The Signal, 1893-6-1, Page 3THE S1L NAL : GODLYuCD, Or., Ts 1' t. 163
T.•44..1 1.41
I Irott...:-
47 C \ ,♦
�.� &u Al..e. inizeis. Lime,
PaypA.atr or., Y,,
Axtell, 2:12, will be placed in training in
J see.
Tye trotter Milkshake, 2:20, baa been
asserted ate the pini.[ gait.
Stater Ryland, • aster to Rylaed T, 2:11 j
log be trotted le the west this strips.
()Rye Hickok is ea his way east with I is
sable of California trotter and patient
Shoe 2.33, by Abeeham, see of Meiet
I sbsrt. u & brood mare in an A..triau
ywdhnt astabluhment.
A yearling pear by Alban W., 2:20, oat
et the dam of Flying Jib, 2:O6t, ie said to
M a )' f•at pacer..
Millard wanders will aMsseipt to•tabli•h
a nee reoord ■ext fall with • pair of year-
n= by Stdney, 2:191, drives to pole.
When the lows Malleo. Pjour■jtrenk is
ready for the moss there is the prospect ,.t
a let of .tartttog judges with the booke%.
rss•rss ('lark's Horse P..view.
The Dolt that will not allow its master t.,
go up to it in the putter ia generally either
, Maui ¢test or a mesa man's beast, and
■■.ally the fault is in the man.
The old ume pacer Richball, 2:124, a ill
b, campaigned in Iowa this year. With
the advaatege of • bike sulky his awns
ihiaks he will be able to ears his oats.
The 4.l sulky that Mood S. was hooked
r when she trotted in 2:0B2 has bees fitted
with small wheels and p.eam.tic tires, suet
ria daughter of Herold will draw it is her
hit work this year.
doubtless holds et least owe
world:. record, and a doable trait record
u that. Walter Dena, of Charleston, has
beat p.owtog "broom Dorn greed" with
Argot Wilkes, 2:141, sad Gyp, 1:26.
The latest novelty ie tar? goods is
lions the
slxminu .. ls shoe, • AMPSais nof this
.sterol the size of the foram16 =we
steel shoe, weighs les ix eadbee.
They will wear much looser .ad give beer
rw►.acties in many ways. The o.le et.-
Sctiee is. the show will utast 18 per set
milk= are also being made of this .material
istead of wood.
Meares twtwr.sau's Mired.
A wise maw
saw does
When Nature made the dude Che made a
sire thing of it.
The average college student mods les
toot and more tutor.
It is probably called pin mossy became
the husband is stuck for it.
la tie tnatrttooaial market inlay girls
are willing to be called to a coast.
Hard as it is to borrow mossy, it is often
Seer to borrow it thea it is to pay it
Low's Sulphur Soap is .a ehgamt toilet
smack, sod cleanses sed psis■ the skin
seat effectually. lni
l?videstiy all that the ha•bsed of galalia
is to do is to look, wear gorgeous
asilorma, walk Spanish Cad oossiooalle
swept an invitation to arink. Te be tete
worse half of a royal Princes is a groat
If you desire • beautiful zsos,abso
lately free from blotches, parity
oar blood by the use of Ayers Sarsaparilla
Remove the came of these disfigurements
bad the skin will take airs et itself. Be
vire vow get Ayer's Sarsaparilla
nu three editor, the !siemens of the
s.11possg room end the pesa4•resder of a
tem/paperdown in Mexico have best east
w Jul for datemwke it pub-
lished. The paper is sew very sa.tlemly
res by tae reporters and e.mpavitsso,
Aasumet Pastor" is a stow title ler a
mesa, sad is, it 4e ad& so lar held
only ase of the ss. The pioneer la
hold bods her home .ad work is Breeklys,
Mare, at • salary of $100 a year tike re
changes his mind -a
Oast+ Os.t... ass Vsue.l &d.....w. t
Wise .sees-•aMss..s ser as.., .N...
ga••a W..0 Illassearlada..
!'he tuba daps from LW.
Los aQ i ads 1,600,000 sheep a year.
A tobacco plant yields 1190,000 meet
British Medi. bows 10,147 opus
(Canadian railroads stretch 16,16
atlil �
A:taniaium has bean di•ooverd a'
(heat Britain bas 10,000 trains
A London house is papered with post
age stamps.
Man's comsat find lively ..le in Eng.
Some betcka are made of piaster o
parr and cork.
Mite skin is the tabrir in a
An ocean racer trees 118,000
o .cb trip.
It costa 9i Dents to put up a
Queen Victoria's crown i. worth $1,
England's Attorney General gets 18.-
600 • year.
Melbourne tow built the tfrwt Australian
The tail of the beaver gave theltint to
the trowel of the tlta.on.
In small towns in Germany only chim
pay sweeps wear plug hats.
There is a railroad in Peru that
13,68x1 feet above the level of the sea.
Tbe h' s Merck steeple in the world
is that of the Cathedral of Aaswerp, 476
SI Veen ounces of gold are sufficient k
guild a wire that would en.•ir•le flit
Fully 24 per cent of all the chant
p�ae made is lost by the bursting of
It is said that the King of Italy, like
Ms famous father, Victor Emanuel, only
takes one meal a day.
It is estimated that there were 19,373
papers published in the United States
and Canada last year.
Texas hermits high-toned convicts to
hire substitutes to work for them in the
convict camp+.
A dollar loaned for 100 years and com-
pounded at 94 per cent will amount in
that time to $4331,769,404.
The Greet F.a.tern was the largest ship
ever built --660 feet long, re broad, 6(
deep and 1A,627 tons burden.
The largest tomb in the world i. the
Pyramid ..f Cheops -•461 feet high and
covering 13 acres of ground.
The care of the forests in Germany
supports 100,000 families and involves
an annual expenditure of $40,000,000.
In 1720 the first clocks were introduc
ed. to be placed in churches, the hour
gloss having been previously teed.
limos the pastor d may remises tis&
Tae nip ofa pe t. maw b but a
slig►t remove frets beim mere.Uii
Um the pries of 8etda1 1a oke bleed.
air perils, t vIs.1 laid.
the steals41 n5 n om~kmkm....'sedimpelie.
of hie, hog*, and •Srak th.
Here Y • speediest d sdvertis-
!` frothe edemas sof the Lei.. sTisa :
'l)m n. George A•ktest, No. 6 vbanta street,
weitniaster, takes this eWsetmmitJ of
tba•ki.g her anwerees fried gar Shot
sympathy setters of sypathy em her merrier
oilier ' i
Theday. roues stn saws & Mena
ler am dasci the upNS1 sof whisk eight
1e rade to • v to • geed may talks■
a life ' 1 W bb te dimes,' he said,
" sad 1 should de's, web tb mese
trembles see, vied the girl gab is N wall."
in England there le ea Orgenbatitt
known m the Rural Midst Nardi* Aa-
*miation. The earths ars is Weld% two
Pan u a mat of MO. 110111 sem baa
in coni
can of
T1s, hes. If Peer Tresses hese vtirs
Over 10,000 tongue -tangling. -cords
raOW' have trached us in O.Coeur ...ntpeti-
Sion..nd here we give some of teem to
our readers to try Oak pen•
London Tit -Bits. skill Y ■
Having carefully triad the "Imagism"
ourselves and at our Mads, it seemed
tour that use sent in b ' Rev. A. B. Orr,
Denby Vicarage, Illudderutleld. "A
Growing glowing green," and an-
other, •'Tfie bleak breeze blighted the
bright broom Gleesome," by Mr. C'. E.
Adams, 160 1 ireen lathe. Moon Heath,
Birmtnghat.t, puutiveiy defied quick
repetition, and as their tripping merit
seems equal. we have divided the print
and forwarded checks to each id thas�
Read the following_ aloud, reading this
shorter once quickly half a dollen times
In succession :
Rix thick thistle sticks.
Fisub of freshly -fried fiyingfiab.
The sea ceseth and it suMlceth us.
High roller. low roller, burr roller.
Give Grimes Jun', great gilt gig whip.
A box of mixed biscuits, a mixed Gas -
mit box.
Two Gods. totally tired, tried to trot
to T..ibury.
Strict strungStephen Stringer snared
slickly six sick) etlk•akee.
She stood at the -ndo.o, : Mrs. Smith's -
fish -sauce shop welcoming him in.
Swan swam over the sea: swim.■want,
swim; swan sweat back again : well
swum swan.
It i a shame, Ram, these are the sante,
Sam. Tis all a .ham, tiara, and a shams
it is to sham ao, Ham.
A haddock. a haddock, ablack•sputted
haddock, a black spot on the black back
eta black -spotted haddock.
The provost Of Ru heti s wee room rid
lums rbk briskly. tThe provost of Ruth-
srglen's little round red chimneys smoke
Susan shinetb whom and socks ; .00h
and :+h.... shine Susan. She ceweth shin-
ing Anne ani sucks, for shoes and sucks
shock Susan.
Robert Rowley rolled a round roll
round: a round roll Robert Rowley rolled
round: when. rolled the round roll Robert
Rowley rolled round?
Oliver Oglethorpogled an owl and oys-
ter. 0141 Oliver Ogletorp ogle an owl
and oyster' 1f Oliver Ogetlnrp ogled an
owl and oyuss'r, where is the owl and
oyster Oliver Ogletborp ogled?
Hobbs meets Snnoobbs and Nobles; Hobbs
bolsi to :Molds and :Hobbs: Hobbs nobs
with Snob= and robs Nobles- fobs. "That
is." says \.bibs, "the worse for Nobbs'
jobs," and .neap sobs.
As I was going down the street I saw
two bootblacks --0w was a black boot-
black and the other a white bootblack,
and both had black boots as well as
blacking and blacking -brushes. .. The
black bootblack asked the white boot-
black to blast his, the black bootblack's,
black buola with blacking. The white
bootblack consented to black the black
bouts of the black bootblack with black-
sag. but when he, the white bootblack,
refuted to black his, the black Ixoul-
black's other black boot with blacking
utiles he. the black bootbl:ti•k. paid him,
the white bootblack, the same as what
be, the white bootblack, gut for blacking
other people's black boots, whereupon
the black bootblack grew still blacker
in the face. called the white bootblacker
a blackguard, at the same time booting
Inc white bootblack with the black boot
that he. the whit* bootblack, had already
blacked with blacking.
'vary a( 6125 to p60, saheb bused sell s
aiekey Dart in whish to ge the mob et a
4striet ei 2,000 b 3,00S
*rites , Robert
i sl usj pss��1•ia11. Muss
and lave farad a wasiYFlls 11611.6%softwa
. " This is w rtnlht d ell olio ms
Rik Pills Teske tit arsIMBM std hovers
sf imitations. 111111110 ge �tet paid,
at h0 mete • hes arab basso far IQ Er -
Williams' Med. Os.,Rene slog& Amid plomos Miss
Immiss with soospuras sod worry.
fluid esti he beaten 1900 times thanest
than t rhnary pcinttng paper one
ounce can be trade to Dover 1460 aquant
The highest railroad in the United
States is the Denver and Rio Grande.
at Marshall Pam -10.853 feet above the
The largest church in the world is St.
Peter's in Rime.; the smallest a church
10 feet square, in the Isle of Man.
A newspaper may be sent from any
part a the United States to Stanley
Palle, Africa. 1000 miles beyond Stanley
pool, for 4 cents.
Geolo consider kerosene to be ani-
mal oil. Hence what we burn in lamps
is the remains of king extinct monster
of the torte.
The largest Gothic church in the world
is Cologne Cathedral Ib foundation
dates were laid 1848 and the edifice was
oompkted in 1880.
The mod expensive fur is the skin d
the black fox of Kamachatka Their
•rimals are scarce and bard to kill, and
a single skin tens for about $1000.
The largest cut atones in the world are
in the of the Sun at Bulbs&
Many are more than 60 feet bog, 10 feet
broad and of unknown depth.
Sao Francisco has one saloon to every
96 proem. Albany is second on the list
with one to evert 110 peeeons and New
Orleans one to every 111 pistons.
The largest bell in the world is in the
Kremlin. -Moscow. Its height is 31 feet,
44 inches ; its cir-umfereoce is 67 feet 4
inches. Its weight is estimated at 442,-
It will scarcely be believed that wheat
in sold in the United Kingdom under
scans 900 different systems of weight
There is almost as much divemity in re-
gard to barley and oats.
It is said to coot Mss to send the pro
deet of an errs of wheal from t Matere
d.D&keta to IedM dors it
amours se erne d lead da Begbad s
that it 0Y grow god wheat repeemh
A�oeetW.g *lb aeoredped
*v■Freda fa
eon tem than $1711,061,660 d tepkerl• mad
/bats oY every armee through whirl
Sinners derive their supplies.
The current year s the centennial of
Me tepee -gin. EH Whitney invented h
ward tthe 1t is t tuskingofSouth
to have umon to
the RcN that any
What ems thing except the cotton.
'netlike of BstiaN was , who w(hand
(les mburlsin under Napoleon 111., and
followed the Empens' tato exile, is snit
hying. aged nearly 90, and one of the
most devoted redoing,' at ss-F.mpre.
Fssmarek, according toes interviewer.
thinks that the anti-l4een1* troubles will
=tally be settled by the inter -mar-
e/ dews and Oendle& At the rate
at whirl suck inter-marriegee occur this
miaow saw indeed be a gyaatt�r;le�Gas.
The plettwe oria IL b
do Lowdeael_d mgiscl Med lase sit-
dig la I hi Mad bored b
;M is quiptosso
stesxd=d Is be
as std t(r...
soddhats Sim a tow days
kmnmmst and .t W beet be id est aredippi drwt Deser saes
a" i+s 61111" ela tike We 61 Maass is MK Ili webs dew at �+lr Mame oda
tradea se so impossolva ■Mentha • /st■...1 ■erste■ .rrMtn lay Tisebegal
is so
A Mew Sebes• far rain.
Among the new devices for making
money at Church fain and other chari-
table entertainments is one which its
originator terns "The Living Libras."
A certain number of books are chosen
beforehand, and each one is mpresented
by -ante young woman who is dremed
appropriately to indicate either the title
of the took or some leading character
therein. Eecb impersonator must also
be thoroughly acquainted with the vol-
ume she represents, and her actions and
behavior must be in accord with the
character ch.een.
A cat:i! ,gue u prepare], and furnished
co appinatr.m, and whenever a book is
called tor, a curtain is drawn aside. and
the living copy stands revealed. The
regulations usually governing "The Liv-
ing Library'. are that : tart, all boot
must be secured from the librarian : sec-
ond, the fee for each book shall be ten
cents for ten minutes' use, payable in
advance : third. books cannot 1* called
for twice in .uoc resim ; fourth, persons
having coiled for and obtained the boob
must relinquish them upon notice from
the librarian that the time paid for has
reached inti limit, or. failing to do so,
shall pay at the rate of two cents a min-
ute for overtime : and finally. that no
book can be retained for a longer period
than twenty minutes.
The rules do not provide for it, but it
is understood. of course, that durinogg the
busy hours of the fair no book shall the
taken off oro a promenade throughtoot
entertainment -room, and the
themselves ars forbidden by the unwrit-
ten laws to drink lemonade and eat ice
cream between the bouts of eight sad
ten at night.
Altogether this living library seems
destined to prove a great waoces. -Har-
per's Young People.
BeSt Cure Fo+h
All disorders of the Throat and
Lungs is ABds Marry Pectoral.
It has no equal as a cough -cure.
" Vilma I was a boy, i hada bronchial
t eabie at such a • t andstub-
has. Character, flat the doctor pro-
aostace' it incurable with ordinary
remedies, but recosemended me to try
Ayers Cherry Pectoral. 1 did so, and
ewe ebottle cured me. For the last fifteen
years, 1 have used this preparation with
good effect whenever 1 take a bad cold,
and 1 know of number of people who
keep it in the house all the time, not
Cerriipstsg n safe to be without it."-
3. C. Woodso., P. M., Forest Hill, W. Va.
" For .are than twenty-five years, 1
was a surer from lung trouble, at-
tended with cottghi.g .o severe at times
as to cause haemorrhage, thexysms
frequently lasting three or four bourn.
( was induced to try Ayer Cherry Pec-
toral, and after taking four bustles, was
thoroughly cured."- Frans Hoffman,
Clay Centre, Kans.
La Grippe
" ' Last spring I was taken down with
lagnppe. At times I was completely
prostrated, and so difficult was my
breathing that my breast seemed as of
confined to an iron cage. 1 procured a
bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and
no sooner had I began taking it than
relief followed. 1 could not believe that
the effect would be so rapid and the
cure so complete.'- W. H. Williams,
Cook City, S. Uak.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Apar & Ca. Lowell. Masa.
Sold by all Drogri t.. Price f.: as bottles. SS.
Prompt to act, aur'. t0 Cum
sees at • Time was !.sheen*
She -Hese you been at the beauty
show • He 'looking at lorl-No. Thais
wby 1 tame to call. (The cards are out.1
C. C. R,t s i mps & Co.
Gases, -I sprained my leg so bully that
1 had to be duven home in • i
immsbat ely applied kli N A K to'4 .1 N 1-
MENT freely and in 43 hours could use my
I, y as well as ever.
Bridgaw.ter, N. S.
That string ma your finger means " Bring
home • bottle of MINARIYS LINIMENT."
pesee..1.1 A.•I .t Corsets.
We read drat oa the part d the re-
puted rich of the middle ages there was
gnat fondness for magnificent floor
coverings. and if old can peep bmwsea
the pages of old illuminated books one
get idea d what was high
style is those far-awty tines. Carpets
for chambers of royalty, and
for high altars ..f chapels and cathedrals,
were rich is design and in cobra. almost
beyond description. No leen grand w•rs
those wrought for Ism prominent re-
ligious basil, and pruscealy homes were
.mend thus a�dornsd.
Aid, se the story goes, "in bowers d
Wake fayre sod upon y
greensward. they breadths
matchless tints served a goalie purpose
for Me steppingo of noble darnels
tender -footed maydens."
was hike a poem e e pfc
a t
Cate .rites, b view the e�l� _ Bahiaart
serpent. in t .alb Odd and ilver
iJSa, sed uc bri1 rigatrlle.�d ■treat= d
poles to did
tied as to sormas omogiss sirrodird ap-
ss ps d+ta.t. promos.
Their ai ormalisr sod broomgilaretas
plsyd Crass
tits uiseed a mot.sis d saw �
Piauforam mot i*" beauty;
4, 4
�.• '
• SpringStock
And we are safe in saying that we have as titre a stook Si
Prints, Challies, Delanes, and Dress Goods
as tall be found in town.
5e. Prints in Tight and lark shades
5e. Challies and sac. Muslin■.
We have the celebrated Crumm Print in Indigo Blue,
guaranteed not to fade : also in Tight colors -all fast.
Our Pongee and Delane Prints are perfect pictures, and
►sabre good ; also a tine stock of Sateens in black and odors.
Our Dress Goods are in splendid shape. A greet variety
of the newest liner and trimmings to suit. A line of Dram
Goons at less than WHOLESALE prices goal sound goads
and good Dolor.
We want you to examine our Spring Mantlings. We have
a grand lot in Black, Navy, Fawn, Drab and Grey -the newest
things in the uarket.
Tweeds a specialty -nice goods at 35c. to 50c.
A complete stock of Hosiery and Gloves. We are show-
ing a new lacing Kid Glove, every pair warranted -splendid
value. Cuff (Sloven in Colored and Black Silks. A Black Silk
Glove with a pocket something new. lacing Kid Gloves,
Black and Colored.
We have taker. great pains to select our stock, and we knew
our prices are right.
We carry the largest stcck of Brussels,
ETapestry, Viool and Union Carpets, Art
Squares, Rugs and Maty, Oil Cloths, ander
C, --t Linoleutns ever shown in the County by
one house, and our stock for Spring is now
larger than ever, as our growing trade
c...7 demands it. A grand line of all wools, right
from the mills.
Carpet Pri• ranging from 10c. to $1.30 ; A good union
at 40c., and a Brussels at 80c.
Our Carpet trade so far this Spring is away ahead of our
expectations. A big stock and close prices does it. Be sura
to see our stock before you buy. It will pay you.
We will have fully 500 sets of Lace Cur-
tains, direct from the makers in Scotland, for
Spring, from 50c. to $6.75, and of unheard of
value. See them.
5 : discount for Cash on close cut prices.
&VA first-class Dress and Mantle Maker up -stairs.
Great Carpet Warehouse}
of the County.
ReNi Electric Co.
uu A Naar'.
R Kann MT ua
91segamoi •eei■a.a
it W w Welmstes as
4 techs==AL
V. ?Aims
Printing 4._
fiat rrlte
wr.eas12 eyst,t $ nee tlr�.44, w..Ot
aeta,a•t saes* v pod a lar. M,.._, Ow=
MK win a
gale IOW et a ami le Pad ar.s.Ma.i7asg.
W ►.sr••ww a Ma fres
rear of Fria Au..o.a.►-r-
aseae.e...a.►..ea . Pr NMI
Peso uw....�.- Sys
P &.*5 - w I H a 4*
p., 11: SPIRIT
Ea,• tyanasr. 1.1.a.
epee, ire say.. sD Mitl1011AMT.
its• p.- Cva$,.aaRRb.waa, tisy
4161 fit. Pot street. Montreal.
KindCal .04.TRADE 0` ft I
Wall s W° o0UN
PA � N = McMinn!t
Pd & CO, f
Factory . 4bNT ,V
NWilda TOM FICTIONs., I.a r. sew, Per
A/ptteaeas awl LidaAT-
l eswrsse•er A p�,,Aredddalc./ P►Lamle
iL AULD Pries tight- 7t0 Crolg
O$TnnCW Matta aumart ••
Lwow, w..a»tftl,
verve maseasei r Belo et t17ks.►
Ilinhair bad .■.aft stbad 14 gllB.
dion b sow d rhes bets •• esapit S
bents 1.• • I blit sr
timese befeene. foe raw levieg gen hear W as
seemed .rote s b.taty sit meet the Mel
dine end end. end eras ?heat dsireent, a
sass Os batt tee. bitten K ri metra mei
poseok... ga. the kir teem aro/
end Geer haat pew ; Masa sed se roves'
was beer tenses w len. 1651 fee h u.*
piss d mag elver p.p••.r.., sod I sage
Beaten this sen a bores lair fast
Odd M Nei a 1161B►
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O. Id:
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Carriage e.ra.'1w e,Ct11Ter,
H.viie parch•esd the kesi.r et
1 have sow arranged, net only to oceans" the Genas. Trade, kat have decided le
do all osu
ss of work in
e The %Teevur' Q-roceis,
Bare • knock of
Groceries, Crockery & Glassware
which for quality and price cannot he excelled.
This INDIAN amid JAPAN TIAN which they Walla; .xclt ively ma-
w* be wr*aaea►L
Aso�Laorram �+