HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-7-20, Page 6STRONGEST, BEST.
Comae) r A:um, Gra• mans. Lithe,
.ay unset.
Mr. Ir.r Lined Vernet. Nr..ell.e. New Be
OA. killed b) 1.148..
to the Century Archibald Forbes de
scribes with his customary vi: i 1 graphical
ity how the Priace Imperial .lied in Zulu.
laced. Mr. Fuchs" tells hew the Prince, af.
ter really trying to mount his horse, ran by
lam side trying to bee:r:.te him as he [cal.
Iepei, but le vain. L-.oa1, • trooper, who
heel wxe.ded in getting into his saddle,
called to use Pr! ear, '• IMpecne. volts, 8'11
vows plait, Mosses ucur Toe Prince.
says Mr. Forbes, atis no re•; ly, and was
hit atom to his fate Holier*. strained
alar that of L encs. who then sem the
doomed Prime hol.hn; his n:rrup-leather
with ooe hand, gr.apne rens and pommel
wilt the ether, and try .n, to moan: oo tax
run. N•• doubt he male one desperate ef-
fort. trusting to the strengthof his grasp on
the hand ei leather croestug the pommel
iroln boater to holster. Th. band tore
under tee *train. I Inspected it next day,
road found it les leather at all, but paper
(aced, - chat the 1'ri3eou fate really wee
attrn1wted te 01034 saddlery. Levet saw
the Prince fall backward, and his horse
Metal on him awl then gallop away. Ac.
cording to bon, the Princes regaine.l his
feet, and fan at full sped toward the demes
ea the track of the retreating party. When,
for the last tame Lenity! turned round in
his saddle, be saw
T111 t'Lo'••E •R't6L St•yxcen
pornet only a few yards behind by some
tw.l"ve or fourteen Zulu., a se as in hand,
which tam- were throw ice hon. None
save the slayers saw thetea;;ely enacted in
the (lenge. Next manias we Lound the
dea•i .'ria a its the doaga, • few paces on
ooe side of the path. He was lying on tis
back, naked save for one soak : a spur bent
out of shape was close to hist Me head
was w beat too the right that his cheek
leu. `ted ' he sward. His hacked arms were
hght.y cro..a.1 over his lacerated chest, and
his fate, the feature* rat wnich were in no
wise dutolted, but wore a !amt an a that
slightly parte:l the Imps, was marry ty the
destruction of the rignt eve from • ,aseltai
stab. Tau sure:eons'-reed that the wound,
which penetrated the biota, was tee tint
and the fetal Burt, •ad teat the subee.tnent
wooed* were Intl: •tot on the deal body.
01 there there were many, in throat, in
chest, aside ay.l on mune, apart from the
nick in the abdomen, whteh is the %ale fet-
ish coelom mvarialliy practised ,n slain
eteemee u a protection against beiay haunt
ei by theatre/hoes., His wounds bled atresh
ae we moved brut. Neither on him ne: on
auy of the three others of the party was
f.•un1 any ballet -wawa ;all had
nr.Yx KILI.(n nT AwpiAl-.Tit..
Round the poor Prince's sack his slayers
hal left w little gold chain, no which were
*true; A !racket set with a minaa:ore of his
m ober ao.l a reliquary eonteinmg a frag-
ment of the True I'rooa which was gores by
Pope Len 111 to 1'narlemagne when he
cr,wned test greet Prince Emperor of the
West, and which dynasty after dysury of
French nleaarchs had since worn as a tali" -
nue. Very .v1 awl solemn was the scone
as we noel *roust, n:eot all and with
Lared he -.ds, looking down on the untimely
dead. The Prince's two *errant* were
weeping bitterly, and there was • lump in
many a throat. An officer, his h.moin friend
at Woolwich, detached the necklet, and
placed it in an envelope with several locks
of the Prince • short dark hair, for trans
mlafion to his mother, who • year later
made so std • pilgrenage to the spot when
we now stood over her dead eon. Then the
body, wrapped in • cloak, was placed on the
lance -shafts of the cavalrymen, and no this
extemp.wirel bier the officers of the brigade
here 1t up the ascent to the ambulance -
waggon which was is waitia;.
ahs Mesa Itis Wasted
".tam, did you Invite the Ientleman to
come in and take a eb.Nr "Yes, but it
was the table he wetted beentase you'd not
paid for it."
•ssefaer .d Enda.
For weer:y forty yeah ilr. Fowler's Ex-
traat. of Wild strawberry bee been the lead-
ing and sumac cure for oh•dera, .•die, diar-
earrhea, dysentery and all summer complaints.
It u a record to be proud of 2w
" I guess Mr- N,• -cash must hare heeo
brought up in the lap of luxury."
"Why en yon think so'"
"11n, 1.ecauss she is me inclined to sit on
H Raved N1. Use.
(.rSTLFwx', I ran rhomotend lk.
Footer's Extract of Wild Strawberty. for it
saved my life when 1 eras about rax months
old. %S a have used it in our family when
r..tuired ever since, sod it never fells to
cure all comms complaint. 1 am now
f .artaen year of ago. VILA ".-S. WAI+11,
2w Dalkeith. Ont.
gams wts.iten.
Hartle ;eget three y.aral--Mamma, ain't
my fare arty*
Mammy Ne, II 'tette, doe's yeti know
ears. wished Norii s !•fa :h's morn i ne.
1L.n i. trliegie; 'skis ideol Don't care,
Mamma feels dirty. (M, 1 des it most be
shutters tome.
Mr High ('aLtwell, ('lyd.rlak, osi.,
writ.. ,• My daafhtsrwas seder the care
.,l .In.•tnn f.x wire than a year for card
wnakaaN, without testing relief. i ibis
pr.nrred Ptak fills 'sed they cured bar "
All dealers, SOc, a het nr 6 bates ter 111250,
.r mailed me rea.lpt of prise Dr. Wil-
lens' Md. On. ttewakvilha, O.L, sod
es '-s-tady, N. Y.
E a the Menet of Losse --Mol( as Also Is
Fon a tower garden, pure and simple,
there w noon more charming in Italy
than the columna Iu the very (wart of
Rome, It ie so concealed that one might
par it a hundred tines without sus-
pecting Ica existence,. The palace is at
the foot of a hill. and is separated
from the war.len by a sunken street aro!
terraces. The street is crossed be several
bridges and in looking from the pilaw
to the terrace. is entirely Iavleible.
The hill is very abrupt, aril tare is led
through Ilam walks awl up stairways,
along terraces. to the flower garden at
its very top. The garden, however, is
Dot in so unsheltered a peition as this
might indicate. being pnutected a: the
south by a high iedlge. An iron gate-
way at an opening in this hedge ferule
the entremee to the garden, And onpin-
ing thniegh 11:,., one is imi,•diat. Iy in
the midst t t bloom, where all 1r..w-
inc things .Lim at their beat. The ar-
rangement of the gareen is very simple,
tee wt ts all radiatuaalike the *peaces of
a wheel, (rout a crewel beset. The beats
are T,li„otly elevated above the walks,
and their burden oil 1..x form the bor-
ders of the paths; the arca covered is
Moat hal( an were. but so altieraalit is
the plan and so commie: the plautiug
that at seems much larger. one ,.see no
paths except that upon wheels he is
etsnding, seeming' Alwav,t to be ear-
n•unde.l by a great profusion of flowers,
wittl just etu,usi, of formality to give
them the value'.
There is no architectural fe,ttlro in
this garden beyond the basal in its
ureter, which is suftie.e. Sly how 10 re-
in the rticetinn of the growths alnwu
it. Tbn garden owes its charm—whie:h
is veru great—to Its very 'ample d.a1„nt
wind the admirable planting. it is en -
el teed on the east anti west Icy high wall{
ceverNJ with vtnrte: at the,r Leat', are
several tient of so.,.. with flower pit -t.—
1 •,.arks .t. Plate i:u Harper's %ersatsa
ftr July.
Kakis( the Bent of 11.
A German earl who recently targe te
America i0 Marry a alit•, who Mel tea n
here for ratite year., sue wit,. hail net to
i. Inset( so in•.11apc•u sable to his empluyera
Lent baurukl nut even ore maenad haste
erkrugh 1', pi) w t:cru:ary to fetch hie
bride, orb, eoume amusing experiences to
Iter tete home.
"The'.,in. whielt vexed etre moat." she
earl. after relating all sorts of peter
cakes which s'e °stumble tundra.
wayMean my sheets. 1 hail a 1.•;i.:.:tal
,et, all linen, and all 0.1110.11••r..1 and
worked with initials by my ...II hauls,
hen 1 got here the .American eels were
aid so big Shutt not use ot my sheets could
L. used."
"What a chemo .r' ea'. -aimed her sym-
pathetic betearr. ••What did you do
"Well, you we," the teak answ,e,ed
with a smile, . •'.if cuur•e they d. ere a,
much oto large for hanaker•htete as they
were too *mail fur optica; autl se 1 took
them for tow -eta, And everybody tbiul-s
tuey are lovely."
abet Vett at. Year.
A summer hoarder. n women, who
was strolling Olung a eountry r .a.t, .t.to-
pr-1 at a farmhouse in who.0 porch site
saw an odd lady knittin; a:d asked for
a glass of water. When the tad lady
i.ad brought it oho asked the younger
woman t., sit down and rest awhile. Tae.
Tout,; wotnan looked nut over a pdceas-
an: ctwutry, lett her eye fell at last upon
the• burying ground viatica was only a
bale war off on the other side of t!to
roa•l and plainly visible through tete
ire"w, and ehe turneel to the old lady,
ono sat resin; and knitt.ng, sad
asked :
"Aren't you afraid to lire eo near a
grare_varti r
•' tIraidy' said the old lady, gently,
"why, no; my hu,d,aod anti son arc
Ka Krl*w 1).e.rat.d.
The Sultan of Turkey has conferred
the Order of the Medjidieh on i'r.feseur
Max Muller. Thi+ ie s merited triouae to
tie • vast Oriental I.-.rning and the dean
interest buten by 1'r.,(usor Mex )fuller
in the venous Eastern religions. an I in
Mehemetnnte n in particular. Tho pr'. -
en' Sultan. who is a somewhat mil f Iota
nlelanchaly a )rientil, of t'on c treatlre
tendenc,e.. has 14t11e iu common with
that se.:ti.,n of the of "dal class in 1'011-
atantinople who hove hewn ecdn.•attd
tainted and have auMpted ath.•iati.• end
rev.Jutionary Ientimcuts and Wee,. lie
is devotedly aLtach.l to the Mua.ulinau
Ear the Mlekrooa.•
ib not keep a sick person ton long in
one room without taking him out and
fumigating it. l'ut sulphur in an iron
or earthenware pan that will stand the
heat and ret it on bricks planet in an-
other and larger pen containing water
up to the Grp of cove bricks. Set the sul-
phur on rare : close all the windows and
crevices, so it cannot enr:ape. iwwo.en
and hang upon chairs all the nothing to
be freshened: keep the door closed six ex
eight hours: then open all the windows
and door'. an.l freely ventilate the room
for a day. Nothing rests a sick permit
so much as to think of the pure, clean
room he is Tying iu.
rev.rty Wallet Wealth.
The weret of prrcntent involuntary
poverty in the midst of teepee -abundant
wealth 1* not far to reek. "Bar a roan
from the use of his raw material -the
earth—and he cannot work on it. Charge
him for fwrmiesion to no. it, and the re-
ward of his labor to the extent of that
charge is reduced. Make him logy a
high enough price, and you reduce him
to It hare and proari.n a anhsuGence."
All this is truism. Gene can deny it,
anti who of tot tors not help to erect and
maintain the Barrier between the landlan
poor and their natural right to the use
of the earth T—Knox Church Monthly,
)4sielee. of Peewe Veg•s.rta.a
A French vegetari an rM'ietr, tike an-
cient (ianl, has income divided into
three porta ( hoe wing calla itself (erne,.
its, to indicate that it believe. only is
eating cereals : another will be knows
fruiterian. heranse is thinks fruit the
only pn.pnr fond and another has hew*
d Ilhrri tot.erl,ne, twainee tt believes ice
eating roiota. Each wit think• that the
happinwr and stability of the human
race depends us the "[for Mit of its
views. --New York Tribune.
• U..JIar R ase itsmtpter.
The imoothis « the wettptrw eemrlprise
Ahearn 'eery sskslamoe espehk• rat being
nava, test or aselisoL roe ear.lnt,
marble, alatenh r. base, ivory, granite
basalt and pnrptyry haws ail hiss mid
from time iu. ndsnerIel.
11.wadais Me Mak.. Noreen u Nesse no
LU Serge of Lamle.
The lady traveler 1e an outcome of the
last thirty or forty years, and the lady
explorer u( even a shorter period. Mem
still pals can recall the time when M.
Pfeiffer's eala'rieuces no lands DO more
remote than bound were the amine -
meat of stay -at -hone folks, and whets
Indy Franklin's ceaseless; journeys with
her mace. Mira t'racroh, were more
talked about than nowadays, when the
female toured te set with to every land
from Lsplan. to New Z.wtend. Nes ifs
steamers and palace cam have rohhcd
the more beaten tracks of any terror -ter
say hardships, indeed --anti the stories
of one iwneatte ming tourist sett.l forth
a ddueu more, eager to imitate nr surpass
her achievements. Wherever she goes
tits lady traveler has a way of makiug
herself amazingly at house, end ob-
taining coUtt b1.s which ant denies to
the etcruer sex. In Tobuh., in
Siberia; we bear of an English gov-
e rness. Tn. ea -mese print eat were
brought up under one. Another has
recently narrated her experiences of the
Egyptian harem+, and more than one
could tell take which the mala infidel
never heard of about life in Fez and the
CSty of Morocco. The actress or the
opera singer. who is even more at:ven-
turoue, may, per:,ap, take a more
I,rac tical view of the roundss.
she make
folia city has "no money" in 11, that one
is remenwl •:ti l M the. dLunontl bracelets
iu the bouquet* she received un the
stage. tlu:to, in the Andts, is to the
prints donna a memory of endless en -
cure.+, I1rngleuk of empty houses. Now
that the east is ot.'ued up by tlta Acre-
I)atnasvue taeilwav, and dome:tlt•tu ie
reacted by the trust horse frons Jeff t, the
achievements of the F:iglish rete trees
will not end with Cairo and 1 alcutte
l.y and bj she wil: add Bagdad to her
round, and, :hough we ars afield Mecca
and Medina may still lie dealt -1 tier,
l0ustantinuple an.1 toe Lypttan metro -
pelts, It taws be renretntwrtd, were less
thea a century sgu regarded as being as
much clued w tae Kaffir "pr,feaeional"
as are dna holy cotter to-day.—Loudon
taaag.l Standard.
A Noble Cooled by a Soak c let Age
tied New is Waahlegt.n.
The moat beautiful volume among the
half militon in the co r•..tonal library
at Was.angtun is a Bible which was
transcribed by a monk in the eixteiuth
century. It could not be matched
day in the beet printing ottioe in the
world. The parchment is in perfect
preservatiou. Every one of its thou -and
pages 1s a study. The general lettering
to to German teat, each k•tter perfect, aa
is every one, in cold bink ink. without
a 'wretch or blot front lid to lid. At the
beginuui, of each chapter the first letter
is very large, usually two or three inches
long, and is brightly. illuminated in red
and blue ink. Within each of these
capitals is drawn the figure of some
saint, some ioeidert of wnirh the caap-
ter tells, et illustrated. There are two
columns on a pace, and nowhere is
traceable the slightest irregularity of
line, Sitar* or fornution of the letters.
Even under a magnifying glans they
scam flawless. This precious volume
is kept under a glass case, which is
sometimes lifted to show ibat all the
pages are as perfect as the two which tie
open. A legend relates that a young
man who had sinned deeply became a
monk and resolved to do penance for his
misdeals. lie determined to oopy the
Bible, teat lie mignt learn every letter of
the divine d.ntmaa's which he had vio-
lated. Every day for many yuan he
patiently pursued his tae:. F•,ch letter
was wrought in reverence and love, and
the patient soul found its only couapoan-
lonaillp in lite saintly faces winch were
portrayeu on these pages. When the
last touch was given to the last letter,
the old man revereutiy lassoed the page
and folded the *aerie together. The
ilitastrated initials in p,'rfecti..n of form
and brilliancy of color surpnas am thing
produce 1 in the present dray. Hits ail
our boasted progress, northing either in
Europe or America_cguaht iL
Th. Wild Fig of Florida.
The will fie tree is found at various
pointe along the southern coast, being
entirely tropical. and toted ovally island
in the Everglades contains more or less
of them. This is a remarkable tree. it
first maks its appearance a -ti the creeper
and seines on the .arrest tree it can tinct,
coutinuiug to encircle it in its niceties
until it deprives it of life, when it feeds
upon the decayed matter and becomes a
beautiful tree. On one of the islands in
the Everglades during Oen. Harney's
operations to oof teem large fig trees were
discovered, sundae; about ten feet
apart, which decorated the center of the
island. They had each attacked a palm-
etto and one of them was deal. but the
top of the other was still blooming in
the center; although completely sur-
rounded. The Indian rase for the wild
fig tree is "lio-cu-motet-locco," St. Au-
gustine News.
K1 Lady Nicotine.
Tobacco was noted by l'olumbus on
his very forst voyage. It was tinct culti-
vated by John Ralf' in 1612, and as
early as 16111 a lot of 20,000 pounds was
shipped W F:ugland. In t:32 a tobacco
factory was started on the Rappahan-
nock Ricer, and about 1:6e the first
south of the James River was built in
Mecklenburg Comity. In 1715 the ex-
ports from Virginia amounted to 42,841
hogsheads, of about 1.000 pounds each,
and increased till l7:ra• after which there
was a decline until after tete revolution.
it is now grown in most of the Southern
States, Kentucky in the lead
Atrs.(e if Tr..
it is related that on the date of Edw1a
Booth's birth there was • meteoric show-
er. Al the hem`` and just befnrr the
moment of his &nth at the Players'
Club last weak the electric lights all
went out, and at the hour of his burial
in %mut Auburn last Friday. )'mit at
sunset, there was anomen.l
The wrest was not only Nldilteeny aglow,
but aglow is a peculiar way. AMors
the horizon Hoe was a Mad of light
treating toward golden green, while in
east the rel s-ttnn of all thea upNlsingr
was repeated in fainter tint& it was all
/ Roeet so hessdfol and so undo., eves
among hosutiful .one t., that it was b
marhed in many towns and all along the
coast here. --New Orleans Times -Demo-
Woe teas Par..r..
Farmers of Weirton nee ores of note
nnkw in the morning and a aanther
neer 1n the afternoon They have is
moon for doing so beyond the fact that
their forsfathen /W H am they cos -
dodo ht neem b If -a ::".a±� . + • c -a..
1s superior to all other prepare-
tionsclaiming to be blood -purifiers.
First of all, because the principal
ingredient used in it is the extract
of genuine Honduras sarsaparilla
root, the vanet�y sic st in medi-
cinal properties. Also, because
Cures Catarrh tdarhekbeing"e+w
expressly for the Company,
is always fresh and of the very
beet kind. With equal discrimina-
tion and care, each of the other
ingredients are selected and com-
pounded. 1t is
Superior Medicine
he: ause it is always the same in
appearance, flavor, and effect,
and, being highly concentrated,
only small doses are needed. It
is, therefore, the most economical
blood -purifier in existence. It
Cures makes food nour-
ishing, work
life enjoyable. It searches out all
impurities in the system and expels
them harmlessly by the natural
channels. AYER'S Sarsaparilla.
gives elasticity to the step, and
imparts to the aged and infirm,
renewed health, strength, and
5.41 b a:t Urwc s : lYtw 6C/. ; .1 Eutth.M ia`y
Ceres others, will cure you
A Nrm.Nk.ISe W. ea. •
Smartly--Solwtoa's first wife was the hest
mobs_ ted. Mee. Meetly -- How do you
know! Smartly—The 1141.1. says that she
was one wawa& la a thousand.
"I was prostrated with $ *erre hiliou.
c<.mplunt," writes F.rastua Sot:thwortb, of
Bath, Me. "Alter vainly try dog a number
of remedies, I was finally induced to take
Ayer's foils. 1 heal warmly taken two
bore vibes I was completely cored."
Afraid elf Vheweek..
Mrs. itim -!'our husband doesn't seem to
b1 rejoicing like other peopleonh:acountry s
b rthday. ars. a. adds—No. He has
in at of h:e money invested in a tiro io.nr
once company.
Greet.xt.rx, 1 was thoroughly cured of
i•Mligestion by urine reale three b.ttlesof B.
:. 13.. and truthfully recommend it to all
gaffe nn from the same malady.
2w Mie... Deet oe, \V'Ineipeg, Man.
UNLOCK. ALL Trt 0103510 3tet tTlere
t NOorrc.aat atlr, w.TMct•Y wrar.trm-
1NOTot r, *LL ,r/onerii3 ann ram.
Si TMt Sant 7,st CCr:RCC.T.
r -01.a. FLUTTERING Or THE tt5ANT,
DE$ILITY. TMtat airs ALt stomas
Cereta,.Te OUICSIT 7m(Lo TO TML COO*-
Tlvt lir►WtNCt: OF BURDOCK 01.000
coag AND wood
Coal, Wood and Kin('ling deli-
vered to all parts of town
with quick despatch.
LI Matte the CL best wrvde of bard mall.
Shoe slarket, vet : the New York, Ontario
& Wolters Railway Cora Celebrated
Lackawaaaa Valley Coal In four slats,
yea: Chestnut'- Store. Zen and Orate.
00Tr OOJL.
fMet Shawano Lump ('.oal for w Is
(rtes. stores. Sarno,,, etc.
Restnual.ty geasine Mos.bereh smltb-
las coal always ea bawl. norefal anew
tam eras M ee•atry trees.
Cu and want wend. E Mohan and I Met
Mew always la amok. Dewe tweet that
I As w111.g wed. set ahs spot,. ea cheap
se yes ass bay leap wood on the ssrkat
All sr wad le tell W the cad of 1E
feet or W f cord Iota
1 Met Ma(. of eel asd spin. M beim
i ha -r .d..., w In wetl-.ealpped Beal
and wed van, a sew l ten w (k soak.
Alt teen lie sad see.se_ ea,wsted
Octets Yates Ain COAL Ssvis in old
drill shoed, Nel.on-.t., foot of Haw
iltoe et.
1,851% roan.
JOHN g. PLATT, Proms
Fraser ir
" The Doctor's Dozen,"
Paper, 50c., bs EystyeEL r*ltlr llama.
"Grave Lady Jane,"
Paper, 30c., by Fi.uaswe W.tltlsax.
Paper. 50c., by (Isom, Dut-oLAs.
"One False Step,"
!'aper, SJ'•., by AeUELW STY'AST.
"The Honorable Jane,"
!'aper. 40e., by A e e i x Timmy
"English Pharisees,
French Crocodile,
A•rd Otber French -Anglo Tepaal
Paper, 50c., by !dale V'Ity.
Aug.ist Delineators, Fashion Sheets
and Patterns to hand.
Loral Maaaerrs Nell Traepb.ss 1..
Booksellers and Stationers.
You kill a few flew—the survivors told
an indignation meeting. You catch the
whole ila:etnl,lage with
cheapest and bast made, or else
knock them out with our
PURE iNSEC'T POWDER, which never fall
Sea -Bathing at Home.
This excellent asautance to hetlth may be had
by plrchameg • lt. x of sea -salt, 25c. We keep iL
IDEA_ are Hire's Root leer a 26c. bort!. makes 5
Lite Juice, 50 cu. s large bottle.
W. C. GOODE, Chemist.
Opea ea auadars tar 1'..: 'i.plions, d'
WI.: AI:t. oCr3YLLI,0 ALL OOYPR1.rum
PNEUMATIC TIRES, from $50.00 up
CUSHION TIRES, . as 80.00 "
LAWN MOWERS. The,years petters 1, per potion.
Our Ile is complete.
When you will get good, honest goods, sad.verytbiag warranted to bs as represented.
We have • Ismer stook a 4 greater varlet yy this al the other shoe dealers is
town combined. He keep the most stylish and [ashissabls good* mode in CAnada.
Prices are Lower thao the Lovest, aid will be kept there,
N.A.—Lsatber and Finding in say quantity at lowest priors.
Are the best Canned (loads in the market.
Ira. PLt'KHSr
AT 40. 50 at 80 CMTS P3'1R POUND
We are wants for both lines, and ask for them a trial, .felield tW
they will pleat : and extend our trade with you. Yours truly,
CRA& A.. NttA.IRN.
131201"1-13EY eft SON
Have added he their prseat business one of 8 J. Nash's Latest Stye
of all Hearses, alto 'he Best line 4 funeral furnishings in the noent7,
and are now prepared to onswleet funerals at prices reasonable.
Tkis department will be strictly attended to by his son William, who.
in the employ et the late D. Gordon for the past ten years, has a
knowledge of the besinese, and by promptt attention beret to share pate et
Aka • patronage.
e. Renumber mil.
phew— Weat-at, on Tow way to kb* rill