HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-6-29, Page 2NA
To the Wives
Is Sufficient"
For Rendering
Short or Friable.
Is Better than Lard
ft tans cone of Its disagree -
aide and iadigeetible
Emderrnd by leading food
and cooking experts.
Ask your Grocer for it.
Made only by
Wellington and An Streets,
Curious superstitious Custom. Practiced
at This Stettiea Ptaes.
The tradition avers that Si. F'illan. a
huinan being who was made a saint
about the beginning of tho eighth cen-
tury. byRobert de Bru•e, cocsected
the poora
now called the Holy Pool of
Strsthflllan, and endowed it with the
power of healiug all kinds of diseases,
but more especially inarineaa. The heal-
ing virtue is to be more powerful to-
wards the end of the first ctuarter of the
moon; and I was told that if I had come
there the following night, and the night
after, I should have seen hundreds of
both sexes bathing in the pool. I met
five or six who were just coming away
from taking their dip. and amongst them
an unfortunate girl out of her mind,who
came from thirty utiles distance to re-
ceire the benefits of the waters, and had
been there for several moons together,
but had never derived the smallest ad-
vantage. and. iodised. she appeared so
completely mad that, whatever may be
the virtue of St. Fillales Pool, I am sure
Willis would pronounce hers a hopeless
case. This pool is by no means the
fountain -head for the water rune from a
loug wayup the country; but it is not
supposeto receive its virtue until it
empties into the 'soot. StathtiIlan derives
its name from the saint, strath to the
Ciatelic language, signifying a valley be-
tween two mountains. Near Strathfill•n
a famous battle was fought between
Robert de Bruce and the MucDoughas,
which the former gained, owing to the
neaiatance afforded by the prayers of St
Finan. The women bathe eu one side a
the pool, the men on the other. Each
person gathers up nine stones in the pool,
and after bathing walks to a hill near
the water, where there are three cairns,
round each of which he p.•rforiia three
turns, at each turn depositing a stone ;
and if it is for any bodily pain. fractured
limb, or sore, that they are bathing, they
throw upon one of these cairns that
pieoe of cloth which covered the affected
part ; also, if they have at hoine any
beast that is diseased, they have only to
bring sotne of the meal which it feeds
upon, end snake it into pate with these
waters, and then afte.rwanbu give it to
them to eat, and it will prove au infalli-
ble cure ; but they must, likewise, throw
upon the cairn the rope or halter with
which he wa led. l'.ntsequently the
cairns are covered with old halters,
gloves, bonnets, nightcaps, rags of all
sone. kilts. petticoats, garter., and
smocks. Sometimes they go as
far as to throw awav their
halfpence. Money has often been
called the root of all evil, but for
what part of the body these halfpence
are thus abused i never could learn.
However, we may venture to suppose
that they seldom remained there long
without somebody catching the disorder
again. When mad people aro to be
bathed they are thrown in with s rope
tied about the middle, atter which they
aro taken to St. Fillan's Churok, about a
mile distant, where there is a large stone
with a niche served in it, just large
enough to receive them. in this stone,
which M in here open churchyard, they
are fastened down to a wooden frame-
work, and remain there for a whole
night, with a covering of hay over thorn,
and SL Fillan's bell is put over their
heads. If in the morning the unhappy
patient M found loose, the saint M sup-
posed to be very propitious: if, on the
oontrary, ha u found bound, the cure Is
supposed to he doubtful. --Condensed
from London Antiquary by the Literary
tel Iatemewasee meld e,apelse 1a the ►aM
see M Pekin.
The " Palms of Earth's Hep... " is when
tie Empress of Chita olds her mart and
rules over the imperial barest, whose only
glimpse of the ontaide world M what they
can see in the imperial Sewer -garden. Tho
preexist rouse emperor,
M addition' to his
sorsa lawful mewblee.,has already w Ion
the oes hundred mei thirty others in his
harem. H O'Shea's •rttek, is the illn.
teacart Americas. Saab is the lite of the
most highly favored of llissse woman
primmer' within the pesos walk they eke
Out ea mistimes is real slavery. Americas
mem knew so .kvsry hat that which do
reds na themselves. Sometimes they sem
overws rid, ''rum—dears," weak sed ails. --
thea is :he ties tea tare to tie right as.di
eine. Th. .ie who takes Dr. Piste.'b
Favorite Proesiip.Ms emeeeipies hmsmB
from her e..Leees mod bosoms' a pW'engr
and s happier wemee-mese thea IbM-s
heslthy sac For all the weakamese sed
ailment poslisr Se weeaahmed. "Phar Tis.
Prererlpte" M • pesW. remdy. Ad
homess It's • serh& remedy, h's tads a
estr.aosd sea If i1 Yrs is hem& tt►.
Om yea
gsts leMata/ hash.
yea lank mom
h is mated that tors is • Ia••eiel oriels
is Sen Fraaakee.
Paid admissions to Use World's Fait
Saturday welt 103„6*.
Th. late Senator Stanford's property is
.ars d .t /35,000,000.
Two people were killed by • cyclone at
Concept leo, Ido., Friday.
Murderer Futon'', in Asinine Prices,
woe toad that there was er hops tell la a
The Nora none, at luwood, Mich., has
clue. -d down and 650 men have been dis-
Theodore ltuck•lew, 01 Red hank, N.J.,
chocked to death while taking lunch on
Rev. Samuel Hart, D. IL, eat 11.rlvrd,
C .nae, h•a been elected bishop of the
Diocese of Vermont.
The C.S. Secretary of the Treasury will
pay eke July interest on 4 per ceut- U.S.
beads on Monday next
Prises Eu!afie sailed Irons New York
for Madrid and thence to Loudon 10 attend
the wedding of Priam Courts
J. Tallman \\ Luing, the wellknown
Detroit vcssslaan, ager 70. was found
dead in a shed at Detroit docks.
Eugene A. Marvin, a New York printer,
convicted of printing grocu goods circulars,
was sentenced to one year is S:.te prison
and fiud $ l000.
Judge Wtlkin, of the Supreme Court of
Mimes, bas sustained the Orelin.esee of
Ishii, forbidding_ pool sea!hug outside the
regular race tracs.
Mrs. Itobert Hogan, is Sandusky, Ohio,
swallowed an ouuce of laudanum in the
presence of her newly wedded hud,aad,
who made no edorts in her behalf.
Simon Wade, Jnehua Calvin, Sam JeNir-
som and Remus Brown, have been cnuvkted
.1 murder at Warburton, I.T., and.e.teac-
sd to be shot to death on July ;th.
The Vanderbilt directors have dec:ard
the following semi-annual dtvide•els pay-
able August 1 Lake Shore, 3 per cent ;
Michigan Central, 2, and Canada Southern,
Fiauk L. Hayes, the young man charged
with the murder at Detroit last winter of
Fred. H. Kelly, • clerk in a drug store, was
monvlcteel on Saturday and senteuced to the
State prison for hie.
A destructive cyclone passed through Jef-
ferson county, Kan., ou %Ye:dneaday even-
ing. Not a house, barn or tree was lett
leading in iti path. At (cast sixteen peo-
ple were killed and many injured.
Lexie Borden has returned with her
sister to their house in Fall River, Mass.
It is reported the two gine broke down
eamplete:y eheu they entered their old
home. 'rhe people received thew kindly.
The Pope hue written • len( letter to
Cantina Gibbons and the archbishops and
o:ahops of America om the school question,
o which its states that the views of the
:hard' are in harm -my with the declaims
,f the Council of Baltimore.
The hating •flair at Ohio 1V esleyan L hi.
versity has been revived by the ill-treated
students, who have entered civil suits for
damages and costs aestnst the hazers. The
.ase had been dismissed as the result of au
agreement between the two parties, the
lutists promising to pay all costs involved.
rhe promise has not been fulfilled.
Sir Adolphe Caron has mailed for home.
laity Treasurer Tanualill, of UalsviUs,
'tam resigned.
Le. Chu, a Chinamen in Rolle%iile, per.
nomas starting a silk factory.
Charles F" Smith, a cit area of He: peter,
sea been missing since May.
James t-creggil, of Toronto, ba been in-
stalled xa manager .d 11. G. lhtu A CJs.
business at Winnip:g.
'►r. 111.11., i'resi:lent of the Canadian
Kennel Flub, will iu,.ge pointets at the
World's Far bench su.ow.
George Johnson w ill 'ikely he the C'•na•
Tisa representative at the Liternatior:al
Statistical Institute, which ca:veues iu
Mr. Sinclair, of the I►epartmeat of In-
ftan Athos, has been nri.eranauet.d, har-
mg served i,i years in . ;:i ;e. D. S. Scott
will succeed him.
Rev. Samuel Hart, L D., of Hartford,
Coos., was elected bish.•p of the diocese of
Vermont ata special Episcopal conveutu,o
meld in Burlington.
Driver McFadden, of the (:rand Trunk,
;ave Governor Russell, of Massachusetts,
and party a fast ride from Windsor to
London, doing the 110 miles in i2S min-
The Ftarowita has accepted an invitation
to Ise present at the weddfiug of the Duke
of York and Princess M• of Teck. Dur-
ing his stay in Englund the Caarowits will
De the guest of the Prince of Wales.
Messrs. Low sed Eaton, of the Geolo-
gical Surveyof Canada, have just left
Quebec for tinterior of Labrador, which
they have instructions to thoroughly ex-
plore. The object is to establish data for
tieing the proposed hew northern bound-
iry of Quebec They will be away two
Elaear Therein, of Montreal, aged 1:.,
was scalded to death.
James i►em, aged 56, committed monde
.t Ashfield, Thursday.
Four men sad • boy were killed by a gas
npkrion in • cool mine at Nanticoke, Pa.
Joseph torahs, aged 19, was drowsed is
Ottawa Hier, opposite the Queen's wharf,
Patrick Dwyer, of Douro, a river drive.,
was drowned m Clear take, sear Leke6eld,
The four-year-old ems of Wm. Irvine, of
iydney township, Hastings County, was
frowned in • barrel.
'tingling Brothers' circus tent ma struck
Sy lightning Thursday eftereoou at River
f ails. Wis., and seven ,cues wore killed.
Two former residents of Bamitea, W.
11. Btu -hitless, cad H. R. Pringle. were
killed in the railway wreck .ear Shwas
head ilay.
Abrahams Smith, 'bus driver for the Orad
rentrel Hotel at Colli•gjwood, aesi/wtall]
Fell front the stable wit & •seirtlieg to soloed
mine .tam and lnpired Maws se that he
Thus was • e.Ulise between' two freight
traim Friday.ersiag en t (land Trunk
Railway, • seem wast of Trades. No
em woo bajused, Mt there wee • geed deal
of woiskaga
A homy geode train doormaing • ds -
ill.. outside Maumee emitted cats • teet-
try er laded with rails. The geode lain
see Wlmo.pd and Owe railway mon were
tied and twenty injured. The Nae was
A dem ateh itm Port Arthur .tress that
the Amities. steam largo 5Ike ria es
Mho a see Reeks sear tale No .l. lb*
td h beard *S,000 Mobile of • heat Me
i large q.aalby d.1 w:.lsh wee
TaT Tia rams rainelscacts cos meow
We here mach plssstate in rtprodusi.g
the following article from the Montreal Wit-
ness, relative to the amens is Ore•t Blots&
of • well known Canadian firm. We haw
doom business with the firm is (pasties ter
• number of yuan and can heartily ..dans
what the Witness says °meantime their h.e-
orable business methods, and the care se -
arcked is the publication of the article
appearing in the press relative W tacit fele
paration. These ..uses w always wriNw
up by influent's! new.yapeee in the loeditiss
iu which they occur, after • full and thor-
ough investigation that Imagism doubt of
their impartiality and truthful obateotet.
We are quits certain that she eadidease re-
posed in the firm and their prepsrsiioa M
n ot mMplsoed :
"Th. phrase 'British pluck' has beoome aa
adage, and out without good meson, tor
wherever enterprise, courage or 'bull -deg
tenacity' u required to sweep away or s1 .
mount obstacles in order that the phassoes
of success rosy be reached, your true *Vim
never flinches, and facing all °batables,
works till seace•e has baro achieved. This
mann 'British pluck' is a characteristic of the
n ative-born facades•, and there are tory
kw walks in life in which it does sot bring
soccer as the reward. This mock by
way of prelude to what bears ovary in-
dication of being a .ucoessful venture oa the
part of a well-known Canadian hoass.
lVheo it was announced • few months ago
that the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.of
Brockville, intended establishing • bn,mb
of their business in the motherland, there
were not • few who were inclined to be
okoptical ea to the success of the venture,
while some boldly predicted failure.
" There would be an objection," they
" to taking up a colonial remedy," it
buuuaes methods differed from those pre-
vailing in Canada ;" " the tield cern alssody
crowded with proprietary remedial long es-
tablished, and well advertised." These land
many other objections were urged se
reasons why the venture was a doubtful ace.
But the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co was
not to be deterred by any objection that
might be raised. They had unbounded sen-
fidetmoe in the merit of Dr. Williams' Pink
i'illa for Pale People, and the pluck to back
up their oonfidenoe with their cash. The
latter is well known to C•aadias newspaper
men, who know that less than these years
ago the company first pat upon tho market
in the form of Pink Pills a prescription
which had previously only te.0 used to
private practice, and with • skill and
audacity that hes not been surpassed in the
annals of Canadian advertising. pushed it in
the van of all competitors. Cf course, the
remedy had to have merit. or this could not
here been done, and it woo the company's
sincere belief in the nierit of their remedy
that endowed them with the pluck to place
their capital behind ir. It was this same
conviction that merit, skillfully advocated.
will command success that induced tom
to venture into competition with the hen
established remedies of the .etbseaad.
And we aro glad to know -indeed w be-
lieve that all Canadians will be glsd to
learn --that short as is the time the Dr.
William's Company has been in that, Geld,
their success has been rapid and eve iv
creasing. As an instance of this success the
('hemiat and Druggist,' the leading drug
journal of the world --and probably the most
conserves vein • reoen t issue states that the
nieces* of lir. William's fink Pills in (Treat
Britain baa been ucpreeedented and phenomt-
enaL While, no doubt, it is the advertis-
ing that has brought this remedy into such
rapid prominence in England, it is the merit
of the preparation that keeps it there and
sakes it popular with the people. There
sew newspaper res fere in Canada wino has s
real of the cures, that to ay tbe lent, bor-
der on the marvellous, brought about by the
use of 1h. William's Pink Pills, and already
we see by the English papers that the same
results are being achieved there. Is it any
wonder then that l'ink !'ills are poph!a-
wherever nitro-Inced' We have done busi-
ness with this firm for a number of years.
We have found them honorable and reliable,
and worthy of credence in all that they
claim for their remedy.
We cannot close this article better than
by giving in • condensed form the particu-
lars of a striking cure in Nottingham, Eng-
land, by the use of Ur. William 'a Pink Pi11a,
The cure is vouched for by the Notti•gbaa
Daily Express, the leading journal of the
Midland Counties.
The picturesque suburb of Old Raeford
'some three miles from the market place et
Nottingham, has just been the scents of aa
occurrence which has excited considerable
attention among the Ioo•l resident., sad of
which rumors have reached Nottiagbane 11-
eshf. The circumstaooes affect Mr. Arthur
Watson, of Old Raiford, former) an em-
ployes is the bleach yard at Faults. H.
Ashwell & Co. hosiery factory, in New Hes-
fort, and afterwards sinployed M the Bass-
wood Coal and Iron Co.'s fietry, .alar Not-
tingham. In ooneequeses el the gamtp,
which hes been i. *freaking!' with rgAed
to this ease, a local reporter sari apes r.
Watson, at hie bright Mk boom s tu.taed
at No. 19 Mosetp{essuat, WNeemeae read.
Old Buford, aid mode asmairhs as to the
oarium cirat.r.ssew saw& The visitor
was met by ifre. Wawas, bat Mr. Watson,
himself, bainedi tely afterward@ entored the
teem, looking very little like the victim of anal -
don parajyde. Hs told the Nary of has life's
beak as fellow : I. boyhood he had bole
nsMrawd by • elvers stook of rhs.matie
Mer, which, atter his slow recovery, left
hada it • permssest weakens. a.d oe-
.st.l ti of ase. M the heart and he had
always hem debilitated and more r less
feeble, Oa prier up W work at Mwra
Aiwngqnl1eY•s bleed Wotan!. be ht eosgs
of and
land umium at to work of
to to fermium .t kilos st to
Oval sad iron Co.'. Works�, b�.eiis��
M time time n out-patient al the (lenssri
Haspftat, Nottingham, whore he wee treated
far wookomo d the heart. silo Noma -
Amason of W work al the formes' were
somewhat p hes Expand rbc far ea
ens @Ma
b w. be wa
she esteems trent d
Mewled on the ester be sbe ebflhmg winds
that proved m Mistmag M meg pv.ple
Oftaber, _rod aces day ie that vessel
he was old-ly pre.tisisd by • stroke
whisky 854.1418. appaloosa a ow proseessed sashpennammt
who suras i Ya The seemo[
she stroke sppamu 1n hove bass dews to
walks right aide. HM kg was sn1key
pswsMsad mb
m, d he was weabk le ead. 1Ti
sail act lift his rirbt stet hem W side or
fee soy Fie Me wad hew. plume
Ilms wee kinkily dews* sod Ms
wpm ef mama e'aepisesk p es es , se
OM be wee .Ms smiths, M dead we teak.
let asmoeeae i itiwiksi lbm...gw.►
id with kra.. bd.gmei `t. kip
le Me amapbs err mese tkeetemile
b▪ ut .iim elides by kb mho hsiplscomes
eider kind. Nis
wishes woo oo Medicated8allosega el 8; lila .d kaiak
.Mese apparssad M y t his km ~
.w 1. ib. t death
.vestedy relieve him ed his kelp -
The Rem. Walter Deeper, Walley..
Weimer, Methodist Weim, whose Sohere tie=
spiritual hs8betio. i. • ..ksta.tid build -
lei is High ewes% Old Booked, web •
patter's Waren la the esus of Use ealsstaa-
ate woe, std is n.siated with the dream -
shoos. .q
from skims trot to isat A week
or 150 ego Mr. W.asa het.e to astu.Mh
all his neighbors by the sodden improve-
ment in his sad tr. He is
able to walk his armwas foram* piked, td , which
is now M 1bsNbsrthoseh �
their .acid to t� Lek `'ssival
l i .p.s the
most Men 58 sg ekoseMeess hemmer, M the
VASA iLapmuelied IA/f. puma! aspect of
the mea The icheMy .f imSen camped
by do paielysis Is satire!" rembwod. His
eeteet d wkii knot bit. Mbit, I.
sr case, has sou r.Mu eel its femetlm se
�gy��y that bit t. sheet M labte
set-isr work is Basked ad 1l ttli g
Qesati.ad as to the mused this ramesk-
skM espy m.maat in • cess e.ir.r.dbr re -
pried am imseable by the masa peke -
aka. eta Wads., wits of the gatItal. sti-
hosit•tiagly attributed her beskware air -
melon reser• to Ms use of • eediales
called Dr. Wi Ptak Pals fer Pala
People, and brought oto eodilmkM
prominence by the pm-fieatias of semi tw-
markable curse .tried by fBdr emus in
Canada and elated/ors. "Sim I have
taken Dr. Williams' Pink Plis, paid Mr.
Watton, " I have mycelia.*** b..n bet
ter not only than I wee totes the stroke of
paralysis seised me, bet lin I have boa at
any time cine my boyhood," s statement
confirtnei by Mrs. Watson, who said the
appearance of her husband now was proof
soft the enormous improvement to his health.
" The pills," she sand, " teem not only to
have cured the paralysis id the face cad leg,
but to have effected a most ram
change i. his Reseal health."
Mr. Watson was always remarkably pallid
and of sickly appe•r•aoe, but the rabbi
glow of the patteot's tans confirmed Mts.
Watson's words. I more you.' said she,"
we eau speak in the highest possible trims
of 1►r. tIf aliens' Pink Pills. Notbinyeither
at the (:eueral Hospital or from the doctors
who have attended my huabaad at different
timet, has done &spiting like the good
which the few boxes of Dr. Williams' Pi11e
he has taken have effected, and ander Prov•
',lance, we feel he owes his Id. and his m-
aturation to work and usefulness to this
wcaderful maliotne.
Mr. Charles Lesrrssly, insurance agent,
at Cowley street Old Basford, het among
otber neighbors horn deeply moved by the
suffering of Mr. Watson, and profoundly
impressed by his miraculous restoration to
health. The nus has, in fact, been • topic
of comwer.ation in the enure neighborhood.
\ttention is drawn to the circumstance
that every fact in the above remarkable
!Watery is vouched for by 'adependent evi-
dence, which it would he morally impossible
to doubt. It is shown by eeoolusively at -
tented evidence that Dr. Williams' Pink
l'i s fer Pale People are not • patent media
eine in the ordinary sense, but • scientific
preparation, from a formula long hard is
regular practice, They are shown to posi-
tively and unfailingly cure all diseases
arising from impoverished Mood, Loch
as pale and sallow complexion, gs.r•l mus-
cular weakness, loss of appetite, depression
..f spirits, am,. min, gess siriases, palpita-
tion of the heart, Mariam of breath, rim
iu the back, nerves headache, dirsin es,
lois of memory, early decay, all forma of
female weakness, hysteria, perelysia, loco-
motor ataxy, rheumatism, sciatica, aU dis-
eases depending ea vitiated humors w the
blood, causing scrofula, rickets, hip joint
diseases, chronic erysipelas, catarrh, oou-
suniptioa of to bowels •d lungs, and ale
invigorates the blood sad grow whoa
broken down by overwork, wary, diseases.
These pills ars met a purgative medicine.
They lest•& nothing that could injure the
moot adsli oto eyehe. Toy act directly ou
the Used, t0 the blood ita life.
giviev 7uai R, by Assisting it to absorb
2/pt, /hie gnatwpporter of all organic
. L Ski way the blood becoming ' Ludt
a.pp mad Wks supplied with 1ta lacking 000-
.titm.etM, beesmwe rich and red, nourishes
the vadat, .elms, stimulates them to ac-
tivity in the of their tune ions.
mad time to Animate disease from the sys-
Them Pills are manufactured by the Dr.
Williams' Medicine Company, of 45 11.1 -
bora Video* tondos, F.ogland, (and of
Brockville, Ont., and Soh.eetady, N. Y.
nod are sold oily in boxes bearing the firm's
Wade amok ad wrapper• at he. 9d. a box,
r ds bene kr 13a 9 i. Pamphlet few by
Miz,glieetion Bear in mind that Dr.
Pack P01. Mt Pal. People aro
MSc esti to baA, er by tbe dotes or bun -
Auk aid any deals who offers substitutes
la /kit lee M trying to d tred you and
W184...' had of
Prink Pills may be h
aft e
aleirla r chest by post heat the Dr.
W0Metr Medisiee Ca hem the above ad -
doom The prim at wine than pills are
e re asks a seers of Westmont oompaa.
Neely Meespe.sive as .empared with mbar
reesdies or msdMat $rmteeat.
Mrs. D. A. Caephe 1, North &gram Oat.
when :-" 1 eaeml praise Dr.Williams'
Pink Pills tem highly. My daughter wee a
terrible seism with nick headache for
twelve moth, sad no mediae aid mould re-
lieve bee, bat, by the w of two ho=se .t
your PIils, No le eompetol sired." hem
all dealers or by mall at 50e • box or dm
boxes for 10.50. Bream d isesaihtina
Dr. Wilhelm' Med. Ce., Beeekvflle 0.1.
Bee's Bamw TM Baer.
Mother (1. Jainery, hot bask hue • nit
�a hie uses' --WML was
sasses ea_ sdkg 18.Not
m�, -e
-Heb ! Yes dem-`t knew Ikea baby.
Twit tstsss.
Twit Rehm Mie the air. The praises of
ELK& we else based everywhere. No
odor mrsiie woes .11 dimes§ of ihs
Newish. Bert, bowie sad brood se rapidly
and as meth es O.rreek lad iiI ier& tem
A .rd Joh.
•' De yes mem pines" he deka M the
dray sass. " Wel, I west
sea saved but Ps afraid is will be Me bard
vrh•t, yyedit snore +am as 7111 fiat, it
bat, yes uedmmead. the pian. Mat 1 "
A eemmmsa pevmrYe.
Ths mum of gram Ingle sill sumer
delude is the lime when the masa Mew d
dishes moths , new aid bowel ems
R.wem elWild4litrowbar,f *mai Pee
bealsgamil Dr.liirpr
is Ike beta Per la yens Y W hese Me
smut reWNeraselp. Ile
sin nor tllsa.st0f tae saes mm elbow
I , would seem be tavdel.
it -That's is enemy married maple. lip -
Now aye. hew ! A -he Is dwell Map-
ping en her diem B -"What ism hat
prow 1 A -After he has bees married latae
lid ad !sand sat what a dress .sees o
will o more we/&L
A su.pilaaM/ firs.
Man 81r,-1 was trembled with Wiser
ewes, beadache rod lee. of •pps1N.. I .odd
. et ram at sight. sad wee very weak. bet
shoe schist these bettM. of B.B 13 my ap-
• I would set be without SSD., sed
am also giving i1 to my children.
Mtn. Weenier* Bvamy
ac M.itked. N. 8.
ole woad ray elem Reek.
" I demi sans" said the little girl who
bad act hese imbed to the party, '• I'll get
even with tom." Abed her eyes dashed as
d ie atoned her smell foot. " Why, what
will you do, child!" asked her mother.
1The. I Frew up Ill tir. • rut WE party,
sad I woe i invite eaybody.
Noe latear 's W/uss.t in sew Maw
101./L,gR 95
�t I l'
saaureelvete en
The Geoid Bicycle Coag.
Brantford, Ont.
Omen • is Yeses sr.. Teasers
sisimie Awoken
AVM air:
ASsi are.
t!e wolfs lf.,„ in
rientifia littering*
PLBnchaaan, to Son,
UTIf s q$1.
Deals. Mas kWa er
AM WNW% mwrW of every dswelpsle.
School Fdraiture a bleat
Rsm..eas end meant idab west Stead
The Signal
ois st.r. approval of ear patron.
lists �%tad►s
This u.efel mise is kept in the till
remof malities same as letter
Letter iieods
In this line we have a very Om
stook of fine writing papers
able for every class of buboes
reer'esented in this locality, es
p laid and wove, limo.
q�nlle and other paper*, mild
or unruled, as may be requited
t►terao. NtoAs
are net .o generally used, they iY
an important plane in comtuereial
correepoodeaoa Bee what we've
got under the above heads.
$\X\ diads
it the " perm -yews* pliut
the tie day the pe
be 1111eoent paper would not to
so great ; but there are some nit
who get so many droners that
tic wonder if the stock will ever
MS SRL We don't intend it M
and at patmnt our stock is CIS
plete in Nils lino with four ane•
Good paper and neat ruing.
Both single and double dollars
and cents columns. They coos
cheaper than bill heads, anti are
the proper thing to send after a
delinquent once a month. They
are sere to fetch his 'round -
Now, it would be hard to gat
along without envelom and te
keep up with the demand for
theca we keep a large stock as
hand. We lave now about a
hundred thousand in stock, cad
the prices will range from 75e. to
42.00 per M. We handle nom
menial and legal sixes exclusively.
COXIMXtere%oN. 1'rWiVINs„
has already been y enna
mated in soave of heads shove.
There in, however, a vet amouw
of work under this bead that to
enumerate would more than tab
up the entire space occupied by
tbia sdv't, but we do it all at Tu
nt;\te. %0X 11
to an "At Home" or a weddiag
require considerable taste in sem
tion sometimes, but we make it
an easy matter by keeping is
stock the very latest and bed
samples to be had Call and res
Sake V\Aks
belong to the poster department
also, and we make a specialty d
them—promptness being our pia
in this respect. A notice of .ale
will appear in The BIOIAL free of
charge when bill, for same see got
4TOW atNts
of entertainments and meson.
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the most el
with cord and pencil attach
Comite enol► TieV. is
This head covers a large rams td
work, from a bread or milk tiaial
W a neat calling card, hymn sal!
dinary adaoieiea eldest be a tat/
busmen card or m Ymi.orsb
printed membership Bakst.
4 esters
Our facilities for turmimg out till
dans of work are evidenced by the
fact that the great balk ol it i
done by se TN. lila also is.
which our three fast -mining 1d1
preens are able to turn out in
surprisingly shot else
Ws aim to wad is all the diger
eat kinds et week we t.rn ook
bus especially
asA la Ibbib t
nd keg
sIk(n y pare.
suitable for all ngdrsaenta
'C\has 4 ork
in the t thee la Oat Hgt
cam be b ilii es1a�W��
in ea (l psable= and &oldie
meow oma
OUlt ‘1/41411. *1..\'t So\\n&
MtVy reaseeob s.
W. extend nor *oft Orr pad W'
are mud mlleit a Mlbwn of dm
Wit ST 011I)►1.,