HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-5-18, Page 5T1IP.. SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT, THURSDAY, MAY 18. 18141. Ttie CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OftP101, TORONTO. M/R,1� — 11191Ls MI l OM DOLLAR. - N . O L WALIUM. Omsga*L. amens*. ...000.000. 51.000.000. CIODERICH BRANCH. A 6EN.RAt. BANa1N0 Btfs1NZM TRAwaCTED. FAomiwss NOTTS UsaP.OU.TED. DaAf Ts 1taD PAYAILL AT AL., POINTS IN CANADA, AND THE PA:NC;PAL CdTlas 1111 T/IE UtoTso STAT[* GREAT DRDTA$s FRANCE, BERMUDA. ac SAMSON DANK Sg►ARTMUMT. wows or s&oo AND UPWARD! mammaD, AND CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST a, ewt0. INTSNlM eT i0lO TO TM! PSsNOS►Al TICET TZ [Np p/ MAY ANO •SSR 10 ZAPS TIM. sp.ttn ��a�� F-:t.'f �:' Salem l • 1 AMMONS 1111190111 40 iho 0ollectlen .•a .» ...•.. ». , R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. COUNTY CURRENCY. Brume!. 'rhea. are 17 bicycles own.' is hro•• Grey 1'he .wail esato only rsahsed the aedttoni ' i tt a OS the dollar. Brutal+ %les Il.y Diadmaa r:3ee a .My and does it rr.edally too. �,,•: .lames McMio\asl, left for 1Ntro . t. re be expects to fled employ. .1.t .,.tart.. arestul Robertson. of this ,pea, got his loot est while handling an axe es Teeaday. H..rru Urs Met. Warwick bas gees tc \stun.., I t'., anti Mies Teas Camp. Iell •'. elaboke. Grey Mn. Goo. Dunlop lbtk maces nes, kgs a duck egg mcsaerieg Si in by y. is.. awl weighs one pound. Wm.e:er, Mies Elle Seadessos. who kgs lain m Manitoba for tb. past 4 years • hone r'. • vett to her parents. Ne .re R I.ivingetos ban moved oto 'he •!ueee'a hotel sad D. Kennedy is occupying the house vacated by Mr. Living - IMO Wioatatn . Henry Drainer, formerly stn .1 \C 1t'ebster, of this town; is mow cor!u::'N< a siwc.__ful tailor -Lag Weiser is 9tiy!feld. 1:rsrets D. Lowry and awrta.a coin asscr,i work as Thursday of Nil week at the art len.•', bleak so be used by Poet- ess Farrow fur • postothce. Ssaforth : Isom Miller. of Hallett, has paniu.ed the Bell farm is that torrnab'p cesta:r,r.:_ nose hui,.ircd acres The farto vas eat.ed by the lair Hugh Bell. wferth Mr. Handle. who is in the espl•n : ase Rnadfoot k Box I rsitere oospanc. had the misfortune 10 ret one of at nags re sol wv.l badly os Tttend•y `eaf•.rt: Mrs (esker, Lowther of tie psbhc a.h..o',9eefefth,I[roerlyof Sruods, te account of row harts Me given up uritis • until after thew�ar reestiea. Worsham P•wteneslt iliac hes been Confined to bis rotes Mr armed* of fire. w oks w 9th a rectinveme d MS SIoshls Which No .dected oi.e of Wiese Ow a somber e yew. Beutri. Inspector Dermad, repromst- aags the 1t'asrloo Mateal, was is tows es Yoe.t.i .n.i adjeste.l MB/tokens/ Postmaster Farrow •.n.ection with the dsoage to W h•,,l ! by the recast are. MT was Wesel. Grey ttliver Smith, who km spent fire ytars aboard an Mosle.ms was of war, is bane o• . viat to .datives and friends He is . Mer. of AMP. IIm4N, of Wrmeter. llr .,uith has sew weed deal of the world is ha travels sed wI go bsek to the es - ti... Wwghan J. E. Sesame„ 1. Swing, W. :sesto.e anti tees Shaw,Isle ever to Gdericb and beak.! Twasor. Tey rs. pat 'Walter t;.;' J.& Osarts' trotter, se Mier well, aid sasidesse Mss he will he in N shape for the armed tees is Brussels, ea the 20th In1ie. )lilanis Bros'. Roan is brag mined m llme els, Morris : The assts of the bridge arbI. truism amwwd to about 1.396. The ar- bitrators were Judge Totes for the comity ; Wis. of WiaRh_m. for Mortis town- ship : aided J. A. Mertes, of Wiegbam, as the third stn& 1a the .wand arnvd at the .1 udg.diosstd and the probability is the de niion will be appealed .pint. 1t' ham : A ahsage of 000sidersble importance task place is the 0. T. R. time tah1. oo May lb. The Kiaeardine train, due here now at 6:30 a. on.. will arrive here EJ minutes sooner, .ad lobs Lomail maim timed to armee hden ere at 7:60 p. stn, will not leave Lando. said after six, amv- ing here about 10 o'clock. Bruwb : Tuesday, May 9th, Mies Rradee recavd the sad iutellireace of the death of her brother. He was • bridge con- tractor, working west of Calgary, N. W. T. He was injured ou Thursday .ad died the following day Mies Braden hes gone to her home near P_terboro. Mies Jo.n Roes is teaching in her department during her abreaee. Tucker•mith . The numerous friend. .ad . ctlu•iotaaces of the late Mr. Strong will regret to leer. of his death which took place at b a re id.00s in Tucker_mith on the 99th I M..t the advance age of 71 years. His mortal remains were interred to tee Ed. tnsadvills cemetery, yesterday, the funeral being largely attended- Itecemed was • native of Artearh, Ire/and, and settled in Tsek_nmith in the early days. heece he wee as of the pioneers of Huroe. 1:rey Oe Tuesday mornirg, May 9th, Mendes Smith's team ran away treat his farm with a bad of live hope he was taking to Bruiser for shipment. James Cardiff saw the team Doming sod ran out to stop them. He caught the Meek rein which broke and he fell, the Admin pamieg over the lower part of his tidy seriously in. jutting him. thio d W hip was also burt. • pkysiai.n was aalw ssa the ,.dirt is Alin,( quite saner h!t will he sen for wine Nam It tees s dim. Dalt Mr. 'a Lard tiles NNW N the gravel ibs&— lead .1 hapime distributed alms the sea- abaft Pills Agra. Kiageto., M.y 15. Mr. L. You of Wolfe Isds.d, opp.rte this city, has bees card by Dad de kidney pins It is • well known fact that Mr.Vott bus bees a sufferer for years from b.ckaelm resulting from die. ordered kidssys, se meek co that if is • _t.adieg parities be should turn road soddenly the pain would take We breath .•.y. Is _peaking of his ease to Mr. Henry Wad., the d ''.t of this city, viers from .bbe pnrcY.esd t6e pins, be : I have bees . roarer for years from puns is the back and kido.y disease. Have tried liniments. plasters, stalemate .d ether vas •• from doctors and druggists, but cess of these re sidles helped me in Ib. Mese. Hearfag Dodd's kidney pills so mach talked of, gave them • trial, and as a result two bona cared ons Min tare is probably n ot as marvelous as inasy that has recently bees made by Dodds kidosy pills, bat it is creatiig ....idersb(. alk .red osesmest amass We Meade sad aogrisanees here. Lo you wear Shlrts? Our great White Shirt (unlaundried) at 48 cents is equal to regular $I Iaundried Shirts. A better quality at 69c., equal to the $1.26 Iaundried goods. A good Flannelette Shirt, variety of patterns, for 39c. In everything we sell we give better value than any other store. Stt Wes!, SVC tu e W. ACHESON & SON. LADIES' COATS, CAPES, REEFERS THE LATEST STYLE. We otter for this week extraordinary values awl redactions. in the above. WIDE, WIDE FRENCH WOOL °RALLIES GR08 ROMAN & CIE. A number of now .designs and colors added to our immense .tock. No manufactured wool goods throughout the world hare stet with such universal favor this seamen as the cloths sent out by this maker. 60 --PIE CE S--60 TO CH(N1SE FRO31 AT OUR CLt1sf: PRICE, 39c., ‘VI 'l1TH DOc. NEW PARASOLS_ 30 different styles of handles anti mato., to choose from. Frills, Shot and Plain Colors at Close Prices. EVERY DEPARTMENT OOMPLETE. W. ACHESON & SON. LADIES f HYGEIAN SUMMER VESTS. LISLE GAUNTLETS, Size Guaranteed. AND CHILDREN'S WHITEWEAR. In aur IIII1IJNEHY IIEPARTIENT You will always find the LATEST STYLES. Our stock of Walking Hats, Leghorns, Chip Marques, Flowers, Wreaths, ornaments, Sc., is complete. MRS. R. B. SMITH. NEW FIRRX. OLD STAND. R. W. RUNCIMAN Has purchased the Grocery and Confectionery business lately condo by MR. E. CAMPAIGN', at the corner of Montreal -St. and Square, and begs to announce Quit be has added Largely to the Stock, and is now prepared to meet all old Customers and as many new ones as will favor him with a share of their patronage. Special Values in Teas and Sugars. R. W. RUNCIMAN. Lusty LIBERAL A Convention of the Liberal* of West Huron will be held in the Temperance gall, 0oderich, uN Tuesday, May 30, Commencing at 1 o'clock P. lI , %harp, for the purpose of ap- pointing .delegate, to the Ot- tawa Convention. and other buainesa 1. H. fanning, W. Coati, President. Secretary. Seafartb : Mr. Kisa, formerly of the •p oeeepabo� kw meweekspast, y fee 1ies.to where he purposed nmsiallt/ fee. few days, sed afterwards starting es. • three _este tear thrmigh lads.. Chug Open Horse ORE IIIOHT o°NiLY. MONDAY, AA MAY, GG Nigh -Class Enieainoient Erne Elalile Hexi I.. Repertoire of Doimatie Re.dinp, Dasa: tees Me, .mesa, Greek Posturing, in Magnificent Cannes.. Our best pwple should hear her. Greeted by ovierirg booms everywhere. ADM1S81024, 25o. RESERVED SEATS, - 36.. Os Sale se Fraser t Porter's W Ingham : Revival wiesta04 lave bees eentismed i. the Baptist .bw,b by Eves- gsliet Whyte sod W daugheer. The meet- laes have been wsM atell. Mies Whyte is an wesoplished msieien ted her melee - tine en the harp are greatly appreciated. CaaBo9t! and Shoes I ARE YOU DEAD TO YOUR INTERESTS. You will save time, money and labor by buying your SOOTS ANO SHOES from T. FOWLER & CO., The acknowledged lenders in a .(este Footwear. We •Iso led in medium and low. Roods. For ex- ample, we are offering a besuti oI Kid Buttoned Boot for $1.16, and our ® OIFORD TIE 8$OEB AT 860. IB THE METE WONDER OF THE AGL Our Men's Be/moral's at 95c. is the best value in town. Good Hesse Rippers at 20c. W. carry a large aesortment of Levans. sand Re. - sing Shams, d prima that can't be heat. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIrEN TO CUSTOM WOK. OUR MOTTO : *Good Goods at Low Prigs." T. "OMAR & 00. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - RES T, 1 2,000,000. f,000,000. .4 Serving /ht.; rliuetel has 1e'eN ojtened iN coo. - ..echo's milk this breach. /nleresl allowed al teem tt rales. H. L OCK WOOD, Ma,ia(Yer Goderic/i Branch. s- A -W A ]L 8R, Carriage Ma,sZufa,cturer, Haring purchased the business of McCREATH & WALKER 1 have Row arranged, sot only to continue the 1 arrtage {'rest., but base devil fti to do all classes of work to HORBB-8H0BIIt0 SID OBBBBIL BLUCg3YI?flII, NONE BUT THE BEST OF WORKMEN EMPLOYED IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. JNO. t8. WALKER, 2396-1y. PNUPRI rroa. The New ," C -rote s, STURDY PROS_ Have a ntot.a of Groceries, Crockery & Glassware which for quality and price cannot be excelled. SPECIAL VALUE IN TEAS. The INDIAN and JAPAN TEAS which they handle exclusively can- not be surpassed. A TRIAL SOLICITED. STURDY BROS., Jam' AT G1O0. GRANT'S OLD STAND' ULALKR Iti STOVES AND RANGES FROM TN! ZIasT c1A tvae'fl$ sla. jigsIps decided to t ut oat ydour old stove this w._ d ms wry T804ST8 Mo)T.ACS YOU CAN GET A FULL SIZE NO. 9 STOVE FOR W000 FOR 513.00. I KEEP THREE GRADES OF COAL OIL IN STOCK : The Amnia= WaterOw Cdoophoao imperial Whirhite, W ta, - - 4 aaldoong for Na Casts. do Thee prices are spot cash. Charged at the regular prise. SPRING FASHIONS IN Gentlemen's Fine Hats All the newest and nob - blest styles in stock. See our DERBY HATS IN ALL SHADES ; aii.o our WIDE -BRIM TOURIST HATS in latest colors and shapes of Eng- lish aril American manufacture. Boys and Girls School gats and Cad In all styles and at unequalled valuani. Call and Sae our Macintosh Coats, also our Splendid Display of Umbrellas. NOW AS TO NECKWEAR We can .Iaow you the newest and most varied stock in Four -in -Hands. The popular tie for the season is the World's Fair Bow. YOUR PATRONAGR SOLIOITSD. 1401141 Assets W. T. HAYS &yCO.#.nndry. MISS CAMERON Aline N alam_es that she has returned from hes' Sprig •.s tear. sod has seemed the lastest leading nevelt/se L MI LINERY oompri•ing the amain and meet-bsemaing shapes, a well se a complete eteek of head esus. Trimming Geode is •11 the new shades sal .abets broaght out espmiauy tor this sesess's trade. I. tamable. the miry eambm.rs is tldsrieb and vicinity who have favored me with their patronage es fert.er.e.s.hs., I extsad • cordial aviation to the 1adies to rail .red impost for tbes.eelv.e. MISS CAMERON 511006 -ger HAMII.TON NTRKET. TO THE wane or 8011111111 111D Min Year ..r— i n fa called to the fact that TM= 303..CE0111=72.C. a new Millinery Mart, West -$t, next door to "The Star (Aka. IS NOW OVEN I A eao display of surest Irma aad A.AiN.a ins. *114 Mir IIf>slir(T to l 0011D1.111,1.T IXYITilk