HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-8-10, Page 3THE SIGNAL: GODER1CH, ONT. THURSDAY. AUGUST lot 1893.
Orsni" es air. p.s `:'oar say ha
LW. GIL.ETt. Toronto. Ott.
i Caries. Ulnae Lesses.
hoses. o. Ike t;.ktatt et CYteteos M
Choleras --•aa le Change Se Vele
Massa se Paeans$ reams to Namur Than
ossa -Weer SI.ess el t.r.r.N.
If oats wishes some late chickens to
kill. uow is a good time to huticb them.
Up est the tenth of August will hatch
the first day of September, and Septem-
ber is a vary favorable month fur the
rapid growth of young chicken& One
extensive breeder declares that ditches=
batched the first of September will be
heavier rit two mouths old titan when
hatched at any other period In the year.
lie does not, of crooner, mean that they
will make so large fowls, but that they
will sake very rapid growth during
September and October. Suob chickens
are ready to to kill by December first,
and should be. for the most pert, mar-
keted before January Snit. They will
be profitable W rare, if killed when
young. A few September hatched pul-
led may be kept over our late suiuuter
layers. [Meng the late summer the
early hatched pullets will not be ready
to lay. and the yearling hew will be
mou1tiag, and hence producing but few
But mann of these late
piglets -each ea bave survived the
winter --will lay right along. Eggs
at this season are high., and hence these
pullets may turn an honest penny for
their owner. Later, when the eastv pul-
lets and the moulted hens begin to las
these late hatched ones can and should
Le marketed. .ember and
Owing to the fact that Sep
October are good growing months, many
Bantam breeders hatch their chickens
now.They set the
d Augustrigthrough cmonth. m the The
chickens get a good start, and then the
cold weather comes on to check their
growth, and help to keep them small.
August is certainly a good month in
which to art Bantam eggs. A few Ban-
tam breeders, particularly those who
breed Game Bantams, prefer to batch
their chickens earlier. They beaeve that
the stunung prose's true to coli weather
protease the -Bantams from obtaining as
symmetrical development at deyw uld
detain if hatched earlier.
Dante Bantams aro really the smalltrat of
all the Bantam family, the dwarfing by
cold weather seems to be much lose
needed. But some, even of the (lame
Bantam breeders, set .bele ntam that mo W
in August 1t r
Bantam eggs are act in obis tooth than
in any other month in the year, and one
could almost say than all the closer
months of the year put together.
Num the New York Retard.m� • heavy Eterett Hak
assaof reaponsib.hty ohs be formed the
Ass of the "tea time pew clubs.
It u hesethlally wtapta Teo prams Set
together sod prepare a letter setting forth
the object for whit* the mosey is required
sad each rods out to personal set ss+ataaoes
or others ten copses of it. leech reouue.t is
o pposed to .. ootribete tea oeota .tad said
out tea more copies of the letter with a
pathetic sdlur•tien that "hey break ia the
dials will result te eerie= ken " to the
worthy object eh
The theory u th• t •'tee mote won't break
ey�y, which is true : bat that the
trotters might break down alder the labor
d accounting for the mossy if everything
vent a..uothly r evident from this simple
Ti. •
first series yields
The locoed sense rade. ...
71e thud ustes T hada .
Tkefourth series yields
'The fifth ..rtes violas
The sixth series yields
Peersavapas ea. ]loos Mbseeo of
Oerreoa 1eterees.
Potato -digger• are of resent invention.
host they ars aow very efficient, throwinit
the potatoes to the surface, leaving taum
la tut rows, and also ekanug away the
taps and weed& This be • labor-saving
arras meet which can only be appre'-
by coniplriug at with the old
method d dogging out lbs potatoes with
a ho.. The digger doss the work as
rapidly as plowing.
A prominent steep breeder, who
pieces higher value ext Iambs than ext
wool. states that if word was 11.e only
product of sheep it would oust 50 cents
per pound, but as lambs are the medium
of profit the wood should cast nothing.
The sereeth woes ids. �- 0.000
The eighth series y ... .
.1 110,000,
The math series yields
The tenth series yields 1.000,000.
Total of tae series $1,111,111,111
b that, If titers were "no which . ie the
dam." a ten times one plan
sell the teeth series ought tbeoreitinall
grid over • thouesertotilhns
practically there are difbouletee in the way,
a manor one being that there are not Wish -
mats enough on the earth to mon ye .ad
answer the bores. •.d that portal cote farm
aantcattoa with Mars amid other supertn- Some of the richest fossas in England aMdtag sows r abs and besot. are those upon which the liquid manures
are saved and applied rru+Qgularly to the
meadows.Cistern» eras distributing
pipes are the means employed. No other
known method of manuring will nuke
so rich a growth of grass.
A well-bred lamb sbould weigh 130
pounds when ten months old; that le,
every lautb iu the duck should be fully
up to that weight. lambs that have
been bred Oxen choice stuck. and forced,
have beeu uiade to attain such weight
wbeu six months old.
There are some pests, such as the
aphids., that ate smaller than the head
of a pin, yet there are parasites that
prey upon them. Many insects that
cannot he kept Mi check by fanners are
reduced in nuntliero by parasites to such
an extent as to render the Meseta incap-
able of doing grout damage.
Ashes will always give good results
oe hgbt. sandy SOWS, and lime has been
found one of the best 1srilizers for such
Tb. mammoth Ruesa sunflower is
coming into favor as a &rpt the beads
of seeds haring Leen found of great
value as an addition to the ration of
Fares Soma.
Ton can't make a crop out of nothing.
You pay money to mend public high-
ways, awl lose as much more by having
muddy and rocky driveways on the
Other interesting resalte might be figured
out from these data.
The 1,111,111,111 letters of. baiy,3�
words each, wouldwoman modersu
300 word. and 0001•0001•11118s
as mote 137,222 years of labour, et eight
boors • day, Sunday sed holidays exoepi
col. from
The stationery ed.if d good quality
the senderprivate .tock, would weigh a-
bout 10,000 tons.
T.. the unprejudiced it will occur that
the -breaks in the chain" vindicate the
heneticteot ooaeervetrm which prevails
the ordering of the universe,
n �tinug ever happens exactly es it is plan-
The Nes and the Cenral.
h on. harper'. Weekly.
Tile fwd parent who objects io aM boy's
becoming acquainted with the water is di. -
appearing. At Int we do not bear s-
hop: him as often s we used to, sed we
bear a good des of the boy' who goes sail-
Iea oa the river or plod 1• s cat -boat. It
may be as attribute of age est to bear ad
mothers who speed aaziaes hour, while they
are in the country, where they should be ea -
toying iheemelre, hast their offspring should
be guilty of the turpitude d colitis. At
NIT rate, that bid ehroaiele of the times tut
fanny p.ragrlpber is jesting less and leas
Tear by year aboet the mother who detects
her wayward child by his wet hair, and
subsequently tries to teach him that water
is had for growing youth.
Tome was la this old when the average
Ian wore tweets on his rap and walked a-
broad holding the hand of -- over careful
parent. Then cigarette -smoking was look-
ed upon as a sere precentor of latemperaaow,
and the boy was taught to regard his viols
as manly beoww their odes wee rebel-
lion. Fathers wad moea.n are mem sir
hie ;bete they were. eek to rut advwatage
of the yooaptsra
Every father site lima in the tidally d
•.vtrable wet- r, said can afford it, seg it to
Ore kis boy • tat -boat, or .t Meet asailing-
asu. That is, of sour.., .seumiee thea
the bey bee a healthy body and a mind diet
works with ordinary accuracy and eoolnees.
I1 he some afford to buy a baht for the
boy. 1e e.Rbt to seek crit opportunities for
him to lanes to rail in other boys' Beate.
To �•gM•� this is to lett cos d the
iOeteseen sift tlbbh. Th
of a ted-hsai�?rruv a family i4 „hut
It make m strong d betty, alert of mind
cool M n
danger, tborbtfsl el the rights ul
other{ wahf-re.p.etfal ant tits in aa•iatal
tog lits o ea t igkta. so
To Preserve
The ricins, ooMr. aad basely of the
hair, the greatest can is necessary,
such berm being done by the gee of
worthless dressings. To be sena d
having a first-class article, ask your
druggist or perfumer for Ageee
gtpr. It is absolutely superior to asy
other preparation of the kbod. h
restores the original color and fullness
to hair which has become thin, faded.
or gray. It keeps the scalp cool, moist,
and free from dandruff. It heals itching
humors, prevents baldness, had impart*
Late cabbages cannot be neglected.
The crop thrive', only when kept tree
from weeds, and it delights in frequent
cultivation of the sal, Too touch work-
ing among the plants cannot be bestowed
ua the cabbage crop.
Crab groes is a moist persistent .reed at
this season, and though it tnsy easily be
destroyed when young
gfit r quirromore
it ha. trade
labor than can be give
growth. Its roots are large and have
a strong hold in the soil. To keep
down crab grow the soil should he culti-
rated after each ram. or whenever the
yettng plants show that the seed has ger-
A kitchen closet that shall combine
shelves and charts to contain cooking
utensils, the various small packages of
groceries and whatever is needed in
cooking, will prove a labor-saving in-
stitution and is not difficult to construct.
In numeral scientific experiments, it
has been shown that linseed nasal gave
a butter very soft and oily; haand
coarse food as exclusive diet gave hay
crumbly, white and insipid in flavor.
Oats largely ted in the ration, the re-
verse. Heavy feeding on silage of in-
ferior quality -much art baa not inappro-
priately been called "eourkrout' -gave
butter d very inferior quality, bit little
tetter in general appearance than lard,
while butter trade under a ration con-
taining silage of supers quality, frog.
Maine well advanced toward maturity.
was of excellent quality. Cottonseed
Meal makes a harder butter with a high-
er melting point Both flavor and qual-
ity are affected by the fond. atsertoI',
to the contrary notwithstanding.
a silken texture and lasting fragrance.
No toilet can be considered complete
without this most popular amid etagatk
of all Bair -dressings-
.. My hair began turning gray and
falling out when 1 was about ss years d
I have lately been suing Ayer's
Er Vigor, and rt is ..aua,. a new
growth of hair of the natural cot.._ "-
R. J. Lowry, Joie. Prairie. Texas-
" Over a year ago 1 had a severe
fever, and when I recovered. my hair
began to fall out, and what little raaaahee-
ed turned gray. I tried various rt/asadee.
but without success, till at last I begam
An acre of clover will produce more
pork than an acre ofand � po
w111 to of better quality
duced from corn.
'Though white clover does not grow
large enough to cut for hay, it.has a
thick mat close to the ground, and is one
of the very beet pasture plants. bearing
close cropping and quickly growing up
again when stock is removed. The plant
spreads by rooting o the surface se well
as from its seed. which is found plenti-
fully in the heads o' bloom at nearly all
times d the growing season. Its seed
remains in the sod many years if con-
ditions are r.ot favorabletoits growth.
Hence it often reappe.rs where the granees
have failed after te 'o or three osseous in
hoed crops and without &sty.eed of d be-
ing sown.
Since the discovery that peas equally
with clover bare the power of .sing
atmospheric nitrogen this crop is receiv-
ing more attention- It is one d the
crops that leave the soil richer, exoept
in mineral elements, than they find t
But as a green menu». pees are not
equal to clover. The pea early in the
season has Tittle power: if any, of using
atmospheric nitrogen. and by the time
this power is fully developed, it is too
lata to plow the pees under as a groes
manure that season. In a clover crop,
though the mod nitrogen is found her
soil towards fall. the soh can remain un-
plowed until spring and with much lees
waste d fertility than from peas, wbich
his wttb frost and leave the soil naked
ottgbout the winter.
Ayer's Hair Vigor, and now my hair is
growingrapidly and is restored to its
originalMrs. Annie Collins,
Dighton, Mas.
1 have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for
nearly fire years, and my hair is moist.
glossy, and in an excellent state of
tion. I am forty years old, and
ve ridden the plains for twenty-five
years." -Wm. Henry Ott, diol "Mus-
tang Bill, Newcastle, Wyo.
Hair Vigor
Prepared by
b Des m • As•Co..
whim L 'fa"
e. Was." la 11.
" You are cwt is your set," chuckled the
old Sbaagbai ben, peening the goose eggout
of bar nest with bar bill.
The Nest *comer.
Gas* Soot:., -I was gwtly troubled with
weakness, bas of appetite, restkimie.. and
steepheasise••, and found Ip. B. R. the most
strengthening and be 6.c.&l medicine I have
taken. Moes Reaswr,
2w 34 Halter hat, Tomato, Get.
The average yield of milk per cow in
England for ops year u •trot '2..x)0
quarts. which is &n exoeiileal average,
but w Wcb should lo Larger.
If the labor d ,ir,.tmyinmgg weeds is
.nae than the farmer is wtllint to br-
p, mach
as may demand cu!stow he should phint tivnuon ote r hoeing.
and if the crop does not more tion pay
for the Labor there will be a fj. [tin
killing the weeds, as they he fa
nest year.
tr.edi.g Whelms to Noss
The Stockman gives the experience
d as Ohio feeder in this way: Mr. 0.
A. Cory. of Roes County. Ohio. a bog
broader d many lean experience, /loch
wheat largely to bio hogs because it is
at ruling prices than wheat is
feed than cern at 40 cents. it
"nay* warty tour times the
bprr�/ogri tng elements that
calm It le a more
perfect ration for a growing animal on
When the crop is thrifty and grows
rapidly it will not suffer se severely from
drought and weeds as one that is tack -
ward and of sow growth.
h•r troy saw sit s car i this wocouaf. M well as being c per.
brie awl w rasing with aaeeb+r DoT' oat' t begins feeding wheat as soon
Dant. n % ee re rases ho ems wh oke Mr. � e0p.gh to pick it rape
haw of r jot .1 way, anti helms is w ha= until stout six weeks
*very .J'u tags tial e. subtly ►N. He �� all m he turned off. then
rc..ua fae.LNni the. r were bee, de y for a couple of
Tel .ped tise is nay seder g.m• a*Mgt tgreegoeuca� on a full core re -
MVO ie a Hasse le Them.
Tagleigch-thy did that beautiful Miss.
Loveleigh take the veil' W agleigh- Be-
cause every mac she met proposed to bar.
Tagleigh Was that any reason for her Ix-
co*tmg a nun Warleigh - }-es, she
thought it the easiest way of bang a sister
to them all. _
•Moors'. Uateseal eaves V Calsoe.
If the poultry yard has become very
foul by long occupancy with a flock of
fowls by changing than to a sew loca-
tionwhile lbs yard that is vacated
oold be plowed and treed in the spring
fora garden. It will need
and there will be • prospers forsecuring
very large crops of regetabies•
Taxes for good roads is the best invest-
ment a farmer can make. Hauling a
load over a road may require half of a
day or only hour.an ceding to the
oonditios d the read. (food roads save
time. labor. wear of animals and vehi-
cles. and offer greater inducements to
growing larger crops.
0f 10414, wbfeh a oat -brat final
wean, the football geld Wlibli s
meas» himself armee Minos
while the erRr 454
ate stead aplest the inelAPIS diansaW ld
ia..tiutat. ware.
•' 3et ambient* mow with sus-bsatst"
Re they de, aid .n they iiiwith
b e /ala•, sew boats, balls, MN. sops
goo far tits raft tato. Imola. I1f. hog.
4i a covering*. the grain ration
tan Wird Bora and two thirds
*Mak They te fed twice as daetesetly theay se h ar-
jLr always y= .f pure drink-.
lag wilier ted . daily supply of salt and
Woo Gonad wood. He ears that if
feed Nonaain • dry pen he would
Tbs more the
ism old proverb,
buteunlerisall ofo[ the
produce ole the farm is consumed by ani-
wcontain buts
small propped= of tiemanureruired.
By eosdgning all rubbish and clean-
ings to a heap. and then reducing th
whole to ashes, hundreds of insects will
be destroyed. The great daatege don.
by the blackberry boxer during the peat
few years might Mee ben prevents if
the affei••ed ilia*. had been hunt before
the borer secured a 8rnt lodgment. As
it is to -day many blackberry Reids a»
being p:owed up for SUMS outer crop.
the ipsrtlre game of tag Wilt ye. haw .inure the rrtieai feeding M the end.
rhrile say a "muff" e- a •she"t AeeiirNr ,ally redeems it ; tat as a e. the
e happs i• sat heats, and esesegta•a Nay l,alaoeea the rstkst admi»My.
•ee fatal. het hew sway fatal sod/soft Cman.,r d feeding tut wa eat may
have happened t. ►syr who have Iles pee' I leve enmAideK to do with his we
p.►Iy roughs to hwndle their eat brat M es wen mi tut nets. fes she
Net easy. Th. .real eat boats oteih alexit the este go, foe ettbickoes, H a
h•p,w t. tie fell -greens Ig. sail. . eke► ( Myst k sea a Ilttlis
l..be t saaatiaa•
etat..with rr.har �messs. W regio wM W �s r away* tad will«arid
sed .widen{• to them era sot M he �/.s IN 1 sIM� Nlma Mr. C. makes �'
Was Was _________, !(caul-h,hwaa .. oleate. ! as to isle patodo
N 1. Ise that If lea tir11sM teaks a real awn waft age bet be Eirmet say boo
M N n
Tour bey, M nasals M use* A a ; aim* ht coats is moats this moult
hoc i u- - ostia WI rtwoltie+m prvill
_ -_---...+..aired.
Fording the calf should be dome care-
anesholly. 1t may belled os akimilk. tood t
it le not Safe to rely opera bilis d
the summer, as there is a poesi 7
the milk booming scar, is which case
these is oleo • liability at the calf laving
the "sonars." It is better Se film boa
milk. eve if it is a lade Mere expos -
Goods About gni Price 1
We have about 900 yards of
Colored Dress Goods that
we are selling as follows:
50 Cent for 25. 25 Cent for 15. 15 Cent for 10.0
33 " 20. 20 14. 12 ; "
30 " 20. 18 " 12: 10 " 7.
The most of the above are all
Wool and good Shades
and' must be sold to make
way for Fall Goods.
35 Csut Aoo1 Chalk for 25 Cts
Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs.
b% div..;runt for Cash on close cut -regular prices.
UA first-class Dress and Mantle Maker up -stairs.
Great Carpet Warehouse}
of the County. J
As. - -�ic�--•.e.=� -.s aced �a
Royal [lactic Co.
£,..**.teshite� lina
iN T Unlit
If Hanle LW! AIN
,*_sane.► ta. ne.as.s.
M to IS wrm.gala tit
NOT A Alittib P018011
wve...u.wt.r�abt•e nre-ta w,-me••n.n wow V r'e"l ea.... a to -rets •w•1•
Ewnc, IIERIM & cue
clots Mtn., lm s NI ea Past Moen, M STMAL
Sae y swabs of W Mos 3*_.* �rseu- �. P. 6fl01ifl
e�sse°Hf.�•_*. tj*-.ales- www aLn
Asa. Maur Lw t Soar 1 N
oar, s. su% loth. tenon.
.- .Y`."
eew.r.•aeaae.& eve wzestli aeldoev rase
n,P•• Imo" Csiorooa.Orlohe wan4 rl.4Ise
late it, yut f1t►e�ts Moerer.ale
mom:real o ,1,E TRADE p+
pa., . NCARTINtt .
Feat; 11 l'41)"os
Dig the early it. potatoes clear ne Ibs
land, fertilise the held &net pot in a eve
of late cabbages or tundra.but
pilfer land well and harrow *down flue.
Study the surroundings ha..
there an WINO
stint soot hoose. a light gr*y ser
shoed don't whet erten;
emu white te totter. Startling mines
show had taste. 1 paved a frame boose
r.oe.otlr that had red. blue, yellow, pink
and black in layers from foundation to
chi mner. The moss neer seemed to hang
their heads la shame. Another, not for
from them., was painted mal Mack, with
eo relieving eelor whatever. it made
ooh. *Wird a charnel beams.
Heald en the managerial valets of
allergen. phreeptwwio said and potash at
the preset Men.. fresh horse malnree le
wont,. 4411tow. A row
earn r .- - - 01
RM. NW 1. CAM. fes
Apeee. limit Lade
wcnuuE a ue®a MI Mart.
L ADLD his.. right. TN Onig
arms FEATS'S
',ARo lapdal. I313 )Tease [Mee
Oswnt M hook err resselwg grey W► M se
usenet safes OM bee.ey I ft hoop the bad
Alms rag oast, sea frees teem dassiraff, to
11.690 Ow Mir teem falling wo4. atvomt les tie
/nark, and elves ire Mk the dyess beret/
ass Mass& d /aet%; whoa seed es rr..tad
SIM ares lade*. to W1. OW tee halt Qs
gale e/ •ap magi pe4p'rsu et, eau Is ream
Maw Hoa n4 breed bar USK
gdl ever Twkve at Ms. 1 ICU
�pfeparallonof Hi1fD5*Roofs
AIr Medical Properties ditehich
are universally known.
(p15 ►tefSt WAttI*8L( RIMEDrt igA
f tiat•se c¢solveaess Indlges11oaOyspeosla.5ouf Stomas
lfA0ALIE AN Dell't55
9 •
!®I' II 3 2
o •
s iii; 4 I.1 r
is at]a ar roe si e 1
5 t.2 iF a o.f• 1th i 5si i i i
. a j si
6 Isl.-8 �g Q O
j a °
1 s �a
I' S .%
t-� .I9 z-31
is old 0111
1. 6 4 a t f8s~zg fiti foit: I
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Ela: = 1 11 r >6
e(l: i
i se l ill s J t
.0 mill ' II ii tg ; lie% 1 til al ll I
ceseielce ufe ct Xer,
Haying purchased the heisees nt
I have sew eaveogS4. sot e.ly to seatis.e the Carrltys Trade, hat have Bedded be
de all dues et week In
2396 ly
o. ntl�
ser ,. ori.