HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-8-3, Page 21
Has come not a little
knowledge as to cook-
ery--wbat to do, as well
as what not to do. Thus
we have learned to use
the most pure and per-
fect and popular cook -
ingmaterial for all frying
and shortening purposes.
is the natural outcome
of the age, and it teaches
us eel to use lard, but rath-
er the new shortening,
which is far cleaner, and
more digestible than any
lard can be.
The success of Cotto-
lene has called out worth-
less imitations under
similar names. Look out
for these! Ask your
Grocer for COTTOLHNR,
and he sur_ that you get it.
Made only by
Wellington and Ann tits.,
0 i'urToaa,oa�
Cor ea e. a
•„ Cs
Is the North 1'.I. A.rth A11 Bear 1•
!Watchlue or It T
The whole region is one .1 severe cold. ,
and the tea w frozen for the greater part
of the year, land and water becoming I
almost indistinguishable. but for the in -
meson( mov►me t and drift of the sea- '
ire. In summer the sea -ice breaks up
into floes which mar draft away south-!
wart and melt, or be driven by the wind
against the shores of continents or G-
lands, leaving lance of open water which
n shift of wind may change and close in
an hour. Icebergs launched from the'
glaciers of the land also drift with tide.
. urrrnt and wind through the more or
m open water. Possibly at some time!
the pack may open and a clear water-
way run through to the pole. and cid t
whalers tell of nwny a year when they
believed that a few dayti btearning
would carr- them to the end .f the 1
world, if they could have seized the op- 1
Segal .speeds .ad Saes... -A Limas Lie -
•.,S .. nit .f Ineer..s to All Measr-
wivee-rtes rhe ir.uy BOW
it may not be generally kno'm n. says
"London Anawera," that the t1 r• •t Lan
$ gisejal laundry, hut such i.. 1 e
and k woukl lie dulktdi, indeau. t
II MOOD pi-tureeque npot than tl,.,; oc.•u•
pied be the Royal laundry, on the Se-
ders of Richmond I'atk-
At the entrance to the drive Wm pretty.
ivy-covered cottage, beyond .rbi: h it
Impossible for the unauthoru d stranger
to pass, as the Royal 1..undrr i. Mewed
a. jealously guarded as tin Yank ..f Ede; -
Wel, and tile drive itself, in summer
time is tendered beautiful by the ;,reed•
ery and masses of reel olives on eitiwr
side. Arming at the Iauwlry , it t• found
to he a large• but rather un,.ret +c b.ueo
ivy-covered buil neg. and upon eieertug
it. the usual smell of .,, 1p and sofa phcu-
Isar to -writhing day ' u very much in
Along each side of the pasta ee are
lary;e. well -ventilated eupiwiti-de, in
which the emend kiu.I. of :map are
kept, Loos of w tacit are. Ix,u •ht at a
time: and tr•niendout ,Wests tiled with
este and car1.,lta;e of e.e:.a are also to lie
se• 0.
Tim ordinary linen. m'on...stin; cif
h.wrls, tab.ecl+4ls, tete.. arrive. at the
Imiteiry in huge spaare h skeet Ttwse
are then emptied. the softente sorted,
compared and checked, with the lists
aceornpanyii': them.
Tire peneetal linen of Nae royal f:inaily
is sorted in a .pedal roo.n. the wo hien
(.as ontauing it hearing brass ,Tates
`Ipon which to iascrihe•l the ()wo ett's
name and number of tan• u.x, .t:eb as
'•1'iae ll:seem. N .. lei," "The Priluva of
No. 21. ' etc.
The washing apparatus is of the mors:
perfect and recent manufacture, and the
.vringiag, drying and man1tiug machin-
ery is meat complete.
In every room order and the r, -i -tee`-t
cieanline-care "Meer. e.i..a:: th,' ..•ut
ilierati.ms are conduces : wuh de.., .• urc
regularity and dispatc...
Wien the el.+'',.•': properly . ' sed
they vee p :, e,l is : g h ai s, each I: ...p
1,ulnngi:. t • ., dol ere:,. p .lace.
\Loa of l:t• i.ncu i. pret:ily marked m
red eo:t,n,er11., Li.t'.. 11.1•., with C.I.L.
above: but conte of the markings are
now done with rublter hand stamps.
To show bow the royal linen wea.-x, the
slate of I"SU may b.. noticed on soave
of the talrieclu4 .i. which are of ex -
:Flamm ffe:en.-s,s, specially made for the
tlueen, and the deergua are exceedingly
pretty. c•'usutine .s they do of ingenious
c,w►txna:sous tf !i •r ltia}••stj smon.trtram
and the route, tlr,ti" and sirtmeek to-
gether stall a DOW her o: royal armorial
amus,, klea may be gathered of the
extent of ttie 1l .cal Laundry when it
W m,: it's ed teaat the ,tare:a s .mull
washing bill am••uats to very nearly
portunity. At other time.. routes Ira- l L60Ut1.
versed in setter time after time may be 1
effectively closed for years, and all ad A PLEA FOR PRETTY GIRLS
a-ance barred. Food iu the form of Beals I ----
or walrus in the open water. reindeer,
musk ux, polar bears or birds on the
land, may often be procured, but these
sources cannot be relied upon. Advance
northward may be Iliad* by water in a
ship. or by Rog -sledge, or on foot, neer ,
the frurtn snow or vee. F.a;:h method
has grave drawbacks. Adv.:ae l.v sea I
is stopped when the young ice forms in !
autumn. and land a,lvanee is hampered !
by the lung Arctic night which enforces,
months of inaction. more trying to
health and spirits than the severest oxer- !
tion.-McClure's Magazine.
A Noble Corps of lg•.bls Ices.
Probably the must remarkable army
division in the world Is the foreign
leg ou of France. 1t is this legi..0
which is invariably sent into the grrat-
eet danger. Whenever there are hard -
team to Ile bedte• to wu ch t,:e Frans.,
ainnerities it. ro carr td expow la. •
regular t -.".psi for forma le,;ivaa o. al.•
variably d,stened. 1 for t to phrinise.
Naturally themutation ar.ea: Why is
th a. so?
The character of the men who fill its
rauke is the explauation.
11uto•t a 1; hunt except Baa t h w a re men
who, while brave beyond question. have
a past which they we'd to Mary. Many
of prem are srrvingu:id.•r mc,guituoan.:
peace no va:ue upon ti,eir ht.-.. r'ully
Iver per cent. are for. ignera--adteuturen
owl ry f ogees.
A wetter states that in one company
be has found a Rnumaulan prince, who
was under suspicion of having murdered
his brother : an Italian lieutenant -colonel
of cavalry, hearing an Illustrious name.
wlio had been dismissed from King
Humbert's army in diegraoe in conse-
quence of being found cheating at .:arils:
a timeuan nihilist, who escaped from
Siberia: an ex -canon of the Cathedral of
Notre Dame at Paris, who had Leen sus-
pended trent his ecclesiastical funetioas
in consequence of an offence committed
agaiast public morality : an English
ex -captain of the rifle brigade, and a
German cuunt who had not only served
•s lieutenant in the First Reg nient of
Hoards at Berlin, But who had also
held $ position on the military staff of
the late Emperor of (ier.nany.-New
York Recorder.
lateraatt.a.I .,vaso less.
The first great international exposition
was that held at Lander, in the Crystal
Palace. In 1$t11. The total expenses of
this exposition, including the cost of the
building, were shout 0203,000. and the
receipts about f:i06.0asj. The building
covered an area of mon than twenty
acral. The next similar undertaking
was the "F-xhibitlos of the Industry of
All Nations." held at New York in 185:1.
This was held in "Crystal Palace.'
which was afterwards destroyed by fire.
A similar exhibition was also held in
Dublin the Name year. In 1534 an ex-
pp<ossittion was held in Munich, whish at
ilmt was very successful. but cholera ap-
peared and caused such • fright that the
enterprise was abandoned. The first
greet Paris international Exposition was
held in 16560 The second F.nglaah inter-
natinal Exhibition was held in London
in 11162. Next in order were those bald
at ('osstantinopte in 10168 ; Bayonne,
1564 ; Dublin. 18115 ; (ol:Tone, Oporto
and Stockholm in 11166 ; Melbourne,
10016 ; Agra, 11167. Then doe the great
Paris Fzp.nitins .4 156;, followed by
several smaller ores at variolas places,
until 1678. when a miry Sas one was
bold in Visnas The next important
display was the Philadelphia Centennial.
Apia a healer of rtsealler tress, and
ties the greet Tart repaddenet trot
SI ewes bnseret is •r tbeal
They Are (Bait. as Apt is Pias. (Wool
Wi..s •o Their rlaaee 5 atefea
Mane pi- ple seem t., thiltk that be-
cause a gir: is plain or only ordinary in
appearance that sae tt Oessarely makes
the beet wife. Ark the opinion 1 male
1rieiia. and more often than set file an-
swer to something in this style : "On !
pretty g:rla are very well, but t,:e plain.
sensiule maiden is the one to be deemed
fur home anufort, and dom••r'ic Lame-
ness It is cert..:nil- true that plain
girla marry more teiui:y than their gooti-
loukti14 sisters. al:: •e, it is time some-
thing aas said in glair defecce.
Does it signify, teen, that tw t- u * a
girl is endowed with taore than c.rdinary
chiarous that she is certain to eoirk tet.:
duties neres.ary t.. t.:au's e:i,s,f.•t:. Gnu
yield unwilliugly to the ordinary rou-
tine of domstie t,eil ? Ry no rireans'
.0 Ix• just it,c w"t-.'t.-a: a:1d prartti.
• ::'1. ems:Wre its .t the world ata
attend to bur •t,:,, v lrrrfull-. Bbe
.ac .p.•11.1 Mute t:.uti .••.1i.::.rr time be -
tore the glass. but theft .• i. nod her dot)
t•, lo.. her not Her team:: is a gilt.
.end eaves it not bt•ioove hoer to take the
, roatest care of Iiatube a t•.: .• "Anent i
Yes. the pretty girl ca;n 1..• pretty, i
v. ell as look pretty
Poria anal Hai r.
(itrla with !1 riumed h•nr 0:e now the
•w,rrect thing." 1t is dinicult to d..
tef cour,e, the Lair tntsstbec„ubed care-
fully every day. That rices the glossy
effect which is so touch in v,rgtw. but
this is only the start in the perfuruing o,
it. A young lady who has tried it sue
cesmfully, says: "There are ways and
ways of perfuming the hair. but 1 found
the pet way was to have a mob cap of
soft, thin sick trade and lineal with cot
ton that had been thickly apriukiel with
eaeber powder. Now. after weekly
shampoo,' I wear the rap for an hour,
and a delicate, indistinct fragrance ,.
imparted to the lacks that i. the epitome
of daiutinese."-tit. Luis Republic.
A sampan nees.if ase a.eNsknees.
Any one who has suffered from a
severe attack of asaaicknems will be grate-
rateful for any simple remedy which offers
relief. The following is guaranteed by a
Rueiian physician to be an effective
mean* of curing the worst cats of ams
Meknes*. nod of avoiding it when the
symptoms first make their aisrance.
it consist. in takintr lag and .1;•e`, in-
epirntitna. About Lo breaths should la
taken every minute, and they sbould 1.
at deep IN p41101111 44.. After tV or 11) in-
spirations have been taken. the symp-
toms will he fpund to abate. and in a
few minutes trey w iU diappnr alto-
gene- r. If 11e 'tick rice r. -appears. the
deep lav -ailing should he at one resort-
ed to. - -1 ..ndon Answer*.
The Vary* lamely Asaatse 15*S.$.wbr.
The fail who rocks the boot luta been
sit his deadly work again this year, and
two men have lost their lives In cnnsr-
towniee. That the boss -rasher was one
of those drowned a email /„notation.
110 trihe never deerssea He turas up
at picnics. where he delights in drown-
ing women •ol children, and he is to be
sawn any peaaont afterann stn the Ickes
in elm pars terrifying his oompaniona
He is the Res amain of the "didn't
know it was landed" Writ. end • boanrn
friend of tb. imbled, who pulls claire
from b►seath lumple "for fur." -Rose
ah. ora OD That Tho.,
Mather --Now, oaa you
we y reams Irby.aim ikett point
A Uay. nasi.
An informal (adonis d erosionen
pI„s_I.d la the expansion of
Ns Emphrs was held reowitly in a Loa -
don restaerawt Th. prooredings were
not mores& but -[laity Paper.
W estey' lsa that other ter liasS.
Ibis earriia •o t. uws r sem;
sty tweaking le • d
bouaa d for
tho goat.
<111r baba We tett me their 14ersag.
!he) t•o& to• awl asemsed moat :exceed
Rs t• e'•. wYA • ' M °labs .a4 lb, meow*
Tee. awl amu mat aid 1. deens,d4
Item bevel
To go aaI get dist amid he dewed
1•o setae of iodise' ase Amer,
AGN Sams M no terrine Ihr Mak.
Aad some of w haat nr On , ti (.vast
And ms oro --.the Mahal.) :rank,
Lad woe d w dolt to Ararat.
And some of w drift tip the Fly,
Aad mome stare nor socket oak uanat
.254,, . mitt the .rsthe Steam,
Tia, tea wick lM.awtr Ns at.
We've jointed the Israu-b
ur ea i.arb-I the ILr;
wd.s sin.. tui .4. ort . t.111. ,• un:g•M
We're .tarred eau . Itosia . 1m,
W. lagewl at tis w .rbl r or awned al-
ba y.ov., .,at ratite. rent na:.
••., •.n ..2 dare to u . %auiraa.
-be erase-a.ddem.ei stet ••t 1...ea,
bear bravo
w e. a tiess sassaas eve Laken.
w.'oenone die (,7ilt.r'a
1* the dyaasdt. Sent sew.
And tie people eat e p and tau r • abd
.awl r e ran trout I.•yh.aaaaag to the
1 co..o,a dam' eat mxaelir and .1• an
We sere ant .1ra the troul.lr !wr.a-
F'ns.. a✓.ren ,..s ht flxut:.a
Tu .,, 1 1). 11. ra,r •.•, .1.. Pan,
Isar ;0..
With the Waant:ad rol:.r wt the Pa,
w'r !weft# t. rlr.m.• .e 11. Arany
wr .kirwi.h Glu -,.t .M :,r• 1 -sot .
W..'i, hetes a gaateal t•• b. .J• ea
M Lira arra'. aaupt'ns• 1 n'.• 1.,t ' .hr :mea
Int . r 1,0.0 as th, y y.r.::t+ Allah
Aotl sr m.,1 e. •we ,a,t !..ale at1ai, A
Tlial lb.; ..•yi.r, 'But hirer ra. lite,
well rend ..+ v l.n.i ai nai+eh r.- -
roe hundred as east ao ou wk,s.
Thea bolt:, -.e ea.: drink it in .btal.ss...
7.1 oar . I,.al) uwc. hu.:.rsl ten:r
Te the liar d oar duet. 1,rel.ropar.
74• .,antler.n ao, on..l.e,-.
Itch -• a bralta to our.et.s• ere . e M•a•t.r,
For liar w -.user don't a.': kw a t:tlt.,
And the L•.iw mat ,ever ... nasal
tied back ran .tartest ,groes
'Itlagr,Y }
Goes beak Oder ra• o.• arida,
Harrah !
..s;: amt the n.I. ars n.
'.:Y trail :a.,d tie pa•.:..v.. again.
la r
The trek aid the n4•e.- .:.air. !
-lttadrnn: L -s
It 1... tt..rk:. tai --.aid )S.•.i-
Is the .till Hour- o' ih • r,i ;:it .B • you
ever catch y'out-el( woot.et,al nkat
would be the result should two .4 Ito
gigantic planets which go whirling
through space with u .p ed of Ge.atb
utile» per Lour, shotla cos.• to a certain
•arbital cantering" .It the ,aurae tune 2 I
ant cot at all appretieu.ive that :.nvthin(
of cite kind will to to place .Etna;; (iruv-
ere incumbency: tint. to tell the trot',,
the very though:s of such a'i . vent be-
ing within the range of t o- s 1,010 ies is
enough to make even a cons -lei, • pure
Democrat quake f a his bout... I :stn 100 :-
inst. forward with much Interest to
Flammariou'a I:dna effort. -Omega,"
which will coasi..rr the various a aye ill
which our globe in cy "come to :r. end."
If be lrtings in this clash of wu:ldi
among the various ••pians for :in end"
which he must have out tip, t::e article
wilt doubtkias be one of ausarutng in-
terest Le: us go buck to the original
proposition: I laave already startel that
our world w spinning throug't space at a
steed of over 1.00) moles per minute.
Should it conte in collision with a globe
of equal size going at the sante rate of
*p,. whit would be the result ? Tue
very best thinkers of the age t,11 us
that heat enough would be generatexi by
tie shock to transform both of the col-
liding bodies into bails of vapor many
alma* their prevent circumference.
Some leave thou4ht that in case the
centre of the soh i. composed of stolid
an:1 colder matter that is the generally
t ct•epted belief, this might not be the,
case. But, after searching all the lead-
ing authorities in order to be able to put
the subject before the readers of "Nov.t
for the Curious" in its true light, I will
adroit that I cannot find a more area,.
pmts Gua." fox tiro. article thug t :•
folios ui,g, winch b. fruen an e•it,':e .
scientist : Sltottl.l .tach a,1 coder.. t • .
eae:r:.neut. the ie•at gain -rated •yo:al l
Iv aut;icient to, 100.1. boil aa.I emltnpl.•.el:
cea-ice a tsars of tee fuilr7U() times the
bide of both the e.tllidieg would. -a
other word.. an use psianet i51.000 main
diameter '
I:dar.e,oA .4 a ChrI.
Tien ntaku; of i man coal: in l'ra't
1e a l.•ugtliy and tcdpwt. proem*. ....-
cord lug to a Frencu stewarl fu u.ae . 1
the leading (dm:ago hotels, a young ivau,
when he decides to pursue a culinary
career, selects his nominal instructor, to
whom he pays a sum equivalent to SI
The aspirant is fat assigned to the v -ge-
table cook, who teaches faint bow to pre-
pare the raw materials. When be has
mastered this be is initiated into the
mystery of cooking theca. This thor-
oughly learned, he studies the way of
cutting up raw meats, of preparing fish,
and how to stuff, dress and truss and lard
game and poultry. When he has learned
this he is placed uefore the rang., when
he receives instruction in the varittn
processs of broiling. frying, roasting
and baking. When be graduates from
this department he peewee under the oon-
tn,l of the second cook, who reveals to
him the mysteries of sauces and soups.
The intervwt of this functionary in this
pupil it is necessary to accelerate with
liberal and frequent tips. The student
is then put in charge of the pastry cook,
to whom he serves a long apprenticeship
in all that p•rtaina to the concoction of
sweets, pastries and ices. This completes
his culinary education, and bees prepared
to swam* the rule of • competent cook. -
Inter -(cyan.
Oppose t. W.r
to spite of the intent fore) of tradi-
tion, the movement for the abolition of
war, like .11 rvfamr'taWelry ainvr•mente
founded on the gospel of true I tirietian-
ity, the caws of pear* shall grow in
power es people grew in learning and
civilisation. as they abandon the dot'tnats
of heathenism for the teachinogp of a
nniveraal humanitarianism. Tod tai and
Bjornson, each exerting an incomparable
influence over his countrymen, are
broadening the Gladstonian furrow, the
one rousing the men on the asst, the
other feeding multitudes of cheenng
Nor:omen. From Erases errands a voice
beloved. the voice uptilted uu earnestly
that it echoes hack tram castle walls
today: "He who kills, let him wear a
kings Brown or a ,nook's hood, still he
is a munireer"-the word. of Victor
Hugrt which have become the weaving
and ormodemnatio. of Owe who Ghats
eh. batibwd with bWWei, Pew, Freak.
NN. �Orees� thisso r. Lynn sad
W� .have hawed to
newa4ye ahs mates N s.0 as Noes* a'
Au Mean et baso
The lady traveler is as tetEame of Nes
last thirty or forty years. ale die lady
a of even a shorter patiod. hese
ittll kale can recall the time when knee
Pfeiffersexperiences in lands no more
remote tem Iceland were the Uwe -
meat of sea -at-bust. folks. and wham
Lady Franklin's ceaseless journeys with
her niece. Miss t'racn,ft, were mese
talked about than to. adapt, when tie
female tourist is met with in every land
from Lapland to New Zealand. Swift
steamers and palace cans have rubbed
the mom beaten trucks of am terror -or
any hardships, lsdeel-:end the .torics
of oto homecoming tourist ..seal forth
a dozen more, eager to imitate or surpass
her achievemente. Wherever she tore
the lady traveler has a war of making
herself amazingly at home, and ob-
taining ouurersiss which are denied to
the sterner sex. la Tobolsk, la
Siberia; we bear of se Engtieh gov-
erness. The S .Mesas prones were
brought up under one. Another bets
recently narrated her experiences of the
Egyptian harems, and more than roe
cuu:d tell tales which the male infidel
never beard of about life in Fes and the
City of Meuooeu. The .'true or the
opera siuger, who is even more adven-
turous. may, perhaps, take • nerve
practical view of the rounds she makes.
This city has -no none)" in it, that one
to remembered by t110 diamond bracelets
in the bouquet. she noeived on the
ata e. ( uan, u► the Andes, ie to the
prima dooua a memory ut wadies en -
owes, 13au,:ruk of empty houses. Now
that the east is opened up by the Acre-
llauiascua Railway, mud Jerusalem 1r
meshed by the iron borne frau Jaffa, the
aculevemeut. of the I.:tlgli.lt
swill not end with Cain, and la t7trs.
By a by she willr
B and a had dad to Ice
:round, and, tiaeught we are afraid Mecca
au.t Medina may still Lai denied her,
l'uu.iattinoplc and Liao E:yptian metro-
polis, it wu.t las rru.ernurred, were hese
U,au a century ago regarded as being as
much closed to toe Kaffir "professional"
as are tete holy cities to -day. -London
(Eng.) Standard.
A 'Alois footed by a Minsk Centuries Ago
and Now is wo*hiaste.
The n oat beautiful volume among the
hal. mil Loa in the congressional ltl,rary
ui \\':.il.,uet.'t -as a Bible which was
tra:.acritord bra monk in the sixteenth
century. It could not be matched to-
day in the beet printing office in the
we.rld. The parchment is in perfect
preservation. Every one of its thousand
pages is a study. The general lettering
is in German text, each letter perfect, as
4 every one, in cold black ink, without
a.cr•tch or blot from lei to lid. At the
beginning of each chapter the tires letter
is very large, usually tiro or three inches
long, and s brightly illuminated in red
and blue ink. Witbio each of these
capitals is drawn the figure of some
stunt, some iicidert of wraich the c:iap-
ter teaks, is aliustrated. There aro two
co:ua m en • `tape, and nowhere is
treatable 1.e aligutest irregrular.ty of
line, spare or formatiou of the lettere.
Even under a magnifying glass they
seem flawlessThis precious volume
is kept under a`Oasis case. olid► is
sontetlmea ai:t,d to allow that all the
pages aro a, perfect as the two which lie
open. A legend relates that a young
near who had *tuned deeply became a
monk and resolved to do penance for his
mtadeeda, He determined to copy the
Bible, that he might learn every letter of
the Divine commands which he had vio-
lated. Every day for many rears he
patiently pursued his task. ac1m letter
was wrought in reverence and love. and
the patient soul found its Daly compau-
ionstup in the saintly faces which were
portrayed on these pages. When the
last touch was given to the last letter,
the old man reverently kaaed the page
and folded the sheets together. -flati
illustrated initials in perfection of form
and brilliancy of color surname anything
produced in tete present, mar. We•, all
our boasted progress, n,tebug eiiher in
Europe or America squads it.
•Th• Wild trig .4 Florida,.
The wild fig tree is found at carious
points along the southern coast, tieing
entirely tropical. and must "cGy tosid
in the i:ver`lads coma ns more or Less
of therm. This is a remarkable tree. It
Bret u:..k,•s its appear* me a. the creeper
and s. i.•4 uu the larg.,•t tree it cull thee
co:ilnnals:g to encircle it is its meshes
until it deprives it of life, when it feeds
upon the uecayed matter and Ossetian ,roes a
beautiful tree. On one of the islands in
the Everglades duan Oen. Harney's
two of these large sig trees were
dlsoovered, standing about ten feet
apart which decorated the center of the
island. Timmy had each attacked a palm-
etto and one of them was dead, but the
top of the other was still blooming in
the center; although completely sur-
rounded The Indian nanie for the wild
fig tree is "Ho-co-moth-locco."-Flt. Au-
gustine News.
My Lady lrlesu..,
• Tobacco was noted by Columbus on
his very first voyage It was first culti-
vated by John Rolfe in 1612, and se
early as 1619 a lot of 80,000 pounds was
shipped to England. In 173.2 a tobanno
factory was darted ala the Rappahan-
nock River, and about 1769 the first
south of the James River was built is
Mecklenburg (county. la 1746 the ex-
ppoorrtbt eros Virginia amounted to 43,541
boplbeads of about 1,000 pounds each,
.Gondol increased till 1738, after which there
was a decline until after the revolution.
It ie now grown in most of the Southern
Stats, Kentucky in the lied.
Nt.a.te If Tess.
It is related that on the data of Edwin
Booth's birth there was a meteoric show-
er. At the boor, and just before the
aseneent of his death at the Players'
Aub last week the @lend° lights all
went out, and at the hour of his burial
in Moret Sabers last rriday, trot at
.unmet, titer was • ppebw,$�� .ley.
The west was not only brtUtautly
bot aglow in a pseuliar wa . 11:4the bathos ties was a of light
while to
the emit the redactiesttoward golof all this splendor
wee monad la fainter than. 1$ was m
effete se beautiful end so-*von
anewamobeautiful ewa.ete, tint p was en
marked )n many twee and ill ekes the
coon ham -Mew Odom tiamo)ateen
•.aha. masse.„
P10... of Mexico w ease elf w
oder easier 1. w a bs/nem userning elha
rearm for oleins es beet Mee
n• Yew w tree,.
Be - 1 know deet you love ata. dearest.
these I en sever-
Wierat t 1110 -Bateau I have .wars
se *ever marry a seas who harms Nesse iha.
Oran Illseentage
Artine -Ravenna was anti ea osry
erase were she►. was yang ! " 11. dear ;
way !' " wed 1 tbeghtHwas
alma OW thud her testa se atell seed es
takes eat."
M Alw,sen Mr its.
H y Higgins --G.. ! What: the mat-
ter with year we ! Donal Blew... -II all
cosmos from rsadi.g the tease pewee. I
pat the foal amiss into my bad Net a
wawa did.'s know how to Buoy • brink.
M Meet PMssde.
Mau Sires.- 1 was neatly traded with
weeko me, lees of
•pp.t�ie. nmr
sleep's's...ea, sod= B. Bi It the meat
atresgtheniag aad bsrngmal aedioia.I bare
taken- Miss Haaaur,
2. 34 Burnley in. Toronto, Oat.
Metter l'tsye Nestarsw
'• Pretty children you are for • minister
to have !" reprauingiy exclaimed • weser-
vi11e minister to his children, who were mis-
behaving at the table, end four year-old
Dorothy spoke up : •• Better change your
bsnissm, pa."
waist en Theft
In p,pu!arity t•e.a.ingla reliability
the som.b.. 1. 4 mmrat ab* that In fast,
the ..rat remedy for all summer o.Meplainan,
distil.. a, dysentery. eramw. c••: •c. cholera
infantun•, toe., is Dr. Fowler'. Eatraot of
tV11.1 Strawberry. All steutcu.0 dealers
sole t8. 2.
NN I ntena led We Math.
Nn Newlywed tees/ma--I don't woot
the, kink of tee. I want cake lora. Iceman
(mystified 0 -Thu is cake dor, modem. Mrs.
Newlywed R'ell, i don't see how w body a
going to make icing for • ca:e for • cake
ou: ..: ttwt.
teettser. mad %Games.
All w ho have the menet etildrea shoat.,
know that Dr. Fowler's Estraot .f %Vibd
Strawberry may Le ooa&Mut.ly dep.sdel un
to care all summer oowpiaints, dmrtho•a,
dysentery, cramps, colic, cholera infantum,
cholera mxbus, milker, eta, in children or
spats. 2w
The Whiteman Pea Harvester
The best in the world for the follow
ins readb
1.t. It ie (wilt of the best malt ble
wrought iron aid steel.
2nd It requires no holes to be drilled is
cutter bar.
3rd. The outside divider can be raised
or lowered at back or fr•tut, independent of
talc It has no r..l at the back to l:01.1
obstructions and +:sure cin.ktmq.
5th. There are no sin:t.es to break or
vet out of order.
6th. It kiss moyb.!e c::ps and nun he set
in hue with itoogne of n,a,.hiae of cutter tear
tongs back.
7:.11. Each lifter has r guard stay, and
breaking mower guards w 1mposibta.
8th. Each lifter is aisle -pendent cf the
uti,er and ran he raisea ,.r lowered at the
back so ss to line in (rout should mower
guards be out of lane.
9th. The Danaher of m' chines whl dur-
ing the last mime, enables a large number
of the lending f.rruxv* of the Province to
testily to ata merits. Every machine is war-
ranted and given on tees.. Sample machine
ran be seen .t it. T1oar?-•r'e Blacksmith
shop, Go„ derich, beside. •t different shop
over the Comity. JAMES 'Y HIT F.MAN,
Patentee .hd Manufacturer.
Thames Brown, 1;t•eert1 ,Agent, Sealortk,
pwa:.7 vi•
LARL'zer So L.1; oil CAN.;.*.
th5e Amery
Agony ter :
t 1011
►nr Int
ay k Cee aq name star nx im torn to
Nt, a (Ylhr •uwdtt Nn► ToaL
Ninon seearlre. p.tuaes la Ams*aa.
ate-t•�*m *7 satin. oal . freeofw charge ID the
haktroesse beam
ff rientifze American
T.. Mit to teas
nen e
• ark. •
Buchanan 86 Son,
wa)rV eaort-f.ae
bs•tcrs la all kind ef
An wiser% ...levo et eery irssfiu..
School taro a Seecialty.
Nassseate to Ito
andnem,..r, Pa.•lrat
The Signal
aa.s me. "inert eaeayea y
pWgpsrJoh the filtlisolaaree
A pima of the •oaut
meat nay s11rM s.mstling you' mai
be Ns SOW ef. aced is sere ono we MILL
.1s your prlrasap, f s11'sg .tabtl,a,
aha* ours turas to pisaa. wiil eaeet nth
the approval of our patrol.
Ott heads
This useful eine is kept in the hep
range of qualities seine as near
hea<L- ♦Vitale
Letter ‘‘e..0.6.11
In this line we have a very large
stock of fine writing papers oast
able for every clam of buaieee*
rerprelented in this locality, nor
prising laid and wove, lieu..
quadrille and other papers, ruled
or minded, as may be required
l kt:ram. �tatls
are not .o generally used, they 511
an iniportantplace In commercial on -respondence. what weer
got under Obs above bends•
SAN kit1L&I2
1f the •' pay-as-you-go" plea nes
the order of the day the d.m.d
for account paper would not k.
so great ; burro are some res
get so many dnnnen tLt
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out, We don't intend it is,
and at present our stock is eon
pieta in this line with four siae.
Good paper and neat ruling.
Both single and double .lollan
and cents columns. They cors
cheaper than hill heads, and are
the proper thing to seal after s
delinquent once a month. They
are sure to fetch him. 'round-
Now, it would be hand to get
along without envelopes, and 1.
keep up with the demand 4
them we keep a large stock es
hand. We have now about e
hundred thousand in stock, and
the prices will range from 75:. to
•12.00 per M. We handle non
mercial and legal sign exclusively.
OtlnitnCrt.ok r\nt\n$
has already been pally Baan
orated in some of the heads above
There is, however, p vast .mom
of work under this head that le
enumerate would more than take
up the entire space occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all at MS
W.>\< It\Ohs
to an "At Rome" or a wedding
require considerable taste in selec
tion sometimes, but we make it
an easy matter by keeping ie
stock the very latest and best
samples to be had. all and oro.
%Mkt V3t.‘ks
belong to the poster department
also, and we make a specialty el
them -promptness being our ata
in this respect. A notice of tells
will appear in Tits SIGNAL fres d
charge when hills for same see gel
of entertainments and meatier
promptly turned out, frola the
plain but neat to the most el pat
with cord and pencil attached
e (XV d►s ond► T'•tktts
This head covers a large tinge d
work, from •a�bread or milk tickd
to a neat callingcard, from an or
(unary admission ticket to a tasty
businea@ card or a handsomely
printed memberebip ticket.
4 Osttrs
Our facilities for turning out div
class of work are evidenced by tk/
fact that the great balk of it
done by us. This line also is'
which our three fast-runningjab
presses are able to turn outs
surprisingly short time.
e; reAkkars
We aim to excel in all the tii�f
ant kinds of work we tars eel,
Fut especially in this, and bell
in stock plain and fancy p01
suitable for all regairrenenea
#\k Mande OS 'Work
in the typographical printiii
eon be dors in this e.tablWuatid
in an expedition and ar1MM
manner and
0WI' �P Aces is %JAM. be. jm►si
stink rtasonab t.
Ws extend stir thanks 10r peel alp
the and wash a ..Ntiaaree d f;M
T SA eglIA•Zn
. 31:MAlra1•