The Signal, 1893-5-18, Page 2Y
1 W for sewer
was tie beat 1 ever ate.
Thinks to 1.01TO1-ErE, the
Mw 9M seueaahl shertwsalliG
Yede cels by
\Wellington and Ann Sheila,
operators, who are eompelkJ to cry '•u:
hone, wha: is the goal • Why displace the
operators whose wages area .+hall fraction
of the creeps! of aokctephooe system In
order to tu'r•elu :e oc:lrl complications an 1
The ills we have, ' to wit, the extremely
affable ladies at '• central, we are
all more or loss soqutinted with . uow let
sa too:: a:. cue or two that at present see
" know not of," but which the automatic
tiro+e. t.or* wo .k like to run 'la up against.
We .11 know !.ow thoroughly reliable ele.:t-
rie .:urresta are w•heu there is a s •k of
els*T Lilts saw °star* fila -Oen'' Matte
t. Tits *.nesse•-Wart Late TastatMS
es Ferran& 1'roperti-Tbaski ►b. Thee
is Not Ts. alp. Ise Steele Tea oat Load
1., 7N1'NN1/A1. MAY 18, 1893.
• Trowels 5 r41•V map•.aa. 1b• N.arse 519
the Y,.4.5 rs4d►a.a 11..154a5.
Thew word Nirvana hue been tabes
mirundrl.l•.si w To g.i a
chair •'o,upnJtcusilw •.1 u. you musd itlamr
ietwud the das'trtue of Hwldha Aa
t•o•rdlnr: l.. hits, lin unlet to attain Ilse
.npn 51w awd, yuU ,I)U.t undrr.tand ex -
11.'11. al,.. four tribe. whN•h err : the
datnre ul pain, low t auoY. Ile terinina-
tton, the way which twrldut'te to tads
tenni:.:ui,•m l'. in is berth. km., totters,
'The Wal tiovernment of New linin.- uW "4:e, 'load'. in a w.,nl. "veal OINK
wick Lately eppwinled a C ..i•.n 0i win' •• •"rtsututes the p•lsuuality. The
three 1 G elle't1 information es"1.• .4 Isla 1* the; s' 1110t10" "1113
Mid make suggestions on t .0 .Jr,'t a ,)i Ile,nti. Th.. lel 14114431NN1 .4 the penin
ldul pYl T (
The plY'n ltlrY Wee �' h'
.ors 1 IY tel erns I'NI
the 1 f ter'"lu.e+ want'. the thin' Gtr arti:xt
la'i axe Ica'• ,f,)ma-s' when thio' Irresistibleua. this
Mr. W B. t'han4lt•r and he ha,. just ea- when
gatljyuy. i5 r.lwltdeh•ly
. cad an interum report, from which we hattrMd. The wit! ..t ealcaU'x, ' • ''..
tetke the folluwny( ,utrnwting partscu- news ..f extinguishes. thie 1 :, .
1i� of putting an e'Ud t.• thiea.,tivih. \'••'1
the s.+trral points IM• ruwulwi.'lt .•tut -
1 iw t 1 f lhnlwi superior ' sheds teilvati. vl by ties through 1, to -
1 d tl t tl Inti, he + *MD of the knutt lodge d truth
spier* t prettiest LTA " u
slate,. 'f Iwl if nit elate t• t Wt .,f •;•0144 ... t
10 that now to ',owe in New Hrvnsw wk, . Tee
eh r* tiectin a s• I .etnd is the Nast Iw1 .roe
are the ange*iugh, The full..wtnlg ( pry -swain,: ,M• dew' urth. in
are the change* 51st#nmendrJ ni ib,'. P 1
nuulet•ti1.0 : I which the wdrvidu..!ay is in
1. The exemption of money* in4.aWd 1 llu thirdste`htatrl'ww11ha11n the la_-ttdl.1 eon.: BY WING
iu rtlgaK'... owl tftat „uh lis iuten•.t portal 1•f the 4•i' • is no longer .al,♦•
Wash Day
No Steam
u the work
epee{ dews
that amows
rI es 4elteate
s uauM ,a* Aa •
fam11. sash>5g
• 1►he'at b.'sg
M9 Mur, Mats
Te lin
You Saye
) HOW 1
received fru 1.1 wash int..ttsl wtaa415 le L. • f (life, t .r min • i : 151 Iso• Ir• ,.uu.
a,r2. Th n. 1st 111 1011 pnyterty' venerable." what : and thio last 4,Wd w _- v ■
Y. The r.iri,i U.,u Of e all 11.#ts.. cattle, expresser that be ha. got lid '# all ate
41 1 1 1 farmer..
1 an. awns• empti ,t IIY A
a3. I'l. tidal .. .niptienl .4 to.• Itxonle* Ihnti.ou., of all idea of ts•rtautu.•lrlx, of
.,f unen 1wnte ur Mlwr persons derived
front capital liable to a . etoetil.
4. ,l„ to 1,ww1 tw„perly. that only the
Income derived fn#u it be aweefee•l.
5. That nlanicipai come i14 ie given'
the i pti..n .4 imposing a '•bit -anew. tax. -
Thr report .1•ntains sit;niticunt irwiica-
I1uo5 of Ile growing itnialrtautw of the
.i ng I. tau lll0%4n11•I it. Te- •, r••ferettisre
are made to tb4 gu,11.M. In their opctigeatlatrr. a partial n4tltiGdalitwl Of the
tog paragraph th•• , •cull. •.•Mums say :
'.The.otuuun.b.o parr tee,. fat„red 1 subste lee.. •.f a hicl.•' 1114 .o 14 a 1041ss.
bk f . t,1 .t •.earn the auLwtruce rx-
ista or not. after the ani.hin; o4 our
poreonaliti. to of w. inti.orlatice. We
all feeling of hi+ own wkolout. •d alt
tra.w.'f igiefr. m.'. 1VIw•u 114 Ilea re•w••h-
e.l that point. he dies plly, acid
enters into the fourth state Nirvana.
This word .. g.' thought to ulnas
absolute material a•xtiuctiot . Such an
i'•terpret-eti ed 1. not exact. Nirvana 1M
thrcxti(.lion ••f :*•-thits. and. cone. -
gla.11 tiv, of per duality• ;pus t, •saint(
mont sites. l*G• i, but an ifIu,.un, an spa
w ith 1711111.11 inf..rinati m ipon the so
•ahead .eog4• tax eyetetu o1 aseetwnteU1
110111 pl•rtwws interente.1 in 115' uwteutenl -hall no longer be std.jrrl w loin. to
it the I'nitewt State, null in Ontarin. .vil, to eel. t0 the J'rlghlful yoke of
where the agitatl.M 111 fat„' of this "y/- life. Thr eIc wiH• •u«I•'tie ..Nr
tent 1.. apparrntl gaininit ground Iwd ab I twdividttality. detached at fast from esicle
..tare. t1 ill .tHe•r into rhe als,olute n veer
fr„n. s. 114,'11 'het t. Ill go'enr fir •one 1.)
(orm t*li•r (rings.-Trtuslatr.l from 4h.•
French ter Tlw 1.iternr' 1 egret.
being tart f v trimett 41. Thr
•'•w1041,ai4111 .10 1144 think that the
:1110• a. rtjw. int all melds in Hire
province. fuer putting id promote, the
lrwciples of the ,angle tax system. but
they clearly metier Net the elaborate at.
tempt, //lade 10 tax all leo-s,n:al property,
and tepreialh viicli i.-r500al property an
mono,- int ova •.1 in n ad • or penw.laf ,4411•
ties. a, rtgagse. leuw.le, put.n of band,
and the Tike. in many arta relstlug t„ a.-
,e*.nteut in the Province- '.44 nada 30.1
in the I'nit.•d Stat. have sI'.•getlwl
faihsl tut arra .,ut tlw intention..4 tate
d•ut lit the key coatat.ts a leakage re (tamers of the ,e'er*l .11•
battery power to ground during wet Tat. report pt.e•..-.I-t.r.•xpttew+the uplu-
weatber. This lam: fee::.or is so 1n4101tant 1•'51 'hal 1411,1.? 1.-r,014-11 g•r„jterts • anuW
In the a•IptlstMent of a alagne'. and variation 1 unRd,•r prat,.'nt erre•nm-(.*uses a altogether
that a tele4raph operator has some! ones to
keep the ajustiog *crew of Isis relay con
initially in iiia haul• while using the in
atrument. rhe "automatic • etcbange in
Instrument. for each telephone, eontaiw•a,(
four or five magnets. is expecte.( to look
'atter itself • no operators need appy,. to ed-
jrat 4)14.1(, to imam itself. Aso., _to
matteally put .n, it► awn bi.4) an•1 tucker and
to 4o to char-il Sonday-s in fact to lead an
•x.mplery iiie generally : uo one is allowe 1
to t i s a fa•"erly in'rrest iii the oryhsu le•
tame t, hot "automaticow- tic
1re a subs•riber wants to call n
earni h &pita' ant has goo, through
Lb omhtalisti. performat::e on the keys re•
gnired to make the ueee.wry number, and
we will. stretch a point and turther suppose
be has done it corrl:+ily, and • eme wander
loft 'microbe of is fly, as we ex spe.kt he
might, ham leen tooling aromel one of the
•ontact points and tate uuu:hine has slipped
A toe only rine eoe . mind, to t'ile passible
'1999 Instead of the general hospital Ise'
would he Just as likely to get the pail.
lthag'ne what • sh,:k to ('holly s feelings
:t he tried to all u his.wel:theart and 4;o1
oIi.'*rrl ft••la taxation. vel:
"Tit. opinion ..f (he 4'011 lnII.•41011 0'
that an attempt should be made to 'made
iy the present .1..rtvau•ut .let 1n the
direction •'1 1f1l'eaiII)g rattler than lessen-
ing the- nmell11/t of tenw•ual property ex-
empted from a•.1M111ent. AU '44 t„ 3041114
:lt;t+ Lt-sOSIP.IT.lhu farultug ciao!)
this province. up,0 whous the burden of
taxation i. 1,,.•.ws.tanly 11.41'. . „w ing to
tkie fuel that a few farnw•r,, baso property
•#her 111: ). I l :.) 4. 11.11 is ops 1. to tie...
readily- •••" os4 and hopr.ihl. to
ennead 4r„tn lh. :n.e+w/r. a1,,1 A. at„jd
11•+ much .141 1...1.1141. ilea ui,Iio1'4a1
frsture•. ul 1•141) .',lens ' •f iww eroneut
which suns h. 111 311 pt'ole•r'V of w11.;41-
44'51 Mature."
The retort deals at • oneudrahe nowt
with the quo.151.0 .1 laxtnit In.•rtgages.
asterisk's in•ugg ground against it. One
print 114'1" is that esperieaee lute shown
that such tax will always lie *bitted
froru the louder to the b.erruwer. rider
Lt .. ruteslaut that the latter .Is:ali pay
tate. or Ly 3,• iticraa.ed rate of inte•red.
pp IIn 11..• gw..r.1 principle the t'•,.uiuie-
at: undertaker. or th•• effect on th.n.'..ding stoner- has,- the- to ay :
output.: of the 1 . W. C. ie. if sante Ir- '•Tac IN":ethic .,t the 'meuquww 4
trotted hibuliet teach her foe a brewery and 01000•. w imvs+trd 111 nitebteges. ism. been
ordered a dozen of beer and one of old Tont
gin and seat it in a mace of shakes at that '
There would le • •lelaghtful uncertainty as
•o what were It0tnr 116 get shoot the host
u e.0 the' would 1r particularly harming.
It would be a .onl dentroymt' invention, u'•
doubt of that if yo wanted tie 651, endo •
Army, for dost otos, and Kot the Mercer Ite-
••atwatery, you would not, metaphorically
.peaking, take off your hat std epilogue to
She polite operator at 1'entral for notupeak
eat planer 011 to The restraining 1n-
Asan•s of that young lady's presenJe a+ it
were would he absent, and you would :I
►amine the dark depths of •he automatic s
transmittal with a blue streak int indigna
thee. would make the sin worn aisle (n
try and • trey it all easy e1 once.
Amy system that ltpeud, on a battery
,•urrent to work its mechanism at • distance.
must in the nature of thing.. be ,iSoent*ie.
The hider* of the writing telegraph that
wag shote some yah .ego win entirely slue
to this cause. The apparat 1. would work
perfectly n ith a definite reebtance and uni
form batters, but mese inoperative when ex-
posed to asci ntudeaof weather An. I distance.
If. as 1. proposed, a ...minion battery main
is used with ''ram'haa t., each ,)'lcr1Ser. •
erect on the line. tishle to happen at any
time, would paralpre the whole exchange.
the switch hoard would have the same
number of es the ordinary
'tlephone serit.•n hoar.(, woo the addition
1 a complicated ',tree of atm.:Minivm to
p1.,* of the plain annunetator drop of 'he
ordinary system. It's adoption, instead of
,at int a the colt of labor, would pimply
substitute etpegsi,e m.chsnt's for rom-
parstivNy iaetpnnstr. operators
The clam 'hat a em.,ll ,•onnty Iowa or
cdlygr cnul.l Ise to - system instead of the
ordinary one .ioce a••'. Appetr to base good
foundat:..u. If automatic testi omelets were
:ostalle•i it i+ idle to say that they wouhl
wok afttr themselves they wo.W have to
',e maintained. It wou1.1 simply mean the
o tbstitntion of an •4tr►' to keep than in
order, i.sto.d of the cheaper Loy or girl
whosennly yoalitioation needed would be
• he ability to ring • telephone bell.
The I.nmetwat last of Hooey -einem in • large
,ty would far overbatim:re the amount of
the wages of • few girls, while the no •or
'sant el remits would be a neriona. if not
A prohibitive drswbwk. We have fresh in
am minds the words of motion given 05
'he ssbj.ot of eleetrie favatalente by th.+
prsliamt of the Caseous. Electric Assoc.
Mice at its last emeention, lent do not
think that investors. tbetrth they say sea
knew very mach shoot the tatter t.eb.aio-
slly, will pee, owso4 faith in a telephoto
05*psey who wnsld miter to equip ever
town and village i* the restudy sad latkI
break lie hem New Rrttaawie41 M behest
eehmbia ea a sapient of 1110.000.
m Nee Mee Mead.
It bas hese premed ever sold ever area
that Deedeeb lend Ilbesresereed�,
e.*Ny bi54seam, 41...•..5., aeilnle,
.04.1 iN..:. 04 i. Mameeb, Ever sad
bowels. Try aa. every Weis is guava. -
teed re 1.4* .r .sera Mhos takes ..sera-
+m111st dkeetkee.
adopte.l 111 Marland, .'a Jda•ex' huwtte,
New J.-, -toy ao,Lth - Province ..f Ontario.
311.1 w:• , ntrougly tore. "ruled by such
an aathi•rity as the H•.uorabhr l4,tc.d t.
wen.. when a ntember ••f the New York
I•ex:st eal t'''mniteston. The ('o Passion
recenuw•nde•1 the • x.1414#itln of tum0ys in itenttpagee and that only the
interest reeci...4 feint mal ,144 tuns
moneys be a+w' 41.14 a.. p -neral property.
true of the .tn.ngtaet argument, in favor
of this exemption is the fart that it 1/
altn.ost nnp.".ible tndew•.see the amount
invesle.1 by ant roar person in mortgagee
*pert frond whateve. informetiun may
(w fllrtitel.'d by the Iudiya111:ai .1.•w-."e•l.
%When e1 i. .onNdered flat the lender
w 111 41" ''s protect l ' '1f against as-
a.erueut either by :tn mereaswl rate of
Caere -et or by the e•.renaut of the mort-
gagor to pat all t.1'44 upon the prelpert
mortgaged dud the mousy lent, is to
manifest that the exemption d such in- to ie, tt all events. in favor of
the heerr•..Ter. and encourages tae in-
ve•151.nt ..f money in mortgagee within
the Pt ivyme.'. These and other txNtridere-
tioru have 10dn.51 the ()ommiselon to
recommend this chane in the preemie
43 *
lin their ..including paragraph 465
1.on11111M1n11 briefly summarize matters,
and t1ey hare thin further remark to
"The communion havo found the sub -
pet of a meenemr•nt an ever widening and
extending one. It is our whia•h is now the attention •''f many persona
in the ( rated *atm and Canada, who
have given and are now giving the mat-
ter special .arty sad *Uentiwt, and seven
in Kaglanl there r a strong movetweet
in favor of a change in the principles of
Lxatice uuw einem; ao.A ("muck 1h.
ground rent system in the (ltv of Lon-
don The increasing umber',( persons
a.l o. *ting the tingle tax principle
thew. that. Baal results upon the quest/am
of ..eeartnent have been by no means yet
1'11. Toronto Evening `alar .eluruente
011 the "evert as folio•..
' Rwadmg the details .d the way in
whteh the 'om it•weesl (hare been strug-
gling with iutrioste and ,vNnplicate 1 de.
tails mei efforts to get at (he t:n•get-at-
ahlr-that ie, to tax tendril in its protean
and ekiftiag (Kms, and to d0 r) 0411,
fah•*...- ons realises forcibly the over-
whelseisg of a syrsm which
swear away all this tnatatierooam mass
of botheration, and roverfll to the simple
principle elf collecting ail revr*to frogs
141e value *dirket &t wcltee to land from
the mere werki116 pe•.we*ce ed papula.
tie. 'Lead lee out of Actors, and cas-
To. W0'. of I.soatng s• It.
The Captain -Dv Jn e.Mim Pon*pdpge
phew the eseiwase. seal Lembo -up slicer
Nin hi"' -De mi I lads ere& •
iMAIna iimemille
11twar .p.etrwm *analysts sb.w. that
Ties s -oma Troia *4.151.).• (.0*.....
llwar 1- a near reelat,on.hip bet .. ,urn
ilia *petit- 111 „t nebula• meet the .p-t•t rulll
of now .tune. While. howrr•,r, lin Ilse
rye• of comet, v.' have to eonsi.1er but a
single swarms of meteerw. in the new
,tar• there 5re two .warms. whhMI. may
or slay n.'t he o4 equal •k'nsity .turd The *hat -rum of new Stats
1,, tln•refore. a .'••lllteaile s er'irtrta.
There is. in fact, a mixed nuliation
mei :i eps•truut of atwor•444.15
manlier to that pree.p'r'1 by a
t ariable -tar like )lira in Th.- What. ,
when it attains ate lltaxtmuw bnght•,n.4,
llre• .pw•ttitto ••f Nova t ;v4ni. to hes it
-teas that..elew.rseet-io 146. i„us.sted of
several 1lrtllianl ray. and titre... s. The
ray) of hydrogen *'ere clearly visible.
As the -tar bee.•:ne lees bri:ht. the rays
t.,•anr• 1e., nunn• sent 11. - hriflent
What le4s. 1114*,' .111403,sInjr, h0et'1er,wao
.• brilliancy or n ray in the i,•resti of
Ilse spectrum. ,• blcb no generally- regard.
s. 115 prier i{s,1 rev of Ilse "pee-trum
•.t oohed,. in 4(4.ep0rti011 :W the other
rod's aro rola,-sl. This is pr•'rieely the
pher:nuannen which would have heen
el • '4,o.d if the .tat were the Neadt .d :t
.ii.e ru of ew•arail* .4 nseteors. The
Nova .\ndnwtt•.la'..t IND apprerwt t0
.cure the east* *tealrum as is nebula: ILC
111..4 hrlthant tsart waw dere to ear** 4L
11 airir rl n. then, Mat e:tr•b w u fine of
' Ise characterietie elements of (he -tw'• on of nee •.tin. Carbon is ale. roue .4
the charaett•n<tit• e!enteente 4 tar .pa---
trum of swarms of meteors. Ther two
fa.15 pr•.11 14141( the theory that
ore- mars. whether tb*v have any eero-
nw'tion with nebular 01 not, nue pr•efdee-
.1d 1t• MIN' .oliisien of snarling of 111. t. • fr.
-Journal 115 I'hy,iyw' ---
rho reentered evade l5 Norway.
When the 43111.wus. Peace of Kiel w a
Iliad* aro til* 14t11 of January. I>,I4,
Norway hail been f •r neon' [ha') 4)
•'entirrle au *lMwnalr+' of Iheumark.
the °arms .4 tftir peer* Norway wase
transferred to Sween. The (orwr•y,
...•n• at filet jar -lined to rtw,4 chi•.• t
.I.,. edit ntly met.wnted 10 a uulon unit r
written eonetitutPw agreed 1.. , '
Sweden. limier the. eseestitutirwt "
•t ay retained e1e lull eovere,C•nity .
Swedes 1w.+w•rvetl hens. Tim. Ki:.4 •
hie !' w*.Riaxr Court at 1lit
..s be Ilan his Swedish I'utirt a!
e4„110. Each. KI%Aorta hli14 tow seri.
.•sesotteve and texts:aliye p mpee.
ministration. army amt feet. T1s.
m .tieing le ennunrn bet wet!. Inc •
king :time. ex vola the ..•vr•rsigt.. ' 1, i .
titgati4.•t.4the crow n.t140 V.1
k'ore4 h Affairs and the r••prl"e..:'.
• 4 the two kingdoms in 4•'rata;. ' . )))-
Now. if the part the Sovereign1•:
play lit the union la .tst.Rit,I(4414 ah,
clearly tlefhatwl..,R•h is net the caw
the el*eatas relating to dipbnetk• .. -
eentatie* and the ililet•tient of the Inter-
uatit.*dl relation. of the two St ,.ter.„
fI►is is the burning q.trelion, Ito' . • •, e
o. Ile* diose tteione which .41 this 'no's.
• i1 Pte tlw t e o taoply. Tr. tilde i5•:: e et
tee; wham, foe the brat nbole, Nor 4 .. v
'eel. ndrd that the .upr.inat'y .i1 %w..!• o
in tl..• k.rol4n affair, of di, ta.. L�
.151151. put N w•lca4 in a plate „f n,.•
unit, wlae.'h tt:r_ :a 44114451ia)R of 1eoe
*pint d Ike l'ns.n. 'e^
Phu qu.-'iurt w .ti pr.e1•ably i .sa . ,-
seltle.l alien tau $Lentis . •444(11(415 nett•
164.111 .dg(hieen 11)411.'44* honer uni•
-•'i) er1*i• ovule,. 11114114s 4.41e. I1 \..r-
. ay Ieavneee'edit wally d. 1.• lied frond
...Teti. they will form w republic.
4e"Pdldd to Easy DNeCtt°
t• 0 cad. 0444 •'S* ..0.•ar 4,11 washday
end try 1h• easy. elven'. •• SlRNLIGNT " •af.
N11'T 1 .., • rwth. r 11, 480 by without
1 trying lt.
44 M. eke '.era1.a Ia► 11100 e:0aer`
ally (4.55.5.
tT + :hnBollalo1'01'mer.1.1.
t1 1 ) .honld the Legman::: of • sermon be
..1;:.•I for three who Moat to cough to
L • The will remain with
4;12, to Mol
thrn:''. •.art..t..lwil(apparrotly show' o0
•• • 1 a *h.','" 11 ''loat-
, I 1. • e • un • • • hut
t. , n, w0latt
4.' 1. teat • 1.011n.'tkaa .'2 a
• . fat tune
lost , • .11t. ; yt . , . rehire.
11 •I , •.1 w.. . • , the ,t4tt ! si•le
11.e .. .,ughs 4 •• ••tat urs •.w the
etlset .4• •. see, . 144 btueta. it *111 &WWOK
Ake t:• 16c1t•1'' 1•..ta"•1e140,g'' Wetted
Lair. ,' . It. and. bus . t ..J, his
*If she at treat • a_' , • pi*: la
d e •.'.t ...,Ire •1.1,.- r •f n. 4•141..•Y
loo•. • • .1 .eat t • 1.1 t.'t•.elly t.•a tet
$arper's Maier
:'T s' -•,I L.yL moat •t •i 444
..'•'•. o: :It. devises h„ 1.1 lin 4. '•• sia•
' e r. • :hs hesanne e i •
L. coos: 1 +...hrwv her he 1. •
s]_ •.o a..,!., .d chs' !'r'
14.• r :: ' n e: l; sue sea.
• • • 144 •.4'•••rsolle• •cr
Odea . , . old Fellow, . .: 1 a
Cr'• ' • •' `'lett )ewer : he n'- . i •'• why,
art .1:44.4 14 wiry. he cou4h.•.:'tlauks
Mkt, •'am) •'liueate be:,on.."11 :.g e• .'n with
it ' •y• .n told
Hero - ._4. • .s u.. t. • .r. ..t3
o. ova::. : c .' le lib* ha. ... . 1
ra)'. oei•-044..std bemuse t: : • 1 ••t guwl
f,w-mn tut spit in .ihu:eh ; he owner do some
lid on top .d all these creme coughs of
'.4) loss xt y ley, 14,5 are cnsltrtb (ted to the
eeetr.1 fond lweettse some people cough
elite th.1,1.1otoot.know exactly wt at elan
to do. niers ie so exaggeration is d1 this.
\Vetch wine lust •t chinch, and see how
ere 11•14.:1 *111 .wet a k' of pe -(•k on that
line, *lar would nut have thought of cough -
Ing '('Ley heel not breed the
sumo 414'14[1155 seem to think that they
cannot settle down f•.r the hearing of gasps
troth ung( tatty have had ja.t a little
onrh'ie-g ct<ii ; it seems to pat them is the
'.roper trance . f toilet to li•trn to the
1 1 t, t 18'1'14..I1`TEl).
te let
INS will
w Itemoveadard
e a
tablir lource e1
ear two.. will raw serve tut' 1. COILS*
i R 1t•5Mr4114* Vornewo * wouleim sad
Wm*** a. Flows stenos will Ite •;•121-
tests Ills St rem penure , otar enu.1 the urs,
IRelsi(p�ACV It. w warts. Rue 1,1e.. BAND.
Kree DA,C$, 7Ieleta*.-f NO tan. *IIa%lla*
le•11Telnws. sae mem 0115545. The lllesirfwd
Jrrcr1 4170 wpm. will arae.* art + by
Joss.* fl*blltl,,,�' e115 •.5w Maui berm sad ea ''M•
e51t}tris; H auw
otrCNu ti ea Inst•: Of
Ptt'LTeat 11Ww on i210111111 sad (4011W ;
W Xrtiettp aatN!w Ieat tau. a meso• see
spa; by Ileloo*a T• ♦ 1kwu► ou k,a.t. rr IL= liuwlx A. A*5$Y'. tllustratlua►ot 4hahe•
Ser'. (*mediae Wu ue ...maned. literary
lltjplrt r0)rtrihutrd bl L aAaLG+u
s err. enure 1'. 4'tatlI. WIWa]l
hits!, Honut•t-+1. Hoax unit al1Tilt as. W
et4ere• •
H., Hl'irles .Udatj4N% -Per Yaw •0
ad EPEE% BAZAR. llll de
H-INFE t'S 1 OCNO PatIDPLR.•... . ' 01
Poseeste Prem to all a*herraers !a tee Vested
amiss, Maeda net .Mode•.
the Volumes of the begin with
the Neater ten Jane sad mbar of coca
year. Rama ts. Wee I. sebmfstllluas
will ole WM,
e[tNNumber owes' at ether.
moo oureeripth r. bawd
Irelerew of
a•t 'alet41 biNsmi wplw enM O! tttsil14et-
pa41. ou weeper volume. (-Meta
Caws. fort=s. ■ 41000 mach- hs awU, poet -
Iteu,ittarme• eba1d be made l'u t•odtu
Nome Osier or Drat.. to avo!d chane of
:Ye "1 ore aim net to eve tau .zdwretes
erett ttit the ripens order of Harper t
New York.
1 4893.
IIarper's Weeily.
1 L ILU8TRATler)
11Asra11'* Wmakt.' i, •.•kllowoedeed *i
strnd.c,: nle1 MauPy Jlu-'nte'i 05.4417 w-nud•
amnia AaaNbs. 11 eocup4ee • p150444 bet efe.0
'bat at Use hurried dads paw aril that of the
loss Mutely eseeten ws11t sirs. i ue:lade. both
interwove sad sews, sad primate wk4 poral
tomes *M felicity tae reel event• of current
Meter, and the Iaeate&/vs memo of emirs.
)n aoeema of Bayert complete eerie. of thew
t ratites at tie Wanes pair, it w ill be nonly
the begab* to the rest I3ate el
poaitioa• bat se
Its 50
beat evenir. )>rser, Webbto event of sae
viral iutere.t willo be fells illus• rated is tea
poem 4 6 contributions beteg from 1kr twist
write 1 sad arum* in ibu cetmory. it well was.
dame t1 armlet in literature. news. and Merin
assn+, an other eminent tome( lin eIoM.
niabouted*. Awakes's*,
A new and 111•.• .131Ml.t et. ekes+wyt of
,,lathes Sud con•• elite la now vbil l,•
:moue 'Mamie peoples. grery earner o.
111.• t..41.1 rate Leewl 1'11 •r•f
:( server 44• p..Illieal defeatist ; to :1
I5th-80mi of law relent tit .I bit h t •.o
L uroycaw n,Uio,.. he v. pawwl thou•. ,.u•I
t,. ,desire for aid to re ose r h... 1, . e
r .tree[. 541
The Goold Bicycle Caul.
Brantford, Ont.
Devon 1 rS rates Or.. ?mantle
urs ih' . 'w:'1101t•lti1V3
.lav In the march a f•ragnes. A (!TAN NI NO 4KF.
IJwyeh 111.Ia5M.
Approps of the law roes (lf.•htrlt Into
esperte on the witness. stand 1u Morriss.
trials, the areae a recalled where the law-
yer 151kee quiseieslly at the doctor who
was tes*Hyiug'ted said
Dsseon sometime make inetaken,
deal they r ,
M*c . se w Ssep"e. Wwes+led'd•PlAsa UNfestow. a *l LATH.areva.T'NGLES
fest maw".ak1 tea law
IC' ` odd the ' �`' 'lord Ideal hafts a
silo• 4.
Buchanan it Sou,
lee* 15 all Linda et
rev. II met
The Signal
IlArIPIIMS BAZARf. • .. ... 6
J[ABP B YiuYo r. oPi.r.... ape
Nwtesr/ree to all srbe rtber* is Me !Tolle/
51.44.. CCawnAn owl .Merin.
'n.e V oluant. of the 1s•gfa wlth tae
firm Number for Japwan M Penh year. When
wbecrlitmost w in berets
bee earns' at the of re -
"reed Vohn.a of Hasrui a tt asst. for
'tree yeah bark. is nes' duo' bra l.og•
e start twU1
bry now pow'aae ,d. or 51) exorew.
free of esp.tM t/awrided ,M heist* dors not
exceed ooe duilmr per Ioluosel. for 17.912 per 1
Goth Cants for each volume. enlister for
biadiag, *111 *sent by m•tl, p'.,; 4'aW. on R•-
• Re
cippRt d 11M each.
l•ilmaces should be made by Post-odne
Money order or Dealt. It, avoid . h.noe of
Newspapers are net to "wpm SAG corner tat,
mewl *ahem! tar express order of 114s1as s:
Mor times. .
Ad4.'... IIA}rl'Ylt t BROTHLIt4.
New York.
4 moo salts ad *Suasive le M.
1 whisk we ewe'pasted p is the Wier for got prompt
aid mow a9e9ebko of ell dosses of
print A prrwnl of this aaatosate
unmet may seam% something you Sty
Ub in need et, sed is perch man we irk •
MS yew poramor, foams olgt�4si'
tea. Ulla dbrto to please will roam rm.
43 approval of our patr4Ua
t i‘4(4I *
Th411 useful kite la kept in the fu:
range of 'futilities deo *5 letter
heads N htl. k‘kl)4b1,
In this litre w v have a very large
etask d 4151+; w r4%448 paths ki
,able fur r;rry chalet Of bttldns+.a
represented in this locality, oot2.
prising laid and wove, linen*,
qu*drille and other papers, ruled
or unruled, as nano be required
111►. �tao. %%tektite
ere not *o generally used, they t,
an important plane in aomtm.ert:ta.
orreapondrn.r. Are what w'e',
got under the above head*.
13\x\ k%v. tu1.v.
if the •••go " plan *a.
;lie onler of the day the demand
for account paper would not be
so great : but there are some men
who get so many dungen that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock u cow
}pieta in this line with four sizes.
paper +cad neat ruling.
Both single and 'double dollars
and .xnta column.. They some
cheaper than bill heads, and are
the proper thing to .sod after a
delinquent once a month. They
nee sun to fetal. his: Lrouild-
1 $93,
£Iarper's Bazar.
IL.L.0Err R&TE.o.
41An)Z5'a BAZAR e • Journal for the home.
It Ore, the fullest sod Wow information
about 5150.• and 41 11s numerous illuetrattees.
Parke a5d p..trern.heet eupplenaata
are ladMenses41le alike to th. home dress-
maker sed 441e modiste. No u-
pc..te is neared to make its art in is el tracUVe•
ser of the highest order. Its bright storee.
amusing comedies, and thoughtful ease rat -
ear .11 Isom. and 1111 last pada to ramose as a
budget of wit and humor. la Its weekly Won
ei entities 1s included whio4 loot fatter* le
women. The ''feriae for Me will be written
by WALTER t455'sT and Lowe LT ALL.
('n41fTlS1 TZRNr,E H*RR'*W will furnish a
;orectical merit.. entitled "At the Teas'."
'2RAr1 K1741e. 191.115 TNORNI Mere" sae
CAS0A.1 /Witesta i will be frequent ceatrIbe-
ton. The work of *..n*. int Colombia.
Repose ion will be fellt represeated with meas
Illustrations. T. W.HIo•t.Aow, In "Women and
*gen.' will please • contested audience.
Per Tear ,
HARPER.4 Yof!No PROP LE r 00
Poenaere Pre* tool( aitaerebera fa tar Melted
stare, Canada, awe Nelf^o.
l• of the Rattan t,' begin with the
for January of.acb year. Koen
timed. oweerlppl1la5 w111 Meta
her current at 445 Gaesf reed**
Thaws of flowerer Raam% for
�e back. In teat clop hl*dlo5. will
sae(41 n1s11. pAM.agp.. :be
or by .enema,
fres of •xp.ass ierterI d Ib . 41.44tht does net
@toiled one dollar per voloetel, for t7.M per
(meth 1 safe for each volume. suitable for
hhdiag, will be seat by man. pest pale, es
et I M each.
ease be made hy Posta/es
11._er Etna,. to avoid oftener of tew
ser nod to ropy MAG advertise -
'fie ...root enter .4 It terror*
Now York
111011111* Auessluis
rant.: VP'
scitatific plain
Now, it would to hart) to get
along without envelopes, and to
keep up with the demand for
them we keep s Wyge +stock os
hand. We have now about a
hundred thou*.ui fu .stock, and
the prices will range from 75c. tc
$2.00 per M. We handle cam
menial and legal sizes reel u'i : els
has already 2s'eu partially en=
prated in some of the heads above
There i't, however, e'set amoun
of work under this hra•d that to
enumerate would more than tike
up the enter. epaee occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all at 'Pee
\\1D\ .4)t\Ot1\s
to an "At Home or a wedding
require considerable taste in Win
tion sometimes, but we make it
an easy nutter by keeping is
stock the very Isteot and bast
samples to be had. Call asd see.
C\Yt .A.ox•
We aim to excel in all the differ
ant kinds of work we turn out.
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy papers
suite:Ile for all require menta.
- Yo�raeo\1
of eutertiinmente olid meeting.
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the most elegant
with cord and pencil attached
Ca►Y41s 0(114 'C \t .'tie.
This head covers • large ramp of
work, from a breed or milk ticket
to • neat calling card, from an or•
dlinery admission ticket to a tee*
business card or a hoodoo,*
printed membership ticket.
4 osttY s
Our facilities for tenting out this
.:lass of work are e'idenoed by the
fact that the great bulk of it is
'lone by ua. This line also in-
.1104.‘1.0 vt
which aur t►+tse• f'att-191a:alligg job
praises are able to turn out in a
a� earpri.ingly short time.
tSu sot'\\\,,N
belong to the porter department
also, anti we make • .pet•iedty of
them- - promptness being our elm
in thin respect. A notice of .airs
will appear in Tnt SI**AL free of
charge when bills for same are got
4ekk K\ti\ds oS'W o
in the t7pa(rtlpdical printing tide
o•e be be this ..iabtiN_blIMIMllk
de is e:peditioem and ends...
moaeer mei
aux Nib tkees viA‘. be Bosh'.
OfXy Yeo.sol *Akio.
We ruled oar tbaoko for std I•'
ors sed BOLA a ealgl -a.D9D of t41•
NZ 6�� �# ort