HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-5-25, Page 7• TILE SIGNAL: GM/ERIC'1: (JNT.. THURSDAY, MAY z5. 'Wv, JNO. T.AISON LACE CURTAINS We are showing some extra values in Lace Cur- tains this week, in white or cream, at 50c., 76c., $1.00, $I.25, $I.50, $1.75, $200, up to $5.04 per pair. JOHN T. ACHESON. NON OPEN 10B IISPBCiIOA AT MUNRO'S + + + + + + + Navy, Black and Oolored Storm Bargee, Whip Cords and Two Toned Tweed F?ecte. A full line of Black StUffa in Oashmeres, Baratht is,hWhip Cords, Soliel Cloth, All -Wool and Silk WarpiHen- riettas, Amason Sergelfand Bengalines,: . ; r.�e Together with Sateen s, French D'Laines, TeassI .Oloth, Prints,",Ohambrays and Printed Piques.. Wan VALUE IN White and .Grey Cottons, Sheeting., Pillow Cottons, div. Napery Department well assorted. %te I:ne..n rowing oa a. test as pardbie. 5 PER OBNT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. a*t ,= f -.- and Haberdasher. THE BEST THE BEST THE 11E1T THE REST THE BEST Tot BEST THE MT THE BEST THE BEST THE RET THE BE T THE BENT THE BEST THE BEST THE HEST THE BENT THE BEST THE BEST THE BERT THE BEST THE REST THE BEST THE BEST THE FIE.1T THE I;Ksl' THE I,EsT THE GE.T THE HEN, THE KENT THE liE r THE ItEs THE 14T-sT THE BEST THE REST THE REST THE BEST THE BEST TH1 BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE REST THE HEST THE BEST TAE BEST BEST ID THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 18 THE OHEAPEBT AND THE SIGNAL 18 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE "SIGNAL 18 IS THE CHEAPEST AND THB IBIGNAL 18 18 TBE OQEAPIET AND TEE SIGNAL 18 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE SIGNAL ONLY 11 WNW 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE IsIONAL 18 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE :SIGNAL 18 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL I8 18 THE CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL: IS THE BEST THE BEET THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE HEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST TBE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE HEST THE BEST THE 18E8T THE BEST THE REST THE BEST THE 11E -t/ THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEM THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BE8T THE BEST THE BEST REDFOX BARNES BADGED. tee T.onetwe Iloonarrser Tens Attest Ms Educated Rete Peso. Pews eke Chattanooga molly mom Denny United States Manion Ooop* gars arrested sad btems►t M the gIW tMwdy Jams Harass,, the mass .._risme a•sthuter in all this gssti.s. The lam is tavend nigh a 'hermit tt small, of deader head, se i •heat S. y a um board, neatly trimmed. His Mir i. keg ised look... th ut W sot Mss apanded with a comb la yeses. When the deputy marshal led Bermes ate the 1'oms,imios.e'e ethos he was smil- ing sod joking and ooeti•nsd in that healer mil he was taken to jail Bann., made no mystery idly doe:tiler and d as U- nit 1•11111) the Tt reporter wYi.kT .eller, "• rev 1 et.. n said am old Banos. healer knows se " Rid Fox � " or old etas."110 T M r het w�to tell time time 1 have peva tbe p4 la, 111 isilty this timsbst I ass tit Pis WarWarti oailvas, I ass is thio I'Pis" Wale named Pete. Well I pet hoe prom of linear ne him sad h. geed jus Me beast the mi.... blow fr'nm him sed puss i.1s big reek hoes that heti oho betake, see Pem aims lack Nana n TMs's •R I S1 ae dM it Osly when he team home I give s debts. and he liem it, res hes I aro re test mob. is sawn nes. lT wheagvly the ,erstetaie he sem aarthime low h. will loo ase b sad W rte it pea ¶teas �,_,0 A tat this at he se..a�.Wte awe/ Sim assfeIly n.de eted •` 1111Pe0 Re ked her grom he a atelR'`a gym isserzen VIPs peal ten ogee M as r • Yak en 4114,011 ,011 .6' i� ia y�am,.,..x 1 LITERARY GOSSIP. WSI$O STORY BY AM AUTHOR WOO WAS GOING MAD. with by w remelts Alma who la prima arras • .asteria ler violating remainthe remain laws, had the audacity to sell aoosahise wbWky aside el the prime walla Be is ant regarded a. a dattgarom men, bat ewe of the sDebat in the bei ins His bees h to the atenataies mar Tracy City. He has bent tender bodietaisat e evade ar far until yesterday, when tam, but has n•M omen at {I►Nt- wsl. C. C. Rrrsaa.a & Co. of myAarwas Oatrrt.aran,—Thee tori ted eadMINAw told ter several years /01 LINIMENT, sad now have es geed a perowth of hair M I M had. e * McKee. Whatly River, P. 1L 1. twee a at..posooma -tees. aegelkd t..tss Mao, .beet .tang watts t....... caseeestog noses .ad tae tt•Ma.o al Rooks. A Paris magenta prints a weird llttlo glary written by (icy de Maupaa•at tint before hie utter breakdown. It le "yeti Hot f and is probably the last &- don that the author wrote. The New York Tribune giver au abstract d the story, of which the following is a sum- mary : The writer is returning on foot from the theatre. His time is a large house hu the suburbs. Relives alone a8.l his.ervants occupy aseparate pavilion. As he approaches the lwure Ie hears strange noises from the inside. after some time he opens the door, and finds that the nelees come front the movements of his furniture, which is speedily oullecting itself in the hall. He sea the company pass thruugh the open door—the sofas swaying thrmeely st like crocodiles on their .bort legs, the chairs end little foot- stools trotting like rabbits. lie seizes thb and that, but to no purpwe, and soon everything has disappeared. Ile returns to the town. sleeps at the betel, and in the morning his t nlrt informs hire that hie house has beau emptied by thieves. lie is glad, bac ate a he had feared him- self folie under a delusion. The police are informed, 11111 yro find nothing. He travels abroad. and, on returning, visits Rouen. In a brio -a -brat .hop Were be discovers all his furniture, save his desk. Making no ohm to the proprietor,lte buys one or two articles, pays for them and informs the police. who placed a guard about the shop, for it is evening and the .b t p has bsett clo,ed. In the morning it dos. not opeu : the proprietor is nowhere to be found. Forcible entry is made,but h;s furniture is no longer visible, and its place is occupied by other arid similar pieces. The commissaire has no doubt that the shop communicates with others. and that the exchange has been made during the night. But neither the furni- ture nor the dealer can be found. A fortnight pe.ees, and, still at Rouen, he receives a letter from his gardener—a letter announcing that all the furniture has come hack as sudden. and mysteri- ously as it went away : Me police are satisfied that it is a restitution. But he is not satisfied. lie feels that he can no longer live in a world where such things may repeat themselves, and he retires into the maison de sante, from which M writes. His one fear is that the bric-a- brac dealer, who does not return to his shop, may have gone mad and be ant to the same retreat. I have used MINARD'8 LINIMENT freely on by Mad and sow have • good Mad of Meir after Mein been bald ter severe* yeen, ft le ver ashy hair remoter 1 have ever Med. Mae. C. Atrosetim. Slsat.y Bridge„ P. L I. 1m Wane palate a Mea It regM will ret i• W -.•d they wig --M- alsash mere �t�b es wan keine than is ie dem if the bash Obeli ceps s par M Wu Imp. Able week Ina Omsk er very w when Wag ak Maar bask citesemah a fe tilp min a ver bon a earldom ea dillairawn is the Ink EE.F IMPS audit 111 es Edward Everett Hale, writing of the Harvard of fifty years ago, says : "In my day literature and matters oosnected with bellealettaa were decidedly ahead of all other Wings that engaged us." Heise wrute : "At night I can under stand Italy perfectly: then the new young people with their new opera language .Isep, and the ancients amend from their cool couches and speak to me in the moat polished Latin. Taloot Williams. in Book News, ay. "The time spent on English grammar and parsing generally seems to uu unmiti- gated waste. It towhee pupils neither bow to use their own language nor bow to think about ming it" A writer in the Atlantic Monthly says that Phillips Brooks spent one day with Tennyson, lest summer, talking over the great theme, which was one of the poet's frequent topica of conversation, the weird fascination of death. When the Ptinos.s Ane heard that the great Marlborough had been sent to The Tower, eke wrote one d the simpler* letters imaginable. Note this: "Methinks it is a dismal thing W have oris friends sent to that pla.e. Stevenson u not Doming this way after all. His health compelled him to stop of at Samoa on his way from Sydney to San Francisco. Of his new book. "The Schooeer Farralbee.' he aye '.There is every sort of crime in it, but itis a moral story, because everything which the villain attempts fails." This seems to be an original definition of morality, to say the least 11te keen interest which Mr. Thine took in literature is illustrated by a story that on his deathbed Ice sent for the pruof- shteets of M. Jose Maria de Her rlia's new volume of poems because he did not ex- pect to live until the volume wan pub- lished. Wrote Margaret Fuller to woman friend: -Though we are not useless to one au•.ther we cannot ie very useful to one another, either. other than by clear- ing y obstructions from the path which leads to our common home, anti cheering ooe another with aa, urances of mutual hope." It is interesting a learn from London that at a recent sake a alp , d' the first edition of "Tess of the IT rberviller." Hardy's magnificent masterpiece, brought vs at auction. the highest price attained to by any novel of the century hi so short a time. A comparatively unknown wife of a prominent writer n Mrs. Charles Dudley Warn. 1t i a matter of regret to tier friends that more people have not the pleasure cot knowing her. for she is a womanof strong character, an ideal hostess and a very fine mu.i.:iam. A book showing the latest resultsi14 h aBiblical eo it of pre-Christian re l 1 risexploration, i okrN4tt ee, and an .cawnt of poor murb other natter relating to the Bible is suet to appear , a a companion to the Cambridge Bible. Mr. J. M. Barrie, the novelist, has been invited to become a candidate for the chair of English Literature at the University of Aberdeen. A noted London bookmaker mays ss the result of life-long observation of his etstonters, that the philosophers read by women are Schopenhsuer. Plato. Marone Erureliur Epicsetus and Renau. Among Daae kitten of Gertrge Eliot recently .odd la England wan one is which she ranked -Remota- very while Me could not undderstand wky "Mkddlemarob" y the public. BACK -ACHE :ODDS KIDNEY PILL S SMNDERS & Ca WILL CURE YOU "Ila.hash• mages the kid- neys are is tremble: Dttdd's Kelsey Pills yew prmal reNeJ. " • " 16 perdisease uewL pit omen/ p disorlersd hid - writiyht as well try to haus a healthy sIty adtliciat ewer almaa food when the kldn•ys are ok9flolt Lassen Said by all dealers or sf rho go ammo per beek mike Wiwi Talk. new ./ the "Delay Is ey- IeHkidney troubles result In Bad /heal, Dyspeps/a Liver Complaint, and the most dan- t all, 1,igkts Draw., Diabetes and art by aril ea noire boa or ids for Pala Tomah Wrinkle HOWARD:FURNACES We are hiadituarters tor the i est tOal end Wood Furnaces. LOCAL : REES PRICE, Keg. gSTB1 RFNOYATOR WE MAKE ALL OUR OWN TINWARE ••.L1 OTHER TESTED RICIAILDINA. Specific, and Antidote for Impure, weak and impoveriahed blood, dye- pepsU, sleeplessness, palpitation of the heart, liver oornplaint, neuralgia, loss of memory, broachitis, consumption, gall stones, jeundice, kidney &pi urinary diseases, St. Vitus' dance, female i W. S. Gilbert did his eat week ter do whoa he was IS years aid, a swag whirh Pampa Ikea IPIIII ARO* • chasm ad Mineachuiette. to whom 1 Da 145‘2842111. imPeglif LABORATORY. BODERI;R, ONTARIO J. M. McLEOD, Proprietor and Masufact tirer. McLain:a ST/171,A11 RENOVATOR ea. bad ;roan all drumriats in town. as will se froth all the drulDrials between Owes Sound and Flo siesta. Brussels, 1 Ourbam and Toromo. Steam Boil er Works. iltSTABLISHILD 181103 A. S. CHRYSTAL, Manufacturers of au kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright tir Tubular Salt Pan,-, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron Also dealers in l'inight and Horizontal eliw perelatty. All shies of pi e and tipe-attins conataatly op band. Estimaies furnished on abort notice. Repairing promptly attended to. CliSly O. box 37, Ooderleh, Ont. FROM RE -DIPPED TIN PLATES. DON'T BUY SLOP WORK I Eave Troughing, Roofing, Cornice - Work, Heating and Plumbing. PROMI f ATTENTION. GOOD WORK. SAUNDERS & CO., West Street " LITTLE CHIEF" BRAND Are the beet Canned Goods in the tnaiiket. TAMILEANDE TEA HAS NO SUPERIOR. We are agents for both liner, awl ask for them a trial, arsured that they will please and extend our trade with you. Yours truly. CHAS, A. NAIRN. A. B. CORNELL McLean's Block—On the Sauare—licLean's Block, Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The bed stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to give him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. ajNO CHARGE FOR A.RSES. On the Square. meaty Twinkle. Twinkle, Little Stiff, How I wonder what you are. Bright the gloom ils radiance catches, Smeone'stlighfing Eddy's Matches. EDDY'S MATCHES Sold Everywhere. HAVE NO EQUAL MAMMOTH WORKS HULL, CANADA. N DERTAK ERS WHY Dore GEO. BARRY, the Ckslerich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the best stook of furniture and undertaker's supplies f And bow is it that he Can aell a0 cheap 1 BECAUSE Iftl:t.01:21-1:13,r ac BOW Have added te their premet basinees one of B. J. Nita's Latest Style of Olty Hearses, she ebe inest lime at funeral furnishings in the county, and are wow pawed to madam hoorah at prioes reasonable. This department will be strictly attended to by kis son Williams, wkoon,2±/ is the employ at the hate D. Gordon for the past tio ram his a kowerledge of the Weiner, amd lay primeipt at:Unties hopes to shore pool—OM public Remeember Mee plate.---Wesaists, your "My to the poet Aka a .30 tie finds that it pays in the long run. Ilia motto : " Small Profits and Quick Ho turns." lie also makes • epecialty of picture framing. Give him a call bedore purchas- ing elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on hand. 2357-y Patronise True . .Competition. ban Was totooirega ow. Ito • senate wits rah sal par b seemed en beakese Pr Innbahlo end In the teams' et its pesems. er ewers Preen "die eirLIWINA