HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-7-20, Page 5THE SIGNAL': GODERICH, ONT. THURSDAY, JULY 20. 1893. !i THIS: CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE g a?AIMASseteo may. HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO. ea/gal, S) S$Z MILLION DOLLARS • OrIT' B. L WALKLR, GENERAL MANAGE& • 04.000.004 $1,000.000. GODERICH BRANCH. A Gt1'ERAL BA*(INO Dttelltnen TRAJMACTFD. FARMERS' MOTffa D611,01INTE0. DRAFTS ISSUED PAYABLE AT AL, POINTS IN CANADA. ANO THE PRINCIPAL WWI IN THE UNITED STATE& GREAT BRITAIN. FRANCS, BERMUDA, eA SAVI11$1110 DANK DILPARTNENT. ixpoatte or $1.00 AND UPWARDS RECEIVEU, AND CURRENT RATER Or INTEREST moot, •NTgta{T ADOSO TO TNa P*lSOIPAL AT THE AND OF WAY AND pe• .RAR IN ROOM TRAIL Ipetlal Attention given En t s O011,ot1on of rerrteun--.err s•. -..e. sod farmers' Salo* Notes. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. THE LAMBTON !ORDER CASE. IIIMMX IX, WJLZON izroJrrrn 70 MATE MADS � ctos>•iAJirov.tWatIONIVOIAt ALL WOOL PANTS Variety of patterns, well trimmed, all sizes, worth $2.25, OUR PRICE, $1.58. PURE WOOL BLACK `. JRSTED PANTS Worth $4.00, OUR PRICE, $285. PEETTY FAST -COLOR CHAILLIES Cccd range of Patterns, worth 10c., OUR PRICE, 6c. i DOUBLE WIDTH CHAILLIES Beautiful Designs, worth 20c., OUR PRICK, 10c. DOUBLE WIDTH DRESS GOODS New Colors, worth 20c. OUR PRICE, 10c. FLOUNCED SHOT SILK PARASOLS Worth $2.00, OUR PRICE, $1.40. NOT.FOR MANY YEARS Ile Was Reeeg.•tx.d A. S. Wu Walking le ea Oraag. rr.ea.sl.e At Saginaw As Serena M. ME..d /be Jail Register A. Albert Z. Wilms. SAarls,Ont, July 17. -Detective Ro1ers of Toronto .ed Chief Kira of Saginaw ar- rived hereyeeterday with Albert E. Wilson, alias H. Bradley, who was identified in I1spnaw July 12 by one Laverick, a for.. NMresident of the Township of 11-arwick, as the murderer of May Marshall of the townsktp et Warwick -.n March 10, IN6. Mr. George Marshall, a brother of the Reordered girl, accompanied Detective Rog.rs to %artisan sad positively identified Nilsen se the murderer. He was brought before Mayor Lemur and remanded to Serbia jail until T+.sday next. The prisoner was quite collected and listened to the proosedi.ge without any indications of oneasueoa At the jail be ngoeri the riveter .$Albert Ir Willes. Warn is reported to have made • full con- fession. .ad relate! hts adventures in escap- ing after the shooting. He waked from Arbon* to Point Edward, crossed the river at that point and took the F. and P. M. Railway to Saginaw, where be has been ever since, put of the time working in the lumber words and also driving a milk wagon for several months It is reported that Coe pian 'Armtek, who identified him, identified him in the processing of Orange- men which was held in Saginaw on the 12th inst. Wilson's people aro very respectable and well-to-do farmers of the Towashtp of War- wick and will feel keaaly the disgrace that the young men !hes brought upon them =this ,.sage ra.hsoss. Extra guards in put on at the jail for Om pur- pose of prereating the possibility of ,.Daps. 1150 FOR HIM DEAD OR ALIVE• A maavtlle. Pempteak.r Who Tbr.ateaeE animee lea. I)t..gp.ar.d. OrTAw-A, July 17. -In many conspieuoall places in the city 'otiose were ported yes- terday to the effect tk•t • reward of $5' 0 would be given to any person supplying in formatioe that would lead to the discovery of the body of 1)osald bpeneer of M•xville, "whether deed or alive." Superintending the posting of the bilis might have boon wee the wife of the mim- ing man, who is most 0.01ioes concerning the whereabouts of her husband. The circumet.nces of Spaecer's disappear - /Ace are somewhat dramatic. He was in putnanhip with another person in Max- ville in Ike manufacture of pumps, and a couple of weeks ago start- ed on a trip through the country to take orders On the lith lastest he wrote Isis partner from IR..kinghem. stalls g that be was gulag to commit suicide and that he would leave his horse and rig at Bucktog- kam. The letter was brut and gave no r.aaoa for the writer's gem resolr* to do away with himself. Sino. that date he has got been seen. In the morning of the same day be registered at • hotel in Buckingham and is the af•er. nor. settled his bill and left- Sure enough the horse and rig were left at to hotel. They have boon brought beak to Maeville. It is supposed that Speucsr in a despondent mood drowned himself to the Lrsvre River. This isn't all. We've many other Bargah s comparative- ly as great. We mention these few test you may know how much it's to your interest to big where busi- ness is done altogether on the Omit system have the universal fashion &o decreed for LIGHT COLORED GOODS. We place in great prominence in our store many handsome liners confined entirely to ourselves: India Mulls, Linen Lawns, plain and printed, Soft Finished French Cambrics, Fine Victorias, 9c. to 35c `a yard, Scotch Ginghams, Delaine Finish Cotton Prints, Piques. Satin Check Muslins, Large Choice in SUNSHADES AND PARASOLS, all at Special Sale Prices this month, WOOL GRENADINES, 12 1 2e., real value 18c. a yard. We tuns altabeet Prise la Ldrrlrh for nutter .ad rig.. W. .OE.EBON & SON. Millinery JUST ARRIVED LATEST STYLE AMERICAN White Sailor Hats. MRS. R. B. SMITH. C. A. HUMBER & SON ivEw WATCH & JEWELERY EMPORIUM New Goods of' the Latest Designs and Patterns in Watches Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware and Optical Goods. VCs. are catenate fora More of the trade. and it Sea.a.et.le Friers and Pair Treateseaas count for anything. we are oonmdest in having a share of your patronage. SCALPED BY A TROLLEY. A ...Tear 11aesWem Ory Pragkttnrry IIAY1LTov, July 1:.-Y,et.edny morns..{g Robert Ariel, res et Robert Ar•ol, 57'11 Jamss-ate.st north, was playing in frost of bis father's house between Burlington and Wood -,huts Trolley car Di, with a trailer, was c.iniag up from the .team-. boat wharf with • big load of passim - Henry Ding, oondeetor, and Chisel Newell, motorman, were in charge of oar 2s. and Isaac Lamns Tps., co.dee- tor. and Thomas Markle, driver, looked shot the trailer. The boy bad been play- ing ea the boulevard. but woes the oar was approaching he got es the track. Be- fore rho .otor.ea saw bies the little fellow was osier tbe trolley.The ear was quickly Mopped, acid the chid was picked up ander th. trailer. The wheels did cot pain over ht.s, bot h. was terribly crushed. Tbe scalp wee tern trent one end to tb. ether, Sere wee a fracture frees the temple tewer& the eye, and from the top of the Wad to the bass .f the .hull, the face aad body were breed and cut, aad there was a deep est or the right cheek. Although the !.juries ere serious, Die. Rennie has hopes that the bey will recover. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Prempt attention ani satisfaction guaranteed. C. A. HUMBER SON, Store 'ear Abraise= Smith's Clothing Store. os the Square. oiveyer of rue PAW concession. Denham, 1 1-' miles south of this place, was killed instantly by lightning while standing in the doorway in hoe fathers house. The bolt came down the china”, strik• ing the young man as the bead sad ppa•sung out of the door in whisk hew Blanding. Tb. Svtuab Seal Agent. ()rreeA, .luny 1:. -Robert Venetia' of the Fisheries 1),partmeat, who has been apposntel British agent at the Russian seal islands off the cost of Siberia, lett for his post last argot H. will `o to San Freacsaco, and from then to S okohems, Japan, which he will reach an August 11 From Yokohama he will proceed by epeeist ship to Commander islands. A. ladles Patatly '.laved. Draglto.To, July 17.- Yesterday as b p sl, Robt. Gilbert, • Mohs wk, was found badly injured, lying beside the B. of Q. Railway track, about half waybeiweea n beand 1)saero.to Junction. he frost put of one foot was mangled, and his bead end side badly bruised : kis recovery is doubtfuL It is not known how the aced - diet occurred Wingham : Charles Albert, the only son of James Beckett, of the town plot, passed away on Sunday morning last, at the early age of eight years and eight months He had been ailing for some time from dropsy a disease rare amongst children, and this combined with • seven cold caused his death. Wroxeter: A sad calamity happened to the wawa child of %V. Mair no Tuesday last The child swallowed a bean, which CHARGES %AGAINST A DETECTIVE- S...Nlgatlag sloe w«hada ar Deeswtive Neth of wlad.e•. W femme, J u1y 17. -The fact that charges have been pre(ernd against Goverment& Detective McKee amused the biggest soma - ti.. Wisdom has had for several veers, and formed the snbjeet of conversation ea all eider. It is claimed that sone startling evidence will be .meds public tat will seri only owe - precedes another et$ehi. Per that reams some lively yelling le genii is, but it is tet likely tat it will pet a stop to 0*. inv.ali- gash= ..w that is ac been starved. tem! ee), NOW le a Where bleed. ALWisemo, July I7.-Jmnes Tieaigas, a yeseg few !1 years of ywwho lived S ee Miles Irma hors, while sierki.g wheat S aturday wee struck by ligh&.i g and !.- S way killed. A bare brssgig M Amgus MaRi.My and dwell* g blase bdwgis, to Wittiest Wall, fanners. Swingle eke seem neighbor bat � i.wove she Arndt lamp dens b lightning. Mess& MINI r .....elle. aa. ty _`'17, -».by the tet'y berg theishee sitenilej Wakes i_Mq't_ fir r. ttE•am "w Sidelset .lodged in the wind -pipe. and all efforts tc get it out proved unavailing the child died to the doctor'. arms. It nukes it doubly sad when it is remembered that only one year ago they lost • bight little girl. H ullett The rotes list for the township of Hallett contains a total of 999 voters, 785 of these are qualified to rote at both muni cipal and legislative elections : 159 at muni- cipal elections only, sal 55 at legislative elections only. Of the 785 then are 155 claimed as tenants. Then are 52 widows on the list, and 365 persons qualified to act as jurors. Easter : R. A. Hagen. of Thesealoo, Al- t�is visiting .lune. Ramsey and triends to this locality. Mr. Hagen 11. quite a hien fur business, and se the say- ing goes, is coining money to Algoma Be- sides being Principal of the Thermion pub- lic school, be runs a scorn in which be dri• rem a large business, and owns a big farm which he rents to another party to run on shares. Hallett : An old Huron boy, H. S. Grey son of Stephen Grey. of Hallett, was the chief speaker at Ludington, Mich., oelcbrat ion, on July 4th. Mr. (trey, although • young man, and on the platform with noted speakers, held the •tteut:or• of over 7,000 (maple and gave the effort of the day. The krol papers sound his praise and speak very Harm of him. Harboys are bound to get on in the world. Seatorth : William Stewart, ,M of Alexander Stewart, of this town, is here {mat now on • visit to hie parrot& John %Velem, where arrival we mentioned last week, r.tureed again me Monday. Both BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, REST, - - A Saving Department has been aimed in co*. 'lection with this branch. interest allowed at current rates. II. L OCK WO CD, Manager Goderich Branch.. In $ 12,000,000. 6,000,000. I wouI41 stivis, those parties who � place p is a Formes to BUCK'S "LEADER 9 Constructll on the same principle u the " Happy Thought Range, with the Duplex Orate. Refereooes : Kitt. M. Traseett, St. I.eorge's Rectory, and [Mit. J INK* YATE4, Hard• war. Merchant. Just received, a car load of WATER WHITE (iIL, which I will sell low for cash—wholesale ani retail. to I trust all those indebted to me for the year 1392, will call at once and settle the soma Yours respectfully, 9, Wait a Bit G_ N_ DAVIS_ SPRING FASHIONS IN Gentlenien's Fine Hats All the newest and nob - blest styles in stock. See our DERBY IIATS IN ALL SHADES : [►iso our WIDE-IIRIM TOURIST HATS in latest colors and shapes of Eng- lish and American manufacture. Boys and Girls School gats and Caps In all styles and at unequalled values. CaII and See our Macintosh Coats, also our Splendid Display of Umbrellas. NOW AS TO NECKWEAR We can show you the newest and moat varied stock in Four -in -Hands. The popular tie for the season is the World's Fair Bow. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. W. T. HAYS &CO.,,/ 2405-tf Agents Parisian Steam laundry. SEASONABLE COODS, LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP 1 Facts are so scarce in thio world that it is possible to live a good many years without becoming acquainted with one. Here is one: We've been busy as bees ever since we started business. FRESH AND RELIABLE. CANNED MEATS, VEGETABLES AND FRUITS The reason ie obvione : We have made your needs our etudy, and are keeping up a feast of good etyles and good values, and in haying your Boots and Shoe+ from rya you get better value for your money than you can get elsewhere_ You will be delighted with the good qualities of our goode. We have a choice *e- lection of Ladies', Mie.e+t' and Mil Iresi:e Oxford Tie ShoeR. Thoneanda to choose from All other ling complete, and guaranteed to fit, to wear well, and give entire ratis acction. Our prices are the lowest Save money while you can by baying your Boots and Rhone frost. GENERAL GROCERIES we can snit you in quality and price, and invite a trial order from you. R. W. RUNCIMAN Snooze mor to E. t 'ampaigoe. FARM ERS I7o ysu mired using CLOTH!$ WIZe. l'.ITTLK TILS, er INDER TWINE To cot the Doming crop. 1f the latter. demand the old reliable brands, "STANDARD" and tl BLUE RIBBON." Hest value in the market, hill standard length per round, evenly spun by experienced bads, nae price to all farmers. Call and see samples, and order early to prevest disappointment I'ttact" Low EON cry To SI IT ctunseen . T. YOWLER Is 00. MFirst Store Raaf of 1 Wilntm'. Dreg Shore. For sale by 21151*. KNIGHT & LASHAM, QOL B1RIOME. PROF. DORFNWEND oirr TORONTO, WILL BE AT THE ALBION HOTEL. GODERICH, On THURSDAY, JULY 27, With new Myles of LAWRIE end CL'VTa' ■AIR WHOM f.Ota- INCA in WIe:a. Tot rims. RAOMA. SWITt7EA. WOOER, Ar. Everything fte.ntitol, Latest Patten, .ltd Lennon Pelee- HM !Adios Wigs are grand, his Hangs delightful aad Switches tweedy. HieCtsmmTel?LEA. for whole or perils) Hadam..,,nnl4 he sees by all bald beaded gentlemen. Over MOW of them lave been ma.ufa-tared and fitted by him rz, the greatest comfort sad setMaat (ion [!rune of the beet men In Canada and the C. . are wearing them. Whr not um? ladies and Geotlemeo. Or on hand sad see for tour.MYea Al ALMS INTEL .. TSI Eaolr, glib dirk'''. !sen. kenoon ere residents of St. Paul, when they have been sines Ieevine Seafnrth ermine /ort or sit years age, acid like most other $!.IRI► and Huron boys when they go Areal are • credit to Ike ooustry of their nativity. i{eefer Mr Parktaeos, .nn of Thos. Parkisl.ee, lies met with considerable Soo namm in the recent enmhisel esaminetioa of the Tarmac) public rebook. He is at pre. est principal .f [.ries meet sohe.i. 113/s of the twenty sehotarships awarded by the Roared for attendance at to ('elltlgitl. In- stitute were wen ihy bis pupils. three et whom took the bi heat weeks. Beth He gold awl ,elver rnaikla were wars b penile el hle school. realer* : .Those whip remerallEr Jeb. Wagaar. et ata Mme epernW ke t*. Ona.. dims Arlie flawsy iniettsgh .fine bras will he gird to kap that he lie bsss ewe p.10 l ha the WsEI. BEs buns ageodelteel res with the Os.peay std !olds, is psetewser of • mise, forlaie interest in whittle be re- fused 05,000, just recruits, beside, beim d.- terested is vanoee other theme. Dories the past eospl• of weeks be has hese visit- e/4 isi -i.r with h wife st his old home i. Holloff. Wingam A. K. C.meron. late of the Wiagham Poet Office etas, is at his hose is Beaverton, (let, very 1111 and sot aspected to recover. ii. i. -uferine frost mists throat affection. WMahan. J. 1'. Mel 'rack fa. etwheat of Herm College, Leedom. is •!siting is Well- born eg- bo n mod viaisitr. He will take emirs* of the nevi.,, i. the Rpieeep.l ohnre►, D.s- gtl..... during his Belida,.. Beel.ela : R '. T. Ryas, fornss-IT .f ef•.•a, reed whs is welt !sews is this ...try, b« eeeepted mead to 791esaherg end see removed the.ee from Ylelosee whore le hes bss more Wavier Horn.