HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-7-13, Page 44
the �iganl,
Y etlm�atta
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0(10101.I(L T01VllfIM T. JULY 13, ma
Tet DAY WI alteam ie.
This is the time of the year when toe
true Canadian is brought face to face with
the,fact that there is a tie which binds the
northern and southern people of this North
American continent together, despite tariff
barriers and artificul veognphial Noun•
dance. At this sas.00 it u customary for
relatives who live across the line to return
and spend a tow weeks, or it may be menthe,
in the old Canadian home, and the warmth
aats is tatrpaaged by ao other bad sets Cad's
The •• patriot" who alta calmly look
oa a.d see his oouutry fall to the rear in
the month of progress, simply became of
idioelo attachment to an old der, or • mem-
ory of battle !kids where butcheries were
large, is not the kind of ten to build up •
country or make • people prospects. As
• rule man Ino, instead of taking view of
the livtag present, take delight in gloating
over the "gnus", tombstones and epitaphs"
the put, are not the most progressive or
broad minded, slid it is the progressive acd
broad minded men who build up • uuu0try.
Canada is a muuh roverned land, and
is proportion to its population has as large
an official claw as any country es earth The
official class l0 a man is to favor of perpetu•
sting the present condition of satire. The
mac who holds what he coesiders to be a
sioecurt ander existing circumstances is •
tagwaver from inherent eeltiehness, and is
• firm believer in the old dogma, " What
'bunt u, is right."
But the true patriot takes a very ditler-
ant view of the case. His country tad its
progress are paramount with ham. The
sentimental drivel about old flags and Euro
peen connection does not count in his ualcu•
lutists. His first thought is, " What will
make the land in whtch ! live the peer of
the best on earth in prosperity, and what
policy will develop the grand possibilities of
this great country as they should be devel-
oped, and as they have uever been developed
before!" 1n numbers this clam is growing
daily, and with the spread of the spirit ot
eoiuir•y which u now abroad in the land we
look for large accessions to the ranks.
The night is far spent and the day ia at
THE 1014118 air THE FOOL_
I If all the stupid things that the iagwav-
ing press u guilty of there is nothing more
stupid than the pub,.dhiag of letters from
alleged Canadian "patriots" who, owing to
tbe backward coudition of l.'aweda under
existing conditions, have been forced to
alienate themselves from the land ot their
birth and take up residence i5 • strange
These rascals think they have a right to
desert their country in her hour of need
and, safe and secure in a haven of teat in •
foreign land, hurl anathema marenatha at
loyal Canadians whose only crime u that
they desire to snake this country so good •
land to live in taut even the •' loyal " letter
writing exodusters will be compelled to
oowe back and help to build up their own
If the fellows who, after deserting their
country, write the rubbishy " loyal" letters
to the flu/waving newspapers would only
realize the absurdity of their position, and
if the fool editors who publish the Ration
of the welcome extended bears no trace that 1 could only comprehend the inconsistency of
the father, mother, sister or brother on
this side of the line feels bitter against the
returned one because he now lives in
another land and holds allegiance to another
The personal columns ot the rural news
papers all over Ontario during the summer
months form a partial register of expatri-
ated Canadian who take advantage of the
season to visit old •tenet and friends in
their beloved native land, which they still
love although the conditions that prev-ail
here compelled them to *eel a living else-
In addition to the individuals who come
hither, and by so doing convince us that
there are heart-throbbings and other kin-
dred interests which bind Canada and the
United States together, we are visited by
large bodies and communities of people from
every section of the United States, who
give no evidence that in coming hither they
are in • strange land and amongst siren'
people. One year it will be a gathering in
▪ Toronto of the educationists of the contin-
ent, and at another time it will b. Madras'
that gree* the Christian F.adeavoren from
Maine to tall (:olden Gate and from Florida
to the Lake oI the Woods.
Vet, in spite of this ever -apparent 0001
comity of interest in tide eectinnous mani-
festation of onenees in spirit tad family re-
lationship, in .dmati.nal nand religions
sympathies there are some -few in number.
we are pleased to adat:-whe are, in serum
and out of .season, ead.avoring to keep the
people of the two countries am at daggers
drawn, .nd who would endeavor in .very
way to out ohstaeiee in the way of the
eventual getting together of the now divid
td metier of the eeatiaent.
it matte'. .ot to them that, after • tial
of twesty-.ix years, Conf.deratioe has
proved a failure : that our that national re-
sources of mine, forest sad 6thtry remai.
he • (imperatively undeveloped state : that
onr population fails to dem mire thee a
famine of the natural aseteses ; that our
public debt hae rolled mountain high, with-
out mets to onrrvmpeed ; that oar teat)
expenditure haa trebled without say eerte-
spesding ie pro...meet in the gnverwaental
Meeks" : that ahem every home is the lead
tea • vwaat 'hair mimed by the evades ;
that the terra lead .f Ontario ham depressed
it value from 40 to 60 per sent. in the het
demo years 1 that the teems sad villgm
baew hem tllrm t d with dry rat, and ewes
am arks see mMgaated ; sled therblig�h_t
• *plat be nail upm_ • a_ $. sa,�� rr� e(Mutee mail Yal. .tibia - a. ts.- -e
their position, they would not make such
laughing stocks of themselves.
The men who write the letters be:ong to
the tribe that come back to Canada at elec
tion times, with fares prepaid, --:o rote for
the Old Flag tad 01d Policy, and the day
after the election turn their backs on Can-
ada, and give their capital and labor, and
whatever ability and education they may
have acquired on this side of the border, to
the helping along ot • foreign power and to
the detriment of the land of their birth.
And between election times they write
slushy "loyal" letters to any fool editor on
this side of the line who doesn't know any
better than to publish the stuff.
Verily the knave letter writer and the
fool editor who publishes the letter are twp
of a kind, and in the game of "loyalty," u
in another well-known game, two of a kind
is always the lowest band in the pack.
TEE rttlSTltw EvwCAvetLR*.
Dunne the put week Montreal has been
the theatre of • notable gathering of Uhrie-
tun woken from .11 para of the continent,
and many of the leaden of religious thought
have given exhortation and prayer to the
thousands who have comae together at the
great I anadian city on the banks of the
St. Lawrence. A hearty Canadian welcome
was extended to the visitors from over the
line, and from start to finish • good time
was spent, but little friction oeearrin' dor
ing the satin proceedings to mar the har-
From the reports published in the daily
preen, and particularly from the extended
references to the proceedings printed in the
columns of the Star and Witee s, of Mon-
treal, • Trend tad glories. reunion of Chru.
thin Kideaveeors meet have been the result
of the great gatherir, and from the tenor
of the addressor delivered we feel one -
attained to remark that the talk sometimes
unthinkingly indulged in by 1'anaillass de-
precatory to religious ooditinse in the
United Staten are somewhat ont of place.
I/odrioh was hoeswed by having Rev.
.Ione Mrlitu.it- sr, • former reeid..t, wet•
00wl• tilt delegates, on the part of the city
pastors of Mantras/ Cela naee
b.rs with pardonable pride that the
fo..der tad president, Rey. Dr. CLARK,
tbesgh sow of I'atlasd. Mata., was bees
le Aylmer, Canada. Few mea are se de-
votedly loved and revered as Dr. ty.Ane i
y the thousand. ,.1 3 1tri ti.a E demewss,
whe owe in great mason their preset se
tirity is Climate, Werk .d .ssfslses die -
or i.dfee.tly M hien, the wiaa whew,
is Br. Cr tan peg " The C. R's. delight-
ed es3*...,."
A wary eissmst feature et the enaverti.n
wet the happy hterdenensinatineal ear
ands el the dalegstw., and though se
be the Mai tank o'er." CerW!Iy horn we
fid i• eosarale Natty, in sm.semwls
charley. Baptists. Preehyterisms. Comma
gatlmallses tad MethsdMs Sad en sg► is
('usrsT to be ese in unity and in the bonds
of peace.
Not the least pleasing feature of the pro-
ceedings was the kindly and fraternal web.
maw aoounied to the vesitors by Mayor
Dc atimiXr--himself • Catholic - who paid
• high tribute to the work don. by the ate
twortioo in the past. and who hoped for
eves greater benadr to follow ate labors w
the are to coma
The meetings were characterized 4 es-
thuta.m, vim and awoectration. with over-
flow .'thugs is drill hell and a teat on the
('tamp -de -Mars. Audiences of 10.000 ad'
over met to the drill ball every night while
the tint was filled with larre crowds.
Mostly all were young people, • tow having
panted the meridiacof life, and all were titled
with deepest interest as they listened to the
gra:tous worts and malaria, thoughts of
such gifted and conescrated divine as 1)r.
Cr tt.as, Dr. ARNttrr, Dr. FAltRAN, B. FAT
MILL anal many others, filled with aft weer
desire to extend the Master's kingdom.
About forty delegates ame from Calitor-
uia, each fare costing $122, but the repes-
bentat ayes from tate Gulden State are well
satistfed with the investment when they
wuaider the benefits they have received
from attending the Convention, and the fur-
ther fact that their State has secured the
holding of the C. E. Cosysatios for the year
give a vote of thanks on behalf of the
public to Mayor Nutlet for causing the
winter coverings to be removed from the
fountains on the Square. It u better
late than never.
it does that season. The weather has been
pleasantly cool, the rainfalls have come at
opportune times, the foliage is bright and
full, the gram has kept its oolor in mart
places, and everything is pleasing to the
eye. Goderich has no superior on the coo -
damn at this sere,n of the year.
eatidection these days out of the fact that
many of the financial institutions of the
United States have been forced to the wall
of late, but up to date it has been unable to
stay the exodus from Canada to the land
across the line which has been going on
without abatement for b, theee many yeas.
Wkal lke teptaaI.a. M7 Levrralag Re.
pmts. certificates mad Appeals.
Those writing at the High School en-
trance examination will be interested in the
following extract from the regulations :
27.-(1) Any candidata who oh:aine ons-
thtrd of the meek" iu each subject (ne•toeed
included) and one-half of the to my
be admitted provisionally to a igh School
by the Bard of Examiners. Of thous who
Lail. only the following alas of candidate
should be recommended : (a) those who fail
to reach the standard prencrtbed in some
subject, but who have made considerably
mere than the aggregate marks re.eutred:
(b) those who in the opinion of the Exam-
tners,`o0 account of age or for some special
reason should he reuomntended to the favor.
able consideration of the Minister of Edu•
cation. The reasons for their recommitd-
ation shall be est forth opposite the name of
each candidate recommended.
12, The names of candidates parsed or me -
commended shall not be published until
after the decision of the Minister hat been
(3) The Inspector 'ball issue a certifoate
to every candidate whose admission has beam
approved by the Minister of Education.
s31 The report of the Examiners, together
with the answers of the candidates, shall be
transmitted by the Inspector to the Kdu-
ational Department -(charges prepaid) onor
bitnre the 20th of July in each year.
(5) Candidates may claim to have their
papers re rad upon the following eon-
ditioo.:-• (al The appeal or claim must be
m the hands of the Minister rut Kducatioo
on or before the 15th of Asgsnt, and the
ground of the appeal. must te specifically
stated. The examiners shall dispose of all
appeals without delay and no appeal shall
subsequently be entertained on any grounds
whatever. (hi A deposit of $2 must be matte
with the Department, which deposit will be
returned to the candidate if his appeal or
claim is sustained.
(6) When at any time during the interval
between Kotronoe Examination it is cem-
edered desirable to admit a pupil provie
Tonally until the next examination, the prin-
cipal of the High School and the Public
School Inspector shall at once report in de-
tail repos floe etas 10 the Minister of Mu.
cation, without whose •pprovel no provides -
al admision way be made.
Ae • statement has gone forth that the
papers were unusually severe the local ex-
aminers desire to state that although the
history paper eras too lengthy for the time
allowed, and the g eoeraphy paper, whilst
all tight in the main, did not rover the pre-
scribed °puree se well as it might have dose,
still the papers on the whole wen a good
series sod were prepared along fair sad
proper lines, so fax as the pupils were mes-
Frees our own os.,...oad.nt
fast week we, with the editor and other
rood natured scribes, were crowded oat,
Bet if we didn't iniad it our numerous little
herda whoa we much converse with had dif-
iffe ent vine *boat it and gave s quite a
strong Aunt i iseh molding bemuse their
little crumbs nt news gathered for s did
o ar come ant i. print.
Among visitors to our bare on Dominic*
Day was the genial prewar of use of the
jasior McMillen of Huron's ooldwater town-
ship from m mar the flnwriehing Aurae/ Pewer.
Hill. He acme .p, by •T. way, !e see
architect Morris, or wain to see if limber
might he got at the old mw -mill site. Prr•
haps he his sews of paling the red east
''arias recently ret.rs.d frees the seam
at the Doreen Qty. Rot .e' A little Mets
1D.n armed s, Wavering
that of the bo..$etiet fawner, ..d the ails rad
of may haohdae life reeve*
en will he ...s merksd only Is
A Mama Sims*
el health .rad sarengt3 le.owed and .tf sage
and e.s.l.rn bib.e the saw of Ryes, el
RM, es it sees Ie Iwa..y with seam to
�ynriawasolly reuse the epees wises 'melte*
ranso0AL MLN tlbIS.
Ho. Tbs.'s Ocesswy was is Landes
Jaffe Terse ls M yeas old and leads •
quiet Itfe at Amass.
U. E. Minutia Penns las •s'tu'd the
duties of Me aide is Chill
Gay Naiads won the Diamond Susan at
the Dear, regatta fast week.
Mrs. J. A. Wheeler has left Belleville to
joie her husband is AeMra*S•.
Casson Farrar says 4000 Maglisb church
clergymen have ....ployswt.
Dr. Leonard. ex -U.& et.ml .t the Forme
itleaves next week for his home i. In-
Presides% Cleveland le °segued to hie
room at Gray Gables, Bamard'. Bay, Mem.
with an •stack of rheumatism is the bat
and linea
Mn Cantharis' H. Spence, • distinguish-
ed Australian jT u.-nalst, gave an Miaow,
mg address Friday night 1 before W
Tra.lca.4. Labor council.
Mr. Henry J. Ttffia, of Mo.treal, has
do.atsd kis co:botto• of hooka, valued at
from rax to eight thousand dollars, towards
the formation of • public library.
Lord Derby will sail from Quebec for
England on Saturday week, and, peading
the arrival of the Karl of Abeudeeu, bon.
Montgomery Mtetre will act as Gunmen-
Th.- meet interesting undergraduate at
Cambndge university, to F.'g:aad, is •
young Htnda. named Kumar Shri Rwjiu-
iuhjr who has made has mark both as •
student aad • cricketer.
The duke of Veragua is aid to be hack•
rupt owing to the treachery of a friend in
whose hands be placed hie estate. A sub-
scription will be taken up in the United
Stasis to ass;et the duke
A few mornings ago the aged caretaker
of one of the 111usipeg city e:bools led to
the altar a young girl aged 19 viers. The
ceremony was performed at 9 o'clock in the
morning, and at 11 o'clock,two hour, later,
the bride left for St. Paul to spend four
weeks of the honeymoon with her grand-
The Czarewitcb will be in Bettie Tues-
Emperor Wrlaum has abandeeed his
Norway trip.
Chancellor von Caprivi introduce) the
Army Bill in the Reichstag Fnday.
Emperor Willman's oscond sots celebrated
his 10th birthday anniversary Friday.
Paris is now excited about an anti -polies
ag.tatioe on account of the recent riuta.
Lot eventsg 130 dead bodies had been
recovered tree Ttorndale cnllery, Keg -
The Arab slave•trader. More been defeat-
ed in • ooa8iet .with Congo Fres Stam
Advice" from the Congo Free State re-
prt two victories over the Arab slave
A memorial to Bishop Phillips Brooks
will be placed in St. M.rgaret'a church,
W ostein+ter.
Senor le Lavink has undertaken the
format.ou of a now cabinet is the Argea-
tine Republic
A Sea Francisco despatch any. it is ru-
mored there that a revolution has broken
out in Australia.
A despatch from Tian -Tien says that the
Chinese government resents Frame's inter -
femme in Stam and will oppose annexation
Ora protectorate.
A British oder•in•connea is published
prohibiting British ships from sealing with-
in 1.5 marine males of the 'Rumen coasts
on Behring sa aria within 31) mile iu any
direction from tbe Komandoraky or dwbbin
Ia the House of Commons the other
evening Mr. Gladstone announced the ap-
pointment of a RoyalCommuaiato uegnire
into the canoes of the present agriculture
deprerioe, and to report to the Home
what meaty shall be adapted to improve
the coalition of affairs in that isds.ry.
At Locust Hill Levi Pike, aged 29, died
very suddenly.
C. McKacbrsn died from injuries re-
ceived in the railway yards, Tomato.
Guy De Manpa..ant, the distiegoi•hed
French resaocist of the naturalistic ecl,oul,
died in Pars Friday.
Kms C. Ripley, cashier of the Galena,
IIL, Bask, committed suicide Wednesday
by shooting himself while temporarily in-
N.D. MelMnald. • prominent citizen of
Wininipeg, died Friday from injuries re-
wired a few day. ago by being struck by •
bicycle rider while alighting from • street
A farmer named Peter Mc(llasbe., re-
siding near St. Thomas, Oat., committed
suicide Friday menial( by taking • dame
ed .trychni•a He had boss drinking
The dem..i body of a mall was found is the
Niagara River at Lewiston, N. V., Friday.
The nom. Herbert C. Dudley was on his
shirt. He was of fair oomplonea and •bunt
43 years of age.
Virden, Ma.., had a disastrous oeassgra.
A yang lad gamed Nichola. lest W life
is the river at Caledonia
Willie Snell. a little boy, was drowned
in Black Creek, ver Madoc, the other day.
A doree people were mysteries!j���
ed at a piste at Kisptnn Milia A ney all
Paphos Des.o.r., of FJdenlie town-
ship, was killed by lightnisg during Wed
Henry Rowditeh, a former resident of
B.ailtos, was killed by a teal. an Menhir -
ter o• Thursday.
Taylor's ettave twill amid lumber yard at
Dsteen was laid wark by the derve.riag
element eanso.g heavy less.
O.. Misdeed ted thirty-eight dead bedtime
lave b.n re..eered frau the Th.redale
e.11i.ry la Yorkshire. In weigh M explosiss
'.'aged e. T.sday.
Gee. ^..:..-tl, 14 roars rid, is attempt
jump ea the gallon el mese at We
M a. 'fWest
Alk..y, A.Y.. me res over. 1y head b..
lag *evened from the trash.
A t«ribleMatedeverwl towel
M Iowa, widespread bath and do-
-Mwe-o.. Over sese bedred pear• are
believed to sawe bo. haled
Vasd...a's pewee, ..ga.f.. at 11.vi1'.
Lake, N. T , was fired by I ghteIsg .. W M-
.aday night ..d eemppl1etely demeli.k.d.
A bersber el personas mind .mous injury,
list gr raw were let.
The mow .f the Joart. d Deathly*
head a year hens.si ep is Otsee.usd Bay.
it.. clothier. Nat.,
eery r•rwersehs Pnps.ee i>re nese..' se
Yte "as".
c ear own oK
Star ma Tara -Farmers are busily es -
g aged to Iryir; weatksr at prevent i snssU•
VISITtsu. --Uma Ansi. MaMat►. and Me-
ter, of Po.ci•c, •and formerly of l'ea'se ,
are vatting relatives and (Meads MM
Home A4AIN. Mn. T. P.tala.d, who
along with ber .on, Milliard, was attending
the funeral of bee step father, Mr. Corbett,
near Relit -are, rettlr*ed home last week.
01.L1 Otrr.-R. IL Holland has amid his
stook ed .,.roba.dhm to a Mr. lilies. of
Armon. Mr. Hdiad has beim • good
resident ed this tots ad we regret his
Vu5Ten.-Os Fridaystnripg last, Jae.
Wilson, the popular drrtggfst til fiodria►,
wee in our village and tom is the various
sights and tmprovementa Mrs Shaver
said daughter, of Branded, era visiting
their large circle of relative. 1. this vicinity.
Lieu.Axt-■ Mawr moot-
ing el the director. of West Mammoth
Mutual Fire Insurance Cospsay was Mid
on Tuesday the 411, all the directors pres-
ent, the vewstwble asedoent, C. ICirvia, in
the chair. A amber of new applications
were revived. Farther progress is report-
Ttuvntu!Di DAIRY. -The travehiag dairy
held a meeting bore o. Friday. There was
a larva attendance of farmers" wives and
daughters dud we presume from the u-
strcutive manner is which the subject of
making (utter was dash with, along with
useful suggestions as to the mode of treat-
ment of milking cows, those present, es-
pecially the ladise, world take home with
them new ideas ae to batter making. et:.
The Coeernmsac deans great eredit .for
their 'Mete in introducing the latest im-
provements, u the vartuua department' of
l.Awn Sa,AL -lta Thursday evening of
last week, a very pl aaant mid profitable
evening was spent by • large number of our
citizens and others at the lawn social which
was held uudr the auspices of the conger
getioo of the Methodist church, her. Short
addresses were made by Rev. Mr. Mor, of
Nile, •d the much esteemed pastor, Rev.
D. Rodgers. Mie Edith Roberts, daughter
of J. M. Roberts, gave • recitation, which
beds4 so no sly recited for • perms so young,
elicited gnat applause from those present,
and which is worthy of special nom. Chis-
e l* lanterns. of which there were gait.* •
number, added very- much to the attractive -
nese of the affair. Upwards of •30 were
realized, which is to be applied to improv-
ing the church and some.
Too late far last week
Mies Annie McMeth, of i'ootuc, Michi-
gan, is visiting her father, H.gh 1deM•th,
✓ lativea abd former acyuaintaaoss and ea
AT BRrsoms. On Wedeeeday of kat
week quite a auoibsr of our peon an took
in the rear at Brussels, and report baving
bol an enjoyable tuna
Raisov-Ai. -Owing to in''teasn .f Maines.
one suave and popular grocer isskeet remov-
ing into more 'measly/ buts, being a
few doors month of theWFpld Mem.
to him in hie new eaiaLli•bm.Rt i• the with
of his .umeroaa patrons.
1)awritorai. nr Liorwytwo.-We have
been informed that during ilia afternoon of
Wednesday. Jure 26, a heavy thunder storm
arose,b+ing eao..mppaanaeted with lightning and
rain and that the lightning destroyed a large
stack of bay on the premises of John Thomp-
sun, 0.. 6, West Wawanueb.
Rl.; DAT AT /:ul.rnt .1-A big Uma was
had at the celebration at the circular tcwo.
An innumerable number of vehicles with
occupants passed thrnng8 our siIIgge, com-
mencing before dayltgiet, and • needy
stream, u rt were, continued going thither
n toe about teat o'clock. All wewell
pleased n tad eojoyed themselves.
A New Rart".a - ('retract for • new
bridge oo the Nem Mlle river between 4th
and 5th cow., F. D.. .�+hfi.1.1, and mango
one to our village was nit.!. between the
municipal council of Ashlield and • Mr.
Thompson, bridge contractor, of Kinctardilie,
for five hundred and twelve dolkrs, to be
completed in Sept inner, 1813.
ilwlxioN DAT. -Dominion lay was duly
celebrated by oar citirern in urordaao•
with their various m..dee of enjoyment.
Severe! or them s lotted the Port (that ie
l'ort Albert) sail est joy«f t ,emselve• fishing
and mailing on lake. O' b we took in the
sights and enter ainmet to at the county
town, and not a few visited relatives and
fronds at a (lsten.s•, whilst some acted as
home 'ultras.
Ai.RR t i.n-tul. ('oLLz.:x. 'luring last
week several of our citizens, yeomen and
others ercurted to the F'rovineial Agricult-
ural ('allege at Guelph. They express
themselves pleated beyood anticipation at
the appe•raaoe of the institution and it.
verions departments, and aloe the urbane
manner and treatment which they rewired
from the officials. Altar* imminent. is ex -
premien of the wefulnee of the institution.
V serene. -On Tneedsy last, Jas. Hppe,
of Mowerb�yy, Alfoena, and formerly a rest
of A6eld,visited his sister, Mn. Jaa Me-
C•ig. Mr. Hogan is succeeding well is his
teak location, being engaged to reaatlle
bassisem, ans.s oleo poatm•oter.. .. Mrs.
Warwook, of Goderich, and Mn. Crwwford,
of Saari, Manitoba, and Mrs. Fidler, of
Goderich, were the gust. of Jse. McCaig
during the tat week. Mn. Crawford Wall
loud in her.s g•
of Du.ano. es being •
beautiful viNm.
INrxauswT.-The reakair of the lam
Mrs. Asquith, of At. Belong, were interred
in 3)angranos osa.tery an Monday, b.ing
conducted thither by • very large ono.
come of sorrowing relatives, Meads sad
neighbors. The deceased was 63 rare el
age mad wee ill but • few days. Rha wee
Is another
name I se
and plellte
&Popo Isfereplea aid Liar M/
)•sys.py.e erne ani me Mire at nth
'rte ~gap ver.nse es eys..a. aft -
(blab nig WMNap Biasasewt
• TIMina, 0*.vrrIto.
w NslrtlNs.
uggs e3 Dad, Perag.Ml
eatai weaned
="isiCir= loam
tLgibied Ma may of iipa se
4r pries
Magnetic Healer
volt rIFTV. N HAI*.
The World is my Co.atry..04 to de Med
mr katigtua.
Glad Tidings of Great Joy to
Suffering Humanity.
Reads the internal ossditioa of the Inman tf
patients, whetter prwot or at a dipaaee.
ties sad ether Invalids berme the
oiLial ?Of urdlasry .kW, are til Fe, sad
some or them ssarrel o.N7 coma he dee
treatment. N. medicine used. Help for AIL
11e .raw gaept d al eeavtaoed. Ne ems lis..
Mee. The Woad am M mum te eon, the sant
t .the Cyt .s Chase. ma
highly esteemed as • Patent skim est
n.igibor'for her endartag and wok di
positioe to ears and all. Rev. Mr. xMylm.
of Loamy, oo.dt.eted the obsequws in a
vary impressive rower. We ext.asi Ger
sympathy to the bereaved Mahood and rim
CsAN,:a or Brel'sw.-Safe the Hades
of the paper hie been printed, M which nis
is R. 11. Holland's ad., we have received a
n ote from bum stating that be W sold eel
to • Mr. Hiles, who will succeed him ad
rsoommends him as • trustworthy tad ener-
getic business man. Mr. Hotrod wise. r
thank his numerous customers for their pa
r,oage, ••d trust.' that hie eamenter wO
also receive a fair share. AU outstanding
acooants in awoectios with the ahem mall
be settled at use.
Too late for lent week.
('haiaMorny,of Sarni•, visited relatives
hereoast week.
Mr. and Met Piper, of Soni•, have cokes
u p their residence here.
Will Swale, of the **Craftsman," Pan
Elgin, visited his family here last week.
M io M orrteon, left oa Friday last to
10 Tid • porof her holidays with trash'
erton.tio. is
Mr. and Dora Nevin and three duldrs
arrived here ea Mosd y last. They ere stet
ping at the Royal.
School elated os Friday Minot 2 r. e. fK
amen weeks and two days, so the te.eher
•Rapeseed before closing.
Mrs. Murray returned to the village Ila
Wink, having spent • few weeks w4. he
oar Henry and Charles is Sonia.
Mr. lwr, of Kingston, M is the village
M present. H. rspemM* Mr. Nevis
in aoaesaties with the harbor imprae•
Mies Burrows, of Sbappsrdtm Soh0d,
tpmt • poetfes d Satard y •sd !esrdN
with ms. Mie Bsrrowt ls always • welos55
geteet with bptk ,•nett and pupils
Memo Cniahetm and fiteriiag haus, w
u nderstood, oomp!etmd their amend d
droving the square timber to the deck, k
X. R•.obler. The work will sem be sew
01emoed, mach to the relief of waybill/ -
Again we my whys eweset•pp
sad work ire haus • day for .L
months of tbe yre•r, at • Mel.Lary, instead d wxk{.g .ovssblte beans
day, for Sftytw. weeks Le floe year'• WM
Tee k* Dar bet wusk.
The seas= are sew busy vett* • r
ntal& ales John Haps'. hen.
Miss Clary Wlkse i saw M.5 fro+
I.atkssw. wMro .M bee b._ 4srs.g
ark d dreg eskieg.
J. Htebkelt, J. tns K. Tiar*bsh sd t'
Dlses atstaosd a eresL.sn
sd tis Ftg�
woe Leuven' te the expeetseatal ir0
sett (l.�b I ws.k.
was sat bad is thls eh.reeh Ss•
dayStrutmbetll isvw 1. W 5.55104 00 .a.gt/►
el Rev. Mr. Adeno having m bal!
fimss.l r ►M nomgrsgsflea at St. fsts►
Qs*, a somber el the o«tIM we ee
M the ltMro..' pixie at L.'U es ria y
also ins NO a
D eh •tbsw elw well phenollab VIII'
r 'meds pis0a,
Tim puarysa r _JJJry d NU ar▪ orrl►
WsMst d F. d 1 herr
Moat M...r B.rrl. C.e
WY.. Air., d i,w-k- w. M tee of
pMpt.. bleak q ermNsss.
Ito.. Mr. Aabrsu prtaid Inds led
ewe hen ea 1l.dy het prow Is y