HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-8-10, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERIOB. ONT. THURSDAY. AUGUST 10. 1893. The sissy Bargain We have ever offered is A JOB LINE OF CANADA TWEEDS To sell at 60 Cents per yard. Sow ne Winne .p • Mr' The MYswhg pinus front an little by Framme L Willard. pubbshed seise tics Mos i. The Iodise' Hems J.sre•li sero fib el sssgestMns tee the receptive Homier. A boy is sat obloog boa of stored ap enmity. Repression is precisely wt at he calmed pet up with ; be was made to react widely upon the world, sod he went. to get about it. Destiny tot btu is lerinix based upon his mother's " 1)0 " or " Dowd. if she is s woman with a doleful " Duet " in her seal. be is ha.dawppd line the ward se. But it the dulcet Do " is het ker sets, he is almost sure to win the rase of We. It is the `lacy of kindersides trataisig that the .child is there draws eat to do things oriels! and good. He is lad as - ward into those habits of healthful activity which are the Less of the only happy lite. It is the sorrow of tan thousand nurseries that ilio contest oommaad is ' " i)us't do this," or „ Don't do that, you noisy, naughty boy." It is a tris of modern lila that children are brought up by eervst& rather them by smothers. To overreach his n urse u one of a boy's earliest lessons t sod to overreach the sea to which that nurse be- longs, and which be early learned to judge by the earliest speciosa of it that thwarted his small purposes, is not unnatural to many " • boy grows tall." The average boy, br..gbt up by his mother, judres all worms is hie estimate of bei ; the largest good she nam bring to womankind and to humanity is to build ber beet self into slut boys char. anter. If she is steely mioded,even headed, eoyai.hestt.d, bo will be so. That the father is a powerful tactor in home training everybody knows. seed that be ought to be one still mare powerful .11 earnest men coo - fess : but forever it remains tr.e that each boy's life mays to each mother - This heart first caught its steady stroke, This blood its crimruo hue, 1rum thine Or, .a the quaint old proverb has it " God could sot be everywhere. so He mads mothers.' And, 'o the everla•tinit credit of those steed guardians of the cradle, let it be said the. so "lie credentials mare stronger her's Longer than these words :• ahs SI.smamd atone. " i never pais that house that I do not see tne.t pretty little woman ea the lawn. She must spend most of her time there.' • \ e. ' replied Brown, " she does : shoe • • grass widow." You can find Tweeds in this lot WORTH 75, 85 ADD 11.00 PER YARD. Your Choice This Week for 50 Cents. JOHN T. ACHESON. r OPBH FOR B3PBCTI011 AT MUNROS Nary, Black and Colored Storm SE_^es, Whip Cords aorl Two -Toned need Effects. A full line of Liack Stuffs in Cashmeres, Barathee'f, hip Cords, Sciiel Cloth, All -Wool and Silk We'P Hen- riettas, Amazon Serge and Bengaline, Tog pita with rFrench and Printed Piques. Te : : EXTRA VALUE 1N White and Grey Cottons, Sheeting*, Pillow Cottons, dc. Napery Department well amwrted. New limen ere etml/g ea as de'as posablr. PER CIIiNT. DISOOUNT POR DASH. may,_ t , Drayer and Haberdasher. running a it Casco. erns -Black Water mad t,anowi" la HAaraai s. We were about to start oat • cruise down . neer which the lambs:w•o said could sot be ••rens," as it was shallow sad rocky. we could tied no me who had bees down sad so sot kaowing u ytbiog about it we regarded it se • pleasant prospect. • Aavraen.' Swag • professional guide and heater, bbd moody Lams is eaataot with People - it "spse orts."be called tbus- whohsd no woser aniseed the wood. Nan they were overcome with admix* to h7 VI fugue or exertiea ass deo great :ne grand purpose wee to kill der sad de - .pal the trout SKessn. but to go wander- -at aimlessly down a stream which by po- eral consent was ispesewcable for boots, and then out tato the clearings where the maintain spring was left behind, sad where .mea and mill -dams sod agriculturists took :he place of the dear and the trout. was a scheme which severquite got straightened .at in his mind. ith many miegleing', .sed • rery clear insaoa that I was sew- •Ity dereard, " Has" allowed that "wire ill &bo.td. We pushed out into the big lake and paddled. As we skirted the shoves the triad howled through the giant hemlocks. sod the ripple, nom away i.to obits -caps on the lir shore. As I wielded my double - Mole paddle sad i.otinetively enjoyed the wildness of the day. I oleo indulged le $ wsseioas caloalatbu of how IosR it meld take my skirt to dry to any back. It in such . pity to mix • dump shirt up with the wild stone. as it harries over the dark woods and the black water, that 1 felt saw ;wings; but, to be pertectly &actuate, they divided my attention, and, atter all, man is oaly noble by fits sod mason We come masked the head of the river, end • water.otorege dam and • mine oft&iime &emi- peads ebt•,.pamade a "c.a*7 seal taking rM.er7. end psoks the esves..s- ellen es ear shoulders we started dews the trail. The teeter. of this sort of thing has eygahilelr piffled fa its shy se any ever indeed. A treak-per- tr is a essaeer hotel @haply dos far a few snoods what we de by the hoar. .ad se fee remocileg this to as ides el pyisal enjoy - meet, it cannot be do... It's a emboli saes - lel your entheinast is a perms who would helose ill % A Wash Day AND No Steam IN THE House Meek Moab C*.rwss. Uncle Clover (banning nsusie at Chinese theatre)-Y�y, I game we bad better sot go is just yet ambits. Moody -Why not Ussls Clever -Weil, I gesss they re havio tresb1e with the bees swarming. immose sense Tread. " its is tlaged •IY t nsumass w asked the small person who observes. • WLy, no, dear ; he doesn's act. What made you think ser " Why, look bow be drags his feet whoa emu walks Like • ship without • rudder is a man or woman without ne•lth lad the necessary strength to perform sir ordinary dation of life. When the appetite fails, whoa de- bility sod • disordered aosdities of stonssch Liver, kidney. and bowels email you, take Ayer s SanaparUb- Thip is the time at Tsar RCM. !na p� gay his wife to pour ice -water down his back and jingle .leigb-bells while he works up a Christmas puem.- Puck. "Puffer has quit smoking altogether. Did his wife break him.. Yes. "How did ober "I think with spring dram. and bonnets. "-L'hicago Inter - Ocean. Sensemos Ate. In neeseesn Fee. Perhaps there is so article that is put to e• many practical ore m tae household ma kermess ed. It is used as a liniment, as a labrinest, as • ieteriteat is the tawdry : for oil stoves, for lamps sod to kindle firs. : end while it is a good serveat it u • very bbd sunder. A large percentage of horrible accident. a caused by the igeorMace or aim - lemma of those who beadle it. If tires aro to b• kiedl.d with it never trust the eau tat. the heads of ignorant servants or children. sad river trust even yomrssll to tura oil directly from the can oo tb �1n�d1- lags, lest there bean invisible spark among the sakes, in which cess it may ig- n ite the gas in the man and canoe an explo- sion with all la attendant borrors. The ally sofe way is to first turn a little into • cup kept for the purpose, •sed throw it quickly over the kindling', and then touch tt off with • match.is to tutu down Asother unsnf. pesetiosb to tura smoke, for • burning lamp low enough the purpose of saving oil er ebtrmiieg • sub- dued light. The vapor sons fills • tight room with a poisonous rtes wholly unfit to brioche, and there have bees i.steness of death .noo.d by labeling this ga. through the hoar. of the night in a aimed climber. Either allow the wick of • lamp to be high waliegto barn dear, otherwise extinguish it right way to do skis is to turn set and a as to shut light) ac the top off the alf the dame, and than blow slightly ohimasy, but never directly down the chimney, ss that is meal& Lamle should be filled and trimmed in the morning, and never by lsap-tight : atter being filled, if the wicks aro tarsal down i will preveat the overflow of oil es the sedans of the AND the wort so cat down that. Yapese girl or dslicat• wombat ••e 6o • damply wuhlse without bel.a Need. Ns Nuts 1..11 TO INT T You Say: HOW 1 *uligbt, SOA SDA 4ft+tdlllg' to ><is7 Pat •ride your owe ideas nest wsabd•y and soy the easy, clean. " SU�YL IGNT " way. • Donne, Let another wasloday go by without n i trying it. Me Was Away alai. 1 be-1'oa said Mr. Moneybag iris o w • distant relative, sad sow you7 your uncle. He -11 you had seen him speak tome tram his carriage yestsrd•y you would have thought bins distant .ammo. - AUNDERS & o. R0ARD FURNACES �ogz. We ere headquarters for the ;best Coal The Wens tress. Dein Stan, -About three you -sago I was troubled with dyspe • in its worst toren, neither food nor tine would stay on m7 stomach. and it seemed impaseible to get relief. Finally I took one bottle of B.B.R. and ase box cf Burdock Pills, and they "1 dot see say sense in calling them my calling shoes." He -Well, I notice you make about twenty knots an I our to keep them tied. -Chicago Ocean. cured toe oospletely. 2w Mao. S. B. Suite. };nmsd•le, Ont. —CITY— •sed Wood F.rsaow W O ODo LOCAL REF6H1t.`tCra REES PRICE, FAQ.: MKS. W. T. HAYS.: WE NAGE ALt 01111 OWN T1NARE COAL AND WOOD YA12a- FROM RE—DiPPED TIN PLATES.: DON'T BUY SLOP WOK_! Eave Troughing, Roofing, Cornice - Work, Heating and Plumbing. Special att•ntios gives to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Headquarters for all grades of HARD, SOFT & BUCKSIiTH COAL. Cet•1 wrighed on either market or thy cicalas. Get my Prices before setae elsewhere. TIM ha CAIN. Telephone t...eett.a. •'west weudwtel, unseat creak r there. Who bas the liver roar "A seas who vatted the tan Ani sever wrote 4 lir' SL Casstitetba. "Why did everybody laugh solong over that story of old Boreby's. t wasn't a bit funny." ..They were afraid he would tell another if they kept quiet." -Vogue- "What are you so fury about r said ate employe to another. 'I'm at work on a fire -escape." .'Going to patent tiiit?" "No. It's my teaignatioo g - ton Star. Alice --Ob. dear, it le .o awfully hot. I know I look just like a )wiped lobster, don't I? Kabel - Yes. Alice -You horrid, masa, old thing 1 -Minneapolis Journal. Although se a rule the girls are no ad- mirers of stinginess when the right fel- low comes along few of the fair ones object to a certain degree of clomme n - Buffalo (courier. u C. Mouses t Cc. GeN1towee -For years 1 have bees troubled with scrofulous sse'seapos my lass I have spent hu.des& of delis tiyisg to e1feet • core without ..yel ARD �►aapppp�� I sin to may ea. Bottle LLNIIdENT entirely eared ane end I sea heartily rescsiesd it to all as the best aodioise in the world. RONALD Mctslrtmi r • hayfield, (het d M rimmed say. sad to suffer like an se- abseils is alwaysTh �!� � s 'pMaw aa r t tTMT�� of • asmimur-hotel, tilde he a - .kis daces ad gess vacantly wta.e eltg..n- actin i•a space, is year o.17 tree )Saber•' Veber. dose il/sMvn keg+■' said • bat be is sot a sporaman. The woods sad tens the other day. fields sad the tweed roll of the mean do not � mid bo addedYiO�A�lotsly w the ploy. Makes to him to lona out s� 4 Sb wise food is out into proper morcels. Af- m e date bo ail twomen ache toss e.a.vg bottomdm tooth." .athf.R tali .leapt tM tosser boar, eon Aad when we Nick of this, wire. • bor- with kin k•d •ppatlto fest too M flet. el •. r yM s,. that ' ea the lawyer's door, "mersod re vimahle. A rest a re eros. or ..Gem to dimmer -be book i• five misuses!.. Peadli l ..ins. type, mass p teatsping to if — doa't take tier ten elbow our food, Pralilerlibb sleds •f we aro may' ari ~ ?� phMlw, p.adlirf et Miss .heat a..r tits waste homaie d end if sow bee net• dy.- tbe pia.w .t the earth, with his merit lo kin ce b•oese waked. •t. lie ei 4 *e q w� w etr Y'erk inner. &N in Ism The eastas Molt tswiwae' the bsastifni quiet et the umbel osseine ea youth lobs is „,,alit from his easiest • lbs will wafer, w Mat, ed hh ere The s„ uth lo. i■ Gen nod • ,.tore lie, M diens, Ida nse.t llmii he e . w- b ftb, usu�iy esi.r the ,dowel of -fItiew ay r -taste who, he M t►of th• she's oeaesiv.My lee drvsgaso w I -faster -faster into the brie a ad• dais, m is week 1eaM► d heret ed i m U he hese the iter and boom •haed,f lW 01 hr,' Thee ins the beck rock. awn rip is thickesksa N1i• it "he064 so" ms, war ha left w•der♦se Moms 1. dsput. he soy. He a fighey e e Memo Wand ori awl esraiarasi wawa over- t s ecus with the broth ,tai they nes mom twootatirss a emilaweis to Ari. .em I. 15 lip.", ..y broth W its .' i... ,�,.e e.s. tow the plana of h1• Ills is die Ilp•weer wklo► f�i■d.eet. awe gravita ;she eve SW, an _osiderelime of bs6 ea Mal Y hs�gg"-M t1 ,lino. sero gel lad .I* . bo. J. 1te0"wveah, Magm y, Yaw. write: •ass.%Ssfy fw fwsisn1Ad.wa, facile• " Tv _Williams' risk PiI.. naval sea t f mere rsaeria *Maria.a sad *Maria. Ass nlrlspaa fitter Amman hit fallen. They aro a trawl reesa tri." 1114.4 N all deais.e.r bJ cep set BOn. • haw or 6 Imes lr p g". Hills -How are you succeeding s an amateur photographer Ostrom tar. 1y. 1 have taken seventeen ole and only sixteen were faillures.-Now York Times Tor attdiwt tg.thsr 'sonde terry hg I At, her Mimeo awe wen see. At 10 he whispered to hn **Geed sleht,- Aa1 be weft hat her at 1.1t. —New Vert Prem JOHN B. PLATT, Prop. PROMPT ATTENTION. GOOD WORK. SAUNDERS & CO., .West Street. tee 4y. LOOS MERE! Now 1e the. time to lay in your Winters Al of fibre and Pails of Wood, PAILSreliable, strong and good ; for pickles, lard, 'am or sap, hews or the tap for use at t Tia► treat Serestow Meed Call to fide Market. sten mem era chosen ns.- Nig S PA Grade ne fin glial 4 le n est ntackamilh'•Owl i s• As I .m •rraorine for • couple of cargoes of HARD WOOD LOOK OUT FOR PBICFB. as AU Coal weighed at the market. W. LEE. TelepMwe Cesaeettes. !1-B HAVE YO BACK -AG H E 00005 KIDNEY PILLS "I saw the lady next door give 7 0 • meal, and you didn't do any work Ser, did you?" Tramp- 'rue." -(Ria tried to eat the iGuff she gave pogo Inter -Ocean. '•Tltere'e the devil to pry in this coun- try," said the major. H cried the Colonel; "moneys to right: let him wait. Iikesverybody eke" -Atlanta Constitution. "We had a terrible time with the cew- teeit{en of phsicians in our city the other day.""What about?" They found a disease and then couldn't dis- cover a microbe for it."-Voga- W 1115..'. Mdhi.. 0.. 1Megk+INr. l VIshi saald7. N. T. boas d - tin. hod Or bort this penal me; No .wad, end with da Nor Ile lake, there b the Wm. out i w —W nudged parley --Om. Jim. you wore extravw geld 1M Mr our h.ndkeerchiot O. pDon t you think roar was a gond iia deal of stoney to thew in 1 - Colum Ilperea$Ot. Fant creak -When do 7e0 wptpart dot pitchy over .mquwed swat • slur �i ? tenmd crank -It Wel &orjdf ei pt`s estt.rnl. He t..d a i S a ma - wager hay. -Tres Paws. arises et aisseg meg wnistem era to shot op the .i.ti ">w Hs/t J' ahasell herrOrkin of the wilt& dm . o tSipsee HAa in • tin• ---- taraae ,at„e► Agee rwilrel . L=il1 i IMAM Md f." -OMs fo AND TUBS of the finest materials made for your household, your farm or your trade for every contingency ready and pails made by E. B. EDDY. THE E. B. EDGY COMPANY, MAMMOTH WORKS, HULL, CANADA. SUMMER c000s WILL CURE YOU "teehaoks imam the kid - Rego ars in aweiht Mew P1N us P rd1.J •• r6 pr .enf. of fbb disease • • `)might as vee• try to haw a healthy A f°ltg fewer- :Does therrk Alda•gs ars are Sold by .a &rims ee of prim ye maw p�ear, bbee& taw L.A. Sadah li of t**r�/gag Nog- l.e*ad Aleso/ troubles resift I s tis tle. Cosa fnt, aur er the moot ass. Lightbri s Diabbotoa and Dror dimmers mime toilet erhoro 0.44'. Kidney P1Na aro ted. moo t.. ,...a ori sem* k. a .-r rat c:+ ta«, T.. vow, Wan for WHY 1 The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of the pub- , lic to buy in the most satin- factory manner and best' market. Ready-made Clothing a specialty, and everything in the latest and beat Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times pnces at Does GEO. BARRY, the (loderich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the best stock of furniture and undertaker a supplies! And how is it that he can sell so cheap i BECAUSE TQC Ton1 Cash Slum PAT!tNTS ! tallfm y..s than ISO tOPINI.111$ rtltes...•.t, ..o eu b -de... ie the 11,A. pass A .'eat .Med toot yra/o)tNArot PKM. 1)t► race to .N .0*'.' ti•e 1'. A. Notre .l Ob. •u.., seal w • tea o14.4. tee's 1,, 1.55 (*55 boa theme -owe* Anil/1 M. aL ties se to ••eNw11 agt.ilelaw .f>�wt P. O'DBA. Manager. Patronise True He finds that tt pays in the long run. His motto is : ' Small Profits and Quick Re- turns." He also makes a specialty of picture framing. Give him a call before purchas- ing elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on band. 2357-y OODLBJOH Steam Boiler Works. {»'ABLRHZD 1/1164 A. S. CHRYSTAL, Jts.sssew N Chevest • Dleshl Manufacturers at all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Uptight M Tubular $O= .4=RS, Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet iron Works, etc., etc. Also dealers la Uprigto sad Herlseetal Hitde Valve ltaataes. Astomaue C.tt-Otr lar+neo s epeaaesWmntl w lei. P.loof pi o••• torand siihblw �•�ie! pis'! y attendee tw t!Maly Oat. Weres-Oasoe0M U. T. R. Statics. Goderlea. .Competition. Tire' Clear Matsl.o WA�Ttveia jg ss�s, wlhb hh oa/ p i leilme Rfadslto a.a Su alt \ ei41 tiesum4=1"‘ sever *seem oto dae~� gp w..mCootas.r&a aattlM.a S.0 811.11 MOLre0ID'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR Ater weals TONT= amrwnrrs. 8pecificfond Antidote for Ike• weak end impoveridawd blood, dye. =Nverglggr.misos, p•lpitatine of the et, uesrungia, lose of ats7.�dico. k and unitary diesels, Ilk Vita' 4..s., female irreg. .lsrttlss oad rams) debility. LABORATORY. Mil 11, ONTARIO J. N. MoLEODA pr+lrtdor and 11s.tlreaarar.. b !1rLT% swarm Rnuteva r o.g W ataW.lfla