HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-6-29, Page 8PARIS GREEN. 'ouzo** oria II11{Eer POWD111. Freak pure .ad teases. Or BURDOf'K sM MANDRAKE BITTIM have proved te be a aplst►iW Spirts. mMisiss. Yea stake it yasrselt A quart fet sie. Try It. Always uos FEAR'S PURE OKRA TARTAR BAKING POWDER Only SI seats per pored. HIER S ROOT BERK DODDS KIDNEY PILLS. PINE IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGAR& TOBACCOS. I'IPlte, ate. Sec our display window AT TIIE pitURMACI, CEO. A. FEAR, Drugg(st.Oudertek Ont ART. R. CROCK ETT, ARTIST. Art - x X X e 1 tndecape. mance aid portrait paintiag In oil sod water colors. VLA��E8 On Thunders. i..3 ratur4ayi from a aver to 12 o'clock. sad from ! to 5 o'clock P.Y. Arehi'ectt.rat and msolianlcal drawing. Ihawtogs for pusses, err. STUDIO t-NorthoL.Seetdeer nem the Sonars Tiw People's Column. 1 MPORTANT. IF YOU WANT A Bedouin) Suite. A Dinto& Suite. A Parlor Suite, Cheaper Koen you ever dieased of. w OO TO SMITHS FURNITURE STORE. THE LkRGEitT STOCK. LATEST 11FC81ON8 JVI:RYTIIINO YOU WANT. At prices that cadaot be beaten. ('ord woad, Lumber std Tan bark in exchange. SMITiEe, C'rabb'a Block. IDD PLANING PLANING MiLL.- • QABR AND DOOR FACTORY.- ALLKINDS WOOD WORK.- WANTLD.-10.000 porde heading. i will give e2.f0 per cord in exchange fcr buildlor est Herts(_ WANTE').- 5+'^ tone of hay la exebaoge for building neatertaL WAN1El) -1 one cools of wove or moth ✓ ed it recbange for building materiel. WANTED. AUkinds ofkg. itetri.angefor . bins k. tate, flooring. siding, &c , kc, All gravtes of sl.ini'cs always on band. Prato tile all sines. at {owes: prices. Domestic Refrigerators - latest America. donor.- madeto order any sire. Ptaw of Keratin*. interior of eaeb gat furs. hb.d. JO8SPII I(IDD. 1119-11 Near the O.T.R. depot. iasolat Notices. N KW CHOPPING MILL. 1 am p•cprod to do nil ki.da of grain (-bop- `Itut on eh retest solace. Mill le rousting at all hours. 1 bare lat.'et and hest Improved a+chiacry hr ter sad efficiency. Prices rea.onatt•. SO y to getting your amphorae with you. JOS. KIDD. Y•fy 17 Brltanatat, Opn•ti •"O"' 17.....,.lori r ' anis ti THIS SIGNAL : QODERIOS. ONT. THIIRNEIAT. JUNE 29, 1893. TIlyaIoofsMd- SIMM WIL6L.e Si p erty /or MM or ISr (teat. FOR RENT. - TWO �a{.OtUS�sea� T vii M rma 'ardcuMaa=.as1y to Mi r. lee hetnles' InetItuta. (1 ODERICH M'ECIIANICS' INSTI- lF TUTS LiBRARY AND RIiADINU- ROOM, our. of teat street and Square (up Maim. Men from 1 to 6 r.a,. and from 7 to 10 Peer. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S 1N LIBRARY. Leading daily, Weekly arra! IUuatrnted Pativra, Magazines, etc., or Pile. 0S1113101311it' TICKET, ONLY *LOS, granting free ono of library and Readier/ - Room. Applications for membership reoslved by Ubr.rlao. in room. H.NNITH, OW. 8T1VEN. President. Secretary. Ood•rich March lath UM. soetettee. CANADIAN ORDER OF HOME Circles. Ooderioh circle No 1(6, moots third Monday of each mouth In the hall over Ins SIGNAL. o6Ice. Special ieducemeets is Insurance and sick benefits. D. CALBICK. Leader ,. R. J. ACHSION. Treasurer ; R. RiCNARDION. Secretary. «bier Art1e1M FOP Mie • FARMS FOR SALE OR TO RENT. The• eg parte Mated iib. bus David FFiisahl&. elm ISOsorsa.s�o� e•ese.. Abs atatMtit half et 7 • one. a. t+• D. Cotbsria. oesWaiatt 20 soma. 'Mee tote will be sold either separately er ea Wer. lir partiottlan&solli to the.i.cutorw J. 11. MIL Hilt, eJaseat+u w to H. C 0*16. YUoeerfaa P.0. A GOOD thatiojs BOURN TO LET, NEAT: =MIL HOLT,w.i C. PAY & eaMortheMt if Li UMW TO RINI-Hese with op - Al psalm cellar, ped water. 1a • eenveSMst health and elapses pert of the town -to rust exp. Appy M es.s to NV J AMMO ItiZD. a.r/mesr• WoU.01. FARMS FUR SALE - TWO VAIaU- sbbi tmppreooved farms on the fourth elm o automet Godorleb townshi�pte�. ve aides Irmo Qodrleh. For !POI w 111 yet4M RS. ANN litNeKd rus er bilf le ws 1110 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. -TOR day. ea bmms•teai of era bits Jame. (bg6n- « tswasktl. .1 let N'. wanes, b.- itlg la.t�« lot sit, ess.s .rt 1. on the grans Kiane tends roes eh to Whgp 1ef. u site.ted .boat w sada trove Aub- vfll•ao wtt� basis cbnrobs and tw��la'�j�ajnptglbt61 resai�mndd'.o�e��A emtpara1 vc i uew PPM with nMaMm ti ICS mid r OD foe good ink born tyre. k w promisee.the t b asses w cleared. The sell is ei t6s beet. Further Information from MRS. CASISADAI'. Asb'in P.O. tfetl FOR S- ALL-N. f LOT 31, IN U CON- oresion. East Wswa•aah, 6(0 acres. This r • f1M-cIai• tarmt. Ateo were lot 6711, Oude- rioh. Paola Mk O k time. on which tiers Ite good brick f Wb . PHILIP HOLT. L'OR SALE AT A BARCiA1N.-T11AT r eomwodiuue bnUdhg oa Mtaw-K.. area - eau at present occupied se • paiatabop by Wm. Stunt on AMC. Terme way. AappI to F. S. 8C(YFT. limas. is P.O. 1I OUSES Ft)R SALE. Nice 6room cottage on St, Meld A.. near Organ Factor ; aeons cell?•, summer kit- chen, and all rose eniences. in drat clava con elitism. Terms W snit ptucbnaere. Only . 1650.00 Hakim and { acre of laid with good orchard in 8t. leo id, Ward. Just the place for n re- tired farmer. Terms easy. (hely *50.00 Apply to LOFTUS IC. DANCEY, Barrister. &r Blake a Block. 114 Godetich, Ont. NORTH-WEST LANDS FOR SALE. JunoACRES OF YALI'AI;LE `e `t Improved and anlmproTe farm kends al dfatenees varylrg from 1 to t2 mels from QICAppele Station. N. tt. T.. for sale very cheap. No better lands for mixed farm- ing are to be found in Canada. For full particulars apply to A. D. DICKSON, Barrister. I08-tt Qn'Aseet1e. •I RIM TO ADvanTIMERA. Notice d eiaym meat b. left M Wil Oeoe not Wee Haan Behardlgy soon. Th. Oopy lar evasete must be bit sot leer thea Moor day soca eIMPOIS1 £+dtsuH lessee me as.aplad tip to noes Wefletsday ei sea we*. Travelling Onhea 01*A7fD TRUNK 111A1L11AT. Teaswe .ve and datt a.d dse lel- ltsswi: 4 d Morda»ttevla =dead Repress hiei min aid RiM BMW& .. its Mall sad p r .-.... 11/ tris so lakes DeatIOtPY• NICHOLSON, L.D.S.-DENTAL it reser tpn.rty Peat OMos' W 61 Q.a.6tab. AD wsdatd and d ambeetebsttiers on hand tar pnialammoss siee Of , N. RICHAR11SON, L. D. ttws.s assert Ose sad vitalised air Ur pedaloes .ztasettat et Leh. tleges ee edea to p!lp wation sisirs. sesiers6.. eatra.esv/sa Mast. 1111 -lis HOWA FARMER CAN CLEAN ANY SEED ORAIIC THORO.OUL'. AND WITH WHAT TO 1)0 IT. Mu em1. Pr !ter. ()olden Vine or other peas can have all splits, oats. &c.. taken from them. or smerilgls peas separated from large ours al one cleaning. and broke. barye;• wild oat*. mustahl seed. wild Deserted all foul seals eau be thoroughly .crarsted from Beed Barky. Cockle, clop', wild peas, wild oats. mnrtard seed, Ac.. can ee tboroughlr separated from Wheat. Fox tall. mustard. Iambs quarter. tight oats, Ae.. cad other things oh}eotlonable 1a Seed Oats separated from them. ('lover Beed, timothy acrot flax seed. cleats seyaratroy, or separ-_:ed from each other. Any kind of gran or • eons can be cleaned as It sbonld be for seed. No foul seeds blown Into the chane. This can ail be done with the IMPROVED) ANMSTRONO GRAiN AND SKIM) ('LKAN*P a fanning mill attachment. No new mill re- ouired. ('an lx• put 1. any mill. cid or new. without Igjirlag !lee mill or disarranging It for the use of Its own sieves. All mteltio s guar*ntecd to do the work claimed for them. Mr bushels of grain ae be cleaned per hwor for market purpoeer. Orders by mail promptly attend to. Itag solo attached to any mill. PUMP i)KPARTMENT. See the Gem pomp. new design adapted for any depth of well by means of dashes, spew shift. 1(aeily worked. swine trued satia6so- ties. All kind of pumps'upptled- ARM8TRON0 BROS.. Pomp and F noires Mill Were, Ooderlet Out. FOR SAID. -TWO is 1N. CAST I TEETH EXTRACTED WiTHOUT PAIN FOR eV tag Mit Of pulleys -01s. Inc.. 1 11-11 W. or sea be bred to fit lager shaft.Goad as sew. W W 1r sold at a reartnnbte anise. Apply .t Tae Bro.ALtlteaas Printing Nouse, Naeitb.t., a.drloh. AuettossM7aN. Tinos as OUNDRY, AUCTIONEER 1 and I.wraa.e Asset. OodHtcb. Ont ristm.t anAttest lore Diarist IIS Fire Sales Cm, P- resided to In any pari of the county. Mil JOHN O UTFFII NN,, COUNTY 1(J0- thisessr. Med seest. (liaise ntdssasd . NY and tmbmema. 08 p M au « tee e.ei• OHN KNOX. GENERAL AUO• ♦ W find Valuator. merles., la he l la • pedelow to estbetaeetom aH eats tslsme M ales. Order, telt at ears Aust1 1s "talent* nt bat as Jt� Aestles..w. wftr GOLDEN LILY OF JAPAN. BLUR I.II.LILB, NIOBLANC HtATHER. They are U.e newest perfumes In bulk. 10 eta. and 10 eta per or - At TTRR 7111.0 TRIM' SOA P. iSe. per oaks. HUM'S R BEER ALMOND MEAT. RiM V 'LORID4 WATER IKILL'n OAT R Xi SR a.OALLOT P[RFUM�B. ANTI CHOLERA DISINFECTANT. pie. ter amt bottle. FRS IH RARING POWDOR MADE DAILY. J. W t mo ter Pessosarwtr Duo. Sews. ?i161- a. ISo tt. AT DE. E. RICHARDSON'8 It *ENTAL mune. 071Ll 110131 QICR' NEST-STIIEET GODEE10E, OUT. Mesdimited attdaieleatiMeeeerr •• geeo���ik m r++alt eg tt�N aessolsasl s. e��41 yvs yr exp ttM seesaws rldt he wla a1(Ma, the West « base awefmalapi gfl 7tua fa.r.r every .iai*e. s .A.E�e<s-2a veryBuie sever tee pais in the spit y1'L'ZQRR'V Po 5_N- 11. i*i 1i. tase the w b Irn.easa h our. Mews es meth is seeder mull. a Ib taiwnith• 1 pals PoPoison4. 11 Rhllrlva, tle.rv.I•r5 n IM alaMets. kiorWic.t Ih...t.01 nor+) siidti.► dime. USWDR S. IUMILat1*ON. heel Tan Mem* be dislielled MIA mead le my edam In hal d 111 1st NZ litadloaL DRS. WHITELY ♦ RUNTS& oatc.-.Gfwnd Ops. 0656. wtgll�i DRS. SUMMONg.ss• eli8.H�.AhhNO` , OsllJ. t-mo$.-sR_01 .se• Mares M. app. Model Sebeal. LCL HOSIERY, GLOVER, AND HYOEIAN VESTS. C4MPION & JOHNSTON, BARRIS- toes, Solledtors, Notaries. le.. Oedesesh, Odtees-Over Jordan. Deng flat E. CAM - t -ION, U. C.. M. 0. JOHN LIMN. Mese Is IOPTC'SE. DANCEY, B6RRISTER, / Solicitor. Cosveyanoer, ac. eta Moser Ui I Ont.at lowest ,aces. Blake's iiloek, 0Od. rick 11N. LEWIS, BAILRISTER,ZPROO- . tor in Morulas Courts of Ontario Oao.-South Colborne Lotel. ISIS TORN DAVISON, BARRISTER, t So2Lnitor. Conveyancer. sic. ; Moog to bad. Offices over Post -Khios. Oudteicb. 06-D RO. HAYS, SOLICITOR, ho. . cora of Square and West street Oodericb. over telegraph ofloe. Pri- vate Funds to bad at lowest rata of Inter- est. Mew GARROW k PROUDFOOT, BAP.- rioters,Attorney Salldwra. &c.. Ood. rich. J. T. )arrow. ULC., R Proadloot. CAMERDN, HOLT & HOLMES, Ministers, Benetton is Cheapen he. God M aiMmaC. lymeroa, Q 0. ; P. Moit ; Dud'.ey a T 0. WARD. CONVEYANCER, el . &c.. sad semmieslaser for taking and re- Octtug rs.apl.ances of ball. andavits a atermatlmer depositions or Dolman declare - tions la.r.osne dune any action. wait or pee. *sedum fa the High Court of Justice. 16s (Monet Ayppees.l� fur Ontario, or in any County or {Anon tat All transactions oarefulu sans prier unseated. Residence aid P.O. address-Dupromes Ont. 12z6 -4t 1.0111Z11111 RUG 11111M111111011. We .re showing the above goods 111 .a- esedlettly Low toes. Hawry la Black ad teed staialem, 041. Hereediefee:::.7161=s Rom Doable Kae. with 8pWd Heel .ad Tos, is plata sod ribbed. Wim Huse in Fast BMA, Taos and Grew, plebs .rod silk A special lbw of Ladies' Cotes Hyenas Vesta, 3 fur 860.; Natural Wool only 60e. We Imre joie opsaed a mese( Chadwick'. Rowing Costes i• en No's. This is one of the best soshes of thread is the market- For arketFor a short time ody we will sell 4 spools Nor 10o. or 30c. per dozes. Ws gnaraatee use prima in all LL... o/ Dry Goods to Ir 16s lowest, quality oo.sidered, of any store in the County. The highest prim for Batter mod Eggs. JAMES A. EWA Jordan's Meek. Getel.i. May IS, 111 %IONEY TO LOAN. - $16,000.00 151. Private rands to lead at 5i per wet an - n( ly. iTUS Lr. DANCEY. Islake ee CSEAOER, AGENT FOR THE . t.oNno�t Aso ttallow (:onPaay, «Loo- doo, Kaglaad. Ow of the 0deet and strongest Etre Inrare.cs . oas0.a1sa is the world. 1n- corp...aced A.D. 17fa. Aimee over eighteen mfglon dollars. A ohm et bsiainese is te- spcetfulb solicits.( as b.Wf of the above Company. C. SEAOER. McLean. Block, Montreal -at, ooderich. 1 166 L1 J. T. NAFTNL, FIRE, LIFE AND C • aootdent insurance .gent ; at lowest rats. Office -Cor. North -M. and Spasm Ood- e•ricb. 71- '`600,000 TO LOA`(. APPLY TO • CAJSYRON MOLT & HOLafkn Oo.r rick. lrse ONEY TO LEND. -A L A R G I amount of Private Tend. air Iavestms.t allowing rates on One -class Orposs. Apply to °ARROW t PROUD/WO (� RADCLIrFE, GENERAL 12Q - AV. mance. C••1 estate and Masa Lanais, Att.ret Only Gro-ebis6 ooslrasle0 represented. Money to Lead es strNgk loess. at the lowest rate of astatine ,shag, to ear way to snit *6* oowrswer Oho -Sea end doer from Square. Wee bsrsK, -cods rich.• sRstr Publle Notloes- ►{SHE POINT FARM 11 asaoot o► 18k1. This old favorite and faesWr Sommer re- sort la now open. The place le m menial or- der and looks remarkable well. The batch le lee finest on the meet. having Incrosesd by some strange freak of nature new ewes la extent. Pie matiestmmid d and esee poetise will a .vefy easwill lie ossu.d this Oammer kmsaill purrC4 eased lacy hoose -keeper. J. J. WRIGHT. 1141. Proprietor. p0 HAY CUTTERS. -$1.50 PER .1 Aso will be paid for mutes eyatv os the Falle Restwvs. 0001 10 R. 0 1 (701.111. IbJt eIODERICH FOUNDRY AND VJ macaws WORKS. To Use mobile : - Buy Rssfine. Nus. 1 and 1 Mews. Mosel MID i.ad fellers and toot cotters. Watford Nva 7 and a plows. Amerleem mouldboards, Watford tsry piss K Watford hay Tart. Watford .4. 1Me, am Malls. Ua fo pointsake. Al s eG11r yet Inds ('.sting. made to in air all 051.1. WV J. B. RUNCiMAN. Nano'. assess -1'0 ALL WHOM ITMAY Is Wyse Ifireh tw1 ei tis festen thevers • of • w nipeot i vely, to t6. seder «J. J. tb. payable at the 0.mmenal Sant with Ingres a g�kt hep sash twelvmit e paisfeet tis�iMlslseP the 11/ ▪ transfer of tthe mile.Dated et of 6... t "mriItis FIfAyalritS. N OTICE -ALL PERSONS FOUND 1101wise to etether 1OMlbae.s. . the 01 the prwprti kisw, .g ,bi soil . a w sswmehlps « Oe40rt.k E. CAM C.. E. BARCH LE t two 96th « sitgresp"'`s.a, is�R* i geglati by or ethos. bili .lie lar me to w. sad 016-4. R Proprietor. QALTFCIRD TANNERY -TO ?HE lan.a/mstty of e• M 11 K Mm- aro N public --He esu 111 mea= Soalydlnjf. 1R0011S AND BOARD -COMFt)RT- &BLit remise and board nee be had by the day r weak in Mts. Robs, Uwagh's. cor- ny et Wer aid Waterloo -Ma.. Lear the Port Oaoo Tarr msoerste. 1661 Wanted. 11 A - WANTED.-FARSIERSRUSH is your old hay 1. the next throe weeks. No propene ser hatter Drove& as there will be a big new ergh CHAS. *141*3. Hay Peew- ee. tier ti. T. IL Station. 17-11 Idoi'yR. Bala v(ORTOAG& SALE. Under and by virtue of the powers coetateed Ina certsle tourtttape• which wail be produced .t the top of sale, there will be clewed for sale W public aur. Hoa at M►nouoh'. hotel 1 the t:llye of Uunmennon. osi daturday eke fifth day et Atoms. ISO. a1 the hour of one d clock in Weattw:nnon• the loilowiug valuable properly : The north holt of lot nnmher twenty-four la Me *itch eonceeston, errors"' divbit a of the Too lump .d WOO WAwanoeh. Iee5 wt •saes u0 16.0 booth -east corner and about also spree cif the north-east corner of said lot, and emu, rods cattle north-west corner. Peeving abo'rt e:gbty four acres. more or leas. TLe propesty is t• a good state ofcdtiv.ti. a. Is w.11 teapot, and Pisa frame tarn eructed tber.00 The tetes of sale arc tea per met. mink at the time of sale, and enOolwt to oke one- third of the mocker mopped q be paid in f days from We day «sale. mod • NORIAaet for the balance with fatetiet payable half -yearly - sat containing the naval wvms.st. to Ile given to the purchaser te the V..dor% further torm* and co.dfeioas sol este will be made known at tLc time oes.b. Doted the twenty-seventh day oaf Jutr. A.1J. IitxL Ue L%OO1tJs, REE8011, 0501AMH k 11011. 17 Toroato street. Toronto. rood Vendors Solicitors. MAYFIELD. Teo isle Wats week. Rev. Mr. Kama wee r Limits Ibis weak. U. H. Hawses eras is Lades nes Friday as belsone Charlie (JaiPLsr Y (tams hem Nastreal Ise We holidays. Mies M. Wines Wt few a visit to relatives at the Sault this weak. Mrs J. W. Hedges@ sad Iib hokum of Sesfort.h calked .1s friends here se 66.. daT. Our Orae!gsoatt p.epua raids Me Etter on the 19th. They'll be sire to Mozart at - tastkre. I1r. Charism (.ages, who has hoes speed- ing • Hew weeks wi'.l his panels (Here, left last week for Detroit. Mc and Mea T..empon sad lir. Ida - Catheter, of Ckimgo, are her Amities re - Wives. They will rearm for our great oddest Me. Ile sure and call at H. F. Edwards' store on July 1st. Very special bargains to all d de te co that ay. Orem goods sad to worth 10 sad 120. go fur 5a se that 1% URTOAOE SALE. Default Maytag been sad• in the okirseei of • certain seortoreme dated the Arse dvidemoseast Ds• °ember. lfiI& reser bis use Theme to the wiedrs there wilt eider Pler of *ate *pulsed in said la 11mby ppaa%li.- auction by Mr. Jolla Neu Motet In the Town at b la to Counts of Huron on Friday. Inc Sae June 1656. at one o'clock t•.*., lots numbers two sad three. subdivision of block 'll in the West- ern Division of the Township of Colborne In saki County containing one hundred woes. more or teas. The lead b situated about two miles from Oalrich on the gravelled road. Soli good clay team. alru .O acre, chorea and ander cultivation. Frame dweUltt.g b,nss. Barn 10 x 05ft. in goof repair. Terms of Pie : sea per cent. of the pur- chase mose_y will be required to be Pool •t time of sale and the balance wlthlo agleso days tbere•fter. A portion of the pere;,aee mosey may be secured by mortgage on the Orr detber paiticutars app .led tQQ 1. GBEKNLSK4, orb JLION KNOX, Veedolr's&wieltor. Atrctfonee. Lowden. Out Oolet.eh. London. 12th 6.... 1*0. Auction Sales. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE PILL PROPERTY. Coder and by virtue of a Powis tf Pale oar - t.lsOd to • oertaba moths. winch will ter aruaae•d at the time or roe and made 1 y mesas $arafy to the vendors ; There will be Wired for sale by palette auction at Martin's Hold la the Town of Uodsriok on Tuesday the fitted y of July A.U. ISM at half pant one s' In the afternoon by Thoma. Ooadry. a the renown's( valoabie property. A and Miesiar those certain tracts of Lad sad primness shoats, lying and hetes in Dem omegad Port Albert, In the Counts of He. raaaad Province of Ontario. being composed «parts of the Mill Reserve is the said village as Mid down by Wfllfam Hawkins. P.L.B.. and fatty d.•acribed by metes and Weeds In the said mortgage and known as the Pert Albert mill property. - 0. thepntalees thorn 11 erected • drat .sans Roller Flour mot Urlet MI11 known se tee Port Albert Mille- also Saw M111. Stave Fac- tory and Ceepseaae. two dwelling houses sod Mees. term siehloisod del tits Head. There is .Hes a nee 01.os qtgarry. The Ms cendM of alma vHare a sures. The sham dprief dos lab* m yen water Mom 'no" ma NOtlmgl 1 ea a rootMeads- hot assn soder. aTh a la sad Ih 1s The lam, which b s. V maWlymaintained. Isbuilt a�} 6Y re* with • waterfall lel drNm�mp� :Moped betery and cooperage nmehto meet phi seabed it barreels darlgoad ing W amts a i ssas� S It. late aea wn. r Moe aro its proms else et gam me pew that a Hive,s ammo el�gtgs i 1M f.eW ovenwaset 4. k la wM M egged la11che toaw SWI « Mg mi ems the w 264. pewee M see et the bar t1. Wing os al Mae Mile River : ltd Ithe sane' tyf fl . ire1l.41 miles tram the la Ile Conary of Hawes 10 Tows et Dederick. the .aa {qya county et Horse sad is fillet dam usNlsa of the Oasate. 1.05.06 sale : Tea per coat. re We pR- 011M at the Her « sale sad the bY- swntweak Asea ems w rth *Greener w1hest in- V0116rr may wbe aa l esafi hem ✓ isit Me High e.d Uel. 16th dei et Jti.i. i iML C N, HOLLT H01.016 THOMAS UND Y. V 'SdisNer.. A Met THE WONDERFUL And matt rsmerbebis emehinate.s et Mfr gh1c esi6.rlah 1n the wade is esnieleed as IA Lase Water, s ares tM greet Am6is. ' Pretense flresb•an, N. T." CHAS. A. NAIRN Ha t. ma • mw sM1s iireat hem thel.pe. A soed trial w111 esnvbaee yea at l Lomb w.Mderhl eealltl.s. 11-1 QA.Mell11. .IWulw.t. inhere Slog" ae dot Min Mary oW r» MB tea m It by Malas ay. The Summer visitors are arriving. Mrs. *hely. of Londoo, is at the Commercial, and w Saturday last Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Davey. of Loudon, came erns encored nose at the River II -del which they deiced to a000py siertly. Everybody is preparing for • big day's sport here on Saturday, Jolly 1st .•t very good }sue list is eat sad the various events me of a most interesting character. The o•lithempiae proceed se will parade the streets at 10 .t a. The football latah will be ►ad on the Square at 10:30 and the otl•or sports take pines on the Fatr ground, in the •fter0oc0 commencing at 1 t• o. sharp. Ad - miesioa to the groun,fa, adults 15..., obit• drso 10o. Then hoe begin so much said rad written about fait sawing Kiat we are Imre of actino fest work done that day. Several outsiders have been heard from .•1d the sawing match win doubtless be eery exciting. Ore the small bulis for preemie and prize. DUNLOP rrom our owe eare.poadene. lir. awl urs. H. J. Horton, formerly reaideata of thea plane but now of Ooderieb, paid our burg a uanaieet visit, last weak. Srnntt'i Dura. The tabu:* of redden and nocspeoted death of James 110.., of Kiuwsbridge Thursday morning of lass weak est quite a gloom over a number of friasds Mrs, by whom the deceaae.t was knows cad res ectol as a tnao 01 sterling qualities. His stsur, ldrs. 1). C'ummtag. wee present at the tonna Saturday, he being harked la the R C. cemetery at Kingabridtte, the R,T. Either Dixon coaduatiug the foam - al servloss. Monday of last week we, with a comrade from Lre1urn took a (*60.1.st visit W the progrewve village of Purir's Hill, the .�.apttat of Huron's only township which we behave has a full tendency to pure oold Heater principals, bevies no lionised hotel i• its midst. Ins .estrum spring* and Sewing 'tresses have driven the sale of liquor from the township. After au spnill task of some years, tempsraoce geeing to win and those who feel w newt of a bowl have to cross the township borders fur it sow -a -days to the Hob, the Circular tows eons An *-$oott Act etroagbuid by the Saubbs mouth which flow. tato lake Furor . TM iron horse slopping for North at UolmesvtUe, we alighted from the train and weeded our way op the out Ilse of *be township, which is the dividing line of two iaportant ridings for voting for the Ostarno hoop, but not so fur the {).minion. Au empty tra.sport wavroo which bad taken the cargo of in. Porter's Hillcompa.y to Clinton overtook w ono carried as to oar resting parte where we met nue genial b.rt and hostess sad .pent a pkasnt ami ece•al ereuing, in wh.eb the musk of a fur friend well kno-n here was mach enj-.yed. Two or three otLre who lied promised to come were prevented, by illness of a relative,froat being present at the tea electing • few miler from the village. la the morning we took • walk to see the postmaster, who had been • neighbor of our comrade in Loehnrn over a period of thirty years aro. While they were telkin,r of the sway long azo, we wast over to the temple .1.de wti"0 of the . oh•.ol .ectioo, and hurl .site • shot with its pre.eptr, who is p-epAraor a dam for the con.ing entranc • .vunm►tn a. sad who, Ironies this, has a toll of over et vent/ schol- ar.. His entrance dos meets bttore the .ehool hour for 'erection in the morning. The time coelia; for them *imbed Ire muted our interview and then had a that with Too tato for hist we. k Gipsies are again in camp on Nightingale street. Amno�gg the transient visitors to our burg last work were Mr. Wibou and Miss K Clarke, of Wiseman. That unwelcome visitor, the potato buy, i • .gale in our midst, sad this saasoal the of beta to cheek hi* deadly work on We vines of 11.e potatoes prove ne.r'y unavailing Pari* wrens, carbon of topper and head ,irking do sot seem to make much invest • nos ea patches where they were grown km year or even os mew pentad. Ora S.•troor_---No. 9, township of 1'01 horse, with its teacher, beim Potts, and truster D. i.nwmoo. John Hostas sod K. N. Shaw cad scholars took in the picnic at the Point Farm Lechern Saturday of haat week, where they were joined by school. No. 1 sad 6 of this township under the charge of their teachers, Mimes Robertson and Wai- mea. Ths day to all was • floe one fns weather sad sports and pores with netball sad beetbg, alt oomaideri.g it owe of the base peeks they had ever attended. NOOKS AND PERIODICALS. Ilearea'a M co *UX ( -Life in the epee air is the these of Harper'. Magmas far July. The opening article dumlbse mss bleier e fuels.t of ita11, sad MNasefsee ineslrsttsse aix of thorn foll-papd.igravios, ase from photographs me& Ispp the article. The soot el meadowa ad the br..a0. 0t English up- loads fill the ebapten of William Black's 'The he Handsowee R.mes,' which ars o - mined le this number, while in "Three English Rhee Mestiege." by Richard Hard- in, Davi., the reader catches reteeshiag glimpses eta rataeno trio of national oat - dor festivals. Tho "Rao. Maoism" are illeatratd with mime drawistp by Willman Small. In "Algarfin Riders, an itlstrat- .d papr by (b(0n01 T. A. Dodge, U. 8. A., the evader gaits ss Ia1Nht ids the free lif. .l We North Melees tw.t-dwells►--swam of the wpl.bid ..d paned Awake bore. "1W Lights se 111 thrums Jaldir." by Poetise" Mildew, 810UMsi from ei..h.a drawings e es.pe& of the Ms .t ~ g0.rwta. .limn ad privates is barbas sad in the Mid. Beery Loomis Nelms dew le se .Nensis ie fashion dbm lam igratl.i of taw Fress.h (I.msdisi NM New Wood .N hie geslities as so Amwleis sitless Ie the Renter% Study " Charles Medley Warier, Menem the most naval review and whir Made tup*ts. The " Raiser'. ikawer ' is- sleds' aw1W �Re Asi dee Corded th.leery by %mowNttot llhmn w.. s fed?np �alaeg 1'► G.1rpp ZrZYMBAsci it row Itorsok"4 bear* ITO arrest Than about an arShiftgi. with tkl It sal yea rap saw UM i'r6or _ -n its a wIWI state ward ibis before. Pierre TblitArawrP do stove in an easy side way, very differ-viafromthe bole,old-feehi..1 TAILThey're not et pleasanter, but tbenF� no reaction afterward, and their help logy, OR, little sugar-coated Pellet for gentle lag. alive or corrective - three for a cathartic, Const(pation, indite tion, Ons Attack; Sick and Bit. hoes lies, gp5 =sly relieved *ed the anal the emir* to take,- --eei discreet pill you en bei, for they're Swtwa steed to give satisfaction, or your money is re. turned. You pay only for the good yet, get It won't do to experiment with Catarrh. There's the constant dan- ger of driving it to the lungs. You can have a perfect and permanent Sere with 1». Sage's Remedy. TME WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. depress maw. oweee '. Jeal a)th. lea Wheat 1att10 �r�isgr0rstm ot 0 an WOO �,g�at Pq►.10. t1 c.�t 1 D Ps01. 0 .t • - • lell 1110- DOD telt 611�tell i w Gee~ saw. t) btrh r tea. 1 fa tc1, R dna•bent..................._... 1.!s to1N Berlkye t� • kMh ........ isos p 53 too y 11.7.810* 450to7a iAppless I' bu.hnP...� ..«1 Y) toe • 1u-fter, 5 13 W (11 Sego fresh unpacked. 1 tae 4 6 to 0 1C to II 1101.4 Wool II It le !des al010)0 Ladttew o I6 r s 1 DtvmadeslyHolts.• oust .... _ s Se to : W Perim .Ii to 011 Live flows * ad to 60 Oboe, skies swot te Cheese 12 DUNGANNON. Fitly rnrag'apb, Prf*sree ter 1gm este M 1 be sepal. From oar own eorresp.-nde•at. isitl..: -- Daring last week Join ('eerie, of, Loudon township, veiled reletivet Lars. (tet .A Vtan'.• Tota. • biR Barer is vi.it:ig relatives at Aylmer. . .1. D. Roberts is visiting relatives at 11u0sJ ., New York. I.s.+r-ea*6I M*CT t.n.--The dirscton +4 8.. West Wnwan.»h JJuteal Fire In franc. Ca will mast in the usual pfoe. os Tuesday 4:6 deet. Isrr•sot r .uvea -Constructing new barna of which there ie quite • .setter in the siroity. alio repairing old uw ars the rash jet now. Haunt -At- - Our V. S , Jells Medd, his removed to the premiers which he re- a .1 y ptrchas•d, where he may be ce.rultsd se to treatment of horses eta Awar 05 A Ttrtr. - Jahn Reins left here in the beginning of the week tor a trip to the Northwest We wish hits • Pisan- ant visit and sere return. 1:'vs*sea KaA..-.6. ie tether thrnyos ho.t the Provisos a1 Ontario es- tronos examiosttua sosuneaesa h- re *hl. morning (l1'eelisem ay 1. Farther parttoa- la.. is our next Poliwga RaAtBgxTa. - Messrs. Walter Stewart, of Lackner, end Mr. Deu000, of Montreal, bete formerly of Uonga.now, visited aal6•intasoes here devise the foree part of this Creek, wan pleased to see both gentleman well. i)nt.IAtoq ('oriT.-Division Court esu head here on Saturday b.1. Docket light - hot two or three cog. Hl. Hotly JJodtts l'oyle ptsidi.g, The mphfraternity was rspe+ae�ted by barrister t, t:ode- riah, .red Morrison, 1..gkarw. Aeumoe - Henry Jame, al Wast Wave • nosh was, during last week. tote happy tbe presentation el • young dseght.r• s are pleased to know that mother wed daughter an d.iee well. We e.rgrstslwti Mr. and Mrs. Jaw, hsplag that she may 1r long spared. GENERAL e ChIsi.erea.isg rapidly throughout Russia... The Genera Reichstag will he sem sweed to mod oe J.1y 4th. Advices tree Moes show that Were wore 317 Assam from theism is that city from Jose OW to Jess WM The Australian maim per HS. Stowers sad the Comedies !cuts moiled Leedom I.e enesb eg, 26 days teem Sydury. The guessed p..sesger wets se Melted States railways have idsgtol --.snntemdm' times for • Nage foss Nee to tb Worii's Fair. nosey store ter.ham Paris, Berth sad Lisboa, .ad It le thawed that the red of the emend Espy.. drought Y raw. The ParsdUta seodsa el bbe Irak Parlia- mentsty party has hosed s grdfml( to the Ameriaasesswi*sills fpr Weller Mow dal aid ha ills, e I Fars b4. dein din esehoe of slob X116. 60 emefor seeheee�she Aagielte s =p.tt.fthe Noah Peas of Ow Sor e lite .gibe, tad for the peehhemes el 04 owed � h taw Heto thew re/ witbattl Avmiw. The yrasm$ .mesa 14. roe ISM 11e fen paMrWte ./ am mama» which the sosinoto barreled whale mesad the hoed *4Mope .s*Ml Vidona Imo not T't bps r.ed'.itoll" Ponio ( W • .f twosloboloboiia. 1.s IA du ipernfw b *•f 1.1.Ywe turf. VNS on bowl. l " .M4*