HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-7-20, Page 44
•e E. ReeiLLW:et•T.
Once of Pub:iam is -e sad M. North -street,
tledertoh, Ontario.
Teresa et Mtrerlptleet
One DICK.:.. u advance • if
Throe m.•nthe.
Bre fla
One year.1 1110If crel.' is s•red, •the Pries leer Year
will b.130
Ads.rlIelag Rates
Legal an' other result adveroarr mist., leo.
per line for Brat insrrttot.. and con's per has
for retch rubeetucat ioeertioe. Measured by
• nonpareil nate.
Business cards of six lines and ander, 8s par
Adeertleemente of Leet. Found. Atrey.d.
Somali..., Vacant, : cautions 1Vaated and
Swine., Chances Naisted uut exceeding e
lime nonpareil, &l per month.
Hours. o.i r;a1. and Farms on hale. not to
exceed t brow, fill for feet month. SOK, per sot)•
secuent rnoutla larger emir, to propor...n:,
Any rpm: nal notice. the obJi•et of which is u
promote the petunia: hereat of any t.t.11-
vidual or company. to be eonside:ed an ad-
veniar•a,en• awl charged aceortta:ttiy,
Lorain: notice. in nonpareil ti pe Mae cent per
word, no notices leer Riau,
latest •Chew ib Mrd.n•r) road:ni tete. two
Doors per word. No notice for lees than Syr.
Hnt Ice.. fur cuu-eb(.m and eth.•r religious and
benevolent usetatationel.sif our.
taasm.rebl t-e.seer/ Adserlwmeat..
A limited ■nmbvr of d.rplaye.'• advertise
wale will he Mier -tett at the tfoL,=ung rates :
SW tache one inscrtinn. go to
four inserivab ».. t ace
" throe months. ...............•.3m
" six months __ 3 ell
•• 00e year S Oe
No &drertisetw•nt lav than two Inches la
length will be calculated on above baste. 6
per cent. dim -aunt allowed for man payments
on three mow tor reenact ; Ie per cent. on mix
months, end IS per root. oo a year's, These
conditions wen be strkxly enforced.
IAb.s$ "'Taw nlsaal" rIIve*y.
Subscriber wbo fail to reeelre Tna S'ONAL
reruleriyeither by carrt.rr ar by mall. will
confer r fetor by argnuu.ttng us of the fact at
as early a date as possible.
Leek a1 T. Label.
Your label ie a etandl•g receipt of the date
to .hie:. you are paid up. See that it is not
allowed to fall late armor.
When a change of addreu is desired. both
the old and the new address .Fopid De gleam.
Hein -red manuscripts cannot lie returned.
C..rreemendenc,c mu.' be writteu oM cite side
of miler ooly.
J. C. Le Tou el. of Ooderieh, has been ap
punted I, w tl Travelling Agent for the rnwn.
Mho of uoderich. Colborne, Ashfield and W.•
wee nn.h,
Ln.•al rarmast.: s over the d i.trict are also
empowered to receive eubecriptions to Tim
All comnuintcat:on. must ne addressed to
U. akt:il.t.l(' DDY.
etrameTelefte CAR 3e, Ttre teoderlck.
400DERi1CH. T9IOIAY. 'I: LY in. UM
Tius is the way they attend to matters in
Mitchell, according to the Advocate, of that
town :
The '('.ray family, ' of Goderich, mov-
ed to Mitchell and took up house in
theSouth Want. The constable was soon
on their frac& and gave them se many
hours to get out of the place. They had so
money, but the mayor gave the station
agent an order for tickets and the entire
party left on \londay for a neighboring
And yet we have people in t:oderich who
say the thing caunot be don•• in the case o1
the olemi-,sonde at the South Boundary.
'1'llt [L1 tI%Tr. le NOT A'•A►NNT 1'.t\.1D.s
durum June. July sad August. And par-
ticularly is that the case in Goderich.
Tlit rel., P.I4L.MIOrM attorrr•kt' t .11 Orr.
taws now declare that Um Earl of AILLii-
o.11:v will not be estranged because he is
"in trade." For which AttxuLL., will
be duly thankful, we have no doubt.
''111: r A, T THAT " Comm-ye:eh
Trl•rl:x is healing for Canada would almost
point to the fact that a i)ominiou election
is not far off. His salary is working full
time during bits absence.
N1riI ('Hl. t'.', ' 1.••+ISr. 1T',
Fair on Sunday, and Toronto agttating fur
Sunday street car., it would almost seen.
that the ('atadiao Sabbath is likely to get
the worst of it, notwithstanding the '• loy
alty " of such new.papen as the Toronto
'Stir \..Rk Axn Toho•., Axl: novo 1•RY-
ing out shout a polluted drinking water
service. If the people of these big towns
desire to escape from the evil during the
Summer months they should all come to
1.oderich. 1 his town has • supply of gorge
drinking water and a range of big lakes
behlsd it.
A 1111. Ilzi Irk ASI. 111, '.4LL'.11, wino
have been arrested at Detroit, charged wl.h
poisoning a number of parsons is different
cities. The feeling is very strong against
the couple at present, but in the event of
their conviction, aad between that day and
the day of execution the regalia' revulsion of
public opinion will likely follow, awl we
will have the usual exhibition of drivelling
sttatimeotaliam brought to view, and peti-
tions for their reprieve set in circulation by
weak minded men and women.
Maar Isis.. of Iatere i gagertred freer Ib.
Labe hews.
Str. ('oiled Empire on Saturday, took as
9 oars of salt for the North-west.
Sohn. Tndman arrived on Friday lrnm San-
dusky with 7.35 tons of coal for \Ym Lee.
The dredge is now working ore the North
et le of the harbor. She inn making good pro -
/ rale.
Scbr. I:embossed arrived on Tuesday from
Wiartnn with 21.000 feet of hunter for the
(hg ea Co.
Sehr. Sophie arrived on Tuesday from
Pert Arthur with 18,400 buahela of wheat
for the Rig )411L (a.ptala Green reports
freight. marU,a
Exeter While goosing though the roe.
tory the ether day. ('yt Gen. Kemp amid
ently toll down the caller step. sad injured
him face snoraly. He air, .astaind •
Meek rya
Wim : T. Roll's factory has hoes
AM doom Oar • kw days dating the pet
tow*, .ring M a wester Maker andwhisk hos AM boon 111rraw,
MMM Mien* beat mo �1sw er haketo
ree.eataate wetetaed Iss tree Nfeweas
The folluwtag is the perwetye of works
awarded to the pupils of A and B divisions
01 Form 1 .t the recent hall -yearly pro-
motion examtaatwo.
DIA 10106 A.
Kthel Acheson 65
Lotus Bates 48
limas Hein , 5l
Campbell 61
Tena Critic . 5S
Mamie Dickson. 67
Carrie Ellin . 52
think' Farrow 67
Ilrlia Fisher 40
Lucy 1:orlon 63
Fanny I:ral 68
ah.stM 46
Maggie .I ... .......
a'amuse I.eTsUiS • .. • ... •.,....:
Katt• McIver ..» ....
Katc Morrison
Kam NeibergaU
I.ena Walton
Pearl Wynn
Vera Wiggins
Harry Rates
„• ,•
Lorin Elliott 65
Walden Fisher 82
Thomas Long Si
Nelson \I alloy 70
lams. M •l',ersoa 34
Lionel Xaftel 52
Lionel !'arsons . 52
Herbert Reid. .... 61
Harry Salkeld ............
4'baries Shepherd. 50
}Ierbert S:odd•rt. 50
tilt molt R
John Atkins - 53
Tomas Hr►dgett0 40
%ll lie Curtin 48
4 ariral I►uolop 59
Wiflie Hayden 65
Harry Jobwton as
1 toughie Johnston. 60
Thomas Murray 57
Walter XaftA•' 90
N'ilhe Park 39
Frank Bohn taon 85
Reggie 'harntan 40
('harles Shannon.... , 27
lrederick Shepherd.., 39
John P. Tighe 53
Bruce Wa•soa 64
Hayden Williams. 43
1 fora Campiou 52
Beatrice ('array 38
Retta ('arty 45
Jamie 1.'outes 57
Helen 1►oyk ...... . . 37
ida I:sham 43
I :ertrude 4.rab►m 45
Hattie Harrison fig
Tema McIntosh 45
Laura Thibautlean so
Maggie Thibaudeau.. 40
Mary Zodiacs 47
Thr rap;l. wb. Neve Eros werreedal
sol tee erbeele wbearr Teey LaMar.
This evemination was hell at the same
time as the H .S. Entrance. The paper.
were considered very fair and out of 63
candidates 34 have been sucoeasfuL The
Education Department pays 85 to the
Public School limed for each successful
pupil on the following conditions. (11 The
principal of the school must hold • tint or
second class certificate. a21 there mutt be
at deem case legally ynalified assistant.
It is expected that Euclid and Algehrs
will be added to thin examination for 1894
and that the literature will he reduced In
quantity. When this is done, ninny of the
pupils in our rural school will uo dou',t
take the P. S. Leaving exam before atteo.l-
mg the High School or Collegguutte Institute.
We understand that the headmasters of oir
Collegiate Institutes will admit those hold-
ing P. S. Leaving oertitioates to the third
room of their schools without further exan,-
tuauoii. This will nave the candidates
about two years at the High School and
will leave then[ at home at a time when
they should be under the especial care of
thetr pareuta. We relieve this will he a
rata to both the Public School. and the
ildgh Schools. It is certainly • gun to the
To paw. the candidates required to make
at least 50" of the total, i. e., 503 marks
and 33{ .int each paper.
The following is • lase of the successful
mtndidates at the different examination ten
tree, the schools where they were educated,
and the total number of marks obtained.
...MLitt. H.
Gotann, William, Shetopardton, P. S.
Green, Lillie, sheppardton P.S.
Hayden. Emmeline. uheppardttn P.S.
Hiwkite, Walter, Port Albert 1'.S
►. \
Brawn, `Mary, Exeter P. S. .. .544
Creech, Radiard, Exeter P. $..., ....512
Huston, I:vie, Exeter P. S 500
Martie, Nettie, Exeter P.lt 502
Martin, Alex., Exeter P.S 525
Jeckell, Roden, S.S. No. 1, Uaboroa636
Buchanan. Milo, Zurich 1'. 8 581
K lopp, ( Tara, Zurich P. S ....... 514
Tippet, Wm. H., Varna P. S.. 539
Torrance, Grace, Varna P. S 501
('urry, Gets. If., Nile P. S 500
Duff, Bertha, R. A. No. 16 Ashfield 570
w1N(lMA e,
Bray. William ('., Wingham P. S ... 725
Hradwin, Edward, W., 1Vingham P.S. 653
Cowden, Celina, Wingham f' S 501
McTavish, Catherine, \Vinghsm 1'. R. 528
Roes, 4'herles W., Wingham P. S.... 671
to Brix snout
Allen. Elsie, Wroxeter P. 9 . 636
Bennett, John H., S. S. No. 4 Howick 528
Armstrong, W. N., Brussels P. S .676
1 Moran, .1 as. C., Brussels P.S. ... .. 526
Irwin, Gen. H , R nesele P. 8 631
Smith, Dora, Rrurs 1'. S 637
Vtswart, William, Brussels P.S 568
`ltewvt, Duncan. Brussels P. R . 566
Mitchell, Jennie C., S. S. No. 1, Grey 696
McCloy, Mary Jia.,... b13
Proctor. Ellie ....(jag
Reid, Alex. . .581
Thompson, Dliv., Hayfield P. $ 502
s Traveller's lids
Ottawa, .Inly 17. W 14' Sparham, of 95
Sepeao St., a trendier for the well known
hones of Russell, Gardiner k Rerl tells .
int•erseting story about the cure of a kidsey
trouble that has afflicted him for the past
nine months Ever since attacked Mr.
Spuhun tried physicians- prescriptions and
other m.ddcinee, hat nmw had any effort.
He cnswtantly suffered pun, whish Nunlly
haeme so muerte that he °veld net sleep.
Deatb seemed the only peewihl.• delivenaee
Iry in his suffering. He got a hos of loaders
kidney pills frown Hoary Watters,adrtggi.t
here, sari that rest* box .Ifeet..d a I,erfwoe
emr.. Mr. vparh.m is to day the happiest
mos is the Ottawa aad hiss& who relabel with
MOM to any tit fat rt it H►
Niter es et sweets, nieming Minims rossalL
A special hosting of the town council was
held in the mused chamber as Friday even -
Log, July 14, 1893. ''here wars present the
mayor, neve, deputy reeve, euuncdlers,
Marney, Taompeoo,Nahel, YMee, :tallows,
N'tlauo, Dunlop, Pndham nail Nscbolaoa
1 be mayor in the choir.
The following oommonionttos was read
from ('apt. Win. Babb, --
Guotwt H, July 14, 1893.
To the Mayor aad Commit:
(:►Betaines, 1 respectfully request your
boacrable body to have *Macre put up at
the beach waruisg all parties from bathing
at the Leach without proper bethink, amts,
also warning them ageinst buiIJiug tires cm
the beach. I dad • uumber of young men
.od boys aro in the habit of bathing then
without suits and als., building fires, and os
my reproving them I have receivedtltegrem
meet kinds of insult. It cannot be export-
ed that hates are going to take advantage
01 our bet Ling facilities if this is allowed to
be carried ou. Hoping you will give this
your tntmxlute and favorable considera-
tion, I remain
Yours respectfully,
Wu. Banta.
Motion of Metiers Proudfoot and Marney
that the clerk have notices printed forbid-
ding parties trout breaking the by-law in
reference to bat twig, and that the night-
watchman be instructed to proeoeute parties
infringing by-law. Carried.
Accoaut of J. Hillier for 463.75 was refer
real to nuance committee.
The report of the public work.committes
was read, recommending that Mourn Coll
borne Broe.aod Burrows get the south-west
corner of the old show ground., mid Seed.
Sloane the north- weat corner at a rental of 46
a _yearend taxes, each.
The water and light committee was em-
powered eo purchase what 'carbons were
The council then adjourned.
Hullrtt: •iohn I'sorter, of the 8th con., died
last week after an Illness of about • year: he
leaves one son.
Exeter . A party who wanted to get
farm hand.. es)■ that men are caking 840 a
month and board.
brussels : Win. Atoicy and family have
removed from Crusaels to Liatowel where
Mr. ;Inlay bas a position in the piano lac -
ifultett : Geo. Farquhar, of Hallett, lost
a valmeble cow on Wednesday. July 12, be-
ing struck by a train. He refused 845 for it
only • short time ago.
\Viagbam : Wanda, the fleet -footed
young trotter *wood by Beattie Bros., cap-
tured tir.t money to the 2.50 class at
Toronto tut week. Time, 2 25, 2 261.
• Hallett : N'. A. tole, late of thus town
ship, was married at Winnipeg a couple of
weeks ago, to Miss Myvie Tunnie.
daughter of Thos. Tunnie, of East Vawan-
}truss : Two hay presses started work
in Brussels last week for Messrs. graham d
Venstome. They pros. about 20 tons per•
day. 1 -pseuds of 30J tons are sturcd here
for haling.
Brussel: Wedoesday night .1. Heid
and wife and A. U. ('ortnack arrived home.
We hope after • rest (coin the journey. that
Mr. ('orntack's health will take a turn for
the better.
Mullett : We are very sorry to bear that
Thornier 'timings, son "(John ('umings, met
wlthan accident whereby he Moen one, if not
both his legs. He is employed on the C. P. R.,
and the presumption is that he was run
Seaforth : Captain Jot n Rawlings, of
the Salvation Army, and who was L.euteu•
ant of the Seaforth corps some seem or
eight years ago, was married on Thursday
last week in the Yorkville. Toronto, bar-
racks, to Captain Mildred Wale.
Seaferth : Julius I)unnmn, jr., woo has
been visiting his father here for some time,
left on Monday for his home in Kinston,
North 1.srnitna. Mr. Duncan has been in
the lumber business there for a couple of
years and has been eminently successful.
Seaforth : W hila Kenny Kemp, second
sea of 1'. 4). Kemp, of the Rig Mill, was
robing his bicycle on Wednesday morning,
he met with a very painful accident. it
appears that in some way he got a fall from
the wheel, dislocetiog his arm at the elbow.
Noel Prouii, aged 74 years, has been
drowsed in the Ndcolet while fishing.
Police Magistrate M. (' Brown. of Sim-
co*, U.t., died on Wednesday night, aged
Wm. Ruth, farmer. near London, has
died from the results of • care in at a gra-
When the boil of Fireman CharlesI'ur-
vis was recovered from the rules of the Chi•
c go fire it mods Ifl bodies recovered.
Thomas Hughes was seriously hart by •
fall tato the hold of the Shickluns at Kings-
George 011i., aged 40, had his skull frac-
tured in • restaurant in the Minket square,
John Schwann, jr., was killed by the fall.
ing of • beam at • barn raising near Port
Kigin on Thursday.
%Valliant Carroll, aged 30, a Canadian
ffr.mea on propellor Montana, was ace'
dentally drowned at Buffalo.
Mr. Lacking, aged 70, at Clifford, fell
out of hu rig down a steep embankment
sad died from his injuries within an hour.
TM Earl of Aberdeem is not .:peened k
reach Canada until the middle of . *pt•am
Mr. Deasy, M. P., has resigned has mat
io view of the verdict of the jury .guns
Mr. Gladstone has pabltely eip i6ed his
intestine of agars eonuniegth• Mldlothdar
Premier Tulles, of Quebec, States that
ow 4:overtimes' will hold • fall messiest
shout November
Levis Howard i►es.l,the clever *wieldier
who has M.. armed is New York. lived
m Nominal is iAM)
Mr. Robert Vomiting Ma Pees efieially
named as Remelt agent as the Raising Hes
Ras.'ai SRI Iolanda
Mass L.rz,• rtuthersnd, of
bees appointed lady seperlstand nn of the
Ragisaw 4:ewer•I Hospital.
Vora tssltuse.
Teeeher Are any of yearp.��iasr
Toady! Little (lIr1 Mise is. • 1. it sm er-
laical enmptaftin•" "Y*o•in," "Dane N
tall of year owe espertmasso and darrm-
tisas, as i dIr dolt" "Yogi- vary
wall, yea may read It' ••'i want to • ,
ding aad a fnnwal, an' the bide Mdad
Iwely es' Ms *wpm $what s l.'"
Pain oar owe onraeepoa4eaI.
Alvin Walken, of t:ederje[t, visited bare
1..t week.
Mir Kate F. Macdonald, of Detroit,
Mine tor • vacation of ..vest unmake wino\
ski will spent with Per prima* hare.
Pow•oriAL. Mrs. F. M. 1'attere.a, from
Wiara.a, prude county, with her nsph
.w Mostar Vincent are visiting relatives
hers. ....Mule Dean, K tulf tbrtdge, is the
guest of Par euustu, Alice 1 ummlug.
Canrlviti ol-r. A quartette of (.oderich
boys under the charms of J. Johoawn hay.
been camping out hen. The Lida tied our
oily store hau.ly and wheu they return to
(:odertch ctrl t,e rather often at the circular
town post otf►e« u) ecotone for letters from
some of their uuiueruue friends made at
0111111p -
1f'.. o.. t Frtt1 noun. - Our former young
townsman, James L Tube., who left here
nearly • year ago tokens the deep mysteries
of the aft of prtntisg in the Forest Pity
under the tmuoa of the Free 1'rew, u
home foe a Niel respite from duty for sever.
al weeks, and treads 1)ualup's heather a-
gain is good health, seeingold landmarks
eta schoolmates of Nu Hu progress
has been good and during his connection
wit, the Free frees has got on the night
staff of Is. paper.
1'x••..,\AL. Meier*. Simpsou and Solder,
of Ihuoetieid, gave our burg • tact this
week. 'peedou„ on their wheels and so en
greeted in guidtug them, they bark the
wrong route at several miles at The Hub,
Revcrniag they made for the ctn.-War town,
procure* • buggy. as they t mud the mid-
day ray" of Sol somewhat oppressive. A
lure stole on ibe lawn of oast of our re.i-
deo rs with letters hewn showed them tbetr
J -stinausm. It is likely Brumfield maiden
may be comforted by glowing reports of
1'uulop in summer time and the blue waters
of the late. They will Dome again, but not
w bee the crops this time, or yet the lake.
fierier the thunder storm on July 13,
eh..ut noon the electric Current struck the
house of .\redrew Green, on the 8th cos.,
and knocked some six feet ou: of the front
of the edifice. The south chimney was also
levelled to the roof, and a portion of the
shiners anal ridgeltoard was tows ori and
art on fin by the lightuing. Fortunately
the heavy rain at that particular juncture
put out the tiro- 1 boy about 10 years of
ale was lifted about tour feet (rent the
ground, and • girl of about 8 years was
kto eked senseless for • time. Mr. and Mrs.
Green were absent at 4. iderich at the tune,
but a grown daughter, recently arrived
from Detroit, was at home, ad sore
of the children atter the •;eitisikt/
From our own correepoadent.
} oohing is light at peer at.
Mrs. Taylor, of Clinton, is visiting friends
Fred Baker left here this week to fish at
Dick Islands.
Mire Nary Simpson has retareed home
f nen Sox/deed.
George 'tuibury star been visiting friends
iu Tlckerrrtith,
Mies ('a.h, of Seaforth, is the guest of
Mrs. Win. Clark.
We are pleased to see Thomas Jowett
a','e to be around again.
Arthur Torek has engaged farming wish
.1 .Its Herd, Sauble line.
Mrs. and M. Routledge have gone to
Hamilton to visit friends.
Our tailors and dress makers have bean
greatly rushed wish work I•tely.
4:eorge Erwin and W. H. Maker were at
Wingham on Saturday and Sunday.
Alex Ferguson left on Monday for Hen
sail where he has secured a situation.
H. F. Edwards has been on a visit to
friends in London, ljtrsthroy and vicinity.
Rev. J. T. Kerrin and Rev. C. Miles. of
Lucknow, exchanged pulpits on Sunday
Ntnian Morrison has returned to London,
having visited friends hero for ,couple of
itev. Mr. Baird, of Toronto, preached ie
St. Andrew s church Sunday morning and
Mir _A11ie Daley, of Seaforth, is spend-
ing t few holidays, the guests of the Misses
An am aviation of Christian Endeavor has
been organized in connection with St. An-
drew's church.
Rev. Mr. Miles, of Locknow, was accon•
rianied on Sunday last by his daughter Mew
Emma Miles.
.John R. Homes of Holmeville was Iters
last week looking for a better half. Heli
soon be back again.
At last our town hall /s receiving that
much needed painting. Messrs. Day and
Erwin are doing it.
Mr. and Mn. J. McAll.ster and child
have been visiting relatives and fnende at
Lacksow and vicinity before leaving for
their home at Chio•eo.
Septet. Laing, who has been stationed
for a month as supply office, returned to
her home at Palmerston last week. New
officer expected next Sunday.
,lames Marks has opened • re.tsurant
is his father's store. Ire cream, fruit,
oasdy, cigars, kr: Miss Lottie Marks
has sago opened an six cream parlor.
During the thunder stone early Saturday
morning lightning mitered the upper part of
James Sturgeon's house and set fire to some
nets and clothing there, which smouldered
until removed.
A large number of our citizen. accompan-
ied the (hengemen to Exeter on the 12th.
All enjoyed themselves very much. deur 4►.
Y. H's Looked stunning in their neat uni-
forms and were much admiral by the fur
Rev. Mr. Hedging, of Seaforth, will oe
ropy the pulpit of the three churches, Ray-
field, Goshen and Yenta on Sunday. Au-
gust 13th, Holy communion at each ser-
vice. There will doubtless be Targe con.
vvrreeggaaunns as all will be glad to hear Mr.
Hodgins again.
From our own come -ending,
John Breen, lot 14, sen. 2, R D. Colborne,
trot the first wheat takes down in this ar-
tier on the Jody 12. The wheat ear well
ripened and of toed head .aad strew. Mr.
them will preseaUy have big threshing
machine on the road for the sees„
Pianos toned aad orgasm repaired - C.
Blackstone, Haat.st., Rand Chanter of Gods -
Joh 4 irises Read.
Why Tray yoar sewing machines from
it fabnks mires, whew you ma
ggese hest naannfananred frees (a. VP.
Thossesa foe UM 00.
lash Magee aad Snraerkee of emery kind,
ea animal., owed is 30 mhates by Wool
ford's Ramie ry (sties Thr mayor fail.
Reid by F. Jordan, Demist.
then say that the Asti Nerve Pass"
mil by Dr.
fah,.. and Notaries ben aid by V a s e M.
kr derttml.' ksrm In -
Lmrpakiai r.MrdfsEa110MI, sa6 aid as
for fesre.M.
Tar Lamm,' Huns JuvaoW--How a
�arrtage proposal is made aad bow u is
worded always morose the interns of gsrbe
and to thee, the situating revelations mads
in ••TM Story of Firs proposals," which is
told with delightful freakier by • Wasels
pretty girl, w the July Ladies' Homs Joie
nal, will have au outward ettracnvensse. A.
H. Wessell, the artist, adds to the artists
with dee of his ez.luauive illustrations
J wet how to arrange a tennis tournament
an sambas' article, as timely as it weather
Saws, Moos it is written by Mabel &snoods
('abi114 the champion lady tennis -player
the United States. A full page, very w
dome, u that giving descrtpucns of various
ways of "Euuraming in the Cwwtry.
Mrs. Elle Wheeler Wilcox maks and assort
"Can • Womac Reform a Maar A mos
beautiful page of periodical allastrativas
Nancy Manu Waddles article on the cult
Yahoo of the un:btd • • ".1 Flower et the
Air," as it i.yuurutly designated- A pigs
of biography promote sketches, with par
traits of ••Berea Nouchette Carey" and
"The lleu..ht,lr of Charles Dichosa" As
Roberteoa Brown gives the first paper. to
eerier of article* oo "The (,.rl 'Who 1:oes
College." Mr. Hak, the editor, diweurces
with forcible directness, upon the perplex
iagquestiou of corporal t.umehment for child
mu, writing from the boy's po,.nt of view
Published by Thu l'urtu Publishing Cu
of Philadelphia, for tea orate per uuntbe
and Moe doW,r per year.
" TIM l'.tr.tl,lA:e MA.;A,I,L" rut, JL -LA
-The latest issue of the eruellent magas
ism ad national review well muuraru. t
quality end general interest the clientele
of previous numbers; in fact, it indicates
.tardy policy which appeals to every totell
ige at and patriotic ('aaadun. " The ilattl
of Stoey (,reel[," an illustrated art tele, by
E. B. Biggar, of Montreal guest in • fresh
and entertaining way utany of the fasts an
Warier of that wlebrated exploit In Cana
dian military an• ala Another illustrated
article, „ At the Mouth of the Brand, ' b
Mr. T. L M. Tiptoe, tells much I• en art
Moe way of the greet Nate thn.ugh who.:
the Grsud River enters Lako Brie. Prof
Willmott's article on "The birth of Irk
Ontario," is an Intensely interesting sto-y
of the time* when Ilaroo, Erie and Outari.
were river valleys where the prim grew and
the cannel roamed, and which aroused, no
by the St. Lawrence, bot by the Hudson, in
to the Atlantic. "Isms n the School.' is
a remarkable article, well maintained t
logic, and strong to its appeal fa tole,
anon, by Jam. S. Ewan, 1;. ('., Wio
F:. J. Tokcr writes an able and
suggestive article, '• our Forests 1
Danger." Attorney.General Longley, of
Nova Scotia, "In the Greatest Drama " lea
res the field of politics to wander pleaeotly
into philosophy. Prof. Wm. ('lark'. "Kings
ley's Nater Babies" is in the usual vet
of that well-known and charming writer
I'ablic School Inspector Hughes',•• Humor
in the School Room,- tr full of fun and
rich incident. The fiction is well supported
in Mn. V. L Campbell • •• ,.1ouHnatac
\}elan -of - All • Work, ' and Nim Florence
Ashton Fletcher's •'vie ('hamoie Heater
• most peaceful story. The Canadian
Mlawactne us pullishhedl by the Ontario Pub
luhiug Co., Ltd . Toronto, at $250 per aan
Tilt NA ,A.:INC or Tilt F*TC445,-T11
July C.sntopolttmr wall mark the mos
radical step ever taken to periodical liter
at ore, \Vtth that issue the megazme on
changed in f ;etc, in tact, Mme of the bes
numbers o! the Cosmopolitan ever issued
will be put on sale at twelte and one -hal
cents per copy --;1.50 a year. The cutting
in half of a price already deemed low for an
illustrated rnagez.ne is the result of an in-
tention long sssoe formed to give to the
public an .ilustrauul monthly .t the very
highest class at such a peelce as r..tat bang
it within the reach of ail persona of intel-
lectual tastes, however innited their in-
comes. There are more than ten million
readers in the Cui•ed Stagy, • and Tess three
eight hundred tto•naand maga/Ines ars
printed to supply their demand . More
than four years Have been sprat in reaching
the organization necessary L..r the production
of rhe ('osmop,litan at thia price, a ngure
hitherto un.lreamedof by tin, reading world.
Each department of the work has leen
.lowly perfected, until with the .January
number of this year one hn„dre.t and fifty
thousand repose of the magazine were pre-
pared upon presses and machinery of the
most improved farm, built with a view to
producing the tines: remits at the very
minimum of expanse•---tbe only establish
ment in the world, It is belieyed, derotctl
ex lusirely to the printout of an illustrated
monthly m•Ranne. To establish • magazine
upon such a feria at the ontet•t was mower
stile. Only the rapid growth of the ('osmo-
politer's editions, almost unprecedented in
imparioe records, has produced the con-
ditions which make this departure from es.
tahliehed prices nnsst hk. The (!os.noptditan
promises to make the Seer the 1893 the
most brilliant in its history. Norther year
has seen such an array of distinguished
names as will appear oe its title page during
1893. De Manpamant, Slink Twain, l;.org
Eben, Valdez, Spielbagan, Francois,
4 'oppee, Flammarion, and Paul Heyes, are
S one of the authors whose work will appear
for the first time during this yes, is the
pages of the Ccsiropolitaa. Among the ar-
tists whose work will decorate Its pages for
the Bra time during 1893 are Lagrone,
Touae•int, V.'ergo, Rocbegrom. and Sch-
wabe. William Dean Howells will he i re-
gular contributor during 1893-94. A
feature of the July number is • triple front-
ispiece by Roelegrome and Guillonnet.
A rimming acme
of health and streegth renewed and of ease
and comfort follows the use of Syrup of
Vigs as it acts in harmony with nature to
effee.teally dense the system when costive
or billions. For sale is 75a bottles by ail
leading drwggi.ts.
ICH k by feedlot It with
Scott's EwdaloR, 11 Is tl+.•aerlt-
atble how
01 Pure Bonen Klan 0041 Liver
OH one. MyMMNooVtHfN
Hoek ceolw �fb soft slapn
me own eis all lents of WrlMtt
dervfu• sad bmarbitlal h)► r .Venae
..8..000.6840 • erg,
P..1.00.16 .ell ear 116111 a hook g-•-
�sad Rum
mesa al w
nm.tsy)hetsl.�.e//�� Yes
.sm.aw.owe tee
Nlc•ol arts
coma,' Y •a
Pe Mehra
green alek
have • tto aolo a IM aallem as nuyslma,tyn
mea and wutuea, ,..losing Ion
from. aad old), stuff ring from mental mery
oyaetrprkt 5..ss f's.L+`a`They will°re q
looteenn iw*4 . how W &yell std onto tat
&Meted with lb. weaknesses peculiar to their
sex, such as bupptesaion of the pekes,
down pains weak hack, uleitlons, etr8
Mid these hir
lls an uohal:ng cure.
PALE *18 SALMI 1111*
should take these Pill.. They aura b U'. bl•.i
inwealartW1a b the cheeks and ma
R.waan or 11n'r*Tsoma' Thee POY ere
soli by all dealers only Ire bonso beernio see
trademark or will be seat by mall, pow
on reeelpt of prl.e-e0.wtts a box or Slot etlt
liroaksllle Ont.. or Murrstuaa,
x x
No other brand of
Tobacco has ever en.
joycd such an immense
sale and popularity in
the same period as this
brand of Cut Plug and
Plug Tobacco.
Oldest Cut Tabarro =assist -
bows in Cascada
Cat Ploc,0 c lb Pkg.Ik
Magnetic Healer
no World 1a y OsastrT aN to do Geed
Glad Tidings of Greet Joy ie
Suffering Humanity.
Reads the saleraat oartlltise sf the Dimessd
patients. whether prams* w at a stamen
'Paralytics .ad otterIar.INsbq.siI tlbs-
meek of trdln.ry skUl, are all tad. red
UMW el them marvellewoly etired by tb*
sewt. No medicine meet. Help for d
The meat ekep(.al oonvtrtosd. lee ass. ►
Idles, The bund nn en toad• a ase. Iterrepdad
tf0 beer. the Ian to walk. Chartres reef
medeswa. Cosrstt•tio. flea
Usbmrms : The farm, farm daek'lud mate
of the la. George Arwisreag, who was kiMl
in Room a few worths ago by telling b
Ms wawa, were sold by rebate anotias
M.ndaJuly 13. The farm 1t1 6, Theists
Road North It .wtai.S 10 as. gad Mme
known Theme. Remit. the woll
. s.ak mon K>
11tlELs le.. Provided
♦ a.0 .h hr .wiry ache .red rials, ad loot
.�i.af_tly wreath lhs apw+baad Yahw
res. A sew tea was sr'ld
has IDI 5.447 baw nota by ashoe dlf
filen of the rel& edpf ba ii•a.i t 1 M
ifwdlr� w neve. - oaatt wpreLis 1
weary osseme(tl.Sd lars the art ph
mehevis .0'----- eelostiteise rhasws he
e Mese, aad elr.ap M , N le setsposed
a Kane.. utas
avttgra.bl. ism erfgl s�
a'r llf.r.w,.tlf Y lbe mast L 1
raid please pM wa+'•