The Signal, 1893-7-6, Page 1fes WOW alallAPOIW
SN A L t
lypLat ' goOxaa Degeeta
VOL. X LI'. 2420
- or •
flea telae Tows Num a Manama
al 11 Apemen.
when it semen to fruits the semi -tropical
• States - Callen ria, Idaho, Florida and
othete--earry everything before thou, to
this department we met our old townsatan,
%That a Goderloh Mari *SW 11.4
the World's Falr.
to sumo TeurNntett at T.teerrell's-
11 tar Actkellrral Mall and l.r.st51
te.lama. A 181g Telae in masker -lee
erep► are at.ple, - beet ataeNl
Iwile le she " Streets el Caf-. -A C../
Vent (er herdic.
No 2.
geeegdeorof Tae atusA6
the of the stelae of Chicago is the M asoeic
Tee*, one of the highest buildters iu the
go which b...ts of twenty-one Stories, and
Melt rears head almost antoog,t the
Mete ley cemprolou and self took the
Mem* and acct up to the h-sd n, the ser -
ore. bat u the day was muggy ad not a
pod oar fur si„ btriesin( ere did not at-
tempt to o: w the city from the roof of the
io':Lsg F.eturuinv to our quarters 1 fecund
lint so loirber .lndrew, oho fives in Ito-
ensue. Mins , had come during my absence,
r• l a the c o eu:ng he aoosmpaied our party
"T tTT•N.V LI.8 '
Oct • m:'i:tary tournament is conducted
k reprsseotativ-es of several of the crack
soma' of the British army. Of epi. tater,
we pri.eut fully 3,000, and
✓ each evolution or movement wag `nee
weigh with, t::mult.ous applause treated
eke performers. The Ileitis!) regiments re-
gx,rtted are Royal Horse Artillery, rivet
goal Feet Guards, foil Royal lri.h Lancers,
eneedier boards, 42nd�H Highlanders -Um
"peck (Watch." the ht Rangers,
tea the Slee 4 Aatbalaace Corp..
ettt stretchers. The members of the
aggregation are all rsterans of the British
Army wh,. have seen service sad have
limo thoroughly dtncipheeel, and who arc
see an a yew's farbugh from their nurse -
tire bettelleto for the purpose of giving the
oleoes to Chicago an ties of
•:AT DWI L tAD DIM .. LINE HAI t,05a
far the 14 eih army. I would advisaerery
melte g ea from this section to call at the
arae of ewe and Sixteenth streets sod
w e tee eveletioos perfot.n•d by the British
tray rope:tentative• They will he well
mead by seeing Use trooping of the .alar,,
w they w.ii sever see it dere elsewhere is
loom: plaiting the Maypole, by the 1st
Lea Geode ; the limes exercise and chergs:
me_hi-LNti,a of dri. ing Skil by the horse
£rttl:ery ; Highland dsa&og by the Black
Weide sot beyomet, manual and bring en
wase by ;M t ren*disr Guards and Black
tt'ttck : as well ss a capital representation
el se stook en a fotti+led pnsitiou; • bayonet
▪ Loc. duel : a r .Iscteva melee : ' tent
ole sd," lir officers sod the Royal Irish
Lacers -in single file, by tuff-.ectioss.
memo and hue ; a mesfoel ride and sword
emcee ie the let Le's geoids; and a mea-
n:crepre.eut.atioe of the Delano" of Rork. s
Rift -:he wine firming s program -Hsieh
aaaao: be 'Withered anywhere else on the
telt .tour-CLTtr tis mALt.
ma ruited us en Tuesday, Lai male us
gloat believe that we were attending. • big
Gasdi•n tall Show. Every grade and
description of agrioultoral urachi• cry was
See to be sen in motion, and the product
of farm, dairy sed domestic manufacture
vat visible on every band. A feature up
stain sae an old mill driven by waterpower,
era •+ coconut to thie was • model of the
Wasiihoro Roller Mille of Minneapolis -the
pruner modem mils of Americo. wbkb
re rudttol with manufacturing into Mar
lit W1 W,W) bushels of whet per day.
teas aunt visited, and stamp& the exhibits
ere some marvellous specimens. A pian
of 1 of •nonan redwood, oat from the tree,
herteen feet is diameter, end which, seoad-
he to the rings, coned net have bees less
thee 875 years of We mit res up
Maim" a mahogany 41 feet beg, sad 42
niches airfare, and aleapide of this mammoth
spsetmen was a redwood plonk 16 test 5
webs. wide and 5 inches in thickness, which
helel from Hsmholdt county, Cal. 1185
province of Quebec .bowed up large is moo -
Metered articles of wood.
THE TALK OF THE TOWN.1 hlbitioo. well to the front. They richly de- oovered in a b000mmtaq manner end reflects
end Mika Ktoodtah. and tern, Isabella, Col- serve the uapar•lled meow they have enjoy- much credit on the ladies of the p �
mains and George, Jana .leas __ __ ed to the past. Prise Lisa ea be had by chapter that undertook that work l&.L
I any of one loaders on applio•tiun to the Sunday week a special service was held at
Storles from theRepOrt- Secretary which the rector, Rev. M. Turnbull, re-
ores NoC'R
te-Book. owDzDum
OCT.OCT.-Tho editor and a number furred 15 grateful tett to the liberal m•n-
I of the beet -Defend oorr.ipuader.ii are ' new in which the oougregation had reepoad
crowded out this week. •d to the appeal •a behalf of their church.
The musical services, under the leadership
LOCAL DOINGS OF THE WEEK. loeibleveteuileite-1'roeeror Pultuns cps to tie of Mr. Dowding wen of • high order. Few
•agemeua m cwjuring .t gy.rdea choirs he* nae
of a more excellent
parties, school treats, socials, etc. Tee pro- oboir. The cost of the improyenima and
W the church are mora titan met b
Minus `Swansea, wbo has a position under
ON at !tDAr /Short
fhe 1►umfiioD(lnreramrut, and who was dc. we veal to the 41st-st. Presbyteries church.
lIvbted to meet our part He at once b.- where an excellent discourse wan preached
.sate our id. d
led ash
gu , and friend anby Rev. D. W. Seiton, of Detroit, an winch
M took strong ground against the excessive THE
1115 MIDWAY rL 1LI. CR individualism of American, and sound -
who everything was to be seas
any Cantle to the " Street of Cairo."
latter we pronusded, .ad 1
well worthy of a visit. la the
midway i. the Groat Perris wheel,
• earineity, monde to Chicago, as the
tower to Paria. 1t b •pparmit to
•o far as strength and durability is cow:ern-
ed wo fern need he entertained against
seeding its full 250 feet
of the Fair would take up more space than
Tus S1t:NA1. Would ogre about devoting to
the subject, bet I might refer W one cd the
feature+ which to my wind woe a groat
boon W many • tired mother and weary
father, and that was the "Children's Build-
ing." where competent nurses took charge
et .1l grade» of youngsters, from lubes in
ares up, who properly classified 1 -Id num-
bered were left there while the heads of the
house made the ktnr of the *peones. And
richt here 1 might say that I ma agreeably
surprised at the
from Blu-
must say itie
centre of the
all that
is a pone e! attraction, end •recap! other
exhibits can be ensu an elephant's bide
tanned. Another eye-openers • pier of
Nleeg which for rias and oeking ham
sant been equalled. It b 903 feet long
Ili last wide, 3 ply thigh, weighs 5.17b ►hs,
and took 569 hides to make it Even
trend `smith, who has tumefied d themes& of
bides would look with curious oyes epos
fila manifestation of enterprise in his line
yy{nificent evhihia of boots, stenos, and d
kiedr et leatherwork were also on view, and
pods in mune of manufacture won loin(
thmegh ow. various proconsuls on every ,ds -
Is contrast to the awe amt Mimeos of
pees gond will b the beadlike which
THe Karr, neva,
which prevailed everywhere. o- the grounds,
and take this opportunity of piotomtiog
rimiest the reports of extortionate charges
which hare been made ageing the
My experience was that the rates for re-
freshments and every other class of aecom•
modatiow on the grounds oompere•l favor
ably with tbuao naked at Comedies Fall
Show& Of coarse, if a man wants to throw
away mosey there are grand opportunities
for doieg so, and the .tnoewt frittered away
is only to he eatituated Ly • o nusp•risoe of
the foolishness of the nun interested, but
any n.•a with • hoof on bin an tett .leng
sad :ave • gond time •t the Chicago World's
Fair, meeeout bairn starved, "corned to
death. lowed or boomed, et an amazingly
,m.11 cost le oontreat with the benefits de-
rived from the visit. The remaining three
day, of tor .ay were *pent in
of warning.In the evening we
with pleagurs to . very fine sermon
in oo,ty's Temple by Rev. T.
son of the tete Londua preacher
were 5,000 io the ooa-
ouo a regitiucal .i uging
ed • Dole
8 rgeon,
of that Data There
gregateen, •ad such
!refers heard.
a portion of the time being chaperoned by a
farmer Uoderich than, J. P. Luby, who was
kindoeas and courtesy aompkte on the
°miss�a. Among other places, be brought
D a to tee Board of Trade, and u the mortal
was tumbling that day, we had 51* ample
opportunity of witaces1ng the effect of such
• tumble en both "bulls" and "bears". Pan-
demonium appeared to reign for a period,
and at times it almost looked as if snot was
imminent. The City Hall and County
Baildioga, elating"' to be the finest buildings
in the wortrl, and covering 97.000 square
feet and costing 24.600,000, was elm via ted.
Tbo parks, tat, came in for our attcatien,
and the drives were au•gnitieent. Amongst
them Lincoln Park takes first place, eui-
bracing, a it does, • magnificent zoological
d epartment .ad other attrsotiuts. The
wMerwurLe department, s located in then
metier' of the city. This to a,.asidered the
moot complete wet*neo: ks plant on the coo -
tart, an4 . supplied with power by six
mammoth e.Tnes, Dae of 118.0 'Meg the
largest mem show d at the Ceateani•l Ki.
visited was the R. H. 11111 Co. Coffin Fac-
tory, sad he: -e we found a diep'.ay of 90,-
000 come in sleek, and observed the noun-
lacteh of these gruesome Decessa: ic+. from
the initial step t) the process who the com-
pleted article was se handsomely finished
that it would almost make Doe feel • ,c" -ted
to lie dead and rent therein, after the tired
feel'ug incident t o doieg the town. Hers
we mut W. C. Bir+ett and John Edw•rda,
farmer reeidente 01 Goderich, who both w-
eepy lucrative and n+possible atone to
connection with the oompay. In the large
jewelleay estabti.hment of Pon Allo,
e lse visit td by us- .he proprietor of welch
by -the-way is • former Goderieb boy, wbo
18.a .ttaloed wrath and position lu the
Phrenic City -we stet l . F. Moon, farlRer-
1y toss clerk of Goderich, who holds •
Reding position u connection with the
basin a Two etas of oar towness•a, Geo. hold places of trust in this well -
know a institution.
et THt CNL6TOPNRR t-OLrw*L's
the bet whal.back, we found that (spin.
John McArthur sad the first °Seer, E. A.
McGregor, were both old (ioderich mea,
who were plowed to gee as mad s000rded as
• phos of Donor on the bridges On tbe trip
down to the Park that morels( the Colon.
bus had taken down 4,000 persona, ann
Gpt•la McArthur laughingly stated that if
he eorid dip over to the east coast d lake
Herm with the whalehack they 000ukl emery
away every ones, woman and child in Gads -
rick, without overcrowding the boat Ln
the evening we went dews to
▪ leek at which is enough to ma a chill up
the hack re anyone who gives thought to
the fact that the maeafeeter.d art1le
tarsal oat by Herr Krupp is lete.ded fur
eke decimating' and destruction of lib td
r°llsrty. sad that la no sweet ora they be
..incl 'mewed in furthering the interests
ea•1ted swards may be tanned her
lo"�hare11 and spears late hock*,
het 1 mint O1asa1ve of my medal •A•1411/' tive for a Krupp gee.
Tat ao*TI 'LTCLtt.
woe gait II0g,00O SDA b 001x950, tha
▪ rea^Iiia. Its a.* high, or shoot tinea
III high 5 Gederhh Cewrtheme, eestafsa
as 51hihit pbsgq to every eye_ Ont•ris
hub ` pinata, rete ..d vegsee ile. bat
15 l'OSCLr,r.1N
1 might say that dutsng the ten days which
spent in Chicago, salting various sections
of the city, 1 never sew a than under the in
8ueoce of liquor, our did 1 experience a
hasty word or uncivil action from ayune.
No effort was made to impose upon me in
any way, and I sus agreeably surprised to
dad that ley experience sae that of all
others with whom 1 conversed on the sub-
ject. The tnenttou of Chicago in a ('anadisa
town brings up • picture of riot and de
bsuctteryy to the average mind, but • visit
to the World's Fair Pity will dispel) the il-
lusion and put forever at rest the raw -bead -
and -bloody IxOea idea. If a man wants
trouble and goes looking for it is Chicago 1
hive no doubt he will find it, bat if he is
that sort of man he can ret all the trouble
he wants without leaving bums.
Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for the apace
kindly placed at my disposal, 1 remain,
yours truly, Gtao, STivr'.
Goderich, June 4, 1893.
Miss Howell has returned l: om oolege.
Walter Sharman has returned from De-
Horace Hailey, of Woodstock, u visiting
in town.
Percy Walton, of London, ,pent the 1st
in Wen.
D. McLeod, a Hamiltoo, was in town on
Miss Belle John.ou spent • day last week
+a 8eatortb.
Min Frank left for her home in Maples
on Saturday.
('bas. Jefferson, of Parry Sound, is visit-
ing in town.
(:eo. McIntyre, of Ssltfeed, ken returned
from Termite.
It W. McEenxis, d Tesswater, was in
town last week.
Prot. Gush., the magnetic healer, is in
Wan Ree adv.
8. P. Halls has retuned from Walkerton
for the summer.
Miss Grace Johosoo spent a few days in
Leaden last week.
Mss May F4"-iivin o Sw•Ittrth, is visit-
"ig friepds in ma.
Mier IL Irwin, of C'', �o, 's the hast of
Miss Minnie Pridham.
Mr. sad Mrs. A. M. Kay, 4 Stretford,
el -at tireday i7 ' les
Mr. n isi Mea J. F. (eek. of Chicago, are
v'+it'ig Lends in ' �w.,.
W. J. Swa^sea and wife, of Hemilton, are
visiting realty. • "o tom n.
Mrs J. H. Colborne and
are yieitine r le :fes th.
Mn. Proudfoot and M- • Fe ony Hutchison
were in Reafortk 1• it Friday.
Mrs. rid Mrs. Von- Hossein and babe, of
Chicago, are visiting in lose.
Messrs Albert sod Herb Rol' eon have
returned for the summer holday&
Cb -e. Reid, hie nese maker, is visiting in
H.m:wt.,e, Buffalo led other points.
Mrs A. M. Rom, of Toronto, le v siteig
her daughter, Mrs. Dr. J. R. Stu-ooa.
Mrs. McKay. of Orobec-et, s� hot • few
days in Weeds' ok sidi=ng old friends.
',Judge Johnson, of Algoma, sin town ea
vacation, visiting the scenes of hie youth.
Johnston Grey of Toronto, and former.
of (;oderich, was in town on Wednesday.
Mss ('sok. of the Corral school s'tT,
left for her home in literalism' on Saturday.
Miss lkoadfosot returned to her bums is
Sestet tit after so enjoyable visit of throe
Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, of Cheltenham,
Oat., are visiting at the resider* of Semis
Mime Li-zie Henderson, Lid Seaport►, meat
Demirel" day with her little friend, Graces
Miss Rema B•wtiahtmer who hsa been bore
for the ped three months has returned to
Be costa
Miss Drysdale, .1 Hamilton, ie visiting in
tows, the great of the mama Fraser, Wel-
lington -M.
Mies Jamie Mortem left es Friday tar
for Orilla, where she will stand the sum-
o holidays.
Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Shames were is
Toronto Thursday sat attending the mar-
riage of Chas. Ross.
lk. Clsrk,V. 8 lett yesterday to resod •
meatiag .f the Maroc Veterinary Medical
Aseetotio..8 W Ingham.
Mia Robt. Johnston and olaashter re
terusd lions after • pleasant visit masa.
rs1•sives in Clinton kat weak.
Mrs. W. H. Kerr sad her eon Lasa. re -
tamed to Baesssls after a enjoyable vat
of two weeks with hiss . is town.
Cenerbie Nieholeoa lodged awe ssshrwlla
IMO i 118a leek op os Tesedy sight, br-
ine found him drwak tee the Sifters.
Mader Bert Blair who has been &
tag wheel bare for the past year, left for
18b hems agar Parry Mooed on Friday.
Mn. John Valetta. of RtratMrd, acres -
pared by her daughter, Mho Ethel Vesta -
ter, .re viaiting in ()odirfob thin week.
Wlltle lu•therdab mad Marble Ianeby d
lirngsels, red. tip es their 14.701... They
will spend • crape. of weeks with friesdu
Mre Oerdce who las dela v siting her
dsrhtir, M re C. G. Newton, Mr three weeks
bus gems to 8tw11Md to obit bee dtaU
three children
w15OeOR elan MACH
where the (krstian Redeemer Hotel is
erected. This hetet had 1,700 pease tied
ea that evening they were addressed by the
well knows evangelic* D. L. Moody, who,
is a nonverstMeal manner. drew attention
to the fact that although may mullein
had rate tochimp in 118e belie( tha► it
was the wiekkdest place es earth, Its was L
• position tie my, from ritual obssrvtioa
sad keowledgs, that there was • decided
forward saysuswnt in religiose effort. To
illustrate this he stated that white the
nammntb teat had been orowd.d at the
mouthing heir' there during the pnviossAw-
da Fnrep•ngh hail ban bunable a gins es
ezhihielon le the evening owing to leak of
atteed•a», and hod to refund mosey to
M.ket hu#eMrs.
THR Anorrootrr,
tbs lavia h.11 to Chicago, and what bell.
*,000 people. was visited by as asst IMO -
fat The historian sed ep.eta..lar drama
tit " Annum' was s, ellv(ag a rmrasraa.-
time .1 the ewe d n.reetuwa of the MOO-
n►try shies todreesam d the aetas•-
Isse bait, Progress. RFs Pt..
✓ oma Crave to Nay
severe-averle&lna Is Greet resat Core ; e.00.len sad other ports of tee/land. Terns generous
oa a teetien. Address, Pruf. W. G. 1'ul- t the sum of nearly #11200 loving bees sub -
u vow,.
• hale la a I Yin scribed by them. Altogether St. George's
teat U t a timers rs 'inns Dunlop I'.O.
is to be aoogatulatea} ons the ma ►cd lib -
lane Deli Tits " i':LLRALb" TWO. -Fair audiences orality diaplayod by itssn.mber,, and we
greeted J. Parsons Smith. Prof. H. F. Mor- i pray that under the Divine blurting and
gen and his daughter, Fairy, who comprise guidance it may long continue to prosper
the ., Emerald " Trio, .t bhe Temperance and iacteaa0 -
11a11 Thursday and Friday evening, of lest LOCAL BREVITIES.
week. 'they came hen in the interests of It la reported thee then will Le • 4
ins Rode! Templar work, and heti theirreport large
vett tc oar Wen bees at • were auspicious bicycle tournament held hen in August.
time of the year Ito have ao doubt the hall The ('itizen', tend went to Clinton Tees -
would have been packed with nn* of the day evening and played at • lawn social.
best pleased audtem:es it has evereoatalued. The boy. report 18.viag had • good time.
The programs presented by these rifted sing- Why buy yo sewing machines from
en were of • high order. Mr. Smith b also ma -sager. at fa us prices, when you osa
• giftel speaker, and at times held the get the test nutectured from G. W.
audience spell -bound by his woudorful word Thomson for 00.
pie.urss. Prof. M has excellent wool
powers, while little Fairy wins the admira-
tion of all by her ease of manner in singing
and also in reciting. They wiU, no doubt,
reoeivo • hearty welcome should they return
•o Go.lerich in the FAIL
A Btu Ties AsoeoTNsSeeveel Ntnre. --
Frani an early hour sed throughout the
whole of Dominion Dry, there was • lively
time =mg the Army people and every-
body seemed bunt on making toe most out
Erma Lively a fesenr has performed m Germany and an f°p•lr• y
the heroes 000tributions u( Its members,
MU Mita
Ter ('eum 1 red* ye
Amara le Takla' Tete%
Treat 11.
It le dlflcult to convince the girl with the
o ily. r) voles that Weave is golden, bat a man
wilt, • sunt made at Protium'," will always feci
aaU,ltp1 that he has got the latest stile wed
best mode to be bad t.r the money.
hen eerie alwa; s tea a turn's bent when be
bun the stoop, but you ,mu •Iwaye tell that
he wants Something art i etic when you see him
go to ere studio of It. It. gallows, who dune
evert ming trout taideg a p18uto to framing a
FINE TAILORING.-8prie* 5041 Summer
cloths In great variety next to Fewier's boot
and *Coe sore. on the 8yuane You ma have
a but choice .re4 rely on good Kyle sed et at
very moderato prk'es.
B. Made:me a -c. Mar.
ANNUAL. Plc sic. - Eureka Council Royal
Templar* of Ttmtperanoe of Goderich, will
hall their annual pic nic on Friday atter•
noon, loth July, at Swatheld's Grove. Con-
yevenees will leave the Temperance hail at
different hours during the afternoon, oom-
mie::ug at 1 ti Clock. All the niembcrs are
rc.{u.utaxd to attend.
Tua 1ST AT l'oIaT FARs.-Dominion Day
wan oelebnted at the Point Farm by • lame
driving party from lllyth and neigrhboncood
under the superinteudence of W. J. Tough.
Dancing commenced at 4 o'clock i• the
afternoon which, with an int imi:sem for
tea, was kept up till eight. Tine 4., beteg
very hoe everyone seemed to enjoy them-
selves to their heart'. mutant
WerRu Hie nee EDCuAT1oN Parr Aleo -
The following is • copy of . note received by
• city school teacher from • mother who
had detained her eon from school : "I think
things has Como to a Pretty Pam that a
mother Gat keeps hur owns Hun home pith
out 1ettden you a note every time I haveot
Dime to sit down and Wright you and I
woof doe it • Gains if for • bare day only
if you have lou of time you moasent think
every Person has has."
of the recession There were Salvationists
to be seen streaming in from all points,
among them being Brig. Holland, the Pro-
vincial Secretary, ensign and Mrs. Frazer,
of Seaiorth district, and a number of the
members of the Wingbam brass band who
kept things lirely with their musical strains
during the day and evening. In the after-
noon there was • Imre open air meettn4 ons
the Square in which may of the risiting
officers and soldiers took part, alter which
they .11 marched to the Barracks, when .
bounteous spread had been, and
from the mopeuenas of 18e tables and the
decoration of the hall one could easily see
n o pins had been spared to make the affair
a success. We understand that from the
proceeds of the banquet then was over 270
realized, and at the eventing service then
was • good meeting with a fair attendance.
There were also special meetings all day ion
the Sabbath, and in the *vetting a large and
attentive audience rallied to beer the gospel
message from the visiting warriors and
others. The principle meeker. were, Eo -
sign Mrs. Frazer, Ensign Frazer and Wired ier
Holland. Mrs. Frazer made a powerful ap-
peal to all to sow to the spirit, assuring
them from the word, that what • titan
soweth that shall he also reap. The meet -
i w wasjbrout'ht to a close by the Brigadier
and all going home somewhat tired but be-
n efited by the m.etinga. -Lox.
B:utas HER Col Lao Boer. -On R4tarday
forenoon Mies Esther Robertson, a member
of the S.A., while driving out oo the Huron
Road, collecting for the banquet, met with
• serious accident by being thrown from the
vehicle, en account ..f the horse backing
into the ditch .t the aide of the road. Her
collar hone w -as tractered, but we testa that
she is doieg well now and in a fair way „f
recovery. Men Macdougall was with ho
at the time and was also thrown out, but
fortunately escaped with • few slige.
WILL Vo/:T OODIMICH.-liar. J. W.
Bell, M. A., of Hamilton, Missionary Sap-
eriatendent of the Royal Templar. of Tem-
perance for Western Ontario, will visit
Gpderrich Samlay, Monday ani Tuesday of
next week, July 9th 101.h and llth. He
0.11 preach in Victoria -at, church an the
morning, and ie North -at. Methodist church
Seedy evening. At. 8.15 r. x. he will
address • meetiug of the citizens of Goderieb
in the Tsesperenee hall. On Mnaday and
Tuesday evenings the rev. oentleman will
also deliver short, stirring wdresses a, the
Totmpt'ranue Hale Suitable memo will de
provided for the meeteigs, all aro invited
be present. No admission ail) be
Merged. bat a silver collection will be taken
up during the meeting to defray ezpemee&
flare aATR SCHOOL JCNs K ter. -The
mom of the ohildrel who ' edt the highest
marks in the diTetent studies as elle Jr*,
Examia;atios in the Separate school are se
follows :-Third ulnae --Christian nectarine,
Mary Ikea, Josephine Galloway ; arith-
metic, Mary Dean ; reading, Bessie MoCor-
m e, Josephine Galloway ; Uterotnie, Jobs
i'hsli s, Bessie McCorea. ; orthography,
Maud Currie, Josephine Oelbowa gra-
mar, Maud ('atry, Margaret Honey ; 18ie-
tory, Josep18iae Gallows John Pbemlin ;
geography, Mary Dean, Borne MoCoranao ;
drawing Terga I•, John Malin ; writ -
as Josephine Garrey, Ana McCml)as.
Highest toted, Beata McComas. 8booed
highest, Jo•ephas Galloway. Promotion
from senior thud to jetier taevtb--Jesapb-
ia. Galloway, Jobs Pbelin Ma�mgaa,te*t Her -
=ad Curry, Ana �ieGDu.t. Dora
Ciisbodt, Mary Dean, Resale McCorme,
Teas. Doyle, Kdaead Campion Margaret
Payne, Jobe Phelan and Wry Dena °b -
tabbed the certificates of merit, presented
by C. Dosova, I.8.8., of Hamilton, for
ex0elhain ie attendance, •pplierloe sad
1l.iaaswtW Vie telae/ Mush of Iles
Jemmy Phipps will be a.ib Semi to
e�ptasMw YLisa ds hospital. sea a hes eadergsse the l
wed .end act manias elmegab.
Itch Mange and Scratches of every kind,
on animas, oared io 30 minutes by Wool -
ford's Ssoitary Lotion. This never fails.
Sold by F. Jordan, Druggist,
During the months of July ad August
the law offices in town will be closed at one
o'clock ten. on Saturdays and at throe r.
the remaining days of the week.
L.O. L, No. 182, will attend Di vine service
in St. George's church next Sunday morn-
ing. They will meet at their hall, Handl-
ton-M, at 10 o'clock sharp Visiting
brethren will be welcome. The band will
be in attendant's.
Do you want to bny,g PianoYou bare
aeon, Ruch, 11.11,
red Heintznan, from
t a slight advance on
r chap for • begin.
your choice in the
Wormwith, F.v
Geo. W. Thomson
oast. Now is y
Patronize borne trade.
The services in Knox (.'hutch next Lord's
Day will be conducted by Rev. I)r. Ure in
the morning and Rey. Robe. Henderson. of
Manchester in the evening. The pastor,
Mr. Audereoo is attending the Chrstian
Endeavor (.'Oaventioc, now in eentien in
Some say that the " Anti Nerve Rona "
used by Ik. Richardson i. • poison. This
is false, and 18.s been said by someone to in-
jure the doctors' business. For further in-
formation regarding this wonderful method
of painless extraction of teeth, call and see
for yourself.
Eoglieh Spavin Liniment removes all hard
soh or calloused Ir rips and blemishes from
horses, Bloat Spavin, Curbs Splints, Ring
Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and
Swollen, Throat, Congha, etc. Rave (50
by re of one bottle. Warranted the most
wonderful Rlemiah Core ever known. Sold
by F. Jordan, Drugytat.
tress oar own correspondent.
Cha. Gannett, jr., mndayed at Whitt -
Mrs. Philip Thomas is visiting friends in
Woodstock at present.
Mr. and Mrs. T. 1. Watt, of Ethel, were
visiting at Thos. Mills.
Mira H. 11.11, of Brussels, s renswaag old
aa{»aintmnose hew this week.
Mr. wed Mn. James S. Timmins have
left on • tnp to the World's Fair.
Mr. end Mrs. David Hartley, of Milton,
are visiting at Rev. A. Y. Mortise.
Quite a number trona this place took is
the sport. at Wroxeter on Monday.
Mr. Lithgow, of Wingbam, has moved to
Blnevale, when he intends to reside.
Miss Smitlie, wbo has been teaching
school here since the beginning of this term,
h.ts gone home to spend her vacation.
The strawberry •ad hoe -cream festival •t
Robert Le.thnrn's on Monday evening
wee • decided moors, and everyone went
home well satisfied with the .c.sting's sport.
Too late for tat week.
Frank Soott s hewing hie hones painted.
('has. Hossain of Zetland Sandayed at
Thos. Omahas.
Mrs. (Rey.) Kaaba is visiting at her
father's, Wm. Smith.
James Pomeroy, of Leedom, was visiting
old .mqu inasoee bore tics week.
Rev. M. Roes of Brunelle •nil Rev. A. J.
Hartley, exobanged pulpits last Sunday.
Miss Smillie of Walton was visiting her
eater, who is reboot teacher here, lastSa/M-
Quits a amnia, from this school atria
writing her the Rntrano. eoamaaa:ioa at
The union plsie of the Glennon and
Barre 1. O. 0. T. was • decided snores
sad everyone stent Mate well satisfied with
the afternoon mere. The football match
between the Bteswele said Glw•anan lodges
welted is lever et Blsevals by two goats
to one.
R. T. or T Dormer Mzrrrxo ar Ezra,
Tea. -The semi-annual matting of the
Royal Tempters cf Huron County was held
in Exeter on Tuesday, June 00th, and was
largely attended by delegates and ofboen
from the councils located throughout the
ooenty. About twenty delegates, officer
and visitors were present from Goderieb.
The only change in the officers of the dis-
trict for the cermet halt year waa the ap-
pointment of Russell Fletcher, of Brasses
Council, as Secretary, in place of John
Beatty, Se•forto,who has retired. District
Councillor Tom's address and the report of
the various oommittees were rery interest-
ing, as well as the exchange of ezperienoe
and thought brought out by dlaonseng the
matters that were under 000sideration at
the meeting. The report of the standing pf
the Order in this county showed a HI-
oonragiag increase in membership. Initiat-
ory uteps were also taken in view of the
comet( vote ea the plebiscite, which will
doubtless' mature in good time. The Enter-
imera13 Trio of Gospel Temperance singing
evangelists gave an entertainment in the
James -ss. Methodist church in the evening
which was largely attended, and was • de-
behtful oocclu•ion of the day's prooesdinge-
The next meeting of the D.C., will be held
in Seafortb-
8T.'s Cortico Tureen eve Erre -
eSt. George's chotah, Uoderich, has recent-
ly undergoes very marked improvements,
which reflect great credit on the eo.gesg•-
Ira and add to the comfort and beauty af
the snored edition. Few ohurohe, is the
diocese ens osonpare with it is ell that *ae-
stivates 'arrest sod.d.dioal desire and .m-
b.tliuhssal. Ito pairs 18avieg trees spared by
the eoagregatioa to make it worthy eat its
seared oharaeber. Besides extesire exter-
n al repairs sad improventente-neesssltated
is • gnat meagre by the severity of •
wind -storm -the interior lam Mos pa+at-
d sad decorated is • orate sad piear
hie manner. The walls of the env are
psi :sled a warm shade of medium bat.,
w hoa b.rmoeisee well with the pasdliag
of the graiesd &alias. The lower gaieties
a the chancel wells are noised • tide
maroon as high as the wise of the rpm
arch, sad is divided from the appreelar by
• .treilled band with bread geittoz
The s -.411 g. -Mate. grass sad
ere symbolie sad very plessiag is design.
The upper riot is • rick warm shade of
eats, whist' 18.. the alar of bringing the
.leant into fine instead with the body of
she .luras, and harsosisse well with the
emend earroundisp -ailing. stained giro
windows, kit., of the. A art.
$y geld err, prsssated by the ros-
ter, adorn. 118e mese directly above the
apes of the memorial er austral window sad
retrilwte* to the pearl aloe. The
reaches thrn.ghnst, white has begs nest
earefslly exeosted, raker peas eyed% se
the piaster, R. R Walesa, wh..mpi/yea
the very beet material sad ensued see a.iss
to reader hr work eetinfeetery. In oddi-
ties to these improvements the sbaseel has
Men remrptod and sew sapping pleas& 1.
the midi• This has 18em does by els.
sasethers of the St, Geer(o's ONS, who
Iters lastrwnestd is shambling the mass -
gory toads .ad who haw displayed the aims
eseemm d•ble brasa ed sal is the ren-
teasiis of their dant. The west cry
heathen, isolating the akar. bas baa a►
Tee Wasrsar FAIL -Thu Waters Fair
Prise List bas again reaoh.11 as, throve!' the
hailers of l'bea. A. Browns, the $.awry,
tad it tells to mind the fact that the Fair
hes gene an steadily improvise sad growto4(
b importune eines its isegpisa de 186e.
The dates this year tsssein tbe sant., beim,
8.ptemelier 14 to 93. L viewing_ _ rho
lice we and 118 a stem has bean added for
sobs in hareem, toad sloe teat the term
sad fillies of M. General Purpose nese have
hese revived. to the Re1NMms, Jerseys and
Avaehire • motion to. been added for 4 year
.M Dews• and ie the sheep department •
elms for Hampshire Dewey The Der..
Jersey iced Hogs am allsw.d to eompeee
with the Tissworthe. The pooltry elegem
have W Rte. ('orb tardienm 544.4, T sale
the e oresseahl elem. Magpies.
dairy interviste have reoived spatial Mew
14 -
tba, beteg now tbeleadingledurrign
of °meads. The mot v. system is le be
ssmYsed. bevies pawed far mere natio-
loamy tins toe w mom sad is were ease
9*. toes a_L.Med are esparto is the i�e aa�
mem, beim" the semm SI iaethe /oast
Live Stook amoei.tte.s. The IllerAere .1
She Motors Phar are s5tdently snit el peed
.s-,���^' .d mMeative abftl4wits s spare
m *10, ikis aha hbef to pay *OM ea•
Vir Raw, miesesa wands
brhg to the surface every latent pain. A
.lamp et even . few degrees marks the dif.
femme between ooatfort and pais to many
psseems. disease diese holes Ism sway.
8ebeee is.w s.Hy brinsing forward new
remedies which enoossetally wombat diesels.
Poleos's N.rvilin• nerve pain oar. --kms
proved the omit suocessfoi pais relieving
remedy knows. ha application is wide, for
it is easelly efficient is all torus of pals
whether hearer or external. 25 Dena •
bottle at druggists.
W inthsa : T. J. R11ge81 lost a val-
uable miktk sew, Met week hem milk fever.
8uatoetk : 'Iowans MoT.vWt, who hes
Deas 1e F.. Metasl's dry goals esrMieh-
meat for erns ties., lea ter T.ewto an moraine, te tui. • position in
dm wholesale hew of llama (LM..ett,
Barrs h Apses.
drown : Reel Artarreete arrived keep.
bat Monday from Bark's Fads where he had
hem for the par three asost+k. wombs, sad
patting reehilase7 into • Mises mill, with
espmity of 60,000 per day. Remedy Bus.
w the proprietor& The Hill is said to be
118. best to the eemmty Jas. Massie& fem.
sely of Label, wee emeelet.4 with Mr. Arm.
tMl w is the wer18.