HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-5-25, Page 5TSE SIGNAL: GODERTOS, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 26. 183. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE arlasuomm....7. HIAO OFFICE. TORONTO. spin& ONO ell) Mi NIIuQN DOLLARS . - 1111.000.000e $l.000,000. B. E. WALKER. OJ lsaal. RAANAo'te. • OODERICH BRANCH. A f1g,lERAt BANKING BuslsmM TIMNaACTED. FARtsEIMP NOT,. Itter•oUNTED. p„AFe0 ISSUED PAYAOL[ AT AL POINTS IR CANADA, AND THE Prt•NCIPAL piles ter THE UNITED STATES, GMAT BRITAIN. FRANCE. BERMUDA, Ae: SAVIORS SARK DEPARTMENT. a pours Or *LOO ANO GPWAatt7S RECLINED, AND CU9q•_`N1 RATES 0 INTEREST �10 .1014111111T A00410 To Twa RascWPAL AT TME ENO Cr rtAV AND LER IN EAO.s TSAR. » 4Mtlel Attendees. ghee te els OsNwtthe -- - ae� -woe Notes - R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. DUNOANNON. rl� pup,erese l Prepared Ire benders M T s Mttaal- 1aa bttu Ere ear omit the Queens 74AA btrtMty ail' he numbered with the L est. )Ir Hamlin has tamed his tkw bra for • term •.f years to Mr. Plos,lhmaa, 'S'e.t N•.w.a...k. -Un. Geo. Patton, of Ash• • eau Luckaow, and formerly of West Es.s.esh, a visiting relatives sad triads • the vicinity. ietr.s%T or CATTLE. -H. Garvin sad C. go,r, oar popular catt!e dealers, ars busily mgt.•e.f ;n purcllamas sad ehippisg cattle. e um+er.tau.l they are giriutt good prices. Rtrituss -The address to be delivered M ft.1. 4r. Maauhy, a roturs.d mummery fr,..., .Lapp, to the M.thali.t church on Fn - ds, a;endo( the 26th, will. are premium, at• Wei a large rud:esc.. u IAT.re. The weather at present is is .very reopen delightful and ;.viswstisg. Thr farmers herel!swta, having nearly Ss - sled ending eprtug crop-. w sow baldly .ys;e•l in potato pleating. eta Oxcart or Rirtstoe. -Os Saturday 774, searss of re: wino of we,-o+ent roils .f the s,Itll.il.i!it:e-s of Agate -14i and West Waws• ms), wall b. heli ,n the usual places, com- snar; .t 10 n r .:k r. .111 Doll r and ne.1Sown take sone ant govern the siolves s>erdiagly. retires-. --Darin:: iaat week. 11 vara. treads-, •,1 G.jrricb, A,.1 lfeRrien, for- s.{, sit Wes' WA..Aoosta. and Wm/ Of e,l dereh inertship tna:!s • p.esnlsg t tail 10 ninny John Hamlin, sit ti.dericb, ever iasi week eaa as r rota to relative. solgoiuluturora :n this neighborhood. 4.rent• Ktrrrit W.., along with the seep fn..sd. of Joseph Fowler, who hu. tree for ,Halt tion Isid by with sciatica. ss pained r. know that bei steadd be samtag tr:.a:.+:-eat .. Hagh Doff, el suerti. who has bees on the sick list, is gra ilk rev,ivert.g, which will be Weaning lent msec relauvw and friesds to kris. 10T Irei..tl.r. Iv HEALTR --W. is tare to state that Jas McCaig, of Ask filid, .Mt ha. been in a poor state of health lee some • is sot impr is kmlth as his (nods and well - wield like His medical sttemdsst stabs IMI ...Inv to weakens d tbe smart hie env Wes it , try preoar/ess. However we weal; fain now that be may 5305 recover. F., rot tvri. al. --Rove. Mills of Lock ss., and 11 Rodger.. of Ding assos, ex • Staged pulpits en Sabbath Inst. Rev. J. (Arra. who ha. been en a visit to friesels is tie many of Rondos, r torsed host. a Saturday mining last The sscratsat of the Witt • ipper will D.V. be dispensed is Erskine ITur, h here, on Sabbath jBth ear - nee to enenmettae at the used bout. Pre- paratory envies will be bold is the *hunk m Fnle) 26th. Rev. MoRay of iasksew ■ expected to coed.ct the service a that Ly `art tee to 000memee b 2 o'deok r. r. LEEBURN. /tee our own c rrewad.st ksrch Adam here will he aleseessa Th.rd.y night of thIlt week which we hope will result to making dhow* of a paster trout the candiIatse that bare Leen preaching bare for s mill From ourowa.o rep d Last Saturday Jas. Sssr04411 .-aught sturgeon which weighed 17 psarM. Join Fattener left on Monday for Sol kirk, Man., where be has a situation. U. H Porter uuI family have moved to Lmmdon and i). Wileon ht. goo. to the tarn. Alert. Feriguaou left net week for 1•0410 rich to take a peeitios on the new tug, John Loc.*, ehac{I west tr. Soutitamptoe. Th. Bahia` has been very t...sl here this Spring, hot daring last week's storm a num. is bo f nets were lost and noose thirty feet ed the pier, the par tint was repaired by the Whet men, .erns raabe.l away. H. J. Firm- is it ffrring very special bargains in areal goods, atld those who wish to secure extra values should call early Several lilies at eareet• are going at reduced rates. There an. yet a few shoe. left which aro bei:.= offered far below cost .`..r cash. %rm. i' .trk, oar obliging mail carrier, has been tuakieg •• 'umber ref imppr .reotests to Is properly nn the Square. T..•'aside and drive bort.s have h..n rem ...I1 1, a Dew run! tot oat the Mss end a r• .t tens. er- ected *routed the pre -mins. it Hsiky and Je Lott F.d..,n.'r wee the sutra, tors. a A DISAPPOINTED CROWD 11111111111111 Arve_d tao wield'• tsar sew T..tttwdey soli to Ted Timm Closed. CMleaoro, May 92 -Tecta ai No.aaeda el lees and women wsad.red aimlessly rip sad Mwa the eboroaghlw ost.W. the Wortd'e Lair grenade yesterday, peering wtdlary through the closed gas of the white city, and alaraarisg regress at Noir inability to math &dm,tta/sea. Baine of the I.sgsr spokes owe galled Mea maldieuosa on Use powers Net seal- ed tbe besets* el the his to {kens, but ea the whole the crowd was orderly. Ya kept their tampers, evidestly bso ed W the bdi.f ihst to -day would b. the las My of 8.eday °leans. It was by tar the largest 8asdey turnout .Iain the spool Sou opened. Wool DuSiar W W ..e". It. CstcAoo, May 21. -The iajs.otion to ro- strata the directors of the Colombian Re. position from °losing Use paw and beIid- hop of the fair es Baudays atm. ap i. Jodie Stein'. suet again yesterday, lint the bearing was pestpaed until next Fri- day, pinatas the mama of the ..Basal esmmlmion a she reoelauoa passel by the I...i direst.. to opal the fair on passed_ tls.seassep assess. Der.. Alms asaerked e4R Pews. Mit ter-lleseekise Leaden Nee TGA flay e-,-Psitstsss.......Hssww TTos.....(aaaprw 11{ y O-iNaeila $smr Tcrt.... • M of Hoe e... Ines se--Struiria -.Sew Tessio.... lag El -Anda. ...see Test... r o you wear h Irts? Our great White Shirt (unlaundered) at 48 cents is equal to regular $1 laundered Shirts. A better quality at 69c., equal to the $1.25 laundered goods. A good Flannelette Shirt, variety of patterns, for 39c. In everything we sell we give better value than any other store. EMT( aliSecks‘xlivtiOftety' W. ACHESON & SON. LADIES' COATS, CAPES, REEFERS THE LATEST STYLE. We ot$ei for this week extraordinary values and reductions. in the above. WIDE, WIDE FRENCH WOOL CHALI.IES OROS RtAMAN & CIE. 1 number of new designs and colors added to our immense stock. No manufactured wool goods throughout the t.o:ld hays met with such unitersal favor this season as the .loth,. sent out by this maker. 60--PIECBI S--60 TO CHOOSE FROM AT OUR CLOSE PRiCF, 39c., WI ►RTH 50c. rTEw PA-R.ASoIB_ :IA different styles of handles :,•.•I n;ake, to chime• flow. Frills, Shot and Plain Colors at Close Prices. EVERY DEPARTMENT COMPLETE. W. ACHESON & SON. LADIES f HYGEIAN SUMMER VESTS. LISLE GAUNTLETS, Size Guaranteed. AND CHILDREN'S WHITEWEAR. 111 our MIIJ INERY PEPIITMENT You will always find the LATEST STYLES. Our .tock of Walking Hats, Legbortu, Chip Placques, Flowers, Wreaths, Ornaments, dee., is complete. MRS. R. B. SMITH. The Whiteman Pea Harvester The best in the world for the follow ing reasons let It is built of the beat malleable wrought non and steel. 2s4. it requires no holes to be dolled in cutter bar. 3rd. The outside divider can he rased or lowered at tack or fret, independent of litters. 4th. It has no rod at the back to hold obstructions and cause choking. 5th. There are Do •poop to break or Pet out of order. Gab. It has movable clips and con be est in lisps with tongue of machine if cotter bar Imago back. 711. Each lifter bee a guard stay, and breaking mower guards II impossible 8th. Each lifter is independent of the other and can be raised or lowered at the back seas to line in front should mower guards be out of line. 9th. The number of machines sold dur- ing the last saes enables a large number of the leading farmers of the Province to testify to its merits. Every machine is war- rented sad gives on tent Sample machine can be seas at R. Thompsoo's Blacksmith shop, Godssish, besides at different show over the County. JAMES WHITF.MAN, Patents and Ysaufactarer. Tbsmea Brews, G.sssel Agent, Sesf.rtb. Brussels : Itespsotor Durand, represent- ing the Waterloo Mats!, was in town on Monday eatlat jsslsd the claim of 1'o.tmaster Farrow is osssectioa with the damage to kis budding by the recent tiro. MI was allowed. Wiagbam : The town awessmest by wards Mas follows : - Ward I, $134.040: wart 2. $103,300 i ward 3, $132,4110: ward 4, 1157,- 418: total, $590,208. The population is given as 2151). an idcreaam of 56 over last year The roll shows that then are 120 dogs 1n town. W1tagham We learn that the firm of Gray, l ouag t Sperling salt meaufactutere, ere likely to sink a malt well on Grand Trunk property is Windsor shortly. This Irm bee wells is Seaford, W ingham mud Myth new, au& it sluts, wish to branch at .ill further. Brum & : 541106.49 is the total mutant raised sur e/ purposes in ooaseetims with the 1MtWise stoma is thea tows this '1W stmt (.slue. $1,000 toward year.t Oka'. of 76 over The total is 900. • church lest yaw, after seting removals, ac. WEST HURON BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - REST. - • $ 12,000,000. ,000,000. A Saving I h A, rlmenl has been crtexed in cos - 'section with this branch. Interest allowed at current rates. I-. L OCK WOOD, Manaier Goderich BrawtL S. A-WAIJ JI , Cs►rriage Me tifa,cturer, Having purchased the hiatuses ot McCREATH & WALKER I have now arranged, not only to ooutiaw the t'arrtag. Trude, but have decided to do all classes of work in HO I I 1 t E -HOEING IND [REM BLACKSNITHIHH. NONE MIT THE BEST OF WORKMEN EMPLOYED IN EVER1DEPARTMENT. 23f61F: JNO. ed. WALKER, The New 3-roceis, S T u RDY EROS Have it Stock of Groceries, Crockery & Glassware which for quality and price cannot be excelled. SPECIAL VALUE IN TEAS. The INDIAN and JAPAN TEAS which they handle exclusively can- not be surpassed. A TRIAL SOLICITED. STURDY BROS., per- AT GHO. GRANTS OLD STAND, G_ N_ DAMS, I)SAL CR Ili LIBERAL CONVENTION STOVES AND RANGES A Convention of the Liberals of West Huron will be held in the Temperance Hall, Baderich, IC Tuesday, May 30, Commencing at 1 o'clock P. M., sharp, for the purpose of ap- pointing delegates to the Ot- tawa Convention, anti other business 1 • H. Nanning, W. Coate, President. Secretary. Menfortb : Mr. Handle, who is in the employ of the Broadfoot & Box furniture coenpa.y, had the misfortune to get one of his fingers injured badly on Tuesday. Seafertb : Mrs t omiter, teacher ot the pubhc school , Seafortb, formerly a Brussels, ou account of poor health has riven up teaching, until after the summer vacation. W iuugghaa : Po imseter Fisher ham been oonfeed to his room for upwards of three weeks with a rem -ream of the trouble which has eQscted ot.e of hiatuses for a number of y.ors. Grey : Oliver Smith, who bas spent five esu aboard as American Gas of war, is on s visit to relatives and Inside. He is a eta of Al... Smith, of Wrorster. Mr. Smith bus atm t a good deal of the world in his travels and will go back to tit. ser- vice. Wisghum : J. R. Swarts, K. Swart, W. Vanstae and (:en. Shaw drove over to Ood.rlcb and back on Tuesday. They re- port “Walter 0.," J. E. Smarts' trotter, es doing well, sed anticipate that be will be is good shape for the matobed raw n Brunets, on the 29th Sense. Beattie Brea'. mare is beim( trained in Brussels, Cheap Boots and Shoes I ARE YOU DEAD TO YOUR iNTERESTTS. Yon will save time, money and labor by haying your BOOTS AND SHOES from T. FOWLER & CO., The acknowledged loaders in exquisite Footwear. We also lead in medium and low-prioed goods. For ex- ample, we are offering a bmanhiN1 Rid Buttoned Boot for SI 1 !S, and oar KID OXFORD TIE 8E0E8 AT 860. 18 TEl EIGHTH WONDER OF THE AGE. Our M®'s Bsimorsl's at 95e. is the beet value in town. Good House Slippers at 20c. We carry a large assortment of Lacrosse and Ran- nittS Moss, at pries that can't he beaten. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO CUSTOM WORN. OUR own: "Good Goods at Low Moen" T. 70117L3i133,X00. sf11si1 ewe INA el J. W1lsa'e Drug Were RMF TUE GOT CAri'FACTI'aiaa. If you have decided to put out your old stove thisY teeyone of my WIT TRODGETS and ILAOZ D 8dWOZS. YOU CAN GET A FULL SIZE NO. 9 STOVE FOR WOOD FOR 513.00. I KEEP THREE GRADES OF COAL OIL IN STOCK : The American Water White, - 4 0a:lons for Cue Dollar. I m White WaterCileophens White, - - 4 do !'11tyOONUO ts. I These pries aro spot cash. (surged at the regular price. SPRING FASHIONS IN See our • Gentlemen's Fine Hats All the newest and noir hiest styles in stock. DERBY HATS IN ALL SHADES; alio our WIDE -BRIM TOURIST HATS in latest colors and shapes of Eng- lish and American manufacture. Boys and Gff School gats and Gaps in all styles and At unequalled values. CaII and See our Macintosh Coats, also our Splendid Display of Umbrellas. NOW AS TO NECKWEAR We can r:!tow you the newest and most varied stock in Four -in -Hands. The popular tie for the season is the World's Fair Bow. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITHD. W. T. HAYS & CO., 24064 Agents Parisian 8Mam Tay. NEW PIBX. OLD STAID. R. W. RUNCIMAN Has purchased the Grocery and (:onfect" business lately conducted by MR. E. CAMPAIGNS. at the corner of Montresl-$t. and Square, and begs to announce that he has added largely to the Stock, and is now prepared to meet all old Customers and as many new ones es will favor him with a share of their patronage. Special Values is Teas and Swam R. W. RUNCIMAN. t1M►ty ♦ TO TIlli LID1111 Oi 80D1111011 IID Y[CIAIlI, Your attendee is called to the fret Nast THE E PO=atC2.k.2 a new Millinery Mart, West -St.. next door to " The Sitar ORtes, IS NOW OVEN I ♦ tine display of newest trace and ♦aterican designs. 111111A (MOLL CORDLALeLY ilt•1TS&