HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-7-20, Page 88 THE SIGNAL : GOOD&9I0R ONT. THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1888. 1)ARIB GREEN. HELLEBORE, inn INSECT POWDER. Fresh. pare .ad saraall. Ow BU'RDOC'K and MAN MtAKK BITTERS Mare proved to be • splendid 8proot modlielae. You make it pommel'. A quart tat Fe. Try it. Always use FEAR'S PURE CREAM TARTAR BAKING PIIWDER 0017 a) tests per pound. HIER 5 ROOT BEER, IA)DDS KIDNEY PILLS. YIN F. IMPORTED and Ix: NESTIC CIGARS. TOBACCOS. PIPE. cc. 8ec ou- display window •r THE pH,RMAC1, Eo. A. FEAR. IWuggist, Gorier lea Ont Art. AI:T x x x R. ('ROCKETT, Aleuts. Linda/me. marine and portrait /Slather la oil teed water colors- CLAS,F' On TharsdaTL. and ala• artays. from 9 a.M to 12 o'clock. and from Y to 5 o'clock real, Arca tnctural and ineeThanical drawing. Draw,n.o. for ps•et:• . etc. BTU L':rat -North-e1..ere' door from the Square The People's Oet1>l ls_ _ IMPI)ItCANT_- IF Yoe WANT A Bed'. room Suite. A lining .care. A Parlor Suite. ('baaper than yon ever d•earned of. ku1u ',WITH'S FURNITURE STORE. THF: 1.112/:F.4T ST1,('K. LATEaT DESII.Ns.. EVER1TIIING YOU WANT At prices that cannot be beaten. Cordwood. Lttmbata.4MOW* in exchange. SMITH'S nimbi/4 Block. KiDD S PLANING MILL - QAPI AND 1/0011 FACTORY.-- lar''ELLFNTIAN UkV KILN. 1UWO°U 4) FINISH F AiL .HFI KINDS A SPECIALTY. -a- MOKI;1(H FRET as:. PORT1ER work for area duoreay. in beautiful design. -All kinds os interior deav,rat:ens - intsigns huniebed. Veranda e'ok in latest and most modern flnieb to,.n.t the most fastidious. Mill &Iways runnt Iwtest things ib tuned work--Esti- n ates rate.*hhed on elm repair• cr contracts- SewadU M e..a a:e the most irregular order Ref t1qt r.•ors.Ice bice.. W.eebing mscbiaes sod Et4 ren cabinets - The only plasia( 111111 th bas ...then+ mill attached and full lines of all gr..t.s of lumber or *bat can be out to order oh:ogle*. lath. p'ckets. etc . and all oudd.r's supplier p:..mp;l)' .:elicered. adrUwnTiles. all .Sixes. la m) Sal, Werke depart m.i t 1 bale an et v.11ent purr granulat- ed t,I,'e. ence.,espa butter salt. JGdEPH EIIs1). Near the U.T.K. depot. Telephone] our orders. Daly Ssslal Mottoes. _ _ _ NEW CHOPPING KILL I am prepared to do W kinds of grain chop - Vale on.Lurteet notice. 14,41 a runnang at all boars. 1 have the latest and beet Improved n.achinrry for dupe:eh and efllc.eocy. Prices ra•sonabte, No delay in getting your chop home with you. 'JOS. KIDD. (3•ly I7 Brltaaai•-at. Mdse* Institute.• -_ GODE1tICH MECRANICt IN$TI- TUTR LIBRARY AND READING- , eme. of ]Last street .ad Square cup •fain. Open from I toe 0.15.. and from 7 to 10 r.e. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S 1N LIBRARY. Leo -ling Da ll y, 1i'.ridy a,.4 Pinafrated ropers, Maiatnines, eft., on File. MEMBERSHIP TICKET. ONLY elate, g ranting free cue of Library and Re.dlsg- Room. Amebae:tons fot memberahlp received by Librarian. foram. H. SMITH. OEO. STIVEN, t. secr.tar7. eaierfeh =TM MI. Property *Or dab ear Iter Rent Vol RENT. - TWO HOUSES TO rant es StaaM7-et. w wee from w metre. Per particulars apply t• M F. 164.1 Mit TIL VARIES FOR SALE OR TO RENT. - Tke property .t the tato Havel Fl.bw, ns beapara of Iota 3 ..d L cos. 3. costa/aim' Meares. Also south halt .f '- re.. S. N'• U. Colburse. contual.A 30 acre.. Titres luta wW M sold slater separately or en DJ.r. Per ,Date appp1y to the executers. J. H. MIL. .IAN. J. B. WHITLKY. 10 to MARY K Y1 - HKtt esecutria, sr to K. C. MAYO. Ug erica P.0, _ A GOOD MOUSE TO LET, NEAR SIe, of would sell at a bargain- Apply arlfain- A unt1 to MIL HOLT. or C. PAYNIt.dti he 'O 1• - FARMS Ft)It SALE. - TWO VALU- .ble Improved farms oo t8s fourth eo5- o.mtou of Uud rich township, three maim from l:oderich. Yor particulars aptly on tbe pram, mere to MKO. ANN H1NCL8 or by Otter to (iodertcb P. U. Platf 1 U0 ACRE YARMI FOR SALE. -THE 1 01d 3omeatead of the late Janes (]tnn- day. of th. town do of Last Ws wanted. be- ing last half of lot 44, conueselon 1. un the grovel road list leads from Uoderich to N'tna- ham. It le en.at.d a tut 00 rods from Aub- urn. ubtun. • thrlv.Dg dilate with four churches a0d a school near et Irnd. A compare/1i% sly yew frame honer wltb seven Wife rooms and cellar w oh other conveniences. and (food bank barn and about MO large bearing fruit taw are on the presages. About ire acres are cleared. TM MKS Aof SBADiY. A ebur 1'. ( tiattf-lh0 R SALE. -14. f LOT 31, 2ND OON. canna. East Waw.mo.h, UO acres. This le• arstclass fart. Also town lot 1.Y, Gode- rite. also lot °•.O. aodcrich town. on which Mani V a good betel( cottage. Apply :to PHILIP HOLT. 16-tf, WOR SALE AT A BARGA1N.-THAT A commodtea• bunting 012 Kingat.. Brus- sels. at prwest occupied as a palutatop by Wm.eimltP *..Sade. Terms oars. App/ te F. A e(XYCI'. Drwwwwis0 P. 0. Ottf HOUSES FOR SALE. Nice 6 roost cottage on at David .t.. near Organ Factory: geed cellar. summer 1 t cbrn, and all conveniences. 1s. fist cin Oen- datwo. 'fern.. to wit purchasers. Only Mee Horse aid i acre of land with good orchard l0 St. David. Ward. Just the place for ■ re- tired farn•er. Terms easy. Only • ... $40.00 SOfMatetN. CIANAUTAN ORDER OF HOME x..J Circles.-OetMrtoh Circle. No IS. tweeds Oiled Monday of .net month in the ball over Tat 115wa1AL *Sea `lp•rlal imdmo.ma0t V f// t. P/mtmf 4t..wfssc Sod sick benefit. D. CALF. RiCHA RJ . A1MerMar7. a TrsSStf•r , ii.. *1PtII*I- for Half - von SALL-TWO 1e IN. CAST .a: pottery -(i Ia. race. 1 11-Hbore.se 1.. eau he bored to at larger shaft. Good as mew. Will bra saki at • reeesnabl. figure. Apply at TRX 8.41waL8t.ats Punting Powe. North et.. 0oderleh. 0141. As NOMAS GUNDRT, AUCTIONEER JLAgent. O.Aeeieh. Oes. Iaocashlre Fire Ina. Co.. M.taal Ina Oo. Wee at - to Int aim part of this constr. fitly JOHN GRIFFIN, COUNTY ACC. tastier. lend valoetar. ban and I.neawee ag.s1. Sales .•tend.A In all part W thereon qpCorrespoorlen.e solicited. Address JOHN OklY'PIN K.ngshrtdge. Orden left u Tt. Bmw•*. Olioo promptly atte.d.d to um tf6 LOFTUS K. DANCEY, Ilarrtster, 3:c„ Blake. Block. Ooderich. Ont. 1 ORTII.WEST LANDIS FOR SALE. Jl'11r ACRES OF VALUABLE V1 f Improved and unimproved farm Weds a' distances v..yipgfrom 1 to 12 miles from Vu'Appelle• Station, t. W. T., for .ale very cheap. No better lands for mixed farm - leg are to be found In fusels. JOHN KNOX, GIJERAL ACC- tleaew end Land Valuator. Godes-lob, Oat. Ravin( had seesiier`ble experience 10 las trade., 8. 1. to s position to MY•bante with IMroogh mt4betldt ut eom eslWon. estrus:ad to um. Orders len at In'. Hotel. er sett by moll to his arldresa Mb P. 0.. me d.11y .tt..ded to. JOHN OZ Onmty AoMle-m.r. =if aARTIIII ti IRT TRW( PiLLS. ala STICKY FLY PAPER. F1.Y PUIfOIl PADS. s rad le c. each. AHOO r1.? POISON PAPER- I NRE(' T POW DER. AI.1 TIRMIL E TOILET AOAP. IMPORTED Ano DOMESTIC 410 ARIL M AAT1PF MEOW iNO TOBACCO. te 1•s. peebet., Uk. R(NN-A MfrrRERWORT PILLO. fMn. J. W it,melr's Paseces e•.w Dace theme. Telephone xw 11. --Mee All.., mE7( .+says>W"_: := ' For full particulars afp17 to A. D. DICKSON, Barrister. 101 -If Q•'Awpsil.. i)OW 4 FARMER CAN CLEAN i l ANY **I KI) HRAIN THOROuOIIL1. AND WITH WHAT TO 100 IT. Slummy. Pettier, Golden Vine or other peas can bre all splits. oat.. kr.. tckcn from tbent. or small peas separated from large ones at one C ahruu g. +bran en and broken barber. wild Dab, mustard seed, wild peas and all foul reals can be thoroughly separated from 8s41 Barley. Cockle. enema wild peas. wild oats. flouter(' Peed. at. - can be thoroughly separated (rum Wheat. Fox tail. motilenl. Lambe •;•arter, light nate. and other things objectionable In Seed Ou. separated from them. ('lover seed. tlmotb) see.1, flax seed. cleans separately. or separated from each other. Any kini or grata or seed can be cleaned as it should be for aced. No foul seed. blown into the chaff This can ail be done with the IM1I'L'OVEI) Al'Mt3TRONO GRAiN LOG) SEED CLEANER. a fanning mill Attachment. No new inill re - ('•an be put In any mill. old or new. without *luring the niill or disarranging It for th., use el Its own sieves. All machines guaranteed to da the work Claimed for them. Fatty bushels of grain can be cleaned per hen: for market purpose. Osten% by mail promptly attended to. Fa.r gen attached to any mill. PUMP DEPARTMENT. tit. the 0.-ni pump. sew design adapted for any depth of well by means Orf thumb screw shin. us,i, worker'. gitlnr wood retie( AC - tea. All kaid of pumps supplied. ARMSTRONG BROS.. Pump end F nano NM Warks. lodench. Ont. Publlo Notloea Q ERSvA1IT ytWANTED.-000D GEN- 11:••21 EN- to ••2t(Wt. este twer SsRTANT WANTED. -000D GIRL teer is 1 teensw.et AU.kf Una WANTED IMMEDIATELY. - Rend sad tedgisig with • privets tam pr. A Ism reels with tem beds will he mean ed to &ecumen sm two 1.411. and • Mh► Address a. hi Te AIM•& betel. lVilti (`* ODERICH FOUNDRY A N D MACHINE WORKS. To the public tiny Rundown No. 9 and 1 plows. Itunci man lead rollers sad root cutters, Watford Nos. and 1 plows. American t.iouldbxrard.. Watford twin plow. it Is the best. Watford *ruttier". thr leaden. Watford hay rakes. Al so other ,mp:•-n.ents. Plow noints reduce.! In price. lis a most kinds. Coatings made to order. ('ash for old metal. •5617 J. H. ILUNCiMAN. QALTiI'ORD TANNERY -TO THE paella - Having enlargid th. mnttfa tar ing ca ity of th. tlaltfonl T formerly carried on by A. t J. Intek. by the pure bale of the Kirkpatrick Store Tannery. 1 titend to ex - teed the trade la every branch, and am now prepared Mother the highest prIee for hides of every dew#Ypbs. No limit to quantity. JOBKPH iRECK. *fat SalUerd, PropfiMor. Mortgage dale. - TrosvUllt BRAND MUNE SIAWLWAY. Elaine arrive gal tapavt Illederleh Y IeI ben: M e »»»»..... p.m- Pail 1.0.1 I pram.... pan ........•.A1 p•m. sista Mall and Kt prowl ...«........... «....T f8 am Mail acd lKw..................... Ilia ~ Mixed tt.o. fusers. NICHOLSON, LD.S.-DENTAL • Nem cppo.it.1' t Ocoee. Wait at. Ooderl•b. all .' sudard .cod ►.prow ed local aseiesthetice on raod iar palms.. •ltrec tiom of tomb. IS7$l7 DR.IL RICHAKIJSON, L D. S.. sureeoo dentist. Up. &ltd vitalised Ida athainutered fur painless extracting of teeth. 4lpecial attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. Omce-Up .tales. Grand Opera Hou.S Block. entrant. on N'..t- 81., Uodertc8. 1151.10 fief W& Dal * WB1TIRLY * AUNT$L nits• -aria+ Oram arts... Oslo Het TARS. SHANNON eE SHANNON, Pkyelelaa., aurtteo.s• Acoouchen, Sc. t,. l'. luxx,tx.-Resider.. Napier et near. Deo/. J. 1t. 8u.a vov.-ltesede0C. North -et. opp, Model ec•heoL lagtaL (`IAMPION a JOHNSTON, BAIULm- lJ ten. Solicited&. Notaries, is., tioderich. lMloe.-Oyer Jordan's Deter store. K. CAM r1ON, Q. C.. M. 0. JOIINaTON. Money to loan. 1 (IFTUS E. DANCEY, BARRI0TER, J :aohcitor. Coats) tee, ata. UMW to loan at lowest mesa. Iet>w'aBlieArie rich. Ont. , N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROO- 1C:J. tor In Morfltn,. Court. sl (7 1W Office -South Colbone betel.atm R C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, £e. lE• Ocoee. coater of Sown' and West street oderich. Deer telegraph Wena Pri- vate Funds to lead at lowest rates of inter - 0st. acne tli.tt.AGE SALE. I■ --1 Under and by virtue of the powerscontslne•d la • certain moorage. which will AP produced M the time W rale. there will br offered for sale by pnblic .u. 140..! Mallough'e hotel la the ' ilMice of 1)oopus5on. 0e eletnrday the fifth day d A ogee Ilea, a1 the hour of one e' ebok in IM afternoon• the following valuable proper The north tall of let number twenty-four f5 the sixth .naceeeloa. woolen% diviners of the Tow.sh ip 10 West Womanish lens six acres on the eowb east cornet and shoat else servo off the north .sat coreer of cold lot, and 116 .•alien rods off the north -went owner. Heavies shoot nighty four arms more or lest The proper t) I. In • good state Rt cultivation, .s well rented. and has a frame barn erected thanes The term* of sale .r. ten Orr met. owe at the time of sale, .a.t .ualeleot to este oar 'hard of the sarobJas* money Al tui p5.4 In a) I balance flays from with int.'re.4 and • me all toady payable ha y 8s eel exatnalag the &wad revenants to even by the pureha.er to the t purther terms slid rendition. •of rale son) made known at 13.e tine of m1e. Inked the twentye•venth dal of Jun., A.D. 1581. UELAMEEK. k11Ti)011, ENO1.IA1/ R Rolla 17 Tamale street. Toreste, Kid Vend..-. lWkg(dlrs, Agents Wanted. - WANTED -SALESMEN. TO SELL Nr.hehv sed bard_y survey stark. Malay .pedal varieties t.survey beth Is (rant sad e5newaie a, and controlled e5y by ... Ws pay eorwmltsd.0 se .03.7 gars stelmwfv. ((erf*10y sad Pa, *wkly. Write en et morn ne T0'ER1►nale of 11 v'..h. tsN, it. 1 "fE1M GARROW A PROUDFOOT, BAR - rioters, Attorneys. Solicitors. &c.. pods rich. J. T. Darrow- lit'.. W. I'roudtoot. CIAMER:)N, HOLT & HOLM1e , s Bar-ut,s, 8olioltots In Chaaoer7 to • ricb. M. C. Cameron. Q.C. ; P. holt Dudley I*olmes. T G. WARD. CONVEYANCER, sl . Sc., and ootumiselooer kr taking and ra- es.s:ng n•cogaiea,ces of bait, vete a slRrmations, deposition. or solemn dec:er5- 110..e in or concerning any action. suet or pro- moting ro maedtng In the High Court W Justice, the Court of Appeal for Ontario, oc in any ,sunray or I,.vlaien Court, All trsamctnsns earefulsy sod prompptly executed. dissidence sed P.O. address-Dunraonou Ont. 111 -tf isOa>Oa inti 1>aallta>•es. 10NEY TO WAN. -- 195.000.00 Private roads to Iasi at 51 par cent. an t oady. hLOPTy*E. DANCEY. dlakei k. GoderittC ISEAGER, AGENT FOR THE Lelxtlox AwetkANcc Cbnr•or. of Lon- don. England. Over W the oldest .0d etrangm.t Fars ltvurnce Companies In the world. In- corporated A.D. Kalb Assets over eighteen mm.1400 dollars. A Phare of busineu is to- specefully solicited on benall of the above Coltman). C. S4AUKIL JlcLean's Block, Montreal -et.. Dederick. Met ip J. T. NAFfEL, FIRE, LIFE AND • accident tasursece west; at lowest nine. O1c•-Cor. Noah -rt. a.d equate. Ged- .rbb. 7•- 11.600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO tP CAY*RON HOt.r t HOLMES. Oede- ma. 1730 .<1IONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Prlr•te Funds for investment stlow.Pt rates on oratclass Mortgages. Apply to (JARROW t PRIM_ DFOOT RRADCLIFFE, GENERAL I1C• . sur.no., Real Fatale and Money Loaning Agent Only first -clam companies represented. Money to Lend o0 strati& loans, at the lowest rete of Intermit going in n r way to milt the oorrowse. Oaior- Boo- med deer from 8gnors. WON (lode- A1ettoal Mico. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY. Under sad by virtue of • Power hf Sale non. twined in a certain mortgage. which will tie produced at tbe time of sale. and made by James Mah*Ry to the vendors ; There will M offered for sate by public auetlon at Martin'. Hotel la the Town of Uoderfch on Tueedsy .M tttih •s.7 of July A.D. 1100. at half past one o'clock in the afternoon by Thomas Onndry, auctlroeer, the following valuable property. namely All and singular those certain tracts of land end premiss situate. lylag and being In the Village of Port Albert. la the Countfof Hu - ran and Ir•o*foee of Ontario. being compound W parts of the 31411 Reserve la the mid vilifies as taid down b 'N' Wi.m Hawkins. P.LS., and fully described by metes sae bends b the said mortgage and known as the Port Albert man pearly. On the premises there Is erected a fine class Roller Floor and (lrlst *111 known as the Port Albert Mills.- ata Haw Mill. eters Fs. tory .ad Carpet are. two dwelling houses and strata, large stable and Artying shed. Then Is Met • lime atone quarry. The land oa.sls4 W shoat ten scree. The raperity of the mill le 75 barrels per 21 burs and le driven by water power. The mill building Mon s rock fouoda- floe. The mill Is well appointed and is Is first clam running order. rhe dam. which M le good order sect le easily metastasised. M built on • .tori fall of rock with • waterfall of eighteen feet. The tartar, and cooperage machinery is complete a5d 1n rood order and to meet the Arman&barrels for baels during the • newton n.on le taxed toils utmost tepidity. The above property tet Its late amber shout 510 ..t• to brag it to Its pn..et state of cfflel- weal and now that • large &menet of money M belie spot by the tierernm.mt in improv lag the harbor the hieilitlr. for "bipolar will be * trawl to none In this pan of the Pro.. ince This I. • fust rime np•nlno for any one desir- ing to so Into the milling business esthe wenn power le one W the best In the County. hang as the Nine Mile River: and the pnrpsrty 1. Masted 7 miles from the Villain of 1)v5gsa- iea. la Gas rens,, of Mures. 10 t.itee from t3. Waver Geden.•h. tee County Town of Ilse County of Huron and is In • gest clam section e/ the ('onnty. Terms of ml. ' Ten per .rout. of this pm, chases monst the tits of sale and the bal- ance within ms.' m0.tb thereafter without in- terest. when posmslon will be g..... r ierthes particular, may he aso.rtaln.rl from Cameron. Holl R Holm... Uo..rto.. A. 11. Hawkins. len_ Poo Athol. or on the premis- s*, la fin ntlrr re.pe.t. the "onAirl..e d Gale will hie lbs et5Aing room, I oo of tM Glob *'Dore of Jostle, cheerer, Division. Darn this Leh day .f Jima. A 11. tl.a ('AMERON. HOLT* HOI.MEA. THOMAS OWNIIRY. Voodoos Selh4uxa Auctioneer. lent Tee 4wPA1. is • ay ewe bSse • vase. Moe M (lam► M ytgtr bled. • frofk ae F s OND ENJOY/ Both the method and results when Sy rupof Figs is taken; it is pleasant Ind refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectuclly, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cares habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, plAlaing to the taste and ac- ceptable td the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepe.redonl from the most healthy and o a'.le substances, its as nyexcelle11tquaktieucommend it to all and have mule it the most popular remedy known. Svrup of Fits ii f.: see in 750 bottles by all }cull* druggist&. Any rcli: U a drurr.-i o . who may not Lave it on ht -.11d Will procure it rr.wptfy for coy one who wi his to try it. M nufaci.c.rcd only by the CAUFOR1 A FOG SYRUP CO. • RA't .kMCI&.13, CALL. GREAT sALE OI, PiRINTS, CIIALLiES AND $ATEENP. .1:.o all Sumner goods for the next 1 days• commencing Thurrelay Morning 20th July. 12ic. and 17.c. Print+ reduced to Tc., Sc. and I le. pt -r yd. I•l;. Prints reduced to :lc. per y.i. l'Itnllir worth I(k. for :K, Sateen* worth 1'c. for 'c. per yd. Summer •4•xrla away below wholesale pricks. \o other store in the County will yu•rifice broods as we are doing. in- spection invited. JAMES A. REID. Jtlpas7 dMa. Oodericb. Jets 11, It#E Mlt. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes (oust be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes mutt be left not later than Mon- day noon. Casual Advertisements except"! up to noon Vs 40lnes*dty of each w x)k. Lent or Found. PARASOL F'JUND.-A PARASOL was left at 7111 151pwA1. Milne M a 7o0og lady between S Sad 6 e. r„ Tuesday. The owner Gita have It by calling for R. L' 1t TEEM EETMCTEO WITHOUT PAIN BT Tara ('at or AT DR. E. RICHARDSON'S ra\T&L 1A1W1A. OPERA MOUSE •IOU' WEST -STREET OODEBZOE, OMIT. It affords me unlimited satisfaction. after a thorough Leet, resulting In the meat .Mitosis► tic appreciation of delightful amd arno'i•bed patrons, to submit that 1 ba.. ate only .ad etolodve right to use la Oodsrleh, the West smeetlfle disoo.ery. which 1e warnared seer to create the least palm during the ezttaoUon of teeth or st.lnps of any fled, I. nearly aver) coma sad very 11113. pals in the most extreme cones. ANTI-N>DPCP E PO IC N.4 Is a loos! amsesthetlo :that Dever affects • patient In the ulghte.L is harmiem as water, and the best method known no earth to rend.? the tooth nem-semdtive to pale. 1ltlemee assure MA it Is r.a•tively Marvel... In lis 156.4.. Pr eervnlrm of the natural teeth a Iola, All demta operations well sort skillfully dome. My potiont' laureate aro mise. I)it E. RiCHARDSON. (.spate . SALTFORD• Pram ..r ow. rorrespm.dwt I'te td The nutlet picnie of 'Ashford . ehnol will he held in .1. Ooldthorp.'. b.ae ttfol grounds nn F riday afternoon. R. Sym- onds will be nn hand tied pitch quoits with Lev or all cane m, fir the of unplo.ahtipp and • n.cripuon for candies for this Andrea IRSULTS TO BARL BumEhI. ell WW1 S IL"-.COUNDAIL," AirC. BY PAJLIB PAPAsg. Maatms use water. Take a •mall lamp of lime weighing &bextt half an ounce, and pour on 0 Die table -.pone fele of mild water: whim the flexing has rah sided 444 an. pint ol water. and lest 1t Mond pelf an Mur, starts/ 000esinne lye %How the line to settle to the bottom, par off the Iwpatel sm4 throw it away, said (oar quart of water to the lits% shake well •.d keep In a ►ily oo0'ed heath. Tbia le sh• k ro.le mea by drrMlista Eisler : A fanner who went .p Forth to bey sbeknla, says be Wad ewers ha dlei ewe yet elle •t $11. _ OeepessM• Tr.atmtens .f the laettlek Am I.mnsMf b rums. 114tt.ee le M ..iw..o..1 sown s8. Masques w *biomes/ Rtme.11t Fresm Fastss, New Yoaa, July 17.-A P.fh cablegram M The We Wl says: herd Delwin left Paris 5bortl7 before 18. papers .11 e5{..dd to ha.e been steles from the British Ymb.iey were produced w the Chamber ot D.peter a.d has 501 yet re- ur.rd. It u eertais that the British &mbassador was mnoody offended by the &neck made upon hint oy cermet French ..w.p&pers and that h• will deprive thio .*apical Di est presence for • long time. The dale of return has repeatedly been announced aid then deferred, and .1 the ArUah Embassy The World corrspondelt was interned to day that it au uncertain when be will -r.• term. Loral 1►aff.nn • long tone ego expressed inintention ofwttoeaatn thefe'.sofJuly14 but he was no: Otero. He is said to be at- tending actively to his duties as lord war deo of the C'iayu. Porta, but no Doe la Ea: - land knows what those dutlr..re. AS an festance of the that meat t., which Lord 1►uffertn has been auljoc•ed the case may be ma5tiooed •d n.data- wh., and hie was a liar and .ox.ondrel and had forfeited all right to cal' himself gentleman. but i0 a spirit of 'ondereenseoo the editor would c- rept • challenge from either of his loreisliipl ✓ utlisaly sons. The .mbaaa.dor has been described week after week be the evening papers sold on the boulevards as aistrlbuUOg barrels of Bnthih gold among French siateemsn These things are rather too moth for • soblenan who has been A'tcoroy of Indev. Governor -Cameral of C.nad• and who !!olds the first piece is the iron•► diplotnet sor- t lee. The delay in appointing a new French AmLsad..r to London would afford an ex• cuss for Lord Ueffern • absence, but the French Government hu taken the trouble to latent the newspapers that that is not the cause. a10.000 WORTH OF DIAMONDS GONE. a5sak Thi.... nub w Niagara Walls Jewel., need tae. N. thee. NIA,: Ott EAI.t., July 17 -Sneak thanes stole a teat containing nearly 510,000 worth of diamonds from the jewelry store of T. V. lhekinwo, in the Hotel Impanel block, last night. Several people had leen la the pleas dur- ing the waning to see the gear. wbleh were nearly &:l In .etUnga, and Guy were n ot masted nodi about 11 o'clock. Every effort to trace the Celestes has thee far been esace...ful. One of the jewels was picked .p sear the entrance to the Hotel Pewter, wear the jaw• .fry store, and two more vise, fouled um the Boor of • dark hallway ',Awing is10 the som0 hotel • barroom. , .lust before the May eras aoltn a strangm couple came Into the store and asked to sow some damned rims, and su.piwua 8.m fallen os them, but they have disappeared. BABY CYCLONE AT BUP.LINGTON • Two l:.aw. sad Y..y Torts Mews IH.■ --Canter. Tereevisct. H rwrt.ros, July l;. -re. storm at the beech yesterday took the fort. of • belts cyclone and wrought havoc among live tants of the .starers, and a ler;ta..ml..r of these canvas residences were ...own down and the contest scattered (shout. Tao houses north of the oawl, belonging to Frank Hutton sad Jotn Camubell. were .Ivo Moo down and-ompletely wrecked, while several other residences wore so badly shaken that the tomato§ espeetel that they would be down about their ears every m., neral. Boats wets packed op by the wind and blown aloes the hooch for ineredtble dutaners, and the air was filled with widths% mead d..t. KILLED THE JUDGE. An Ostiaw Pant.). the M.stwrat. Yam As 13. Learn r.ae•. meow •re.. Cute M M►atro, July 17.-A reneatronsl tragedy occurred m the cruet rimer at Ta- basco yesterday. An aniline named San Francisco Rudtllus had been tned and found guilty. and the judge had last finished reading the sentence when the prisoner drew a pistol and discharged It at the magistrate. The bullet took effect, killing the judge Instantly. At a disreputable resort here three wo- men became involved in a e)narrel, which resulted in a desperate battle with knives. Two of the women were left dead to the room where the fight occurred end the third died afterwards. ORANGEVILLE ARSON CASE ri• Chars. *5.1.54 Meek shay Net set - tamed by the Pr.aee.st.a. fhtA' o.zvl, 1.r..• .iuly 1;. -The a4jnern.d trial of M. Gray for arson came on yesterday in lbw Coin Hoses and lasted from 10 ant. till 6 p.m.. After examin.tioa n< some .11 witness I'oht. Magistrate Prltollo da• mired thermos, notwtlbtaadiag the fact that Anthony ata previous trial swore that Gay paid him to est the building on bre. There was eo.siderable interest taken is N. one and the court reeve wan well filled with spectators. YELLOW FEVER A ship. sea... Capitols rind of I3. DM- Mee. Arrives at Arses. (.1.. llromn',Jely 17.-Tke Norwegian bargee Norman arrived at Groes. 1.1e yesterday in charge of the chief officer. The Norman r from Rio J•setro. Mate dander..e re port that Captain Mackmaesn, his sne, and the steward of the ship diel daring the pap from yellow lever. Drstr..U.• paw. at Tar.. TARA, Ont., July 17.-A Are occurred here Saturday ongieast.s to the bakeshop of A. moth. baker. The bleak being a frame buddinsg{ was totally co.. earned, .sd was occupied by J. Mordent, dwellle``; A. Ktlilh, dwelling and bake. shop; J. Rigg, barber; C. Kn.op, .how maker; i). D. Work, .ko.makw, and Mrs. Work, milli... T11e lessee on .tack el Mrs. Wart' milliner; D. D. Week, C. Knapp end A. Smith, baker,will be oove,.d by in.ur.mc., and Ike building flatted by . Mode... nod A. Smith, 1om pertly eo..r.d by 1gs.raa.a J. Ram barber, 1..e $100; to 40..fy.S. Th. Teammate 111N...t.e.. Niro time, .1.ty 17. -Th. nerds.. Panora merwp.IUSS sables, RI Prevent of (.arthag.na, the permed .ew.papsr erase of President N.s.eva, is as editorial dreaming the rapist .l (les.eal that th. gt4Meet.rlsa..pelhlaa aph.t t V..esuel.a Ilover.w,e.1 be pr.u.mted frees Medea, .. Oolmeilesa.ell, says she author- ities .( (:ela..hia w111 ebeerf.IIy e►opersM with Gen.) Creeps Colombo, tbe paper Gaye, will de .11 .h. Gas te prevent the ,..ehWesMsa frets lead- ing w her eefl PURELY VEOETABLR - Dr. Pierce's Plesaant Pellets, They're a compound of refined and concentrated botanical extracts. These tiny, sugar-coated Pellets_ the smallest and the easiest to take -absolutely and permanently cry Constipation, Indigestion, Sick clad l5iliuw Headaches, Dizziness, U. ions Attacks, and all derangt malts of the litter, stomach, and bow's. They cure pernuulena , bemuse they act ra.ttroully. They (keit shock and weaken the syetern, lib, the huge, old-fasbion(d pills. Aad they're more effective. One little Pellet for. a corrective or laxative - throe for a cathartic. They're the cheapest pills you can buy, for they're gutrrowteted tet give satisfaction, or your mine}- i1 ray turned. Yon pay only for the you get For a perfect and permanent can of Catarrh, take Dr. Sage's t'atarrk Remedy. Its proprietors offer 4614 reward for an incurable Ilse. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. emMwM• mines . 0005.310..1.lr l:tt. 1ML N'hemt..............«•.«.. a 1' t. •Q • ucalb IS so mei abort. P toe 13 m telt le fires, i tea. 11 01 tollM 8enw0i 5 ton.. b •5 tole ChN oppeddFeed Wbwat •e "M W ;.ill A Qat&.new•Vbush bto3M Pose, 11 .. are i►riey.tarerowed.V • me0 ►tarter. common 675 1•• nay. wton ay1te711 Potatoes. i bash. 1 E to I A) APpittaiben...._......, eater Rutter. s It to • u • • trials *a (•k i. E lb....,, t o a 11 hefts a tt Weed .•••••••• 2 I to le Wool ............... •10M•m e fe to 3 f• =Moe ..r..«...O. lels•N Nile .•.•.........._••••......•• a rr w • °r Limiest. Li ■ 5 ye ls 0 :s COLBORNE. Ram ear ewe cornet. admit. Mrs. 1. Clifford, of Louisville, Ky., is eluting her relatives in town sod comity. Khs is a .laughter of our old friend J.8. Morrie, Colborne. .lis. Ilavideen cut • field ot his fall wheat on Thursday, July Id, I. This is au er• l y cut, )'ut Int year he had • 6eld cut ea July 13th. Jar. 1).'s wheat is always first clam. LANES. Preen our own oorraspoodeol. "'Rev. Mr. Fairbairo 0 -scooted the pulpit 1110.' on Sunday night last. The moot Mary thunder ottoman have ,reatly retarded toe haying bene. Mr. and fain McLean, of Wiutscharek, are the gust of Alex McLean this week. A few from .,nand here took in Oke "*aortow Twelfth" at Ripley last Wednes- day. Yednesd•y. Mrs. Hrinnoa. of Alpena, Michigan, r visiting "the old :011ie at bowie" and otblt friends in this section. John Baldwin had • pow* raised to Oke end of his barn on Thursday 13th. No person was killed but alinost every penes was hurt. Mw es 51M • •• wll d" rifts.. Send 25 " Sunlight " seep wrapper p*Twpper beeriest the words "Why lbws Woman Look Old Sooner Than • Man -1 to Lever tiros , Ltd., 43 Scott at. Trost. and you will receive by post • pretty pee tare, free from advertising, and well worth frsmisg. This i. an easy way to decants your hexon. The soap kt the best mete market and it will ogle cost le portage le send in the wrappers, if yos leve the fedi 09905. Write year tam oar.tilly. 11 hange of B t'siness. R. B. HOLLAND, DUNGANNON Has disputed of the General Store business carrier( on so successfully by him for several years to MR. HILES, who in recommended AR a trust- worthy and energetic business man. and who will endeavor to contin- ually keep before the public FIRST-CLASS GOODS st REASONABLE PRICES and hofs to receive the patrons, of all Mr. Holland'* eastomers, fend as many others se may favor bio with a call. Mr. Holland wishes to thank his many customers for their liberal patronage in the past, and trust' that his successor may r)ceive tb• soma All outstanding accounts mist be settled at once. B. B.110LL111D1 , 1 i