HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-8-3, Page 1•-• •11•••••..... KM SW OMRAPIIM aim 11111M1 AT 0111111 1114111011 THE SIGNAL IS THE 06.8T. alelletuas sow -Oyer Dold.elt • 1 met. APV•MOIL 1 VOL XLV. 2424 MIVADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK reamer M011. F. J. Priditien.. pm 1 1011n 7"1-113 OFFICIALS+ 1\TEIIIVESPA-PECEI OF 1-1173102sT OOTTISTTY. GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY AUG. 3. 1893. THE TALK OF THE TOWN. Peer -It R. gallows 1 gels Meer Geo. A. Fear 8 Inert BLOM** ROOM the RepOWde leading .pM4.-w. T. Heys It 5 I nes NOLs -Book Te.cion Wanted•- n.. McIlwate.. 8 free Ilareunie-Celberne Bros 3 tee sad Wood -Juba S. Pleat sweet Welted -Mrs Lindsey Opel I ktode - W. T. Webb 6 %% anted- Mrs. F. Jordan ^ DORN. ggrx ?MA is fiteetech. es Jetty ts, tee w.f. a W. 11., ()remelt of • de...whew. DIED. pArrEgy to iiimierick. on Moader.J ale tee dary A l'altermaa. belaved Lir rt,os. Palteeraus„ Chntea. .god M years are 1 meth PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. leaseu Lae retereed from the Worki's ran. W ere Mine, of Grey, was le tow We.1 stsday. E N. Lew a has retureel from hia frip epee lake. • eel Mee. A. M. Kay, of Stratford, meet sateen ia tows. Ses 31. Skelton. ot StratJord, thorium et Mre J. 11. Vomitus-. Arehe Dickens left oe Teeadey for • visit to Ma forth awl visit -Ay. Mei C. K Annetron ie entitling Mrs. ('. e. Anestrceg. Quebec -e. W. E. T1•300f, of Chicago, is ia town, the geeof deputy -Meng Reynold". His. ll ere Wont, of If setiltou. is visit: - eget tows, the guest of Mies Crewe. Hrs. Jobe Depose, ead daughter, of Leer, are the goads of Mn. Julia 1. Ai • ka. lor W. H. Chelan. of Edgar, Siniooe co., lamed friends te this seciion daring the week. rem If. Williams retensel ea Howley free the ramid trip es leo sthener Hosarch. Woe Leriagetues, of elilvertos. res in tiers laat week, visaing bis oid freed, X 1 -cider. " Stahl, of the liessiall Observer, was in tees Satuete, hawk and gave tbe kiedly call. emirs Albert and Herb Robertson bate tetersol from • ten daysvise to the Workle Fait. kin Reese 01 Kino•rdine, was in town en week in the, interest of N. promo, 'men merchant , !•1 re J. Struthers awl chile. so. of Taeoto, err the gent. of Mot. Gavin INntihcrs, Burma Riad. Mr. mai Ilrs Shaw, aocomposied by title dagehter. lire E. N. Leen, reternei front Europe Thenday lase leere Shen:. who hue been 'Menne fries le in Colheree, left ter his home to bretelon. Sian •Vedneelay. T many frauds a! Jona L Aitkie will he pineed to hear that he is rapidly ina- Jig after his severe illness. ether and preprietow ot On I Enterprise, sad wile, are the pot v of Rev. W. ff. Moss, Nike Flank Holmes who had beam visitiag at the reaoleoce of Geo. W. Thonsetin. rethre- al to les Irene to 'enter°, yesterday, .1 e. Stine, painter. will leave for Matu. Mee, Saturday. He proposes to Make future bream in the Northwest. Mrs Hugh Donk" aad three children, 71"(i.t SS, left by the City of Windsor, on Welomday last es • visit to Kneeled - tee g Harlem druggist. of Tomato, omit a portion of his vacation in this vicaleity. He eel Ma • warm .pot in his heltrt for old Heroo, and feeds wheeling good. Ur. &ad lirs. P. Deane, Jr. of Winghent, aerompenied by their two goes, Peter and Cterley, drove weer WeduesAay last to visit Mr. l‘sens' .is$.r MrL J. W. V""tier• WI. Gearing sod her two children sae her mother, Mrs. Mothersill. ef Stratford, enfe of le W. Cnariog„ of the taw firm %lathe & figari,g, are is town for • few woke. - - - (.T. R. Xxceliesov -Reseensber World's Fair Ermines, Aug. 4th and 5th. Ticket" 'sly $11.06, rood for 10 days, all train,. Tieete and all particulars eon be had front H Anestroog, Town ticket agent 1.. T. R., .oderiels. A. ...wienetemn. -Tea following note ef new letipenesit. whieh 'peaks for fuel( he bets receive.' by J. T. Dictums, cesir- ima of the Herm fruit exhibit committes, frown espeenteedest Pettit, of the Ontario Frait Salim Chisago letar Ihr, -1 to- mcod this A. I& • OW Of Sao fruit and in good order -es the jades remarked, • owl lise lot indeed. We arg glad to ramie" any senteenta you may send si to etmegthen Oatario's exhibit. (Muria is keeping them all hest, awl I tree before the semen is eT'? she twill tax doom to keep up with leer in her hortioultairal products. LAr• AaatvALA AT TOE Potter YAWS - Mr. sad hire Maynard. four Allem sad ' lane Mr. C Yo... Miss H. Yoeng, Miss 16Phersoes, Geo. Rosman mid wife. Moo MePhitroori, Mist Nolen MePber- wok Mies Lenora Fielser, Mies Innis Fisher __Idr• and •11re. Clarke Smoot Fronk and mese Mtratford ; Mies Comm. K lepton ; 44tv• John 14nirte,,. Kra Marais Meow' Ataley Lae., liantar Traverse Leans, ""rftwist, Mite %rtes. Mertes Guy Ser. We, tilis Hild• Raton, Mr& Shepherd. "^- 41. W. Perry. elin R. A. Thompson sal @MK Mrs. Harry Rise sad we ail *se. T. C. Knelt, Hatinihrei Almad., Fraser, Mrs. A. G. Fraser. %ass Kate and Manse Fraser. Meolsw Remo Fraser, feedlots ; Kr. sad Mrs. Gee ft'elft mel two *hiltless, Kra Chia. Ivo ane nurse, Detroit ; fere three two eleitilem sad eterso. Little Ark • Miss Aunts 111 1 Wm. Gek, eT to.; Plena 'Conte t:MuuIlsrueve '.4..r,. St. Marrs: L *ill Mout avid wife, r. J. c Patterees woe lees Patterson. 8.Pattereee Men W ether= t. -•••••••••---- THE LOCAL DOINGS OF THE WEEK. Weems Greve 4. lay; Weems Lltell le revere -liverythiag la Gra4 gloat lime Through shie U41I -It leaue a male te a Xer taint., 1 reds iv teat It • Filler* •eaaaz Ye Takla' Urea% aod kWh WWII Preen lg. YINI TAILORIMG.--tfurlag aad flunimer clothe in great variety moat to rowed.s ead s.oe wore. oft th• nutting Vete iiee hale a bat choke east rely ou good stile aud elt very moderate prices. IL MaeCermee. hLtr. IENow Is the unto to he getting ready foe ills Pa 1 *vies. *Jen% he ....aught east,lag. hut leave your order with r. J. Pridthan. who ear- lier lemma si nee 014 ee to-nise stile and lit el oil to the beat c.ty make. )Ir. W. O. You. the outclass whoa. former Wet to Uolerice w., iso secoseste, will us here math net. lit. 17, ledooessele wearers should makes tiOle Ot the duos. No charge fur toe examtnatara, jou simpl7 Mgr tor 1.0• eperiaelew Mr; Welsh vital amorse Um re- apoitaibibty. Ttsi anxiety si the Precaution to take • chum wet of *hoe le we, greater loan the Mai ist Lt. K. usliowe to lora out glor beet sloe o, photo vrork 01 .11 tor his Maigogn ors. be! be carps the as. oust el UO44 Ulna and w00% bioessa• Use porta. A eempogoat opglaiao t the jewelry awe ve. wee.% 1.1. 11. t• we toe venues 04 .0 4-mitigq dma4 soaseesadmill tru told st• we *ad se asir.houl niesess weer* ease ss • . ta p,re malt y wull weenie Mt rev tete eed entreats. • pertee. 11. Mahe • 5010 01 the metes. Alien It LLoTo -- Arthur Lloy who with his emptily, sails from Linden. Aag. 2.14, wui opeu has find American tour the letter pert at the meth. Mr. Lloyd throuAli the medium uf hie impulse comae wage • weriewide reputatiou, &nil hue appearance in this country in Ms own featly and sacoessful musical .;ontedy, "Our Paity,- in which many of hie tiewest mete pollee*. will be heard, is sure to be • suo• medal *ea Mr. Henry Irving, on hearing of Sir. Lloyd's coining American tear write*: "I sincerely trope year tear in Anteriet will he thee eighty successful'and I am the et we sanguine of Chia. sa I know by loog experience that your talents have °lily 10 8. un4eretoo.1 to be widely and de- servedly appreciated." Mr. Saunders, of the Grand Opera Home, Wm secured the above attraction for Nov. 20t8. Hispatroes will hive a trnt afforded them on that oe- caSon. PrULKETTEILTor Hi -ewe -This court held • speciel meetine in Knox Church last Tues- day afternoon, what Mr. Murdock McKay delivered hie trial diacourses end wae ex. maned ea prescriber' subjects. Tben fol• leered the regrogeos of his °Mutation anti in. deletion into the pastoral charge of Leehurn and to. church, Goderion Toweehip. The moderator of Preibytery, Rev. J. A. MelMeeld, presided; Rev Neel Shaw. B- A., preached the bermes, the ordination pine or wee offered Rev. Dr. Ure. Rev. J. A. Anderson addressed the mininuter, anti :Rer. Robtr:. Aaderen the people. At tin close of the secvsces Mr. Andr1011 moompanied the newly todooted nithister to the door of the church and istrodoced 1. 18. members 01 10. Rock who were pre seW. lIr. McKie has eISC tit Tomtit* for his thouly. and will return next weak, and will preach Ids first sermon to his people ors the 1318 inst. Wain -4 mom THE CLIUST1AN ENDZA s'Olt MEETING. -TIN Y. P. S. C. E of Knox church, as well as many meniters of tbat congregation bad lookedl [envie' with Goo - * datable interest to WedmeJay evening of bat week, wine the pastor, Rev. J. A Andereoe, had promited to give his men 14 18. remit C. E. Convention in Ifoetred. Tberarmertainly wore not disappointed, as the and sebuseeetio mediae.," teetilled. Tlvu1h many in tlie gathering had reed ex- tended account* of the convention, yet they experienood • new wan of sethusisem toll over theta as the speaker in vivid lanes.s placed many of the exam before them. .k1 the close of the lecture, J. Elein To.., P. 8. L, took the chair, when Rev. Dr. Ur., in • happy speech, ase in his own isimiteble way proposed • vete a" thanks to Mr. Audience for his abie and interest- ing lecture. G. Fred. Blair in a peat Hues speech smoneled it., and tee people o ltowttl their a=a1 by all resew to 1801.'feet At the hfr. Amierene received slimy cuagratuisuom for his effort, EXPONENT. OF DOLOMITE. -Mow Sleepy. sett her ohms gave • nonte pluming enter. tainenent in the enrolees and movements of the Delsarte sestets at Hardy Goleta eel mesiee. Quito • large number et tee friends of the mime were preemie Th. torersioes of the slams awe goo throtigh with ha thn meat perf,ct suitoer. ehogrier not only nugibil but deep harem on the part et the staidests. Every member was grade fed anal tree is the varies@ istovamaste Mies Sibley rave the saisteet exeroises, with a read*, of the poem, mad am exhibition of dramatic postai that were a neat oleasent surprise 10 08. genets of he eveeing. 140 premier estertahment sod wens that meld give • tenter ides of the work of the young hula, is this departinest ooloM he given. The above refer. to Harriet Meneibley, the beautiful art accomelethed Antietam eleraitamist, sea oeposeet o beleitte the Detroit training "ohm' ef eloceitioe sod realign literature, who will appear at the Orme opera Hones as Thursday 1718 style holiday mental by Edith R. Combo. gradate ot Termite Comyereseery f Innele, sod Smith's Orchestra is • number of elm- siaM seleetleee Wee • Imerlamee lam and faeltiem figure Mien Pibley's every mean mem to a pietism of tbe poetry et sastiee. Her thumb bell Dellserte emweives are es- obastiag. and resesseed by the press the finest Wag an the Antenna stage in that Hew Her seems from Pnestalies .04 Galatea with tableau lies reeteieell for leer the moat emboosided praise Oor beet pre or will, so ameba, taro oat ta hear her A. Et run Oretwo. Rerrens, YOUR LABEL THIS WEEK. I See real Toon Kum is Monads, or te allinvasCM. D. McGILLICUDDY, PROP% IHiddismed, Oxford, beset, Welliares Isad THE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. Iran of Wentworth, and Itad opportaaily afforded 88. 01 seeing the result of the sea sone growth in that section of the penis sale. ii• rives the palm for crops to 1%, tee eonnty where the reture will in all probs4Mi4t.y be a good average. The bee 1crop ie • naiversal 11110011.111, 8.1 in 0X10(11 mid Bram the other crops are light, and l this is particularly the ease with wheat which, ite feels mound, will not average 'twelve budiela to thr acre. In the vicinity 1, of Hatnilton, Dundee and Ceporown tbe el - !gram la badly rusted and will not pan ou 5078. to the bushel. The apple crop in Nevins denial is Mao a comparative tal ere, end moat of the ether butte win be light yield. There is a large locrome the acreage of oats and pas awl • heavy crop. Toon cereals have taboo the place in Caoaduen agriculture mei° vacant ky spring wheat aud barley, which is aot Dew raised at a petit. la ormversation with prominent men of the tection visited the general °pukes expressed mut that nothing could improve the present stemmed cootie ties of agriculture uutmde of straight and epee trade relatives, with the United States. To* illrift LE Meer -There is no town ia Caoada better adapted to bicycling thee ours, mei the idea of hohling an annual meet, open to all comers, is a gone one, mid we trust all caisson and our town .miumil will encourage the cluh by their otieport. It has been the fate of (leder:oh 40 the peat that when anytheig to attract at raagors has home gotten up, MMUS 0341 Mask! hiMilaa con- spicuous by an ulatiaate resiatenee to every thing that way done to further the prejtct There is a chutes sow to ade-ertute our Lown. Invitations here bee° sent to .11 18. wimelmen in Caned* to attenJ the toura- a/tient ou the 1718 of Aug., awl levant of the surrounding *awns are holding their civic holiday on that date, their objective point being the "circular city." Let all good citizens then hang cid their banners on the outer wall, mid otherwise giro the towel • holiday appearance. Let churches and societies forego their menet excursions to outside imitate everypne join hands to show the editors that we bare tLe prat tiest town in Canada and are proud of it. The C.C,C are sparing neither time or money to make this ose of the best meets of the "mete, and ghe fact due they ere cffor- ing the kneel prim liat of auy of the bicycle meets, should drew some of the best wheel - men in Ca:lade hither. tem onseessied t-a-adidattm la Masa Mandl - - limpretairalle. . There were 379 caudideine for achaissio to High Schools wrote at tee various "0. ; vases Centres" in Fast Huns. viz : a ! 106; at Sodortli, 96; at Winghass 77; at. Braman, 62; and ast lietester 39. 0 ; them 201 were emeenahd, viz at Choice . 59; at Seeforth, 4.3; at Wingbani, 37; • Briumela, 37; awl at Wruzeter, 25. Ilse highest marks at the various centres t wore es follous : the } Samuel W. Wilson, Chaim M. 8. I. Ada Ithettie, Seeforth, P S. - • Dee Streekaa, Brumes, I'. S. Walter McKibben, 'Witightun, P. & . .564 Ethel Swett, No. 2 Boma 662 Lizzie Vanotooe, of No. 9, Tianbory, took Cb marks in gramma-. This was the high- est taken iu this &Meet. Hattie Burns, of tiorrie, Once Taylor, of No. I, Howiek, and (7. lane. of No. 4, Howe:de took *hu full mark in arithmetic. via: 105, Ohre Hely ar of the Clinton Model School, wok 81 marks, the highest in literature. The highest mark -100, in composition -we. &Lea by Nellie Gibeon, of Wrozeter P. 8., Wm_ Ihutcanaon, of No. 2, (key took 59 marks es history -the highest taken, The higbeet mark in geography was 65 taken by Dan Strachan, of Brussels P. S., and Mary . Mclieunon, of Clime° 31. 8. Tbe list of s000esaful carididates with marks is given below: Ioctereasca. Britten, William, Kiebern P. 8. Wheatley, Mary, .1 a 144 a 1 EL isorDrILIJI. • , Porter Flora, Egmondville P. 8. 3 i Jackson. Thos. . Jick.co, Som. T. Oarrranr. --Margtrat Devideon, daugh- ter of Wm. Sweffield, died at the bonne of her father on Wednesday, July 26:8, at 1l.45 a.m., in her 33rd yew. 8:x yean ego she entered into married life 'nth George F.dgar Devideon, her now mourning hat- band. fete leaves behind a little boy of three yews. Until 25 years of age tire Divideou wa., to all appearances, a strong, healthy women. About five year. ag., • hetia.rage of the hugs 1,4.1 the seeds of 043- stesp4.noo in her nature, earl duriug too 1 et Iwo y oars the deem • nu.J. rapid Free. c \ VOA, her buebria.1 elte orient the unit.. r tit Gusclnatte hap* *7,. warmer c .1., woult1 rutOre her ta health. summer, con -clues et aepreaelo..g death, she hastemed home to .1:e. leeoe ha.et, did all that could 8. 44 to help her. 44 with petioles she awaited the summons ot death. Frain a girl Mrs. Davidson was of • kind. &miaI1e aed toying ditposition. These gestates' were made more apparent after her conversion, which took placein Victoria street Methodist church emote yeara ago. Sae heti no fear of death, but longed tor it during her last sickness. An unusually- Mega concourte of friends attended the fumed services on Friday aftereme. The funeral pennon was preached at the home by Rev, H. Irvine, from Rev. 7, 14-17. Rev. Dr. Ure expiated in the services at the house and grave. Wei exempt our sympathy to the family iu their great loss. CRILAP E‘reltattee TO BEANTIPIIILO. -A cheap exoursion will be run over the G. T. R. to Brantford and return, on Tuesday n ext, 818 August. The cheap excareite rates will extend from Ginlerich and later - mediate stenos" to Stratford, inolseive. Train leaved eiderieb sit 700 A5., arming te Rrantford at 10:18 4.11. Ithinneng, the train will leave Brantford at 7:50 r. ti., Inaba evening. Fare for the need trip, only 41.10, children Me. Brantford e one of the need beautiful cities in Western Outheio and has • large som- ber of interesting attraction* far visitors, snob ea magnificent perks, the eels lasted " monumest, a work ef art n ot excelled ia the !amnesia', and is its it- self well worth a visit to the city. Its waterworks system and fire depertesent are also alma,' the meet arnp:itte is Canada. The 'frolley system of Meanie street oars will Omen Feat to ear part of the nay. whit. tie woheelsane other public letiblimp, the thitario Institution ler the Mete, the 11. Rural foal llospooe IPSO., etc. rank among Ms.- &rat oLlialls good moat onLydrie egaitestsius to8. foeria se• ft-avg. The aggineroae trantifair arias iodating each so the Illemey- Denis Sneer wor It a, tin Waterem engine work.. Bonk'. stove works. Goortesed Garners works, Mean worts Patterson's bared end onafeettiassery works, see • hundred sad nee ether import- ant umenfacterin( mid wholesale industries are p4...sl titers.' to .11 .4..... of the roeueseesionasal The old Mohawk Meech, y ever Ong hundred years .81) 4. toasted es the India. Reserm, II astaide .4 18. silty limits arid is also well worth • visit. Nis Warship, L. Amer& Mayor el Rensaferd, sopeetally venom*. tha exam - Mee a Ids aler, and expremes the hews that the attreetiesie that will be preseaded will he endleiest 10 give those wbo visit *be eity ea this emission se onaltiii *sties ; s044.., intimates that Greed View Prieh • 'tested just North .1the G. 1'. R. swine: '.171 6. throws mom for the esevonienee ef waiters who May with to woe It for pio-nie ourpmes dugoig the eay. All aleeard ler keenly III 1 Miners% fee.. the thespest esseefeed eit Tesetlay as the 7 '.0. trate trip t14.* .448* °flared this seamen. gee pomp. for Nether partionars Climes*? ifir. Seekingbeet mew pahlither el • Demserb paver la naltiernia. wee le taws e gthigh= hie Otiviw 4.7*,,.'..4.7*,,.'..aa trade e. thMT.ter 147"yone, while Mr Joliesene werlosel m. pee.- Lee-. ste i. wee 563 470 547 Ci.ilITON. Cuestingham, RoseClinten model scbool 421 4.;ottossiglosso, Floreuce " 46 446 lksezer, Annie Elsa 0. 476 ilelear, Olive E. 66 61 537 Houston, Kills Jamie is 16 435 Lough, Mary (7. 44 64 606 McClung. Tana 46 14 432 licEwan, Alice 11. 44 04 485 %Annette, Mary C. 44 4. 530 O'Neil, Della Ireue . 4. 421 Shepherd. limos 44 44 514 Stewart, Mary M. .. " 455 Young, Mary W. I). . " 417 Beate Arthur John 14 " 614 Cantelon, Willie F. di II 500 Fair, Frank . . 465 kit -mimosa, Bert e 418 Gilroy, Fred W. 44 ii gee Hale, (earns B. 4. 44 426 Irwin, Crept M. . 66 454 Johnson, James 0. 44 . me Jacksen, Henry H. 44 " 419 Kerr, Fred JIMMY . it 445 Leslie, Janes It ii 449 Mc term. John 44 " 449 licEvran. Duncan 44 4 408 P.unisteel, Henry P. 66 114 429 Read, lame K. 4. .4 461 Worry, Norman .. 4. 529 Weir, John 1.•Yan CS .. 475 Wilma, Samuel Wm. .4 in, " 563 Itlere•TH. .km10 tong, Role. Seem tit public ached 467 Beteu..e, Allis " 6d 5.6.2 Brook., 11.rbert .6 .4 eee Forisce.L ... .. 33 Johne.m, Ilutert 44 •• 4:)4 MellAlkn, 1\114h 46 MI 471, Pape, Wien, 0. .. .4 4:3 Stewart, (7. ei 46 417 Abell. ',laud 41 66 Z.110, Beat t le, Ada 4;0 l rich, Nesse 44 .4 4.0 Campbell, Alio. it 44 405 Kidd, Ellen •• d• 407 Kidd, !laud •. .. 398 Lanee rote, Rachel 64 383 Pnochard, Beatrice .4 ei 391 Willson, Olive 44 id 450 fe right, Nellie 46 " 442 Williams, Lily 41 402 WriOnSin. Angus, D. H. Wiogham public 'thee Blackwell, 1;nre, Davis, Maude 44 Foremen, tenee richt, Daisy Hanailtos, Hugh Henderacse, Emma Jobsatom, Dora F. Mandel, Sophie lloore, Khoo. MoKoishon, Waken Snell, Joh. Stiles, Gen. Weems, Nellie Welsh, Cameo 84 44 44 •• 6. 462 429 450 417 521 519 442 481 418 476 664 516 413 497 454 intreetue. Fletetter, Reg., Brussels Pulpits School, 446 James, Leos " 466 Leatierdele, William* .. " 428 Smith, Frank R. " .4 385 547 Manahan, Dee is 64 Warm, Fred os 44 466 Cliff, 'lead ' a ii 407 Gerry, Theresa eit . 404 Hunter. (ears __lel es .• 417 Noll, el Trees e " 391 wenerrem Gibson. Nellie, Wroxsasr raidie Silted Mask ...ad, Mary 6. M.1.16.10,4 W 411 MYTH. Teems Maggie, Blyte Public Sehool, 388 itouttla. 647 300 410 nurse Hattie, Gerrie Publis IlleLetighne, Lillie '• Sanderson, Mirk Blow, Edgar Crawford, Arthur ' " Pvaea, H. kleLaughlia, Chester " NaLsegleis, Freak • Ilehool, 481 •• 491 64 447 id 445 -" 466 428 441 404 11101.01woltrig. PtopketWott, Robert, llekowerth P. S. Mitithel, Carrie . 44 Terry, Loretta 6. 4 4 A ravax. Fergensisid('ess Hells Ambers P. Pi. 14 64 12.14117.111.. )avid,ia, 04 .4 lig r1117ILD. Raiser, Joseph, Breesdeld P. le Mmeard. Wm. A., .. tis Kurdish, Ales la " mormet. Colwell, Leslie, Plemall 1'. 41., Ilestlerea Rolla "10 feder, Jose. Ellis. •. as Itemiolds. Lissy Floreses, " es Weir, Leeks lass er • maltitrIJ., Jetrese,. Segameeldq:& Si 440 305 4106 479 304 428 446 403 464 416 364 44, 421 /116 arti wALT0N. Neal, Will..., Walton P. 8. Melevin, John, McDonald. Maggie, " - 534 4001,FR0M OVER THE COUNTY. 420 IA Newsy Grist Obtained 1110134 the County Mill. 386 406 425 416 tN/11t001... Bothwell, Charles, Cranbrook P S. 446 t1*'fl0*4)t4.H. Adam., Elio, Loodeaboro PublicSchool 382 Bell, Meisel, •• ea Brogden, AlVin, 66 114 438 itoteenvile.t. Walter. Carrie, Holmesville, P. S. Trewarthse Neloote aLrEs'ALE. Scott, Francis J., Illuevale P. fi. Timmins, Fulton, Tow N i 1. or otter. Calder,Mary, Tp. of Grey Calder. MI7, McNab, Switzer, Tamale, Switzer, Maggie, Deacemon, Wm., Smith, Earnest, Lamont. Kee, seise, Ellen Jam, ficffer. Telford, Lamont, F.Ha, esmoot, hal*, Fowler, Claude, McNair, Jt. unto, tie !Inn IP Or lloll token Gilbert Mall i -Awl Nancy Weir, Leonard E. Parsons Maggie Coming, Cilliert E. TOWNSItIr or Taylor. Soott, &hid Nay, SIM H. Dane. 0. R. Jardine, Flora E. Davidson, Freak Crone Janet Hooey, Mary Fortune, David 64 8.8. No. 1 64 4. 64 46 44 OrLLIILIT. 8.8. No. 1 1 2 16 6 7 swentre. 8.8. No. 1 2 " 2 4 8 8 10 13 13 1111 114 .• 44 TOo MUM or DICIIILLOF. Robinsoo, Thos. J. Sullivan, Tomei Evans, Ma Pollard, John Morris -a, Albert J. Pollard, Babette Grace Newt borne, Robert Cash, Mabel .8.8. No. 2 4. 3 ti 5 7 12 12 13 13 64 116 Il .4 Tee stoner or liolUgla. Cede., Elsie, School Hit hen.e..1, Magees Currie, Ilobert t eerie. 31tirtha Watson, Jemes Stubbs, .1. E. Kelleer, Donald McKenve James Rut tan, giesorg• Perdue, %V. H. Beeman, Martha Jewett, Ernest. Section No. 1 1 3 5 6 6 7 8 8 64 d• G. 4.41 TOWNSHIP to!' erceemerre. Rom, Bertha, School Seances No. 3 Betel, George 3 Boyce, Andrew T. 4. 3 Rattenbary, John W. •• 3 Ron, IhkYld ili a Nost, Matilda .4 4 McDougall, Maggio $6 5 Sprowe Herber. 6 Reinke, Minnie ii 5 Reinke, Juan C. 5 Moore, Mary 64 9 Urethan, Lottie .. 9 Brown, Chelsea's.. 9 POw /WHIP OF 117111gOORT. Eagleson, Mamie, 8. 8. No. 2 Fraser, William, 66 2 Campbell, Wm. A. 4. .9 Higgins, Minnie, Si 9 Powell, Thee. J. .. 9 Vanstons, Limis, 40 9 Weir, Jaise, 44 9 ToWN111111. Of FAJOUck. 110,Iing, Bak. Hall, Mary A. Leila, Grace, S. 8. No. 9 4. 9 9 2 2 3 3 6 6 6 8 TowElUtir Or GODWIN:M. Baker, Emma, 8. 8. No. 11 70w001111 Or ATANI.Irr. Reid, Sarah E. 8 S. No. 3 eoweentr OF FART WAwAllossig. Coming. Free 8. & No. 3 Ria,bason, George, 6 Meek, Podia, 44 V threes, Ella. i• 8 Ramage Mies* al eg McGee. I ern% e " 12 Laidiew, !Avid. " 14 383 432 385 423 459 413 431 387 387 -- 471 476 406 49.3 604 463 45.3 449 451 426 428 448 401 527 569 440 472 507 468 427 393 436 382 400 430 390 304 414 385 428 384 471 407 417 39? 420 413e 427 - - 470 398 393 406 458 423 513 446 415 508 443 4.25 409 420 464 411 426 467 409 496 510 546 521 482 418 469 454 481 476 430 430 41e 463 304 Th. list of seeemsfuleandidathe for West Heron had mot hese reesived from the Pidia• cation Department at the hour of "Aim to pries HARSOR NOTES. N em ear eg Itheseree smillareed dress Obi take Prost. There was quite a monber of viaben to the Whim/ hos.... Tuesday. Rehr. Sophie left es Tbsr04ay lest foe Ktheardine to load mit for Ogren A mow holongine to the dredge heeled up en the island in am harbor 1. 80148 repair e d. Mohr. N. Maogrueer, ne Maeda, frees Cleysimad, woe 290 taus of emi for the Rig 048. Str. City of Wieldier rapeseed bete an fisaarday, knead done, sad es Needle es her trip sp. Rehr Caner, arrived os Teesday trim (ewe Hay with 111116,000 nee el healer fee N. Drawee !kr Moservili took on R ears of salt en Weineaday hatiess • enantity of Seigle sad • amoloor of pasesespers ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR READERS. A Weekly layist el Cm,j New. ',Served (.414 everybody -Ptak glad Poing Is o ped staid ILMOMPIMMI Puma Larry tat mete - This Cream or Use grotagy New. 1. sera. entlinips or the laseet mid nest Medal nom oar tarot keelouittes. Winghem : Thos. Leshie has roared tbe serviiwg 01 ).111111 Amhara's, of Alexandria, lint., as cutter. Exeter: The Exeter Piesbyterienchurch is beiug repaired as giddily se pessible. It will be some tinte yet before the reopening. ilenfryn: R. J. Whitfield, M.D., 1)1). Se left eat week tor Fort Soma, Kansas, where he intends practicing hie profeemon. Brussels: Geo. H. Cliff an.1 honey are removing the week from Brussels to Senn Where Mr. Cluff IL% secured e 'iterative pianos. Grey : A young son of Richard Mitchell had 81a nrht arm badly mutilated ite the ooge of • maubine. A portion uf the fore- nuger WW1 alT!putitted. Winghiwn : Hideey Park, formerly of this town, but let ely of the city of Brant- ford, hal decided to opeu up Weems ,.t8. jewelry line in town again. Bremen : Mrs. R. Leitherdale bad the misfortune to fall from a step bidder while engaged picking cherries on Monday at ber home aud received quite • seeking up as • remit &Worth : 8. Dickies, postmaster of thie town, had over oas hundred acres under bay crop this season, and I). D. Winos had about thew -se. With both gentlemen the crop was very beery. Seaford' ; Theme Owe Ism mid the old Moyer fano, oo the Huron Road, went of Seaforth, LnJ0140 Fowler, for $4,300. 11 contains 100 acres, and is all melee gram Tbere is • barn but no house on it. Grey: The Grey townahip Voters' list ter 1893 wait first posted up on Wednesday of this week. There are 1066 names swott- ed, 40 of this number beim; women. 690 persons aril sinnlitalid CO IIHVIS ea juror.. ( lin ton : R. I lol met, of the (einem New Ers., lies called for tenders for tbe erection of • new (Ace. The building will be about 80 or 90 tort and shout 16 wide, one story, with plate glom how.. It cost front 81,200 to 02,000. It mime : Mrs. Wm. Roes, William atrial 'as a magnificrot hydrange. There are tiseee beeches of flowers ou it.. A eeinple sew left, on Gen sanctum table mete 'died Meet 2 teet, 6 inches In circunifer- ..nce. It ts a beaotifid flower. Sea/or. : Mr. Minna having reeled :es proem ea Science Master in tbe Rea - tor* CollidAld• Institute, C. W. Chow wright, 4 Torooto University, and Seiume Master at Caledoeia High has Lege engaged es lab; ouocemor. Brucetield : George Hart wet numb pleased 1.4.1 hie horse and rig that was stolen, back ag•in sod nooe the worse for the adventure. We hare mot Ward, how- ever, whether or vet Mr. McCartney, of the creamery has got. hts batter back again. Feeforth : A young man was brought be- fore J ustie Beattie on lliedneeday, and fin- ed for having thud his horse to a shade tree en the street and allowing the animal to bark the tree. A great many people are too careless in the way, and if every persoe who who allows hie horse to bark • tree were similierly punished tbere would be fewer spoiled trees. Hums : ilee following teachers from the mount) of Huron have successfully raised their examinations at. the Toronto Normal Scenot, viz.: Messrs. W. Hogarth. Ilea - sill J. B. Smith, Crephrook ; Edward Elliott, Versa; Wen. Kerr, NleK Mop ; Themas Forsyth, Tookerstnith ami Mimes Simpers, !flakiness; Merriam, Chieelburst; Bethune. Seaton& ; and Goveolock, Winth- rop. Kipple : What might have been a serious &widest took place at the railway station the otber day. George Taylor 8.1 oceonsion to mom the track with his binder, jem aa the train was in sight. and wises the binder wee on the track, he some means dui tongue dropped, leaving Mr. Taylor at the mercy of the engine driver, who stopped kin train, preventing my accident and possibly less of life, telinore Alex. Forbes, of Marshall. Ilea.. '.8. 1».' meet then twisty -Soo years tangle seherot le or neer Belmore, is mend - Lee thr teseuer with ki• devotee Mrs. J. ee es las tetchier:, Mr. Forbes G. Lieeneby. Ai a rearmed 40.' me of w = an Manna' r.nlann of redo one emeteme see si • y dollars. Althoodi about eaves ty years at age Mr. Forbes is Mill halo and hearty: 8....es. to have lest moo* of Isis old time seergy earl vivacity. Anvers TO BATIUDIA. -The following ed. vies is given to bathers by tbe Royal mum Sessiety of Itexhusd:-Avold batlike/ within ter* or throe hours after • ssenl. A- void betides whom eshausted frown fatten, or Kay Meer eases. Avoid bathing alta gether in the epos air if after blithe • thert thee IN the water it came • seem ef Allinson' with numbness of the heeds and feet. Rath.. whet the body is wares provided no time is lost in gettimf into tin water. A reed ehilli the bedy by tithing or atudeing no tee betake ne Is boats after hav- ing bees te Um water Areel remainieg the king le the wittersii ;4111saive ttellatet w. m ly *8...es• ekimininerle Mi- ne vigereen .54the street may 1:4.4 eerily10 the TOMISin• MO Mb empty stomas& The Tomtit see thews who are weak WS better harm ere tie three hears after • meal - the hem *450 ler emelt a two or three hears shoe breakfast. Those who are Mb. te giddleam satotaiess tied thesserhe suffer hem pelpitatious sod other omen .4 dieenstifort tbo town, olteeld sot baths , astse"*"'