HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-5-25, Page 6r 1 1'111. SIGNAL: Gdfitaittl. ONT. THURSDAY, MLT 24, 1893. Ctt.LETtS PURE POWDERED mutesT, STRONOUT. REST. Ilea..a rodi co s I■.a7J o.M1tr. ►of atlr ease • o etsr. fe IP p Ktlne, esu . kYR:ree eras A .at equate .uuo45 char Alta Weld by su I ,..r.. • 4 hews$ st. EL W. cA x Lx.t rr z'. TsweceaseO, COUNTY CURRENCY. fissferth : Mies Della Livens left ties teeth oe M•m,ay for Jacksonville, III lois, where s1. Deco to remain for some time with reIa .. Breech' Last Friday Councillor Thom- as expiate,' his mammoth St. Bernard dog to Dr M (ullough, of Detroit, who pur- chased him • short um. ago. Reverts t'ouoctllor Stet 'reckon shipped two cars of potat •es to the Fast this week. This makes 7 oars, repreaentieg 2974 bush els, sold since last Fall by Mae. Grey • Charles Pope, who hss bees in Washington Territory and British Colum - bee for the pest tive years, arrived home last Friday. He will likely remain here. Winghsm : There is • rountor Bloat that W ingha'n Methodists nay losdthe.reraeent, popular pastor a• t'oufereuee. Norfolk street church, ,.aelph, is stated to be the inviting party. lorry : John McNeil has rontel part of the farm on the 15th coo..•easiou lel aging to A McNair, of l'ranbrnok, the remaining [pe[.•opr t ion he!ng rentI by John Taggart, Moerrett Brussels : St John's church coogregatioa 000template the erection of a parsonage on the eligilee lot adjoining the church, Turn - berry street. Heretofore the incumbent hes lived Ina rented house. Harpurhey : Isaac Miller. of Harpurhey, recently purchese•I the Bell farm of 100 acres, inl{ullett, adjoining N. T. Mem' farm, and made a present of c to Mrs. Adams, who is hie only daughter. Harpurhey : John 'Twist', who, for set • - oral years has msnsged the Mundell farm in Tueker.mith for D. 11. \Gilson, removed his family to Harpurhey this week, and will have ch urge of Mr. Wilson's farm there. Wingham . Our town band has heed havwg hard time. owing to the lack of fleece. Tee town Council declined to give any aid and sinless privet! subtcriptioe provides the aeassery cash the bind w:1( be non eat. Wroxeter : .1 W. tion I••reoo, merch.ut, and Mr. Uh:ksoo, s..is•aut pastm*ter, of Wroxter, role over to tV:nogha.n, one •lay last week, on their Iioycler. They made the return j.urney in w hour and tive minute Turnberry . A bas!! belonging to Robert Toe, of Turnberry, was weighed here the other day and plunq.e•l down the sales to 1,690 pounds. Tee animal hes beeu sold to the cattle buyers end will tie shipped be. fore long. Brussels: 1)a the 8th inst. Mus Maggie Maxwell, formerly of Rru.eels, and 1). V. Kilpatrick, of !tattle Creek. Mich., were naiad in marriage by Her Sir. Simonds, at the residence of the bride's brother-in- law, ('. I. Clapp. Wiogham : Wm. i ithgow who has held the waitron of librarian of the Mechanics' *Mate for a number of year,, has ten ‘red hie resignation, which hss been ac- cepted. 'It is not known at present who his sseeew,r will be. Hsrparhey : Menes.le node an l Isabella Barr, the talented daughters of Rev. M. Barr, of fiarpurhey, have into:eastullypssse•i their third year eoorr at Queens ( allege ant University. Kingston, taking honors iv French and t:unlet. Blu.vele : Messrs. Duff h Stewart are rushing their work at their mills. They shipped 8 cars of maple blocks, 6t inches e luare, to Liverpool, England to he used in the manufacture of mange! leo 8 cars of hemlock to l'anadisn torero. - Mortis: A very interesting event took pi** at the residence of Matthew Gibson ea Wedneadsy evening, lOth inst., when Benjsimo L Kung, of the lot concession, was united in marriage to Miss Bella, younger• daughter of Mrs. Gibson. Grey : .1. McLeod'• tease ran away last week. The driver received a few cute on the head and the waggon was alightly damaged. J. langster's team also ran sway with a spring tooth cultifstor while on the road by Icing 1rightesed ivy • bicycle. The cultsvator did 'tome good statute labor lor about a toile, it is stud. Eteier : John Granger, head sawyer in the Exeter sawmill. met with a painful ac- oident while cutting stsve•bolts oft Friday, May, 12th. It appears he was turning a pace of timber ns t.be log carrier and ac- cidentally rot the middle Linger on his right hand caught between the timber and machine, seueering it so Madly that it was necessary to amputate it at the tint joint Morris On Tuesday of last week Wm. Manes was taking • land roller from one field , to another and in going through the gate • the roller hit the gate post and frightened the team, ceasing them to run away. In their mad race • treed drill was run against and damaged and the tonrve of the roller was broke. Two little girls were riding oa the roller when the accident happened but escaped without any damage. Rruseels Monday of last week t:. A. Deadman. who , one of the loading apiary ins of Ontario, put his hese oat for thin damns 911 oelooien were wintered in the caller sad :he remaining 70 were outaide. Oily two or three out of the total were lost. The season is •boat three weeks later than taual ibis year. Mr. laminas says whoa the Kees are sot allowed to weft earlier in the year their existence is considerably shortened by over work. Seaforth Expositor • The friends of Prn- feasor Robertson hereabouts will he plowed to loam that he has been re engaged by the Dominion liosernmsst as Dairy Commis sinner for three years, at • salary of i•5.000 • year. Problem,. Robertson M • self made man He started • prow M7 and prior to entering the service of the Ontario Govern meetwas cheese maker in • 'mull fee tory se .Velliogton convoy. He is en ex- ample of what a sisterly asset indium -toes ne acan attain to in ■ few years in (leadsmn 11 h. tries, McKillnp John Berry, • well known resident of this township, had • narrow es sae. on Teesttar e1 tam week He wee es making some eh ms in the teed drill when of his horses, a salt, got the hrldl. nlf sad attempted to run away Mr Remy, is ea deeco.riag to stop the team, was steak by eve of the wises of the drill and kaded deem and ked his bask =lured. The hems me sheet ib reds ever an ueekrwa/ geld ani e.saared eco ani tress esij matter Ie. Ide Ism bat WI - THE STORY OF •IOsEFII A ROMANTIC MALAY VERSION OF TH INCIDENT OF POTIPrIAR•S WIFE. • A HSORY OF SMOKteei w. Vewes• Ileyertess .ors. we N E I ta,►su - A Noel teee•sttee. 1t es Vale ur Drama/Ws Md ItessaaSM *EMt-aM Was •rae.rwl se tr. Aat.- lope seed ra.aetlfai as Use Fall Mesa. Abed Her ware Was xeetelks. W all lovers .,f Lantern books uo one knows better how to interpret Mala literature for its than Mr. D. Oerth calf las usuuwast of iia inWdtsORoa filer liairl li, tobacco in Iry tel the t beat'urite uarcotio of Rumple sud every forst has been teases or lest in urious. The quid. the •anaU- box. the pe, the etsr, the cigarette - each em udies a p ta.e of errvu. To- bias -it to'reiets of the leaves and stalk of a pleat . .arged with an aroma, purify- ilsutiugg, exhilarating, and fragrant to the busmen being. Lake the Y aroma of $ rose this aroma should be inhaled in the fordo .1 a seed vapor, by the huuan now. The chewer sees re • lobster.' at the right temperature. but la y the wrung form. and pule it into the wrong place. ibe snuffer reducer the leaves and stalks to p.,wder and puts it up hi. nose. He uses the tobacco at the r nght temix•r'ature, and puts it into the right plats., but in the wrong torus. The cigar -smoker gets elle tobacco into the right form. but put.. It at :: wrong tern- • p.ratun• Itto a „rung piece. The it I cigarette -smoker blends aper with the i d tobaccv. The pipe -.tacker putt hie to- n Is..r. iuto a receptacle w•lticit m u.:.d for act ludetir.iW time, to eery difficult to clean. :toll teptlo to produce cancer u( the tongue and lips. • 1 Moreover, in ell fonts of smoking, the tobacco becomes saturated with the • smoker's breath. tTilts went. to be al- l' moot poisonous. I is Cie which causes • the lower half ..t -a stocked cigar. if left • on the table fur a yew hours, W become indescribably rater.: it is this which stake, the smoke of tobacco in a foul pipe noxious, and the smoke of tohsocu not pre,std down to the bottom of a i clean bowl. nauseous even to the smoker himself. For wholesome smoking, Die lower half a the cigar or cigarette should be thrown away : the pipe -bowl should . be kepi as clean as the stem. the bhsat o prn.e.d well down in it, and the eta- ' tents. when three-quarters have basset coastumed. stink. n out. All the adary to clic smoker Aid then arise free the rd•h •t smoke, ashes and ,lint r wbieb hc• pla.t. n his mouth, throat and eros itch. Nature protests as hest she may against this varied abuse of her bounty, site tweaks the incipient sufferer's nose with endive*. "inagnitk•ent •neeass." She weakener the cigar -smokers heat• and sometimes threatens him with par alyais ; she inflict cancer o1 the lipatlad tongue upon the pipe -smoker. ♦ sled alio sucks a foul pipe she ataNdi res strike. dosd. What is the lesson she is , trying to teach t What urs r1 t mole of using her delightful gift? Ob viuu.ly to rxbuce it to vapor, to cool 11* vapor, and to apply the cod raper to the are. For thin end a combination of the hookah and Rummers odorator is all that is needed. In the United States the cognate ideal was recently suggested of manufactur- ing pure edam° enwke and distributing It like gas! If this idea were carried out the air Qf hospitals, theatres. law - courts, sick -rooms, would cease to be poiaonms, and would become fragrant and exhilarating. Smoke would super- seb• scent ill Romish chapels, anti stern - new in Protestant churches. Indignant ladies might even be found eomplaining that the pew, the opera -box. or the rail- way rsrrtage was n t pervaded enough by the d odorizer. To be sure it would be a shocking thing. -Literary. Wyk,of Hstavis, in the tele of Jacn. He has studied printed hooks and mauu =tripes w the Malay twutue rev Ibesosghly, and he knows the Javattaw dialseta e.pec i•Ilt well. lu the last number of the a1uvt•-menti.ued Tyds shrift. Mt. eau Wyk Idler,. to the nettle a Malay version of Old Testament history It varies very much from other Molaum aitdau and heathen verrieri-. and i, ex celled by tune in beauty mol dramatic and nuual:tic effect. 'hlte follow ing act eatraet front the story of Joseph an Rotiplar'• wife. as given by r. Vat ceche: The Klugg of Tituwr« had a daughter graceful ns tliw antelope. be tutiful as the ull mom. While .he was still a child she Lad a dream 1u which the taau whom sl:e was to Atter appeared to her Ibis itta•,e etch an impression upon 1 that site heroine quite ill for a tint*. Slw dreamed . 1 the ,slue ttutl again year .,r two late'.:,nd again w hien .Ise was it full -grow 11 umulen. when the ap- parition ihf..rrned ler that he Was the King of Egypt. She informed her father ,.1 this. •'The good, old king had long wished to be ale t.. help hits slaughter. When he, therefore. heard that Zoeleika (such was the damsel'e names loved the King of E,gyp.t. he called a ...unci' of his n..bka and wide Ines. The, cant- to the cn n- clueiota that King than of Egypt could net be meant, for he wan an okl ma .but partial). Potiphar. the Cicero', who would he king after ttian's death. A deputation was sent 10 Potiphar tusking him If he were willing to become eitein- law to the King of Tim.ees. P.tiphar was very glad, for he had heard much oe Zueleika's beauty. and so the wedding was arrnitged. K.t poor Zoeleika eery vouch dtsappsiuted, f r l'otiphar was not the man of her dreams at all. •'Sbe lad been crib two days the wife of Potiptaar when time acainuts .1 a beautiful ll.l.yew lace reached the palace. Thi. was Jaeuf IJtwephl. who Wits then the prop -rt..- of an laWnaelite tatted Malek Joseph h was so ret•' beautiful that the say.. wit. had to e.atcfr over sum I.rame immensely rich from the m..ney conk In h • t.e.k- from ps•r,•ons for ethic -Mg theta 0 glimpse of the nabnb twines.1 fa..•. 1!. (barg•ol at first only a detarius, then ten, and at nest a hundred denarii for this pa siiege. Zoeleika had hardly beheld hint when she ries-guise(' in him th.• prime. who had appeared to her in Ler dream- and wh..m she ati l loved ' earu..tl'. .\t her wish Potiphar Iseught J., -.ph for an immense sum of Malik. giving his weight in gold and prtri.ws stones. "Potiphar. who had no children of his own. treated Joseph like hes eon• and did nothing without asking his advice. Meanwhile Zoeleika'a love became so strong thptt she Gall.' nut control it. •11011. me to wen Junetrlt's heart,' she said 1., her .id aurae, wh. had accom- panied her to her tits home. Thc• old wos11 tri, who saw• with great sorrow the sufferings .1 her mistress, advised hot- to build a e•autiful palace with•,mans bed- chambers. and to have it gorgeseemly fur - Melted. ••Tice Malay book tells here through marl' chapters Io.e this was duce. and how- b.•Like endeavored in vain p, swine, Joseph three he neatly gave way. but a good spirit named I')jahrail appeare.I to him in the shape of his father Jaeob, and remind.,) him that he was a uabi and the tion of a nahi. He .fid, and it was on this otwasiou that Zsx•l-ika rent hie garment. •'She now accusal Joseph to Potiphar, whs. inopportunely iirrives at that ells 111.•111. Potiphar If, however• informed in •a ntir:..uloua manner of Joseph's inno- cence. last he ho Joseph to keep the matter secret. Nevertheless, King Rian heard of it, and was so much amused that be summoned forty old women avid ordi•ed them to telt the story evefy- w here. ••When Znelelke was informed of thin, she kook a queer step to justify herself in the rye. of the people. She invited these women to a feast. and while the' were eating some fruit or dessert. Jo epil was brought in, dressed in costly robot. Theewomel were so overcome by his radiant beauty that they could not turn their eyes away, and cut themselves with the knives which they wore peeling the fruit, so that their rote. wen• entitled with blood "See now. said Zoeleika. "how hie divine appearance influences you, who see him eel a moment. and under- stand what 1 coffer, who see him every day. and to whom he has apPear.d m dreams 'since earliest youth." "When l'otiphar was informed of title, he feared that his friends would laugh at ham. and upon the advice of his counsellors he t Joseph in prison. ••From the forward the story is very similar to that with which we are familiar through the ban ok of Genesis. llere as there Joseph is delivered out of pnw.n by his explanation .f Pharsb Rman '• dream. 'Tyle Malay book rays, however. that l'otiphar is removed from his high ofllos and Joseph taken his piay. P.tip bar W om dies. and Jeneph marries the beauti- ful Zoeleika, who. strange to see , instill• virgin, for D alirall had reamed s spirit to appear in her shape and take her place wheneter Potiphar visited her. Zoeleika presents .Inseph with two esme. Mail and Alfartim. is whom we easily reeognias the Manarieh and Ephraim .1 Scrip- ture. "--Translatecd fro= the German ter The Literary best. Iderk Twat■ sed the s..da. Mark Twain recently wrote to !(w•rtyepj Morten asking lox "a few choice Sec= of Mop ellen for "an English ladrio Italy. "Rho ie a n.ighlax of muse.. wrote Mark. "outaide n( Flptmerr a d has a great garden sad thistle aim andel rats* corn for her table if alt, had the right ammunition. 1 myself feel a warm inlervet in this eaterpr.se, huh .cos port *.tic grounds and because 1 have • key to that garden which I got made resin • was imperesion. it M net very good soil. still I think she ran raise venue' for err 1514*.. sed i era in • position b select the table " in peters for the seeds dishes/mist promised es • sealeuse Tbs. Oa Tess. 1 set upon e' os tete, ea as, Beneath the Way sky, And •ra.l rotneot.d through the Bad Awe to the world go by. The 'bonito VMI nt has learned to wait And nen OM impulse mother. AM ponder Ing beton M puts one toot before the other. And eaten .Udt epi•nk,eg teems peas by And rat upon their way As If it ogee their here to And The .orN'e cowl 0, .3 day. And nen ,lash to n0 polar* a -ars, On nes dark frowns :het .est, As the lightning-dn ,n Itew•at horn, t'poa the slow (-t 1 i•... w'h)) to ,h!). ohne. twee rase M swam. Their .m Aid. ushde . din/ Ore Said H,T at tSwim no weld, what do yet, ye el resew M tilt awl red jbs Y this. is this the That leads to hap pleeee '\\ And when ro.1't a swept sins tk►. pay Aad dulled arrow the 'den le floe&& .nn, station through the hill Where man .con newt delight? tea Ah to the Ipery,, of Content, , 11 here no tett efea.4 toren..• leo by es m deet as guieh As you me N by stews. -ase water Pea TO THE WORLD'S FAIR BY WATER. A Blowiest Pottle re..eriptlo.s or the ttslp From Chicago to Joels.n Park, 1 Ayer'sI'iIs Are better known and more gge ner- ally used than any other catbarti.. S -coated, purely vegetable, aml free from mercury or any other injurious drug, this is the id.al family medicine. Though prompt . and energetic in their action, Il.. use of the pills is attended only the best results. Their elk,: is to strengthen and regulate ill.. organic functions, being especia:i, beneficial in the various derar..,. - ments of the stomach, liver, bowels. Ayer's Pills are recommended by ail the 1• a,. • physicians, and druggists, as ,: most prompt and effective rear..._. for biliousness, nausea, costit..- ness, indigestion, sluggishness . the li'er, ,jaundice, drowsi.,e • pain in the side, and sick head.i:' . also, to relieve colds, ft-%;rs, n: ralgia, and rheutna:ism. 1 are taken with great benefit ; . chills and the diseases peculiar I the South. For travelers, wiletil. . by land or sea, Ayer's Pilly are the best, and should n:c.: omitted in the outfit. To pre-_ their medicinal integrity it; . climates, they are put up lc bore. , as well as boxes. " I have used Ayer's Pills in r• family for severalyears, and r found them to 1.-.! a IMM and c lent purgative, having a effect on the liver. it i t ti't pill used." -!:rank Spillman : phur, Ky. tettered byDr. J. C. Aper A G, . Sold by t s -r,r; • Every Dose Effie. Sysleetr reeeetlesety. S t.'t sdmmer airs th ugh budding trees Fleas drwmlly aha aftsrseoa But we may Let another freest, •sd nose can tell how bloemirig cow. R. B. HOLLAND, DUNGANNON SPECIAL SPECIAL VALUE IN THE W. K SANDFORD ADY - MADE CLOTHING And a Special Discount allowed for ('ash. We placed a special or- der f. r these goods, and conse- quently have a very heavy stock on hand, which I wish to reduce at once, and in doing so, the public will get the benefit. In Canadian and I m p o r t e d Tweeds, Worsteds, Cheviots, Setges, ire., the stock is large r 1d well -assorted. (food Tweeds and Sergt•s from 35e., 46c. and 30e. a yard. Suits to order frcm $10.00 up- ward. Now is your chance for a bargain. Another consignment of choice Teas. A liberal di -count; allowed for Clash. Eggs taken as carh.;at Candace Wheeler thus d.ecribss re titrant between sunshiny and ac day on the water m going to the World a COAL AND wooD Fair: That tnor•tal, favored of the gran, wbp falls upon a lucky day to travel this opal raid, may easily fancy himself slidtne along the curves of $ rainbow. He will _ be conveyed by flocks of wide -winged creatures ; swami of boats, and ducks of C' -cele Wood and Klnt'Iln deli- huaa, and tropical birds of boats, whose vexed t0 all arts of town white -winged and red -winged tails drams P long trails ..f reflected eok.r, or throw ft off in palpitating flakes upon the gold an.1 blue .4 baby waves over which he sails. Whoever. tired of the flakier of daily life. wields to experience a vision of oiler which will recreate far him the Seating hours of Venice, or We sapphire day. of Capri. may have it in complete- ness by making this voyage .n a heaven - 1y appointed day• from earthly Chicago tel the eeleetiaf city. But, If Heaven fails to keep the appointment, and the uncuow•ionu and • unhappy mortal holds 4, it, thea alas ! Hades opens leefor, him : thee, u over him, darkness' surrounds him. If he •neaps•• with hie lib, he forever •or•hews the shining path to whleh heaven has lent color, and which Canny I'hicagoaru, flaysemhellished with Crinns.m sails al,d fsary floats, and he travels hee.e•forth with mundane crea- tures on , he rails et the Miehagtan Oen- teal. "Yet it is well for one to take the esitutial waterway sines- it brings one in an artfully heightened sed hermit c mdwal 1.. 1h.• • ulmination a besot► whleh a • sots tom 11e remise to it, sall- ies in gigot ..f s entities -Imp= shore, tacked lot gray -leaved and tauten -bark- ed wills. ..ver *welt ``.Iden seal °rye - cal 4.eee,. eanng. H. Solite into • I pr ,., . , ..rot hat ea which may • sue. r L . t ali nations, aid flat 1.., n so the shadow of the gnx1 p ppIr51m bee s IL B. HOLLAIIIYSkGN n-c1"1"Y- d e IIhm thea 0afm fe- e e sl..tea d Ohs lb - slimy et doimissi. with quick despatch, 1 L :n 1 haadle the be .1 Reeds d horst end la the market, cls.: the New Tarek. Oaaarls r t W.,ia Rains; Coy's ON5Leted teekawassa Valley coal 1a four ekes. civ - ("helium to Reece. leo and Grate. BOLT 00AL. )test Rhawnee Lamp (baa ter w la erste.. no, .e foresees. etr. BLACISIKITZ 14.5. quality gamin* i we..a.nrytb .eater• ow oral •:sass on hand. Upson! altos tins styes 10 tensity mine. WOOD. ( a. sal split wend. Y noshds and 1 fest leem always Is steak, nsa't Weld that I ties seam weed, out tied spat, as ehsep es yea est bey lase weed ea Use market Ali m, wet 1s sold M Ow surd ad tea 'eV Of half /era arta. zonni ro WOOD. 4 fell isse. er eat sad 1•. . td metes lee Anna MUM. I hese added to my well -quipped seas aid ,road yard • sew e M we eh •tires. Alt wet Ida sod seeeems eateNsed Ovnatl, YARD AID OOAL Sms Is aid drill •heel. Mdeos- t., foot .1 Ham - MUM *Mk a PLATT PTO& WALLAPEAS - 011t SPRING ---1893 DIRECT FM AMERICAN AND CANADIAN NUNUFAC(URERS, THE LATEST IN DESIGNS AND COLORS, THE BEST IN QUALITY, ALL PERSONALLY 8ELECTBD Years of experience permits us to esy we can snit the urostVfaa tidious tastes. Our papers being so beautifully Weeded makea it only s pleasure to show them. As for prices, they are the very lowest po,eilele- - from 5c. per roll. Ca,t seen will find no trouble is set -trig Borders, Frierer or l't•ilir.#, as they a•.• designed to match our papers. Over four hundred sampler te selett from. A few lines at root. as they have been in stock for some time. PR.&SER & PORTER Loral F . - •ere Ile" 7rdgiese t .. , Booksellers and Stationers. The Henderson P1 tree Food Try U and yea well be delighted with the way 0 enurisen V • rias-fHewses. Vc Mablea. Laws. ere. No odor vete goalie to use. Cate onily 7)se., woe h to ieu.1 .OS Climax Furniture Polish. All •wt . e it premium* It the beat mete. Toa aced it m notes D'A vite'xon's Witch -Hazel Cream. Ung for the eases. Iniutions. taa, etc... *u-tteri. Use oar Tooth Aoki f it's, o"''y 10o. oe W. C. 000DE, Chemist. own as etm4& .(ear t ,rrip .ons, te. Saf.tyBlcycles FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Wit ADZ OUTSELLING ALL COM PZTITOR9 PNEUMATIC TIRES, from $60.00 up 20.00 " CUSHION TIRES, de 01'11 OOMPETITOR8 ARZ MAIM NOT 3N 1T FOR QI'Ai TTY OR PRI('K. GOSHEN CARPETK.8wPERS, '15. ' r' ""imR moltT. LAWN MOWERS. •t•h' ,rs issuers is perieetioa. GARDEN TOOLS AND HOSE. owe Ileo I. eemwete R. P. WILKINSON. NO DOUBT YOU ARE VERY MUCH ALIVE TO YOUR INTERESTS. 1HAT 18 WHl YOU BCV YOUR BOOTS and SHOES E. DOWNING, Where you will get good, honest goods, and everything warranted to be as represented. We have s larger stock and greater varier than all the other shoe dealers u tows combined. We keep the most stylish and fashionable goods ®afire in Canada. Prices an Lower thaw the Lowest, and will be telt titre. E. DOWNING. N.B.-Leather sod )'endings in any quastisy at lowest prions. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. We have just reoeired a very choices let of N W TEAS! ----OOner1TING BLACK. GREEN AND JAPANS Which we guarantee to sell at least 10 Cents per Pound, Cheaper Tim eaa be vies yeb:ali ese • A trial $a of this obiainsbis. ..,...It elrtei "nes. eA 1r1'w1 er esker= ea /ea w =T