HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-5-18, Page 44 THE MIONAL: GODHR)CH ()NT., THURSDAY. MAY 18, 1893. File $qnal, to rtJtiumm1 EVERY THURSDAY MORNING) WV r. tleati/1Jt-I reit. 011ce of Pubillu �,c10 ufo !tecta -street. Fern's et Sua•ettpthea 1 One month. in advaacS..s... . .a Three months. ...... •••....... ail 1 One year. '• 1f credit is .seed. tis WO* pr raw 1 M nTil he ................. . .......... advertising Nair* Legal nod miler casual ads retirement., tile. per 1. lie tor drat insertion. and 3 maul per 11.. for re. b subsequent insert nor. Measured by a nonpareil wale. Business toads of tits lines and limier. 1' per year. Advoniermente of Lost, Wound. N,nted, Sltu•tiw.s 'omni. tiittusion. Wanted ...d 8us:oess ('hero.* Wanted, oat eteedini; e Ilse* nonpareil. til p•v mouth. Houses on Sale nod Farms of We:.. not to exceed Shoes, N fur first month. Vic. ;her gob- lin) nen t b- ee°•ent 9onLb, iarer edits. to proportion. Any special notice. the objret of which is to promote the pecuniary benefit of my i.i.ti- rldual or .•o. ploy. to be considered au ad- vertisement and charred a••conline4. Loa: uoticas in nonpareil typo 4.10 cent per word. se notices lees Im•a Mr. L,c-al n ova in ordinary reading t+ tee ' xo Dent. per word. No notice tor lose then Say. Na tees for churches' and other religious and benevolent institutions half .-ate. s'.mmerrtal ('.settee' - Ada eel tae mewl.. .t Limon, number of displayed advertise Inc r•. will he inserted at the Itollowing rate* : Per m. t, one insertion. • ... • . p pl •• four insert ions .. ...... •' there months. t nD •' six months 3 00 one year. No advertisement ler than two inches in lenectl; will be calculated on shove haaia. 3 per rent. di•noont allowed for cash payments no throe months' contract : 10 pee Dent. on vitt mots hs'..ud 15 per rent. on • year's, Thane conditions will be strictly enforced. twat •• The Mena- i" Sell wee y. enter r.ber who fail to receive Tet: Sto?A1. reerMarly, either by terrier or by mail, will confer a favor by aoguatutlwg us of the fact at as ewrly • date as poesib e. (set 01 Wear label. Your label is • standing receipt of the ditto to which you are paid up. See that it :s hot •ilowext to fall into arrear. When a chance of address is desired. both the old and the new address should be given: - Rejected manuaerlpte cannot be ret.arned. Correspondence oust be written on one side of paper only. reWlaber's .Settee. J. C. Le Tourel• of Goderich. has been ap pointed Local Travelling Agent for the town- ships or Dederick, Colborne. Ashfield and Wa- waneeh. [meal postinaders o'. er the district are also empowered to receive subscriptions to THE Sten a t_ All communications must be tddreesed to D. MCGILLICUDDY. Tee Smn•L, Telephone Call IS Dederick. Oat. OODERICILT11011111DAY. MAT li--- a TILE Mei M 7AT. Next week THE SR.ecAi, will go to prem a day earlier than usual so as to allow its em ployees to wave the Old Flag or go fishing, or anything that suite them on the Queen's Birthday. .tach hew the ease our esteemed corres- pondent. will confer a favor by sending in their news budgets oo saturday or Monday. Let's all get • rustle oo and give the boys w chance to work the loyalty racket for all its worth on Wednesday next. Toe Renta TEmrhoto or Tcwrasason, of l:odench, caused • Clmton editor to crawl so far under the been that his had sticks out on the other aide. Ws HA%[.'T / MARV FOOS " RoKiRT Bit -, the man with the influence,' who was the "fat" contributor to the lioderich and Clinton Tory papers a few weeks ago. TH. T.Avat,leo •ASSENT tar Tien P.P. A. was in this section lately and appointed a well-known Conservative to the poet of local agent. It will be worked along the lines of the played -out "K1ual•Righte- a •bemr. Till ,. EN Kitti. urn. ro\ as 11114 sioTww amongst the " trooly boil " i. " I would rather be a bugler in • Canadian battalion than a ('opting .Junks, of the Ulster Horse Menne." Nem- Wrocker, of (lintoa, please copy. or RIN. ARDiYL 14E41Rn through the daily papers that she mon mitred suicide last week. Well, she ought to bean authority, and if she try' it isn't so, why, them, it iea't so. lint the scamp that first got the item in motion should be punished all the same. Ties ucarInw• orncawwt woo, rens& instruotlona from N. Cumin WAI.I.Aca, of Woodbridge, wen goiag to enlist 900,000 Orangemen to march upon Imbed, hays not yet tmooeeded in aeetiev cm of the brethren who is anxious to face the maria. iI they come across out they will lead him to the Chicago Fair as a o.risit,. I . Naw YORE o.CawT1.T IT WAS Die eovered that • number of the polios cap- tains were paid weekly by noop•mta of illegal memories and homes of ill repute for protecting them from armlet. is u to he hoped that • similar state of thine has net inspired certain 1uscttousrise of the tows to oppose the appointment of • polies maids. tram. Two weotuwswr or tnu Last. ter Asset dime es he Governer General of Canada will be hailed with rtidactien by every ons, whether he believes is the perpetuation el gover.ors-genal or not. The Bari be • Era of some brain, nod with • will of hie owe, who will sot go • fishier when demi of thieves hese hese dissevered sap to the elbows is Ihs public trea.wry. Tem Eorroa au. OOTPVT O► TIr■ Curiae rine News- Record lest week pre areas e,i- denoe of crapulence, aided and Masted by • 'strong emetic. it's pretty moarty time the capes returned home tram tfleter Rem kr stilted paragraphs are ahead e1 the lex of a.ma*i.g eschew that hit the wheat. page ire week •d that het mybM smell ter the stilted paragraphs. either T.. lira m Awga • re ■ vow we as Ten Resat. alas& ea Irish Hesse Rola. Tme Sears Made trday whom it hag sewed DIM the Awe ef lure Bpw -M fairer el Home Rale for LM•ai and • Parliament as Caney, Gres. la the dare wheel it wee acouttsted • high mule and • meedemeanor to espies the mem 'ilia 8141. NAL °peal, Adraeted it, and to day, when abler advooetes aro presstwt 11e claims be- fon• the Imperial Parliament, it etasda quietly by, hoping for the culmiasti.n of the scheme. and satisfied that l:u WTON' will, rl spared, bnur Iwbt out of darks* . Now that 'ties tiw'tAi has answered The Star's question In • etratghtforwarl way. will The Star be equally caodtd and tell aa sipectaot public when it stands on the Irish Home Rule question'. Ir THi EAoi. o. IlyxikT •E %UT altlaC1. he will be disciplined by that toyalyakot•a„ J al t'Atrritu. Horeins, for casting alum, at old British tastttutom that Sire otters down from precedent to precedent. The Karl is • 'wish peer, who has just completed a dee mouths' trip throurh Japan and the Isles of the Paoinc (Loan, and is now visiting the Chicago Fair. The Earl of It . is 34 years old The Tot.I.En.v Mt faintly, of which he is now the representative, is one of the "Meet in l.reat Britain, and claims Saxon ,leacent, yet bar the unadulterated Briton talk. Said he " 1'd not gine • brass tuppence for the House of Lords. it has seen its best days. and I think that before long it will be re- placed by an elective body similar to your Senate. Things royal are on the wane any how. IN course. Eorlishnien think • great dal of names. i don't tore • tuppence. The royalty comes in handy, because England g.,vcros so many diversified races. I don't care a tuppence whether ('.sada remains with I:rest Britain or goes to the United States. Cm in favor of absolute free trade between England and the United States. 1 w.LS*T•ATE d WAi1M111. THE tib. x.11 KFi:RFT [\.-IIDI F:1.1' THIT its esteemed onntemporary, The Star, does not faro- the scheme for having • police magistrate in (.o.lerich. It is rally too had that one truly good contemporary is op- posed to the idea It would be very much better if it could see eye to eye with other good poomle aloug this line, and take action favorable to the scheme. The Star honestly, we presume, states its objections, and claims that it is because cer- tain scheming and phoning persoms want • polo* magistrate appointed, and not be- cause tree town needs the services of such au official, that the matter has been brought before the council. It also claims that there are eight or tee justices of the peace in town now who could, if required, attend to all oases that .me up : and it further •dee•mm the ooatemtlosi that the morality ei the Mea is surely as peed as it over was. These noses, if they could he [mee[m- fully brought to bear on the car, would give our contemporary some grounds far working to frustrate the appointment of a police magistrate, but tf they are °Confined carefully it will be seem that an attempt is being made to draw a herring across the stent. In the first plate, no object Mit the better- ment of the town has moved any of the persons who have taken action in the mat- ter to ask for the appointment of • police magistrate. It is • question if then are four justices of the peace in town, qualified to act, outside of the mayor and reeves. The former as • rule, do not care to take cases when the mayor is always eager to preside, and the two reeves aro probably affected the same way. Besides, none of those mentioned except the mayor is vested by statute with police cotttol of the tom, and it is because of notorious dereliction on his part that the appointment of • police magistrate has become • necessity. A few weeks ago • riot broke out in one of the wards of the town, caused by the inactivity of the mayor is • Bagraat wee that had been brought to hu attention. A house owned by • ratepayer and occupied by persons whose bad reputation was known to mayor BUTLER., was attacked by some 100 or 180 of the resides* of that district and damaged to such an extent that • bill for repairs is sow before the council iron the solicitor of the ownor of the promises. Hall • damn constables were within earshot of the riot, and aino.gst them the night watchman, but woos mei them took action, one did the mayor instruct any of them to act. For yeah brothels have existed in (lode - rich with the knowledge of Mayor Byrum, m, and places for the selling el liquor illegally hare studded the tows and yak the had of the police department has refused to act. is cams that here moms Wore him of per sons charged with illegal liquor selling, • dismissal has invariably welted, with pasta win* the oompl•isamt, and it it a well-known fact that limns in.peotor Pats IST will not bring a ease before Mayor Beretta. The Royal Tenpin of Temper ares have aleo had ea unfavorable Impsrt e ncs before His Worship is thio oonesoties. That the morality of the town is as geed as it ever wee. ea The Star ...tendo, does met imply that it oonki toot he im proved if • respeoteble men supervised the polio. department of the tow.. Bet it is not as good as it has beim. le November 1891, a hook of ill fame twisted is erode. Wish. mad about that time two of the M- ambo got druib mad raised • disturbance around the Square and es Montreal area The Seer, bib eredit, no that 000esiou els- soused the inactivity of the authorities and was i.. remeaW in ceasing Ms owner of the haw is weasels. to clame the pt.mi- te. mod leave tows for term of months Will err contemporary tet y the claim that the moral dondit est at the sonth b is.dary were sot mph hater dewing the Masses of the " moiled doves " than it is today • To.re are many other remises why The Sea should joie with the reputable pee* of the town is Mist for the appsi.umn.l of • police wagnwrate, bat we w of opium% that the aseeereing are smfsei..t to prom to err ...i.. racy mat it e • minssie he wok "gala. the immerse. N tae Mmes eel She pasta.. of • piles megist.amlas • lift, when hie lea serram se holly nssd.d. viten M eaetTl/ j st hews to .sawed y the r.tepw.ma ' loot al W g»Wk b appellee Whir er I BEIIRING CLIMB ABANDONED AMERICA ADMITS THAT IT NAB NO CLAIM. 11 1e A traced as Waehlaseem Taal, the relied .tete. rte lee clear*, That the (,.e.bto. le Sae .1 Rwmwa.iy avid That Amerce, le Wire ter lerisi ea. WAsa l\..Tsar, May IA -The pr a Id the ehruea g 8e• se ea Thursday toned great inters. is Wasbagtwu. 1b iau,t•.tkm that the Caned States (hemtr meat alight sot be willing to pay dam." awarded ageism it has led to • gonled ducu.•iou of the position to which this °e.. ernntsut u placed 11 the case as mule by Mr Melee and presented by conosel at Paris. Under the ,:ate at.d argement all the positions or clans of right made by this Guren,ment have been abandoned. it is n o luegrr claimed that Behring sea is a ' close.) les, or that the I.overnm,nt has a right to protect the waters from invasion for Teal rules (tom ria shores. The prop,.ttien that the Goverfle*t has • proprietary right is the seals and that they are not wild anima*, but capable of ownership, seems to have been oontributed 9v Mr. Carter and Mr. Phelps as an miser - testing topic for general discuaiou. Tee caw as presented by the Asterisms counsel conies to this: That Great Britain and the United States ought to mak• joint regulations tot the protection of seal life. Now it is contended hen by persons familiar with the principles of intrsetiooal Lw, and the strength of the coat -tome will be recaguiied, that if the Government never hail any right., and if the whole queetion is our of humanity, then the 1 ;ov • eminent is liable for its invasion of the right. of others For example, it being admitted that the Government of the lotted States has no rights, it follows that any *Mute of a Brit- , N6 sealer for violation of our pretended rights was • deprivattou of that sealer's rights. Consequently the (.ovrnteent is Sable in damage.. and If it refuses to pay those damage. it will empty be because it arbitrarily declines to perform as act which it practically admits to be an act of jug - tine. This is the effect of Mr. Blame's case. It begins to look as if a venous blonde' had been committed, nod as if the nation would have to pay a round sum of mousy to get' • ut of the difficulty with honor. The sum of the claims made by the British sealers against the Government is neatly 6440,008 TIRED OF LIFE A Water Oatmeal' 00teid -.-1e Seams Aaelesed ler the Am. To*osro, May 13. --William W. Bard, Y23 Berkehey-strest, was found dead Saturday morning to the bushes is the rear of the Woodbine Hotel. Bird has been banging wooed lkn tame track continuously mince Thursday Barr mg, until which time he had bees is the employ of Witham Clow at Turtle Hall. Samuel J. Hill, 1614 tjues.•strset east, discovered the body at S.:10 in the morning. The police were notified and the remains were transferred to The Morgue, where an inquest was held by Dr. Aikens at 8.30 o'clock Saturday night. On an envelope found is the po.•ket of the deceased were crime these words: am a member of the Sone of Moslems. My passbook is in my cost potshot at Turtle Hall Good-bye all Mr. Clow, the dooea.sd's late employer, eon aseip m rearm why Bird should take his life, as no taalt had been found with his work as head waiter. He bad been draw- ing good wages and living meet amicably with hie wife as far se could be seortaiaed. Mrs. Bird, who was eonsdereNy worried at the non-apparaaw of her husband seam Thursday, when he took tea al home, wee greatly affected when the news of hie de- mise was broken to her. Bird was well known about the city, having acted in the capacity of waiter daring the post five yah. A RAILROAD SUED FOR TWO CENTS Met limey, Ret a Primed/pie tavelvN la eke 1.ne. WILLIAM.roRT, Pa, May 12.-A novel suit •galast the Fall Brook Railroad Com- pany for two coats he.a hem begun by A. F. Martin, • Jerwy Shore lawyer. This snit may definitely determine the question whether • railroad company may legally charge mon than three mots • mike peeresses fare. Mr Martin, to get hese from this city, is obliged to travel over • branch of the maim radioed, which is ssvea-testlu of e mile in length. The company charges five meta fare for this distance, and when Mr. Martie offered his mileage book, the mediator tore oat checks for three miles. The later objected on the next trip, and offered the co.dector three mote, claiming that Bee cents wag two ante mon than he proposed to pay. The trans was stepped and Mr. Marti. wee put off. Theo suit wag brought ageism. the company. DETERMINED TO BUICIDE- Trawl se rat Bet Thews, with seine's, TO.. Jalapa" Wawa a a Modem. Toao' lo, May Ilk - elia Sefton, • •piestr. 08 years e( age, who km to semi time past bearded with Mr John Berrie, 70 Dundas -street, made • determined attempt to take her life at 830 yesterday altereee.. She fir Nies te cut her throat with • pair of doll seis- m*, making • jogged but set dangerous weed. She then jumped from • wl.dow •ad fell 26 fat to tbe grouad. Dr. Todd of 169 Celbg.-avenM wag ail• std in and limed that she had su.tus.d • severe seslp wend sod injuries to the arm had leg. She was removed to the 0onoral Hospital about 9 e'ck.k •d will reoever. Miss Nantas come to Townie with rela- tives sheet • year •g. The relatives re eontl) removed to Montreal, eve dace which time she W been despotisms LIZZIE •ORDEN'S TRIAL. 11 *111 Se cwt.. the rise' taern•ap tm Jew. le mew Md4ecA mase New R.nyn.n, Mea May IR -Al deck w u the feet throe the WW1 of L. Borden is to tale pies is New Bedford le ., lest dispelled, and it is new hnaws for s 'enemy that the lasses molds" urs via he Balled on the fret Monday in Jw at tis smut hem. la thee est,. THE EARL or AS& OEafb Erle *_.,-.mens as •eessmea,Msseal 0momar Awomeei Loeser". May it -It reillslidbeokmtd that the Lail et AL.ann hie hail papainted ii sseril of Omit Is the awl id Dui*. Olrley Nwho i. !Pease, wahem Mite e ���memamm 1 N Osieemisiefiglissakb THE IRISH BILL IN THE C'• MMON$ A Mosetew ot Sao mew\•e wb.i. I.r u1 amalser. Lessors, May I& -The wprenteey01 Parterre's 1L. t over the Iriswe steads left, • more aoad.mie de eta otos ia the peeaunble of the Home Kut. BIL The Gevernseut refused to add ea) words age sruug the power of the Imperiel Parka• meet es tr all perste* and th+ue tat Irdud ea welt as is the red of the ...*g.b•m. The Irish membra hat• opeoh diciare,i that they will not wept any rrpremtey than is est •iermaot, .e to the ma -4 o! the .ole•iss, whisk, according to Mr. O'Brien, are as fee as tae air. Mr Gladstone refused to enact that the Irish Legi.tatvre is legallywbordine t.. tle British Parliaat.wt and the stle..., of the Irish as.ntbers is regarded on, this Parliament as well ea inside aa pi .of of the* proems of 'gearing with which Mr. Chamberlain *mud lir Governmaat on Moeda emote% lamed el eiplatsiug what British supremacy really gamut the ministers took refuge in the apptiyltioe of the closure and, so brought about the tremendous row with which Oust nights. aiming mew cloned. The thecus'ura of the first clause toosgbt two circumstances to the treat which here provoked no little attention. The fret two Mr. /hailstone's declaration that 50 sail the Irish Legtsl•ture aul.ordunahe would be to bread the new bre institution with the Iry sinister. Thu was naturally cosetrusd es • distinct escou: agement to a•ptrations for bedepss• deem The other incident was aawcietd with the vote on • •eoosd chamber. to placate 11. Ulster ininonty the Natw.•'ime were quite sling to accept an ineffective t, co 4 eh..nl,r, for as • natter of fact this slim guard c.0 do oro mon than dote.) a measure for three months. They doubtless prefer • bogus council le the protecttou of the Im- perial Parliament. But the red signtti. Ale .t We 1 vote went beyond the mese modest of Obs Irish Council. It was the unreserved assertion o1 the pi temple of a second alem- bic by the Gladstonian uajortt]. When the agitation come to bs tamed against the lards for rejecting Home Rule, as they will uudoubtedly do, Wed- nesday's divuioa'had Mr. Glsdeta.e'e ad Mr. Brutes justification of • wooed cham- br will be recalled against the aseulaste at the Lord". Dr. '.Wallace, one of the ablest Rx.iicals ►a 11.e lloase of Cnu.roone, ranee tl.e ..lib. of The Saotan..n. is one of ti.e tea Gtad- e tonian malc., tents. He bluntly t.i•i the Prime Minister 'hat h e wee only ronstao a bill of Soni.• ko•d oe any kit. i is order to rot it pursed too -mesh the House of Cwtirets, then to rouse the oosatry again* the Lords for the throwing *opt. This was mon unkind titan Mr. Atter:e% douse' team that Ole wood .bamber wee but• bey pklphius for tis Iii h ('atoeti.* Perhaps the /moat e111H100g incident of the we.k's debate was cls la.merio emeonn er between Mr. Glade ..,e .ad Mr. (':tamberlain on Tbsr.d•y eight. Tree Bret clause had .'caped all .wteml- menu intact. and the House of I..i"•n•nes wt. invited 10 rote that the elm* *toad he a.ideed to the bill Tau pre Mr. (oleamberlein au .•t•por- beaky to revtelthe situation ia tau usual sear.rl.i.r. nseparing, caustic style tie demen.kd to lin .w what principles u the me*sure the 1:.vernment 'sen pre pared to inalanuato and what they wield discard as un.seeatial or imc1Jeui.L He referred especially to the retention of the Irish membrs, the question of flame, the separate treatmeat of Ubtr Sad the war contribution. Mr. Gladstone replied is sae of the moll efeetim debatiag speeches he has ever de- livered. He evaded Mr. Chamber. I.a'e pests, wrought himself into a stab of "'thalami iadi`oatios ani declared that on the four subjects spesaf- wally wed he bediven tall and explicit information. b he oharectwtaually added the weeds"'Relative to the stage se w bleb the committee has arrived." H. declared that he would sok be drawn by Mr. Chamberlain, and advised the Nationalist members to Imitate him. His gasters were .simated. He was fail of witty taunts and roused the enthusiasm of he Irish .apportera to the higl e.t I i' h. Y'-•crtk. 'et" til . spotoh oostrdeuted hails ii.(wsttt..0 lo the Noma though it afforded fresh 'videos" of ll/e. Glronon srdetese'. skill as a parliaaneotary fewer. UppUM point, teleuti.Y of the Ire memMra,Mr. Gladstone •Reis made it clear that hie mind was open to conviction. His language eolith seed the current bele( Mat the °overawes% instead propueisg to retain the present Irls► repre.s.tatien at Wens. Mester with all their existiag anthority amid power. lir. Stanhep* somewhat spoiled Mr. (,iadstoue'e dialectics by declaring that he bad never heard more astounding misrepresentation than that the G.ver.- emst had fully .xplaiad tees policy. It wag only the Nationalise ache knew the Prime Mitis se's muuunna Thursday night's debate closed with a seams of great spree, the G.ver.meat f0Y• Mg is their mime* la ,.'h Melina Masse through all its stages. This was w ar nano -retied till yesterday, when the div akin lists .heed • (*Teriesewd majority of d. The discussion lit now commend ea the sesend clause, the imm.flete isms boiag whether the bill Mall suite the 'pied• ile skies. ea whisk ala. the Irish Logi" lawn have power to deal. it is "widen, MP the praeti.l week' asg of the 0.is e he left, aeeeed's' to Mr. Wean, oro11 isem M them an understanding. The House of Csmmone was fairly ms hounded he how the Premier's rewwkaale ionhedsa. "I" he said, "the A► ol•rati•e el the Na int members libel they say they regard the hill se • amkb. meat in the same wayse i weep lir. PP - sell'. deeIaratte. le att." weep This credulity wag felt ta he the mem earprtsiag when it wag remembered that net wan weeks have peened aims Mr. sad Mr. MoCrthy refused to ne. sopa the arrangement M =if their one. esmme, and whoa Mr. pMssll'a is eemmltee roma Na if wag larergb Thee he said that he did nes Wes Mr. Otadeteme, mid only asserted hie bill In ISIS pre mato, Mr. Olailleteneo declaration weethe �� /ataeeklmg laughter from A S eamme eels Inas Ilhee. Benne try, N. T. May l& -Omer Pastime, • geese pile man, was oleo .9 7 e'etoek loot evening .ad it is believed fatally worded by • w named f Hall, whoeepe here foodhostta.. Pe., Ilia the pimps, ire Maybe HIM d eenaseridl Aura. theta ihmwrms/ el 11•s7 t.iea snub . tea---�Les�ee�- /art ....Sarre IS -Nein Teel.. .1�18py7. ..«..... ..BliwTeni* WHAT THL PAPERS HAY. Deeds' OWNS : Tota would With t1 1 tithe of the Memel 0...- thiltit mew at heed is eMseet to their dein for atoh�lties. they would as their friends at Dison• to give It to them. Leaden Advertiser : The Kamp law '•pads[ a Was en every w over 21 who does not vote has her declared osnsN- totitusl i. • test ones. If the elector dem his duty be .mode the tat. What more simple' The Kansa law stems to he as improvement es the proportion steeply to Alsfranchis. • utas who fails to do his duty by hie oouatry. It directly reaches the pocket. 'furont° globe : Of the (...ilia. faster The World says :--"If there be any plea for ameliorating hie canditioa the govra• meat is always ready to take it up, whether it be is the way of producing • tetter clam of farm products or o1 finding • better market for them." What be most swede is • li'ete kindly goveruatcutal neglsst. U the Government will allow him to bey Obs chimp he minims to the most advantagense marketa instead of fuming kanr to purchase from not ovr-scrupulons coatbinee he will ✓ eed little aesist•woe u the matter of im- proving the quality tat his prodncta I Ottawa Fres Prem : W are so much higher in free -trade Kagl.ad than is the protectionist countries of oowtinental Europa that workiapls. are Socking to E.gland u thousands, sad the Imperial Partiameet is being urged to do semetbimg to reeteietedien immigration If the protectionist theorise about high custom; Milks increasing were sound the movement of would be from the Beitiah Wands to tis oomttneut instead of vies versa. The oenc.ge of increase of population in dentin the pest ten quare was Iarmar then Canada. Hamilton Times : The gentleness at Ottawa may sit in fancied security and *mak kudly of the beneficent results tf protection for the country. but popular opiston will morns their citadel and brine it low. The paid agents of protection is pores •ad public, and those who live by its iskl.itioua exactions will combat this view, so that the monopolist may come forward with his let pocketbook to swell the campaign fund, but the cobbles will be beard to howl all the same, sad their wreck- age will strew the land. They call m houses "Nomaslatiew' in cadm China, attest as apprepiate • mase as could he towed forges► isetitutioms, but their day ushort-lived hese, se far as (Treat Britian is cocooned, or we are so interpreter of the sign of the times. If the Reform oosvention which is to be held adopts free trade as iia platform, • long farewell to protection and Com.erv.tivs Government. The Lied Parlor will hate worked its emit. ASHFIELD. Krol onr Own correepondeet. The tanners are about therm with their sediog. The growth is very sapid. There will be • great druid be on account of the uarellitirilir a1f y buildings recently. The ground wait getting very dry avid baked. The beautiful showers of the Inst few days will be • great bees. Mr. Bower der got • mew smoke stack en his steam saw mill. which adds greatly to the appearanos of the mi11. The fall wheat looks patchy in roma places, bat the beautiful growing weather will shortly make • great Amiga Hamilton is likely to hays smelting works ertab0t.bed within its haute. The city soli- citor has an agreement with New York tai whisk will be submitted to popmLr vote. The Wealth of Health Is in Pure Rich Blood; to enrich the blood is like putting money bit •t interest, SCOTT'S EMULSION Of Pers Norwegian Cad Litter Oil and Hypp4asphitte9 poexin blood enriching properties in a remarkable degree. Ary yea all rat irons) Take Scoff's Emulsion. Ahaost as Palatable as ■ilk. Be..e and get the genuine. Hewed eats et wise lellns, lisaesia R. B. HOLLAND, DIINUANNON SPECIAL SPECIAL VALUE IN THS W. B 8ANDFORD READY - MADE CLOTHING And a Special Discount allowed for Caulk. We placed a special or- der for these goods, and conse- quently have a very heavy stock .g hand, which I wish to reduce at ,.nue, and in doing so, the public will get the benefit In Canadian and Imported Tweeds, Worsteds, Cheviots, Serge'', &se., the stack is large and well-wlorted. Good Tweeds and Merges from Abe 45e. and 50c. • Yazd- finite to order from 310.00 up- ward. Now is your chance for s bargain Another eooaignment of chaise Tena. A liberals . owed for (Taal. Fop bacon as emah. elk ; B. B. KOLLMDA,,,,,, NASAL BALM .NdeL Cu Rf` coi6 �N hew AA y• lO ie oilo. b ka*sew w�i. A N �• CATARRH OIdChftPn (CUT PLUG.) OLD CHUM (PLUG.) No other brand of Tobacco has ever en- joyed such an immense sale and popularity in the same period as this brand of Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco. Oldest Cot Tidv«s amamllled- twin in Canada MONTREAL. Cit Pb.g, 10e. It B Ptmg, l0n 1 Ia nog, 20c. -TI-1 - RECDGNISED STANDARD BRANIJS Mungo, Kicker, Cable. Universally acknowledged to be superior 1n every res- pect to any other brands in the market. Always reli- able, as has been fully dem- onstrated by the millions that are sold annually and the increasing demand for them, notwithstanding an increased competition of ov- er One Hundred ani Twen- ty-five Factories. Thin fact speaks volumes. We are not cheap Cigar manufacturers. S. DA VIS &SONS MONTREAL Largest and Highest Grade Cigar Manufacturers in Canada Tam EmCTEO ALIO TT PAIN BT Tem Il0 ow AT D8. E. RIRHARDSON'S DENTAL rasaawa MEET NM SEGA 1li3T-STSEET O0DIP =. 1i.0.,4. me smllmud eatietMeima. after e tie result) I�stt+�aM1 anent emit•! pesos. Ie m. Mgr ,amve 'mMmmttreelegS mdasey�ve,�it a �w D`w.ysemAs/ emir es es�`mei Mom ser'some. vast prism .A.le Thaff w' !OSSA. *it a st2 :36:561 0.1W Mune r M le swam* Ills e.$nnsitaRt• ftfa M1so. ism tMTr ge INA. S. INONAININOIL oriamissmosimasimmosi ledmerr�m tIS a•ii isory -mrd bride sad Mime Heim_ Te. ei iter es