HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-7-13, Page 88 THE SIGNAL : GIODERIOHI ONT.' THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1893. YARL9 GREEN. HELLEBORE, AND INSECT POWDER, Freak pare sad stre... Oar BC KDQ('K and MANDRAKE BITTERGI have proved to be • spleadtd Spetag medicine. You tusk• it youreelL A quart for YSo. Try IL Always use FEARS PURE CREAM TARTAR BAKING POWDER Ou17 30 cents per poiim& HIER S ROOT BEER, DODD$ KIDNEY PiLLS. FINE iMPOIRTED and DCMLSTIC CIOARS. TOBACCOS. PIPE.. etc. See our dupla; window AT THE uH .RMACY, GEO. A. FEAR, Urugglet. eederieh. Oat Art. ART. x x a x R. CROCKETT, garter. IanSaeaee, ma. -ane and portrait palettes la ea and water oolors- CLA.' SES lie 11 enders. and Saterdriee from 9 A.11 to 12 o cine.*, std from 2 to 5 o'clock 1•.x/. Architectural and mechanical drawing. -f Viewityte for patent.. etc. STUDIO: Nertket..eest door from the Pgtare The Propu'O Column. I MPORTANT_- IF YOU WANT A Bed room Siete, A Inning suite, A Pu:or Suite. Cheaper than you ever d Hamed of, 1111 10 BMLTH'8 FURNITURE STORE. THFI.AROEST'4Tuit N. LATEST EVEH\TILING YOU WANT. At ,Noss the: cannot be testae. Cordwood. Lnmberand Tan bark in exchange. BMiTH'S. Ctsbb's Block. VIM'S PLANING MILL - JLS..0111211 D 'HtrLLIENT FAN *4H tW ALL K'' MORttiSH FRET AND PORTIER work to. - arch doorways in beautiful drn ijee- All kinds of Interior decorations --- lye,•;os furnished. Veranda work in latest and mons modern auiab to met the most feet:sow. Mill aware running -Latest things in turned work Esti- mate„ to:ref'hed 00 all repairs or contracts- eawu..11 to execute the must irregular.prder - Rrfnfen. ore. Ice bole-. Wasbinir tnsetl.nes and kitchen cabinets - 'fbe only planing mull to town Alt/taw mill attached and full Heel of all grades of tun:her or that can be rut to order -!hingee little pickets. ear- . and ail builders supplies promptly salty red. d/Irnin Tile.. all ?carr. 1n my Salt Works doper meat 1 bete an excellent pure ereaulat- e d table. cense ane butter salt. JInKPH K1DD. Near the O.T.R. depot. Telephone your orders. $y dpooW NoU ss. S1v CHOPPINI; MILL 1 am prepared to dna:! kites of grain cbop- Cn. n .honest 0ottrc. Mill is runawit at all ours. I Cave the latest and beet tmprored n .achicery for dispatch and edIctencyT. Prices rmeocaele. No delay ingeeing your chop home with 1 o0. JOB. KIDD. 11617 1, Britaanis.1. lt[oollaoluse Ise titato. GODKHIQH MECHANICS' INSTI- TUTE LIBRARY AND READING - ROOM, iter. .f ism street atd Square tap sear. Open from 1 to G t•.o.. and from 7 to 10 P.N. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. Leedline Daily, Weekly and Illustrated Pap. r., 1Tagn:inn eft., nu File. MEMBERSHIP TiCKET. ONLY •t.... traatiag free use of Library eel Reeding - Room. Appy leetton. lot membership received by Librarian. In room. H. 1411TH. 0E0. BTIVLN, President. asa'olary. OoMwicb March Ietb 1L.6. /OS1ft1M. (`IANADIAN ORDER OF HOME ..1 Choles.-Oed.riob CIrei.. No 113. !wet, third Mosdrtp el each mouth in the hall over To. Sweat. dice. Special Inducement. In Insurance old dick basalt.. D. CALBICK• Leader ; R. J. AC N. Trasurer • t RICH A ItJ►OON. 0.ort11er7. 1618 APilulss hills. SmIs L'OR $ALL. -TWO 11 IN, OAST poI o O eii l6.. hoe. 1 11-10 a 1a. bore. ass be bet larger shaft. flood ea ase. Will be sold at • re•sosahle figure. Apply at To. Sruma.Ste•m Printing house, North -.t., O.deefoh. pct, • __ ---- Anfilesoorlalr. -� THGMA`S 11U!DRY, AUCTIONEER and ineur•ses Asset. Goderioh. Oat Areal Loudon and lawashire Pin las. CO.. sad (lore District Nnt.,al Lea. Co. 8.1.11 at leaded to 1a say part of the assay. IS17 TORE GRIFFIN, COUNTY ACC. Hauser. lead valuator. Mae aad Ineoraaee as•eL Hake attended In all pares of the cou.- ��py i.den-.snRrtrefl. Address JOHN afti in,.twldeo. Orden left at Ton SetaAL Omn promptly atte.ded to. Matt JOHN KNOX, GENERAL AUC - Nearer aad Land Valustee, Ooderieb. Oat. Having had considerable .aper;mane In the eurtioneerteetrade. hs is to • position to desnbarEe with thorough satisfaction all nom elalo•e entrusted to Mm. Orders left at Martie'. Hoer. or sat by mall to he aldrege fdderCollate A•etIoee.rNEM P. O.. carefully •!*.Ended to. J011)i OX . Property Ibr Salo ar for >•u.t. WOR SALL-O01TAGI ON COR - A: .err ettAlbert sad Mekesade.„ deo • City te MAY A1I LL R ermines.heineeholdtet the •etldw• of Joke Walker. Metron-sL 21 -It L"OR RENT. - TWO HOU8EB TO ppt• Feat . BWIq-.elset.. eMeek hem the S entre. H oe partleulere apply to MR11. F. FARMS FOR SALE OR TO RANT. The /repent of the late David Fteher, brio. Path of lata 3 aad ♦ .os_ 2. contanteig 170 acres, Ala .ouch half of lot 7. eon.3. W 1) Colborne. remaining 30 scree. Thee. lets will be sold ...thew greenmail or .n Nov. Fee pps•rrtticulere apply to the esaatets. J. H. MIL- 1.1•11. 14I.UAN. J. !i. WHITLEY. or to MARY EL FIS HEEL ..scud:. or to B.C. HAYS. Uoderlcb P.0. fart A(GOOD HOUSE TO LET, NEAR the suture, or would all •t • barges. Apply to Hit HOLT. or C. PAYNL• on the peewees. See t VAltMMS FOR SALE. - TWO VALI'- .1 able improved farms on the fourth eon .swine of Uodorlch town& ip, three mile. from Ooderleb, for particulars ay sly on the prem; ten to Mats. ANN HINCKS or by letter to Oodsricb P. O. Sett 1 00 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. -THE old homestead of the tate Janie* Cassie day, of the towable of East N-dwanoab. be- ing last half of lot 3k aoceesia° 1. oar the "travel road that lads from Ooderich to Wing hat. It *situated about to rods front Aub- urn. a thriving village with four churches and • school acre at hand. A e rwparati.-sly sew trsme house with nice large rooms and cellar with other ceaeentemcee. and gaud bank baro and about 93 tarp. baring fruit trees are on the itemises. About fel acres are cleared. The D oll b of the Wet. Further information front Mite. l'ASSADAY. Auburn P. U. tf-1I0 L'OR SALE. -N. } LOT 31, 2ND CON- T carina. East Wawaoosb. Ice acres. Tilde is • Ont.class hurt. Also town bot 473. Oode- rltth. aro lot till Uo,tertch town. 014 whlck there le a good brick cotta... Apl7 ;w PHILIP 1101.!. 1000. L"OR SALE AT A B&ROSIN. -THAT L commodities building on Kiu*- t.. Brus- sels, rutsel•, at erelong occupied as a psdnt.hop by Wm. tlm ti y, u on save. Terms nay. App,' to F. b. SCOTT. Brussels P.O. Olt( 1.10L -DES FOR SALE. Nice room cottage on St. IKcidet., near Organ Factory : good cchar, summer kit- chen, and all conveniences. In Orst class con- dition. Terni. to suit purchasers. Only $10.00 Hot se and i acre of land with good orchard in St. Davide Ward. Just the place for a re- tired :dreier, 'fern,. easy. Only . 4:300.00 Apply to LOFTCS E. DANCEY. Barrister. kr Blake'. Block. Ila Gingrich. Ont. ORTH-WEST LANDS FOR SALE. A 5000 ACRES OF VALUABLE Improved acid unimproved farm lands at demure.. varyirg from 1 to 12 miles from Qu'Appelle Sta:lon, N. el, T., for sale very chap. No hatter laude for mixed term• tug are to be tow d in Canada. For full particulars apply to A. D. DICKSON, Barrister. 1111-U Q.•Applle. HOW A FARMER CAN CLEAN ANY BEER 0RA1r THOROLOHL1, AND RI'rH WHAT TO 11O IT. Mummy. Pctter, Golden Vine or other peas eaa have all splits. oat.. etc.. taken from them. or small peas 'separated from large ones at one cleaning. Shrunken and broken barley. wild oats, mustard seet!. wild peas and all foul seeds can be thoroughly separated fruit, Seed Barley. Cockle. cbeeis, wild pea, wild cam mustard seed. tee can be thoroughly 'separated from Rhear. Fox tall. mustard. Iambs quarter. light nae kc.. and other things objectionable In Seed Oats separated front them. .'lover seed. time,hy .,td. flax .e..t. cleats separate!; or separated from each other. Any kind of grain or seed can be cleaned as it should be for seed. No foul seed. blown late the chap'. This sea all be done with the IMPROVED APMSTRONO GRAIN AND SEED CLEANER! a f•anitg mil! Attachment. No new mill re attired. Can be put iii any m111. old or new. without injuring the mill or dtsartaaging It for the use of i4 own sic% eat. All machines guaranteed to do the work claimed for them. Fifty bushels of grain can be cleaned per hcur for marker pts: pass Orders by mail promptly attended to. Rag - gen attached to any null. PUMP DEPARTMENT. See the Gem pump. new deeign adapted for any depth of well by means of thumb screw shift. Foxily worked, Meier rood eatlelao- t.on. All kind or pumps supplied. ARMSTRONG RRO1.. Pump and r nnlog Mill N'erko uoderic4 Ent TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN AT DR. R. RICHARDSON'3 Ma'%Tal. rlolaate. OPIOA NOUSE 11OCL' WEST -STREET OODESICB, ONT. it affords me nellmited mtistaetlon. after a thorough test. neatly, le the most .!rima► So appreciation of delightful aad nete.ldted patrons. to submit that 1 have the only and exclusive right to Ere. In Ooderaeh, tie *test eelattac discovery. which is witnessed eery to cre.e the least pain dnMog Ube extrectlos et teeth sr steeps a an; kind. 1a .e.ily even very Ilttn Pala lo the inset eMOM AN'TT -NIIRV t PO111NA - - - L •.seal aaa•slh.tle:that never albe a the INE. MARTEN In the N1gtoest. k heresies se water. R,'ELtt HY IRON PILLS. 30.. turd the bee teethed knows on earth to randier STIME1' FLY PAPER. 1r 101SON PADS. i aad le a eseh. 811111f,/LY POOPON PAPER IVIED 'T POWDER. BUTTER1fILK TOILET SOAP. tee math ew-.saslUve se pale. Pansies men tae It 1. Femturey rarre4.e to tee f/keda. Preervaties et the eaters] teeth a specialty Awall and at1110.By 4.•.. My sae !wise. DR E, RICHARDSON. 1M1'ORTelt age DOMIBTiCCEOARS. AIARTiYT SMOKING TORACCO. 1. Nis. meteor* DH. PSeNW W(YTHRRWOPT PIlIA. 0.. J. Wtheom'. Papoaipw.w Dave Sp•ag. ?Nepalese Ne. 11. MAW AMMO wanted. WAL4TED-$AiINIMEF, TO SELL May ear ehe(o. asd hardy nwnery oft*. 11,"1.1 v�a�.m n .Ilkr mesh r ,!ales wwgdtmtallt ►N oestevtltad sale by tm /•y �11a.w11ea(.. Ova darn11tvt, t tun..4•rr1in4 qM0 we rite MM ass. l Me, KN. !int 'ravelling Ou WAD TRUNK RAILWAY. Ttttdaa ltrrfra std dgalt Ydol1R as Ii Man and. ..... .........11ia1•a Mixed Mall and txprse.................... -a3 sus. -4-. Mixed ....... ........................... t KF to Don/Wt1'll•. MNICHOLSON, L.D.S. -DISTAL . roosts .pods Poll Dass. W,ee. t.. Ood.rioi. All standard sad s .4 local aasembetke Hon tetea head ter pa< .!Elmo U DR, E. RICHARi1SON, L D. S., 'ninon dentist. ep ofd Thalami air administered for palatine 0ggfoeting of teeth. ftecial attesters Ville W preservation the emend OMs► -Up stairs. Grand Opera Hose andegae on West tlt , Oodericb. 2100-1v lltl. Was, W LIITELY & Hl; NTER. OOo.-Orad Opera Hoare. Qoderloh. fLtt DRE. SHANNON & SHANNON, PMyleeisas. Surgeons. Aonoechere, kc. 0. C. ! ue:goo 4. -Residence. Napieratsere. Heol. .1. 1t SHANNON. - R eatd.sce N eetk -t. ore. Model School. Metas. lAAMPION d JOHNSTON, BARRIS- V tare, Souoitors. Notaries. 4.o.. Godericb. Moss -Over Jordan's Drug [flare. E. CAM P1 l*)N, Q. C.. M. O. JUtlN8IV;TUN. My to n. f OFTI S E. DANCEY, BARRISTER, la Solicitor. Conveyancer, Ro.. etc. Money to loan at Went rates. 131.33.. Block. Oahe rah. One $11 -if L' N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROC- 14. toe is Maritime Courts of Ontario 0111d-•••80ath Coibers's total. 2213 JOHN DAVISON, BARRISTER, Solicitor. Conveyancer. kc. • Mortal to lend. Otaoe over Post-OAea UUodirleb. lett 0. HAYS, SOLICITOR, &c. Odin. earner of Square and West street. Goderfeb. over telegraph 'Mee. Pri- vate Yunds to lend at lowest rates of inter ear. 291tF t I ARROW & PKOE; DYOOT, BA R. l� rioters, Attorneys, Solicitors. kit.. Bode rice. J. T. /:arrow, Q.C.. W. Pro.dfort. CAME/C/N, HOLT & HOLMES, Illtrrlsters. Solio:tor. le Cbaacery, kc. Goderieh. M. C. Cameron. Q.C. ; P. holt Dudley Holmes. G. WARD, CONVEYANCER, . ka and oommiesioeer for takinng and re• oNvlug recognizance. of bail. 4Oidarits of atltntatlo.., depositions or solemn declara- tions la or oo.cernIng any sotto.. Solt ar pro- ap.�e lret in tis High Court of Justice. tee Di of Appeal for Ontario, or as any County er alai- Court. All transactions carefully aad prom ppttlly/ executed. Re•ideoce and P.O. address.- aaaon Ont. 211..5-0 L0s1111 aad Iasuranoe. � I ONEY TO LOAN. - $25,000.00 L Private nada to lend st 5} parent -an newly. TUst. DANCE. Wakes block. 1107e (1• SE A G E R, AGENT FOR THE LONDON ArtRASC1 CONI -ANT. of Lau- don. England. Oce or the oldest rad strongest las bounaoe Communes to the world. to tedA.D. 17x1, Aesop over sightedu mf lou dollars. A den of huaine.i is re- Speottully solicited on behalf of the above lbbmmp.ay. C. dICAOtle McLean's Meek, Mon tresjet.,Goderlch. gpT(tf FJ. T. NAFTEL, FIRS, LIFE AND • saddest insurance .gent ; u lowest rates. Umar -Cur. Nortb.st and square. /AMA - Ahab. 71- ft500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON 110a.r t HOLMKLS, (rode - Heb. 1710 M0NRY TO LEND. -A L A R G E amount of Private Funds for lovestmest et lowest rata on enc -clam Mortgagee. Apply to !BARROW k PROUDFOOT ItRADCLIFFE, GENERAL IDN. I. sterane., Real Estate and Moray Loaning Agent. (idly tiree-e1.a• companies represented. Money to land on 'trate" loans. at the lowest rate of interval (ulna. la as w.7 to exit chi oorrnwer. (Mice- Sec. ond door from Square. West Street. 'Unde- rhill'.100Sof Pubis ]i«lie//, f'1 ODERIC H FOUNDRY A N D VA MACHINE WORKB. To the public : bay Runelman Nos 9 and / plows. Runel ma rad rollers sod root cutter, Watford Nos. 7 and 1 plows. American mouldtoaM., Wat'ord twin plow. it is the hest. Watford mounters, the le•.:ere. Warlord hay rakes. Al- so other implement*,!'low points reduced in price. Hare !meat klads. lastings made to order. Oast for aid MOM. J. R RITlt(IIMAN. QALTFORD TANNERY -TO THE dahlia -Having Untamed the dam uf•ctur. tag aapsoity of the reittord Tannery formerly a•rrkd on by A. k.1. Heck. b7 the purchase of the Kirkpatrick Stows T.naery 1 I•tend toe.• tend the trade in ever/ branch, and; am now prepared to offer the highest price for hides of every descriptio. No limit to gn•atlty. JOSEPH BECK. tial Raiford. Proprietor. Moi'! ase /elf. MORTGAGE SALE. Under and by virtue a the powers cewtatoed 1. • certain mortgage, which will be perrOexdfarced at the time of sale. there will be olbryrl for sale by public acetic. at M.Ilougl,. hotel In tbe •Ilblere of Dunpnnon. oe Saturday the fifth day of August 100* at the hour of orae .'- cheek 1a the afternoon. the following valuable ry north half of lot ■umher twenty -lover a the sixth concession, enters division of the Township or West Wswanahless six acres oft the south east career and &hoot nine acres off the neon -net earner of said lot. and 130 m iter, rode off rhe north -went owner. leering •bout Pager; four scree. mon or lea. The pr..pelty le in a good date dcoltsrWN!aeee,, is well fenced, and has • trams barn ereoesd thereon. The terms of ale are ten per oat. rash at the thee of este, and snOlotent to make ome- third of the purchase money to he paid In LD days from the day M YM. and • moet.y. for the balance with interest payable half -;early, aad noaaining the nosy consents 1e be Ven by the vembassy to the t- oe. ether terms an r.rmditlone Is/ male opt be wade knows ar rte time of ale. Dated ted the tweet; ..Tenth day cif Jame. A.D. DELAME1lR Rtt$ftt ENOLIRil k HMS. 17 Trireme street. Toronto. Med Venni aNlelmars THE WONDERFCL Aad mea remarkable 0ettbeasti. et life givtag materiels In the weed Y oestal,e4 I6. 8L hum Water, •o say• tea seat Ameria. Pteeemie GTeshaa M. T." CHAS. A. NAIRN IIis• t0 sr • toile •s$11, 41,0. from gangsA geed •r03 6.i •w.1mv mot IK E...% weraeoM dei -- „r a Tao •sBul em 1 Is f`or SOL ONI E JOYO Roth the method and results when - yrupof Figs is taken; it is pleasant tend refreshing to the taste and acts gently yct l:romptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem efccturlly, dispcl.Icolds, head- aches and >ir•Tcr8 and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptaLle W the stomach, prompt is its action sand truly bene6.7ia1 in its t act4, prepared only from the most healthy'. dagreeablesubstanced, its maE eacclleatqualitiescommendit to all and 1:f.vo MT..a it the most potulrr ren * y known. hyrup of Fid is far ale in 750 bottles by all :leading druggists Any r:1i:.b :druggist who may not F..re it C3 1a11t.1 will procure it prorptiy f.;.r . r ono who wishes to try it..'1aau:1_:t.rcd only by the cAUFORRIA FIG SYRUP CO. I TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes must be left at this Otlice not later than Satur.iay noon. The Copy for changes must be left not later than Mon- day noon. Casual Advertisements accxpteel up to noon We.lness..l.y r f each week. HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND HYGEIAX VESTS. We are showing the above goals at •t- oesdingly Low !'noes. Hosiery in Black and Colored, guaran. teed stainless, llermstorfs dye. Children'. Hose, Double Knee with Spliced Heel and Toe, in plain and nhbed. Ladies Hose in Fast Black, Tana and (:Gey., plain sod Wk embroidered. A special line of Ladies' Cotton Hygeian Vesta, 3 for Zia.; Natural Wool only 50c. We have just opened • case of Chadwick'. Sewing Cotton in all No's. This is one of the best makes of threld in the market. For . short time only we will sell 4 spools tor 10.:. or 30c. per dozen. We guarantee our prices in all lines of 1 by Goode to be the lowest, ,quality considered, of any store in the County. The highest price for Butter and I.gg.. JAMES A. REID. Jordan's Block. Ooderleb. May 25. 11+07. 2111. Loot or Found. I OST. -BY MISTAKE ON 8ATtJtt- LA day. Jars Mk. there was • panel of clothes aad tiro beakl put in • bust, et Sadie hotel. The owner of boson will tremor ob o returning them tesante hotel or write tot H. REED. HPlreat. 21-1t IL 00MS AND HOARD. -COMFORT - AISLE room' and bard can be had by the day or week, at Mr. Roby, Dssegh'.. car- net of West and K'ateeloNRe„ near the Poet (edea Tern modems. Int 41 For /amino• DULL FOR SERVIC$ ON LOT 11 Hohn !toad, a .11 heed Durham. Term. g0CDOU0ALLproprietor. Lasers • calf. p� R Amason/Edw. CVA SALE OP VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY. Lnder and b; virtue of • rower tf Bale oas- talned 1s a certain mortgage+ which will he produced at the time of ser. and mode by 351111e1 Mseaffy to the vendors ; There w111 be for arae by peal. auction at Martin's / !tel In the Town or Goderich on Tuceday the 20th day of July A.D. IIRY at had pas one o'clock is the afternoon by Thomas Oondr;, sortioireer, the following value'''. property namely All and ilea ohm those certain trans of lead •nd premum situate, lying and beteg in the Village of Pon Albert, In the Count, of He- ron aid Province of Cntartn, befog composed of parts of the ]0111 Reserve le the said village M laid down by memoir Hawklike P.LB., aad full7 demrrib.4 by meter and bounds la the rf�nwrtgage and known as the Pert Albert mill property. On the premiere there is erected • first .nam Roller Flour and Grist M111 known a the Port Albert Milia" also Stow Mlll, Save Fac- tory and cooperage. two dwelling hone.. and store, large eatable and drlrine shed. Then le also • litre, stone emery. . The Ind canasta of about ten a.-,.. TAs..peat!) .0 the still le 70 barrel per 74 hours nod is drives by water power. The mill holidlne k on • rook female Oen. The mill Is well appointed ad la la nrel class run■Ing order. 'rbe east. which is to ger! order arid le easily malata:.ed. 4 ha111 on a .•!teal fall of rock with a wase fall bf eighteen feet. The factors aad Cort,; ,age aaehlne 7 Is complete and la geed order and 10 meet the demand for Parrot_ during the •pple....on le taxed 1011. alma..spud Tho above p Dor 11. tato owner about 019 •-O to !ring it le its mew sate of amity . e; and new that • torte amount of mosey Y (l being • t by the orerament In improvlag the harbor the facilities for shipping .111 be /eek d teams. la Oils part of the Province. 71h k • en. alma epee** for •.y era 40.. leg ago Into the miDing Wanes' e. the w.l•r power Is one or the beet 1. the Coady, (Nag ort the Nine 1111. River : and 111 geny (� situated 7 milfrom the Vlltog..0 prorr)a..as- stu. In the Comity of Harem, 10 mils ham the Town a Ooderlek, lb* (bset7 Tewin M the County of Hares aad Is It • LM elms seethe .1 the Comity. Terme of sal Tee pet doe of the per ose 100111.17 es tbe Yfaaad lad - 51100 Of eek d t- •110. IMAMS IMO est .3Ghptenet. when remierwittiest In - r weber May eil from Haitian Faq., M Al Irl gs, . mtltwA� es. I. MI ether releases the oendr gids be tbe dbdeifdvutysgf Ifka sigh ~this cath sat of ems A.D. 1St . 919,.it I.11EIL TMDItAlaka _ Awetlesee. Mgt TER OUT OF THIRTY SAM QAJI•eJll Ol Alf M1.L2111 TACtI DUIIXY A 4QV4LL. Tweet yarn. P eetsere-aeekeee ea the ioeka 51.6.30 D►eweed -eke Use! W.. Oveet*LLa try • TOs.eeaeaora aad Weal Ogee. Losno., July IQ -A yacht with • large pts ty u• board capsized is a heavy squall id Skegn.a e• the onset of Eoglasd laterday, and 27 see and women were drowsed. Furtb.r dt.patcha .tete that all the pet soar drowned were railway betide'', w ho, with ihoeaade of other •xcarsr•.bt., had g oes to the little waterlog place fur • day's sport. The yacht :Gannon, licensed to carry 64 p.sseag.ra, took out 30 of Omen. When well out the yacht was overtaken by • thunder storm. Alter the sky cleared the yacht was own bottom upwards, with three mite clinging to her. Th. others had been drowoed. An old 6.,bort, the only craft availah4, was launched, and the three survivor, were brought ashore. Twelve bodies her, bean reeovr.d. Ths three arvi0nrs agree that nobody was to blame for the .^etdrnt, as the suddenness of the squall could not tet anticipated. MR. PHELP3 FINISHES. w e Armament eaters Eke Behri.g tea /aboard Cwo.rrle,ed Paola, J.ly 10. -Hon. K..1 Phelps 6. 'shed kits closing address beton. the Iki.r.t.E Sea Tribunal of Arbitrate."' to day, 11. opposed the British proposal to e.tabla.. a 20 mile runs, w,thw whish rales should be proi.tbdted, basing his objecttoia on tilt iuetticueney of the prnp,sal and upon the impossibility of setting the limits el rhe sone effectually. All the r.vid.nus 6.D matted to the Tribunal tied show"' that e ta wen taken at sea at distances ranging from 30 to 1511 miles from shore. Proceeding to compere the 1.1•eent 11-1. tel, proposals with those made by Lord s.ita hury, he was interrupted by Sir l'ha.i0. Russell of COMM!' 1:.r greet 1:.11atn, who said that Lord Salisbury dented batug made th• proposals referred to. Mr Phelps reputed by reading Lord Salisbury's despatches. fie showed that Lord Salisbury had only receded after Canada had interp.ee.l. Mr. Phelps than resumed his argument Is support of the Atnenoao pobthiitue of pelagic sealing over the entire route fol- lowed by the warm their migrate's., which route extended as far as S. Fran - es cco. If the arbitrators, he said, did 18,4. recognise that the forted States had pro- perty right, in the herd, ce.rurrwnt regu- lations would cunrequently he accessary. At this point • long diacussioo took place between Sir Charles Russell. Itaron d• Crone -el. prrsideat of the tribunal; Sir John 8. D. Thompson, and Lord Mennen, Brush atbttraton; Justice John Yl. Harlan, Amonca arboreta...11d Vroeouut Vence ., Italian arbitrator, abet death; with yes. cele seated, mod whether they eb•,ald be taken to iSo nearest :tmenean port or to a British port. When the discussion had tees finished Mr. Phelps proceeded. He charged that the Britian desired the Tribunal to pr0te.-t the pelagic hunters, and did sot atm to secure the preservation of the seal herd. America, he mid, stood on the justice ..f her ease. He dwelt at some length upas the moral importance of the tribunal'. dectsi,s. From this desi.ano, he said. the only appeal was to the judgment of avilirati..n and of kistotyB. ron de Comrcei, proudest of the tri)m- nal. complimented Mr. Phelps upon his skill and ere,1u•oe. "Yon have performed the duty devolving upon you," said the presi• dent, 'h• a mealier deserving admiration. You have blended the deep r lance of the lawyer with the refinement of the men of letters and flue dignity of a dtplomat.st. The court spprecfates the delicacy of the touch with which you have h..ndl.d chat- ters already before us is nianit .14 forma. I hes to be allowed to consider the Lure's which you hate won at this crostini ,Ess bar as a fair addition to the wreath of honors that you have cor•gocred in other fields of the old and the sew wor .I." liar Chartres Russell, counsel for Gnat Britain. expressed kis gratitude for the courtesy of the court. Mr. I'help• co.t•ur. red, adding that the president's part in the ease w y one of throe happy memories which formed the best inheritance of dedisiag years. The • rbitratore will hold • private sitting co Muteday FROM HAWAII VIA VICTORIA, WC. The %Barr!..,. Tepee le Ilre.k lb* Ata. teals -!..edea Mail teased. Vrr-roaIA, R.C., .holy 10. -The steamer Warrimoo arrived yesterday from Sydnee, whence .he had sailed June 111 with pas- senger" and freight. She is tryi•g to break the mail record betimes Sydney and Lou - do.. She brings news from Hawaii that the provisional government is awaiting advisee from Washington 1-o Minister Thur.t.nt a to the treaty proposals with the United States and will retain the peanut snare of government until arramgem..a .re mad* with the United States er some other power The Government *determined to capture Um rebellious lepers of Kalalau, het the registering of them is likely to cause dil6• ally with the natives. tease Eke W.rt4 to mese nape. Mails which left London May 19 via Sum per steamship Himalaya, arrived .t Sydney on the morning of Jane 17. Th. T�arrimoo Tram detained long enowgh M a. able correepowdewts to aad replies. The.. Minn left Vaaeouver this nem -sing and will be despatched to London as fast as pes+Sla, as it is hoped to deliver replies to letters mailed in 1 undo"' on May 10 in e0 days, although the globe has been complete- ly circled. FOUR YACHTS CAPSIZED. glean. Maw TMwww ea bks Wase. -_a e, Lewis Drawee. Mo*TutAj.,Jaly 10. -Yesterday afternoon sheet 4 oWeeh a regular tornado broke spas the ri, r, bringing disaster in is wake. Os yak. Rt Leafs fear yaehts, Ri•ek IRe[le, Rita, Chapati"' and Rattersot, were •at t%s along. .soh b•eriag • erew n1 foes or Ova persona Soddenly the storm beets, and before •a11e retold storm he reefed the entire len was reprised. For • time it looked m if every mass weeM be yak Bees front Pea flare and Lakeside haisesed to the r.s.me . Tatty wigs tee We, however, to ave the stionosdrsn .t 1M teat, Marto H. Lawn, who we. drowsed. Te Me teeradded her Akeaede.. OTTAWA, July 10 A warrent wee hosed 1.twrday by the 10.p.rteent of Juanee ler t►• .*tr.dities of the Ree. Albert ill Roams for •bead( g • ring 40.1 from Marmir, ear (7.1f.rais. Roang is now i e0Mnd at Teen* R, be dr Q Tide te toit woe•enrelitl.a tar *hennas Mese the TWO KINDS OF WOMEN need Dr. Pieroo's Favorite tion -those who want to be strong, and those who want to be mads well It builds up, iavigoe. at.s, regulates, and cures. It's for young girls just entering womanhood ; fur women who hart reached the critical " change of life" ; for women expecting to be. oome mothers ; for mothers whi► are nursing and exhausted ; frX every woman who is run - (town, delicate, or overworked. For all the disorders, diseases, ad weaknesses of women, " Favnny Prescription w is the only remedy' so unfailing that it can be gess anfeeet If it doesn't benefit w cur, in every case, the money win be returned. Thews nothing likely to ke M just as good. THE WEEKLY MARKIT tEtFONT. iederlela Reeds . awry Oootttost Jap Mb. lit Porte* Wheat............., • v, tee • Pat: Wheat a e 1.14 Flow. ra44,01; : /; ... 2 1;. t. • e Short.. P toe w'..,. U 00 tell* Hran. II ton. 12 Oa 443 • $.reacts.• f too .. U 14 toll• Chopped Feed Wheat • toe.. 00 a tall Oats, new. w bash g 21 tee a Peso i bush.. Y to a f; Harley. two rowed..gig 0 le to Oil itarley. nolntime ................... 0 3a lee • nay., to- ......... loo • * to 70 Potatoes. •fop.....- .. 11. • 3e t• t Y ppMf Aa•hare• natter. 1 13 1.5 1 Rage. boa fupsehed, IP lit ,.... a f te o k h 11!1.111 oed Hides. ele Wool " IIS tae o m ...••.•... te 111 L• ...._ • le tell 11 uremia••wt........ •N1.!• Pons Live Hoer ......••••••••••••.•• SIolateifu5 011b110p skies a 1. 1. t t DEATH OF MRS. DICKINSON. The community received • shock oa Wed- nesday evening when it became known that Mrs. Dickinson, relict of the late Lk J. J. Dickinson, had paned away alter •n Liam of ouly • new hours. The decorum) lady oaf i■ her usual health during the day eat became suddenly 111 and wee coos all human aid. Her sod was petunia. and e:•.• diad •urrt.nnded by members td ins family. Mr. liickia•oa was the y-osagen daughter of the late Rev. Salta Mouses, M. A., and • neiea of His Lordship the lax Bishop 30untsdn, first Anglican l0idrep rd Quebec. She was also • sister of the Rev. J. ,1. Mounts,., 1),I►., of l'oenw,11. Her mother, the late Mrs. 3ountaia, was wider known for her benevolence and the truly ('hnstian interest she took in the welters of the people of Cornwall said viciaity. t(h. inaugurated and taught for many years the Cornwall Parochial School, oast of tbs earliest educational institutions in Outer io, to which many of the '.levo t was 4 the country were educe' ed. Mrs. Diekls eon, who was much attached to her smoker aimed to follow in her footmen ea she succeeded to an eminent degree. By her Cattietiet life she won the harts of all wit, whom dee ramie in contact. A Ise lot; member of Triaity (Memorial) churl Mr.. I ricitinsot was tor thirty yearn ego 4 the most acti►. workers in the Sauk School and other branches of till abv5h, duly retiring from her position ea testier • year ago of account of failing Malik She was nar•ried in 1850 to the late Ik. Ihckin•on, who died ten years ago. Thl' teen childrew were born to them nice of whew aro living. They ars Edmund Lied - say D.ckin.on, M. A., harrksWr. Winghno, (Int. ; :alter Mountain Diokinsioa, Indies Agent at Itirtle, Mae. ; H•roOJ P iw son, Bank of Hamilton, 7brouto; MitDisitIDr.f Hamilton, of C.ornw•11 ; Mrs. l Lloyd, Rank of Monteual, (;oderieh:J- Salacheider, ias Angola. (:al: Mlaw :Es. l;ertrade sad Rose Dickinson of Onrstwl tamwh be d Yt. !1 31. A11 Dheiakifn•tt,ily, of llitrel•t, Mexceptionao., were pit's•.! at the funeral which tookp1•a *Nookth*Nookfrom her oto re'sidesos, Fairlawn, Senate to Tr) hsedose M Woedlowninity C(M.*.teremorialy, o33 uroh very late!hoea' course of the eitism, of the hews awl vile My showed their respect far the thicand lady by being protest. The pall-h.aem wen Dr. Rergia. M.P., Wes Mack, M. PP . A. Bethpae, .1. A. Campp�bd(U� A. Gash, T..l Rebindge, D. A. Mebe.sld and A. y Me1Mnald. The n3catine oyer ymno wen Roy. 18. 1a Pettit, Rev. 8. liow,at pool. •ted • L ll. Stephenson. A /s0 ntaleieal s•r70. tar rendered b t be choir. Ma.Mrw "nays..d Nampo Hulas'the Qtly gr•s ea of tea doeersed, *6"•arms that. percest: Arnnwg the be..ctiful floral tribal s gam • hwndrute unfrees Ik .ted If•a Hamiltom, ane freta Mr d lSe• R•lseheider, a wrath from His Hat_ .1 ndgs llamas and Mrs. (Nunn, • wino from the elder lady members of TritNI (Merrrtrialt church, a Ansel hashes Goon Mr .d Mrs. Janos Leitch .d est lowers tow meal trIe. --Mitt.!/ Sot" BELFAST. Femur ewe own ellelimassoisst. Haying has started b this eediso- W a. H.k.K has twtar.sd 00 7 nyata Or gtaea esleb.ated the 12th •t W ('rosby yearImd is owlsllm.G ev.p of ge.w harrie's� Ms. 8117E WU spoil Boa d their ludidele M tea vl.bity d L,i fer& Wm irerh%l sew Ws so rind • Toaeday sett /•ery3isg patted elft Ir, MWrit .alt Mr. Irwin teA it d 1h• hest mew. hip Is the torsolelp elms emiplOa Itnros e tdimarDe. Melfate*Igs stud n Ree west ss ..sties Rx.elwfi21110.11.111,