The Signal, 1893-5-25, Page 4• 4 THIS SIGNAL : GO DEMOB ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1893. VS1U Asia is Vose• 'VERY THURSDAY MORNING 1ST O. s.S1WI1$ 0. fuse of Pubs d.rMk Ontario. It North- '.sI. Terme .f $.beerepetes 1 Monteath. . in X MI 1 00 of credit u awed. the Prim Par TIN t f0 will be . Advert..es macre i,�a1 sad other casual advertieh.eeM. les. per line for Orth iwertioa, and 3 cents per Ilse far each subsequent insertion. Measured bi • seepareil seer s. Rn cards of Six lines .uA under, 35 ter Arertlsemestte of Last, rowel. Btn)ed. Vaa.dt, Situation Wanted and Il.sieese Mores Wanted, •01 ercrrdleg 1 Vase nonpareil. III per month. Homes a Se/egad ranee on Nate. sot to n=osed m hew, $1 for first month. 30c. per sub- sequent month. Dryer advte. in proportion. Any special notice, than ebWe.:t of wh.. to Is to prom..:e the peetinisry benefit of iso I.wit- vidual or rempan), to be considered an ad, Teri me -it and chanted •. cord ios;7. Loral notions In nonpareil type one cent per word. ee not ice.. lee. hen !Oe. Local notices in ordinary readier tele two ciente per word. No uotice for lees tar sic. Noires for • ho robes awl other rcllg:o.0 ..nd benevolent instantiate half rate. ('smsa.rrtal ('nater. - •dviestsemaeele. A limited number of displayed advertise meats will be inserted at the Iloilo% inn rad ce Per Inch. one insertion. 110 le " (eerie/roam ... 1 00 " three months. ... .............. 100 six month*. ... .. t ism one year - 5 Os No advertisement lees true two Inchre in heath will he calculated on above heel.. 5 per rent. dh.count allowed for nee:, payments uu tbr,- months'eontr.ct ; 10 per cent. oo sin monthi. sad 15 per cent. on • year's. 'flaws conditions will be strictly enf.,ro.... !hawse "Tile epee- s" ISNIvsss. $nte,criber who fait to rewire Tug SI.INAL ren.'arly, Tither by merrier or 1.l nail. will easter • tear by aoquscr.tiee ue of the fact at est early a deem po.stble. reek at item rabrl. Your label :s • steadiest receipt of the date, to which you are paid up. Bee that It is not allowed to fell into arrest:. When • chane of address is desired. both the old and the new address should be givet.. Rejected manuscripts rennet be returned. l :orrespondence must b•' written or. one *Me of paper only. rsWtaber's TNlre. J. C. Le Tonsel, of Oodcrieb, hes been ap pointed Local Travelling Arrest for the town. ship. of Go derich, Colborne, Ashfield and Wa- wanneh. Loral postmasters over the district are also empowered to receive sube•riptions to Tile. B10n*1. All wmmeslcstime must beaddrensed to D. McOILLlCtiDDY, Tea Bios et, Felsphose Call IA Goderteh. that. UODE:RiCH. THURSDAY, MAY Ilk lel. Tilt ZIA% TO trLfr fly FOWL It is a pleasure to know that there M one man in this town whose prospects have brightened considerably during the past fire years and his name is Rrrt.tm, Five year* ago Mr. Rret.t• was in as haul a plight as any of us, and hie laded pilot Jacket will be remembered as having been • part of his tout ensemble for years prior to that time ; but today hu portion is purple and fine linea, so to speak, which gives evidence that the years that have in- tervened have brought prosperity to him. THS SI.:N.at. rejoices to know that at any rate then is one man in 4 oderich whore lines have fallen in pleasant pec.., and who has waned fat where so many others have grown Iran : and particularly is the cause for rejoicing manifest io that Mayor BCTLt.eN prosperity is well known to be the hosesd fruit of push and perseverance in legitimate business enterpn.e, aided and assisted by urbanity, tact and knowledge rarely to be met with in men. )Ir. Brrr.za has not drawn ha increase from the mine or forest, or the deep fish- ing of the greet lakes, but little by little and gnat by greet hia accumulation, have come so that today he u ID easy circum- stances, as behooves one who occupies the honored and trustworthy position of mayor in an important town like I:oderich. There are some who, having eyes that see not, enviously claim that the prosperity of Mayor BUTLER in the 04.1i00 010 of blind for- tune and the most ordinary luck ---that he has reaped where he has not strewn but by those who have watched the enterprise and ability displayed by him in his private busi- ness during the past four or five years, full credit will be given to him that he has the mind to conceive, the hand to execute and the honesty of purpose to curry out any business operation where profits may accrue or fat returns be obtained. This latter is the view of Tim Su.%al, and that is why tie journal rejoices : and again we my, re- 'res. e- 3 Now that Mayor Btrn.wa kr pkaosd him self beyond the rreoeneity of worry in matters Snanoial, Tat Sita N A m. would like to see him dere. some mere for palling the town nut of the slough of Despond. (.odereeh has not fattened during the past five years •ether hes it resembled PMA SHAH'% lean knee. The population hoe not 'increased and btsi..m h.s not programed as it ,hoeld have dose, raotwith.t•mdter height promises which hews hem made at eery mus1eipaJ sarninatirla, and the nam who, it is claimed ran make two Medea of gram grow where am* grew before, so so far as kis private affairs are onseered, ought to be able en his pablie e•padty te do semathimg to itprove existing eon- dinena Wm Write the sierras' ref Mayer Rriism to tots pbree d the q menus. and hope that the tee, ingenuity. integrity. pereevereme. .ed eetervelee shirk have etisbi.d ha M prosper whim .there have either rems5ed •trti•mrp es eott.graded will w he averted lase peddle .lmmmer. 01 mmtfielta Buck is cepa..Lou IrUM 1.11..• w wham &utak bath beam give.. ma lamas ASM OLUMSBM111. The d1Aer.roe b.tw.e the balky at w Tories against I:Laoi use varies may i. degree. The sou daemons which •Gibe. 00l. 8Arvpase,n neared the !emetic to dere to shoot the British Premier. The feeling .bat caused Cumin Wau-aca to desire to raise an Omer* legion to march to lister, actuated the titled blackguards Present at the Prison of WALL.' r.esptioh to hues and hoot at the greateet living kaglshmao when he male hu &pom el°. at the recepttuo. The motive that prompted the miscreant the other day to cast • missile at the rad way carriage to which I;ladetom. was travelling also prompts some of the alleged loyalist prase in I'aoada to burl , alelietiona upon England's great statesman because he -being less loyal than the pigmies ut for- sooth, endeavoring to " dismember the British Empire Rut the lunatics and the blackguards and the miscreants .night as well preserve their souls in patience. It is decreed that Home Rule for Ireland shall become 1•w, tad law it shell become. 11 is to be hoped that Gi..to rose will live to see it mature, but whether that great roan live or die Home Rub ahall be an accomplished fact ••$Mtr'ttTtat A• A attliealLoTellt. At the last municipal domination meet ing, mayor BUTLER stated .bat it had keno classed against him that M was running l;oderich in he own interest and not for the benefit of the taxpayers of the town, and that he had incurred uunc.eeeary expeamee is the purchasing of water mins, tanks, etc., which the town should not have been put to in its present neo -progressive state. Mr. Bremen'. Soso .r to these charges was that ire wee only tate of fifteen mom. bare of the council, and that if be was able to do all that was cb.rged against him- it did not speak well for the other fourteen. .4 very good answer, we admit, if true. Bet the mayor was dissembling when he made the etaterneut, and to prove it we will give the electors • view of how muoicipel .natters are run by Mr. BrTt.ta. Since mayor Bretz* ascended the muni cipal throne he has given his friends in the council to u.der,taod that everything meat be run on straight political tines. Ry straight political lines he means that Weise. ie to be "boss," end that every thing he nays goes, or the man who fails him cannot remain u the party. In last year's council he controlled a majority, and in the present council his own casting vote gives him • majority. And so it is, when Mr. Rryl.sR has an axe to grind all he has to do is to crack the party whip, and Maniere. CAsvei..N, Bra - NIT, THoturowN, MATTEL, SMITH, PRIDIIais and Nlc'Hou.oN can be depended upon to vote solidly every terve. This was manifested during recent meet inra of the council in a striking manner A memorial had been presented by clergy. men and others, asking that the cosy nil recommend the appointment of • Police magistrate for the town. Councillors CANTF.LON and THOMPSON voted in committee that the council recommend the appointment, and when the question awe up in opened meeting voted against their own recommesdatue. Mayor BrTt.te. had pulled the string on them between the coin mitres meeting and the council meeting On Friday last noire of the Reform mem. ben of the council were informed by the clerk that nightwatebman nisei had resigned, although the matter had been o•smu.ed by the other phalanx. When the reslgnatioo was reed by the clerk in open meeting councillor Nr. HoIwon pulled an already written resolution out of his pocket asking for immediate action, and ',resented it to the council. Now, Tog 8:asst. has not the slightest obiection to the nivhtwatob.mn recently appoi.ted. On the contrary, the editor of this journal pereneslly favors the appoint meet. Mr. ALfato NmrmouoN u, we s.dersta.d, an upright, sober man, who will .o doubt do hie duty, and will on that amount be highly sooeptable after what the tows has had to put up with in past years. Bat we decidedly object to the manner in which his appointment was rulreded through; to the hole -and corner way in which the knowledge of the maeignatioa was wade public to one section of the council and not 10 the other ; and to the manner in which • dumb vote was given try members of the beard who could set, or were ashamed to defend their arise. Mayer Ratter is aerially inveighing against Aateriean Institutions, but he has sneeseded W briding into the oo.eeil the yeses phase of it is the shape of the " theses, " Ned M .manipulates the weaker members s eerily s did any bona that ever ruled '[`mnaa.y. The noodle Byrom will he meet in order, if it hes sot already fair- ed • foothold. r eine Mamie rare M Tees herb. Taotbreb*, the meet ensure. rad ave of the nom pWhl •!seethes is Wren* eared by the sipplMreih. • of Pele m'. Nor .illmw Pelee a Nervine ie • emeriassi of powerful amdy.e., sad it strikes M ease to the serves, e.M5fsg wad sairdiagW em. Weeds Buhl mel No pude. 111441ere, try it it year iNtitelt teetbshbe. Nerv0Ym. 5. sold Is 10 sad BE sats beaks by aides'. 111111.. L. La1�lI 1I111E11 DBO11UN REV. MR. WARE'S 11O0Y FOUNO 114 STURGEON LAKE. MeMese ea. • am.w wsa.vts mr..arw ami N 1• Tb.ngM That Woe. weeps.. as Mean sr Maw W. moll 1. . rasa' est Wise I.e.ws•d. List ay. May w0. -The body ui Rev. Mr. Wan, who mss drowsed at Starves Point, mea bought a Lindsey from dtv- gaos Usk. _yesterday et I S.3) a.m. by the steamer Matti/ion. Mr. War.. who had visited some greeds several timer during the last few weteke, went down ON lent time on Wednesday evening. lh. Thursday moraine he west out early before breskkfmt. and as he did not return it was taken fur greeted that hi meat Oise 10 Mr. lir.kam's, a former with whom he was well augiauoted and vino lives about • mile from the Ponnt. Not rotate. isg during the day, .squry was mad. at Graham's, when it win fuusd he had not been there. A number of people la the u.aghhorbood iseututed ..arch parties through the woods without boding any trace of him. Abort 5 o'clock as mine boys, nee of whom area his owe little eon, were totems along the shore they discovered the body lying in the water tear • beat house whorl, from which he bad appam.ntly stepped. His heavy overooat was found Iymug oat the bank. Mr. Ware has foe acme time past bean in very poor health brought on by exeseeive dlor. He came to Lindsay about a year ago .• the pastor of the Be is& Church. Fie . Mr. Ware was well known la To- roato, having occupied Rev. Elmore Harris' pulpit mo Walmer -road Baptist Church last summer while Mr. Harris was away. He was mund to a Mess Joseph of Toronto. In the pockets of the coat which were a watch and chain, • pocketbook, containing quite .v min ut money, and some trtnkete. For .use months deceased had been • great sufferer from nervouau is and insomnia., mei had been under the care of a physician. He ma very weak, and it te thought that he removed kis overcoat and bat to take • wash in the lake when he was seised with • weak spall and fell into the water, from witch he was cable to eztnwte himself. SHOOTING AFFRAY AT MAPLE RIDGE A Teas. Mae. Oa etaf..ba 4. Lame • 7thtgbb..r's 1)..r. gnat. Marls Rin.:., 0et., May 9O. -Three miles from here last night • young ecu awned Thendor. Hutt wee shot by a farmer e arned Isaiah Helmer. Hutt somewhere wheat 11 o'clock at might went up to Helmere residence and knocked 00 the door, kis alleged trainer being that of calltng on come of the women folks. Helmer, who was upstairs, came to the window and asked who Hutt was sed or- dered him away. This, it ua said, a not the Ent time Hatt has bene oommanded to stay away. Hutt is alleged to have muttered something about going when he got ready, whereupon Helmer came downstairs and setarteg kis shotgun, opened the door, when Hutt com- menced to beat • hasty retreat. Helmer fired at him, the ebarge lodging in hie left arm and side. Hutt was only 30 feet awe and his coeditor a had to he critical, away, he walked to hu home, erns Author away. No arrest hes been meds. PAYING FOR HIS EXPERIENCE. A Dlab..eess Termite Pars Gil res pales a 1 aah.tl.d 3 -Cone rNtaa. mamp u. • IMO., ReuevILLI, May 90. -Robert Peariill, who lives in Prince Edward, rear Comm roe, was yesterday a coorted, en rem - pietist o1 Deputy P.0. Inspector M•o•row, of using • o•ac.Ued postage stamp In for- warding a letter. It appeared that the prisoner had used a c o..lSed ,t•rnp on a letter addressed by him to a party at Crofton and whtob he posted ■t Belleville, the stamp teed being in fact one which he took ore a letter that 1. had received from the person at Crof- ton to whom he had written as above weed. This being • first oSeoce, • fine of 310 and 83 come was imposed. LADY ABERDEEN IS PRESIDENT Of the t.ternauoeat r.aa.M of tbei Wosie's em..'s Oeea►a.a CH Wader). May 22. -Tb members of the International Conocil of the Women's Ce.- ggrrw.es last evening settled the casae of their differ -roes in regard to the distribution of offhees to the various countries. It eras derided that England should have the presidency, Armories the vie. presidency, France one m.cretary and England one, and the treasur.rshtp aboard go to Finland. Officers were elected as follows: I.•d Aberdeen, president; May Wright 8sw.1L vice prendeut; Mme. Must Martie, re- cording secretary; Eva McLar.s, Ragland, correepondr.ng secretary; Bertram Alexan- dria Gripmberg, Friend, treasurer. POISON Ofe THE BREAD, Awldeat.11y One.ee .be west* of s Oebea- bora da,. Sc.ouazso, May 90.-8. Perry was pre paring some porton 10 destroy rats arousal hie premises, and pieced it as Now bread sea plate and wt the plate ca a table His attention was called to another put . 1 the room for a t001Nat; meanwhile his a -you -old son Lahr acme in from further room, and seeing the breed ea the plate o took a piece red tut it is his mouth. Hie e lder stator at eta told him there was poMno en Ib. bread and he spit it out, hat k. d'd me great spay two boars later. WAS IT THROWN AT GLADSTONE. A alma* Tarawa late the r eeparemeat meet Theis la et mien fah was a.assd. Lotreow, May 20. -Whist Mr. Obde see was tzav0Uitg free Lamle. te Reeler yesterday • heavy missile was throws .t Ids ti.ip•run.nt as nb• trade approached Willesden. The weals .track the widow a the meta esmpartmmcat, *Melt was seen• pied by the Dean of cheater. It sm-.bed the glues &ed Strunk the resides a haw imams tress the Dam'. heat No. arrest has bursa maga A BEHRING BOOMERANG As Amermar throes trade setd.m.e t. reeedr'. 1.b.11. Paths, M• I5. - Cepof Crpert .1 Rt, W. il1w the iett, United States Ti.o. Agent ia iMO. eeoeerni•g the sail rookeries ea the Pribyleff Weeds, havt be.. distri- buted by British comma a rag members ./ the trlbsnal. Ri, Merles Ifmasef .ad Bir RMherd Webster regard Chi.r.pert us ree . l ghat importance in empanel al tyyr MOIL The Pea.. Owns via. Rea.... 1.a.eat, May m The Prineo .f Wales W ewe emieeted to Mr. Wsige.s y bathe Me te yet that Mr, 9-5.- - out Ilethesb}ied� Wiwi, I.prrl >s. .. es UNITED STATES NOTES. Foo theesrsd others sorted PM5.b.rg ese se strike. The Criers' Bank .l Minesep0ls has enspeaded payment. The Ishtar Marla left Nsw Yoik for Wuhtegtoa Saturday. Th. Martie bubblier et UNoa, was mots' pletsy deelruyed by En. Durres the Wet len maslbe 45.3,93$ Ir. migrants arrived at U. S. porta. Beata (erotism Negroes Convened at Ow Imbue and oosdemar1 lynehiag. The late freshet ...pt .5,000,000 loge dove the L.esetlec river era Marne. The First National Bulk, of Cal .r Falb, low., e..pended with habiltt ee $130,100n. Fire people in a row brat wets run down mad drowned by • San Frao •eco ferry boat The e.booeer Pairs, lorded with ore, mak off the pier at Ashtabula, Ohio, with three of the crew. The hong Iron Bridge Co.'s premises st Cleveland ware damaged to the extra of $150,000 by he. The U.S. Government will pay all bilis ted for the entertainment of the )ukr of Veragua. Boston says th United Reserve Fun.t Association has gore made( and • reosiver Um been app,lotid. The State of Illinois binding at the World's Fair .a. dedicated F. iday 1n the presence of t10,01110 people. The National Baak at Evaaston, 111, bar closed u• doors, owing to heavy wtth- dr•we.s and uringoacy. The Flat National Beak and the Ogla- tborpo National Bask .f Br unswiok, t..or• Lave e'os.'•1 their doors [..e ..;ore Thomas has be. a a.,k.d 5.7 the d,rector general at the iastamce of ti.e Mutt.; (.otnm,t1.e te resign Balt has dropped from 56o to 46e per barrel at M.giia:.w, the lomat price in the bit m. i nt the r rlt Industry 10 . It.'irgin. Gold to the amount of $1,300,00. took iia departure from New York for Kemp. Saturday to he followed by $1,000,000 tfr'dneeday. The Earl and Countess pf Aberdeen, wbo visited the United States some time ago establish the Irish village at the Wo Year, palled from New l ork on the An for Liverpool en `.S•terda•. Infanta Enlalla and ler suite called *pen the President and Mrs. Cleveland eta Satar day morning and were received in the Blue room. The Infanta has acc-pled as invita- tion to dim ct the Whtt. Home. Ai.Ci0ENT RETARD. Henry Hitt .was baked to death by a hofs at Lindsay. ?Seven men and a woman were drowsed at Caanwut, I)hto, Fndat. A man namel Ctes tell off the wb:.rf u Belle - til. an . was drowned. Jaren Pe en was threat by lightning and Militantly killed near Winnipeg. As truism num named Fleury was Kill- ed is • mw mill at Ramouski, Que. George Beard fell from a tarn at worth, O.1., and was fatally tsjorrd, Dr. Hector Mebo.ald, of K.sgetcw, was ally drowsed in Cat sr.(' bey. Wm. blouthwotth, aged 14, was hided is Pearce 14 Co.'s sawmill at Maranon, Oat.. 1111:17, The viz-yearo',1 sou of Mr. R. S. Perry, eI'rhomarrg, tint., died itom arc.destal pote0.mng The body o1 aa unknown watt. erne foa•d Go•tiagg at the month if the Niagara River tr►tnrd e y Theodore Hutt was shot by • ranter named Isaiah Helmer at Mepr Ridge, Ont Hie injuries are meroon& The crew of the Cleveland hie -caving states were drowned while attempting to rescue two moo from • skiff who were aloe drowned. Neer Cahill, Friday, Ralph, son el John Vtoo.st, aged 11 years, while playing in • pond o1 water about ten inches deep, was suddealy taken with a fit and was drowned. Blomdi., the strong man, traveling with Cole's cerew, ruptured a blood vessel rid died shortly after, a1 S•r•aa.: Laky, N.Y. He w sedeavoring to hold two bores go- ing to nppo.lI direeticmL t1{ tuia \I,. l.Isu.,ume visa travc.in,. ..• Thured•y from Leedom to Chester a beery missile was thrown at kis oompsrtme.t as the train epl•roached W ilkvl.n. It mused, but broke the window of the nest compart- ment, which was ocioapited by the limn of Chester. A actin of the Soria; of Weekingtee hap, one of the bmrldt.gs in e.mnectior with •:me World's Fair, gave wav an So: or - day .. ahving with it erventy five women w • were •ta.dieg the Woman's Congress. Ai,out eight of the women wen seriously but none of them fatally injured. THE WIDE WORLD. Tha Italian 5ltoistry has resigned. 11e Cue it said to be stiffens( from • names. ligpeapls wen killed by • boiler .z- p:aion a' T rlin. An emetic• i• said to here been agreed epos in Nmsarsgua. The British House of Commons Imo •d• Premed emit May Nib. - A landslide i. Norway has °cavoted 12 farms iete • lake of .lime. The Romiu ermine Vitiate has sees wrecked of the coast of Corea The revel.tiosiste in Nicaragua are mid to he W peesmime of 0r ytown. Hama Briehrodsr, the busmen Garner booker, says 0ermmsy will not adept to. mstrlti.m. A mow akar hes baa hswsd •rp.11i.g the Jews from the Asistie Provisoes of tb Ramsiwn (Respire. Herr Heats, • R.siali t editor of Mans - hum, .ens Ball., has b.es Puled for at- tacking the Emperor. Th. Raffish Geverwe...t will shortly eases anorder-in-Conseil prohibitivg.mling is Nothing Ree util melt May. Mr. (11d to.. has r.eaieed a latter tress tb Pri... of Wales ezpresi.g regret at the resent heath• detses•H.tles is the Imperial Legalism. 11e aesd reser ketw..a the meamitiee et the etrIki.g N.51 dockers sad that .1 the ..pleyes was futile, and the strike, ther.- farm, sentiase• The A..Mrj r Nad$Nhls.. whisk re - gays the Arm Primes y Rill is •1see srwtoakviewoff iedeagere.. fame .f gee..m...a .h.alnti.a 11. Rmesr. lapsed•. O. ell bee soder -amifiasties • prepeeel te make the km - wet p steel einem of the W itip weir WI ler dm aseisesa Tim.iieaa d Me 8rmeklyie T.bssmmge Ws lb. Sins Me e.10111 .. ed +"� lie mk will w.w- SA 1II QTT =CUD. Amu OP aMOKINM RUINS IN MICMI GAN'S WaIWIT TOWN Sams. Mass ase.rtly sbmMaeb.e.es. M e.eay. L..W Wares s1M also ami dosser tierraws d --'sem. La.s all firer. Wens Men Ons sir tmetrmmess, aaozaw. MW.,May 3s. -A liter spark 5.d • strong southwest gale i er sol% between the hours .1 reiranti Meek, rseltd is • eery d•etrwetiva bra u that Octet period the work sd yesre el I.0 was destroyed and the f•ir.at i el Saginaw left a sees of roma Tb .perk is said to have sterid from the ohiw.y ofBrien@ t Cooper. or what is kaolin as the Middle mead, aad wee serried 1. the dismantled mill -plant of B.mp5. t Carp on the dock., where there 5. • s.mber of piles of lumber. Hen it Lead rich food,asd in short the twinkling d an eye the .eagle math had grown into • roaring marc of E•msa and started on rte mad caner. Themes the flames leaped to the east side )ria below Bristol -street and .ertb el the City Hal, where wen notated a large arm• her d buildings, including Hou Bow No. 6. J. Jr.Winkier's icehouse, 11 r.ud.se.a is Tilden street •sd oa hots side. of Wsakisgtoe-avenmo down to Holden -street were galckly licked ap Thee sparks were serried torose the odd hays. oto the premien of the George F. Creel Lumber Co., the plseug mill, lumber is theand ane.d a donee 1... t houes melt ing lake snow. Next aisle the Allesgtos a Curtis Man niacin rise Compaq 's ezteasi•• pleat tied Passott's old soap fac- tory, all of whirr were wiped oat. Hen the fire .tin uck Je(fersos-a.MM, Ned in an h our some of the Anent read:ooes in the mite wars is aahee, The Graces made • clean sweep 'meth to Rls.rsoo-street, when the fin ooetiaied outward, south of ted aims R..rso•-street toward the city limits. It cut a wide streak ►s Owen, Howard, Sheridan avenues mid other streets ea.t. The Orpi .a. Home succumbed early, but the inmates were all removed to press of misty. The patients were all re- moved from St. Mary's Hosp.t•l, which wise is extreme danger for the time, bet was t.v i The fury of the gale carried the spark. Long distances, tad at 6 o'clock the Are hod touched the planing mill, factory sod lum- ber yard of X. Germain, which wet destroyed, as well as • large number of dwellings is that section of the city. The excitement was at fever beat said W mealy betatron homer caught tire end were destroyed before the occupants wefe hardly aware .kat they were is .iwger, and dozens Of families eared practically sotbrg. The Are department lbor.d heroically, bat with little secc .ss. Tie loses well reach nearly 11.300,000. with probably as iwr•nee of 5100,000. Folly 1000 men employed ,0 factories barred are thrown out of anploys.eat. tied bemired. of families are bosssle.s, se about 300 handless are burned. John Clerk of Owen -street was horsed to • crisp Several other persons are reported miming. The softie was one of real rvciteemeat. Drays sad all kinds of wages, begsies, baadosr1, baby cabs said eeerytbisg a the shape of • vehicle w premed into service to remove hour - bold goads beyond the reek of the fir.. Vehicles loaded with household goods, drawn by horses on a frantic run, were ru.hisg in all diree1ons to placers b.yosd Ur reach of the devastativig Games and vaults lots were soca notepad by household goo.!.. In matey is - steams these refugee were unsvulisg, as p1".perty after befog remove.' to .uppoeed places of safety was Lound by the fin tad destroyed. .411 the backs is the city were premed into service to remove uealrd., old people, ladies and children to prase of safety. Tb body of the man summed to he John Clerk, who peri.hed, was identified tidemoranp seRol»nTerser, aged lllyen. He was feeble and resided with his dartgh ter, Mrt. Charles Howard. When the bourne of the latter burned hs wandered away and was foetid burred to a crisp. Clark is .till uneecooaed for. A close e sttmats places the number of buildings destroyed at 275 and the total lost sna- tained at '500,000. The total insurance will aggregate about 1500,000. LADY ABERDEEN IS PRESIDENT M ata. ta.sr.ou..al neve., .,r the Wortd'a Woessr. C..ar.ss CRrraoo, May 42 -Th. members of the l.teraatiosal Council of the Women's C'a. g�nnuu last evening settled the cause of their diaereses in regard to the distributes. of o4 ss to the verbose countries. It was decided that Ragl.ed should have the presidamey,Almeria•the vices-pranidemey. Preece o.e secretery.nd Faired en., sad the treneurruahtp shield go to Flared. Moen wen eleetted as follows: Lad Aberdeen, preidest; May Wright Sewall, viee-preident; Mine Mane Minus, re- cording secretary; Eva McLane, 6asI•ed, carr.apoadi.g .ssret•ry; Bareee.s ALtan- diri• dripaeberg, Finland, treasurer. The Abse.... anti F.. soma. Nsw Tone, May 21. -The Ree. and Oses1.. et Sherd.en, vibe sem. M this e.m try home time ego to 51t•51Mb ea "Irish village" at the "World's Fair, sailed en the stsa... A.naiw ler Liverpool, re - medley. ('so. W. Thomann a &gest for Bell ��!�ro°a! p1sttcp, e, orns, ing meekness,es7w•••s , viola& flutes mraim' ■air °beadles AU of the beet, at rook bot- tom ettom pries. Now . the time to trsrollese. Scott's Emulsion of Ced-liver Oil and Itypepbespbires is both a God and a remedy. it is useful as a fat producer sad at the same time gives vital force b the body. it is beneficial in CONSUMPTION becalm It tales hit anti gives,tremgtke it le beneficial kir SICKLY CHILDREN became they can easmilNe k when they cut ardlnary food. It le kamdrLl fns COUGHS AND COLDS hemmer er It Mak the Lill !les d the threw and fb the body ami wwla the bea• e b.l..am ler Clriou �tl,�y dentals souetareLg ie/ e WEAK MEN heal 11tek aam�a,`� UPYIIRiNO warn', maim; MOW Vaasa* Frith Taw episli wN sB 5.rymhortia e seer M w dark. W�j` •n da•Nee a k. bozosTheitw1 or mark or will he arse y eon, pmt oe sed pries-a•a.Msa ben me Icor THS DR. WILLIAMS MCD. CO., Brookville. O.t.. or Marrislowa, Ile11 x x OldChwn (CUT PLUG.) OLD GIIUEI (PLUG.) No other brand of Tobacco has ever en. joyed such an immense sale and popularity in the same period as this brand of Cut Plug and Plus Tobacco. Oldest Oa Toddeco .raselat- lwpsre i rm Canelo. ,11.111410 MONTREAL. Cm Plug. lits. i lb Phi, 10e. >!lbll.g.Ilk. RECOGNISED STANDARD BRAIDS Mungo, Kicker, Cable. Universally atckn.twlett c'tt to be superior In every res- pect to any other brands in the market. Always reli- able, as has been fully dem- onstrated by the millions that are sold annually and the increasing demand for them, notwithstanding an increased competition of ot- er One Hundred ani Twen- ty-tive Factories. This fact speaks volumes. We are not cheap Cigar manufacturers. S. DA VIS &r SOJV S MONTREAL. Largest and Highest Grade Cigar Manufacturers in Canada. 74.11 UUNLOP•• Prom our own ..xreeeneda•'. Mrs, D. Cummins and de.gbter Libby vatted friends .t Belfast this week. Mine Nellie Tobin is visiting relatives i■ (Iderich townahrp this past foresight. Mies Williams ben retuned teem • toe mien' vitt te relatives as Wiabee. Bre meaty. Mise Jamie Cowes, sew ed Lletntl, for merty teacher bee., me* trim& bine • transiset wait, RatMd•T of font wed. W. G. Adams reswtly beam Leeiw,Rog- i Led, is anthem hen •t pa.* mid sbrwtly getrig ca Wm • trip le e • vita d N• great .r hw.st. Tb• t ...thee I1 ...k hada• tart a sd ...y of thed t1re11ia s. •pilar held.* tvkhr.ne the Mem al w ask ea mithea 1515. d5..bnww, WOW with the tad weM51er el the pest weak free them • semertre WI si WAN merle ••• rine Obese te blah after. Ptweseraz.-Mr. tlm.ari Wares, el 81. �, O.J_ LL tam <r 4171 talk last 1411 Wes M 0.&la here, eel• Wi/lw�.11v��� La.N...e fins end beets( p1M5 • •w 3 with is geoid btH WWihe el *4* sem& ..-11V-CV wakes p err MIAV,."'"'... •.