HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-8-3, Page 6It
cttLE Trs
=r racism to soy .anteq.r mama. r•ama Sots
Mid b AU D....r. ..d !maggot*.
. w. a.zzwz n'ae ze Too o,e.a
to the Unset of Roz.-Uolf ew Aare 1t
For a flaw-er garden, pure and simple.
there is none mere charming in Italy
than the culunna. In the very heart of
Rurne. a i n . concealed that one might
pean it a hundred time* without sus-
pra•tli g its exateuce. The palace it at
the :Jot of a hill, and is separated
from the ear 11.n by a sunk.•n street ant
terraces'. Tlie .treat it cria.ai•d by several
bridgetta and in looking from the p.alatu
to the terrace+ i* entir••ly invisible.
The hill is Tan abrupt, and one is led
through ilea walks and up stairways,
along terraces. to the flower garden at
its very top. The garden. however, is
net in so unsheltered a peeitiun a. this
nu.;ht in it••ate, being protected at the
south by a high ledge. Au irun gate-
way at an ,;ire:ting in this hedee ferns
the entrance t, the gunien, an 1 on pass-
ing through the, eci.. is immediately in
the midst a.f b:. e,. •,. where all grow-
ing things neem a: t.eeir beet The ar-
rangement of the garden is very simple.
the }masa all radi:►un;,like the spokes sit
a wheel, front a ceutral baron. The bets
are.ligntly elavete•l above the walks,
and their border, u: l.,x form the tor -
dent of the peels: the area covered is
about leaf an acre, but s, adnitrahe. e
the Man and so compact the planting
tied it seems much lar,fetr. tine sees no
paths ex.tept tact upon whlcu he is
standing, t"waning always W be au -
rounded i.v a great profusion of flower*,
wise just enough of formality to give
thenen the value.
There es no architectural feature in
this Kander. Wyche' the Wain in its
center, as hu•h i+ sufficiently low to re-
ceive the reflection of the growth about
it. The garden owes its charm -which
is very great -to its very simple design
ant the admirable planting. It is ere
clued on the eat and west by high walls
covered with vine•; at their blues are
several tiers of *tees with flower pr,tv.-
l'i•arllM A. Pitt: iu Harper, Slagax.ne
for July.
Makin. tae float .( It.
A German gni wlio recently came to
Am •rata to marry a man who had been
here tour some years, and who had male
hummed so indispeuaable to his employers
that he could not even be spared long
eouugh to go to Germany to fetch his
bri l,•, tells some amusiue exneriencee in
Ater new home. '
"Tate thing winch vexed me mns'," ah.
acid, after relating all sorts of queer
,intakes which she naturally mma�ddsa,�
••was about ray sheets. I had a L.eautit,d
set. 111 linen, and all en',:,•i.'eril and
worked with initials by n, "., a Lauds.
When l gnat here the Anern�an :weds were
all so big that not one of nay onsets could
be used."
"What a shatue !" exclaimed her sym-
pathetic list.•ner. "What did you do r
•.Well, you see," the bride answered
with a .mile, "of course they were as
much too Urge for handkerchiefs as the
were loo snail fot sheets; and so 1 tuck
them for towels. And everybody tbiuka
they a. -e lovely."
*be Vett A. Year.
A summer boarder. a woman, who
was .trolling along a country road. stop
ped at a farmhouse in whine porch sae
saw an old lady knitting and ...eked tore
a glare of water. When the old Isdy
had brought it she asked the younger
woman to sit town and net awhile. Tee
young woman Iookel out over a pleas-
ant country, but her eye fell at lee upon
the burying ground, which was only a
little wry oaf on the other aide of the
road and plainly visible themean the
tree*, and she turned to the old lady,
who sat ranking and knitting, and
"Aren't you afraid to live so near a
gra verare r
Afraid?" said the old lady, gently,
"why, no : my husband and rola are
Mas. M.Il.r Deeerated,
The Sultan of Turkey Lar conferred
the Order of the Me•Ijidieli on Professor
Ilex Muller. Tliis is a,nerited tri.,ute to
the vast Oriental learning and the deep
interest taken by Professor Max duller
in the various Eastern religions, and in
Hahowoetaniun in particular. The pres-
ent Sultan, who isasomewhat mill and
melanchaly Oriente', of Cettmervative
tendencue%, has little in common with
that section of the (Arial clam in Cow
stantinnpin who have been educated
abroad and hare adopted atheistic sod
revoluti.asary sentiments and ekes. He
ia devotedly attached to the Mtawlman
Ter Ike Stebreeas,
Do not keep a sick person text long in
one room without taking him out and
fnmigatina it. Put sulphur in an iron
or earthenware pan that will stand the
beat and set it cin bricks reared in an-
other and larger pan onntadning water
up to the top of the bricks. Mkt the ittl-
phur on tins ; close all the window-% and
creek es. an it cannot swaps. i. a tea
and hang upon chain all the clothing to
be freshened: keep the door closed .z or
eight bears: then open all the windows
and doors an.l freely ventilate the room
for a My. Nothing rests a sick prom
so much as to think of the pure, clean
room he is lying in.
r...tr Amid W.atei.
The arra of permeate lavoluntary
poverty a the adds* of superabundant
wraith is not fee to seek. altar a num '
from the us. of his raw material -toe
earth -and he Gannet work on it Charge
him for permasio to use it, said the re-
ward of his labs le the esiu et Ikea
ehaega is teitowd. saes blas pay
moat , and pee reduce hiss
y suherteneas -
ems deny
to eevasa
A 14111. Amgen' rwo.orai-M. Tease /.r
Whib wankering about Weide the re -
veleta aloe morning, two bells inside the
old church began to ring out joyously,
as if for a wedding. Looking thruu h
the gateway 1 raw a procession seg
at a cheerful jag -trot, down the smut
lane which is bordered with Www flail
luxuriant shrub*. They wen s.8 wsaMR
and girls, net a man among theta. the it
could not be a wedding -eagle with
babies in their cans, others with chil-
dren trotting at their sides, Wm little
user, uearmg pouches, the yeomen and
l:ir:s sneered after the 1'antguayau
fashion of skirt and camisole, every .nue
bates -footed and with a black shawl or
square of whits cotton draped over the
head. They adeancad with leui;hter
and gayety. attune a gentle run; and the
young wonnn who ltd the cortege car-
ried on her head a little c.,ttln enveloped
with Bunt embroidery, edged with nate
duo lace and strewn with fresh red roam.
It was an Angeltto. a "little angel," and,
therefore, no ciao.it for sadness, :or
throughout allSpanirh Ameba,* the
dee i i. of a child is consa4t red ruts. r .i
uiat,er o1 rejoicing. So, while tate bells
clattered enure merrily than ever, the
joyous groap paused tee turnstile,
trareree,l tl,e cioiiture of tho cbuic:a and
baited Weide a shallow hole,
Looking into is we :.nw that its shim
were a san,lwi:d of different layers and
strata of bones and broken coffees,
srnuutidv cut by the spade, and alai the
heap of are -h earth Leek it contaieed a
skull or two iuue with long black hair
c1iu).ing to it a mine odd joints sod mar-
row hones. a baby's Shue. bits of collie,
ahrae.:s of clay -wailed grace chalice and
other recuer•los of the furaotteu dead.
A grave deeper, wearing a lung, brown -
striped poncho. placed the raaae•etrew a
box cun:auuug the augelit.,, into tee
hole ural proceeded to s. OVO1 the dirt
and (.,res in upon it. incidentally pusia-
ine in tee hairy skull with hie hues foot :
now aitd thee xe;ting in to s'.atap draw:i
the) loose earth and stake all 'mug and
stcurr. Tura the group left the urine•
tory, still gay and happy, ibis mother
witlemt a tear m her ey. e, but chatter-
ing with tae rrwt-rot because Mie was
backi;.g in natural affeeta•n, but bemuse
die believed with meth:Own trust *lira
her teauy wee rut there in tis damp
earth, but safe in :diary's arms, where
she would o:ie day land it Site carried
aw ay wan her a black- wooden cruise,
wain tee embnride+ru.l linen teat lead
draped tale cutiiu wuuud about it.
moments AND CANDLE%
The richer clarets decorate their family
vaulte n it h .plendd wreaths and Mit a-
eruus vendee. aha stand In rows before
them, murmuring prayers: but you c-an-
aie heip a•,ticiug teat toot of teem are
not too much engaged to watch the
strangers every mor t with in-
aatlaWe CurloWry. .1 tutee one
sees a pa ie ai
owa� m
reline upon soe
newly- .de grave, Ler face literally
bowed to :he dust which in true Bibli-
cal fashion sae has thrown over herself,
uttering the meanwhile the :oast lieur.-
reu ling strieaa and robs. w h:ca went
tie-ly to earl to a fit. Nattualiy you
synipa :ii.o are aroused furl you yearn
W go and mingle your lean wain hers
wheal you are aaaaaad to wee kir sadder
ly braeo up. cease her cries, .hake t..
dirt from her !read, leisurely pick ou
another gray and fall upon at in tie
sante ruaun r, with Lor face in the dust
beginuiug anew tate sobs ant tears. mor
vtuientiy than before : and then so:
tsnderetatad p
that ale a a otassium
mourner. haired to weep by ;he hour a: a
.tatei sunand paid e.o uiuch per so,..
Trent ere real mourners, to, rile se
grief is und.�u.,tedly genuine, in wars„
sad eyes tau roads that dente as always
a tregely. as grim and inscrutabio el
palace us iia bevel -
TIM TQwaUty ore a.Prosiert.e ant of Prosier
gorillas -Why They 11.1 111011 W07.
The ezplaaatioa of the 'Rthtrda.= d
the single taxer is the easiest thing hs
the world. In the (list place, it is gen-
erally erally oote d that he has a peouuliar
seal that r p
not found in other opagaa
diets. Hawaii; vacs "sewn the cat" he
aset it everywhere, and having 000e
Iron the subject he finds opptwtu-
to talk on the single tax, what-
ever be the subjevt on which he starts,
There is a reason for this. The don
trine fills him with hope. The average
man. who argues that this world is*
pretty good world, but :lust neat men
do not want a m•t.hel world, are fond of
the doctrine of "tbe survival of the lie
test " They tell ur the principle of com-
petition extends all through nature and
that nuns s not free from it According
to them there is not enough fur all. -e
This cannot prtd'e enthusiasm. It
produces gloom and paralyzes the hope-
ful impulses of the heart.
Such ideas, if not absolutely] a.'itheiattc•
tend that wav-their eat!a deepair. On
the contrary t(i
he single taxer says ud
has provided enough for his uaildren,
Tad the reeourcrr of his ,tors house
have not been touched, the mouumi1u
are full of gold. slicer. iron, copper, alu-
minum, road, woethe fields produce
wheat. taro, bananas, rice; the era is
teaming with food supplies. These are
no sooner used once th••n commences
commen. which renders them avail-
able fax use again. Nut one atom is
lost! There is infinite }ower in wind
and water to propel uiucntnery. The
huan race leis not yet touched the
r.che. awaiting:o:,:.rnpriation! Artili-
cial, unnatural, nenenaa b.mers have
brew p13044 tort u ren mltd an ahis
Father's store Lee, 10 "rater to enslave
him he has been cert oaf from the
source of his supplies. 11x. single taxer
with prophetic Tieion sees the order re-
vereed ; all natural opportunities an
thrown toren to use, labor is encour::ged,
and beho:d tate sono is changed, there s
plenty for all !
I eboidine these thinganot by the "eye
of faith" but by ti:e eye of demonstra-
tion, the zeal of the single taxer causes
him to Le caiied a crank: but he cares
nut, he preeses torward, with that furore
which *,thing can withstand -"the fur-
ore single ta:.icus.
A. Imperial Pleabsaaa.
In order to emphasize the importasee
of the cultivation of the soil, and to en-
courage leis euL stets to follow agricul-
tural marmite, rhe Emperor of China
sometime% perforins certain rites at the
"Emperors Field." and goes through
the term of ploughing and other work
of the husbandman. One day recttrtly,
says the N.A.U. ('anle, the Emperor set
out at dayt.reak from his talent with a
numerous and magnilieent train of cour-
tiers and other,. Before breakfast the
Emperor arrived at tine shrines of the
deity presiding over agriculture, and he
Majesty stopped to offer up his thanks-
giving and sacriflcee. After changing
hie dress the rtorniug repaint was served,
attheca' of which the Emperor preceded
to the field, at the four corner, .1 which
were erected four pavilions when the
: rena
seeds of wheat and other cls were
r ! placed. In the tenter were 'numbers of
nugniflreutly attired' courtiers, each
holding aloft a many -colo. -ed flag. while
- otethe side 01 the palate were et•ores of
e aged and white-hairc,l tasters, each
t having indite Band wimp agricultural
implement. Placing his left hand on
• the plow and holding the whip in his
e right hand. the Emperor began the mee-
t i away of the o ras.on. By pre -arrange -
went the oflieers did their allotted share,
some wteldine the agricultural imple-
ment., while anthers scatter :e1 steads out
of the baskets as if sowing, while the
' • Emperor was buried with the plow,
which was 'etched to a richly capari-
soned bullock. draped in yellow and led
by two of the Emperor's bodyguards.
(in the Emperor finishing his round at
the plow the three princes were ordered
to go through the performance. and after
them nine high courtiers had their turn,
after which the perfprmance caned.
Having received the greetapg of the ofti-
cere, the Emperor returned to his palace.
-London P141 Mall Gazette,
Let fancy picture to you the extraor-
dinary scene. The crowd. of bar e-
fuoted. tlaet-gowned wo,nen, tee
mttm:,:ing primes and Lueeine sight-
seers. 111. w&ld. pathetic nta.u, miug:e l
wish the ilii mks of hired mous rs, the
fragrant heals of flowers, tate odd shapes
d toe 1:toau.itents, ti:Pquaint old church
(in whales all this time a corpse wens
13,1131.0. palms and bananas leering over
the .a•al,a. Liue hilts in the distance. a
wide vista of rollial;, warded, peaceful
lanalrcepe, dotted with the red -tiled roofs
of coda, e-:e.iatm and the yellow glow of
fruit -laden orange groves --all bathed iu
golden sunshine, permeated by hnuaan
affection, sorrow and belplesantaa,
though rudely expressos!, and duhaivated
by rue stern, uncliangeaWP fact that the
common tragedy ie as inscrutableas uni-
versal, and that whatever niethowl one
mase take to assuage he personal sornaw
an.1 altuw his faithful love for the 4, -
ranee. the mystery rennins is wee -teed
to-dav as when the first man di d,-
Fanuie B. Ward in Philadelphia Reeved.
rar..o r 1 Ririe.
When a Parsee dies the monsint
coke is white. The body is wrapped in
white and the tna,urnera, as they e^no to
th Loral plant, are clethe..l in white.
Two by tau they walk behind the white -
robed c.rrpu• as tt is carrildl to the"tower
of si:ene.•,• which is ire final restiug-
pplare. 'Cite is a large stone tower. int
which the body 14 placed and left to he
eaten by t1.ei eagles. There arc five ouch
towers in aousbay, though but ono le
much used. Th. eagles will deriver n
body in a single dkc, and the big binds
constantly hover l huge number, about
the "tower of dbTeee.' They are treated
sa if Mei were seated birds.
"Is this form at burial• good ono from
a sanitary standpoint?" was este.! of a
Pau see.
••1Ve believe it is, Cremation is doubt-
less the best (roan the standpoint, but in
India the people are so poor and f uel r
so scare* that the Hindus ars not .hies to
practice cremation universally. Marv.
ger, the Parsee believes it is tetter to be
eaten by hirte than by worms, Burial
is a grave is r.epuleive to us."
rrewe% frilleier of Arora... Arte,
A Frew* dramatic critic writes from
Chicago, and is full of displeasure. He
says he has pee all Ike Amerian
actors and sotagd gnat, end
sonv for thew 1110 pose
artists. not
their fort.; .saalg !
news mined= He ~bye
the reams for &Air lads
lad sweat
Weak as AI= are
dotiht. great dwarrtriinntga et, coir .*tilt
tdosAmerico, the then rota tear wMri they Hay .
Fiala. the Creator .r wealth.
The preset syettem, which taxer build -
item and improvement,' and capital in all
its forms, is a system of discouragement
to production, which fines a man who
creates: wealth just in propoation as he
creates wealth. Ind tata of f acting on the
principle that the man who makes two
blades of gray* grow where one grew be-
fore is a public benefactor. our system
01 taxation treats him as a public enemy.
If a man clothe a barren waste with
grain or fruit trees; if he drain a swamp
or open a mine; if he put up a house,
where none stood before. or erect a fac-
tory. or turn wood and iron into a ship;
is be gots a library with which to study
ale exercise his mind; if by his energy
and thrift he accumulates capital with
which to moist and organize and provide
tools for industry, down comes the anws-
eoe to make him pay for having done
Ihes. things.
The agar. S,
it is a remarkable coincidence that the
flgnna 9 is intimately connected with
every gnat mining excitement of the
present twntury. The greet Algerian
gold excitement mime in 11109. In It l9
came the Mantavan Mountain craze,
where it was reported that gold nuggets
as big as flour barrel* had frame found.
The California fever came in 1849, and
the Pike's Peak born in 1159. In 1889
the lead was stntrk that made Virginia
City a Otter or importance, and in ler.9
the Lem' vilI a carbonates were dlenovere,
to be valuable. The mon ctioe of the
agora 9 is linty • coincidence, but is none
the less curious.
A Seausealeble *..t.....
1de wife of the r Alexis of Russia
(i114449) was f tiv disturbed in her
steeply the ri a hell in a neigh -
hot iag church This roomed the
anger of the vital Mg to such a :itch
$bu ibhelfaolloowiing ;Awed was � :
mba ba Tar dbnoIlse winds fits loll to be
MO tit, knout and then tobe
Siberia rdt emir."
I wee about to he plat
1101911110.0. tM (Santis died.
intIih+tidnd sat ks�aM
offender, whereupon
tedalanse was round, sad the oeaa-
e ru1e.'v d 1.a sabterrn.
sakimed In eternal are
Best Cure for
All disorders of the Throat and
Lungs 6 Apses Chary P.ct. al,
It has no equal as a cough -cure.
" When I was a boy, i hada bronchial
trouble of such a pervUstent and stub-
born character, that the doctor pro
Bounced it incurable with ordinary
remedial, but recommended ate to try
Ayers Cherry Pectoral. I did so. and
one bottle cured me. For the last fifteen
years, 1 have used this preparation with
good effect whenever I take a bad cold,
and 1 know of numbers of people who
keep it in the house all the: tune. not
c u safe to be without it." -
I. C. N' , P. M., F,rest Hill,1W'. Va.
" For more than twenty-five years, 1
was a sufferer from lung tratuble, at-
tended with coughing so severe at tithes
as to cause hemorrhage, the paroxysms
frequently lasting three or four holm.
1 was induced to try Ayer's Cherry Pec-
toral, and after taking four battles. was
thoruughle. cured.-- Franz Ho$utan,
Clay Centre, Kans.
La Grippe
" Last spring 1 was taken duvrn stab
la grippe. At times 1 was completely
prostrated, and so diEwroh was my
breathing that my breast seemed as of
confined m an iron cage. I proecred a
bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and
no sooner hail i began taking it than
relief folio' eJ, 1 could not believe that
the effect would be so rapid and the
cure so complete. •'-W. 11. Williams,
Cook City, S. Dak.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver di Cu, Lowen. iter.
S,'U by all Dru,; gists. 1'ricry I. ; .a bock.. Ss -
Prompt to act, sure to cure
As Arab'. Loewe.
An Arab -meaning a tent -dweller, for,
in an equine sense. the town -dweller is
no Arab -loves first and above all his
horse. No need to recite the oft -sung
affection he will lavish upon him. Next
he loves his fire -arm. This, practically
speaking. ought to be a six-foot, gold -in-
laid, muzzle -loading horror of a match-
lock, which would kick any man but an
Arab flat on hie back at every shot ; but
actually, in Algeria or Tunis, when he
lives near a city, it is rather more apt to
be a modern English breech -loader. Yo u
must fly from the busy haunts of men to
Hud the matchlock. Next to his gun he
loves his oaiest son. Inst comm his
wife -or one of his wives. Daughters
don't even count : 1 meaa the Arab
scarcely takes the trouble to count them,
unless in so f'.r as they can minister to
his comfort, dietetic or otherwise.
Until some neighbor comes along and
marry, in other words, to
mak. asitn' worse slave et one of them,
she is only a chattel, a soulless thing.
And yet she is said to be a pretty,
amiable helpful being -said to be, fur
DO one by any hap ever chances to cast
his eyes on ohne worth seeing. This die
rega.d for women, be it said to their
honor, does not always apply to the Be-
douins of the Syrian and Arabian de-
A tory From tie Golden Hors,
Ss hampeddin, th. Mollah, observed a
dark figure prowling in his garden by
moonlight. Thinking it was a robber
he took hie bow and arrow, shot at the
object. and quickly ret(re1 to bed. On
the morrow great was his ast•mishment
at Sinding that be bad transfixed his own
caftan which his wife had hung out in
the garden to dry. He knelt down to
pray, streA up again, puts Liu han.L to
ran heal, and then folding thein devout-
ly ever his breast, he once mere prow
trated himself, kissed the grouad and
cried out:
„Praised be Allah and Ho Prophet !
How fortunate that I was not wearing
this craftan at the time the deed was
perpetrated, else the arrow wo.tld leave
pierced ins through and through, and I
should now be a dead elan r -Phar. du
Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is a reliable
remedy tliat can always be depended on
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.ramps, diarrh•.rs., dv.ontcry, and all
loo.sue.s of the bowels It is a pure
containing all the virtue. of Wild Straw-
berry, one of ate safest and -wrest cures
for all summer complaints, exwnbieed
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The leaves
of Wild
Strawberry were known by the Indians
to be an excellent reme.ly for diarrhoea,
dysentery and looseness of the bowels ;
bat adi
secal .dans. has placed beton
the pablie in Dr Fowler's Ext. of Wild
a complete and effectual corn tor all
those diatom/rig snit often a••�•�ess
complaints so common in this ehengs-
able climate
it has tined the lest for 40 years, and
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summer corn ants an promptly, quints
the pain to actually and allays arias.
den an serer.wfafy as this unrivalled
pt.sseriptfnra of Dr. Fowler. if you em
going to travel this
10 oure and take a bottle with yea. diIt
evernieses safely end qeirkly
seespialat se AN
emeleedef w*,,
IMO Wad* our +eln.m,000i0 irk 111
— AT
Fraser /IL Porter's
" The Doctor's Dozen,
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Paper, 30c., by Pwasxcs WARMLY.
" Tib,
Paper, 50x, by (:soars Doccuees,
"One False Step,"
Paper, 50c., by ANNUM Yr►w ART.
"The Honorable Jane,"
Paper, 40c., by ANNUL Til oya.
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French Crocodiles,
Auld Other French -Angle Tylw.al
Paper, 50c., by M . , 0'141.1.
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This exoxlleat assistance to k.elth may beksd
by purchaa:eg a box of tea alit. 25c. We Lava.
sen Hire's Root Beer -•25e. bottle make, 5
Oleos. Line Juice, 50 cm a large bottle.
W. 0. 000DE, Chemist.
Open on Sada. for Preurptieee tc.
safety Bicycles
PNEUMATIC TIRES, from $L 0.00 up
OUSHION TIRES, . " 20.00
LAWN MOWERS. Thiel yer.n latnern u per omen.
GARDEN TOOLS AND HOSE. ousel/ I/esisltak
teat lees
Where you will get good, booed goods, and everythiag warranted 1. be as reprsseetad.
We bay. a krasr stock and greater varies] thea all Me other shoe dealers Is
tow. nmbieed. we keep the most stylists sad 1-' .'a.bl. goods made is (aaada.
Nil in Lin til lE ria t ad will 1e kept title.
N. r - Leather sad Findings is any quantity at lowest pries.
CORN, PEA8 and 'I'OMA'1'0 EB
Are the best Canned (,hoods in the market
Zig P.A. ATS
AT a o, eso 8z so O q -TB PE :a POTJZID
We are spate for both lines, and ask for them a trial, smeared eat
they will pima: and extend our trade with you. Yours trap.
ata. Ai. NAIRN.
T_ BROPI3n7Y do sow'
Have added to their parent benison ate of B. J. Nara Latest silk
d Qty Hssx ss. alas •hs Ames, Yoe et tesseel ttweiehisio ie the mutt.
said the tiler mwool to eotstieot feswelsThis s1
its fit�s it