HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-6-29, Page 111•11a • TS IMArir'r
Gin Dona,'
•li ma, sem Again*
Su MAT Tool Naas le Masan
VOL. XLV. 2419
�•,r Suite -F. J. Pridha/a.. ... 1�1
tea, _ K K `Sallow* 1
trot! Li.e.-l'dberue nm'. b.
you Lesp-)ewir&Oa6'
*ass Weather Gids --J. T. Anemia7
logo Gums_. W. Acheloos t es.. b'
boor Twine -Knight t Latham 5
I-. wanted -Ms A Money 8
,Legato, Sae- Dodson,. Resor, English 8
p.n. Greta -Saunders A Oa 1
&AWN -le °eierich. es lay Jan
yt kxt Anent Mabel. olid*ylea♦
Annie K alga. 8 msaths ear
Curate,' out last week.
Ks.. .rah Foley Me rammed from Loa-
f y after s pea of sem* menthe to Meed'
Edyud Foley, of KI.gpieidrn has bees
flaw lou passu hes. dnlbg the pais
net �y
lies Cowan, a Medlin% of the T mahout,
G.:utel, visited friends kegs SMaeiy sad
ssedtl I.' . •sed took is the *ili. at the
psis: Foul daring her stay.
Teutday might of lagtseek. Geo. Fsliord
istertamed a number el Meade sad .tide►
hon here t , • oeiebt Ieh mgr
Lasa from t..wiciwk� llfs tlll�litt.psrd.
in. All praseot bad as time.
The pct fly ea sehm'is IMAM gave to
mach trouble last year hes eampesered with
Parvenu summer weaker end is giving
pest trout.:, to all wish seer. Mdklag is
eery tryiii r, and already may is this see•
ties are b;aoketa et million time Tar sed
ober remedies an teed to check this
Io et His aw-tt . -The Tempreace
Impel Sudsy unsnarl held daring the ma-
w moons by the 1.0.0.T. Na 213, for the
pet no years, will he .darted "gain es the
rid Sunday of Joky. to the .mpsr m.
Bell. The opasies ttmeetiog, eemumaeeisg
t R r r., is to be adeemed by Alex.
tenders, of 6.4.r i. We hope to •
Sum a. well attended as they wen i• tie
Saturday of laic week sew a ran day pie-
sz at the foist Fess et three pain
meets of this towambipt, supported by the
postal newest asd tames et sash e-
tisa The *nooks were No.'s ons, An lead
tine, with the umbers. Miaas:Beimetiwm.
limos seal Kota Oases of all kinds,
strep sad main es the lake by boats
Low t:o:erieb made / s day a red
Mutt 4es to all. A nand drt gives by
Use aito:are d No. 6 mar the .bergs.( et
creche-, was very Msreming. kat
.t, J. J. Wright, with la staff did their
beer for make.veryboelye joythemselres.
1 • a' it. •u \. erre -.1 fair must of m"m-
ben ! tt.e Presbyteries chetah hen con-
ferred with the Union et Godwiek tow..bip
a'. ties lec•are rim of Krol .Luck, Gode-
ticS. ;n t cory,r•.yatioaal *.shag, quite a
",thio of the 1'.i•� bele; pretest Rev.
J. Anders* betas is the 'hair expiates,'
the Fro.'edere et call and reed letters
Iran t -s a of dm ran4ld•ts is referees to
their ac-eptaaae of the pt.terato, if nom.
thee some onmsdar•uos Raw. Maracak
Msekey. of Tomato, was ashen& es the
mebOe of A. C. Maaden.ld, asspded by
Mr. Elliott, of the Ulmios, na resist
ties proni.iaR 3300 yearly std with a grant
frees the missies food d •10100. 1hls
m•ket the salary $800 yearly. Jobe Ber-
me was appointed to reposmt Lamborn at
the cooly presbytery m the 11th
et Ju'c at Myth. and 1(r. Y far Ue
Union in the tatert. d tie can whims laid
before the presbytery. The ma sheat hen
at Leeburn, in clime el A. C. b{adarald,
hes re .'vel quite a *wirer ef dYmtatas d
mean and adherents .ad we hope that
the ci;•,.ce made will he • seems. to both
pato! 53d people.
Th. entrance exam started yesterday
sal writ od Friday.
Port Maros, Mich., is • town with about
l5,») tohalet.nts, yet also d its deeten
are natives of Canada
The land, under the leadership d Mr.
Ninth u practicing hard .ad we may ex-
pect a momical treat from it m the l.0.
R•ky hey your nsaekt.as from
Wreaths at tabular`� when you eau
hgeet the bet from O. W.
Tbosuon for MILOQ
Itch Slang ..l alat-4ss d every tied,
es unman, oared fa M ansafes b, Wog'
Iard's !lsait•ry Lilies. This &ever tails.
Nerd by F. Jordan. Di. .t.
kneesber the strawberry fedivd . i•
Victoria -et church as Tandy avoids.
July 4th. Musical and pea�aa
Tlr u intended se • r.ou ii 4. . H
Irvias, the ..w pastor. A lbs.
Lb yell want se buy 1Mm. ? You have
ear choice in the Mak
Rw.with, Enloe,
Lae W. Thome ata ee%ghl advance en
"It. ►see your trade.Meseta its • beruhe.
S0a1e say that the " Ari Nerve Pima
o is-
• ma shed kRnakawei•idM a busmen, Then
o the doctors' beeleme. Ter further
tis• rOprLag nth woedwtd sa1W
- maiaems sex et Meek, gin and e
br noreelt.
Faulah Cpavie IJalne.1 .n bard
pot or edloa'.d lamp. eel IBmlaiks pram
harem, Mom spina, Nebo 112161•14 itZ
8"0147. Stew afashe. awe
le use of ase Musk C sea, ate. Save *
beak Wurr et.d the mail
r f ChM TAb.&,.p�ol.o ever !pews. Bald
RS MTM A"easaell Lard's &mppm win
mmol h. Zees Meech sett lira
• loweieg Thememoea to the
e.e•y,a will be hens w et
'bilk obeet Re..1A. M. A -
will pr'.i. � (lives* d
Short Stories from the Reopor`-
sem Note -Book.
Estes {:rave M Stay 1 rrun -lively N
Severe-ivery*htaa is Street net Wes
T'beye tai /111 -1r ester. • /rte s. a
Tee Costa, 1 rens ye Mal 111 a elders
Intact ye Makin' metes, wad Win Nell
Pena 1st.
Kisruk tartly .rte he mettles ems, and THE FAIR AT CHICAGO. I io lay 'h y"r , .sit
M ahorwatdm weal Lto the asnrsary m[ life i■ 1.11saro, r well s M
The lies York Warn hst asi.ed • sew
ward. , rte+• -el " to milt the grotller: rausery
asses.. V. J. I .4's% est style.
to ■ r t
the Simard. Ti: Ids
Tie Weed's Pair madmen to moot mtrs-
ties at bat u you w�ehst tit go. the
helsitreeing Asst b.l wenn sees met and best tis IL R MW1ot or w are
lZN5 TAILORIN9.-8pr4n and Sammy
swiftsego de the Ieat variety mre Yo ma hwises ave
a Mrs very ,bodes asM> s good style sled It at
�eieo� B. Masenisao. Meer.
PDr&Ta Iilo1.. - aaaalota t Co. have a
of Parte Orem flet so br the Witham
ea O. et It eerma tom absolutely gun
Mar eta snag off at Ito. per must.
nasty wb• • the saopI. laat• and .. ur.
=elf it. _ A tall Mock a g♦•ds& how b se,
reMgn seMagles T 4 T t
sad fan. sprays at insets..
��r{L�egggg,, ever Dew 11.• of rariet *weepers
fie .l,uu i & Co.. West -set
KIe:1tIDN.-A Urge excursion, etri'.er-
ing &best 600 persons front Sat ter, Iteneall,
Chinos sad Kippen, arrived hen on Tues-
day. After enjoying themselves moat of
the afternoon at the lake and vicinity, the
left on a 7.40 special train apparently well
pleased with the day'. outing.
A Flat Seal so. -We .ck.owledes with
thanks • string of six fine bees fool John
Phillips, the renowned local angler, on Test.
day. They were all "beauties", over the
rejtilatioa ks,lth and tamed exceedingly
toothsome. lir. Phillips bag had very
good luck itis Sumas. w day Mee week se-
. ming altogether 43 Ibi.Nof beam
Flnwta SC,DAT.-L♦Mt Sandy bsiag
Gower Monday, Knox dark wee tastily
demisted with Oowstas, eta, by the tomb -
ere sad ethers. The children, meat of wham
bad pretty boqus's .d who occupied the
centre at the church Is a body, listened to
as int'.* +$( sad instructive aeries pre-
pared ap.erally for them boy the pastor.
AirIoc'T.-O& 8•tard.y naorntnn last
while deice some work a the roof of St,
Gleorge'e Aura,J. H. Woven, of the fins
d Saunders & Co.. slipped and fell • dim -
mime of over 20 feet. Lankily he fell on •
grass plot which mind his from severe in-
jury. .However, be got • ba,' shaking up
but we are pleased tc state tort he relived
me broke bevel r internal injuries
Test Freer or Zeta is GoblRI, it. -Do e-
imism Day promises to be a big ev"at in
Goderiok tele year. A teary bill of sports
sad punnets has been _prepared old eaci-
a► somsittees appointed to carry them
oat, aed we believe every effort will be
minds to make the day ore of the moat *ne-
onatal held hew for some time. No dosbt,
a large member d vWton will come to town
frees the earresnd'eg mat; sad by the
epeeist tanner sirens provided for the cc -
aims. Ample . ass..odatioo for their
entertaimment while here is being made.
To -ono ? AND Towomaow Nt.:..T. -The
"glomes" Tt'a., egspemed of J. Parsons
Smith. PreL K 1. !keeps sed little Fury
Mere" will gin Iwo et their iutcrestimg
wamt.immsmb la the Temper* net Han,
eomeegi g this (Ther.day) mooing. The
isadimg elny phM. speak vary k:dily of the
peegrasg ramdaied by the gifted singers.
They have lately recanted hem the World's;
Fair, Chicago. where they were alli.g as en-
ssgemest at the great motional Tgmperrmoe
Comnees Two dgMs is all tatty e.s iv
.eeuaed for at se dl"a't vanes tai' op-
po�tmity of Menem also Deere epee at
9:30, co eemameeee .t 8 o'el.k. Silver en -
at the door.
TK. lIwer GONE To TM" _SrATa. -Con-
siderable dtfilealty was mprnaoadby Capt.
Hys hes getting No. 6 Volust.r Company
els to drill Wm gar. owing largely to the
abeam et the rd roan of fanner years It
is ..td •het •.t et 34 mea who attended the
hat drill °sly 3 w mow r eklemte et this
tan o.ajerity having ems to the
U. a Cat. ggaay�. and Lieut. Shaw united
Brims& sed Euler e,sp.mle . the latter
Mier without same thie mama. The
"wove led ee M°d y .11.'.... tni for
Ledge and will he abeam lfi days mime-
ses es the 30th inst. A rsa magevae.t of
tin MINIM Depertmemt will have to be made
Mare lane aombere of Imitable sow will he
Said ,BBrtg to shoulder area .d aria
seder a.m.r°bnig atm. Ir temp in • dread -
Mg vada. -Bram•7. Post.,
sue S. A. Saaa*t'u. -(lapf. ft Wigttlia.,
the sear ,tie yesmg ofbsr who hes e4arge
et the !Wheels' Army work b Gederi.k.
ora *unripe,' to have a la ay e. the let
.met 8d. the eaesels. hear M. omniver..ry
el the °p�11N d the Mersa. on WatrMo-
.4 T i s.pWe'l ammo'mteost i. se M-
ims t Oensral Booth is met eovahm, bot
Brig. H.IM5 em erne of his ,epraastatives
is t Mos Resign mid
�gmWm late d- the
destrint. They will Mid • two
i1 Tel. -.Ne el the ilk
I res end maim. from�M/ �s8 Mgt w8.. -
aMors (.lake. • meat armies bed win
be�kdd m ?M Art•
era In 1838 tae burn°,' the Ina gas light- f give some goatees that may prove
d volae to visite* tray for resides who
" is T. r ie e t. he far
awd the
pe�aa�e Leslie ►oehaetead, r aoemy Gaya What a (iod(mrloh Man Saw aL � may betake themselves. to the World's Fair.
it was knows that lir Leslie was ld Fa1r Gamete Smiles.
live $e Si= the Wor 's •
weaker alai noel,' sot long.
qy,��.geg�� • wW b sea his yoasge*t
Ife.LMoD.Atka,wh.Mwat .m4
he died • few minutes atter she arrived at THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH.
h.e bedside, es Saturday.
HTeassat_-The Bret.:. Poet : A jay.
ons emit.'my is relating and near fried&
..,stabled at the lumen the bride, Gnderiah,
ea Wedae.d•y afternoon to wittiest the
.'irriage eermony between A. M. Kay, of
Strattord, furmerly of Brussels, sad Miss
Lizzie, eldest daughter of the late Archibald
Dickaun, .a.1 grand -daughter of Registrar
Dick sow Thole idol party took their places
at 2:30 o'clock under a large Herat hell in
the spacious parlor, to the w.anpaaiutcat
of the wedding much, when Rev. 1)r. lire,
the venerable Presbyterian ,'trine, quieted
by Rev. J. A. Aa.letsoo, spoke the magic
worts. Little Miss Gracie Diokata. sister
to the bride, •u4 Leslie K.rr, of Brussels,
n ephew pf the groom, were the attendant's
B•.utifnl and valuable wetting gilts be-
token the popularity of the oontraoting
parties. After Inacheoa the bride sod groom
took train forloudon and 1)etriot for a abort
wedding trip, followed by the heartiest con-
gratulation' of all, and the meal supplyof
riot, orange blossoms, &c. Mr. and rs
Kay will take up their rest,'erne in Strat-
ford, where air. Kay is the Deputy Poem
muter. The many old (.lands of the con-
tracting parties in Brs..ela .u1 Soca:ivy
wish them • lag and proep.roue married
life, to all d which the Poet says " Acnes.'
Cutrnul.tTION Satvtce AT T. Pr:rtn'S.-
Saturday evening, oar usually quiet Win
was aroused by the pealing of the bell of
St. Peter's church, announcing the arrival
et His Lordship Bishop O'Connor of hoodoo -
Sunday morning, Jose 25th., Feast of St.
Jol:o the Baptist, His Lordship, .ssuted by
lieu. Father West, celebrated the eight
o'clock loess, at which • &amber of children
revolved their first communion. The choir
snag hymns .pproprtu• to the mantis.
Al is "'elesk High Mese was sung byVery
Rev. Din. Murphy, of Iriebtown. n the
mans were His Lordship awl Rev.
Father West. P. P. After High Mass the
Bishop &remised the ten candida es for
.o.8 His GnvLbip expressed osis
pleasure wian the twlinsse of a agesn
Ores to the maty difficult gaestioaw After
administering the sscr.msst of Ce5Arseat ion
at which Mrs. Chisholm sad Jsdge Doyle
assist the responsibility of apousers, His
Lordship addressed the children and con-
dweillt4g dimity on the dignity
o:f the a arament, lbs seoeesity die reoep-
tios for developing .ad perfccung the
whims* infused in Lepti.m ; and the gifts
tmp.rted in it b the Holy Ghost. His
Lordship remit the p•reuts of the ob-
ligation imposed on them of giving good ex-
ample to their children, and allowing the
good seed which had been implanted n.
their young innocent bearta totructify. At
VI, close of the sermon, His Lordship asked
the boys to set al and promise to abstain
from all intoxia►ting lieruori until the see of
twenty.,.. Before giving his final bene-
diction the Bishop congratulated the con
greration on the generosity dup.yol by
them in liquidating the dal* on the: church.
This happy state of affair", His Lordship
said, was ovens chiefly to the industry and
self-sacrifice of their holy pastor. Father
Kest. who, he said, had made many more
.aeri8oes than flay were cognizant of. . Hie
Lordship then blessed the people, leaving
happy memories of his visit. In the
. fteraoon His Lordship ant Pettier
Wiest left for Ashfield, returning the follow-
ing .fteraoon The Iluh:.p returned to
Lesdos by the fear o'clock train, Moday,
Joss 96th.
HAMILTON--HnNTON. -The attendance at
St. Gorge's church was one of the largest
that has takes place in years, the ooca.0n
being the marriage of W. ('.ayley Hamil-
ton. barrister of Re: dna, to Florence C..
snood dasgbtr of Horace Horton, Fig., ex -
M. P. K. 1. Dickenson, barrister, of Wing -
Ism, acted as groomsman, and the bride was
. ssisted by Mies Hamilton, gofer of the
bridegroom, sad ago' Edith Horton, sister
tante bride, and the followingsaid' d
baser, Nellie Garrote, May Willies'., Dot
Hoetos, awe milds, and Connie Holt.
The bride were . gown et ,nam
with veil .sed erase bloesom',
the two brali maids ware arrayed is
white eau►, whilst the maids d boost win
•meed is white &d minndeedd a err.
=Ithe hinted were
nhume, mesdiatag hetet' el the bride,
Dr. mel ilea Si.mmes. Dr. sad lira J. S
S4.mmw. Dr. Hmease .d 1480 Clime,
Comma Mhle l6theami., Semi. { lllr
and Ms p(l�,aa.�1ll,,.�a�ndnatym fumes lIeeele-
and dn. M.Doe.I4 IGS Pwwagkd Crows.
' mil will be
'thi emlemwa
esed IMP MOM* ttl&ela.L
Prim • Mi
iskr- Med r Beer ism
ere d Luah.ow. Arno'
Mime Ma
*hod Mende hes *19011.101.16.1111114
teak ',,.. blot
missies he Leges ad net.
Deets er Moms Lauer, 8 .-Tweet.
Gomm Lia, sr.. the kir d
Unilever sod the lad survive, .t the Net
Qty Craned ef Tensile. disc me S.eadad
aides aS •M► a W 0014. yaw. est the
*dosses 1113ld M
Mr. Leslie1~IIN �"
M. C.
'•.ere., SCC. M... Clamgres, ed the
Mime Clamerss, Dr. and Mea Taylor.
Master in Cheme.ry Mabe.•.es and kra
Maleesm. Mr. and Mrs. H. Snows, Mr.
aid Ms P. Holt, Mr. and Mn. EMIT, Mims
Mackay, Mae. Hays, Mr. ad Mn. R G.
Re *tilde, Mrs. Reymonds, Bev. 16. Tomball
.od Mra Tentbs8, Mr..ad Mn. Sesser,
D. C. Stream. Mr. ad Mem R R. Wil-
liams, Dr. and Mrs. Hoboes, Mew J. V. Nil -
weed sad the limes Inwood. the Mimes
Heriot, Mea R J. Man, Mrs. H.wMy,
Me. C. C. Mamba., R N. Levi.nd Mies
Lewis. 1. J. T. liapsl MsNaMhssd Mess
Wins, Mr. lied Ms l l deMte. The
s& wen mmrrwg asd seedy,
=duns r"amie4semn were
the fdlewi.g friends se ,undo pais : D.
1. IMO* barrister, Yr. 1eJ,w,, Witt Wit.
ems, J. A. Patna, mempler Sent s1
. L1ieaesg sad D. A u, N.Btat.
ApeMea tr..l. was��uw weldding bemikiese M ten
megar woos Attmosa'Y obits TAaa,
whish is the Ismael aetlM*M . d Id kid 1e
the world. Here we were rq.aoMd M
e�w , and were turned ever te a milwee-
.4 nidi -.m. guide heag.Mewed M every
skew- sed Nowted for the pit se--blu„
wens M se entimskd that b,NO M
i%d et w ggiigg to Me r1.
.es hew Ow - le Wes, and ten mew
�w�the emit wan dews paved see.
=ve Thal W hem reamed
a She art 4 WOO. tied wntk I here
'rue rte for last week.
L.i..till continues
The man tried. of Robert FJliot t will
to visit
the white
Thurman Irons 1 sad.• to e weeps weibeat be glad to Lara that his
bealth ie improv.
trans/.s tars --armee V., at tee rale me
--Selkirk* of all Ages -la tee wisberles A number of voluutee.. left here ea Mon-
a/rp.runernt. Canada Takes ■ Treat
t'Mee-Tne Wonder. aline tasaat elar-
era' NIId*.a.
To the Editor of Tut Siumat_
We left Goderioh on Tuesday, Juno 13th
and arrived at Chicago from Loodon,without
changing oars, at 11 r. e. the same night via
the t:. 1'. R. and Wabash road. Wednes-
day we did Cbioago and took our beannge,
so that during our stn in the Garden Pity
we would have no difficulty in 'orating our -
solves. The next day we started for the
Fair. It wee
and there was • crowd of over 500,000 oa
the grounds. The weather was lovely, sod
pleasantly cool, anakiog the work of .ight-
* min3 • pleasure indeed. We parohased •
copy of the "Official (.U3,1e," and started oo
• w:uk, book in hand, to locate the build-
ing., ata It took three hours W do it.
The Traneportstina Building was visite!,
and it was well worthy of being viewed,
containing, es it does, every conoeivnle
etyl. of vehicle from the age of Adam to the
pprraessec.et titan. " The Cadet "-the first
locomotive built-attr.eted n good deal of
attention, and stood in great minim to the
iamer improvements in railway engines.
THE rl$stet.ln DUMDUM
comprises one large milia balding and two
wings. In the main edifice every thing in
Ash and fishing •ppli•oow could be seen,
whilst in the Rings were aquariums of all
sines in which live members d the finny
tribe, both fresh and salt, disported them-
selves. The (laadian exhibit to this de-
partment was • psrticolarly good owe. A
cavae glance into the Uoi States bid-
ing completed oar in.pectiun of the edifices
for the day, •iter which • trip around the
grounds on the electric belt line, prepara-
tory to getting back to the city on the etc
rued railroad --which makes • rapt.; transit
in midair, supported by what appears to
the Device to be • 1 trestle work, al-
though no pains have been spared to ensure
the safety of the travelling public. Fri-
day' we took in
Tilt YAtt'PA(TCataa' ,rILDING,
which prove' to be quite an aedertakiog.
We had • catelo�ue of the bundle/ with a
atop d the floor, which •ambled a to m•+ve
rapidly std at the tame time pt • fair idea
of the exhibits ea view. Al the olive of the
day we were atiRa*r80 •t the contents of
this edifice, whit fir variety sad interest,
it would he e." to spun. f. structure
is the ltrratt fa the world and est $1,200,-
0011 M road, lass is the competitive
gniend-b elwow the Haswpes. eseetries and
the new Wield sl wshiet..& artistes.
The male area et this boat lir. a Mame of
the verdin, a*o.pefa.. ,'grin ages, without
bekiu mend by the esitlem e el a solitary
seppetieg eaimmm, and whoa we took the
i set wen up r otwards some 200
feet 'ed belied town. we bed not the
zit M dash Mat w WWI and bonne
i loses properly gegen,'. From the top
of the *leveler the exhibit oompertm•ut.
Mend like oaten boxes, end the moving
hems A below took on very small pro -
A half mile walk arosad the roof
of O• de sdiis rioted what bad been to is •
very pl..nnt visit to this important depart-
ment d the World's Fair.
mantle MY KALI.,
which we negated the day after, proved
to be • marvel in the way d live machin-
ery. said whirr, boa end teethe obtained
in needy every nook and oeasay. Almost
every .00hsadcal ani knows to man sod
be teen is operates iK this department,
and the waver's loom and the printing
press, worked side by aide i anima By -
the way. The Columbian s the name d as
entrprisfsg daily mewmp.pr whisk is pris-
ed is tide balditr. The matin power for
drithis Ivamtate •ggregatios of aaa.cbie-
ry is %rained by a street of boilers and s
member el engines which defy dseeriptioa
is es imam handbag with two .smears,
M whir ems be .m • greed display et pis-
tons and enat ry. Oma thing, however,
that was disY.eely mutism hie. was that the
exhibit& el pietism Gem the European
oosatrine-Italy, Frage, IRmgl.md and else-
where is the Gid World -were gsappreeeb-
ed by the Aimless r C.sad . exhibits.
L sertaimb. the . i Meda bear away
the paha. There was 160,000 memos out
this Say, It brag "Mss..4 1. Day,"
mel Whar."r land beige presses.
fllemtl.•faiose hem lifework. and the else -
tele h..t. _. made . dish sashes 1 new
,rem Mew hs. and dished Amer-
*, isee>sie.t hem all who wheeled i0.
wen * . rn- - f -ms Irma e
vas a the Adadelsemste.
tallyhet high. The arrange-
it taking the amflelif W• kook to
the hat-
q u of the day's were parfait,
was theism ggfNlet
sesame" M seer the Mommy el the Ma -
miasmas • bfideb father the 'n"`' Om 114.4111:11r PAT rani Sem-
IMrk the ala P. K. flim off 'nom ..d .Mew
I.s. where they �Mtet lmapunkfy 41
day for London where they extwect to tied
auuch sport.
Jame' McDonald lost • valuable horse last
week which was no doubt the result of ice
last illness
Have R.TcuNtD.-John Pickard sod
mister, Mn Wm. Patton, returned from
(.alt ou Saturday atter 'wending • very
enjoyable time with their sister, Mrs. C. J.
Two young men of the 9th can ester over
to Sharon Mat Monday nicht, and had what
we calla regnler dog tight. something better
than *hi. might ba expected of those young
men. and we would advise them to look
over the ten commandments once more.
The entertainment and tea -meeting which
.. held last Monday night at Sharon in
oonnention with the me hall proved to be •
aeoava. The Holmesville Methodist choir
witted in • very acceptable *tanner. Fred
E!fo.d of Ilolmoevillo gave a couple of re-
citations which "ram also thougi t much of.
1 So.'ew►CL Cu.ts.:n -In *i.e days of
our furetatheru,peace an 1 harmony prevailed
throughout this community, but • sorrow-
ful change hoe taken plus since thea
Strife anal i"will appears W reign at this
present time. Yea, too often do we see the
stalwart man strip off his oast and breathe
out vengeance against his fellow creators
because he has made some remark about
some public speaker or for some other small
affair. We believe that even the worst in
our midst are sot yet paired redemption,
We understand that the Salvation Army of
B•.yfeld intend Doming hen to hold meet-
ings. We sincerely hope their oomireg may
not be in vain ; but it so, we fear the law
of the land will have to compete with mob
law and demand that • ring be put in his
Tut Two Bynum. -Thane two mighty
men drone into Clinton town • 'bort time
ego and while they were tbere,bully number
one got into . hot argument with a stranger
about horse flesh, be bully number one
failed to hold his own in the argument, so
bully number two seeing hie Desition
rushed to his assistance and demanded the
tttatrnger to ihut up, but the stranger se•
knowledged that he esu onlybully number
Dine from some other pl•oe, t even so, he
MID not obliged to not tiptoe bully number
one and bully number two from Porter's
Hill. We never thought that our two
champions would be obliged to take a back
not in obi, way. bat we "appose each
thought it would be bettr to be • coward
fee five minutes than to be a corpse to the
remainder of their lives.
Wag their ng
Gedii.h To. i T. Tai hes keught W
R.Mi'1 hem o1 b s' Ihe 1 aa,
pubs les it the sum 000. There is •
/pen Mist hems, es b, the ash M ewe.
stile.! . reed sea
~ r The ease ahr Dlr. warp,' tem Maw N
west to Liadhahoth a sae
la aamsta.
the weave pint el the
Wm. Contra hss retur led from the
Miss Eva Ausobiooke is home from
M... ih. Adams, of F:mbro, n visiting
in town.
Idles Mary Elliott lett for Detroit on
lir. and Mee. F. ('lark, of Toronto, spent
Sunday in town.
Mw Lizzie 14.11 was visiting friends in
Ssaforti ebbe week.
Mn. Colin Campbell left em Wednesday
on a visit to Clinton.
Harry Bates, of.agituw, Mich., wee in
town daring the week.
Dr. Hutct1.., et Mostre•l, bee beam
visiting his parents U town.
men e
Alam Thompson, of Chicago, gof Rob
Thompsom, n visiting i. town.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Kilbouru, formerly of
Goderiob, visited town bud week.
Jos. Doyle has returned from Mostreal,
s din
where he hbees attesting sadists.
Yrs R. Johnston, of tows, is the guest
d Mrs ..
Th. Cooper, Clinton, this week.
Sera W. J. Perkins, of Gorda. 1a visiting
her parents. Mr. and M... Robl.Thomea
lielit i.Teted Arbor,
home from AArb,
haMire., where s s been steemdimg • med-
ian gam&
lames Gras and Heim Polley returned
,'. b
last week from • visit to frissfit.
Themes and Aylmer.
Mrs. MeD. Ann a 8
left aterby for
Termite, called taitber r
mama ef h
father, who 41.s ndied.
N. M.Yenily, d the Caught. Imtitah
u . hit em Wedseeday to speed the sem-
seer vsstioe ie Hilhbarg.
Me. ad .0 .. M
ld d MMyra*, d
Mammal. zt have m week terlesittwa1, to
visit Mrs. (n's old hese.
Mts. W. J. Swaim. ad Eine Moms*, d
H•milem, arrived thin week to speed the
Summar with relatives her.
Dr. Shaw, Climes. w • guest at • wed•
,'lag in Oedrisk, Wed...say ; be will be
the misdeal ie one tomo et the*, days
eras erresolved ea Saturday d the
Masse d
serious MasTrask Bale in Clay City,
Mid. His seethes p
hes s se s. attend his.
Dr. FL Rishew edaretuned Meeday
sleet last from a Chert visit to Barna.
when bum had ba family re-
iiknia benssf hi ev
sr, R. Ge.
What the N.P. has dons for
New Brunswick.
T1s 'sterns. at Ike ttarllttwe rre,Lee•
aaerldeed by Tartar l.ea1•Ialtea Tose 4 fly
•SO4.. Jobe Prewar/seri -r'r.e rreetet Mar
inters ibadlr.5 alt Radars.--esserprs
vl.elal Trade is a Dead tall■re--Tbe
Memla1•s System WNII► te.V,••Ible.
From the N. Y. Sun.
A detailed account el the state of industt►
and trade in the province of New Beans -
wick has recently been published in the
Toronto 4 Iob.. The trustworthiness of the
report will scarcely be disputed by the most
rabid defenders of the Ilominion system and
of the connection with treat Britain, inas-
muchas the (;1ubs's oorreepoodeut, Mr. J
Atkisson, is • twin of high character and
conspicuous ability, who has taken the pro-
em -hive to collect information mainly from
Conservative souroee. The data are used
by the Globe as arguments for • treaty of
unrestricted reciprocity with the Uuited
States, which forum the chid feature in the
official prograusn.e of the Canadian Liberal
party. It is plain. however, that the pie•
tar. drawn by Mr. Atkineou really ccnsti•
tate. a powerful plc for continental onion,
onions that the United States will not
enter into a one-sided bargain, bot will in-
sist that Canadians must accept the tampon-
ail:Slitie. of political incorporation with this
republic, it they desire to profit by free ac-
cess to American markets.
Before tba,interesta of the maritime prov-
inces were saificed by tariff I.gialatioa at
Ottawa, in order to tater the develop-
ment of uunutaetures in Quebec and On-
tario, ships and the lumber trade absorbed
the capital amid esterprise of New Brou.wick.
TM people of the province were content to
continue to b.iid ted leach their wooden
vessels, and mend them upon tradingvoyages
which were so profitable *bat some' Imes •
a ship. Brut trip would pay for her. im-
porters, artisans, and tarot.ni stared in the
prevailing prosperity. A farmer could go
into the woods, cut a stick of timber, draw
It to the shipyards, and with the 1420 he
Might receive, go to • *ton and add to the
comforts of kis family. The city of St.
John was thriving ; her imports were larger
than they have over been mince. Now,
shipbuilding hos practically disappeared,
mad the shipyards, which were the harvest
field of 80. John and other seaboard towns,
are deserted. The Canadian tariff is a
burden for wbi.b there is obsoletely no coin -
palmation in New Brasewick.
Bat, of route, the destruction of ship-
baildiag and the consequent depreerioe of
industry and trade throughout the provisos
is doe less to the imposition by the Domin-
ion (iovrnatest of duties upon imports than
to the restrictions Opan access to the mar-
kets of the United States. It is peculiarly
true of New Brunswick that the quee*ion of
market" ie paramount in polities What
the inhabitant* of the province imperatively
need, and need promptly, if depression ie to
stop short of prostration, is to get the $2 •
thousand duty ea bomber and the 15 cents
a thousand on laths throw. off ; to obtain
for their Ase free entry into the United
Stake ; to none the removal of the United
States duty of 14 meta a barrel on lime; to
throw ops New &ry4od to the sedgrauice
and freestone of ahe.provinoe, and, thinly,
to prnosre tree trade with their American
neighbors is farm products.
The attempts made W develop interprovin-
cial trade have remand, mo tar es New
Brunswick is ateoersed, only in seeding
a little Bah to Quebec end Ontario. IIm.p-
onble are the barriers to the expansion el
moth • commerce. Communication with
Oaterio meet be by rail, bad nil freights
are ooetty; whereas. to the seaboard towns
d the United States ell along the AUatio
court there L chap water carriage. If any.
iii*; more than geographical position were
n eeded to demooettate Haat the natural
market of New Brunswick lies in the States
Ms foetid in the seamed Spree showing
the last year the pubs .eat only
her to 0 worth ddpledt ile maid. of the
lam -
her to Greet Behan, while. b
Mandist tarIt, the ague aof the shipments
M the .Laid States, outside of lim-
ber, w a minis..md • hell elf dollars. Yes
the espoea of lime were esAhird loos the
they wore holism Me tent, mr•
whore= 4uodeok �E�kii
o Mahe, .an
• 3.276 males& of pastas
Mos aouNp. is Sew Sasewir41, I .'y�4mkr`
lien ewtdguosg to Aroostook, sod
toil aura as fertile. shimpal sob, MD ear
lords. The simple hulk-isthat aol -
has shipbuilding ahmset tumbled, but fans
values are lower thee they bare ever hem
before. sad the people are leaving the pre-
via., Meow they e...ot make • living Is
lathe es sent dd the
A. n. •t Mill -
es Jump 14th. Mies Or.ee
Peasy,dOederish,is *shied as hawk
hem hied the 11 semil.
Meso Dewemd, artist, loft Teresa yes-
e..to day kr a hes weeks' seaeg. She ams
f. jet. her iter. Mr..gmoml, at
essedviDe. eel will se like at ■183 1 semi Oe
Dr. Bedford 1Mahlerlem, who is cud
Meyers to maya Oa4mhly p.rpem Maw.
1h�mriOh wash ler • yeanehmennehmenh . le the eY
, end m111 yiee hi
Ma M4Mal/dLeaA a hie sail
How keg will it be bears New Brumr
wish pad les blame ler her prem t misfor-
tunes shit it bele.igs, m•g.sly, se the i o-
mimie. system. sad reeernines tint the rem-
edy lir in eoat4e.dl seism.
.ease peer et teas*s inetaer,d ole., the
make wens.
Hem sad pickerel fishing in the river is
very mood.
Sabre. De.:ntlses sad Roadway ran in for
shelter em Messy.
Ser. Coital Reepnn took em 8 can of salt
ea Saeariq se her trip sip the Woo
The light -hens supply beat. qtr. Mel-
bee met . will be here ahem the middy d
The bathhag hems white wag to he Mae
Eke Sew., s sow seder elsmeeitatl.a ilei
sees Ire reedy ler use. Cent. Wm.
will ham Marge ef it.
4 Cloy el Whirr. ea hem
the Saab took ea pmsesngere ad t,
sod ea T ossdty Mak as 1 ear d loot be-
eline a
e.etines. - "etpasomrpir4 the Shat.
Ma I wssembos ih 911 ipkerlaikal m es
e..., tee at hi
the lam laeee' r.e4Mihe w 112,200 te Joke
eh& her the
air .