HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-6-29, Page 44
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Telephone Call ]e. Roderick. Oat.
0ODltit/CH. THURSDAY. JUNI !, 11193.
TEE Unit*L .e)NTCrnTrm*.
The Liberal convention held at Ottawa
Last Week scored • maces* in point cf at-
tendance, in the calibre of the delegates
present, and in its representative capacity.
livery portion ot the Dominion nave British
t',alumina was well represented, and the at-
tendance from tie 6Jwrit.me Proriocee was
particularly noticeable.
The chairmanship of the great gathering
was unanimously tendered to Sir jOtsvga
Moo or OD the first day, and his address in
opening the great gathering is well worthy
of perusal. Although his loyalty to the Old
Fleg ie .till unebatd, yet he considers that
even those w ho have . oiced the policy of
t'ontinental l'nioo bavo hero driven thereto
by the unhappy condition of things econ-
omic which had been brought about by he
action of the Government in foisting the N.
1'. upon the country ; and so, while he dis-
believes in their policy he tacitly admit•
that there is good ground for their action in
the premises.
The address by Mr. Lei-aira was. • onn-
ceptioo of great breadth, and proved to be
an ina1iration to all present The arraign-
ment of the N.P., sod the scathing criticism
of eta defenders FoulER, AN.;Et a, CLARK r.
WAIL* -It, et al. was masterly and rever-
berated from one end of the Ibmioino to the
other : whilst the peroratiun proved to be a
veritable bugle blast to arum, eo far as the
Liberal cohorts are concerned.
The delegates have returned to their
homes with hope in their hearts and • de-
termination to worthily 'wood the efforts
of • chieftain whom -having .sen and heard
they have learned to admire mad respect ;
with a greater detestation than ever of the
manners and methods of the governing par-
ty in Canada ; and with an anxiety to 0000
mon face Ow poll and • desire to give the
government ot the N.1'., of traria and cow
hine•, of corruption and extravagance, its
death Mow.
The success' of the !Abend party at, the
next general electing' now depends upon the
force and vigor with which it grapple. with
the abuses which bow prevail.
Tenderhanded grasp a mettle
And it stings you for your pain.;
grasp it lilt. • ma d mettle
And it.eft ae silk reltmna
L t ramie LOTAUR sY 1111 ,Ip*T arra
&boat it, so far as (beak it oesesrmed. 11
isn't from the both sat ably.
Palace Oatsmie Nes twnmArao MST A
real (.•.din• sleigh weld mit tiro and the
Prioae May. H. Meat intimated what
be weld do with the neigh i1 he gee It, bet
rime thing M eats, sad that le that it
weielis't eat its heed elf.
TUN Toantryo Man EAI ser tutamen
its typegr•pbhs! •ppms.s.e by heesmng
••. .hive n.i." It mow leeks Nearly ee
howdy ea The Unmet. News, sled the
HPWPmpineal appleseme elf that .beet
meld Sweet asp • Seek
it rem rrrmaran Tesop*. i amigo moue
he hswght to believe that the Maw .ei.
meths nam net railed ko frame • palsy
ee one the Tay ply, tt mitt he la a
pn114e to advisee& why the *Sem
&tilt'► MB the 'Any perky.
HOS. Madir:oae Bow.u. Dared les
Ottawa .mvuMss "a Grit pew -mew."
8e ne of the Grit oomventiomws eisigbh retest
by *Hing Boww.t's (Bowl •'. Tery how -
the revenue be We ap U we had reci-
procity with the United States n cental
ttroduete and ata•ataotared artielea Well,
how would it de to pat • pretty stiff duty
e Cbec&go divorced people Doming lata
SOta or 0l•* ral*YIN HAV, Asir!. Tltt
BM:xAL to advocate Canadian ladependeace.
Is. reply we might state that Canadian
hadepesdeace would not make • market for
use bushel of barley or one barrel of pork,
neither would it improve our shipping inter-
est by one ton of freight, nor stop the exo-
dus by • solitary individual. Independence
is the stepping stone between the .tatoe
quo and annexation, without the benefits of
either. __ --
Ottawa Free Press : As Hon Messrs.
Fielding tart Longley enjoy the confidence
cf throe -fourths of the lure of Nova
Soot* the assertions of t Tory papers
that these gcvtlernw ate ' ge•.+otsioni•ts"
simply morns that the great body of the
Nova Solei/ens have DJ sympathy with the
rest of the Dominion and merely suppo: t
the federal goverumeut with the view cat
vetting something It Messrs Fielding an I
l.,ogky ate accorsionist■ wby du the Nova
Soudan& keep them io tower!
Port Arthur Sentinel, Woo.) : For our
part there does out appear to 1* much hope
for the success of the Conservative party at
the next election. l'here is not one among
the leaden who can arouse enthusiasm.
The Orangemen of the cabinet have loot the
confidence of their brethren ; 16e Roman
(*tholtts do not commend themselves to
the people of that church ; the cold water
men &re revrded ea traitors by the tamper
once party : and .11 around there seems only
.distrust of one another, combined with
l inert fear of the people as to the capacity
of the leaden.
Brockville Recorder A. F. Campbell.
M. Pi'., told the people at Scott Lake that
the tariff policy of to-dav is very different
from that in (ora in 1678. It is, iudee.'.
Fifteen years ago the people of Canada paid
• tax ot 912.795,000 to the Dominion Govern
vent on 191,000,000 worth of foreign goods
purchased. lest year they brought goods
from abroad to the value of 1116,000.000
and paid taxes to the amount of $20,500,000
on the purchase. The value of the imports
increased by a little under 30 per cent ;
the taxse on them went up by over 60 per
Hamilton Times : The i,ondon Free
Press takes $.3,500 u the value of the aver-
age farm up in Western Ontario Away
back in what it loves to call " the dark
days of Mackenzie's time," it was • very
poor improred farm up in the Huron tract
that was not worth twice that sum. And
the corning, on the basis of the larger sum
were greater than the Free Prees figurate out
are now made on the Iowa prices of farm
lands which t•.11owd the adoption of the
N. P. The farmers feel the difference in •
way that no amount of sophistry can get
Hamilton Times : Gnat year tie people
of Canada paid 150,00) hi custom dun nit
$100.000 worth of cut iron pipe, (04,000 nn
1270,000 worth of umbrellas, 6250,000 on
5783,000 worth of tweed, *563,000 on 11,-
71.5,000 worth of swollen cloths, and $443
000 on $471,000 worth of o. l oil, naphtha,
etc The rate of duty on these art'. les vari-e r
from ono .i0 to ba per cent. But these
figures only portly show what the [anlicosts
our people. 10 them mut be aided the
suets which it enables the home n.•nufactur
ars to extort ever competitive figures, an 1
the merchants' profits of the Burns paid in
duty. These are but specimen items.
Manilas !tanner : Now that the .Inestioo
of special represeutation in the Mowat
cabinet is up for dlscu..ion, it is known
that there is not • single red heeled reprc-
eeatative in the ministry, and it is feet that
the time has arrived for all the red headed
men in 16:e province to join together nal de-
mand • fair share of the public offices and
public honors. The woolen legged men
have had the matter under consideration,
they having no representative of their own
in the cabinet, but we learn that there to a
hitch in regard to their attitude in the case,
there being a difference of opnioo between
the right -legged mcn and the left -legged
men as to which should take the first step.
We can all as what a serious matter it
would he if all the wooden -legged men
should resolve to take the stump.
Des.: Trial 16. Atari le Tore awful
rerser-a Walrtpe..t 1w 16. leaveMrp's
Wake where Whammy *twill •.,awed
Las lea With Mende Corp...
New Yoam, June In. --Tie Evening Wer1l
published as extra last evening, 1. wbicb was
the fotIowlhg spacial cable despatcb from Tri-
poli, Syrtis.
About 3 o'clock last Thursday afterogos the
Knoltob bet caw in eight of Elmina, Abe
and town of Tripoli_ 1t was coming from
mahout and maklug directly for the har-
bor. "heave MJ tronclads-Victors., Cam-
perdowo, Mit:An tgh, Nile and SAu.porvtl-
were drawn up lu 1.11 front. The Victoria
was in 16e an' soothe Campertown was om her
loft and tt.• L ttuburgb on bar right
When they warewt'hla era miles from
shore Vloe-Admiral Sir Georsa Tryon at.: -
naiad to turn and form a double line. This
impact that rho t'kt.•rls an 1 l'amp.rdown
were to go ahead • little owl describe •
turn -the Viotorla turning to the lett and
the t'amp.riuwu turnlug W t6• rtsht-tato
they would advance sad• by side In the dime -
tion from ...Weil they had come, anal others
would swing Into double column urd'.r and
advance two nod two behind the lea.lera
When the order was given the distance
6.twam the ships was lees thou two coblse
length. Tb• execution of the order was easy
enouih for ships tartLer •way tram the
centre, tett extremely difficult for the Vic-
toria and the Camp•rdown, wbo, in tamps:
their bows, earth' pose within a fe • fathoms
of each other. oven 1f t6• move. -wait wee
executed with the greatest preet.kw.
movement is rarely mate and is cbic4y for
the purpose of training the ship corn -
menden to more expeditiously away
from shoaling waters. Whether be-
cause Admiral Markham of the Campos: -
down could not behove 16,s move-
ment was to be tried when t6o ships wen w
close together or became be thought Admiral
Tryon had miscalculated the distance, be
ditnot set about executing Admiral Tryon'e
order, but &gine& that he did not under-
stand It The Victoria acd tic• other revels
had not hectated. 9'h" t-:ofuria tops to
turn at once, a she sti l 6e1d to the signal.
The Camr•erdowu no Linger hesitated, but
:iso began to turn. lb. bite( delta• how -
over had Len* fetid. e Victoria haul
y tailed, and the Camperdown swing-
ing around bon down upon bar.
Both were quick to act. .t'lruire! Trro
swung the Vote tit in as to receive at
smallest angle the Wow which both olffc•n
saw was lneviabbi, and Admiral Markham
did the sum for the Camp down, heak
reversing her scram The 1"47o0t ratan of t
Camovdown struck 16e hull of the Victor
jot in front of the armored bulkhead and
plun;ed Into the thin plates of be
starboard side. 16• armor ends of t.. be
hook and the foroard part of the V
toria above the water lune were mere
cardboard to the great iron wedge so
Uy propelled. There was • annullingmishit
wood and iron plates, sad ttse rem and ag tet
feet of the bow of the Comm -down crow ell
20 feet into tic. bowel, of the Victoria. The
Cautp•rdown was bolted by the b•avy armor
of the Victoria, and u her crews were re-
versed, elm at once began to back away. As
all this other onsets were moving to get into
doable lino behind the two Ie•iere.th,y wort
bearing down u;tou the •utanxIod .olio, owl
a catastrophe involving all the iroucl .4. WM
imminent Only the coolness and prompt
actlot of the other cumm•nders preveat.d •
general disaster.
]he Victors.'e bow ma tow po:nted full
towards the dun. It tamed that Admiral
Tryoo did not maks• the extent of the
damage W the Victoria. As no accident of
eaacily this 64.4 has happened beton, ho
could not know what tic• effect of the hole
to the compartm•ut was to hs. He no doubt
t.oeigbt that as only one comportment was
damaged, the others wool) keep bis
eat, so wben the Camperdown and the
bravest. One man who eseepmd •071 011•04 LBO
saw i *Is grad verbs at hem bb of laic
1.lt'w. Aghtig with .alb other acid w110 (s►
imitates death. le • momamt re se Hb
Wyse d }Mrd and tae vortex basalt M
.1... up. 7l. ship was Meeatb the surface
pts... the whirl w shaliewd almost to the
mare wee a tNtAed mend et *6 der.
flee waters were toured st1N edeas beet
from t6 us. kala the mad lesemsar
buret tram ths.wtma.s. The bedew ted
eiphi tad. the sea had rushed into the tar -
sae... Aad the swimmers woe basting waves
of szelei•g water. Thu., In 1ws than 10
mtnu•ra, &loth In threeawful foetal attacked
*6. officers and crew of t!•. Victoria -death
by drowning, death Lt Lu.lfellke screws and
&oath by scalding water.
tt-atb Um first unitoorlunceof the Victoria
all the boots were caller away from all the
other ships, on.i cause straining over the
calm w to save R,a strugglers. These boats
were roan picking Up the fortunate um who
bad got oat .4 reach of the terrible vortex.
So keg es the vortex was then the boots
dared not venture near, but they did lift
from the scalding water errand wreaked
sailors who were horribly burned. It is
thought that to..,. than belt of those drown-
ed got out of the ship. but were caught in
the vortex •e scalded to death by t6• boding
Admiral Tryon stuck on tars, brides sod
refused to leave It. Just before the Victoria
made her plunge he saw what was about to
happen, sod issued an order for each mise to
save himself, but the order never got beyond
Cis bridge, for ruin .IsnwJa4 straightway.
The direr whom be bad ordered below to
look into darm; es w u sti Il on deck and drw-
el for lis de•aceut except bis helmet He
wool -i hese tom dragged to the bottom by
kis heavy lead-wle4.hoes had It not been fur
a reamau wto stopped to cut bim loose trona
his teary clothes. The divan wee saved, but
the man who cut him free was drowned.
Then were maty sou of heroism, self for-
getfulness and daring. The peril d those in
Ile water was increased by Um fact that the
yea hereabout. is infested with sharks. 1t is
the duty of the matinee wisest a collision co -
urs to go ituw•dlately below and muse all
the water -tight compartmeuts. Whom the
Cemperdown struck the Victoria, the Vic-
toria's marines went below for their dal
and as a rr.ult out of 120 marines on t6.
Victoria, 90 were lost.
Mosley Au..ds the aeretee 14.14 1..
Kamer, .1 Tlee Ad wind brew.
Lozno•, June 2t-tlervices in enewory d
t'tce-Admlril Sir Gorge Tryon, o omtnand.r-
.0-c6iae of the lledlt.rra•osu !Robots, wbo
est his life thrnugi the foundering d his
3.g.hlp, the Victoria, were bell Tueoday In •
:t. Peter's Cbuich. of which Vico-Admiral
!roan aa. an active memh.r.
TO* .et vie s were largely atta:ded.
Among than present was Lady Reg/tontine
Tryon, widow of the vice admiral. and the
ho n•mtsrs 0 6r 1.0.117; the IMk• of l
l. uurgl,, the 1)uksof Cawbridpp Earl 8;.''m0ar,
.. I.urge J. G••sebeo. Ex -Chancellor of the
L .ob.quer: lift Gladstone and a large nuru-
m. >' r of blob nand wd m,utary u1Nc.rs. The
1e_ se, 71oes wen extremely l.npreesir..
From our own correspondent
Mrs. R. Bradford is recovering.
Our blacksmith has had his shop re-
Our Orangemen intend celebrating the
12th at Blyth.
Two pupils an going up from our school
to try the entrance.
('apt. Young, of !Co. 9 Company, was in
this burg lam week hunting up recruit. to
go to London.
Foot -ball is all the rage here now. A
senior club has been formed and will soon
be ready for • match.
From oar own osrrrspenthri t
Haying op r•tioe. have commend here.
Mrs. F. Porker, of Detroit is mow the
guest of hfather, .1 C. BitIJwn.
The cattle fly aad potato bog are two
prominent pests hen this eummr.
Jam Fartieb bas •ogagd with A. Mo.
Deog•Il to work as • es•es. They u•
now worlds; ea Joe 8eott'. hone..
Will Soon, who spent • ample of week.
at hose, left Wt week for Dokota. lie fu-
teaded stopping ot1 at ('hie•ge to take is
the fair.
John Baldwin had his ban moved and
raised this week preparatory M putting a
mem stable esdereeath. W.. Kainteol
from Ripley did the job ; be aim
a kitakes for -ler. Saltine whew dowel
mow Co. t feet Ltd
Of my bratastimg Genie : get rid ot them
wf_theut ps04
i. ; et rid •f them quietly .
s�sasmmlly without poedk4Btl d MaraThe mower fm. w Puto•m'. PlmNe Cwt
and Wart (.'are, the great eon oar*. Al-
ways Mem mf., •std psalms Pets•m'•
Rtrmastw. Use it mad na ether. Frauds
are V the market. Deal taw tie .b6 of
of sluing year fees with gush tfnsns4. •p'
8eferth : S. M.Reebo. of Wldipa.
Wsh., sed wife, Mae ere h.re fee a
esspl. d weeks vio1WIR lir. McRwhg'e
meth 1. Ise Yr. bA for Clime am
flaterdoyalaried b ea obi
H es bey who ee ties tie wealth and
peenlMsm in the wallas sista He le
me.mfttebnse for WeNagia..
other Mips signaled offers of boats, be re-
plied that he did not need then. The
Victoria began to forge straight for
the slsoro under full st+am. It is one
of the rules of the British navy the' i1
• ship is to danger nt sinking and shore
is not tar away, oh. inapt ba ga into sail -
low water .o that if dm goes down the may
be raised agln. So Admiral Tryon wee
moduli for the shore and was widening the
distance between the Victoria ail the other
shipm When rl• c•amperdow.'s ram struck
the Victoria, Admiral Tryon, the naviostitig
otilosr, two signal ctllows and the men at
Ms wheel were all upon the bridge, either
in lull view or In the chart home Most of
the crew wen on the forward dick• la.og-
Ing about, trying to keep cool under the
blazing sun of tuelear, calm day
With the crash they rushed tato the tot-
tery and as far aft as possible, but when the
two vessels separated all returned to their
placsa Discipline was perfect. Ths admiral
and otllrars remained steadfast upon the
bridge, setting an exempla So good was
the di•olplim that within ties mtbut« after
Me blow a diving snit had Imo brought on
deck. and a diva was gettih Into it to obey
an order 80 go below and float oat the extent
of 18. cutwors. Tlse untangling and gettin
under faUboaderay hal token some 1.111.
tern.. About 10 minutes after the blow the
Victoria. theta got sotmethiag lits two
mite treater shore from the .none of the
callers, all at Dues leased away over
the starboard and with a gnat roll and
pines burled her bow beneath the calm
mem Of the tea 11 was attempt lusten-
s•aeoea Then was only • chance for • few
1,1140,1es and the Victoria was almost bait
eubtnesgsd, bow foremost, with bee swiftly
revolving 'crews whirr leg dear of the water
:ltd b in theair. Thom on deck were
tmmels�late:r tato the water. The
ad below lied no Uma to rush
ea Mak, but toted th.msetv.l groping for
Mor. of room filled with water and eom-
alr. Tee win a little mon time
these la OM oelowre' quarters. They
hard the Mesa s.4 g arm t.. a•d-.
letelsd to the perMlt un lark berth11.6 win.
Orm nn fever, mad deem! te
dem/f is paja M nod hhijm.g1t bawd
he wear. A Wutemat .nam up
to tbe- ie Ms ern rand Mm and darpits
wee dies away frromm the Ids of the
llakmdr ball was drawing in the water
as 5dews and several bemired man
beamed, eeathe•lybad In e mo the water, fully
ardent the Isorsedag
suotl0s. •lelmeeshmere mad • new peril mon
horrible &meads& epee then The great
deag es deep le Ile heart d the ball and In-
____ g jM.A an is webrliolit �t�� M was MN
Lim - 'sat Mad
�m d the mem were whirling
reed top Mae sir. As the rend wank the
somas cram Meme ad nearer b the water
she demeded Ibe midst of area/gums
whim *S a wmwl k slre low owly, tied
high 1s whirl is the ester agate
themelba had urian& mal herb was a
doweweies metes the • m liber .. At
86. M.Mrom the pan we
helves.were reralVill. the Snake
p0or a eremeree
aties. � is ale ageism
throes edam& the heli• WMee ain sows Aad
Thee mass •widthwade the enemy
eatodeb•oftk ether of IheA..t
fess swop, deb with 8Mr r, Smarm. sad
•brbbmnml tad M Mo whitebait
Pindined l,� mer went ~
bis« beam lbe verbs eia��gA■�ireriwhr naw tapes �.t
M mod dab wet off ammo tic. env
Ad Mike
mtheir preemhew
meth a t* verbs
sewle erns n w. etas
Ober with Ile
BMW oy*Me m 117
Maw Ida
sae:The deep IN __!tat! .mat Dist
NM hsiimrtirin � N me •inegptrlttrtrir�mto ttteem as
amse the
Owlag to •a ler revetment a 1 -..mag
Woman.' Wrist Wes stein..
Toso'ro, Jana 28. -Judge MacMsl:oa
dealt with civil boemraes in the
Assize (curt yesterday. Parson v.
Honk of Hamilton has heat settled;
Dickson v. Bond adjourned to the next
mutt The first caaa taken up esu that of
Min Mary Jane Organ of tel Peter stre'•t
►gstnst the City of Toronto, Margaret
0 tired'', owner, Aad Josue O'Dono-liae,
tenant of the Shekesp•are Hotel,
York and Well ingto.strteta Mtas
Organ, who is a fur -sewer at
Gil epeie d Dixon's, while goiug home o:s
January 13 last, slipped ea a ridge of ice
formed by aa overflow of water from • pipe
an the hotel. Her right wrist was broken
iud she was otherwise injured. 8h. .ads
for $5000 damages.
The city Manna that Mise Organ and t6•
awner of the hotel were responsible.
Mies Organ testified that she went to St
Michael's He.pital, where the wrist esu
set by Dr. Roche about four hours al: er the
Foe the plaintiff Irwin & Kyles apl,ear.d.
for the city Mr. Biggar and Mr. Robinette,
for O'Domoghie Mr. il. 0. Cameros et:d Mr.
W. N. Miller for Mts. (Yllrady.
Alta the evidence was given the jury
was taken to the scene of the ac:ideut.
The ease was not 000cludod.
ferniest, Not DMeoureged.
CORNWALL, June _ti -The Coruwells end
their friends wen i•:tLor surprised nor d
eouroged by tb• result of the Coru
Capital match lest Saturday. The on
surprise connected with it wee the length
the first game. in which the Fertory tele
j•miore bold Ottawas stir asst'
jay for 35 misntet They expect W defog
ibis Shamrocks bore en DomM
in* Dry, en
several hots to that effect have bites vide.
Hugb Adams' legs somewhat beth, sal It
le expected that M will be on the flare. 1t
6 also said that Crites, Noun and Seth will
he he
1 • o0 tteam. At any rate tebampiom
will have anything but a walkover.
Ttiaeabsrg•. *en..d Dar,
Tttsotnacao, June 98. -Alvin, 215V, and
Johnson, 2.98X, gave exhibition Mats here
r.st•rday. TTb.2lO trot or pap esu woe by
Leah 11 In throe straights. Tb. fre.for-all
afforded *imam* sport and wee won by
Corncck.r atter a bard sigla with 7I.,.
points. Results:
140 trot or pace --Leah H. 1, Delhi 2,
Prime Edward fl. Bost time 2211.
Frewfor-all--Cwrncraclw 1, Fivepolnts 2,
Beet, Byres. 3. Btime ION'.
oOMI'lION taw' tat SIIIICF.
ars. worries are sallies at lea la WWI-
The strawberry crop M very large is le
sea toasty.
eadH r i`bas bogus n HaniaP
Treel I0n Tomato thie year ie
yokel 04e
The GoveewmsM w111 offer the Moaned
Islands for sale shortly.
The Richelieu & U.tarbate•mer Canalise
is sew ea her way to Sorel.
The sew Marine and (J...r•i Uoepl$al at
Owed Sowed was formally themed 11rtd•y.
The &Meal camp veinal of the Masao -
pita church la Cando L beteg hold is Fort
The em llsen tisarentins at Winnipeg
tilts bees absadssed sad the lam patent
The wheel 'amass ie Manitoba lost
year was 8:3,909 acres ; this year it ie
1,003,000. �A verdict of sot guilty has been retuned
is the Stoveme m•aelaughter nee at Der-
eb.etr, N. B.
Heide. cityN. 8., was eded 144
ya ago, aad t(De
he Hligo.iaa. indulged is
a earbr ttoe.
Mary , Asthma, • white womma i.
Windsor. has hem jaded for beating her
colored husband.
Petitieme aro beingcirculated is Hamil-
ton Aad Timate asing that the trolley
case n* o• Sunday.
The Dominion Wombat'. Christian Tem-
perance Dale the decided to hold its mem
Oosveetie is Limnos, Out.
A provincial Haase inspector ways that
the tamperaao. a .11mmt la Ustarm judg-
• tag by the retarss. is sot growteg.
The eropa of Manitoba are farther ad-
veered at the preset time than they were
at the mum stage of the seasoa last year.
The grand jury has returned- a MII a
the ease of bin. Camaro*, ckarg•J with
poiomiag her husked at Itrtdgewater,
N 8.
These L • movement on Gent la Mustseel
to establish • Con.ervative ChM. The
capital .111 be $.)O,(00, made ap of 31100
i10 aharea
John T. Warrington has 000trectd for
the last half of June product of 00 thee.e
factories is Femora Ontario at 9 cents is -
volving $l^.A,000.
The posttrial Board of Trade Conned is
protesting against the refusal of the nut -
way companies to iadetmaily shipper. for
shortage ma carload. of grain.
The Anglican Synod d Huron 6n. adopted,
slight ode.t, the Wlssap.g pro-
posals0of 1161) for consolidation d'boohoo ch
m Canada and Newfouudl..d.
Mr. Hall, the Quebec 1'rowiacial Trey
neer, who is sow u Eaglasd, hat, it ie
understood is Montreal. Leas recome al in
floating the required (luelm lam of Isar
million dollars.
11 is said that the Dominion Government
has decided to withdraw the restriction.
governing the sale of the Camedi•a Wands
of the St. Lawrence and to offer them at
auction without nay condition ea to bui1d-
fng hot....
Fletcher, convicted on •d isao-
slaughter, u Battlef ied, N. W. T., thra.
years ago sad .est••nced to 20 years in
stony Mountain peeitentiary, has bees
brought to Kingston u as *ab•laaod
.tete of mood.
Chief Justice Taylor, while stepping
from as electric car in Winnipeg on
Snturdey night, dipped cid it'll on the
not He received a bad cut of the back
of his bead, and was UUCottertuus for
some tie. Ata oondit:o:i was improved
Two Canadians 'rho wen sant for to go
to Buffalo to work were deported by le-
apector 1►eBarry. They were John R.,...,
sailor, from Dunnville. Ont., and Joseph
Chuck, a painter, from Toronto. Both
Canadians refaced to dirnIge the minae d
the people who sett tor the..
Mr. Honore Mercier, in a letter to the
Monde, expreeees grave fears respecting the
m•latemaace d the rights d Boman
the Ren
('etbdies n Canada and the continuance of
• Frencha
-Cn•dan nate. natty ; and he
urges for their preservation an anima, of
the Roman Catbo'1es of 16• Dominion.
lir. McIntosh, Commissioner for the Pro -
glace of Quebec at the ('hieag. World s
,,SI_ Fair, arrived is Montreal Saturday more -
y isgg He sale • moaner celebration will
of .eke place is ('hlago on Ikmrrnion 1647,
n when there will be • pro.eessson, Aad the
mt Canadian portion of the Fair will be oasis'.
ly declared open.
Demoe I. mydeawbad m, Debate. g,
Bstaraetun Hay, Jan. Id. -Fires raoa,
14 mil.--leateleigb 1, Correction 9, White
Rom 3. Tim. 1.11
1!aeood rot. 7-8 mil. -_Welton 1, geed.
Mee 2, Lyceum tt Time 1.20.
Third nes 6 farlo4ge, Great Trial Mabee,
i sur -old. -Domini 1, Hyderabad 11, Dob-
bins & Tim 1.14.
Fourth renis, 1 mils•-Terri4r 1, Kilysr i
nem 1.4143.
71116 r.em, 13( milm -Mar. 1, The Pepper
Rainbow & T1as ISS 6.0.
Meth roe., 11d salmi a turf -0 leamiag 1
Leeptrea >, Nyk•.Iss 1 Ttm.1.6• 3-0.
Ilse Oror* last be rwil..aa's e.empa
Ceer*oo, la m. 911,-11.
erne wbo the bele riming ameba the .
owe tram New York to LAbsgq finned
hie loam ride at 11311
owed Were, meth
pRes, was 11 tza
Mara •
MeMtsa&•aig d thee cm the mire
be Ins he
memos sear aihms
time r 1lp Mtmee *s. Tp e,sed �
test r
mp was 16 dote 1 hears Aad >A name
Mammas :-angina tawbmn.
u ••
101••11IIii4 4
tim•••••I••tt-•14 •
m�Qeuaets Inas -
IatwT •4•It••te-tett 1
•••••••••-. 1• $
ts.l.Tm•iei >�wb•Itgehor 4�r•tlr.
AtObvettms sssssss;�;a •
��thrmree�tgeOmtw. �►
4 840011-1111 •
it lesreuil . aini Ilthreasa
s 114.::71.1.1 1-« q t
tem (1 •10 0 • 1 0 4-« f7 4
] - • • • t s -N it •
w tww47ea Dato
ritmew- ►m».._.laslelasi irl.
John 13i:Rory,.a-M. 1'., Addington, u
Murdoch McIver, the well-known Moat.
real journalist, is deed.
Thomas 8. Elliott, one of tie .Nest mai.
dents of Belleville, is dead, aged 91.
The death in Montreal is reported d
Mr. (3entrom Joseph, Q. ('., 72 years oi
age, who pr otiod at the MGM/gal bar lot
half a o.atary.
A Toronto pia/Rawer teamed Hoary
Clarke walked met Fridaytc
Swansea, and there shoe himself talo.,
atter which he threw himself le (rest of
ealedapproachag teen, *ltd was instantly
Benmiller : Wm. Moore met with a sad
0eeidan1 alt fi.t.r4• moraines, Jas. 171h.
He wee working h1 Ir. Morrleb's mill, and
while adjusting a I g os the ~rime, was
caught by the h.rgm r_w, width eat off part
of his elbow and Worsted his arils badly
that it bad to bi amputated above the el-
bow. He le pais, theg Wady user med-
ia -
ie d flare.
will derive strength and
acquire robust health
el apemen etiw! ears Wtildp,ert
Food Medicine
� . ltiM� 11011 seasa
mi a
leele t leaf. Peretaaget
Cam Mews I
From oar own eerreepuedei.t
Farmers are busy at their statute Worm
Crops look remarkably well. Timer• wl
be • kine crop of hay.
Al.:. Wilson, West Wewe:neal,, has Cosa
to try his fortune u Chimp, the ,int city
d the West.
A valuable barn bele•ging to Ropers
Mums died last week. The eaten of deny
le not knows.
W. Wilma is plating bis new hoose. It
will prceeat • 6eautitnl appearance from ate
commanding posttest
The job of gravelling a the Goele.ti
Road between the 11th and 12th ma. Ise
been let. The road 1».deitbadly
From a eons mea4ost
T. Boyd ie busy shingling hie barn.
Our Nile tailor rave a. • visit lastS,•dsy.
Miss Ida H.bwiegte Aad Alice Mani
were of the picnic at Auburn last Fridy.
J. Hetberingtos W raskisgled tie
testers half of his ban. The work we
performed by 1.. McPhee.
Rev. K. A. Fear preached his fkrewd
.,.anon last 8.aday eveatag. W c a oh ha
swoon a ha naw circuit
Leat M•turday Odes Brothers Cad a Ilia
Ing The captains were: Wm. Mame
and (Gordon 1 own. William eras beam
Three of aur Nile school children are re -
nig to try the P. 3. examination, else a
member are trying to pet tate the G. ached
we with them all ..comma
Jambe, of Aehdeld, Masa an e•eo..ip
the young mem to read eR os. Seeday mei
lag. He seems to he sea of them tumid
Joel* W. W.
mom mar ewe eUereermad•at.
Janes Jaskmau was visiting at his Gema
last 8enday.
Aorsoaxr. -Our rilkge blaoksssttb imp•
pend with an accident last week. He is
pretty busy in the shop in tic• daytime and
6e thought he wool 1 .lo his read wog k silo
been. He got a Leant and went to the
`ravel pit and got 043 a pretty good kat
He started mad it heist so dark he stepped
ns. • stone ohne rolled uader his foot sad
his foot went under the wheel. The weigh
of the load crushed it Ledly. We bcpe to
see him .11 right in • few days.
The News Record .cribe the got his bee
ams • little mixed up. He M quite • poet
:lee what a nice vers he had m the paper
about Jumbo last week. Asa he gore
Jumbo a farewell address a few weeks ag .
Now 6e has atartei to make • oosaundra a.
He wants to know wh,.1 ie the Menace
between young mea who come out to the
meetings La meeting nights and the sten
Answer- The .tare don't go to !Nampo
son on the 94th el May and get tight WIN
flat sandy the News Record mail
J t• y mom.
From our own ooneopti iesR
Heti*<r_tt--Oa Th.eed$ , 211t. tram, a
happy event took pias 1. Thea Okie
family. whpa bis mooed d•ng6ter, Mir
Ruth, was married to Robert Thempers, •1
the Hare Road. The wed&masgg was • quiet
affair, only attended by Imtmseii.ts /ramie
Aad relatives. The happy maple left ler
Laudona y t�.' 14*. ssay.s
homeyness to
Sreis Frs.-About $0 er 60emal1 and big
vembld together
with goals, c
bone belle, bo. and ali mm mer ar dieoordeet
insttwmets 5. obarivsri the they tern it)
one d oar most respectable pdd.a.. et W
rill•[. who the estersd the caske o1 the
lets for the thin' Moe. The smartie
Imp yak of the owe this Ayese tramp trete
heard for sneak amd it a higi time iMs a
stop should be put to este prestige&
SAWMILL AComgsr.-W. Moen jr., what
summing to hie (beim es tail mwyr M
MoraWt mill, had the miefortmee to mile
he tooling mid top over the droit esu.
His tight arm wee severed Some the eDw
sad had it mot been for the psampt ad
ofthire ejpr, pr is..etor, Mr. lleerleh, who trolliedtrollied, the maw would ham paned
through We body. The seighbete, ea Mer
ism d she .ed mines distil mi iy started e
mhwsiptioa for the uelorienele moa tad
►i family of mix mall ebildrai aa( an M
data the .em etstle e.4 mum* to heti
Facer. -Moos mikes theft
t the fait
prawns sad after .le
Mears* e.Ardietee here,I iildist tic
rm ia that there will be ablaut • fourth
p this .moves and the ed . the
.hew sem are the spy sad nus
d the early them/berries eerie.M
sly rie, iL�dwise will set he
ama sod
dealt he iUeidthis year. Up at
smeary i6ey have 8 serge all in so
pea mod gene 36 or 40 *hers resell the
daily, '.skean the air rsbmed with *belt
merry mama Them Nem ste mew ailif
as the read deliveries that dsWitM io I
1H. le,ese the pstled 41.40.
Towline. O*',., Jules 26. -Mather er
s.u.eemest ef Waren le ..4.W TM Deli
M.4M6.p•my Ltd, d Ibis shy le
the abet them they bare jmwd to edhh
Yate, is either. to wsme'hame ai
ler NW* Wow PM* hi ib &
8beus. This rem* bee neer Um der
M lbs
Sneed es odelielobeltpd Is ib U14N41 DIY
maw ell lbwmube
iodine. r1r w
rested tpee*pee*pet the serTS
ne. end an hams peered
he.every etste tides 'no
d 1 ~leelery r laud
eq$Iy Wore area.s ermtet ea ler sr
soma* keit 66 boa f r �esd bane dens& K
miss the WW1 MMus seal
• Aims esd Away *ere.
Mess t l _ _
ea AW�es
1d4 r