The Signal, 1893-7-20, Page 1I s* erei s tiles CSABIA/T
THE SIGNAL T► sow--GmLT that DoWs
a k sAe. MI Alrsa M
VOL. XLV. 2422
SW UM! Togs Naas m Menus
ee is A/nasaa
Iamd usapoas of ttIs. ter, whoa• people are
,mer Suite F. J. Pridham.. ... Pg. 1 not ground as between the upper and nether
Pha.e- K. it. Salkrws . .......... .. 1
groat Waisted -Mrs CColi. Campbell..
W C. Goode 6
ode ed Goods- W. *cheese S So.. 6
Weµ Novels- Fraser t Partin 6
woo styles Mn. K B. Smith 5
Fattiness I. N Devin b
an,ws Wasted --Mn. May 8
e:rat este Jae..'. Reid. - 8
Wanted Immediateiy-A. E. T.. Albion 8
n %ranted -IL H. Bird 1
Parasol Found -Sweat. 0$t. 8
Iyer* grid tepirisg-C. Bieeketes1
og,LN AIN JUIIN9TON - la Oo6srich
as tee 11th nisi.. by the Itev. lir. Un.. Hush
yt•Liwate to Mao. rides, daus/ter at Mout.
Jeksonn of Oodcncb township.
paglg.rown correspondent
Jas Tkurlow's barn has bean re•hingled.
omday meeting will be addressed by
Ret li,. Mash, of troderich, •t 8 r. m.
Mn .Ins Strong of t:oderich u visiting
saw es and formic nneagbbure this week.
Rev. Matthew Barr, of Seaforth, will
sapi'y the pulpits of Lookers and Unites
starch on the 72 and 30 th inst.
Mies Urr of Toronto, who has been the
past of the Mimes Hillier of tiodeneh.gave
eat burg • transient yet kat week.
John Horton was in Blyth last week at
be I'rr.bytery meeting as delegate for the
Prise) tense church hen to conarctaon with
the mood call to M. Mackay, of Turuotu,
u be pastor bore.
Our popular summer resort the Twat
Fine it on the move with numerous guests
as well as transient one. whose buggies
Antrum to sad fru cheer the weary harvesters
.M look on when they are parsing by,
The Travelling !)airy saw • good audumc
bre to learn more deeply the art of
latter making and the quality of their
ass, over ten familae• briagt.g yuanuttss
el sulk to be tested. The cream for the
doming was furnished by H. .1. Morris, of
Rapist Kow. The lectures and explanation
firm were liste.ed to with great interest
sad .hoeld the dairy ooane In tie
fake, we bespeak • larger attendssoe than
to ere !(oma - The recent meeting of
Hero Presbytery bald at Blyth oafirmed
eke eel t. Murdock Mackay, B A-, of for-
esee, to be pastor of Lamborn and Unites
Nosey metes churches. They has eappoint.
rd the 1st .d August for the ordiastioo,
a•ed tadu AMID servo.tes to be bald at Km:
e b:mcb, I:uderich, so it will be central for
bib congregations to attend. Mr. Gow, of
`t. 1'humas, who has been la charge tor the
pit few weeks was unable to be prosect w
preach and his place was ably filled by
Captain I:Ibsen, of i.odertcb, on Sunday.
Tier -uday gospel temperance meeting
mw • fair attendance afternoon.
The .weaker was E A. Allan, of Reumiller,
steo eased the theme of his address front
Rorie. 21st chap 28th and 29th verses.
He p.lnted out that wherever then was an
ere d..teg harm how quickly steps should
be taken to remove it. Quarantine •
patent with disease: in the spread of a
rove,: Fee. how Neo a building, cwt in the
lire but alar it .. torn down to cheek the
flames: and is a riot the force of arms MUMS
is to stop it; then for the good purpose of
temperance all 'mold unite. He regretted
oe say that many of the ladles be met
ware not in favor of prohibition. ....F. R.
l.tnfield, • former member of the 1.0.0.T.,
213, made • few oommentw at the close.
He said that be had lodged in different
parts of Ontario at the hotels and found as
• rule nearly .11 hotel keepers were not
favorable to sale of liquor •• • beverage to
their fellow humanity. 11 might note
here that Mr. !.infield leaves .- few days
time for the "tate of Utah with the view of
living there. As an old member of the
lodge we wish him every success, he and
Mn Linfiekl being op here to say geed
by. to relatives and friends.
Features That Favor Conti
mental Unlon.
The sarepe..o ayMesst braid ■.s be terse•.
tamed .■ skis toothiest -Sarni a.nerlea
warm ass as.alIag armies sod fiery
smite pieta, the Tit payer as Aga1aM
sbe To•vole r The Marr-ll.ldee In t -a. -
ado 1. sew the •peered .1 Fate..
milistone of poverty is paying taxes to sup-
up port armed hordes, ready at any moisten: W Skein Stones fi`Om the ROporfr
bs kt lows upon each utter. No ; 1 do nut Cell Note -Book.
belies. He well permit the people on this
Cwttneot to remain long w separate and
perhaps hostile camps, t.. bend their best
..•orgies todesd* ot blood and slaughter. If
tie dawn of a bright and better civilixetioo
is to illumine the world, J the I:oepel of
Peace is W be carried to the teeming millone s1r... se saay; Irwin LIvety w
of Asia and Atria", it will require the united ...ere-Cvrrytislro M airier teat a:eew
anergies of •great, free and meted pmople Tbrwash MMM X111 -If Teary, a Rete In a'
to du it
It will not only he absurd but positively Ter e'«I`. 1 rode ye t.rm It 1 ■ el"."
wicked tf the po..r people of this Continent Anions ye Takla' b.te., and faith 11011
are to be kept in separate camps and taxed meat 1t.
to their attn. .t Inuit of eudnrstwe, like the
poverty stricken Europe•n,tokvopupauarmy
int men and ofbcers in 'Memos ; the money
tad much better be spent to seeding the
gospel to the beatheu, and how can we
preach to them the glad tidier. of peace and
good will to Moen it we both aren ourselves
to the teeth like Europe, and has. no 'rood
will toward each Giber.
Why, he said, growing enthusiastic, I be-
lieve that if we to America were united it
would be the hrst step towards a grand
twice of the whole Ark Saxon world.
England would not long remain out, and
then would begin the dawn of • better Nate
•.f things for the people of the whole world.
I know that some Canadians raise objections
to a closer union with their friends and re
Loaves to the South. But, if you will look
clorely you well tical in all cases that those
who ran objections ire ether •fraud of
losing offce or afraid re rot getting it :
their motives are ndfsh-then do not mire
for the grand destiny beton us as a united
people -they do tot can if the already
overburdened tax -payer be still heavier
taxed to keep an army in idleness ; and
they do sot care if our sons are torn fres
their homes to fight thetr brothers who live
across en artificial line --they do not care if
all the Horrors of war are viai•ed upon .a --
it a nothing to them. What do tbey caro
so long as they retain office and get salary
or get government patronage! Tear the son
from the arms of his mother, take the
brother from his sister, pluck the husband
away from his wife and family. leave the
Fossebold desolate, Fut arms into their
hands, let them kill and be killed, let the
aged atel sorrow stricken mother weep for
her boy who fell in battle, let the wife and
children mourn for the husband and father
wbo fell fighting that a few office -leeches
m ght hang oo to office end • few blood.
suckers fatten on the life -blood, toil and
aovsi.h of a nation.
No: my dear Canadian friend, he said,
the man who is not in favor of brooking
down all barriers between the people on this
continent is an enemy to the best interests
of his country. When Moses promeed a
change for the better among his peop.e in
Egypt, there were those who and. ''We
were borne ender the Egyptian flag, let us
die under it," but Moses wasn't daunted by
theMoo of ignorant or selfish persons,
and 18. movement inaugurated went suc-
oe.dnily iso. America is the country b:gen
us by an allwiw )'rovi•leoce, and to talking
of "loyalty to country" I fail to Imagine
now • foreign oountrv, thousands of miles
away, is to he considered as "our country,':
true, some of us were bore there, but our
children and children's children will know
no country as theirs but this, and the lees
of Europe anA Earopeen division into hos-
tile communities, and poverty and wretch -
nese canard by it that we have in this,
our glorious America, the bettor for us, and
our posterity.
1 admit, said I, that your arguments' are
good, and believe that were we united to
the main body of our people bore we would
not need an army or navy, and would not
have to pay such gnuding taxes and would
be much more prosperous and !epee, and
instead of being compelled to contribute to
war purposes, might devote all our energise
to spreading theRested of poaoa. But thee,
you know, there is the flag end Queen.
All men, and women. too, said my friend,
are equal in the sight of trod, and if you
value sentiment towards • flag or • ss.ii-
nreotal feeling of loyalty to one pontos,
more thanou .lo the woo
.lfare of a .tinent
and its million of inhabitants, you are
oommitting • grave sin, and trod and pos-
terity will hold you responsible.
Bat then, said I, are not the Americans •
very Immoral people. and would not a
unioo with them teed to our disadvantas^e'
As to that, said my friend, they will oom-
pan favorably with any other people on
this earth. Take the President for lantana'.
No President of the United States was ever
aeeased of going about the eowatry int the
company of prattlers and ooarteaas.. They
bave no such characters as Col. Valentine
Baker, and others, who make di greys in for an unprotected female to travel
A a public oonveymen. As to other ceases
they are etre so nesioses in the Meted
States A properties to the pepaMiisn se in
g.gynd it in a y other .nmtry 1e the
Then wby M it that we hear es mesh
of came then t said L
It is, he answered, bees... • certain cies
of papers in this country, sot being able le
*dowse asything in the line of ergonomist
.pest Cs.tinental nabs. are °sly too
sLd b pleb sp anything that mayMppeo,
mid .magnify, dater' d embelit in
every way isr•gisable is order to ornate in
the minds of (a unable s the idea thee iainve
M rampant thew, giving whole adorn= to
it sad .warmly eNMing a.ythieg in the
. hap. of trans, however atroeteua, that a
eewmltted elowiere. Now, take the State
o f N.w York. with • popsl•tun ahem;
pull be ('.shade, and oolappa•rr•+ it with as, or
take say ese los of the Vatted Stats having
am easel somberof people 1. (beads asd
.empai'them, sad you will lied that the
.smparbw et sea to their di.ndva.wge.
Het, as I mad, wo Lars a arab ohm of
=here that will publish ev.1'y1M.g
angst gM Nat will peritonea ns ageism
the pimples( the Usiked Atate.. and whM►
pam by with sent srliss the mob strobes,
sties in awns► eeeetri.a Nem felly ebb
M advanee• they resort w u
ve law . , .beet everything
A friend said to tin the other day :
It is strange that you Canadians neem to
think it • good thing to he united to the
Iodises in the North West and the Frjnch
is Quebec, anal some of you even want an
Imperial Federation that will include the
British Isles A Europe and million of
Negroes and Idolaters in Io4. and Africa,
and yet, when the subject of a closer union
with your relettves, friends and neighbors
to the :Routh is mentioned you talk of dis-
loyalty to country.
Why, said he, then are more satire Can-
adians in the Carted States than in Canada,
and also mote Englishmen, Irishmen and
Sootchtuen. The language, religio and
laws are the same, or so nearly so that you
can not tell when the difference is, or whet
it amounts to. Ontario, as a :state in the
Union, would have more liberty than she
baa sea 1 roviece in the Dominion. If six
wanted to pass a prohibitory liquor law she
would not have to fight with Congress to do
so. If dee wanted "Woman -suffrage." •
"Sunday observance law," or any legislation
of that kind, she could have it without any
interference from ('regress. Each State in
the Uniou regulates its own internal affairs
without hindrance from any other Stats,
and, as I saws, has much more liberty of
action thea Ontario has as • Provisos of the
Now look at Europe, he said, divided up
tab a nrmbsr of separate and independent
communities, see the millions of armed men
they are compelled to auFoort. See the
wretchedness aod poverty of the people who
have to pay taxes to support such immeaae
armies, and thick, ter a manna. if it would
not be a gracd and glotionnalit. 1f we in
America could .evict each a medium of
things. We ars the same people, we fought
side by side in the lata war. There a not a
city, village oe hamlet in Canada .hat hes
not sone representative in the Mates; then
is hardly a family that has sot soma friend
or relative then : and aa the years go by
the ties that hind the people of the whole
oostinent together are more closely drawn,
and our ooasSction with and interest is
Europe is hassae 1. Do you know, he con-
tinued, there is less prejudice in the minds
of British people towards the U0ted States
than then is in the minds of some in Cana-
da. The great balk of the emigration teem
Britain is going there and British capital in
million spin millions is being invested
If we had reciprocity, said I, would not
the British capitalist just as readily invest
his millions here!
No, said my friend, because there is no-
thingp.rmaes.t about reciprocity. and the
capitalist doss not oars to take luny ebanoes
is the msitbr He might invest has wealth
hors, and ttksa suddenly find that the reci.
procity treaty was abrogated awl his
market is Use States cut off. No : be pre-
fers inys.ting his money when he is sure of
the best market.
Bat thew -talking .lout our uniting with
the States -wouldn't it be something simi-
lar to the naion of England sad Soothed,
mid 11
In some rsspsots very much .., sod as
w eak in the interests of the people 0I Cane-
d& and the Dotted States. Yon know, be
essitlesod, The lotion of England sod Scot -
hied was oppued by people who mad the
same srgnmenls that ars mads ass et .ow.
Thera wen mach talk of disloyalty and
pub who angered the UJnion were mailed
traitors, hot time has Aeon that
1he rsal traitors were Ihoes wbo op-
posed Union. cad it is the mate
sow. Had thee two countries remised
esp.ra RriWs would ever he the pewee
dal s tidos she is. In nabs is ars gth, and,
as is the abs of England sad Seemed, •
adorn of (asssda and the (lofted States
would make en use of Use greatest nations
of the world. What • grand thing it would
b. --.o tent from the peer man to keep sp
as lmmenee army; no cedolae o18n.n Moog
Sheared' el a ilse of frontier
of war b
Isar of any foreign
..y other walk* on our own oeatinent: - we
'sold be the greatest, the finest, the mast
prosperous pimple that history gives ny .�-
tweet of. While Swope in grinding don.
M mlfllo s to the vary iowr.t dot=es .f
poverty, taxing due to kap in fdl.nta
laillfon 04.s�.rs, we A United Aurae
meld parses our ways in passe. sone
Miriam to se.bat ns sed nou able to
. take as braid. flat jest as ears es
w rams&s separate we will have to be tsg-
ei M keep op an army ; ser country wig M
!hubs 1u boyuges-ee Mt.mi the eget elf
war se may time wheel liegl+d gals aha
difiashMla with NsMh.r or dispose
may aria* hoose se .sd our es1ghbess .ed
the h.rrible swel.tls will bo viewed el
brother against brother--hese/ west
Mauiend ah .pima lian» and
De yes bo w, be esetisrd Iigs+Ivdy,
bio his heed Oft flay tlllwiMl: i behove
Red Weighty hem a pens dwr4 is share
fir the Aegis anm lags an Ws OiMleoit
--a use work fle Thew 1n velum thigh
oily a post Mei f4ee mad preapnens seams
as de -a abbe eel welded dune mei
inky rarsgeopets rrew.d ger !lieu .e
TEM shoal.
Trete our eon eorrespo.dent.
Hn Ise:. Weather being favorable, the
greater part of the haere will during this
week he secured, and fell wheat harvest
will he entered epos.
W IV n STnRS. - --t b Thnraday of last week
were visited with a .teem of wk.d, rain,
theader and lightni.g. Far a abort time
the ra'a descended in torrents.
Tat 12m. -Dnnrao.card Belfast lodes'
M the 1 Mange order celebrated the nth at
Blyth. There was a reed lepreesal Iia. of
both ledges present and they report halthag
• g.01 tinge
Au AT Mr. Forsyth, agent for Mr. Per-
"' Smash wool establishment which was
Oes"n.ncsd here lase . left last week,
vel oolemessioned G. {V. W to sell the
Netaieing stock.
Our energetic hair -dresser, e1.e-, has rs-
moved hu place of badness to • startne.-
tail ?art of enr yt11rg., els : southwest from
be toner positirn, as Southampton -et
is also residing i. • Muse leased from
J. 1;11y, en ('nwfmd-et.
Elrtomarr r•At -Owi-g to Rev. R
Pmrhsira enpplyieg soother pulpit far
msrHsg sarvies there will be ns warming
snit. i. P.skine shunh .eta Sabbath,
bet navies will he held A the ems .gm-
asseateg at 7 deleek. .. Rey. A. M.t
of Soured, eahiested eevbs i• be
Ilh.tb1w1.N ehorch *Niue. h.. Th.both owe
eg, last f{•hl1.tR 'i7. r
Sive • lectors in the Method.
Ms•d•y .vowing ea Erma ttsi.Mser, w
which reference will be seeds A ser nut +u
t ting,.", (outs Apo Awer.--(rear. Pest.
hod, of Joliette, MITiiga., ..i a native of
lNegas.ta, left bore en Moody for Maw
" bowleg aa taunted slat te bis brow
h"""• es diss neutron Nerla.r
Misstates i1 wi11 bs Oilmen* to his grey
4losr b boom bethat he is la • god psi
hem bel is del.* well, as mast of our
'h mbar pawls . M
hle'ef f y el �Oa
press. wits lies bots vb-
""!afire here, Mb 11r hem. as M..
PIN It TAILORIXO.-`tprlag and yammer
♦+caths la great variety sextet Pewter's beet
♦a.l shoe -tore, on the Square Yon can have
. btu chat.» and rely oo good Mlle and et .t
rtry moderate prices.
ii. Ha eormac. Mtr.
^ When a man's dollars bays gone to the' dogs
elan'. . h„ Use be bas to whlutee for them, but
flu :ayseissunt made at it IL tlell,.wi a't
atu.110 will always let you bare something to
see for our money.
The roan who wean a liar duster in Jenn-
y) and an ureter In July lent '7n It." so for an
the weather in nonce'ned : but 1f be wants to
he right la season and out of steamers be will
enu his fudlahueee and get his garb at F. J.
rred ua+u's •
The undersigned will receive tender. unit
let :1st.. tor the permission ^o make me of the
itach.uary Hall bullrtlag as a rantautaot and
10.0 for tete booth on the Agricultural
.meed• on Civic Holed•!, 17th £meat arxt.
11. fliri. Treasurer C.C.C.C.
Acuenza CieNev• ri. rlr:--A large ex-
cursion under the auspices of Rattsabury•
et. church S. S. came to town Wednesday
and bad • delightful time. This wasn't the
annual wet day picnic from Clinton.
AUCTION SAi.L of V CRYITt1ti--Auction•
tar Knox will hold a big Male of choice
f*nitere at the auction toms, C ebb's
Bleck, beginning at 2 r. a. Saturday. The
goods met be Mold, and bargains can be
looked for.
Kart roan mom Mosrmr.u_--Rev. Jam.
A. Ambrose B. A. having returned from
Christian E.demor Convention, in Mont-
real, will deliver his report to • public aud-
ience in Kaox Church ea the evening of
Wedoerday, July 26th, at 8'o'clock.
Jonathan Miller, proprietor of the Alban
hotel, was charged by Inspector Paisley
before Messrs. Steep sod McGarva, J. P.'s,
with violating the Crooks Act ea Sunday,
July 2. The evidence was not sufficient to
000vict, and the case was dismissed.
Laws So1-Lvt_-Do.'a forget the lawn
under the auspices of the E. L. C. F..
of Nortiest Methodist church to be held oe
the evening of Tuesday, July 25th, On the
grounds of F. Smooth, Nelson-st. Refresh-
ments will be served during the evening.
The Independent band will furnish excellent
music. Everybody invited.
Trig Bits B7. Yi-i.L TorRxAIII T. -The C.
C. 1'. C.. of l;oderich, have about completed
arrangements for one of the biggest tourna-
ments ever held in the country, on August
17th. They are offering 41000.00 in prizes
for bicycle races. Upwards of one thousand
wheelmen and tan thousand visitors are ex•
petted to °eine to I:oderich that day.
Special trains cad reduced railway rates
have been arraggel for. Full particulars
will be ,ns.le known at an early date by
posters and otherwise.
Rev. Dt Prime's Lorre&.-Rev. John
0. Patton, D.D., the veteran missionary of
the New Hebrides, lectures thin (Thursday)
evening in Knox church at 8 o'clock. His
entobiography is sow being read with
I•vely intermit, by thousands in the land.
Coro ming it Dr. A. T. Pierson rays that it
is the "moat fascinating narrative of mis-
sionary adventure and heroism and success"
that he ever met. Don't fail to hear him
to -night. There is no admiseioa fee : but •
collection will be taken on behalf of his
Rube icy this lilas meshed q 1Mere
setts him wee ahem* W
',Mimi es Weer *.messes of
0.derish. July 10, 1859.
will lake it if yea don't visa the grandam I Hen Kerr and da.ghwr, Mabel, of
exposition ever ceased --around the world (.'!Aron, ate Ti.ittne friends in Goderich.
is 10 days. Excursion When and all Mho.' Mrs. F. W. Patterson, of W iarto., is
matron uaa be had from H. Armvisi
strong, ting her .sole, Kaley Williams •1 Ihno-
town ticket agent, 0. T. R., (loderiuh, IloP
One Ticket., telegrams and express to all it. Holmes. of the New Kra wan A town
phdm of . world, agent. Allen, Dominion, with the Chatou meow patty os. Wednes-
W. T. Keely baa slmo.t recovered from
his injured loot and is able to be aroned
John Carlin and family have for Temua-
to to • few days where they will reside to
Mrs S. T. Haatedo and children, Toronto,
are the guests of her father, C. F. t,treubel,
Fret -.t.
Revs. Pressley end Hander will conduct
services in Port Elgin from July 16 to
August arJ.
Bingham : Mr. and Mrs. 4.eo. Pocock
have gale on a visit to Fuglaod to view the
scenes of youth.
Miss Mary °'bane, daughter of Police
Magistrate of Stratford, is vet:tngher aunt,
Mrs. Keely, North -It.
Mies F. Batley, of Stratford, is to town
breathing the invigorating air to be found
on the banks of Lek. Huro..
Maser C. B. Ha.avan, of London, visit-
ed (:oderich for • few days and left for a
lengthened Suit in Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Armstrong are spend-
ing this week in Toronto, Niagara Falls
and other points of interest.
Miss Jove McDougall has returned from
a trip to the World s Fair anti different
cities int the l'aited States-
tates.Mr. and Mrs. C. J. McGregor, arrived
in town from Stratford. Mrs. MeG. in-
tends remaining • short time.
Mrs. I. Clifford of Louisville, Ky., is
visiting relatives in town. She is a daugh-
ter of Jonn Morris, Colborne.
W. A. Wilkinson, of Mis.enpofie, U. S..
brother of our townsman K. P. Wilkia.oe,
is spending a few days is town.
W. C. Searle was one of the 300 exc.r-
sieensts at the Retteubury-st church S. S.
picnic from Clinton on %Wednesday.
Mrs. H•navan. wife of Dr. Ha.avaa G.O.
M., of D. Infantry School, London, is vis-
iting her brother, Jos. Kidd, North -at.
Harry Henning., brother of Mrs. Swa-
8a1t1, of Stony Like, Peterborough Co.,
spending hu vacation in 1.;dericlt aol
Mn. J. S. McDougall left last week for
Cornwall and Montreal to visit her daugh-
ter, Superiores. St. Ida, of Ville Maria
New Era : Mrs. Johnston. of Goderich,
graod daughter of T. U. Cooper, who has
been ywting hem for several days, went
home oo Saturday.
George Guestarrived home on the City of
Windsor, after spending over • week in
visiting Detroit, Windsor and Leamington,
on Wednesday, (19th.)
Mr Hays, of The Walkerton Telescope
staff, was in town dnnng the week. His
wife and child ere tte guests ot her parents.
('apt. and Sirs Citron, !hayfield Road.
Rev.J. W. Holmes. the new pastor of Rat-
tenbu.^y-st church,( l.nten wase caller at THE
SIGNAL oSloe on It was his
first visit to Goderich since the conference
of 1886.
Wm. F Savage, of the Geo. M. Saysgs
Advertiteng Bureau, Detroit, is ti tows, the
guest ot Frank Smith. Mr. Savage is an
old 1;odench boy, having left hen nineteen
yqears ago, and regrets to nee that the town
has not improved during the intervening
Anchor, Cunard AtIaatic steamers. Agent
Canadian Express Co. When you send
money, buy Canadian Express (M.'s money
orders. They are absolutely safe, and can
be oblaiaed t.1 any Oboe and ars cashed
every w ben.
SILVxx Wtootxo.-A copy of The St.
Louis Republic to hand oontatn a k•tythy
report of the celebration of the silver wed-
ding of Mr. and !fro. ()meld Sturdy, of
Kirkwood, Mo. The item is ot interest
here owing to the fact that Oswold
Sturdy, of Kirkwood, is • comm of Sturdy
Bros., the rrooers, of this town :
A HINT o. Hoi.ns.vys. -The Clinton
News Record says . The time is approaching
for civic holiday. A number bave men-
tioned that It would be • good idea to have
two civic holidays together. Goderich hen
named August 17 tb, and a grand bicycle
tournament, with 11.000 in prizes, wilt be
held. Then has been some'talk of • big meet
in Clinton. The two towns should if possible
arrange the two meets with advantage to
both. If the 16 th and 17 tb, or 17th and
18 th could be made holiday* in troth towns
with sport* to Clinton one day and Goderiob
the neat, or *toe versa, there would be an
undoubted benefit to both. Meeks. Wilk -
Wenn and Williams, of Goderich, were in
town last week and proceeded north. A
good number of towns have already settled
on August 17 as their civic holiday.
K. T. or T. Pic -Nie. -The secoad manual
pic-nic held under the auspices of Eureka
Council, No. 103, R. T. of T., was held at
Swafbeld's grove, Hayfield road. Then
was a fair attendance of members and their
friends, who were conveyed to the grounds
by rigs at different times during the after-
noon and evening. Swinge, base -hall, bat -
ball. croquet, and other amusements were
provided. A series of races were also suc-
oesstully carried out, for which prime were
given. The good things orovided by the
ladies of the Council was not the bast im-
portant part of the afterno, n's enjoyment,
while plenty of pure sparkling cold water
was at hand to quench the thorst and with
the addition of lemons and ice road- exist-
ence • pleasure. The accident o. W. Black
met with, and which is noted elsewhere,
was the only thing that marred the proceed-
ings, acid all returned home about dark,
well pleased with the second event of th•
kind held by the Royal Templar, here.
THs WIT!LHIttrrtAS Ficpt.11toR
Nem iu.a.+.-1n closing up Its *peek' morn-
ing edition The Montreal Witness nays • This
is the last somber of the special morning
edition of the Witness prepared with the
object of furn ahingto those Eadeavorersleft
at home • full and perfect account of the
great religious festival with which Montreal
has been honored. it has ever been the am-
bition of the Wittier. to furnish a paper
void of offence, and Eodeavoren can. we
think, have confidence in sending itsreports
to their friends that they are not *ending
the Lord s message and the devil's memare
in the same wrapper. This special number
has cost a great deal of extra et:ort which
has been cheerfully and untiringly put forth
by the Witness workers with a large
measure of that sympathy with the occasion
which bas been so genersl through the com-
munity. What will interest friends who
know something of printing is the fact that
the whole of the matter in both the morn-
ing and afternoon paper has been set by
seven hands in the day and five at night,
• triumph of machinery, and not m line
set or any work duos except, of coarse,
reporting, on any part of Suod•y.-Wit-
ono, Montreal.
Sgvsss AociocimT.-Friday evening last
as G. W. Black-"Disk"_was engaged in
helping on the sport at the picnic of
the Royal Templar', at Swafeld's grove, he
sustained • even injury to his richt toot
while endeavoring to kick • foot -ball He
struck the edge of a plank, which cut into
his boot amid severed some ot the tendon of
the foot, mauling complete lameness. The
wowed is parttonlarly'mmere, as it happened
to the foot which sustained injuries some
ye•n•go sod ismosey gently weak. "Dick's"
meat' friends hope that kw may be aha. to
throw away his .tioka shortly.
TXs Rea.Atssu.-d. Tuesday evening
bi a the rehearsal .f the " Hellelajeh
Chorus" •.d tbo "Gloria" by the North -8t
MMhdst their was oaadaoted by Prof.
Freeload. d Stratford, ee d.etor of the
mess Moreau of the Minn choir exenrslen
et 8arsis. He axprtss.d himself as bob
saMM8ad sad gr•tib.d at Rha efmci..t swam
is which time selestioee wire rwdwed by
the choir. He, bowsaw, .xpramed iha
prim bM that the Miser oioir. of Itows had
not taken dvaetare of the drill which deers
seater.pisses of Handel and Mouart afford
mod tho.ght that they,from • mensal stead
peat, had saslained a great law.
Ter Sao's]) or Arnow. -This le the
date died far the gigantie C. 0. F. Doom
strati'. M Kiameda*. K.argetiq ems -
saltless are at work ea every dumbness Si
dab varied and wageiheient prisma
Aron the events aro a C. 0. F. persami '
ealetkss.pisn prett1s-, Wrens amtah,
teg-e'-war (captained by Reeye Rland tj
Xnen dine township aid ROM Thanp•nn of
Harem, with tales *haws hem melt Iowa -
ship) teepees pevferlasere, slack win
waiklag aquae sports. extorsion on Ms
lake. esehs*tek.g mash. wading op with •
goad o.eso t la the oeveniir.igg Cheap rail
way roes iaye has artaagwi umI a menial
web .erii.e basse weer i. Coosa all ye Is-
knadarsof 4St In 1, sad Spud • Mer
fel da; DMA*
w ahead. 1t will de then
Tee We.t.n le 10 DAviee. -Re-
etad.s Gem Otderieb ee W oudd's Far
(aiselgs vim 0. T. R., Jaly HIM cad 9111i1
by all bohets. Magee good 1w 10 Jaye, Yee
Rte. J. W. Btlr.'s Visit. m Gog*lra.
-The mimio.sry superintendent of the
Royal Templer* work in Resters Ontario,
spent Sudsy, Mooday and Tuesday ot last
weak to flod•ricb. The rev. gentleman
pesaoi*d in Victoria -et Methodist church
Suoday morning, addressed Knox church
Sunday school in the afternoon, and held •
preaching service in North -at Methodist
church is the evening, after which he ad-
dressed • fair sadism's in the i emperaoos
Hall. On Monday he was engaged during
the day is writing ftp applications for the
bssedeiary department of the R. T. of T.
Order, and to the evening rave an interest-
ing wtertaiamsot is the Temperance Hall,
to a large %adages, using his magic lantern
to illustrate the subject, "The Hoose We
Live In." Oa Tuesday he was kept busily
employed op applioatioos for inanr-
anoa,and seoe.edd in securing over 413,-
000.00 of tike before the day cloned. to
the eveaiag he some another interesting
entertainment, theenbjeet being "The Pro-
hibition .iuwop." Bengosgh's eloquent
eartoo.s es the temperance an.atlots were
throws epos the wall b his powerful magpie
haters, a000panied by explanatory r.-
msrka We understand this was Mr. Bell's
first visit paid to oar tows In the interests
of the Royal Tsseplass, and his efForts were
very seoessdd lla u • 8me soesimen of •
total, and we think the Order
is to 8..sogr•tobted ea bevi.g ease of his
steamy and energy so aetively merged is
f rthwi.g he welfare.
71. AUELL.
The following tribute to the memory of
the o -year old daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. H.
J. Lane, of Montreal, and grand -daughter of
Capt. T. N. Dancer, of this town,is founded
en• touching episode. For tea days the little
sufferer had been speech fest and lay in • practi-
cally comatose state. About an hour beton
she died, she revived to some extant, and
surprised the watchers by asking them to
sing, •' Ring the Bells of Heaven, " which
had been • favorite hymn of hen
"Ring the belled Heaven" ' let earth's angel
spirit in,
Another darling trom the fold, has left this
world of sin;
Another angel form is array'd in purest
Another earthly flower, blooms in the Sav-
iour'. sight.
"Ring the belle of Heaven!" her lest sweet
words on mirth
Eebo'd by the angels who wettable o'er her
et her birth;
"Rine the bells of Heaven!" lev'd cess hese
In the praise of Him *hove, who alone ens
soothe oar woe.
Eloise A. Muggings.
Ooderieh, Oat., July 10, 1893.
Miss Kidd, of eons Qty, has returned to
Mie Peaaybakev, d Pert Herne is isit-
trigAto -a.
Mn. }'hit Noble is visiting friends is
Wtod tnek.
Mi.. Hy.4+p of Termite, is in town few
a see3tk'e Tire.
Mu Keeler, of Mitchell, is the roast of
Mrs Or. Raaarl.n..
J. M.O.r.a, d (:limes, .peat 8e.dy
with blonds in Onderkh.
The.rpa.M1 of Re Osewge's shoe\ bas
rearmed frees that pnasllio..
Mrs A. Patwesn., of Uxbridge, no the
gene of Mn flenrge Ae►esne.
C. J. Metle.rew retuned to Stratford
w the 7 a. w. traits Memd•y last.
YON Reith Vasstrme is -peedwg M
vseatkie wish Mende is W l.rhase.
Mie Rett. W atesu, eel delldspe. d De -
telt, are video, ruMSSS e r tl.erf.
A Woosp•• se NM Trade at One
Loral Pere se Entry.
Following is • ememary of the trade dose
as the Gnderieb port of entry for the year
tiding June 30th 18e3:
Datable goods
Total Amount
Duey .0115.1.04
Total en1MMis.e
.• ; 66.000 00
. 147,798 00
156,818 00
10,901 07
41.075 90
T. Oreo Bri1i. $38L1 5
To the Usited Slates 170.720
Total for year 864 000
P&iwcm,*i. Sheer. To (/1MM Rsarr,AAT
lieur, pease, Wear,
pew and Breed wise. , l*Aw .sd
Petsntree. Sapsaw7o Tex Uerreefituso
-deb" fuse Y. solar pees. !ember,
buses. sh�egp, bra., barley awl lax.
A AL LIS ..ra.etasaR.
ile awls 4111:48Mat