HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-5-25, Page 22 TRE 14Ii ;NAL : OODRR101:11 ONT., THURSDAY, MAY •'5, 1893. "She Looketh Well the ways of her hoasubold." is, Solomon is right ; that's what scrod housekeeper everywhere ors, but particularly in Can- ada. But her ways are not always old ways. In fact she has dis- carded many uusatisfictory old ways For instance, to -day she is ging Val% la i‘i gm New Shortening, instead of lard And this is in itself a rea- son why ' she looketh well " in other sense, for she eats no to cause poor digestion and a worse complexion. COrroLINE is much better than lard for all cooking par- Mas every one who has tiled ares. Have you tried it? For sale exerywhere . ?lade only by N. L. FAIRHANB & CO., Wslltogtoc sod Aaa are, MONTwt4L. L(1SSOED A GRIZZLY. A Varanasi:%,rv) real by a tattered.. rewb.y. From the $an Francisco Cbronicle. Recently George Kookiest, who is in the employ of the cattle department tf the Kern County Lind Company, KAkerstield, was riding in the Coat Range Mountains, neo Carlota, looking after stock, when he came upon a grizzly bear. When first seen the bear was sitting on its haunches. Kenimon made for the bear and got it started down the gulch. He kept behind it until it came out on the Carina plains. Then he raced quickly up to it, fired a shot from his pistol into its back, and while paring threw his lasso over its neck tad then straightened out the rope. The hone was greatly frightened, and took gond can t, keep the rope taut, but it wad a loog•distaaoe fight, as there was about sixty test of rope between the bear and the horse. Renison kept his horse under perfect con- trol. When the bear would elu'ch the rite he mans-uvretl with his hone so as to break the bear's hold. He circle.1 around and around with grind horsemanship and perfect coolness, all the time keeping the rope tight around the bear's neck, and he utually choked the grizzly to death J. E. Hunter, who handles the herds for the cattle depart. menti, saw the struggle from • distance, and put his horse to its speed in order to gine all the help in hi& power, but before he could reach the arena of combat the bear lay dead and Keelson had conquered it single-handed. The grizzly weighs 900 pounds Kenison is • smell teas of slight frame, mind does not weigh over 130 pounds, but tears the reputation of not knowiar what fear is. His horse only weighs shoat 900. Mlsard's LU.lmrse Carr. Npitarria. t idled MEereatre. Husband -1 think I will run over u, l'hi• cage fora week during the fair. Wife - Then 1 think i will go with you. What is fair for one is fair for two. Husband -No, my dear ; what is fare for one is far from beteg tare for two. 1t Ma ares Proved. It has been proved over and over again that lterdock Blood Bitters cures.lyepepsia, ,onstipstion, biliousness, headache, scrofula, and all diseases of the etoinach, liver and bowels. Try it. Every bottle is gttares- teed to benefit or cure when taken twoord• Intl to directions. 4 tiallIr atetrrak1. . The following metier wads found posted at the gate of a rural cemetery- not ii Troland, but near Dieppe, in France " Owing to the crowded condition of this cemetery only those living in the commun- ity will hereafter be buried in t. ' • Ctmpik•.I,d Case. Dealt SHWA, -I was troubled with MthoW- nese, headaehe and lose of appetite. 1 could twit rest at night, and was very weak, but after using three bottles of R. R R. my appetite is good and 1 am better than for years put. I would not now be without R. 11. K., and ani also giving it to my .'bildren Mate. WAt.TRI Brave, Maitland, N.S. abs atera.'t fleas 11 When you see • woman going along the street with her chin well up and her gars above that of ber fellow mortals, don't think she is haughty or exclusive. She is merely prsctw�q the proper welking pone, which id tech l.bat the chin moat be"raised above the borixestal line, as if looking at the top of a carriage." Or.r11 Oaa11111telem Gasertsoatc,-i have found RR.R an .ioellest remedy, both as a blood purifier and amoral family medicos . i wee for • tang time troubled with sick headache and heartburn, and tried a bottle, which gave me such perfect satief otios that 1 have since then acrd it ea our leimai tbodioise. F. Rsnsy, Say, (et. • r.t.e'. lamer W urea a ..ted OR him' Alm sM pso- p1e. SI (lovb , Rb years old i. an active Mee Mail driver of fast horses, of whir tis ale i. ooatain twe.ty-three ewelei.1. Mrs. Jrnrth.s Dow, of Ileo Li., A years nM, A•s knitted fort pain of •teekiag. •.d worse 900 yam. of ~carpeting reed 100 yard. of Meth deli .g the part .camen in odd m asses e ..•tried from her genual housework and the ears el • gook of hese Mrs. Jeanne Ruwkw, of West Treats". 87ears old, hes Joel Sdahed * waistcoat which e►e oat cad leads witbeat tice use el Hamm Mr. Ilebal... or Deer Imre, is 7th, esti reel year, budges deli g mueli .t vetieles, he mode all Mee weedwark of heir airs., no air s dreUe mated wove •.d • berm M•wseti ld.am.M ahem Bear. star LOMINION NEWS IV E:11EF. There is s "home' beim r baallerd. A death bees maps' is report** at iia► Portage. Aa eplismio el masala has hold of Napawna A Presbyterisa p"er"t assembly soil roast at Brantford Jaw IL No change sreported i. etc G. T. R. striks eitnatsos at MosWwl J. (image, • traveler, was held up sad r dried on James Adept, Humlwn rhe herring catch this year iu Kempen fettle Ray as the greatest ever Iowan. Forty years ego F1Jay the first woo: stmeoship, the Genua, arrived in Montreal. It or expected that th•- Methodist C+u foresee will be held to Kiegswn in Jaw, Itdl4. The action of the Archbishop against The Caned* Revue has been affirmed by the people. The sew method of asswrrueot is expect. cd to iucrsaw Montreal's sereno. by about P21ib,00u. Laura Bridgman, the chorusirl who sea shot m Montreal by her husd, is reco raring. Th. G.N. W. Telegraph Cumpsoy has re- oposed its office at Toberinotoy, Brum County, Ont. A mica expert wail arrive a Kingston shortly to examine lands for a wealthy Eng - halt .yndiata Fireman John O'Rourke, while att.odiag his duties .t a lire in Montresl, was killed by a falllag .tome. Klug Sefton, Monde. skeet, Toronto, tried to commit suicide by cotton' bar throat with a pair of scissors. Carleton l'ouoty Reformers will meet in Ottawa on June 13tb, to elect delegates to the Liberal Conveatouo to be held on June .'0th. Deputy Minister of Agriculture Lowe says theta te no probability of an immediate relaxation of the cattle embargo i.. Great Britain. The Franciscan fathers who arrived in Montreal iu 1190 have already commenced the comstroction of a building' to cost D40,000 l'o1..Sergeaut Atex. McKay, an old British veteran familiarly known as "The Hero of Jollalahad." died at hu resideuco in formats. The Grand Council of the Royal Arcanum for the Province of Ontario. met in London tend J. W. Hicksou, of Toronto, was elected grand regent. A Conservative demotstr.tion will be held toOrangeville, Cardwe:I I'ouoty, on June let, to offset the recent llhCarthy demonstration. Three Germans ,cached Wsoospeg Thum day from New York. havtug walked the entire distance in 3; days. They were 56, 40 and 20 years old. The printer of the Government Printing Bureau are protesting .garnet the chorges of incompetence male by the Queen's Printer Dawson in his annual report. The union of the whole island at Mont real under one municipal government ha beau proposed, and a ronfereuce of delegates iron the several uiuniciphties will be held in Montreal, on June 411 • to consider the project. The dead bodyof an Kogl:ibmau named Wm. Bird, heawaiter in ('low's restau- rant. Toronto,, was found in a grove near the city on Saturday. From writings on hos person it was evident he bad committed suicide a day or two befrwe the body wu found. Dr. Roddick and Dr. James Stewart, of Montreal, bare been appointed to the Medi - eel Board of the new Royal Victoria hospi- tal to that city. Dr. Affirms, professor of pathology at McGill ('uiversity, hu been appointed pxtho.ogist at the new instito- tios. The hospital will be opened in July. PERSONAL MENTION. Lady Stanley has returned to Ottawa. Rev. R. J. Trelevau, of St Thoma;,, has accepted a tall to Aylmer. Mr. Uuimet, Minister of Public Works, irft t Ittaw. Thursday for British Columbia. The Duke of Veragu•, Christopher Co- lumbus' lineal descendant, visited Niagara Falls. L H. Packard, of Montreal, was elected first vice president of the International 1. M.C.A. at the Indianapolis convention. Prof. Robei[tson, it is said, is to be re-en- goged by t Itomwion Government for three years as dairy commissioner at pout) • year. GENERAL. Destitution prevails in Iceland. Smallpox is epidemic in (3otbeoberg, Sweden. Grain crops in Italy are suffering from drought. Emperor William intends opening the new Reichstag in person. Abbe Colin, the famous superior of the Seminary of St. Sulpice, a seriously all. Th. Spanish Cortes has bees i. amain. 54 hours without a break A ministerial crisis is imminent The Pope will send the video, rose of virtue this year to Marie Hserietta, Quom of the Belgians. The Nicaragua revolutionist" are in pos- session of the Nicaragua canal, having over- thrown the Government. Prince Alexandroff, a lienteaant in: tba Rae Om anav,committed suicide at Moscow recently over the lase by gambling of 2,• 600.0(10 roubles Home Secretary Asquith has decided that the Dowager Duelers of Sutherland, who is in Holloway Jail for contempt of court, muse more out het term of sin weeks. The Radicals in the Norwegian S orthing have introduced a bill ps'ovidiag that the emblem of the wakes of Swede. and Nor- way be eliminated teem the Norwegw g. 4Three hundred employee of Cemset'. bicycle factory i. Pare, Frame, struck be- cause eecause the firm dI.. targd seen who stole large quentitw of atertals from the works The Ruutan War OMoe is taking steps for the distribution of the improved vines te tai troops .d the Wester■ Army Corp. who world bear the immediate brunt eif a sew ltct is the *vest of a fermis. war. Tics guarantee head of Ulmer ter the maintenance of the ludas V said to amount to 115,(100,1100. A similar fond, thnagh less in amo.et, will he raised is ether provisoes ed Ireland, aid will he plated in trust It is stated that aa effort will Ise made to bring about a monis. sed a rsennetluttow of F:mp.eror Wllliaws sad Prism Btsm•rck at the tuaugerattow of the asesemset to William 1. at Geriits, I. Prime• Silesia TM Rnard of Agnendlore iiia refused te great a bosses lee the slang►►w et math at the pert of Aberdeen, hot the Led Pro- vost was fid to believe by the ebMt salmi of the beard is L/.d.i that "the pp.,pee was that pee wield erne Nesmith the proemrestes w be ressee'.d ' " Omaha NNW UNITED STATES NOTES. WOW NINO ol ► is vee mama . ♦ ar .. ported is New York Friday. Flee s.•men have bees recently •pp.ieh ed solarise pubate is Pesissvlraata. A Mobile sad Ohio p.samager trace wee MW up neer Cairo, Ill, ••u LoraJ.y. TM Irish rdlegu p•rtten of the Wo ri.I's Fair ss..pseod is genuine both feet.i.s. At St. Los15 Ttsrsday . :sae nuuwi Daley brained Me wits and hided htmeeU. The Wells badJtag, al W,lke.barre. P.., was berated to 11e .stmt of 030,411 F'r.• day Alterutsors are rife between the uuius and nun -union luiol canal at Tueaa•t.cta, N. 1' Wesley C. Rippey, who shot Millionaire McKay, is auderguane hie trial at Sae Frs•i• 51500. The tool of Ltsnie Hordes has beau Eked for the first Monday in June at New re '. ford, Masa Ninety of the Shedden ('o's. truck nun at Detroit went out.05 strike friday for as lacrosse in wages. It is said that ISO amnion decalt.e.i tor• lag the stay of the British *guidroa ret New York . siva! review. The Kapsait on Flyer is the Rams of I. New York Oeetral'. 20 -hour trap. from New York to Chicago. 'roe Wbsel.ces'e day at the %Vold'. 1'at, . set for Wednesday, Hist, when _1..000 wbeetmen will patadc. Several prou,iuest New fork !aures 1.a•e started • movement W erre .+ stat• • 10 Queen Isabella, of Spain. Madison Square Gudvu in New York is offered for sal.•. It cost 64,000.000 sed has never paid a divt.lcnd. Neeriy 3(i.) Chinese actors returned to China from TaccNns, being refused adar.- sioe to the Cott. si Statte. The C.J. crutai Kiake r. ashore at the eats -rove of Lake St Biter, St. Lawnuc River, en route to Ch'cago. The •can:.hio Umbra.., sailing to INV Ifo York for E.tope et:t t.ke ort $3110,000 far the Runk of British North Amari.•... Johu 7.. Carlisle and Chris. Lotti. 1 as^e hanged at Sherman, Tessa, Fndav, for ale murder of Bally Sherman in April, 11412. The question as to the fare to be ch.rged on the 24 hour train from New York tit Chicago will be'RIO:otted to arbitration. The Possum Depot -tweet at N'ashingtuu believes it ba useerthed stupendous pen• aim frauds, am,uue:ng in one case to about 1100,000. The Tr.a.lury Deportment 11 aaoi0gtna is conetdering whether sutura! gas bre ugh( into the United States by pipe hose floes Canada is taxable not The Interuation,: kecel.rocity ('ouvrn- tio. whirl. meets 1.. 1 I'.ul. Mien., June 5, ba Invited Ottawa'. Mayor sad City Council to participate. The grand jury has returned 25 Sad --,b- esets sgtsn.t citizens "f ('battsuo.•g.y Tena, who are alleged to have been c.ts• corned in the lynching of a negro. President IJleveland hu made the follow. tog appointments : Coleels. Eder G. Givens, of Arkansas, at Wougtorg ; Francis X. KelIeau,'Maine. at Three Rifesa,ltuelKw, The body of a span eras found on the shore of Flushing Bev on Saturday morning and there is some re.son fur supposing it to be that of PaUi.ter, who taceps,d float S.ng Slag on the 20th of April. Legal proceedings have been instituted in Chicago to have the World's Fair op.0 u. Sunday. It is claimed the federal authori- ties have no right to override the State authorities, who aro said to favor Sunday opening It is asserted that the true isasun for the postponement of the Bordeu murder trial wa • desire on the part of the Attorney. General to Savo the mental condition of Lurie Borden 'squired into, whieb was re- sisted by her counsel, who declares that bis client is asap OBITUARY RECORD- 1t'illiani Barry, ,. pioneer of Ingersoll, died Friday aged 87 H. L Reynolds, of the iwdwu Depart- ment at Regina, is dead. George Elliott, of Masoovtlle, Dear Lou- don, died very suddenly, aged 63. Cardinal Ziglian died at Rouse. He v. e regarded u a candidate for the papacy. Lady Allen, wife of Sir Johu C Allem, Chief Justice of New Brunswick, died at Frderietoa, N. B. A. Gascoigne, a middle-aged Montreal man, committed suicide by swallowing • quantity of vitrioL Jobe Fahey, bridge essdattor of the G.T.R. at Niagara Falb, died Friday night after • three days' illness. Joseph Higgins, of Cote St. Pool. the ptout..r of the axe, scythe and teal Mede of Canada, is dead st the adv.s."d ye of R 7maa Admiral (;omen Y Lo.o,wbo commanded the Spanish vessels -of -war in the react no- tal review in New York harbor, is dead se Havana A. K. Bevis, grand m.cretary of the Canadian Order of Foreet.mrs. sad chief of the Knights of Malt. in Winnipeg, deed suddesty. Dr. Bi A. Poitevin, professor of botany and descriptive anatomy i. the Uo.treal School of Medicine and Surgery, is dead at the early age of 38 years. ACCIDENT RECORD. Pittsburg has bad a 1150,000 fire. A tramp was rum over and killed at B.r- gia, Man. Two (nen were killed in • collisime sear Parkersburg, W. vas Matthew (YRrien was burned to dse % se New Rochelle, N. Y. Dimas Harris accidentally *het and kilt ed himself at Rat Portage. Francon K..ard, of Mammal, oewswsitted enicide M cutting his throat The levee near Lakeport, Mk., broke, motion a larges otion of the State et deeded. A dieanrees fin visited the village of Apohaqui, oe the Lt' R., and destroyed 13 beddiaga A large peruse 0( swag Like, a village .ear Greed Haven. ham been destroyed by in, lose 3140,000 Tim Methodietparameat Billop ihridga, sear Ottawa, neenpi d by Rev lir. Elliott, em. burned Therede1 The num. et North Galv.s►oe, 1.d., h.e been destroyed by fir.. J. J. Jsekae., hie wife, two mesa sad • deagbter were horsed ea dssl►. The re.iaeua of Kakis Beatty, the Wastes Parkhill girl, was loved floating in the Thames. She is thought to have eo mit- W ."raids Tee at.. were dashed 3000 hoe to the 1 bottom el a shaft i. tic. (aleetet mad Bode aim at He.gbta., Mush The breaking d • e0apliag pia m easel the dt.mmt.r Philadelphia sad Readiy N. ted exploded se the Lehasen Vm .y mud eatvriy ktlUae lha .egiiesr, Levi I Y.eaa, el carne. mad two ethers. II "SUMPPLLM to WW1 WA e1., 9 ., t stiff LABOR SAVING PURI FYI NG CLEANS! NG EXCELLENCE PURITY SUNLIGHT SOAP 1ar TMLklAll. - a*10., MERIT FOUNDED ON MERiT O: MS CF THOUGHT. The vanity of human Ida ie like a river eusat'.eruy leositeC away yet uuseteatly ce n,.*N; Un. apo-; of our usi.lortune• are more support, table thou tl.e wmoneute of row friesds epos 41151.. Ideals aha h oo!y loot lu the mind and are u• ' •••al' wi in the 1.1. u'l1 evaporate and . . r} ret. 1:ci.;sa is on11' tN,t, .•'.t , • rasp ,t mamma it i r•.metes .' •'s'e .11.1 ..,.I.ww the Men '.' b.,ana ase •-h r•. d,.t1 and tee s t iu arca, a ...s ter .,..•,_ • •,r, Elm.• at tine - mule 1.. .ett4, ie,.. , ., . Kiel word- an tits g..tle ih rivers with* kelp to h,.4.f s -ti.rr 11,. .pliu'..r•1 sere of ba.,an 1 . sea*. Ib tie. • • 'II Olaf stte:_'• W1...t we wadi M Ity,o,.. ,"A ee.o•ya..... s.-. e. Weans( fit• .,N slot rinse a 1". st 65 w ase ..• . U T .. PC yea p.., t 1.- sestet. r :; • • t .. , l .•tet it lee hods . • .; Herr* Ls sees. .,,.L amities. ►talion a' .1 7s has 4 s ober •..-'i. u h tin,. s r ail«.... 4 h. I#•,r t.. t t....e •- t,o ere li ••• .141k,j el.,. • •• e+ u.. OU, i • ki.•T 1• :a 1 ry e'a.e T..:.',. h., ,.ermau Iefte.A . k... ,(.,' #1si. i~F,u ,. e.•..00s at SS° t90 •.• i( .0,000, are .s.e,. ,1 r . tem ty, retitle, • 151 ie: 1,.li.0 wt res .n rear, roan rt.Ilen1.N.,:t• Itra- Rgnrer t., a 4.+tth ee 8300,000 1'h. English mate high --x600,• (X10 orS1,4100,000 os the avenge figura . 1 . carr : a. It ! .,• • t.. l,e • tura Ideas **beet. "There is a mon idea twenty years ago had a 10e1 MD. alarest within his rresp-to- ,lay he ie too/ging his Lrea.i ` Hos se.t : 1t'hut pre, este.) kis securing imtewt`" •' A dettctite sesb!a,t hon at the last mo- ." Gtr - : A dew bell !sat been put up a the .cl..oI 1..•614.• in S S. N.. 10. it ie a ting one user u a wart to the .resigner, Wm. %left nal.l. B I BICYCLES MAYS A OTANOAfD VALVE :IRV ANS MILT TO SELL AT IMO PIMP O?YIRED wanwvaevtv... 5v Tie Coold Bicycle Co*.u irlat abed, Ont St...l OHO Neuss Sv.. Teas," O. W. TgO..,T3o T, ACUE 1ST T, GODERtCH, O4'IT. Mite DUNN'S P3AKINC POWDER fHEC00K%S6EST FRIEND PLANING MILL FVIM ISIlf01E' Buchanan & Son, '. ♦ vrrraOT'reso. BASH. DOOR and BLIND ttr.krs 1s all kilted": or 1893. Hatrper'e ILL CJ8TR_6TLD. iHaa�t asrryys •8, naiiv."si1g1k{ed/� .t. a wilt std ooestm *5.05 .Nsa hss ebMtdu is.d It hum iM gliatteg• Aslaas tnhom aAabls eses sf an js�ar than w hr Mesen w tiNe► Oman ikm R s. Mori - Marisa ss uuAr Morn awl buted by lb. wag Ninthly wooers of taelealpt Matter i. lemmas. Ktoa lee Iravo. Sl MART tlst.a'i. dMarraswr peas: marl TM eoeriptive aro/ s us m JrLssN K tune w ems berm cad esb4ects ; by T.Maeam 11 1 M Poi steer tllostywa amnia M Ksaaau nun's. Davis tot • sec; by t'olouri r..t. throes.. Easters sea ►uwi. A. Assent ulsatrattws d .p"are"s ('aeedi.o win he rent Mood. Literary articles will becowtrlhwed by t'tlssus.8a.w'v Siosrore lira. Janus T. YIELDS. WiWatt IMAM Howct.u. Rt•:apuw itarrxcwc, mu Misers. _- ; to HARPER'S PERIODICALS. HARI'ICH's MAGAZINE ,.Per Year 14 ee N.1 RPERS WERQLY.... 4 et HARPRRKN4ZAR. . .. ♦e" hASPER'S 1 0(714'0 PEOPLE t M Postagr /rlw to rs tit the UMW notes Tb. Volo..." or Sha erne tic. \tambsre for Jus. �s;i� of Isla rear. Whoa its Item M will begin with t8. Number semen& el W time of reoets of order. Boa./ Velaseees eat. Harpers Masmine tor three mem bask. la 1. s,�� sibinding, will be tont b Elia Mid. on receipt of 33.04 pre volumes. Casa for Nadine. Uremia ear b -be mail, gust - 01188. Res.tttaso.. should be ad. lir Port.ellbes Illi*ey Order or Drax, to avoid eb•soe .f 1(1. t,err. err wog to c.p,r ► the. od,e.tr I �at the riprea. ariad Harper It Andrew HARPER It BROTHIR8. New York. J s93. Harper's Weekly ILLVBTR AT]tU17_ Heard'• Westety L aca11011wipe a. etawdlelr *Menest ills.Irsted weekly parted - Pols Is Aesestsa It uoonrlee a place br4 'lees mien sesaMynimprebse. Itisallisdess batWthe baffled As* Meer end that ofkelae t8 litres= rt,�»ttl�ssetM� iMl e"ecls 0 �,a�•t htawend~M'M�t w..mp themeses{:of Ief !a► w1p (M sweat �vr�t y the bwst seam M tko /neat lixpaitfoe brut aY sale 0e beet.ssvedr. Every Witte event of gee Nal Interim will be felly illutrsted is its pgy• "as, its contributions. befog trews the Met v►rlt.n and artists In tier country, ft w111 esti- 'tone to excel In literature, news• and 111asus• 11,6., all other medications et Its clews HARPER'S PERIODICALS. gee Wear s R yNAPERS WEEKLY .4 00 FIL14P1X8SAMAR.Ap/NL 4 M HARPERS rouse PEOPLE. seesit s0 Posta w States, Jen band Mair. a la the natal The Telenet the Wismar bele Nee its Woe het Y����,� ymrwfH w i t I/uwstrr r iunest the thee of rir rr"e1aIBaws." of H.twrsa'a W.ewy for three years back. ii neat cloth Nolteg, w01 be mat by mail. postage cid or by asle hss. fres of .mono. 'provided tiaeet dem sat exceed one de1Lr per volu e. PAD per volume. Cloth Case for melt volume, esitabie for bladlsg.{gwd,illlpl be seat by man. poM-Nid. ea to Gitlin a.."m mhmm-. ovld be roads by P.Nce lay ()rater or Draft. it. avoid (:base. of A' ere net to mom this eideertU. mewt .14.rt the e:press order al Hasrsw t R.vra.al. Oddment HARPER t BROTHERS. lie. Tor... 1893. Hamper's Bazar. ILLUBTR £T�.D. tlasrww'a BAZAR f. a Journal for aka bless, 11 Rives the fullest and totem lnfuewsstlss about Fomites, Rod its nusrerw.s ulsmlatlMs, aha~ deems. sad petterommen alike to the bor tam wsskark�pwIe b.sl a.dhte. Ne **- pease Is M ameba its Rothe lc attractive. Nem of gI !Vises order. Its bright stories. It .8 twat"*. din lam d osetkttul erase est- t�btuaf )dilalss�Nt dee wit & id humor. IIn 41. w 8nea aj "rerytURg a ina.ded which loot ❑levan to wees,s 18. Serl•ts for 1 d will b wrttlaa lI£LTRA ROaPT and En.a Lt s Tamers" Hcwascx w111 VS pesstleal series. entitled Al tis lwlwaes Klvo. Hove Tonnes haloes. bgadea� Caioae. W weals w111 be freepost etlmilrDt! VMS. The work of moms in the Oslmtt a Ru ratiiolons. 1' W.Hfie. IawHh mow m ON Men.' will please • aurin ea ,-IARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Tear i HARPERS BAZAR pap HARPERS MAGAZINE HARPERS WEEKLY ... ......... . 4 00 HARPRES YOUNG PEOPLE ...... 1 1e Portnoy Lhw.de, end Morro.ks o 9fatearims thing NM t0? ---0 Mil RM! V'- The Velem." of the Basos beim wft� tis Oat Number for Jamison Meath year. The .. me time is wseatlo.M. subserbonins with W Itttmbw merest at the timer r t Him year..olumes bask. .est of order. spate as". trill Abat by men. po" m. mildieoo4r fitly Mama sen dollar p5.M veltieusne . ts, 37.45 w (1m5o for each velum. sellable ter .8 b seat by sat peen• -paha, ea e*.e1N eoof SIM mu & I5lltt..e abeam lo made by Pooh". Mpsey Order er Dseek to svel chaser of leu. JYessmrslpwa ere est a WAes .d.544c,. Betas* the deprwm trier ei H•seafit Addrees : e•RPIR't BROTHIRs. New Torii. LUMBEtt, LATH. SHINGLES � n"t w, •ltd builitses .ae t.rt•I ' everT de•eeAptto• �"�� Rebel Farnitare a Speciallty. i t The Signa ~lb uses St ep.oiJ akle.t+a. L• yt labil eiti" pdattittg. A psratrtI of filo •wnuaae► atm alar ems* easaltWag you ha i• assi sew/ is sash arse we y� .it yoar isol SO�adsal that Oar 4~11 to pees" will meet wyk the approval ef oar estrous 'lZOttt \l4.Ci�s This i&aetiil Mise i1 kept in the fey rattled gaalitien mine a. teni, better tikes In this line we have • t't•ry large stook d fine itutg pspee,t sot able for ,ser,wrclass vis resented in this totality, ccs pneinf laid and trove, limos. gquadnlle and other paper or smoked, as may be required. 18erttt0 vails are trot so Ssautally used, they fill an iUpaJttat piste in oowwerttial 4441-OleT411.011411110. See what we've got soder the ahem head.. .WIt iAitAx ►s If tie " payAwyoa.so " pL►n was the order of the day the craned for a000nnt paper would not 1. *o great ; but there are sane as who get .. many darner that they wonder if the stock will ever run out We don't intend it I. and at present oar stock is can plate in this line with four .fess Good paper and neat ruling. WicetemeMs Both single and double dollars and Menta columna They cons cheaper than bill beads, and are the proper thing to send after a delinquent once a month. They are sure to fetch him 'round -- sometime. Now, it would be hard w get along without eavelope., and to keep up with the tleatant1 for them we keep a large stock on hand. We have now about a hundred thousand in stock, sad the prices will range from 75c. to $2.0O per M. We handle con mercial and legal aims exolustteh. COI' %8ttt!4l iA.ttg has already been party enua erated in some of the heads above There is, however, a vast einem of work under this head that to enumerate would more than take up the entire space occupied by this adv't, but we do it all at Tea Sit)NAL. 1 ratlf\ta AOhI. to an "At Home" or a wedding require considerable taste in selec tion sometimes, but we make it an easy matter by keeping ie stock the very latest and best ample* to be had. Call anti res. e.tetbkktitrti We aim to excel in all the differ ant kinds of work we tarn oat, but especially in this, and keep in stock plain and fancy papers suitable for all requirements 'roterMeta et entertainments and meeting promptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the most elegant with cord and pencil attached. Cares tui & TteNcets This head coven a large range of work, from a bread or milk ticket to a neat calling card from an or dinary admission ticket to a tasty badness card or a handsomely printed membership ticket. 'V osiers Our facilities for tensing oat tai class of work are miaowed by this fact that the great balk of it is done by .s. This line also in- clude* Dot&gars which oar three fast-ruanlnpr , prams are able ie tarn oat in a eurpnnngly .bort tine. I Qke $A.ks belong the poder dgpartmeat a].0, sadto we !nuke a ttp.oi.lty d --prompts..s being oar aim in this reepeet A notice d ebb will appear in Tem Storm. free el charge when biii. for .am are got hen. #k‘. V:vont4t Oi 'W Orr is tie typographical printing Imo sae be astabilehm.st in an asp.diti0ms tad artistis maaa.r sad OY►r 'Q V%tas 8l&k.. be Sok totxy rtosanabbt. A. wrier theelkm roe past 4*" res and tldiei1 a elNkpa►aes d d" .self/ 'r �I►�tl 111T011043... .Gimpog.tiff