HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-7-20, Page 2THE SIGNAL : GODERIC T, ()NT., TAITRSDAY, JULY 20, 1893. nTTOM 3TH[ POPULAR 3Ii1VT! FOR LARD. Sold by Grocers Ea'erywhere. blade only by N. K. FAIRBANK & CO. Wellington and Ann Sta., MONTREAL. • THE TWO BRIDES. "I declare, Pamela," said Aunt Judith, "you're the akwardeat creature I ever did see!" Pamela Parr Leaved • hat y sigh. IM what she would, exert heraelf as the might. she never suoseled iii setufying Aunt Judith. Kut she never had been quite .o ill pleased with herself or unacceptable to her aunt as stns Maud E:Ilie,u hal come to the tum on that sum:ner vsit when she won D.:1 heart., and mule, uuoo.sciously, perhaps, a h ckgroand fair all poor Pamela's Smite and sbortoontingi. And now Pamela dropped her end of the huge roll that Aunt Judith was hindino up with • corse, Mom bagging stuff and a mattress needle, and burst tots to tor.. ••I can't help it, .aunt Judith," she sobbed; "1 do niy best, Mut-bat "Ana iad's the best," said the old lady, petulantly pushing her away. "There' Go along, and bet potatoes peeled for dinner! I door supple it's your fault that you was created the clumsiest virl in Ridgeville! What are you cry[„ for now' Jealous be- cause o-cause I'm going to give the beautiful rag carpet to Maud Ellison! But she is to be married n-xt month, and I want her to have • real handsome present as a reu,embrance from me. She is my brother's daughter, you know, an - "And i am your siste-'s daughter," Pamela ventured to remonstrate, -" nd -- and I'm to be married this fall too'" "Eh!' said Aunt Judith, facing suddenly around mid viewing Ponies through bar glittering spectacle gl•saet- You mai r ied' le there any fellow alive who would fancy you,•, "I know I'm not •beeoty,"•cknmrledged Pamela. " but John Story likes me, and he has asked me to 1e his wife. John isn't a grand lawyer, like coueio Maud'. city beau, hut he is good and honest, and he says he'll try to make • comfortable home for me," "MIL - said Aunt Judith, "tuts 'Fier. That's all I have to say shout it.. Kut you are • good girl. Pamela, after all, and i hope you will he happy when you're mar- ried. Now go and see about the potatoes." And Pamela, mueh consoled by Aunt Judith's few kindly words, hooter' to obey, while Aunt Judith finished packini the roll of ng carpet by herself. And Aunt .Judith sat down to dinner with • good appetite, and actually told Pamela that when she went to housekeeping she might have the old wooden Block on the shelf. that Med kept time for forty cdd yeare without varying five minutes in the twelve-month. And Pamela thanked her, and said that she and John would be very grateful for it. "i wish I had another rag carpet fru you" said Aunt Judith, her heart warming with the exercise of generosity. "i wish you had," said Pamela, meekly. " Rut I dare say we man get along without carpets until i can save up raga enough to make ole." Mend Mimos was a golden haired beauty, quits unlike her plain cousin. Her mother, a dashing widow, had strained every nerve to aware what the world milled • " wood match" tor her daughter. and when Mr. Montague Maynard proposed, both mother and daughter were jubilant. " I'm glad that astigsated old woman fano Ridgeville isn't coming," said Mrs. Ethane, who, although Ault Judith had se. oommodated them t't' freely giving Maud • summer home during the period of time daring which it was rwprees.ted that she was at Moue& Desert ieland, did .ot oars to put herself oat for say country cousin at such • times tbia "Kut 1 cutout she'll sed me something very aim fey a psoric," said Maud. " She essend to take a peat buoy to me lent saosaser, sad ..es .he told one of the neighbors 'hoe .he at nd.d to snake me her Mine," The welting pretests were ..notions very See, kr Mr. Maynard bad a gre.t .mtly fskieaakk friends, sad Mama Elks..'. nether W hired a q.a.Wy of eltv*rwtte, *weary .ad brie -a -brae, whisk wee to be .et bask to the prsp.ktwe se the merely after the welling Then wen plash h..• atut sweats se gilded needn+s sad Math ed he raver d aby thinness of saaMwwa. bellylesolui and.stsst there were Yeomans pawns. ambos* names, earned Swiss baso, deserting eei.s, daisy lees and *boils briedery-1s fact all the late.' caprices the day were represented. and while Mead sarvousded by • circle of &dadria ' meg friends and ably eeoaeded by thebrYspwn else(, was displaying the gifts, two melds brought in • pooderous roll which had j arrived by express. "Front your aunt Judith," said Mrs. E1 soo, r•sadtug the address. Goodness us SATURDAY'S SPORT& hese et s . *mem .g as as w.erin. »_ Trout. of Toaos o, J.ly 10. -The sssaMag el the Weedbtae Doing Club sane he ' Oa end on Saturday, end ei..lder- `g` the stets of the teeth the it... is • the Ares two rams especially was eatirme- ly lam. est new QAcs-Claes trotters sad paean. INI V' rand: J. rileasew +ar&ta b g 1'. N . by Alae 4 Msmislao .. ........ . N••Yarlu,. 1 4 1 1 T. Taylor's. Tamest" it a Chow.* X. by ' ...Been • 3 1 1 3 T. .. v.•-OtI.wa, oe t torrel .. Qtla(maen Be,tCN au11e e e h.r awe O, b (war (Int Ito,. 4$ 1 4 Tutor- -4. Ilk *:.:lis u.le. what own a ID.!" :Something very nice whilst a doubt. said Maui, rept r oeesly .k.plsg hands. "Open it, somebody," cried Mw Jet eet- u Jeivers, the Ant bridesmaid. "Ileac me, why don't you make haste' A -•- carpet!" "A-rav carpet!" incredulously soh Mrs. Ellison. "A reg carpet," said Maud, bursting iu tears. "la that aJJ 1 won't have tb bored thing in the house! Send it back a- gain! Tell her I don't want it!" ".are best thing we can do," said Mn. E::i.on, who had been naLtug great boasts about Maud's rich old aunt at Ridgeville. 1 .lo think the old creature must be orazr. What dues she suppose we can do with • rag carpet ! 1Why Maul's drawing -room is in moquette, and the Med-roost, are in body :iruesel.' A rag carpet, indeed' 1 am our - prised!' Acd in the tint flush of her murtitistion Maud F:llison sat dos.. and wrote a crisp note to .Lunt Judith, utterly dccltning the gift, which she pronounced in (violet inkl to be " doubtless very oleo, but quite unsuit. able to her nerds. And perhaps Aunt J•idith could give it to sone poor ueighbur who oould use it!" " ou't want it, eh!" said Aunt Judith, with • visible darkening of the face, when the bundle came back, accompanied by an unpaid express hill and Muds sm'with:y tusulent note. " Unsuitable! Some poor neiuhboe Wel:, 1 declare! And my best rag carp: t that I wove myself! I wonder what some people expect to come tar! Wel: if one of the 'rides won't take it, porta' the other wiil!" "Oh, -Lunt Judith!" cried Pamela. "That beautiful rag carpet! For me' It don't NM possible! Oh, I shall be so proud to have it! And your owl work, too' How nice my parlor will look' Dear, dear Aunt Judith, bow can I thank you enough!" " You needn't try," said Aunt Judith. " You are • good girl, and there's mom common nesse in your little fl'tger than in Maud F::Neon's whole frivolous bods- !" Miss Ellison'• wedding wsa described in all the daily papers, dosa to the very pat- tern of her veil and the name of the modiste who designed the white satin dress. Pam- ela Parr was married very quietly, and all the wilding tour she had esu the walk serous the yai!uwinv 601.k home from church. But Pamela was perhaps se happy as the city bride when she came into the little bonier and •.w the grey stripes of the rag carpet on her floor " It seems almost like a wek000e, dor 't it. John!" said she, with asnide that seemed to light her plain face mato positive beauty. Aunt Judith diel that same suture., sitting quietly in her c'tair. And in her will she w1. found to have left all of h(r property, real and personal, to the niec" who pnse.srd the nT .arpet. "It's quite ridioulou.," said Mr. Montagne Maynard, who had come down with h s wife like • pair of well dressed vultures to the funersL "Such • will as that can't possibly stand in any curt of law." "I guess we'll risk n," mud old Squire Wandeevburg, who had drawn out the wilL "I •ball contest it, said Maynard, "My wife is tonally au heiress with Mrs. Story." "She would hare been if there hadn't Imes • will especially naming one particular person," said the squire. "After all," said Mr. Maynard, suddenly veering around, "the old house and patch of harren rock's. aren't worth much!" "They wouldn't he," shrewdly remarked the squire, ".f the Hardback Railroad Company hadn't just offered ten thousand ,dollars for the land to erect • station and run their hoe through." Mr. Maynard earned sharply to his wife. "It's all your fault, Maud," sod he, when you refused that rag carpet. I sever saw a woman with so little jadrmest as you teat•[ -Lr', ,.4'. troikas. fi ' divided: w. ltdk T'vuueu. sl• in Lady We'. ,!eos ite4e:.l 1 1 1 L Awe Toroutq b m Tie Reuter, he rag O.D. Thosaa Jaynes m 1 3 James Hughes', ('b-n"rot e, las tan* Vein.. by 1 euut t d, atsur 1101 . Hug: -as t 1 1 mrd IL Pameva•'n'rt 41.,.:141,1.,k m Addle U. by ! by tibyrN.s , Burke 2 • 4 (astir lea. In. F.. ,.tam, Masa J.. Yew., (toile. to Tommy le Moly. Lt .nd llurrsc.a• startsd and hila... u Uua oealer. e have." "You are always blaming me," whined Maud. "i wished i had n -never I -left my mother'. I wish i had n -never married yon!.. "So do i," said Mr. Maynard, tartly. And Pamela Story, listening to this spicy " Aside," mine to the enclosing' that she war perhaps the happier of the two brides. F:dward Lintel, of St. Peters, C. B., say.-" That his horse was badly tarn by • pitehfnrk. One bottle of MiNARIt:i LINIMENT eared him." Livery stable nice all over the Dnntinios tell our .gents that they would not be with - oat MINARD'S LINIMENT for twice the Dost. se tharesrMe. Editor -The posts sena • little lame is its feel Thinner-Idon't see why it thread be a tenderfoot. it has been traveling .ver sines Met January. me metal 11,. Throw, A height story of Irish wit is related in whish h Snub majesty Stens iL aapp pears that an Familia tsarist was .bows the siybte ily • guide see day. sad amass the �taees visited were the "'s ay" and t he i)evfl'. bowl.""What s. anent M Mrd the devil pets.__ is trollied '" said the tents' : "km susm be ea important puss • this . .any." "Yom blames r'tgkt," replied thefieide pay :. but the the tem' of the amilealk. Ice's a. ab••os.a" ••yeti 1111111111ieee-theses ■ttttwtiglet Tam. 1 e0. t1014. *.2114 TRIAD 1teca--t8 duos mashers and pap.tw Haa,INb g by -111 Maud Boy, J ty, kattenbury. knob tars. katrs ser 1 1 3 Itary X. br au by t.-. tru, Thom,.* l•aylur, Toronto from■ 1 t t Amur t.. s is by Almost Rotator, T. blink Torueto W1t- $ d t itt'L tells YACHT:, 11.4 A GALE. DOMINION N$W8 IN BRAE. nen the registered la the p.blt.smkenk el Owes Bewail 1479 pupils• The smmiseion avesugativ the QA,C• troubles has linseed is tnyuiry. A new It C. ghee" is is be Milt la Hamilton at • probable gest ei is000. Th. liaised Roman sallsotios for Msy stow au iscreaa. of •$4,E0 over last year. (her • nit:lion boa el of rats were handled by . C. P. IL at Owes !amt the 7ar Th. &lune D.pertetest have bees soti- Sed that Moberg* are .smerousamend (:.p. Kase. Montreal City l'osncil will creast • (stet..!! address to Earl 1)erhy neat 1Wed- A cures is veterinary scions is to be e.t.biub.d al the Mimeses school of agri- culture. The heavy macbiu.ry in the Polaris ship- yard at Ouse Sound u being removed to 1 Tomato \\"oak on the Ottawa, Aroprior and Pam Sound Railway u being pushed forward rigorously. Jams I)►*kett, a well-known young an around llotr.sl, is under arrest charged with forgery. A fine of $100 was imposed on • local hc-t.lkeeppcc•r at Montreal for •elhmg Itymoe to au !wham The sea tug Lord Stanley has left Quebec with wrecknue st'hoouer and bargee to re- lease the as. Nmieg.n. Harvey end \Wiison, the B. N. A. clerks whom honesty is etala oted, ser•c..mmrtted for trial at Montreal. Tt.e tapers to the slan.toba shoal lues tion are being preperwd for time argument be fore the Supreme ('wart The Canadian Australian line •tes.mbi Mtowera, tree Vancouver, arrived at Brie bane, QJumran'.d, July 4. Tb. city's stare of the Hamilton Street Itailway (*company's earnings for the past quarter amount«d to t1313:3. The extractors for the construction of the l.'aigery and Knoeh.11 railway, will a,rnmeoce operations at o•ee, A motion to discharge J. 1_ Jlitehell, of ddamiiten, a grocer, arresre•i en • capias, has been refused by Judge Muir. l'ampbeliford, • few trlen north of Belle- ville, is excited over an attempt by Abra- ham Wilson to shoot hu daughter. Nearly 1.'.:st pounds of tobacco, which was being frauduently imported into Can- ada, has been sired at Philadelphia. The Montreal Street I:a;way Compass earned 106,000 passengers in ooe day, the greatest feat to the history of the At • meeting of the "t'orooto Cay Coun- cil has derided that the vote on the Sunday street car question be takeu ea August H..' S. Bake will reeinin at H-lifax fr.r a couple of months, and will gn thence to S'. John, afterwards loaning Quebe.; •ud Montreal Charles Gregory, an •:leges aceomplir•e 1n the robbery ot the Ston Jird Beek at Coat, ham, is to custody at Windsor cm • char . f I'urg:arv. Itrnd.treet's report 26 failures in Canada duriug the put week, against 2.9 the seek before and 29 in oke eorreepondiug week ogle year ago. The Presbyterial Committee appointed to consider the Camppbb-ll ease, Leld • three b,uti session at lioutreaI without reaching any ceeclusina. Thomas C. Tvrrew, the ab.cn.disg financial secreteri of the Foremen, at Montreal, has voluntartly saeresdered to the Si. Paul authorities. The united temperance societ:.s of Ot- tawa propos amendment.. to the Pr,nneal License Act, abolishing the &coating ',yam= and the use of blinds and screens in s..:onee. The Cauadtan Packing Company. o: Loy - dos. Ont, :rude their first shtpmen: Fri- day to Messrs. Barnes, of London, Eng., oomprsing Aye carloads of superior lemon. The Brows Manufacturing Cot.;frays, Walker's Foundry and the St. Charly. °in- nibe• Company of Cellartlle are so Fusited WWI orders that the men are work.og 12 bntYs a day. The by-law proposing to expend f:.1,000 to exceed the intake pipe of the 1Y.,„yur water works above the tows of N alker- wille, was voted on, and resulted in ite de• fat by about Iles. The dredge John R. Arooldi hu •b'.nt .oenpleted work at the fort Flg.n huh .r, which is now in splendid condition, in -re bias a sufficient depth of water for tote biggest lake craft. Tae Mop ap.lts eke •pees at Ilatnilt.s•. L,Y.m.A. !..see. HAMILTON. July 10. -The yacht rams under the awp.us of the Royal Han- dles Yacht Club, the second in the sacs of the Lake Yacht Racine Asa.oatioo,u.re started under very faaorable circumetasoes, i bat a let of ase:divots which occurred shortly after the start caused interest to apse, and the rae- s torted out to be a sort of tutus. A strong southsst wind sprang up ahcrtly after the yachts crested the starting line, and as many of them had tee , much canvas spread and were slow to get - tong it stowed away they (mese to grief. The Toronto yacht., C•Fncs and I.C'.N., capsized within a short dutauce of the starting buoy, and the crews were picked up by th. yachts Eclipse and ill. en -ay, none the worse for their n ebept The two last named yachts were 'torten to the _l -feet cities. A. lilt .sherd them considerably they dropped cut of the raw. The officers decided that th. 21.f.'•t class', would have tt be sailed over on another day, so as etc all competitors, u equal chance. The Thistledown carved away her mast .t oke start, and dropped out Several others found the wind and sea toe mace for them, end did not complete the Bourse. The R:pple of Rochester was &achored on the bay aide of the beach, sad when the storm blew up she was driven on some piles and *auk. The Isle of Wight of Hamilton was ti el up in the porn wLen the schooner Tra.i,•wmd of 1Wt,etby posed through the Dana:, crumbed into her. and sent her down. 1 Ike hast class the Vr.da of 'Toronto and Onward of Rochester started, hut the latter did not rash, and Vreda won. The C'oeidor was the only starter in the 46 -footers, but she did not complete the tonne and got um prise. In the 44footers the %elms of Toronto won, with Dinah of Reunites' scoued avid Aggie of Oakville third. 1ba Cyprus won the 3.i -foot race with the Alert second. In the :hi -footers the Vedette won, Saab* second and Volatile third. The Erma, Lotus, F.cho .and Nadia aloe started to the 2:, -foot cans. The No. 4 of Rochester won handily, Satolo secood,Maad B. third. The 1\ -a -ha ha of Toronto war le•.iiog when she broke bar span. Thr eltpppeer did not finish. Tb. 21 -foot clam had nine starters, but the race was declared o:l, and will la muted es apothem day. Pittsburg Asada Wanks Demo... IL At C$eea•d ...111020002-731 0 maitlsere 00032012 0- a Ir 4 lerog•Lmaar; Hawke-RoWssee. At St. Louis 00S:20000- : 14 1 Wealtags.. 000000000-0 4 4 Clarkson -Plass; Ruryea-Farrs•-Le0411m. AtCMetssari 2000210011-71111 Brooklyn. 110200200-..4u 1 Chamberlain -Murphy: lend,- Pansy, At Lo,sIeda 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 0- 4$ 1 Item York 001000000-0 e 1 Ilen.mac-tirim: Bmidws-[Nty. As 3omt0ee0c-1 • F'buadN 0 10100a -r 1 1 Hutehiaeue-CNtetdge: Keels -cissa. At Pnreb.rg 100444010-D.M Bo•tan..•. 0000041000-$ $ • Thret-Liar: Boyboatebek-uitireau-Ose00< KILLED A FAMILY OF SIX. D. $. Strider. Ilse Wire and F..r Children awedered by Retder'. Nephew. CA.rrwi, N.I1., July 10.-D.S- Keiser, hit wife sad four children were murdered Fri- day morning by their hired man, named Kaamburger. Poses scoured the country for the murderer, and Sheriff Barton a, Devil's Lake was notified. Krider was • well-to-do German farmer auldtng two miles south..at ot Cando. B•umburger, Lb. murderer, is a nephew of Krider and had worked for the murdered sea mitts last fall. FAe.w, N.D., July I0. -A bulletie just received from Church'. Ferry says that B.smlwrger, the murderer of the Krider family at Cando, was captured .t Deloraine, Manitoba, 60 mils tram Cando. s BODY FOUND AT THE EOG last Net nee..rlrwt As That .K eke alas- Isg Lasarbo..e-te.per. RACI.T STLMARIC,JuIy 10.-A bully des eompesed hymen body esu found in oke ship canal lock at the Michigan Sault e. Ssiurday. It was at Ant spprvsd that it mtghi be the remains of Mr. Henry Wood, the lighthouse -keeper wee die- &ppeared some three weeks ago, bat the c et tog could not be identified as that of his. The body was usrecogsnrable from the bed state it wee is. Put Tires awls leto nM Nadia Drt.ven. Mina., July 10. -Nei. J. Holf, on of Duluth's pioneer settlers sad one of the eity s wsalthi.ut ettim•ea, eowemitted snieide early this wserui•g, shooting him- self through the head with a revolver. Hoff had been a hard drinker sad recently • guardian was appointed st kis wife's re- quest for his estate. He was angered by ►Y wife's souse .ad made fretless' threats. T ble mends. he adseed des to seems him to lbs barn sad Sed two shots at Airy kgs ailistd as (.jury. H. ibis termed �lal.g she reseleer ~charg sod bred w r. Uses An *emu Mme of The P..e, BenAr.n, Jul Ill - Clarw.. Dingemaa yesterday jumps front the tosus Sep of . R •t. see elevator u the river, • dis..se el 190 feel He ams pkked up dead. D/+werfs to times t HHaa(•innrsaIlk -The cu, N.J., July 1 - Lad' devereelis Lodi. weed (lis sAme.s.;erers SU* destroyed b gam UNITED STATES NOTES. The Spanish caravels are at the World's Fair. President Cleve:and bar been ordered anoints rest. Fieancial reverses h e's stranded the Ohio Paving Company. I)tacouraging reports are sent out re- specting the oottos crop in the south. Julia Marlowe, the actress, hu, it is re- ported. wedded Robert Taber, dor leading moa A settlement hu hese effected between the Cinctanati furniture workers and their employes. The Britisher" at the World's Fair in- duIg d in festivities in honor of the royal tog. The judges of awards at the World's Fair will commence their work on Satur• day next TM�sg furniture lockout st Cincinnati bee bewared off by the Manufacturers' Associatio.. The Iaternatiesa! Y. P. S.C. F. cos. 'intim ham decided to meet must year in Sa. Fran - Mem, C'.L Fire persons were cremated un a burning dwelling louse esu Gagetows, Mich., Fn. day morning. Edwis Booth's grays in Mount Ashen' ensetary, near Cambridge, Mass., is kepi awned with flowers. Tits aaiversary of the battle with Maker - tees was celebrated quietly at Henyesd. Ps., by lbs working people. Mrs. Cleveland's St Bernard dog Kay in dead As autopsy d.re1oped the fact that desk wee dee to bean !odors Madams Dsaaerest, of New York, sass robbed the ether sight a • Chicago beard - lug boom of diusesds valued es blow. Then wee •a Memos of $1,414,700 a the peen sarsinp of the New York Central sod its leased Wes k3 w yogic ended Jose .eigeborbeed of Reding. Pa., w visaed by • hailstorm ea Wedeseday whisk est dews the merns mid destroyed the baa. defog 'emus. damage. Charles Miller, s negro, of Bar! Ky.. wee bonged by • name and kis body Meed kr mean! sod msrderag Mary sod Rot Ray, le and 11 mass e► speeYvely. At May. India• N.J.. ea Thereby ttlkass�sie lsain 11. wen _ (lea mei her o% M.wSrmdls.S dug .son, beyond kw det Me. las .end slang 1. Min d.(, ash ted tis• 1•1111.2!01.1nL Dry, Fowler's Emmet of Nsswterry is a selial le sea thealowit=allsor K whwM Imagery, sad all ktennn at the bows& 11 is a we Extract containing all the virtues of Wild Straw- berry, ono td the safest and safest ogres for all summer onuplaiote, combined with other harmless tot prompt curative remiss. wall human to medical science. Tie loured of Wild Strawberry were known by the Italians to les au excellent remedy for diarrh.as, dy:e,ttry awl Ioouune:to .4 the towels; but medical science 1•ra placed before the public in Dr Yuwber'a Ext. of Wild Strawberry • MOM and all cure for a those ern! often dangerous complaints ISO common in this change- able climate. 11 has stood the teal for 10 years, and hundreds of 1... v I. •. r Mevi .avel by its prompt use. No uthar remedy a1way Cures summer complaints so promptly, quiets the pus mo(decimally and allays irrita- tiou sal successfully am ta6 unrivalled prescription of Dr. Fowler. If you are going to travel this e Summer be sure and take a Ix#tlo w:tls you. It overcomes safely and quickly the .1i. - tensing summer complaint so often caused by chop e of air and water. and le also • specific against oo•-eickueem and all bowed Complaints. Price 115c. Beware of imitations and substitutee sinal by un.rrupelons dealers for the sake of greater profits. The Whiteman Pea Harvester The uest in the world fur the follow - int reasons : 1st It is basit of the beet malleable womeht iron and steel. 2n.1. It requires no hobos to be drilled in cutter bar. 3rd. The outside divider coo he raised or lowered at beck or front, iudspsadsot of lifters. A' u- It has no rap at the back to bold obstructions and .•tae choking. 5th. There arc so spring to break or vet out of order. fxh. It has movable clips and mu be sat In Ione with Iuogue of msuli:a it cutter bar ha tga back - 7th. fish lifter hes • guard stay, and Mt -eking mower guards Is impossible. 11th. Foch lifter is indepenrlest of the otii.r and can le raised or iowered at the lack so as to lis in front should mower guards be out of line. 9th. The number of mac i1r11* sul.t dur- ing the last meso.o eoeLlrae a largo n:tmber of the loading farmer. art the !'royale to Utility to ita menu. Every machine is war• tamed and giveo ••u test. Sample machine mss be see,. at R. Phonics .u's Blacksmith shop, Godernch, besides at d.Kereet theca over the county. JAMES \\'HITEMAN, Patents and Manufacturer. Themes Brrwu, General Agent, Sesiorth. DUNS 'S BAKNC POWDER IHCWCSSABCEiSRND 541011111 Modem &NM tor PATENTS AR0....- �s. masa lit BwetatlwAr, Taten[. w •ecce. lar 1":14 oof3 pita t. 814 a71Mest tea•et rat y fr s rpt ts�eamw�s dela • tastes gtvoa hi* or slags is q rientific Amnia! Mess ro use PLANING1915 MILL EITIIILISRES - Buchanan & Soo, rAworAOTt•.as BASO, DOOR and BLIND Desire a all loads si LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES And bulnieh statutes et every dessrtpeasu School Punitive a Specialty. NEW ARRIVAL SUMMER GOODS LATEST STYLES. Asn.aots ss be Measol est, !esus est snowy H. DUNLOP, be sotto !lags The Sign ems mese mils. teak' attester Job Prink& t' ill amalitiest whisko, peened and e.s$ueper Mks Woes for the � primulaa. A perusal el sselien � •in_N's e, m paseed of, t stay muses eseethim is 7 e we seg. �art your Pmt efforts thews mouidois �ovalufuee seeswirik Oce ♦‘e44.s This useful size is kept in the 1.1 range Of relate* 'issue •s heads. A hila Iietter kletulat In this line we have a . ery stock of line writing papers t an able for .,vary class of uusinen repruaented in this locality, con priming laid and wove, lima% quadrille and other papers, ruled or uuruled, as may be required. Memo. iiecas are not so generally used, they lip an important place in commercial correskooderica Bee what solo, got under the above head& - 13‘.% 11 the " pay-as-you-go" plan was the order of the dz,y the demand for account paper would nes be MO great ; but there are some tun who get eo many (hunters that they wonder if the stock will aver run out. We don't intend it iii and at present our stock is cum piste in this line with four rias Good paper and neat ruling. t%toatinems Both single and (double dabs elnd cents columns. They assn cheaper than bill heads, and sit the proper thing to ossa ales delinquent once a month. sir are sure to fetch him 'roma- sometime. FAh\!e\Ores Now, it would be Lard to get along without envelop, and is keep up with the demand isr them we keep a large stock as hand. We have now about hundred thousand in stock, mall the prices will range from 75e lie *4.00 per U. We handle out met'cial and legal sizes exclusively. C 01falMALV C\43.\. "V illi tAtio has already been partially es>a erated in some of the heads *boa There is, however, a vast sonata of work under this head that 11 enumerate would more than take up the entire spasm occupied by this adv't, but we de it aU at Tag SIGNAL. 1 \tQ\Oris to an "At Home" or a weds" require considerable taste in sails tion sometimes, but we make k an easy matter by keeping is stock the very latest and beet samples to be had. Call and tea Sia\e B\\\us belong to the poster department also, and we make a specialty d them -promptness being our aim in this respect. A notice of male will appear in THE SiGNAL free of charge when bills for same ••e got here. 4 ro srfaxus of entertainment) and meetings promptly turned out., from do plain but neat to the most elegant with cord and pencil attached ZO.Ytis shard► T:ekets This head covers a large range of work, from a bread or milk ticket to a neat calling card, from an or- dinary rdinary winded= ticket to a amity business card or a handsomely printed membership ticket le °Sten bur facilities for turning out this class of work are evidenced by die fact that the great bulk of it is dons by us. This lite also ie chides Dodgers, which our three fast-running:Mb presses are able to turn out in a surprisingly abort time. .\rtu\a►rs We aim to excel in all the dill, eat kinds of work we torn oak bus especially in this, and keep in Meek plain and fancy paps suitable for all requirements. #\\ WGu‘&s Oj Work in the typognsphisal printing lies esu b. doom in (lis aatoblisbnlsat In an etpeditioss .tad .rids tor unser .ad O1hr Writ Wo:Ak be jowa►i tblerq reAhOr\ONnkt. We extend our thanks for pest M' ere end week a eMfim esa* d /1s ..tt.. T WI SA x11#1. p=== ua