The Signal, 1893-7-13, Page 5THE SIGNAL': GODERICH, ONT. THURSDAY, JULY 13. 1893. 5 TN( ANADIAN BANK UF. COMMERCE ligAD OFFICE. TORONTO. polla owe or) ea mum. SOWRS • •..000.000• $1.000,000. a E. WALKER, COMMA. MAMMA GODERICH BRANCH. g*„gwso BUS1ts11 TRANSACTED. FARMLRS' NOTES O.S tderTID. osins AfIR IpulD PAYASLE AT ALS POINTS IN CANADA. AMO THE PRINCIPAL Grua THII UNITED STATE& GREAT BRITAIN, FRAMOL. BERMUDA, ew SAWMOS BANK NflPARTKIENT. -.--._'- or 114.00 AND UPWARDS NEOEIVED, ANO CURReNNT RATES OF INTEREST oetp. INTEREST AOOSO TO Tc.s TOINOIleAL AT TMs ENO OP MAY ANO rMIR IN £A0114 YEAR. gp.t.tel Att.mtlM Orem M floe Otribsetlen of n•ntn.n.el•t s•...er• Fewwere' Solos Ns R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. ALL WOOL PANTS Variety of patterns, well trimmed, . all sizes, worth $2.25, OUR PRICE, $1.58. PURE WOOL BLACK WORSTED PANTS Worth $4.00, OUR PRICE, $2.85. PRETTY FAST -COLOR CHAILLIES Good range of Patterns, worth 10c., OUR PRICK, 6c. DOUBLE WIDTH CHAILLIE3 Beautiful Designs, worth 20c., OUR PRICE, - 10c. SEMIOLWIliiC • MUCH DAMefs DONE IN VARIOUS ?AWL Scotch Glnghams L1es.. R T.. • O,.at 5. s -Care Blows Of tae Trask 1. L.sg Wand Char-- S•n Cameanaf.atfea WOO' MUwaskeo Oat OIL Lross, N.Y., July 10.-A terrific rant. storm. .esomp•.iod by thunder .ad brbtatnt, struck this village .boat poen yesterday. The Cathodic Church steeple was struck by lightais( to three places aid badly R� Th.sash and blind factory was e.agbt op by the wind, twisted to pieces and deta.lie. TM rotas of the Ksowlw .ppl. hose were struck by the eyclons ted distributed around the 'neighborhood. The barn of James Duns was bows down. The storm sane up Budde ly end the rain fell hsvtly. The like was 'never sees hers before. Biretta were flooded and washed est. A river on Jack.00 street swept over the sidewalk. An incalculable amount of damage was dam is tbs viU. s and country, especially to crops. FLOUNCED SHOT SILK PARASOLS Worth $2..00, OUR PRICE, $1.40. We opened to -day s special line of patterns in FRENCH CAMBRICS AND SCOTCH GINGHAM; in PINKS, RIX FSI AND HELP ►TR(IPF*, price ''Sc. a yard. PLAIN BLACK AND FANCY WITH BLACK GROUND CHALLIE$, \.-ww color, and patterns. HANDSOME PRINTED IRISH LINEN LAWNS For Illouaes and Drawer, at 25c. a yard. These goods confined entirely bo ourselves in Uoderich. SILK MITTS AND HOSE, Large new assortment opening to any. LOWEST PRICES IN GODERICH FOR HIGH -CUSS G000S. We Day ~tan Pete* In Gedertrk for Softer e.d Gam - W. ACHESON apaW...CHESON & SON. ram RM.w. Of it. Treat Luau I■u.D CITY. July IQ -High winds prevailed bare last night. P.msuger oars of dm New York sad Rockaway Bomb Railroad studio' on a aide track in the yard here were bows from the track .s4 . past. At North Beach the wind blew lows the smoke stack o1 the water stenion. The stack fell on the wires of the Steinway trolley road. breaking them, sod causing .. Interrupting of nearly aa hour is the traffic. Several y.ekte were upset in Bowery Bay. Throe mos were mooned from ow beat. An splurged Howbeit was found Soaks( .fur the storm: people at shore say tb••y saw a .a ia un open Croat jmrs as the norm ease up It is tho'nght be was drowsed. The b•rve is strews with the wrecks of row and saiiboats. Alegi the Mort eosiderabls dawas dose- hats horses were wreaked and board walks blown .way. BURYING THE DEAD. Tao seedcase of r.m.eey Laid be Their Wools and Felts S Last Mamas. Po.uoT. IA, Jul 10. -The dead be new somberan 44 d the es injured ION. Massy of lbs letter are badly mangled and •. .r- i� trrribl ire. tk..r towed. 'I►• wow d bunion the dead .t Pem•roy has a muIaced. thirty-mwe. bodies were hid away yesterday. Two k.'ndred and eight residences were swept completely off the Jane of the earth by the cycles', and sot a board is left. Hardly a ngidence remains untouched. and OM banana portico of Pomeroy is se badly wrseksd that is can be said, with truth, abet Pomeroy is .o mute. Careens@ of cattle and bop ars being skated up irons the rubbish and buried. Thew sem des of mtbiJs are os g e ight sod day. As many fatalities resulted to those going into cellar, as those who Tb. chs •1 .the city were all de- molished and no services were held to -day. The amount of damage dose by the cyclone to the State is estimated as !900,000. Carloads of prwiissa arrived os every trait to -day, and •nesgb clothing to supply the survivor, as stacked up in the building u sed as the headquarters 4 the commutes. Our import order of Wools and Felts has just arrived, making our stock in these lines complete. Something New ---Ask for our un- shrinkable n- shrinkable Vest Yarn. MRS. R. B. SMITH. C. A. HUMBER & SON WATCH &JEWELERY EMPORIUM BANK OF CAPITAL, REST, - - A Saving Dei:r•l;itc;:I with h this bralrcfr. MONTREAL. 'section ✓l Interest allowed c:1 cu "rend rales. I. LOCK WOOD, Manager Godericli Branch. $12,000,000. E,000,000. has been Opfls " in con - New Goods of the Latest Designs and Patterns in Watches. Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware and Optical Goods. Ws ate catering for a stare of the trade. and it Rea..saalr Prier4 and sale Treatment count for anythi.g, we are oaaidant in having a share of your patronage. EIGHTEEN SERIOUSLY INJURED. ley Ms C:.u.ss• ee •s a7.vat.d Mattes Platform at Watt Mtglitos. Nsw Yosa,JuIy IQ-Wklie •large ball- boa/gay crowd was jo.tli.g and psshtsg up N• stairs to the $.aview irlevatd Rail- road, whisk rum from' West Brighton Baosb to Heed WBrin-..-pa-'tos, Coney 11- at the et ghten unitises .14.. road shortly Were 7 pm. yes erday, the metre platform of the •tatio.pve way and shout 900 parsons fell to the ones beams. whew dm brakes boards hold. Forts Ealy .s apnea was thrown opo or the seem. 'resist have fallen to lbs rail• read yard hel.w. hter paws. won .son or loss seri- NM/Were( Others eri- NM/Otb•rs who won est se hens hats west away without iioio/ their sees. The Wend who ware mooted at 0,ssy ideal were all frees OM oily. This isn't all. We've many other Bargains comparattVs- IY as great. We mention these few that yon may know how much it's to your interest to buy where busi- ness is done altogether on the Cub system. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. G-_ 1\1-_ D A \TIS LIALZRIS STOVES AND RANGES Prompt attendee and satisfaction guaraasesd. C. A. HUMBER c & 801•T, fliers mnsr Abrahams Sieititi Clothing sssrs, a. the Stam. mixing ser, eseria • .sares end .rias ' with the monthly examinations wee wog by 10.31) found her body as Awns stated. De- Frank, the okras year old son of Jno. R. ceased was 23 years old •g4 leave@ three smith. 94111. children, the yossimt abort IS soothe old. owed by • Crank. fiangiA, Jaly la -A terrible accident so - coned in Boyds mal, 10th Dots. of Son - bra. A boy two and • hall yeah of •im moa of Mr. Walter Booth, Dams to the mill .best that time and got playing about too smdis@ry. His clothes caught in the 'rank of the pomp and i. •n ie.a.st be was embed round two or three times. striking the ground eacb time. TM creak was faute.ed to a stump outside, .ad is rowdy - lag came within sir inches of the gramme. Vilma tis machinery was stopped ami the little fellow reheard it was bead that ems arm was , his body breleed sad Ms Md ereshed.~Death sided hie selbrlmg is two or duos miasma Deaf' .f lira Nargssr.. W000ut-oce, July IQ-Hr,.men, died widow of the late Jade )hcq o yesterday aft es.oa Sia has hese ill fee soma Wow, bet hoe death 'w .aaredy expected by et ENDEAVORER$ UNDER ESCORT. eNe Ve vis•••.e lbsemer tae mad are Me- ese" erernes tea detq.ass seam J 114.mrh 4Sadiame -Aimmeshed d .. of RaterMelaka Reim, er ....ti.. S.o. the eight alml adwaptedM aroma treed. meg @•b ryvolunteers. xe�msel ul e'm In •ver grebe mrps s 1M *V le privet. MM Ip ani J ens be best of dm drill tall mt.U1 the ee.vaslien was we Sad tires ssemted IM d.lsgebos hems TM pre.ehefmn. who t= ..w Iha weitorgsSised fossa made ss .Mlespess s stemeed es i$11L its M A FATNtWS HMOs eat. eseirtr low ole Nos >r Triens ti Ow* loin M. 4 UATOAN, Oak, July la -Wigbm wee dwwssd law t *we- b e river 1s best •f Alis Deb.'s tom. sew Asthma. The Ind pi beyond his depth .sal mak Is fie bet Ms 4.d . the io usable M swim. tried te teams ben sod weed Mos lass his tib elm bet for Nmdy saros th l.t.mhem e there. Brussels : Monday. Jane 96th, Rev. W. E. Wait's, D. D. performed the ubey that united M. Irooside, t w black liner. -City of Midland," .red Miss Anew Hlcts, of Owee Sound, formerly of Broomall- Brussels rsmel.Brussels : The silver medal offend by the editor of TM Post to the pupil of the Swim Department of Women Public school with the highest averges in os.•dboo e_w.•d •e tow was+. Pow $earns►. O.N. Jelp la -The sib d JL•hn �M tees t Imelky ttaimes Sathis o NW a � s was Ms Me!l afib Mt. Rise bora iSSN TIME 1caT NAICTAITS REEL. If you have decleY ided out your this $. my $�ROETSa.Djo.V0ry 33. YOU CAN GET A FULL SIZE NO. 9 STOVE FOR WOOD FOR Si3.00. I KEEP THREE GRADES The American Water White, Olooyhone Water Whits, 'ramie.' Whits, These prices ars spot cash. The Whiteman Pea Harvester OF COAL OIL IN STOCK : - 4 tiaL'crs fcr Os Dallar. 4 d MCT ghCenCts.. Charged itt the regular prion SPRING FASHIONS IN Gentlemen's Fine HAll Sts the newest and Iwb- Lie.t styles in stock. See our DERBY HATS IN ALL SHADES ; also our WIDE -BRIM TOURIST HATS in latest colors and shapes of Eng- lish and American manufacture. Boys and Girls Zckool Hats and Caps In all styles and at unequalled values. CaII and See our Macintosh Coats, also our Splendid Display of Umbrellas. The best in the world for the follow- ing reasons : 1st. ft is built of the best malleable wrought iron .od steel. 9.d. It requires no doles to Its drilled in ouster bar. 3rd. The outside divider can be raised or lowered .t tack or frost, independent of lifters. 4th. 11 has no rod at the back to hold obstructions and cause choking. 5ti. There are no springs to break or vet out of order. 6!h. It her mmovabio clips and can be est in line with tongue of machine if cutter bar hams7thback. . Each lifter has • guard stay, and breaking mower guards is impossible. 8th. F.sob liter is iodepsndent of the other and tan he raised or lowered .t the back so as to line i. frost should mower guards be out of lime. 9th. The number of machismo sold Bor- ing the last season enables • bp number of the leading farmers of dm Provi.00 to testify to its merits. Every machine is war- ranted and gives ea test. Sample amebas can be sero .t R TbomPon's Blacksmith shop, t)od.rieh, besides at different shove over the County. JAMES WHIM' AN. Patentee sad Ilacnfsctsrer. Themes Brown. Gemara) Agent, ffesforth- wait a Bit! NOW AS TO NECKWEAR We can show you the newest and most varied stock in Four -in -Hands. The popular tie for the season is the World's Fair Bow. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. 2405-d W. T._HAYS & 00., Agents Parisian Steam Laitiffiby. SEASONABLE COODSL FRESH AND RELIABLE. CAM -MEATS, VEGETABLES AND FRUITS LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP I Facts are so ..carte in this world that it is possible to live a good many years without becoming acquainted with one. Here is one : We've beenlbusy as bees ever since we started business. ` GENERAL GROCERIES ws ea. .sit yon in quality .ad price, and invite a trial order from you. R. W. RUNCIMAN Successor to E. campaigns. The reason is obvious: We have made your needs our study. and are keeping up a feast of good styles and good value.., and in baying your Boots and Shoes from ns yon get better valve for your money than you can get elsewhere. You will be delighted with the go :Il qualities of our goods. We have a tholes se- lection of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Oxford Tie Shoes Thontlanris to e h o o s e from All other lines complete, and guaranteed to fit, to wear well, and give entire satisfaction. Save nanny while yea ass by buying your Boots and Shona from Our prime aro the loweat FARMERS Do you tatted ss)ag CLOTHES LiNE9. CATTLE TINS, BINDER TWINE • To out the coning crop. if the tatter. demand the old reliable beanie. "STANDARD" and BLUE RIBBON.' Hest vales la the manta. 1.11 ataadardht mal t avatar spun by exesela sefuse prim ht4ld., Oda sad see .amps. end •rd./ early to provost dhsanornitmeet. p'lle:r Lew 11QOTC11I 7r sciT ETi.y.RRi. /or sale try 5.15-1. KNIGHT & LASHAM, QODffiRZ(7>=I- e T. FOWLER & 00. Strife t Esme Rost el J. Willes's Defy Nerve PROF. DORENWEND OF TORONTO. WILL BE AT THE ALBION HOTEL, GODERICH, On THURSDAY, JULY 27, With pow styles of WOW ale 01111' nein GMM TOW. 11.004x. RMS, ?NSs'IMsf. IA10& SWIITTd471S. WA'S*. r.t asaLA1.. MHO ors asa lotus � tt.l sad Switches lady. Loam' Price. b moreMb VOTE s by II at bald- headed far whisks or Darted Baldases should a have bass mxn.4 ani Motes the Or•ar•rt eeeefert sad tat Won et de tism hem l cmasdda sw yes sae tom U. S. ere waarlowLadies ani denelems. be es bssi .M w for yesrs.lvss. At Mann MOM. _ TM1rOA1. 1555 AIM Brsse@b : M. 1". Farrow, of Wiaelpug. en wis Wessels this week. Mr. Farrow- is mail stork as NM G P. R ..d •wida.tly the by Tooke work aims with him. will M as- sisted it@yhsM : Rolism* Ameba/. Ne "M- ann Orseg1m.., sad "amok" (leer. bar jest amrlped as 9viteti.s from a pew Is Mich - Pts Ile there dm Mak. Re is t. set en ard a prose ler the day. fSmMrib : Mea W. R °seater. wise le at ! is a pr4v.N i. ?•Tess.. had rlsiparMtos .safe `essd glad week. sad $ very large tamer ..*..J. 1!h• h tie promoting very lhoessity. Hemi : Mesal•, kat Wm. Ein►f11 kill- ed • a yew ole J rn.y MEIN bdamgihr to 0. dr Nodose that dwwi 140 ps.da One sod M Manes welched ldi pssi by 4 as hs tM Jewess •wed held smile .lido h. reeved LOOK HERE Now is the CO Allis time to lay i. your Winters The s)..s $,mews rd !fust I. rale O.sliet. Asa Mows sod an@se.me. Oe M IMs.. OImdis or On Cool . M One. Sns-s idlers Coo s le Aa i .m werapl y fee a asrrils of .slaws •f1 HARD WOOD Loot ouT >* PIIS art MI °cel weighed at the market. W. Lam. MIi1uIMi •IMMMM.11141