HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-8-3, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERIG'K ONT. THURSDAY, AUGUST 3,1893. 7 aa SPECIAL PURCHASE SAUNDERS & CO. 25 be Ladies BIacl Collon Hee Guaranteed Fast Black, with Lisle Thread Heels and Toes. The Regular price of this line is 40c We will clear them off at 25c. THEM. There's Nothing Like J'UNL I%\" SOAP IT'S A BARGAIN ! JOHN T. ACHESON. fiW OPkN FOR INFECTION AT MUNBO'S Navy, Black and Colored Storm Sc.. , ee, Whip Cords and Two -Toned t need Effects. A full line of Plank Stuffs in Cashmeres, Baratheas, Whip Cords, ' el Cloth, All -Wool and Silk Warp Hen- rietta., Amazon Serge and Bengalinee, Together with Sateens, Fren^.h D'Laaines, Ta elle Cloth, Prints, Chsmbrays and Printed Piques.! INTRA VALVE IN 1V,ute anal (trey Cottons, Sheetinti, Pillow Cottotta, .kc. Napery Di•partwent well assorted. \.a La.11 are eewlag es es late' Y yaaubte- 5 PER CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. .�_ HOUSEHOLD RECIPES. 2\477=(:), Draper and Haberdasher. The Short One—Itello, Tom. How regal" y' wife away for? The Tall Ona-, George. How loogah y' wife away foe? She—What doou think of this fad of baring the n.n4 photographed? He -1 think a pretty qui ran have her baud taken without gang to the photo- grapher's. "What is Colonel Wilton's business?" "He publishes expurgated editions of Zla's works." "Alt a biaok book manu- facturer," ano-facturer," The Hetreas—You, when I don't wish to accept certain men's attention, and thev ask where i live. I sv in the suburbs. fir. tritium— Ile : Hat iia! F.gcelleat! But where do you live, Kis Brown? The Heiress—In the suburbs, Mr. lielfsure. "There is one thing i don't understood about you," said the manager to the new clerk. "What is that?" "Every time you see a figure 3 you call it " "Oh, that's easily explained." "How r "I used W be a nlesr..san in the lady's department of a shoe shoe." Merchant—Have Jou had any expert - ewe in china ware 1 Applicant—Years of it, sir, "What do yott do when you oreak a valuable piece?" "We11--er-1 usually set it together again, and put it where rote customer will knock it over." "You'll do." IT DOES AWAY WITH BOiLINC HARD RUBBINC BACKACHES SORE HANDS LIT A N0 P Mt* On 1 wASN- 11 oav as Sy wtTNOVT TRYING S IIOWARD MINCES COgL. We are headquarters for the test Coal and Wood Formica'. IA)C.tI. REFr,;Escam: REES PRICE, ElQ.•: MRS. W. T. HAY? REPOS* OHtAP MUTATIONS See Ia Caveneesh r Iberia o:dby—Whop I play whist with • girl 1 can always tell wise° she holds the ace of trump,. Newman- How! uldby- - I tell her when she !olds it her lover is thinking of her, and thew I watch to see if she !lushes as she picks up her cards. tier e'niM was Ntatery. "Don't you think." the mother said, proudly, '• that her playing shows remark - finish' ' " )'es," remarked the young man. abruptly, ••but .ire was • long Lino getting is it." WOOD. IkKE ME1 0U8 OWN TI}WAFi FROM RE-DiPPED TIN PLATES.: DON'T BUY SLOP WORK 1 Eave Troughing, Roofing, Cornice - Work, Heating and Plumbing. PROMPT ATTENTION. GOOD WORK. SAUNDERS & CO., . West Street. .o.11. Lt I.(Kt`s Lei fr.onn!i. –Womb well to cold water, drain it. through • wive sad throw It into boiling water. When tea, it out of the water with a ladle, .rt putunr it tato • eleaa reseal est it leaf the are where it will keep bot, bet net cook. 1.'t it remain so lx 15 suites er Baal it become, white sad dry, bet not Aad. I.E4•.% PreefWI. —Peer • guvt of bail - tag water over a pint and a hall of bread cr.mha, pet the aures* into • buttered Oh, stir in a te•sp.esfal of malt, corer c:wely with • plate read ht it stand hall an hour, at the end of that tuna beat iato it three eggs and a teaspees/sl of levees ex- tract, beat it wail it is perfectly smooth aid bake in hot uvea. A Ruiz*. roe Rnaratrirw. --Pat half • large cofleeapt.l of the best white wine rmegar, the asses quantity of t.rpsst'he sail the beton whites of two tote • wide mouthed hetitlessd shake t Ioroogbly. Pour &boat a fat of this mixture over • piece of rel tlssael std apply whom- ever the osis is meet ween : over the Aa., awllay a1 small silk. Relief 1t. r rnr d. —Pat • pied of peas 'tato • sew -pan with • govt Df water tied boil them until they will pulp through a sieve; thou take the len end of a loin of statues, cut tato small pieces and pat into a Kew • pia with • gallon of water, the carrots and turnips cut tato arse!! pietas, sad a season - mil of tower sad salt ; boil it mail .Il the eeveabhhe are finite feeder, pat to the pulpal poi and • head of celery or lettuce, sad one oatsa, shoed ; let 11 boil Ahem minutes sad serve. !totem STitwatta,tr Tsars. --Thermo are :he dautieat of strawberry tarts made of tre,Pridtrph after wing ewwberries,ttheyeare simply 'bar. -ties, e� .wataskpne.&. rwtl i' rip th. "skills" wish the swtlstmed berries. est thea is the Ars . few setsests to let the sugar melt ; Thar let tie Serie cool sad serve Ulm hasped with Mapped cream. Shells of puff paste era easily be procured from say Free* baker. A W xirsa Dams. —A delicious ch000l. ate otterres i• mads- a. follows : Line a charntte mould with Wyor pious of tpysg. oke. Make • Mug with me- lee/lee pard of take eh000late, grated, three misses et sugar tied ow heli pint of milk.: when bedtime add one-half Dasa G. mistime, disalved ie a little milk, and me - half pdrt of errata. Poo tato the mo.hd lad leave *Mil ail Whew it le termed oat •^'aged a simile d spriest or paaeh star - armed the bias. Itis as improve- ment to this tis hill pint et einem before & adore, is aj; asst the mister* should oe takes rem the trove .ad allowed to cool partilly, but not art, before the cream is lightly stirred ie. A i)Eur-tor. Cavus CANDY.—A diiig►t- ii1 °math oaady b maie from the lollawlsg rem*. sad will be teed . meet .p.s•ble 00 w011 ao %o 011 who se ?lids vetoes sad en Ir..Nd with threat .I 1634.ee :kup .Upper)• the bark : soak are hour or twO- ie, . •yfal of water. Ralf All • etp with Ant wea .. with moo . eA11 .p to the brim th r, vieg it to ..ale the ram time ae the slip - Pay •1m Wire you are ready to web pet e.. peed .ad • Wt of mews mgar. Fa a perueists stow met lira ib as .ni Strata the water from tHes ftperit gMh sad par ever It. ▪ olweraik tiro boss teaea It &mhos to hail .d k Ira Irak up tate e�It .,.04 Altar Isamu A tea ors joie* NOW be added if hatred. sorieg esp. m The eMos . laws.► M the pawl. • Her. se the ?7th •f July. eons 'M we. that of Ns /Werth hips. t wa he 'WM bob/ that et !temp bdg.. A Geed lieerten. Private Jona—I bear Feeder was over crane by the beat sad out of his hood. Private Braes— Well, if you bed men him rotting away with the grub in the ewer teat, you'd bars thought hist ntiowl. NaYtr Nlt.a. Abe—Whoa I told Maud about ear engage meet oho said that .h► ewlly envied me. Re--Certaiely • I dos't wonder. She — Yes ; she said she would give anything d ,be couid be so easily suited as I was. 11e hombre 1labobeese. 1. at Sambro, t .S., wbeeme 11r. R. E. Hart, writes u follows : —"without a doubt Burdock Brood Bitten have doer the • lot of good, I was siok and weak non had so appetite, but R. B. R. mrde me feel smart and utr•osig. Were its venom more widely known malty lives would be saved." 2w The lye ma rwmts.. " My dear." said bei husband. gently rousing his wile-- the lady was dangeroeudy —" Mrs. Holum called a little while ago and left her lore sod sympathy for yea She seems deeply affected." Jobs," said the sick lady to • very teak tone of voice, as she slowly unclosed her eyes, "what did .h. have a " fb. Want fem. MA. lilt", —About three years ago I was trwbW era dw>l•psi• is its worst fern, slither food aor medmies would stay os my stomach. and it oo.esd reposeible to fret relief. Fln.tly I Seek .Rr herr of B. B. and one ►n of Serdeek Pills, and Hwy cured se aotspletoly. 2w Mas. S. B. Beni F.inedale, Osla (:. C. Rice extei 1t. Co. e .sutleesan. - - For years I have been troubled with ,crofnleas sores epos my taus I ham ,peat Modred* of dollars ryag to effort a ours without any result. 1 as to ay owe Bottle d MINARD'S I.I IMRXT entirely cured me sod I eau heartily reoomut.ed it to ell se the best madiaine is the world. Rev At.n Mr:Ivines. hayfield, Get. 011ie we. peso of ,hest. He --(lards told her he would try and sake her happy. Re said be would give her . kap for eery tun she shed. She— Aad i. sir Nappy ? He—Appanstly Net. eke r mewing enatieeefy. •a swoons . Mr. Flag --lou .hold res.entter, sy sou. that there's seeking attained without Mbar. You need see expect w gat some - thine for airbag. Treaty ---1 get lots of Ihklar fur sotkhg, anyhow. etrIM...e1 Passer. T.gNatieaa A French vegetiri at scoiet like an- cient (lad, hes become divided into three parts. Gee wing dark Itself /wwal- 1M. to Indicate that It hartwea only to satire mesh' ; mot a rty�iw�W 1M Immo and soother its hese = halt th• :LIPIPma u.ee.n p &.Mesa r Trp �gn �thinks that awl stabil, el Ike hums en ailealat Om. Toth Tobtar Ire Nsaseseeils N Ire Ms4iu► abaft* every astissaaav T`. oN..t.lt at the Veampflor at heft °`m& est ahllaisrr0tiail • haste emote i wii�tiel Waft parghTty loppo all Mew is.J UMu f. liallessal sires la S,uma. Whet wvow !°shoe, Isery.oid? R. tam rway linmea, sir Valera permit es s. as es, io ler yea, "It is very sal." .aid the twenty -dol- lar 1311, "bot eine° that ehlck-up gold p1ece has been to Europe and come back, it positively referee to rero. pulse rue as an equal." " I understand that Ton have thoroughly mastered the English lan- guage. -1 thought i had till yesterday." " And naw you think you haven't.' What led you to change roar op.nioor "•I reed a description of a game of baambalt " Father—What is your sister doling ? Boy — Studyin' up for commence- ment. "1s she poring over school books at this time of night." -No, sir; fashion magazines " "Young lady. piesae get into the train at once. It starts imnn•.liatelv." "But I moat give my mamma another kiss." "Ott. never wind, get in and I will ase to tlwt" i alit. wonder If the fall felt as big as ue looked to the feller who lust him." "I see that an eastern paper is investi- gating the question : 'Ile, men neglect their Wirer? What do you think about it r "Wolf, it they do, it's ten to ono that other nim don't." "I cannot understand re American papers," said the educated foreigner. Here is one zat mays as bank is gone up and here is one ret says ze bank is gone under." "Mrs. Mulcahy." said the Justice, "why did you strike Yrs. Muldoon ?" "Sure, ysr Amer," said the defen- dant with the sir of ons who has suffer- ed : "I Mays to her as pleasant ss Woo sbpaktn to an anger says I, 'You has braes enough in yes tan Dutlhaleot to mak a siz-quart, pail' An' mid that Mimi. Muldoon up an' says, says eke, It's remelt as hasn't manners esosgk to fill the hall of it. Mrs. Mulcahy,' says she ; an' 't was thin I interrupted her weld a jioW tap, Dor." • Yr. Murray Hill—Mr, Frank Lisle's latest husband hints there am several resinous far her bringing t4. suit. I wee- der what they are? Mr. Uptown—There 1. no telling. bort very likely there were sundry and di- vorce rersaoa. "Dees bean ppool1lytfofaaa," says Uncle Mobs, "h ji.t She de heads oa a (dock. De people Is de malikagry 104.10e 'at dual all do wort, bet de heads le de ears dao Bits de credit ter 'Urn' de thus o' day. ��tttlJ�Owner—What's that?,.Tho es �Ylel'e theisIlger? eat teln a NNW I haven't heard, but now I think et S, aero new osperiot.odsnt has IsoovIsom" .r 4Nee deo beim sett door to ds. Owd I m sue what difyersso. , that *mil mai wshk..p.r—Yos are probably trot swage, oh, that hs W six dstg4lern. sad they are all elndyhsg estate. Era BISidela-Jamey. you talk la* trot flu ■Meeeltss In your .ap, lin 1•teMs wtti fear sad erretW.gj ate 1i. w !fight. ,Ts y. yes leapt sonbeg std mese shy yM y.0 how weu.redslA� igia1/�t/I1�� /wares! s� hili Ito Wm —CITY -- coag AND wood YAP,D. special striation given to SAWED AND SPLIT WOOD. Had,oartenJor all grades of HARD, SOFT & BLACKSMITH COAL. ( eel weighed on either market or my Scales Get raj Prices before sang chew/Jere. 1Y.nwt1 (.sell. eie*seue CeaseetNe. JOHN 8. PLATT, Prop. PAILS of fibre and Pails of Wood, reliable, strong and good ; for pickles, lard, jam or sap, for use at the well or the tap. AND of the finest materials made TUBS for your htradeousehold, your farm or your for every contingency ready and pails made by E. B. EDDY. THE E. B. EDDY COMPANY, 1451-17. LOOK 31E11E ! Now is the time to lay in your Winter's MAMMOTH WORKS, HULL, CANADA. OAL The mess aenwlee Nerd reel to 1010 'Bartel. res. agave . ed elhe Scut.. Oe as Me Cradle of soft Coat 4 tis Nei tlart.reee's reel ... S M As I ale a -rangier for a couple of cargoes of HARD WOOD, LOOK OUT FOR NRICES. 63 Ail Coal weighed at the ~bet. T. sosee• W. LEE. C-tt SUMMER WHY COODS BACK -AC E DODDS KIDNEY PlLl WILL CURE YOU "Sackaehe tin means the 61d- of t6.= news ars !e "Delay /s (boob& Dothre Kidney Ms rive lootedkidney usurp? relief. troubles rsaafl 76 per set la Sad 1/o04 of disease le, R/d- /et, and IeMell.rsr the moat dao - ♦rose a alt, ▪ ' illg*tas well by to haw a D1a6.(. and 6.altky ./ty srltheat ears«- ''Tia a►sty e noel as goof/ eawn.t ied� d Ammo w* the (grist where kidneys are Dodi'e Kids*) Miffed, they aro Me arg mat asci b/aan amore trace try MINOR n.uiiol I.'L A. swan Co.eri"., oro WqU: a:: b4 =NW Vary Task. The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of' the pub- lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and beat market.' Ready-made Clothing a specialty, and everything in the latest and best Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times paces at The Ton10 Cash Slin'e P. O'DEA. Manager. Does GFA. BARRY, the Goderich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the best stock of furniture and undertaker's supplies 1 And bow is It that he can sell so cheap BECAUSE He finds that it pays in the long run. His motto is: "Small Profits and Quick Re. turns." He oleo makes a specialty of picture flslottlat, Give him a call before plmarc6le- inR elsewhere. Einbaletiing Fluid always on hand 2357-y GODERTCH Steam Boiler Works. (WrAHt181IRD Mkt A. S. CHRYSTAL, Sueoes orle Carp•tel ! file.ka Manufacturers of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright & Tubular 7:30 ITote7, Solt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Are dealers In Upright sad Horizonte' 0ide Trove goats... Automatao euros t•wta.e • peetatty, A11 mime sr ei • a*A tlw-6tthea a bead. Materte. furnished as meltto Rricsslfperuagi •imat.d to. Mite P, O. oil[ St. Oedrrich. O•t. Worts-•Oose.se 9. T. A 81stlee. Gsdrlaa, MoLlCOD'B SYsTEM RENOVATOR PAT!iTS! CAIEA'S ?'..1. 1103413 IAD oevifs.•'1 11.0411..w .. • all t•w.ie.h tea tit►(; U •+ .. 'sire seat o9.64.414.M.1716 Pp. S. ..0 eche 4. peras'. M,l.'e,t W- ee. :nor o1.e.4n 1'.Me•e Ig :+s use k,w.A.se •ere., w h �p1.1 sr: 41.00 1a.l.ICL I # ,/, • N. dm es to M tae. eY tt, � - -- oaaserrhar SW* w (1a►t Qt.Srtatatoa.. it. Patronise True .Competition. Two, i�astCaae anSe�ZoPasnwT �es wwotoe W our Re, Lt.. wr•trtee fad r �pserens• of wry Mei penes wits �lAew�e•D•a•wtag. �l esse if. ptalausei lilatatrasoKlIshatth A tt AND OT*Ilei T serge ataranna SPecifiCand Anridote for Iaepees, weak and lapevwiahed Mood, dye. 4.001, en•f1•.,1-. -. •am, p+ipl atM• N the bri=itl t, ss.ralg� less M .t..«, j°. 41D., k e"rn ea' aW limas. It TAW deme., fewela !stet. sheltie' sed wed dsbWty. 4100lITORt, 100111:11, ONTARIO J. M. McLI*OD, i,epehs.r as 11t..wereseir. "nese itassv*Tem era he hod ✓ i Down aid iron -are .« <y x" 1. ". a 2