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a,ssyee .tea -Onift this Dotal•$
• 1 atm. tic AsfatealL
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See Tr&T Toe* Nass r Mutea>t
PI e1 Aayagq.
VOL. XLV.2423.
After ..anew /denies the game/mast
r I Some Wawa porpM la*" be heard .., THE TALK OF THE TOWN.
• exptered hr ewes d the iglmrsute he hasi that this is Dot the Daly thing in ..Meeh the
dt.played br saying, ,• IM e rse, ! should' Americans esrpsat w bat, of .aeras, met
have .o-• Lbat, . and 1y Dais a cyan. I shall be at so aia-
aw ns M the advisability d ebacgitts
rhe etre* Ifgbts from. two tbsswttd to owe
thousand media -power, was also referred
wog ileita F. J. Pridh m. . P. 8 - - wag g to the water end light committee to t+twrt.
tiara . evP- Jelin itTAeies*a 8 sOtise Of the S hti Seen Old the for 'IN f%cola ..alias. About o•i o olook loyal • remark. We stared is the dook BhoPt B1A*Nt10 fPOm thlt H.perr- A fetter of oasdolenw was ordered
kwe-tC. H. Smith. 8 way up the Lealheai. to the dingoes we arrived at Ft. William ; err sight and at 6 A-1. !Saturday wt ont I el.'s Not0-SOO1t. to be draftee to lou trimmers of the
all than aa.ld late Jae. Davison. The monad them adjourn -
To ...8
Mono Statutes -- Ire lwwis.opus ... .. , .
Wasted- May Brea ......... :....
*ism:raw H J. Hill ........... .5
Omen Fay Than. A Brews* .6
saga -H. T.w.ley . . ....5
holm _. R it Stalest.
moo Wasted Stone k Wellington 8
pyawsd Tee iharoad Tea Medicine Cab
ROLygl--la ('Roto.. oe Juty tMt.b. the into
d it,.Li Holman of the New iia, of a
casco. - MARRIED
o JrN O La l) -AI the restaeaa, of
member. Canteen Tr --
nos. oa Thursday. Amgen Ird. tan by W,
aov. Jae A. Andersen 8. A.,
Of Tomas. t Canny ens Ile -
Recon Perk '+•:dors the Inset style is
1a* -at the Emporium', Weft-st.
Fame tuned and orates repaired -- C.
I ..k.to-e. Fast -et., Haod-tnaster of Gude-
en tfuses Head.
Duet forget the laws social, soder the
simples of Koos church V.f .K.C.E., this
tons( +Thursday i in ten asses p-ouadv.
C. A. Humber k Soo have on exbibfties
w Omar wore, • novelty is the shops of a
t alumnae clock.., Look out for his chant'
.: ed. wit weak.
Wky buy your sewing machines tree
g rown et fabulous prices, when you Sas
to the best ntsnufacturwi from V. W.
Timms for Odd 00.
Itch, !!sage sad Scratches of every kited,
• .,an.•ts, :um! in 30 minutes by Wool -
fool's setotory Lotion. This never fails.
Said by F Jordan, Drsggi.t-
nose who wish to spend as iv'tefbg d
tete, wog amid pleasure should wt fall to at -
testi St Ysthew s Literary Society, whish
0111 b. bald mit Wednesday evening, tk.
loth Ia., is the Temperance Hall Ter
prtscalan see posters.
A poaderfu wave of diaasses •neiwt freta
tee bier end kidney s swamies through
4Ls lied of ours, •ser doctors have felled to
sap it. We would advise etesyose, to
onto what their trouble i., to mill sed es -
sins the se•rchtot roma Hew ea esM eft
the nb I tryingeh.o e. i sn ktrying it
prr,aoe it simply wosde al. it le a
,.*mono sense medietoe, beteg composed of
pare hefts. ...1 practically prepared by
medt,al me.n . and brat of all you get yonr
merry hack if you et gem im at e
bele I ed their ad. es pap 5.
1 ate Ileac at Imerest gttlered
Lake Isem1.
Laking has improved slightly.
Tug Dispatch was to Inca port ma Moe-
Sehr. Tarter cleared on Seturday for
serpent River to load lumber for this port.
sir tit of Windsor reported here tie
Saturday Loved down, sad on Tuesday
booed up.
D. K. Strac,mn has bees enraged for
sore time is overhauling the machtsery of
.lea William's tug.
fir. United Empire took as 5 oars of salt
sod • ilea/stay of freight beside • number
of p seeagere, on Saturday.
The mow keeled up on the tenet is the
harbor hes beer pulled to pioos sad • new
.as will be built in its plan.
rapt Frank Pretty, hate commander of
the "1'.r IArd" aad assistant on H.M.S.
Bayfield, lase an.amsd of yacht Norma from
Winton to Gedet{ek.
The crank pin of the Debate broke ea
Slowi ay and will muse • delay of • few
.Lys. The broken worchisary bad to he
seat to Toronto to be regained.
Tug Hoge Rale arrived Ire an Menday
with the dredge Geol. Meade sod .00we.
The drooge will leave for Pert Albert when
Me will be engaged in dteights the harbor
of that plana The tog loft em Tseedey tar
A., her.tb.rg.
from the
hickthou new lea
three for `carnia. The morainic was
- ___ _ I - • tows, w
rears old, 1 bebeeei, rapidly growing. be desired. The sun wrising over the is
It has • good teetotal harbor at the head of Isods is •U bis splendor, cwostng them w be
THE SCENERY ALONG THE " 800." *inn are three fine elevators beton/flag to ' relleetetl in the sheerly waters Everything THE LOCAL DOINGS OF THE WEEK.
the C. P. R., the Isryest of wbicb ooutates . " won the beauty of the morni0j4,' sad how
coo and ose-balf tsilboa bushels of wheat. ' tea than were to ter it. Early netng a
Large boa rill daily : among them those' bean! skip ams w
to be the elptwa to
not groom me. te a ats vrern gavely ea
of the C. I'. R. Line. Those give employ- I the rule. However those who row only re oa„oo_o,„itt\tao Is Grt.t Ihes Gee.
Ment to quite • force of men who seem atcalved the reward, and did not owv.nder Through ibis s111 -1y le.'ve a cele Is w
the moose*they are moored, too ■utnerusms ! that .nythtng had been sacrificed to obtaiS Yrs "ata 1 rete I INN "1 w "dare
are they', almost to rout out of the mesh 1t- We had now every opportunity of be
The streets of Fort W ilham are laid out a* hulling and ea joy:ng what the twin had Amass re Takla* Seto...ad teals Men
pr'virtual y hio*krd tai from @wine well. Ores' se.
Out 1 feel how ieade;uatety words can des-
cribe mach exquisite rotatory. The best 1
ca• ea
do is to adv.. you to see it for your-
Toe Marvellous Teale at the lacks -•t tie
Bred of the Lakes -Slew Me lmsemp a e
talered Themselves DsrDsm a I.g-The
tangent's Geegeap\/ml &anodes* -The
Limn.•. as Peri Millis..-eulail-
■emew wed less&
thrills• tor Tu SwOAL
00* insistently hears in thew intensely
practical days that Due &!wind do Duthie!,
without haviatt io view • definite purpose.
Without queetiamtag to truth of this a.
scrtioo, 1 lay gayest open wean 'contempt
amounting to soot 0" when 1 meteor that ex
wetly what my object was in taking the
resod trip on the Monarch I do not know.
Whether it was to renew health and
stn.rth, to mink abuodesce of fresh air,
to gain increased information or to enjoy
Ike .celery, that the trip was sought, 1 can
say •ply that all Ones things were •tt•ieed,
and that I feel more than sanded wink the
resulta of my joortey. We left 1.odertch o0
the morning of July 12,h with the weather
bright and clear, and shortly after luucheon
reached Kincardine. where we remained
bout en Dour. When we got out
we felt mese then recompensed for its M-
ame by the knowledge that if pan air was
to be obtaia.d, it was to be ennead here.
The paesmp/s bolsi mow throws epos tbeir
own resources for nonseise. kips to get
sequinned with see iseather, sad to feel
more at home •rest their serruundinga
Having kens Wormed as M the beauty of
the asesery Meg the 'Ike River, most of
ea ram early eon og 5 order to view
it. We were sot di W. Loeg, low
stretches of coast lime, stall clusters of te.
Linde dottrel here and there ou both sides
of the aver, presented a most picturesque
Now sad then oo tni coast,
wich o d ewly wooded, chiefly with
birch, would be sees clearings on which
were . dew hems, and in some cues •
church and • MMoo1. Ons amid dimly ha -
"gine the loneliness of • life in mat pl•oss.
Yang of the islands seem mothlag mac thea
chumps ot trees. Bemuse of the desertion
cherseter of this neer, boats sail in it very
slowly, sod their passage is marked by bogy.
The only drawback to oar fall eeloyment of
tIN sessry was a be.,; rats which fell all
moneing• As we drew seer the Sant. we
had • view of the Shiogwsak Hesse for
ladies boys. About 10 A. r. ea were to
the desk at the Americas Sault awning
ta1JSMd es Om lata
All are eotitlsd to the hest that their
W eary will bay, soevery family should
have, at o., a bottle of the beet family
ronoly, Syrup of Figs to closers SIN sye-
oo wham cosive or biliom. For sale in 75
pest bottle@ by all bodily dragtirsta
all p.rt e. g.3* %bar osls nth tonne a
tktsai..-wee b•va free reties lasered
is this Hat p to the than et mai,.
Aro:. 12rn.-Aeolian sale of household
(miter* ea Saturday, Aug. 19114, at 9 r. s.
at the Ambles Rats., Cl.ib's MM.
Thos. (lundry, AsetiamMr.
Aro. 18r.. - Auetim male et goods W
elan** at W. KHUps, hot 67, Maitland
Ms., Gdsriok tawmship, es Friday. Ase.
18114. Thema Oo.diy, auctioneer.
Ara. Ms.- Ameba ren el household
fosit.n BMs_d.y. Aug. 1216, at tis Aso -
os Romm, '. look Jobs Irm" Week, l60Ilr. aunamembeg •
right eagles to each other: ted as yet cam
boast of no boulevards or avenues. The
buildings are mostly frame, and though as a
rule tb.y are tastefully bulli, the enure ab-
sence of trees gives them • desolate appear-
ance. The woods outsmart fur the greeter
part of tamarack, which is of so use for
shade- user the winters are too severe for
OFR TCR.'( TO rani. T.5Orull THS Lace,.
The great amber, variety, sod etre of the
boats here, interested as very much. Be
Mos others, they composed tugs, bargee,
.te•Rsers sad wh*Mb•cks; and ••nougat them
we Mw the large. Mw steamer, Manitou,
which runs between the Sault sad Chicago,
turd the captain of widish is eat townsman,
Jas. Parsons. It is maid to be one of the
Guest mutants on the lakes, and to judge
from it. outside .ppe.rawos, it is so, indeed.
Oa account of the di.agre@•blenese of the
day, we did not leave the Monarch, but
ooutsnted mu -salves with looking at the
bosom se theo pared op and down. and with
rotting what glimpses we told of toe
Amnion Sault. Situated on the nasal, and
in the midst of a m•g•ibosst park is • large
betel called lbs "Iroquois." The grounds
ttre w beautifully laid tut, with handsome
walks, hedges, shade -tree, sed fotntaios,
thin 1 should consider this • most denudate
plate to stay ►L To the right of the meal
ars the S•.lt rapids *blot w marl,
t e prettieoe as their name. At10 ,b
after almost four beats, our taro arrived to
go through the leeks. After we had enter-
ed the Mad, we were pheegeapbtd by ao
fen them three tnterpri_teg neem-o(tba-
esteer*. Wham we had Isle Ste locks, the
rust Shag MM .tussled our attention
was • ssecidas whkh was drilling the rook.
This r$ebias was se black, and smoky, and
withal so &okay that ane would alma.t be-
lieve that it had same arramotten with •
etrnt.at mete lower than the bright, red
rook It drilled. Of Diose.. • dredge *60 nim
working here. Ani sow we are is
Melt Memo.
feel Wee sod
Miss malt. and ter may et and
(noel., sad have yes bees theappoisted
m Udine • remedy Ms will rased ~Wm
Wspedyrel If IO. (0 at one, tory
lee( Mete ..d a Wale el Pelson'. Ner-
'( 05. Piss's arras, [ever tads to re-
lieve rd tissal4rr exter.al polos.
iLe ,
" 1osrtimr'atist
e *spkver.
sMy el .rvlls.,
sod always purchase •
a.1N let." Pelon's Nervpis. Y sold is
Meths* sesb--hy ren► dealers kse, dem Me ever
Tessa : Reh.rt RttpINmne, at 1h. Pat
M with • very pasha Seeldist ea
Jdy !6. Re was alright home
hes Ms s.gyste Ute., *tta the tem leek
sad ran sway. Reno weer a deep 1►
hem The wheel she ohm& cess mar i wham
d ma
fruit own Fruit and vegetables are skip- nor we Canadians our own country. As
pad from CaWorota In refrigerator cam we entered the harbor at turns early
Water is so scarce that one must buy river- Sunday morning, we felt that MIMI plea -
water or me rani -water for drinking and
cnliaary purposing.
T.S 01.D roll is MTIIJ. 4TA'Oi.cs
after the lapse of etas hundred and sixty
years, and looks good for another one hun-
dred and sixty. Its now used est an ea-
gise-house. Fort William connects by
electric railway with Port Arthur, which is
outmost 0o the lake down two or thew
miles from the former. Pon Arthur Un
premed me very favorably as the nucleus of
what ought to be • flue city. It has • good
900+tion os the side of a hill, booing tire
fake, and possesses an excellent harbor.
The town is much better built than Fort
William, though the comparative ogee of
the two places must be considered. How-
ever, in spite of its many advantages, I am
informed net it is weedily deci aiog, and
its population sad trade going to Fort Wa-
lton,. This is due, I believe, chiefly to the
fact that the C. P.R. has removed its tenet -
sae trout Port Arthur to Fort William, The
cost of living io these places is Dot m..b
greater than titwt of living is the East, az-
sept as to rets, which are very high. Af-
ter speeding mate days is Fort William sad
Port Arthur, on July 24th I .min embark-
ed on tis "Mound." We steamed out of
the barber about 6 r..., sad shortly after
9 o'clock Tuesday moraine were
The islands between it and Fort William
are similar in character to those between tin
8aa11 mod Fort Wiliam, bat are much more
ammerous, and altogether are the finest bit
of soosry we had. Duluth, which hu a
popalatten of between 60,000 and 70,000. is
built ma the .lope of • high rock sad ex-
toads for twelve mils Moog the !.k. One
mold sot but wonder at the ssarage and
the enterprise of people who had founded
their town on such • .its If their de.srod-
.ny room the same .merry Duluth most
have before her a great future. The day
boas exceedingly warm I did not ver tont
to explore the plate Next morning. how-
ever, i left tin deck to walk up to the city.
The docks are very extensive and the nuts -
lose of than I was amble to sateetwin. At
.sob e( them are elevators, much larger
thou eves those at Fort W idiom. Atter
walking •p de pier and crowing Ow nooks
of tie Northern Pacific Railway, 1 noon
footed myself in SIN main street. I had no
tnolhstios, 1 ass aware you, to nomad to
the mirk* of Duluth, es the rock. thourb
terraced. ;is to • stranger specially very
steep and rough. Rat I might have taken
the incline railway to • pavilion at the top
of the hall Froom this pardion, we were
told, an excellent view could be had of the
entire city. The Boulevard, twelve mils
in length, is Dee of the loveliest drives in
the world. After taking the drive, me of
the 'cattlemen declared Met
mot days would soon be behind us to vanish
tato the " have -beans." And wben we lett
the " Mound," Chow trusty • monarch', her
passengers know), we bad such feelings as
are natural to those parting from good, kind
friends perhaps forever. I have not referr-
ed to the officials and the employees of the
boat : but It Is not because I do not appre-
ciate them. From the genial captain down,
everyone does all in his power for the oon-
ventete0 and pls■ure of lbspe+esngers.
Seldom are people to be met trig= are
so attentive and obl.tging as are thew on the
steamer " Mu:.arcb." Here, again, I feel
how meagre is our English voe.bulsry,
though seemingly so large. As I bade fere-
weU to the "Monarch," and thus to my trip I
found myself hoping that at soma future time
not far distant {. may be able to repeat it.
!wane- 1L Wiu.t* a
Nothing ales could enable him to *0005.1
for the fast that es few, oomsaratively
speakisig, take the trip. For my own part
I hilly agreed with hos. I Lever could
have ir.gued I weld see oie-Wl el what
i did see ; and I sew look batik epos my
jemmy withers one regret as to having
sakes it. Duluth has the finest high ..heel
1 have ever hese privileged to see. It is
Molt of red stove, hem several curiae Mid porwatset moo, bat • tow we,b ago that
*oznear0t. LARS 111'r0srot,
The immense aha at this lake, its dark
wakes. h sem. parte Week as them el •
river. its position at the had of the great
lakes„ the mystery enrroradhg its dad.
eentribets M predate • solemnity if
thought which le sheen isdelands, and, as
sight appreashed and we bream e.welep.d
is one of these demm fogs odessm to lake
8s can* them cato msand d thoughts
d the o•rly emploren L tike vast expanse.
A@ sever hems i .cull realer prrsii of
their fselises. whams ehsy Mad tkesselw
awry es Hess 05140.5. mod ..yete.Mue
waters, 'Alone on • wide, wide sm." Bo.
eases d the foe„ SIN wreaks( wee sprat m-
itoses sad we puri with meek and dam
he. One of Wer meshing wee • rentable
impesber.T'. IOMra
re Bt whin,pre-
d he Menm& dwelt Mobtfel eweet•on
twee eseemdhly a retired mem -pot ; but we
wfci were Maimed. and therefore an te he
dseiwed. knew (!) Mae it mat.iesd some
kind of flit whims. As 1 listened i ease -
levied myself with the rd.Ai n that eves
"t iewedsnt ams mon ieelei.tateseddie."
Ness day had gread,a ewe seared yFort Wi1Bwwe
reastatiog of
memeretsieiemtas News s!seitil red reek,
mod .ward with lea less The Been ef
time bleeds 1 temridered to he Thumbs
(m, whish kith. Wheat Mil i or amid
kite-80psrwer. *Weems kmmdrsd fast
la height 13 k Maned dost forty dm
mile fres the sail-ai. Apropos of this
ksMad r
• ?Asia• mouroaes M woe semis"
Tits ir10 Mat Poo -mamas. -Chino*
New Kra : Referee*, was made lost week
to tie illte,es of Mrs. Fetterman, wife of
Thoma. Palterm*ta, of Stapleton. end al-
though it was kaisers bar Woes. was metes -
tardy fatal, no thought Vas entertained that
she would so won par awe. She died on
Moodily, aged 56 years. was so at-
orwiant of tbeOntarIo-St. Monodist church
and leaved two daurht.rs, Mn. Colin Camp-
bell, of (ioderich, sod Ars. Habkirk, of
McKillop. The remains were interred to
Goderich cemetery.
DEATH of Jolts [Us -MON. -AD old std
respected resident of this tom paused away
en Tuesday afternoon about 4.30 o'clock, to
the person of John Devine, barrister -it -
law. Mr. Davison was born in Sunderland,
I lingo on Nor. 23, 1823, a.d we., COMM-
enemtly in his 70th year. la 1843 be left
.oglutd mud came t.. Yamada whore he took
up a farm in the oeiphboshood tel Guelph,
which he worked suocesefutly for some
years. He mitorwerdai'Lathed law with the
tiro of Elliott k Cooper, of Landon. the
junior member of the firw•,afterwarda Judge
Cooper, being • irother-in-law of his. My -
deg pared the necs+ry examinations he
came to Godrich in 1858 .td established •
law practios which he 000tioued to bis
death. During his law practice he had ea
pp••rrttmn.rs the late P. F. Welker and F. W.
Johm7Moe, the latter of *how is now.egi-r
judge of Allmon ieece.sed wit serer
married, rid his sister, Mrs. Cooper, relict
of the hate Judge Cooper, is the ooly rela-
tive who enrolees him. During hu lengthy
residence and long years of practice in
I;odericb, Mr. Iaviwn bad woo wilful the
ooafideoce and esteem of all with whom he
sloe in contest, mod his demise will be
trourned by eh wbo bed the privilege of
knowing the hearty, geoi•l man and up-
tight lawyr.
Moro Or MIX MARX WADS- -The Strft-
ford Herald of July 27 contained the fol -
townie in reformat to • former resident of
Goderiob, and one well and favorably known
to teeny of our readers : We regret to an -
souses tlse death this morning of me of the
bust Meows sed kindliest members of our
eewrenity-Mrs. Mark Wade, of Wster-
loo-st. Lest Spring ohs had mn oparatkos
performed epos her at the Tat"
ait wee loped that ids bad toiled
into &w ewbreatio didn't hlode: It. R.
hallows from curs!ng out the beet styles In
di Hume
istraact.t.ha•eemitteredooes shrinkage n
inkage 1Wall
fattest .Looks dieoouoert halts.
The weather has been running the aan,st
during Ilse past week, mai 1t was b td to toil
whet Ler an ulster or a mai of print would be
wanted within ?l boors. i J. Pridham. how-
ever, kept ons customers eel Supplied and up
to data.
F1*N TAIWRINO.-Spring and Summer
cloths is gnat variety next to i.wleos boot
and shoe store. o. the Square You ma have
a big choice and rely on good style and at at
card moderato prima. B. Maceermac, Mgr.
Furniture Coverings and upholstering
materiels. a full Use. In the lead/sgcolors amid
(,•item, Hair Moth, jstes, ramie*. strut
rune. piu*hes in triose, *Worm Mee, terra
cotta. old gold etc. Floe 1.44(8tr7L outs.
dice.. tlmatk'e Furniture chore .
Go.'rei. TS.rm*Alter AT LY.CILN. -Jas.
Mitchell, of the (;odenoh Star will address
the Gospel Temperance meeting et Meiners
Mitt Sunday afternoon.
Titer les \T T., BMA.TY4.11D. --About three
hundred people took in the K. T, of,T. ex-
cursion to Brs.ttord Tuesday last. All
seemed to have enjoyed their visit to the
Telephone City, bat some were pretty tired
sett 'ley.
Liar rot T011iONTO. --Mrs. 8. T. Bastedo,
children and servant, who have been visit-
ing et the residence of km father, C. F.
Straub/A, left Tuesday last for their home
in Toronto. Mr. 5treohel has closed kis
store for a short time and gone to Toronto,
where be will uadwgo an operation on hos
throat, which has been troetblieg him very
severely for some time.
t'e TVR1A••1. MITtwneol CHt-RI-H. The
religious quarterly meetings lest 8auday
were very enjoyable sad attended by • large
n umber. O. T0*.isy the Quarterly Board
voted the pastor vas for the present year.
The financial returns at the board were over
8100, being nearly twice as much as at any
previous August meeting. At the Trustee
Board meeting on Tuesday evening, J. H.
Millami and Ju. Colwell were fleeted trus-
tees. J. H. Millman was elecon treasurer.
and J. H. Edwards, secretary and rep-
resentative to the Quarterly Board. Toone*
cbitnneys are to be built ou the church at
oboe to prevent the cold and smoke of put
winters. The India Aid serve • dinner the
day of the bicycle meet in !'shah's store os
the Square. Two lady members of the
Quarterly Board were present Tuesday eve-
ning iwd their presence was vary welcome
Mies Grace Smith is visiting relatives in
J. KTom and coo, Percy, are viaitiag the
World'. Fair.
R. W. M.Keoria, of Teeswata, was in
town oa Saturday.
Ju. Dickson, jr., is taking in the eights
of the World's Fair.
kissers. George and Burk Cox .re visit-
iag et the World'. Fair.
Mies Mary Sharman, F:.st-st., has return.
eel from the World's Fair.
Mr. sad Mr?, air. Sheppard, of Clinton,
visited bene es ll smday.
Mie. Millie Campbell hats returned from
• Mngtb; visit to Toronto.
NoorH ''r MrTitootsr S.S. Poetic. -The
annual picnic, ander the auspices of North -
at Methodist S.S., will be held on the Paint
Farm grounds this afternoon. (o.veyaaoes
will start, from the church at 1 P. w., sharp.
Adults, 10c.: children, S Parents sad
guardians are cordially invited.
CRowOtu Orr. - Correspondence from
Du.gssson, Lesbarn, Dunlop, Innes, Ash-
field, Porter's Hill and other points, as well
se a quantity of other reading matter, is ao-
avoidedly crowded out this week, owing to
so many ot Tut SIuo*L stiff takiug in do
temperance excursion to Brsat/ord, and
teem other canon
G. T. R. Exrrttiu04.-1iea.etnber the ex-
amen* from Godriob tb the World's ten,
Chicago, Aug. 18th and 19th, tickets $11.05
Rosi for ten days. Ticket* rood by all
traits. (:et your ticket, and all informa-
tion from 0. Arnrstronv, town ticket agent
G.T.K. Goderich, Oat. Tickets, telegrams
and exprees to all parts of the world.
Agent for Am.., Dominion, Aro:her sad
Guoand Atlanto steamers. World's Fair
ticket °aiee.
Tag BP -1-41X Mrr-r.- Preparations for
mdkiig Me bicycle meet an undoubted .uc-
oer have goats a esrieg the put week.
The track has itees properly attended to
and Sha ee..tio. d • sstt.ble grand stand
and other improvements ere beteg rapidly
pocked forward. An effort will be merle
to have the business men go in for decora-
tions on the ooerieo. :+ever.l hundred
wbeelnen have already signified their in-
tention of being pregnant, and the meet prom-
isee to be the Wats* series of events ever
knit in (:oderieh.
!coir l;Arra.-At the World's Fair It-
ter.atioual Scottish games last week, 1..
Perry, of Grey totems/up, took first tor
potting the heavy hammer, second for
putting the light .toss. tris for pat-
ting the light harts.'', sod Graf for
Ire also • tower is whise are .bloom that bope ons dis.sppoistad. Ho*ever, it ass
fist every rtSr d ss ho. TIN schen comfy lath Frier• week that the disease took
eon 8060.0yys ar.
00, and is said to be the hand-•.miaa..1) tars. Oa Wedsesd•y of
west and best .tiINo1 bdldle ie t e lost week she Immo are -does sad serer
United States. What aedd oar Comtism nesworel mineisurass., ls@r d.my "kiss
de ff they wan asked M sat aside seen t phae. •t 5.30 this morning. Her leas *ill
"n3 for • sobool ! (Cras.draaL) TIN be generally felt throaghost the city, but
ether pabik buildings mei SIN rside.tius meat el aft by the eongreg•tioe of Stt. Jame.'
am equally fine, is their ewe way ; sed, eearek. For may year* she had bees pre-
oeontrsry te ones • b°"11stay admit of the Wooten'. Chapter sad of the
b.•mWol loos. Nemitb. more asst- Wo...'. Auxiliary Miesi•.nsry Asseelatiss
nascent Mae the view to be bed at sight of hi that .harsh, and generally the movi
the city with ite...rob)e electric light* u *fit iu swat d ten aorta d that eharoh
seen from the boat. no bey *as tor- is recent yeas. TIN Sunday $.bond foetid -
mended with Hobos, sod me we'd liken log forma 9.ews..rat imotti@.et of her
seem se president of the Weems'.('hapter
sad airmen her last viae te de chord
about a smooth ego, was to gni
ar eke tremea i Asxili•ry tin sees! kale
el .!.Hays Mo., which she had bees ebi0ev
iseiremeseal i brw•rdi.g fee messy years
ttte Smirins.145 s
is the Nerehwt.
setl4IN the Me el bow eativityr .ser bur
...chem will be irreparable to At Jame'
stemeb, eowesNeMus their man* lees will
be the Ism et her tote sod entailieg amrtry
sed her tr.27 Glrhlisa disp.dtkos la her
ieararsae with all Muses is the ehsra.
Mill her Worts were rest entirely oosfis,d
to Rt. Jame' aura. in the work pee-
rr eri
to the se. mfel rg d the
$o.pai fW she bore en seeks rad lesingpee
with .thee ledlae of ten 'My,•ed ewer lee
took • imp Latera{ is the tree& el the hes-
*IL WA, U .ones-. with •11 mwMe of
the eomatasMy, "Mad to Mr. Wade staid
he Melly eurelessrest uy .pstbis. i tbetr
greet brwwwemen& The *044 .coelia hr
ice low melt Mealy .lessen.. se Yea
Wale, glut N see Ir say et them Mehemet
mime ism 1 rad sew that M hes pios.g
Ober te cake her te Mend!. hate es tremens
W. et-.pb et thidlinese sed Christian se
Mvl" that she hes left a
One d be prrgrw Ito • ler ear Ude
le tee w1u.w NON) oohed Na 33 Hea-
der Cape le se Masi 'V_I-L 1, mid
he . N AN ago ars hese e. "
the stone Daly to f•irylasd. Alter • stay
d two day. sed • mina •t Duluth, we left
at 7.30 r. Wedrrsds) for Port Arthur.
For many We hours idler leerier Duluth,
its Hahn were still to be sem .Main is the
dlaesaee Bite myriads d bright shim "♦
oily that is its on as tell amen be hila'
end Ode wee ao intoeptitia. At sura tt
day, we arrived m fleet Arthur, .ad al*
romamiag there three ee foal beers started
Two eatnT (AWasR AN).
pulse them. derisg W saesble of the
T1s dq the pimp tree somewhat rough
sed wag of ea .•tuna lei he the Mailable
em iebeeo. It less Me cry mesh L( i
eopertraaN deedsk the emir* trip While
w*errl1lYraagg at Me lei we had s mmillealq-
lealretir. et the rivalry shit* Mama
Oasedlara •si Ararieiaa A 4011..me se
mar hese red A soma ree1Ma Sea tare
Temp Aserte rase sire mem ileisa be
snubs, hie ..eared•. end asesseisi es wee
h 44as this se le wets heat their itlasV•
dt3esra and cam . $ s10 the cry. " Tee
Qnedbs asset knee bar te seed em Sr-
wortma.P 1 menStet Mahe
_ teeter Arne ewe, stud
SW they W tow greeds kite Weir ow
f t mail We
mtrwri men mild
lest fiat em/ bast tree iiroily •neem
Mires Olive and Anna Hochman are
viatti ( triesds in Walkerws..
John F. Straiton, of Thoredak, is
visiting his parents this week.
John Allen, of Lennoxville, Que., is
vrlttttg friandle in town and vicinity.
Mies Gem Myers, of Toronto, is visiting
at the residence of Dr. 4. R. Shannon.
Mitt Williaer bee resirned her position
am the staff of the C'ullegian Institute.
Jasmine Fritzley, jr., of Saltford, is
apesding his boldsya u Monet Forest.
Model, train despatcher, of Detroit,
is renewing aogo•intanoe in this section.
Beason Guest, Lefton Moa ay to spend •
ample of weeks in Leaden sad vicinity.
Mimeo Isabella and Swab Sharman lave
retarsed from * visit to the World's Fair.
Wei. Hepburn, wife and children, of
Stntlor,l, are rusticating in town a: pre-
Harry Parsons, of the Beak of Commerce.
Stratford, was visiting in town during the
Norman Bowbeer, formerly clerk at the
past offioe here, was visiting friends in town
daring the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Seymour, of New York,
are gusts of Mrs. Seymour's brother, D. C.
Strachan, of this town.
Major-General Herbert, commander of
the Canadian forces, was • gust at the
Poi.1 Fero during the week.
J. W. I'e•ren, of the (Wm of Pearen Bros.,
millers, Brampton, is renewing old so.
queist nose in town this week.
potting the heavy stoma. J. D. McColl
took first for teems the caber. J. P. Wat-
son captured the running long jump, the
running high jump, and the melting with
pole. He was second in the running hop,
Map and jump. Other C..•diss athletes
also .@oared • .umber d the prises. Other
goose will be held by a rival Caledonian
Society of Chicago this week. Perry wine
8110, sad Wawa. 875 as • result of ten
het day's sports. Perry threw the 21
posed stone 37 feet lei incites, 1 foot 6 M-
abee farther that .ext beet tut.
ST. Gamest C.v.cn 8. 8. PLeatr.-
TIN above picnic was held haat week sad
proved most enjoy ble. Numerous closely
oo.teeted rwse.,Rc. eeetribated Stroh to the
general .mus,mes1 The prize willows
Vele : 50 yd. rues, 1st, flay Minima ;
100 yd. mos. let, Harry Sandy, Fred
Bloplery ; 150 yd. ram, lost, Jim Vivian; 75
yd. rasa, 1*, Wilfred Williams 50 yd.
P. J. Harry, of Menlnette, Mich., wee in
town Wednesday. He is visiting parents
and other relatives is Kingsbridge.
Mrs. Buchanan and eon, who were the
guests of the Mame Vao•tome, left lest
week for their hams in Grand Valley.
H. L Strang, principal of the Collegiate
institute has returned from Toronto whither
he had boss L the capacity or an examiner.
Mims Ida Van■tone left last 8•turday far
the Sault, where ahs intends to speed •
mouth, the guest of her stater, Mrs. Ste:-
John begin, of Wiogham, was is tows es
Noonday for a short Owe visiting Herbert
Stoddart Jobs is takier • round trip e
the Moment
Dr. A. M. Member sod wife, of Ray City,
are viitfag her parson, Mr. and
McPherson. Stratford, sed Mir Hombr.
of Gederioh, is • guest.
Jae Sheppard, of Portage la Prairie.
Yat., is visiting reletites in tie vieisitr,
and Rare 'Ins Sweat • friendly ettf. lir.
8bapp.rd is • rioter lvy trade.
mese, 1st, N. W rf/et, tad, Gladys 1oatt.
Hop, step sed limp, 1st, Jim Vivian : 3 -
leg rso., let, Jun Vivian, 11. Sturdy ; 60
yd. rase, let, ids Glover .ad Massie Wella:
40 yd. rank 1st, F.thel Platt : 40 yd. rens,
1st, Marko (clever : 60 yd. ran', 1st, Jas.
; Romani hop, sop sed jsesp,
flet, J. clan, distals 9D tt. 4 h ; 50
yy l re, let, L Vlviaa, prase.. Arteslrw(:
8limdkmgmimp, .lisp .ed jump. led, Imo
Chime ; stalk.- j.a.p, 1st, J. Video :
Meg jump, let, L. P.rr.os..
CorreiL Ms3Itwo. - The meant met
premet te amens ..t ne Taood y eve*
eras, Aug. 8th The treasurer's statesmen
for July teas read, *bowie( • helms* el
$1,501.34. and was referred to the leasee
Unum , Ile sane .t W ades .see poor
will be 19 oak esesedhe te the .deet.s
papered kr wlmMdra the epe *
es *•roes. A esemes sieetlss from the
Sell itleotric fight Cs. in reformer to te-
tabliehisg se iseaedusent 0y.e.r. vise re-
ferred te Ilse water rad light esmmite.o.
The roe eel 875 Ise greeted se the Ubyele
deb ter dermatitis. Ms., for A.R. 17th. A
Somber of see..Ns were r•llorred to the
Lases odasusittes. The rasa el toe ere.
.1. A. M6«h.gsll, of the Om.ha, Nob..
waterworks d.psrtment, is is tows •haulm,
relatives. He has hese out Was ter the
last danm years sod is growing up with the
l,brlie Willi►er, druggist, Toronto, 1
.peedis4 holidays is town. His employer.
Mr. Sherrie, hes bees absent is Harems for
the poet few root*., sed darts," that
period left Chortle in full ch•hie el the
imiams, Webb es • geed mark for our
yeses towsmmme.
_ --
Who tri Sams
Osawrfiv, li,,. Aug. 7. --The interest ie
the sate el Mr. More..( *hash menthe
was sale Co • lispaieh foam bore last week
rapidly harness ea hie improvement u
health prom nes. As • Mee esu should
de, .Mr Man dad est say mobile' Meet
W trial of boddle kid..y piils Jar the
lv.p.y ..hied afitbted Miro, mil he hail
looker that good wend remit fawn their
ars New that he bee eetk.5.6 himself aid
ethers of tbls, beyond the shadow of •
doubt. he le Ind is his praises of the mm -
se dollar was reememendei se vote el taz- fly. le mower te SIN engmules nkat have
.Mss ant year wmiig to the ..elw.ee peered he w We. i ahem kis MaMr.
5mbm1e.d se the 4555en fuhear Mese by tsed .ore •mer rs1 •1 am hese It haws
eemdte etsell • by bow mar arepared to lam les ha thee. cam .ed Scredit la
Mae Meate
e. The seam of the pwaharbdm g dto t heli a tid• y Plea" Idle ars awl
el tee sew imam wee telowed te w N
.therm mews et them pills ere, y .1 odds
wetter .al light-emeuMte meet. tet. The ten mast ..scapi sewmty et Sha ata