•r nee of Agar's Pea He asyys:es a•h I was (e_kag sick and tired and any sto.tacb seemed all out of order. 1 triad • steamier of remedies, but none wee imdecseemed to pv+rebef until tM reliable Ayers isdaced to ti'y Pala. 1 have takes onlyone box, but 1 feel like a new man. think they are the moat pleasant and easy take anything 1 ever rased, being w finely sugar-coated that even a child will take them. l urge upon all who are In Need of a laxative to try Ayers Pills." -- Boorthbay (Me.) Rq'u'kr. •• Between the ages of five and fifteen, 1 was troubled with a kind of salt -rheum, or eruption, chiefly confined to the legs, and especially to the bend of the knee above the calf. Here, running sores formed which would scab over, but wuu!d break immediately on moving tthe M mother tried everything couId think of, but all ons witbout avatl- Although a child, I read in the papers about the beneficial effects . of Ayers Pills, and persuaded my t me try them. With no greet faith lin et the result, ane procured new he !fat a Little Ons* Tleaeaetll to Meed. In this play take babe's hanu, or that of an older child (tor this play is a favor• ire with children even after they have reached the age of three years), and lay the thumb in a natural position by the forefinger, with We nail somewhat raised : then lay each of tit. little ones fingers in succ.•ssuon on tie palm of the ,*Lite I:and. tatting care that the metals joint of each finger d. Numb ot e i.0 d tete yond the tip of the severe drew requirements, has very naturally given w ay to croquet. That time-honored game now comes to t1» tore es the treat outdoor means of display- ing the varied new productions of the dressmaker and the fashion -dictator. Though tennis was great fun and many are still euthusastic admirers of it,wa0en old and young were furred to admit that it was not • pastime conducive to beauty or permitting any of the graceful poets that are part and parcel of (he old game that has with the change of time and fashion come to the fore again. A oosrre gown of flannel was the most that Doe amid attempt in the line of d b and the flat -heeled shoes nemmary tun about the courts were not apt to make One resemble Cinderella, therefore it was no woodeethat ffeminine fancy tutus to a sprit tits We wear- ing of tis fluffiest of gowns and the daintiest of shore and eves allows a chiffon wasot in one hand while the other dexterously handles a mallet A girl who cannot look well at cro- quet never will look well anywhere, as an exchange aptly sari, for then are more,ties to display ones ba points the a st leisurely elsgant move- ments of that game than in any other style of entertainment generally chosen by women. To begin with one does not resembles boiled lobster, after even as s most exciting contests a rule, is the oondition of the tennis Dlsy see fit the conclusion t is and a11 dainty conoetys womanly so. and trills,pictnrmtgtttare quite pin keep- ing with themwe gaol*, while Uopportuni- ties to show • pretty toot and ankle are unequaled and yet quite pardonable w otnn nesn ty for poWn 9 fon molls shoe on a tory ba os as exhibiuoa. Though tennis may be ten times rel Tteverbtal Daley TSIL..phl. Milk adulteration may be brought shout in many indirect ways. The dairyman who keeps his milk pun can he trusted as an honest man. AS hay is made when the sun shines, b that dairyman w e money intxasssd who managed so that his cows yield milk abundantly when the dairy prices are Rome penpe'WO to forget that the amount of profit eMi • pound of buttet often depends as much on reducing the net of production es in obtaining an en - The dairyman a who dumps ss a mof decayed g The ibefore cows for ecxtecxny's sake,ls injuring his cuslomntn more than if be diluted his milk half with water. as His milk and batter brinlft much in the market as if the foal that produced them was grown on western prairies, and the diffeniaoaco altst adds materially to his dairy 1 injurious sot He commits an eq�wbenj ri Staves ag•i1st he ft•Ibwmeo the carcass of a dead animal unburied is the crow pasture, 0e daily milks with manure -begrimed hans. The milk manufacturerTwhn habitually has rich buttermilk, and hey Lei a thick blanket of cream will arise, is • 00117 individual to employ, ewe when working for his board. rasa batter M it always pays a dairy stand by a manaf•eturer who le dohig Masa work for him. then to take R with a new man who builds a factory toe the purpose of "cunning oat" da eld Ayer'sPilis and I began to use them, and soon noticed an improvement. Encouraged by this, 1 kept on till 1 took two boxes, when the sores disappeared and have never troubled me since. -H. Chipman, Ream Estate Agent, Roanoke, •• 1 suffered for years from stomach and kidney troubles, causing vel severe pains in ya-tous puts of the body em of the remedies t tried afforded me any relief until 1 began taking Ayers Pills, and was cured." -Wm. Goddard, Notary Public, Five Lakes, Mich. Prrpard' Mail. C. Ayer tCo.. Lowell. Mass . by Druggists Everywhere. Every Dose Effective 1 Mint It Artie.. 0 Did I noderstasd you to say h. woe • linguist ••' " No : I said he was familiar w,tb many tosgnsa--be's a doctor.'. rk I• 1. C. Rh -Haase It Co. I have been I:estlemea. -Fee years troultled with scrofulous sores upon my face I have spent hundreds of dollars trying to effect • cure without any result. 1 am happy to say one Bottle of MINARi) LINING/NT entirely cured *r the !test toe and I can heartily recwmrneod i medicine in the world. RONALD MclvxEe, Bayfield, lit. � sts toe4 j dd>kyns ot k124* "= d rows foe taoerdeef 6i manes. 1. most men me Ise eau raise fodder and grub mare i/li tad IMO roger for the dime ba eta bey them, sad til Twr0el'e Termdest. ttans. In 147* Mabnmet II. in forming the siege of Sentari, m Albania, employed fourteen heavy bombards, the lightest of which threw a stone shot of 370 pounds weight, two sent shots of pounds, 00 finds, f of 750 pounds. two of t3,i0 1200 pounds. Ave of fifteen, and one of the enormous weight of 1640 pounds, enormous even in these days, for the only guns whose shots exceed the heaviest of these are our eighty -too guns, throwing a 1700 -pound project' le. our 100 -ton, throwing one of 2000 you and the 110 -ton, throwing an 1800 -pound shot with • high velocity. The stone shot of Mahonmes gine varied between 90 and 82 inches in diameter, about the height d a dining - table: 1534 of them fired ext this occasion weighing, according to a calculation General Lafrny's, about 1000 toss, d were cut out of the solid rock on the rat AesumMg 24 inches as the average diameter of the shot And at the siege, the total area of the surface dreamed was nearly 82.000 .quare feet At this siege the weight of the powder rftred have ,i. mated by General Leroy of Rhodes, in 950 tons. At the siege lsmet cause.! sixteen basilisks, the bealthfnl it has never or dolls eanrw.e, b boa oa.t tart tM Krol, • coquSttpsh qualities that w always en- throwing balk two to three feet in dust cmgtlet ,, the hews cif the points I diameter.---Chambon' Journal. .uninser who know. her goad poi and finds in the genal pastime the best abeam to display them. {ronu$o Tile Mut. Only man can swear about the pesky flys To woman falls the bothersome dot dting rid of them. Often it is m0eier b keep things about the holies the Hiss than it is to keep the I wMp or a le" mat we an 6". v lite from „row own with pian.. your o. $ series array from the things. t*05125* the nand ekingmarks • 0.012 aid* of the body. 11rfpyieg one Pio Turk *mow 1 ,ham *Pt"- 18 or 10 geoersly. a» oke everih end int walk • a immune I nPertures through which air a admitted found ars the ghastliest objects.A to or � 00 the system. but ferried in .o -h a way woman doom a oonhim r7• Ascher t that no .extraneous matter dorm. by se_7 woman sertaerie ler tt�P sad id pin poaihilty. find entrance- theHanntetl a fb tistdelarge Nguema a �� t I tr tot horny lip* chase InP b{�,,,�din Baa les will d the insect : agate love t,4** ei. we rms. www b I they asod utdhickl fringed with stiff, inter - hi. is*°( wits hen sorra ought ` ung bristles (Mining $ Alter, through slisds Pie snows- wNk,h 541 own only piss lit the sr- sagitit _ !tit less 4r bus i range art in hatever it aetins that be, It invariably v rumble •' tee moble" what.N r' to muni! perfect in te* In inject Wile hen el a ear selt#rs� ea seed armsrt bead insert with erne en penetrating a whim he is warted Tial. It latae u of whoa. t LALs Mt1I.188111/rand.{ subject nterm*d in Nae it a:11d pmsae*rsshi seetlsa5msa We went es nags trot et Wi- tte r 5 et etal. nw ag _worth Met wet the nee Wbetier Rgers. SPECIAL BARCAIN4 Goods Aboul gall Price 1 e We have about 900 yards, of Colored Dress Goods that we are selling as follows : 50 Cent for 25. 25 Cent for 15. 15 Cent for 10. 33 " 20. 20 " 14. 12 t tl 9. 30 " 20. 18 " 14 10 " 7. The most of the above are all Wool and good Shades and must be sold to make way for Fall Goods. 35 Ceut Tool Challie for 25 C. THBSB COORS HE DICIDBD BARGAINS. Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. 5% discount for Cash on close cut regular prices, rrA first-class Drees and Mantle Maker up -stain. COLBORNE BROS ■j GODERIOH. Great Carpet Warehouse - of the County. I it a3 { 1 1 #4, Vev1 /mall Tort mews us s WaM. to any moderately large insect. say • PETERMAN'S ROACH F000 NOT A )i POISON /ATAL TO COCE1OAd1Es Ae0 WATER tuts. �e by ye. erste'•. W..mf etw n rR awster&ant1 we se r..re+ heewe it ywrew21 Menta lilts, Nilsen a Cee, w_ii_ "'-'' fMelda. Lie A en es Net !meet. Alf• e4. t.sertst+w w sex L Pe 880111 brmt.rs•+ •tlr•••t•a.r• I troavnt{a+u.....41.=. �iii rat 5*It..m..4w1Ns I. Ira CLA SPIRIT taw ssuss(r- tiM ae Tt• MiROMw MT. ea rres.leberenm a limo wtwr. `aws ineesAe•o °'Men'`•....., free Cmaa►ae*willw• sMorti 4141 St.= Street, Montreal. Montreal $ ,,pt TIADf p` V 11 Wall �° COUN patter 1 ; NcANTNUNt 11.Cao+ Fa rf 1■ xraa► maw of his ecus a sot 1 gone r scud itemise with median+ as it t Mho b fire awe net to gree ..• t3+4 trlllt Iia of war 110y nan+rrtrr. The nwre is fatale itis • Wan 1 asst tthee planed wider the receiver of to air rsspnwrsiMlit7 In title-rtiryctMxt, tad acts) 1=164 the 1 , obi Y 10 M /E tY► pump. yenos pent tY,tts apo it, tae ••••++ ` COMA TIMM MEM Ito OIL f, 6SM, tRq. Aesrnees M,,l Wadi 11 Phu, ifes�dl �aliirt LIMAS fie - Wog rewuui a USW OM AFI. L HOLD Prism R4IM- TINI Craig era= mTNII SUM w MEOW, twain book Mit Beta Dena !Ail NAwbessepallaffradt L l0 a11Af.L.ltwne' THE EQUAL OF BT'S PARISIAN NAIR INENEVER Mimes he bend. far.emwrfOatbarMfIs sassed este.' NA bog I M kegs e . Mat ellim nal *sato est fres tum 4 m4rol. r noes ire heir Irma rag oak Fr•m50* Om dewsi, ad stele ire !alt trrd eel WM. and ernt06 oI Lath : wtr• mod es rtweral M was awe, dos M M. SW M or Lal s Wee el *sig attar plegirillkia. ad M MIA NSW IYa seg does law east. FOR eALA BF ftko 3 4 tits MOST "WAS" R[4EOy f9R PVRIFYING THE BLOOD %Cestwenfss.Iod19plt11n Dyspepsii.S011f 906 ► t0ur1 AND WW1 Lam GM O. A' r Ei 1A Fttsrtoderlch. thee a • L'a 3 , _ s s , i Jr; lA 2 s N 1 i as-„ ig I . > Q A tt O a. 13 1 3 01 0.W en l i racii 1 2° i I les. 31 Id• o l I 1 i ,-$ n z >s '7 V J_ y ;fga I 8 L C'3 O /14 1V. 13I 9 '0 O :le /all : ;:l ll, itilli1:2! (if; 0 f e :X818 1 1e .11 viw r.,...... ,...., 6 .4 le ; 11:4 1 11; ii !I 1: I a iiili ig Is - = e '3 II f b i tD " 11 I 11of • S sU li . :. 1 a� �; be • W 0 4i1 E F� �� 1 ft 11 . 11; ao A 41: is 0 r6Ja r * $ I B - i. i ` 4:: w Q) i • C'3 Caxelege Z uiacttzrer, Revive pnrelsasd the bushman et ffioCREATS & WALKER 1 news sees arranged, ant only to oeathla the Carrie. Trade, bat have &died to do di ekes= of week I0 HOBSB-SHOBIIR 1111 GUULLL BL1CISII?HII�e griid[ HUT THE B1tSST OT WORKMtIf SM?LOYl1) IX HEART DRYAATWt1RT. 2596-1 y. 521TO. b WALSER, ill.