HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-8-3, Page 3THE SIGNAL: GODER1CH. ONT. THURSDAY. AUGUST 3. 1893. 110 V ill ..''' AO 4J k - fII PUREST �TRONC EST, BEST, CRISP AND CASUAL t taur4 Liaise:as N ale issue nomeree. The condoned length of the world's tele- graph ban is 881,000 utiles, or enough to en• cede tee earth •bobs thirty-three times. Preeoua's Wenn Pnwdsoe destroy and taro.. aortas without injury to adult or Otani 1. the case of a urea killed by as electric boat In St Louis, a octet's jury nes call- ed to decide wbelMr the bolt was natural or utufc*L Regulate the liver and bowels by the it - &iewus me of National Pius. they are purely The slaughter family, of Texan, are acid M be the most extensive laadowDers in A- merica, their vu,bio.d holdings amounting u x00,000 acre•. )dilborn's Aromatic tluiaiae Wine is dis- tinctly vern..r to any other as an snips - using tease and fortifier. Petroleum which is popularly es to be denved foot coal, s•. •000rdisg .d- vaaad science. more probably the result of Me sctloo of water w utetaL A. a healing, soothing spplumttov for cuts Ste a is, brie ea, sad aeras, there is nothing bitter than Victoria Carbolic' Salvo. It a • carious saosmaly in the law that, ti you pay for) our photograph beam taken, w asps can be sold without your cement, .bile, if you do not, the photographer may aril it to any extent. The testraliaa failures have had a vialble rho,: ., the London esneos. Carnages ars sos,ce-sly fewer and weeny fashionable pop.e use the omaibeees. which rex o0 regular routes ail over Reglad le the t.rwsd Duchy el Luxemburg per - was dc.iruig work er bap haws now only to au.! a postai omit to the director of the poet sisowutrataon in order to have their wants advert:aad is every pouteAee in the grand eacny. Narang the reign of IIoary VIII. 71.4:O peones were morally "seemed is England, ate ...rgee portion of whom were guilty of so oh we worse than *.iedeute-nor. Is am Tear tbiee handrail starving bsggsrn woe ban;;.d tor asking alae. John J. Rye., representing • Montreal ire. rays that be received the greatest benefit from using Mowbray's Kiley sod Leer erre, after mine aeyersl preparations Inc K:dr.ey and Liver trouble, ceased by arch railroad travelling. The frizzled glees threads from which oot- tre u woven are maid tosarp•1e in finesses not sely the finest rouse, bat even the threads of the silkworm's stenoo, their.o:teses and saastirity ilsiag eves greater thea that of eanafacterei silk "hat' Wine yet end that you menet sleep. and ASf up is the lterniag as whew you west to bed, he asearedleer kidaer or liver are out of order. bMmbray's kidney and Liver cure will remove the muss of all this troul.le. Try is. Per sale by C. A. Fair. The '•]&senates et the Moos," is Africa, Mitch were di.eserered by Stealer, are el- inged to be Inhabited by the Demon )lgsursm, .s evil .whit All the African savages are afraid of him, and an attempt to tepee him lately, ended in panic and disaster. The custom of throwior • .oboe After • bride comes from the Jewisb custom of hand Ing a shoe to a p.roliaeer after the complet- ion of a =street (Rath iv., 7). Parma* .1 50 gave a ghee to the tumbled b led on • daughter's marriage w signify the yeilding up of their authority. A mew oder of thiol bee lately tame a- bout is Siam. a.4 the 'song Irma are set- tled d .thensereno I tb. I.y.�ahaRhos &we - ward thereis .satfy a site Weiler who is above the seg el tea Mi maw Gtr mach younger. STRANGE PARAGUAYAN CU6TOM$. TRUTH ABOUT V[SATAIYANMfi' Vorste.t:.. w..e !sa•y net Lose antassa7 --A Assammosas 5.. A 8epoy regiment which mass it will walk a Eurocieen regiment to AMM, and do it oa food winch t►IirI would pronounce wholly insalldatt to' sustain vigorous lite. A lithos stares carrier, with a w' toe00posod • oa his should, of coarse, in two diviskwr bung on his neck by a yoke -will, if properly paid, lope&mg' over • hundred miles in twenty -heir Lours. a feet which would exhmu*r eq i but the best-traiued Euglisb rumens. We feel, iudoud, Some doubt whether the , relation Letwean the pew er of walking and what L properly called "pholoimol strength," is at all a close one. Marry classes of Bengalseo, who are a feeble folk, seem in walking tandem; and it is within the knowledge of us all that many comparatively feeble Englishmen ons walk all day, acid sit down at the end tar leas fatigued than men who, in a struggle, would throw them in five minutes oa their backs. Weight has much to do with it, and lung coudition, and above all. a certain soundness of the sinews which has no nese relation to the strength of those sinews than the tena- city of a fibre, rile for example, has to Ms bulk. We believe the truth about vegetarian- ism to be this -that it •Inst invariably injures those who adopt it after being aexuator0ed to a flesh diet, that it re- quires invariablyand absolutely a oon- .uinptwu of milnot okay to secure in Northern Europe. but that, at the cost of Suave energy and touch power of rogue- ing disream the majority of sten can live on vegetables without auy grave ream... - tem in their physicsl strength. Tuey can do most kinds 01 - hard stork --not well as their neighbors, and can do sedentary work probably a little better, though we must add that, owing to ,htninished etterey, they are usually not equally inclined to it. Taney fossa a re- current pleasure of some value. the satis- factionof being full -fel -your vols-tarian feeling hungry frequo•nt:y and alaarlly -but U;ey gess quite rennari itb1y in the post of their food. Their reduction in ex - imam i; cuu.iderable in all cases; and if Europeans wuld be taught the fun value a, food or harimot-Nexus, of 1e1044, and or millet, as c..ntai:.ing not cul nourishment, but nier.gen, a:o I u.uali olstaiu milk at teas: liable cost, the re- duction would be very great a. deed, probably more than one- half. ho an experiment we beard of lately, in which the haricot -beasts were much employed. the saving was greater than that; and indeed the question only needs discussion becau a of the price of milk, and because of a rather exa. geral- ed idea as to the quantity of vele-wide- food which mint be provided,* quantity which varies not only with each person, but with the kind of food consumed. A man may rat garden Muck all day and not get the eusteuance which he will obtain cult of a comparatively small quantity of brans, millet or wheat. Economy Cs the uuque.tionmbie "pull" of vegetarianism, and we should say the only une. though the practice sties not diwiuish rtrength in anvt.:ing like the pr oportion which flesh -eaten lnutsiue. They ooufusa strength and energy and forget that the rases of mankind never can, or will, get anything but tb.e cereals and other vegetables to alt To abandon Hecht diet is not to advance, but may to go back to tire involuntary practice of tree majority of the uucivilfud-Loudon (Eng ) Spectator. A 1111W A.•e.'s raaeewt-re TNM for Aaeu.. While welnitlile about onside rhe r - eelata ales Ma tiller, two bells inside ate old eltsrak to ring out j..yowua v, .. S ten a t . Looking thruooto the gateway Ism a prucessmo couuug ata cheerful jy-trot, down the Rawly lane which SI hes to ed with grass and luxuriant abash. They were all women and girls, net a flan mon there. so it ouuld not la a weddiag–came with babies in tied, aures, *then with chil- dren trotting at their aides, the Intl,. boys i. wr�the Paraguayan and gifts esodafter the fashion of skirt and camisole, every one fare -footed and with a black shawl or square of white cotton draped over the bead. They advasoed with laughter and gayety, alrnost a gentle run; and the young woman who lei the cortege car- iried of her bead a little coffin enveloped with linea embroidery, edged with min - den lace and strewn with fresh rad rooms. 1t was au Angehto, a "little angel,.. an'f therefore, no came for sadness, for throughout all Spanish America the death of a child is ousaadered rather a matter of rejoicing. So, cabala Ca, 1n•Ilr clattered more merrily than ever, she joyous group passed the turnstile, traversed the eloirture of the church and halted beside a shallow hole. NO TZARS n,$ A W iLITO. Looking into it we skew that 10 sides were a sandwich of different layers and strata of bones mad broken coffins, smoothly cut by the spade, and that the heap of .free.h earth b. -o 1e it tont owed a skull or two (ogle with Tong block heir clinging to it), silte odd joints and nun - row hones. a babe's thou, tate of coffin, shred* of clay -soiled grave clothes mud other roomette of the forgotten demi A grave diger, wearing a lung, brown - striped poncho, placed the ruse -strewn but containing the angelic., into the bole and pr.x:e.ded to sbovet the dirt and bores in upset, it, incidentally push- ing in the hairy skull with bi. bore foot now and then getting in to stamp down the loose earth and make all suug and .score. Then the group lett the come tory, still gay and happy, the msottwr without a tear in her eves, but chatter- ing with the rest -not isecause si.e was lacking in natural affection, but becauoo she bedMved with tn:shaken trust that her baby was not there in the damp earth, but safe in Mary's anus, where she would one day nud It she carried away with her a black wooden cross, with the embroidered linea that had draped the coffin wound about it. w&EATU8 *AD CL'tt,Lln. The richer classes decorate their family vaults with splendid wreaths and num- erous candle, and Mand in rows before them, murmuring prayers; but you can- not help noticing that moot ut them are Got too much engaged to watch the strangers every movement with in - 'statue curiosity. Here and there one sees a poor woman kneelingupon sm oe newly -wade grave, bnr ace Iiterall7 bowed to fire duet which 10 true Bibli- cal fashion sire has thrown over herself. uttering the meanwhile the most heart- rendinit shrieks and subs, which seem likely to end is a fit Naturally your sympathies ase arrived ant you yearn to go and mingle your tears with hers ; when you are AMAIN' tome We sudden- ly brace up, cease her cries, shake the sort from her bead, Ie,eusly pisli out another grave and fall upon it in the some manner, with her facie in the dots, beginnlag anew the sobs and tsars, mor. ytolently than befone ; and Web yo n understand that she is a prufewionol mourner, hired to weep by the hoar et a stated sum, and ped so much per so... There are real trhourtlers, too, whoab grief is undouotedly genuine, in wheoe sad eyes one reads that death is always a tragedy, as grim and inscrutable ua palace as in hovel. A cu face's scram Let fancy picture to you the extraor- dinary scene. The crowds of bare- footed. black -gowned women, the mumbling priests and hustling sight- seers. the wild. pathetic music. mingled with the shrieks of hired mourner., the fragrant baps of flowers. the odd shapes of the monuments, the quaint ole! church Sin which all this time a corpse was Jing), alms and bananas peering over ite wads. blue hills in the distance, a wide vista of rolling wooded, peaceful land.cape, dotted with the red -tiled roofs of cottage -homes sod the yellow glow a knit -laden orange groves -all bathed in golden sunshine, permeated by human affection, sorrow and belplessnsss, though rudely expressed, and domtinated by the stern, unchangeable fact that the common tragedy bas inscrutable as uni- versal, and that whatever method ogle ma tat to assuage his personal sorrow •s�.lhis faithful love for the de- parted, the mystery remains as unsolved to -day as when the first man died. - Fannie B. Ward in Philadelphia Record. Almost lbs de Inde 1n tribe U sited State. M that el sbe water pest. At most 01 the Ica bee. ese/s.0 (ae'j..ews Was M • >Ti families. The Wears pistpe+ $ at Lewis where they biers lid those many esessatioe. A soft lair skin is the result of }s' Mod sed • healthy hew, M sawn whish. s Sarsaparilla is a b• flay A Lida who rely epos eawsllas to beautify their ef this, hearing hime mid t sue las- peeve epos satere. r At all pubes •ssesa1 JIs a la Loedoe espyy stases lags undaes4 .paet- ��seao sb.s,el i« wilk be alai by. sed. P • 1 to . .4 lass help ia re- alm. at Say oil r* Me be t.•tauy aS.t.r'ad eta emaileE MMmella a As se after-disitw M a ramps. the billiasgstmese,, mob'esd eaeet asqq ed L Apar% PM ase hesesaM• they ire se ~ takes bey the sbis miM�AsIMMa rw oral resale of the > feba sae tri the ebi st amok .y sal el rhumb ' 't.sad a rotatease phase are else }saMys rioted of eeirsrvvisas a saelotarlSai.i Thies Mr. R T. %day. R1kMn, Mas. wham My ineakerr wasas*pas de, Viato I�ha, dime '� Ilea m a ...-1111111r 1s cal Parsee v.aer.l Stites. Whoa t Parsee dies the mourning Outer is white. The body is wrapped in white and the mourners, as they go to tie biota; place, are clothed in white. Two by two they walk behind the white - tolled corpse es rat is carried to the -wirer et eilsoce," which is its finds resting - place. This is a large stone tower. oe which the body is placed and left to be eaten by tie eagles. There am Ave such towers in Bombay, though but nae la n umb sited. The eagles will devour a body • single de, , and the big birds constantly hover in largo- numbers about rile "tower of silence." They ars treated as if they were sacred bink. "L this farm of bum wgood one from a sanitary standpoin f a " We Where it is. Cremation is doubt- less the best from tine standpoint, but in India the people ere so poor and fuel Is so waros dist the Hindus are not •ble to ice cremation universally. Mrr••- over, the Parsee believes it is better to he mesa by birds than by worts, Burial in a grave is tepaiivs bo tis." Mem" orteassees se Aaueeseaa AsS..s. Ceoa .410 1e mofrom asp wears bda rant aest fat ..000 WI grtl.A �••tlsd le WY/Orli,Mme' ertlemetormy Mit their+se7 `, fib▪ s masa far Mak leek Of dusts int are ovally 1114= anA Many �i�, Lao.trtfleb M� ••rilr iii Maar- !� A tG..l.: Fair. Ha{ma„^en. a Ifuunu:.:..n country tow of 12 so inbautiauts, 1..' is its aon..nt tar on tan- Feast of tit. Theodore. v21 tom .•c;ca-.umthe Mace s..:,:Mal witth :tr..,. married bridals from 10.21.) sixty 1 ' ui lot. villages in the dfatrice; wiebees wa.., !lave taken Ir. -a!, bti..,.rnde hone. Tire your:; wt.:ueu iu Withvo attire, and generally attended by their mothers-in-law, carry jugs of wine, euwreatbed with Auwers, in their hands. They Ilse every one they meet, and attar - wards present the jug to his lips for a •'nip-" The 'individual thus regaled be- stows a small gift on the Lair Cybelte. Not to purlake of the proffered wine is regarded as an insult to the young wife. and her family. She is, Co rdcre. re- served towards strangers, and only kisses those whom she thinks likely to taste of her wine. The kissing is curried on everyw Mete -in ole ..trees, in the taverns, and in private houses. The origin of this custom is veiled fa obscurity. Some say that it dates back to the time when the Turks made frequent raids into Tranaylvauia, anal carried away all We youth women they could lay their bands on. Such of them as contrived to escape from captivity. happening to return to Halrnagen at the bane of the fair, kissed their friends and relatives, even strangers who congratulated them on their wonderful dehverance.- Rumanisohe Woobsvokrift. Ayer's Pilis Are better known and more gener- ally used than any other cathartic. S -coated, purely vegetable, e. free from mercury or any other injurious drug, this is the ideal family medicine. Though prompt and energetic in their action, the use of the pills is attended with may the best results. Their effect IN 10 strengthen and regulate the organic functions, being especially beneficial in the various derange- ments of the stomach, liver, and bowels. Ayer's Pills are recommended by all the leading physicians, and druggists, as the most prompt and effective remedy for biliousness, nausea, costive- ness, indigestion, sluggishness of the liter, jaundice, drowsinefs, pain in the side, and sick headache; also, to relieve colds, fevers, neu- ralgia, and rhedmatism. Tt'cy are taken with great benefit in chills and the diseases peculiar to the South. For travelers, wheth_r by land or sea, Ayer's PiUs arc the best, and s:touia ner_r omitted in the outfit. To prescry their medicinal integrity in a:I climates, they are put up :n as well as boxes. " 1 have usad Ayer's Pills in my family for several years, and alw es found them to be a mild and exce- lent purgative, having a f•-ociJ effect on the liver. It is Cie hest pill used."—Fra--i'.c . rauran, S'.- phur, Ky. I'nyam! by 1)r.1 C. A. -_r S Ca, L•.•.'".:•f:.� Sold by .la 1>ru.-xs a every-'.fat,- Every ..Every Doso Effective • wt.e:Iad. " If fi.hce knew enough to live is the ground instead of water,' remarked Freak, they could get all the worms they treated without hooks in thee." Waere Moron Wear veil.. The oddest things to h. seen In the streets of Colorado Springs are horses denied with owls. We have grown Go- castomid totbs jaunty little hats worn by many horses in our townUll to protect them from the hest of the sun. W. can even see en umbrella fastened oyer their hands without surprise but a veil gives to the noble beast a dandyish look that is very drolL Some of three veil. belonging to fine toddles. are mere fringes of fins strips of leather that hang before the • others are of n&sipuitn net - drawn t tv back and fatten - like a wornan's acne ren; but the aunt sty lith and @Mogi thew effective are of netting drawn over a hoop w hich Wileit t cons- plebely Freesyetfii than. n. exom the eyes, aggerated Wee gim the gravest horse a waggish �OeTM veils are not worn for fashion's sail. They are, indeed, a stern neces- sity, and the aomtat, if not even the life of the bows. demands it Colorado, with ail its peat attractions. has cos plaga.-the plus of Aie. Flies of all ▪ ets, front wast tip to hi Most mous partsb blue bottle, are everys of his body ebe horse cenViitn.elf peobnt ft sot deprived of his tail, but ohiigsseayses hs ~trio 1 teeret,aof nd these ayytths flypttri�be. • mean can do to • p riser 1nngsiveil for W most f&ItbIOl ewTa$t A Csmptasar. Maud -How do you like the sew way 1 do my Haar! Frank (wanting to say something parti- cularly hies- W by, you look at laaat thirty yew yousgsr- From India's Coral Miraad. DEAR Ftas,-I have much pita/tare ie certifying that after sufferingseverely for 15 *.oaths trona diarrLo a. wich came on .fret ohil.lbirth, previous to which I bad suffered from dysentery tor some months. 1 was eared by Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. 2. Asyut 11. Gtatox, ikilipatani, India. ■s Owes Move An ane •ass. 'Teo Clteea1.a4 wale weer Inas Milk bsr ease, Mug that le abut it is paps,' said a lbw Y- .lbwv , who re lleriaa ills a tilloiar. "sa.w Wei an nrflb wkan Ibuitt KW* 40 MI MN a kiiiissisissit by ft — - "Mr. _w_ SPECIAL BARGAINS Goads Aboul Hall Price 1 We have about 900 yards of Colored Dress Goods that we are selling as follows: 50 Cent for 25.25 Cent for 15. 15 Cant for 10. 33 " 20., 20 " 14. 12 y " 9. 30 " 20. 18 " 12; 10 to 7. The most of the above are all Wool and good Shades and must be sold to make way for Fall Goods. 35 Cent A11-oo1 ChaIlio for 25 Cls. THESE COODS ADE DECIDED BABGAIXS. Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. 57 discount for Caah on close cut regular prices. EarA first-class Dress and Mantle Maker up stair. COLBORNE BROS., GODERICH. Great Carpet Warehouse of the County. J TIS— t, o!rTSZA.L ?APES MILLS CO. I MIM I talff WEM MINI Ilmosn : Y hersage. M es 55 Tatman a /t PETEl AN'S ROACH Fano NOT A >i POISON FATAL TO eneelltOMIIIIS Atli NATER a1ee. Ss•arsa.1..nr..p... 10 ,.a .1r •era+ ItVIN, NUMMI i C0., sols tuna., ea a at /a IPew1 etrwt, leOJTWL ..M Proota_ d ole L.nr :::A*- fir Pt 880 iA.a� +w" fw�i. RHOLU*L1 .air sats.., LeoSWINE N/tar, Y.a -t- we*ut , 'ur" SPIRIT as.4t..el:an.t. MERCHANT. Aperiforra.•a a t.0-- Ar Soo 111.444t 1/111akey J.M p .r Conal. . a .1"13.4.1=.."%.4166 MS St. Plage Street. Montreal. Koutreal ,,�E. TRAOE O♦ I1 Wall4,4,0 couN11 ! Paper to ; MCARTRUR Fixe 1V4bv' es feeANI TNN ROW Zswelet /. Mlira iwis RM L •:fest LiOswtftw► '"' lei.a IJ.hI. ef ?try - n lr 2 . - 0 I ff arCns �6� MNILACE a U$II 51.NE KANFL Ti AILD tains Mee. Tia Craig Orin FEATNn MAIM. W.mIOW, Fauns apdss, lel, Metre Dans WE aNA1111vAC elle L tt II MUM,,araam'Lar•yadrMe, w5afr THE EQUAL OF LIlBY'S PARISIAN NAi1 IIENEF ora.nt Mebsuil, carroSeetag gtay b.lr M ter ast,.esl edea ani keteri Ila use he" Ana sae sed, Med tree Rosa • steps as ter ltwin At9Msg os*,M�atae Mfib gr. Gal giro. s kat M r —se — odeamIryAof )rear 1 *100041.5 r .J0 It tee waves bsuwa M tot. Ad M Mil re glltr.risvo.e arillr,npw ID RCIJ A Preparation the Nell( Proper tesdhiet are unrver5all knnwb • ' pty►NOS► r.LUAfltf REUEpy f0 PVRIFVINGA THE BL00DR Costweness. Istkgestfon Dyspeosia.Sour Sim) 'GOALIE MO DOW!) il ? e w Bc_r la 0 o S o I bi:w ` f '= y b a 1 ° s aj s ast 4 1 ! . _ ° 20 zg y d3>' I9 I al Q e ►: e s It's 1 ; 4 a Fi1? ,g,1 , , .- li jee 3 ; » d 1 iii r 2 II5. /-.7 1-`i ti i 1 p- al" f sit! l`a 3ii iti M ✓X1 @� :NI./I3 Fs se II .y us _1 3 Ilii;oe IA a_ A Carriage Having peeh.sed the battle— tot MoCREATH & WALKER 1 haws sow .rreagud, sot cooly to en.tiawe the flrri•ge Trade, bet have deelAd t• do all deem el week in H0881-SHOBIHG AJD HUM ML BLL0I8IITHIHB. If M SOT TU MT 07 WOP1.lS= SUPI3T1I/ 111 MOLT DIUPARTYIQT