HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-7-13, Page 6s • i THE SIGNAL : QODIRIOR ONT.; THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1811L. ,lull/� of'71/11 PISSES , STRONGEST, BEST. Cuoea.os no A:um, Amorists Lams Fhtasiatl... or any uynnant. THE POET'S CORNER. syesd•iy. There's a little mischief- making E tie, who is ever n:go, Thwarting e..ry eadertahiltg, .1nd his name is Ily-enol by. What we ought to do this minute ••!fill be better Moes," hell cry. If to morrow we begin it, •• I'ut it off," says By-and-by. Timer who heed his treacherous wooing Will his faithless guidance rue : 11'hat we always pat ott doing ('hardy we shall never do. We shall reach what we endeavor' If on Now we mase rely : But unto the realms of Steer Leads the pilot Ily-seed by. CRISP ANO CASUAL ■turf'. Usls.est races D. drrf The ruling passion Is attoae in a boot keeper. %Cha you try to he good, try to be good for something. Even the worm will turn. It given time Mt, a butter:Iv. The wife bearer is.uppoeed to have drunk of the e-lix•ir of life. The circus grows better every year, but the circus lemonade ie the same old .tuff. Nations) Pills are sugar coated, mild but thorough, and are the best stomach and liver p:W a wee. lin A French Baro- has won $1,000 by cross- ing the .amen in the eteen_e. He rot the worst of the be:. Malarial fever wad chills are hest broken up sad prevented by using Milburs's Aro- matic Quinine Wine. lm " A middle-aged young lady wants a situ- ation " is an advertisement that recently ap• peered in one of the Boston papas. Dr. Fowler's !•::tract of !Wild Strawberry cures cholera, cholera morbus, diarrhea, dysentery, and a!1 forma of summer oom- &int., looniness u: the bowels, etc. Price a5 ceuts. 2w The ptaint.tf ia a novel case on trial at Booneville, Mu., is an aged negress, Eder Hickman, who is suing her firmer muter for wages at the rate of $9 a mouth for the last 24 year,. If your druggist says he does not know any than about the cures Mlemhray's Kid- ney and Liver Cure have &fleeted, write to Peterhoro Medicine t 0., Limited, Peter• biro, Oat. 2 Mrs. 1J'rcy. •Jordon, of (;reeve, R. I., has just celebrated her 93rd birthday, at which there were present more than 100 members of the'lordao family. Sha is the mother of thirteen children, of whom six Burs vee A new kind of wire for telephone it.., having an &luninum-bronze core with $ cooper bemire envelope. to being experi- mented with in Germany. It is said to have t. low reststana and great tensile strength. 4 Inc hundred and three thousand dollars has beeu offered and refused for a Hebrew Ittble now in the library of the 'Vatican at Rome. This makes it the most valuable book in the world, so tar as dollars and cents go. Catarrhal affections are said to he almost unknown anion, ulwkerease& Thu freedotn from • disease common among other people is attributed to the fact that the Quaker bonnet protects the back of the head and neck tram cold air. Ayer's !'ills promptly remove the causes of sack sad nervous h iadacbee. These Pills speedily correct irregularities of theetotrtet& liver, and bowels, and are the mildest aid most reliable cathart le in use, No on. should be without them. Reel or Yells, WI's* T Nell -Who was the belle of the wawa last sammsr at ('lam Shell Reach ' Belle - I\elli. South was the hells, I guess. At any rate .he had the onset raga GOMM ,Meer f UPes. Itttta Silts, I ked an sheen. just be - hied my right ear, io August, 1891. After marring for three stosthe, I began to take R R. It., sod atter nae manta's me of it I wee very much better, and the :threes e.. rarely disappeared in four mouths. I am certain that Burdock Blood fitters is as excellent remedy. 2. Ftnasece M. Su c t. , . oloi.ginh, Nva. A Reed Teal. " A man." said Units Meese, •' is a ham like a silver *slab D. best way to lied out wase kw e' metal be is made of is to alma lose dean kat." ■.Sastre* Sadly. Mother-- Paul, jest step into the nest room sad see if grandpa is .sleep. Past (rotors'sg atter a sheet time) -Mamma, the whole of grasdps s asleep, oily his sem is awake yet. 111111lownoree for d. (ietiTursv, I base used Rardrsek Blood lrtters ler Mlioeamee..ed end it the hest remedy fan" ii eemplatat I need several ether remedies het they all failed to do ase say heed• H•,wever, it required esly etre battens/ R R R. to sere ate sad 1 w it le at Treem_ _ rise Reaama, Wti ver. Me and sitss gssgasRg, Ramie- "The &bast says It erweide't take but a hroa i te Ninny ere edf. " hear kat i s sleetig 6/1111.10& ilea et am Mikhail mdsMy sad have▪ eme if risen* Dabs& Bales le applied Iat mew t BELONGING TO HISTORIC WOMEN. Tb. guano Charm ra.saiaa.s M A,Wl a sea.s eel■ed by Resole.. of Who pat. There in a oertain vivid pleasure to may people in glaring at or in touching articles that had owe any peculiar .ig- niiostom to the owners, when tam owners were the personages of history shout whom any rummest of tragedy Miami ; for kis tragedy, after a11, that makes things most hantau, since we are all one in the common kit of pain. When one Hove in a certain museum a jewel - box el ether -gut, not the moot beautiful jewel -box in the world either. one is im- mediately arrested because it belonged to Joeepttiut- there O. but one Ju.epltitan, so W be called in the world. It was given to her by Ikiouparte ; and looking at it a thrill of melancholy pli,ueure stirs ue, it we be women. There was nothing specially tine &b ou; Josephine ; efts was n ot great, nor greatly good ; but elle was beautiful. site was in high plass. like loved, she suffered ; r.tmanc,, a td p• axe surround her ; and all women hs.e • plate ill their heart. fur Joet•pahine, and because ttw jewel -box her lover gave her was a preetous thug to her, it becomes somewhat Preston$ to them. Or herr is a bit of lace that Marie Antoinette tied ntund her proud and princely Moat, that throat long and watts and arching like a ewau'e; and all the horrors and igreatne.taat of the French Revolution rise oke vast shoat, through the tout and mist of that piece of point as we gave at it It is thew tbiu;.•a of wumteu that have carried themselves well in the eyes of the world that interest ue. The armor worn by King Henry IV., the gold h:• ldie of the dish used by the great IL►meseei II., the breastplate hack- ed in one of the world's gnat battles, the coins of Nero and of Alexander, the huge ;t:td ancient herd of Athor, do not pose... Cie rower over us that the spinet doe's on which Caroline Bonaparte doubtless pI*ye l her plega:wt tune. to the dashing Murat, to the gnat Emperor; while the pitiful little tinkle w which it now answers the daring touch seems only to mock the motneat as lialupp:'s to'rata did, ••IiLe a ghostly (-net •t cry eking where a houve was burned." A thing that it priceless in the way of money -a va+e that has no beauty, but ininienee costtini os: a piths that neo d. a ntien..cope to detect its tine point., and its worth a king's ransom -such thugs do not detain us dung when we are in the motes of the collectors. We had rather see toe ring that Fait i mot bac.: to Elisabeth, or the little circle vita which Darnley plighted troth to Mary Stuart, or the glass beaks that holds the luck ..f F.tleuhall, than the largest and brightest diamond ever cut, .1 that hold. no history. The ring of tsyges is worth more than the treasure of (,'rheum. It is ae tbougu we projected ourselves loco the senalhtlity of those that have had great parts to play in life. when they in- terest we and in twetug the objects they tutve liau.11esl, that lad use:iniu; and werth to them, we remake the p.ete tiou more intense and reaL Helpful Thought& True w•calt:t consists in Iu•atth, vi;;nr and courage, domestic qrpuiet concord. public teeny, plenty of ail that ia news wry , and cuutetupt for all that it super- fluous. There is ret royal tra.l to anything. One clung at a time, all things ill succcs site That which grows fast wtthere as rapidly : that which grows slowly, skiw- lv endure. Learn undeviating steadiness ot pur- p ee and enduruncc of mhsfurtuue:: tot- cnte the ignorant ; be benevolent of heart, awl learn to receive favors with- out beu.g humbled by theta. To tuiuk we are able is almost to he su : t.. determine upon attainment is frequently atuuniseut itself. Tuuseovn- .sit resolution has often seemed to have abut it alnuwt a savor of otnnipoteuc•. Ali le snest sten are workiug for the good of their fellow men ; all lore of in- dustry, all love of integrity, all love of kindred, all lose of neighbor, all love of country. and all love of humanity are expressed i' labor for others. The dtneo try of what is true, turd the practice of what is wool, are the two in hit important objects of lite. Degeneration begins when the point is reached where one is tltrtrtlghiy satis- fied with himself or hie attainment.. strength must be fount in thought, or it will never he found in words. Higu- suunding words without thoughts corre- sponding are effortm without effects. Power of fympatbr. Sympathy is the soul of our test friendships.. and an essential t lenient in all true religion as well. It is me or the activities of love. It is our feeling with and for another, and takes various forts according to our relations to that other. It takes the dorm of pity where its object as in 'suffering and metres$. It goer mit in hers nup.Imrt rigid defence when its object is wt•lected to injustice and re- proach. It sasunier s the lora of adora- tion when our highest and holiest feel- ings are calked out toward Otte who comes to us radiant with the love of God, and Who utters to take us into friendship with Hitiwitlf. It was one of the great aims of Jutta to quicken when's BY 'apathies as that they should .••e things as lie did, and tlhould feel about life as Ile felt tonne WWI sympathy .n the part of men with Ilia lay at the basis of all true discipleship to Him. Mora would never be drawn to Hhn is hong a'. they felt no attraction for His views of truth and duty. But when once they cane to belong to the truth as Ile exprew• l it : when they recognized His ideas of God and of life to he the true ones, and yearned to make them more Cully their own --them they came to Hint, drawn by the strong attraction of an inter affinity of life.--tlunday School '1 antes. Maklag Artittelal Milk 1. ►ruse., The, manufacture now at Beesuicnn, in France. an article of artificial silk which praise- to have a great insure. The new Muff a practically a form of c./14dhon, with wood pulp as a teats. The formation of thread is simply me- chanical, and the high inflammability ittiteretit to the collodion family is said to hare been overcome by steeling the artificial .tuff in a solution of ammonia, thus reside/lag k as Mow of combustion as any other material. The manufacture appears to be marked by unevenness in the quality of the prod•act, and it is n.4 stated that the "silk" thus made has been tiled Int the textile tsdussrlea 1M Stud Woman In the pwwA,/ Os aA Ooeasiee or the imperlst tamb, �y tab an old was Is ILO heardwet to say: " I woo told ia�Ismile ilia Improes s of India was owning Ouse Midi people so, bet i trather emMime the gay clay ' - Lambs La - Aft AUDACIOUS STROKE Stow The testi— Debi T.eseaph Was awash$ ansae saris..•.. The bilswbig el the inc.pdo* of the awkt i- . daily was Mid to the writer over taresilp years ago by use who vouched der r truth; TwYeeaats age an edi Med buvtag tt fast W6fs� a long rtitre iot fashionable i' the principal *ties et the seism, found himself, avelihooday, nearllParis, with zhausted and credit at a very low ebb. This state of things -almost on the verge of want -est lila to thinking seriously , for the first time in many years. "Something must be done," mused he, "sod that right quick- ly, too Bread and butter must be hat& and Were is no money in my Ovum* wherewith to get it ; or, at beet, truly enough to last. with clone economy, a few day. longer, and. then what?" N of a shrewd attd inventive turn of mind and a ready writer, be quickly formed the d. termination of turning bis qualifications to immediate action. -Necessity knows no law," and is "the mother of invention" as well HIS resolution to strike out in his new course was tlo sooner taken than be pro- ceeded to put it into execution. Flet taking an account of stock our impecunious friend finds that he hes just sufficient funds in hand to settle up with hie lanlflady, take him over the channel to London, and insert an adver- tisement he had studied _up and prepar- ed, thew times in two ally papers d the city, "And what was this curious edent:'' very naturally asks the reader. It simply called for live hundred newsboys to sett a new daily palter about to start. As their oommissiou for doing tbie they were to receive an extra per- centage, but as a guarantee (aiul here comes in the joke) each boy to be em- ployed must leave with his curpto ser just one pound sterling. This condition was peremptorily instate( on in every case. But the extra inducement had the dewed effect -in fact it took ad- mirably, for in ken than a week the Ave hundred boys, or their friends fur them, had applied, restmtered their 'soles, and £5'JO sterling were duly deposited. Mr. Smithson, our embryo journalist, now set harnself to work night and day to get up a daily paper. Aside from a few paying advertisements and some shilling notices, he himself Wrote the entire contents of the lith, sweet, and on the day the boys were told to curve ter their papers the first number was ready. The paper was no longer a myth. blit a living reality. Little did those ragged urchins or their friends suspect, however, that the whole thing was got up on their money. The venture proved a great success ; lout on the other hand. had it been a failure, then what? Ah ! in that case our friend would suddenly have found it neca;ary to resume kis travels again, otherwise he would have found himself behind prison bars ticket- ed for at least ten years. From the first number of the paper the enterprise rapidly grew and flourish- ed; the sha des@ little fellows, who so unwittingly furnished the capital to set up a newspaper, soon had their money returned, and none were the wiser, none the worse, for the clever ruse that had been played. Thus was ushered into the world that powerful institution known to -day all over the two hemispheres as the London Deily Telegraph, with correspondents in every part of the globe, employing a corps of writers, and wielding an in- fluence aeopnd only to the ••Thunderer" itself. Mr. S., the proprietor, died many years ago, wealthy from the proceed', of ale enterprise begotten by laser despera- tion. and, though rash in req inception, yet highly suvamatul in eta results - Ameri .,.n Art Printer. Yea .r Jho! Ob. asviv did lower is gelds 1e suck • predicament .,end, A letter I wrote to my )I.Lel To mk for her Mort and Mr hod, With .veeytiooto wooded a sbely, A lite -loo. devotion I swore. 11u assorted -sad left w rawly As trim as before . It is trot tint t Mayed, -ken auditing Mr nae.. may nti all geed ; Aad Mabel, io iuI.. by ler wn:iap; Pv l.11wl .,} pinion 4.w1.e3! Tbe Mut of SAM 'crawl w erratic IM -boat unable to rums; It say b• ratie.i empluase, Or chs it be "1-s?" '•AM.e'b. Mid feel kr arm "ever; Ont .tae—if that bbl i. o "le" 1l turns it at owe into "never," Or i. is • Alp d the pen Her Mart will be . "truant far iron' be') And valet 1. Me word pad .Lor. ? It Imam Mae -o .sasot he— "Mobs '" PsAap It is "teen." A r.,reltlt smut suede be awaited Tia them amoebae pew , le let faseever sea ow as seals oa ere that" et lean ran derided- libeall the be sey • Ispowleerebell .tel"' bar blb, Ter ta..,s-d sy�.I3.! --Lesdoe heel Masts From ch. ••rine. Moes •' A lie in the heart is no whiter than it is in the horse trade. The surest way to make a bad man it to toll him the t rush about himself. When lou shake hands with a new oonvert don't do it with the tip of your Angers. There are men who have a creed a rod kmg who do buaias with a short yard• .tick. 1t in doubtful if one man in a hundred gory to church pxayinii for preaching that wu1 hit him. The reason some people treat God worse than they du tttnio neighbors is us becae they think it is safer. h (live some people the power to move mountains and bow mom they would ruin the firms of their neighbors. The man who kooks at his wife r mougb the mom were shout to turn to hlkssl willotevs' she mks him for a cantle of dollen is not likely to broom. very iikeident b prayer at his family altar.- 's liars. protea arenas sad smet.1.. The eta melanin in selvetoo 2,000,0041 toes et silver. The pe is now the raof te over the ATIMAI TWAY- 7:gdilti, u4 is set among the wlrlisel goose bsewtl en man. Lt has sot hew found to the nine of Niaevelt. ip the theIsaVeesn sepakheek Nor is the lamb. et T w sidelnated dimmed Eel -tees.. or =311111111111e te Os V� V is W1*s V Or mime d O grit M :uttaLhadias me lemma tsea ailwas m- atttr*ee, Cures OthersWALLAPERS Will cure Yoe. V the adios of AYER'S EmesapasSes whim takes for discs— orisisstieg in Impure Hoed i bot, while Nie assertive is tree of AYER'S 8srsapriYs, as them es'd. can attest, k eased be truth- fully applied to other prepatstioes, which eepriecipled dealers will recommend. and by to impose epos yoq as "just es good as Ayers. Take Apses Saris - peril's and liars oily, if yo. need • blood-parifer and would be benefited pernansatly. This medicine, for nearly illy years, has ergoyed a reputatios, and made a record for cures, that has n ever bees equalled by other prepare - boos. AYER'S Sarsaparilla eradicates the taint of hereditary scrofula and other blood diseases from the system. and it has, deservedly, :the cosideoce of the people. AVER'S Sarsaparilla " I cannot forbear to express my joy M the relief I bare obtained from the u se of AYER'S Sarsaparilla. I was afflicted with kidney troubles for about six months, suffering greatly with pains in the smallest my back. In addition to this, my buds was covered with c pimply eruption+. 13e parsec failed to help me. I then began to take AYER'S Sarsaparilla, and, in a short time, the puns ceased and the pimples disappeared. I advise every young man or woman, in case of sickness resulting from impure blood, no matter how long standing the case may be, to take AYER'S Sarsaparilla."- H. L Jar- mum, ar.sena, u Wiliam at., New York City. Will Cure You !.gas% b, Dr J. C. Amer a C.., lei Nana Teo steer like a Vunuewl. " I demand toll," he said. .topping her before the gate. " It's too ouggetitive of a funeral," she an- swered to toll the belle." R. B. HOLLAND, DUN CANNON SPECIAL SPECIAL VALUE IN THE W. E. SANDFORD READY- MADE CLO'T'HING And a Special Discount allowed for Cash. We placed a special or- der for these goods, and conse- quently have a very heavy ..tock on haled, which I with to reduce nt once, and in doing so, the public will get the benefit. In Canadian and Imported Tweeds, Worsteds, Cher lots, Sergcs, &c., the stock is large and well -assorted. Good Tweeds and Serges from 33c., 43c. and 50c. a yard. Suits to order from S10.00 A- ward. Now is your chance r a bargain. Another consignment of choice Teas. A liberal discount allowed for Cash. Eggs taken as cash. at B. B. HQUIID'3 DUW IA1. NON. —crr — COAL AND WOOD i i.i.iGi�• Coal, Wood and Kirte'Iing deli- vered to all parts of town with quick despatch. BARD 00AL. 1 beadle tie beet gride of fwd coal la the market, via : Me New York. Outwit' a Webers Railway Cor'& cMebrsted Lakawa.w. TaIM Coal la torr Mme, vb.: Chemist. Grove. New and Orae. 102T GOAL. Beet Mawsto Loma Coal for ser Is preen. stove., fmraseao, eta pi.ACIZIMQTZ OOAL Beet ersallty peeWee Blonhergb Hrm& tree err always ee Md. seeded ease - Gm err ter esteem tastes ROOCe D, .ad split wed. a beim sad II fest was. wears Is seek, Des's fasast dist I ma uetitag wed. set std to., is shirr se 7N eve b leaf wed es tie imerbet All acv wed Is wad by tba *sod d 111 het sr but ted lets E13111 I 'WOOD. 4 rem bee. se vtle .aa seen. N beim Iia WE &CALM 1 have ab4Mi is mar welltageleand teal sad wed rare • Mer $ ter w gi dada. es wet wend .$veers$ --mead 011e oi. Ter AID OoAL &BBBM fa slid Aria +atlr 11111. at., toss of sasl- ilteR.s IMOD (MIL Jflif 1t s I T_Afwr Orae& P R SPRINGS ---1893 DIRECT FROM AMERICAN AND RADIAN MANUFACTURERS. THE LATEST IN DESIGNS AND COLORS, THE BEST IN QUALITY, All PERSONALLY SELECTED Years et experience permits ns to say we can suit the ntostjfm tidious tastes. Our papers being so beautifully blended maks it eedy pleasure to show them. As for pricer, they are the very lowest possible__ from 5c. per roll Customers will find no trouble in selecting Borders, Friezes or Cei(i iipi as they are designed to match our papers. Over four hundred samples to select from. A few lines at cost as they have been ill stock for some time. FRA ZER & PORTER, Leeat:Naaasers Roll Telephone t.. Booksellers and Stationer& The Henderson Plant Food. ve -Try 1t wed es will �bMesdebated with the MI aevtskaf le sosrstoal to ase. Casas•b be. worthaat la N NO Myr- leo Climax Furniture Polish. All wilt nee It presentees It the beet made. Yee seed it la sous clesal•st rico D'Avignon's Witch -Hazel Cream. > wU.eu`sasmed Ida. Mises. irritation& W. eta.. saved ter ear e Vas our Tooth Azle Outs, only 10e. WH O. GOODE, Ohemlat. Opts w ft....kw Preset:rttoo., kr. Safety Blcyclu WE ARie OUTSELLING ALL COMPRT(7r1Ra : PNEUMATIC TIRES, from 60.00 up CUSHION TERES, .r 20.00 . OUR COMPETITORS ARs SIMPLY NOT IN IT TOR QUALITY OR PRICE. GOSHEN CARPET SWEEPERS, '4e seta Ilan brat Ryan,A AWN MOWERS. This vamp patters 1. perfection. GARDEN TO 0 8 AND HOSE. 0. 11. R. P. WILKINSON. NO DOUBT YOU ARE VERY MUCH ALIVE TO YOUR INTERESTS. THAT 18 WRY YOU IIIUY TOUR BOOTS and SHOES E. DOWNING, Where yon will get good. boost golds, and everything emssated to he as rep resat. We have •lamer Seek sed greater Saes d lbs ostler shoo oftlalsts Y town combined. r e keep the mo i et7 goads n:ado i. (aaad► Picea are Lour tlai the Lunt, and nil be Sept there. E. DOWNING. !\. B. -leather sad nudism is asy quentiy at lowest prises. " LITTLE CHIEF " BRAND CORN, PICAS and TOMATOES Are the best Canned Goods in the market. TAMILB:ANDE TEA I]Q PA.crimArres AT 40. 60 dt eo CJE 1 T$ POVND HAS NO SUPERIOR We are aRenta for both line,, and ask for them a trial, assured list they will pieties sod extend our trade with you. Yours testy, OHM. A.. Nie Ur ERTAKERS J_ P OPI-ZFIY fisc BON Has added te their mesa* bits we et A J. 1.IWa Lltsrt of 024 $Horses, Ave •1s as* lfa8 et framed tura _b�the oseatre sad imps_now r eseifM tela at Wale Bill 1 Tlds d 1s AO adesadsi Se kin asst W ahl% east ia thesnow d the rata D. Gerdes ler tly pills kaindodee- et belieue. awl by polio pMsws. 1tlusalrltsr eft* altI• 7iO •