HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-5-18, Page 1MIS MN r tlrws cans MOT
Ifrs•s• .m Mow- Owes (111. DOM -AS
A Ile" Ip A/VAlet
44 1
nal .
XLV. 2413
Men sus treys Nue is Maria,
we wt Ammon
V. W Mcltouagh . . .15. 8
egeaut Wasted -Mrs. Hortou. 8
Fen. for .hale - Win. J 1'01 . 8
8se4e god mos. -K. Downing 8
reter1 1,10 0t--()r.od Opera Howe b
Court .J titivation -Win. Mitchell. .... 8
reg taim -R. R. Holland 6
gym,.'40ILe-F. J. Prtdbam 1
Pattie K It. Sallow. . , , 1
Uberal Coo v*Stools A- S.w ,... • II
eltAi 11A% ?MST ICK --00 May tk'dd.at>rt
liar„re el Tomato. the madame of the
Bride. fa bee. by the ttev. Minna* Hanes.
Jas A. tire. fro. Hate ,f Oodartckl to
:lythe. yonafeut daughter of Ota
heel our awn correepoadent.
yrs Uwttgumgee, of the circular town,
ase the oleat of Miss L Sterling this week.
wee" here on Sunday nes conducted
J. A. walker, R. A., lately from Truro, N.
livery i--ly is :ery busy sad news is
;order to vet than the great dollar which
'corvine Loves so well.
Immo a u• .e. ca`rrearotideat.
Most of tL,• f..rtmrs •re •brut :ltrgoeh
tit'. tie) hs re -.Singled his barn.
The Wst Hume 4'besse factory is .bout
Mr. Farrow of Manchester is veiling
a this vicinity.
George May is erecting a summ er kitchen
sad seal sited.
Miss Stewart, of Stratford, is visiting at
Owe: Stewart'..
Mr. iiurai.o, of I4uag•a.s.. Merited
Mewl" tiers ;3.t Sunday.
Mw Blair, of Manchester, was the gnat
d Misr Agues Pentland lost week,
Thr • nesters beim erected • hell tem the
W schen. t home which can be beard rigging
fir 01:11.
Tice sort. t car a rennin regularly up sad
Ina the boundary ; bet it was switched off
me a molt track one night last week. The
sseductor got the beetle 1. work when
sheet • mor down the tics Some folks
think we hive ho can lis around ben bet
tan herr and a car, too, dot we heve.
Three works aro. W. told the West
Wssan.-h .mreapendent to write every
week ami .lumbo would rest; bat we
haven r v ase ary of hracnrreepnodegoeslo.'e.
As he ....on: 10 have lees oorrsspo.diog
for cars . we are going to let bis have full
swag n. s fir this is Jumbo's Mt, ual.ss
settled vp Again Now, the q erry is, who
is tit, .1 umb.. Thera aro it good many get -
tee the nerve or the blame of it. Asong
tier art Wm. Bailie, Job. Tie., jr., T.
Grimm -it " Sheppard. T. G. Allen,
Jame. Etb..tt. K Me Twain, E. A. Fear.
Jago. ion , ... featly guessed for gone of
tree sr.- t..- scribe .lumbo Some folks
trek .lump.. et too deep, bat *bey de.
served .;l ih.v got. Farewell to Jumbo.
FM. Jur own cerreettendeet (��
The epee crop gives promise ot being fair
is this weed, this year.
The s.•atb. r daring the pet week hs been
is fine that an excellent growth hs beim
started. ant of it 000tinuee t he crop, will soon
latch up ei what they ought to be.
I.eo H t ..t is having his barn raised mad
a places s atone lomd•tios mem IC He
tateks it :. abenlutely anumaseea.s.•.eryy W have
emefortshle stabling for tbwee**hrudlstock.
W..I. Patton has disposed to Mr J. Mc.
Wield. his famous driver wbklh kis hese
We aft of all the loco spars d this
section ler the last 18 years, Ise • good
round +um
.t 4e eit:.laye ago • couple were seen
driving up and down the 7th Don. Uppaons
dee observation it proved to be • heot►.r
mad seta In a short time another maple
W ide its ■ppeerunoe, which also proved
te he 'ember and meter. After ad •! ptit.g
the fair etches(' i. act robbery seisms,
they drove to the village of Ho nesvilIe and
beet thence to the town of Clinton. Alter
newug the eights they returned to their
teepecttre Moses, well pleased with the
mad at large. Now, GLpi.i., this is no
white Ir.. and if you doubt the truth of It
jot ask the msuf ctwrer of Balm el Gilead
mare or the your ubopbed who was it
search of a wee Iamb.
Te late f"rhe week.
Altera DAT IS Armlet 8rsoa_ --Oa
We aeeday 3rd the %nowise cautssitteeo
aappointed by the teacher. -Sabot-
Bonet ( Deloitte• ; Tres Committee ; Yard
lad Fe.oe Committee ; Flower Committee.
0• friday eventing the follower
mire submitted by the shove
e•woittees We the adereigred 8.hool.
deems committee this day cleaned the
mom, wale, windows, drake, picture. mill
kw Re11e Wilson, M Lausalayer,
Mabel Y.rr.tty Meanie 9ta
041- J►s obs
'ds 4gnfv1 Tree Committee Um day
phsted two s, o fear Mace and five
Y ne home. Wilk. Wilms, Treat R.
.5� Willie Mole, Dave Mole, Willie
!mime. We Um unde,dge.d Yard and
rime (omatittem thes eel cleared Ilse yrel
al all chip, steam aad .tioke, piled the
mewl, latched the term, swept the from of
JByrd std r•a m-wgedk -inset Shim!,
•'crown, Andrew Wilma, WO le Cum -
nee, Willie R Aerate Shia. We
u"diIngeed Cnm=dayittee thin d
ale two
Ierhs lower beds, }deft rms.
on vowing seeds he the maims. We ds.
himaht • nustber.4 pinata fir the 4ssst-
ulna of the interior di the wheel resew -
Rea" V"ralblet, Gs'u. Carter, Mand
lasts K. Rwed mama Si,-- jna. ate fimaeo, MM. �
res -1 _u ormi l.s
to public Otillsesie
baht novellyti-Freajw .t pp, lit h
medal a�M1 ere,
Mks bus.p,the ,Mwr
ir�• oleneeme 114 elm
a t` hooka era eyehole ar.ri
Short Stories from the Report-
er's Note -Book
NOM 111.tse l t.ey 4 Irma Ytely M
Mese.-Rverydkevig 1s 4:514. Mall been
tl4ts s.h slit 11111 -if 1..'ye ■ Miele Ma
Int els, 1 reds ye teal M 1 a !'hers
A.Ialtt Te Takla' hetes, sad MMO we'll
Pond 14.
OohsR the
i TAILORING).- H House.
Rest se Yea o ha s. ousebig e►etm •.d rely
so geed style sod 11 at
DIe yea went anything fu tie line of lib tto-
arav44e art t If you de you de not need to go
to the city for city series at reekbettorater
vele at It. Is t. $.flows. Picture -teats( always
attended tom short notice.
Thee was quite • cheese in eke weather
during the week sad the mercury dropped
several pointe, fret 1• mite of all this yea can
be sailed by R. J. Pregame'. the people's cloth-
ier, if you drub l• sed leave y oar measure.
Ba'TCI.m 1ateading h ,yore of Recycles
should call on W. T. Welsh and get h:. pr.cee
b --fore purchasiag. Mr. WeWt hen been stt-
pu a4 -I agent here for the solo of Whitworth.
H ember. itcWae & Spartan ('soles. All hoc
Wasp wheels of re.iable gullet, make, Stied
wttk p•uewrtic tires and the latest Improve-
meeta. Priem teaming from Sal to $145.
Cou.0IArs Ieernrt-Ta 1 rnrr.-nus-4.41a
Sneab, M. A.,iaupsctor of High Schou/and
Collegiate Leatitutem tor Ontario, was ni
tows diarist/ the week and made • thorough
impaction of our Institute. He left town
W wised y alteration by the 4 r. r. treat.
W. C. T. U. Mawr' -The members of
the W. C. T. U. of (.oderich purpose hold-
ing • W..41ag in the temperance hell on
Tuesday, May 30. which will be addressed
by L F Ilaacsy, barrister. Mie Acbssoo,
the popular elocu,.t eat, will Mao co.tribete
to lbs ermto[a entertainment. Further
particulars will be given ext week.
Qt tt.'' KIaTHDAT AT Bt3MI1.1.LIL -The
"94th" will be celebrated at BeOmiller by
the holding of • resin sting et the Methodist
okarck, when Rae. J. K. How,U, M. A.,
W. Terror -I., 1. W. Shaken, A. Ohphaat,
E. A. Fear, and others are expected to ad-
dress the witber;ag. Tea in temperance hall
from 5 r. r. to 7 ; after that the speeches.
Tickets 2bc.
retests Wool Hosok. -- We are pleased
to notice that G. F. Blair, formerly a see
dent in the office of (Jarrow t Proadfoot,
ha...000c/f&Ly peened hie exaainatioo for
barrister .and solicitor. Be stood first for
the h•r and occupied • forward position
amompt the solicitors. He is an earnest
Modest sad well deserves the .coose which
be be. won.
A ()ONCOST -will be given to the Greed
Opera herr., Friday evening, 19th Met , by
the amateurs of the town on behalf of the
Citiaeas' Band fund. Hu Honor Judge
Doyle will occupy the chair at 8 r. r. Bay
your tickets from the boy., Fraser t Porter
or Geo. W. Thompson. Everybody Dome,
have • gook time and encourage the bawd,
they meed your .ssistaere
"LOOT is Lox nos" -The melodrama,
Lost is Londe.," was well placed on the
boards of the Grand Opera Hous co Wed-
amday eveaisg of Mat week by the Newton
Been' Co. The •udteooe wee limited, bat
that Mat did not detract tram the predigest
sloes ret the pi.e.. Mr. Bests a. Job Am.
royd, wee • epi.sdid charsoter. .ed the
support throgghoat was good.
Vomit or Teases. -On Sunday 4..t, wben
the Royal Tempters returned to their hall.
attar having listened to the .xodl.oIsermon
preached to them by the Rev. J. A. Awler-
gee, B. A., pastor of Knox Church, • un-
mitesso vote of thanks wee tendered the
reversed geetke an for the able manner is
which be handled his discourse, is;.ummary
d which appears on the first page of this
week's issue) and also to the m•nagemeet of
the cbaroh for the me of the seating allotted
to them on the oae•siob.
Ooarlm. Tiner2ISos Miorlao.-The Met
et the menet ..rime el weekly Gomel too -
Farmer meeting, wl l be held next (ieaday
anteroom as 4.1b *'sleek, whoa Rev. Wm.
'ramose*, peter of Pieteria-at. Mett.dan
church, will address the stung. Thi. i.
o addressing them metier and then will
likely be • good tern out of ear Mime to
bear what he Me to amp en thin important
meetien. It ia probebie the w�mer
be carried es etthly aerie.
imethe sad rossoaed
as weakly .tisgs is
the t•11
Nth Kerte ELAnre Rem -The Globe
ties refers to Miss Rfio Skims Heat, the
telested elooutiomi.t and Dei..rte.e expos -
eat, who will appear d. the (hand Opera
Home on Mesday, May 22: "A newt
nae eeful sneert was last sight i• e4.
E eeHd Ave. Methodist /parch. A tl0aiee
beaters wee the work d r Mlle
Hems, an eleent onset of mesptloeal enrolee.
newt d s° reed" in her "Swamp)* Peel-
ings M (meek Costume" A. an elocution -
Int oho is well top in the first rank of p.r-
fermees, and the pndoige in forty •1141+4..
a. gvelime* ethane
done ea to limeane
Mud Nimes I.sCrssa -The following
Item was btadver/estly omitted het week :
Thom was • g'o'd •ttsniasse•t the temper -
sees hall to bear Mies P%slpl, the mit
loam lempeamea leetur•er, daatrr her d-
unes, " St- George .ed the Drama," en
Thereda..ire. May 4t►, seder the ample the w Ww. C T. U. 11. !Mak
who hew -
dewed the 00 kern i• by s • bar-MMble pereesemre-
'� ISoo a essi drab Mm/k,
end theeek serum appeal to
Ievery beam to wee! bos•aly ler the .sp-
SI1 pah.bh sS The twrathe imatememe aim(� el to In
IMier we M/estively listened to through
oat, sed at the Diose • hearty and aaasia-
1 nus s 44. of tb•ake was tendered to Mss
t.elpe 111 motion of Rays. J. Ii Howell
and W. Torrance.
ST (:ttotu:a'r I;r1L1,. -A special meeting
W St. Georg: • church guild was held last
Te.sday ermine to the school house, at
which the followlag chapters were organ.
sed ane their pre.nl.•nts elected: Tb... ot-
n ary chapter pre.'t lire. K S. Williams; the
visiting chapter president, Mrs. 4.. Porter;
the theme* chapter President, Mrs. Jae
Shephard. Each chapter has • definite •ius
or duty ouch as liquidation of the ext.tiug
debt, parish rattles, care of the church,
e tc. Commencing w s largo and ener
gee:: membership the u, .txaUou pr.muee
to be prodac ive cf much good in the near
(iotnkletl TO Wokt.D'. FAIIL-KL0url100
Tickets sow on sale for 417.70, good for
return till Nor. A work bearing the title
"Houma For Visitors to the 11'orld" Fair,"
pubh.hed to pamplet form, 65 pages, 8.10
inches, handwmely printed on good paper,
has hero compiled by reliable persons, and
coa•aim the names and addressee. of over
9000 femuds who will accommodate ratter'
to the fair, the number of rooms each family
will have to spare, and stats where meals
as well as rooms can be obtained. It also
contains a hat art the hotels and their
locaunns and twelve full-page scale maps,
numbered, each representing • section of
the city, thus earthling intending visitors to
iutellig..ntly select their loe•tioes. The
pries of these book. i. 50c each, and can be
tool from H. Armstrong, town ticket agent.
C.T.R.; tickets, telegra.ue and express to
all pars of the world.
Yee R. T. .f T. Sake Iglus Apelealee for
1MaNerese a Mesmer.
Few ON Clinton Nee..Reoord
The News -Record hs no desire to injure
any..ns in the circular town, or any where
else, for that matter. The letters of " Hub"
and " Wall Eye," es occasionally happeat
in the meteor of correspondence, were pub-
lished under a muapprehenaioo and with-
out malice towards say tote. The News -Rec-
ord, as • public and fair journal, would ex-
ceedingly regret to find that it bad, through
nay o.rrspoede.t, injured my penes.
Wi moeot, personally, see that. tit•
1Lat;oe of the letters referred to were injur-
ious to any person. Just as we go to press
the following resolutions passed by Eureka
Council, R. T. of T., hes been received:
itesolved." Where • journal published
in Clinton knows as Th. Neeeltecord anti
purporting to be a reepsctable public organ
has published an article making • most du -
respectful and unjust reference to • member
of obia fraternity, we desire to place oar -
:elves on reoord s follows
First tt'e condemn in most upetinted
measure this diegraoeful aspersion of •
conscientious laborer for the good of society,
and the furtherance of our cause.
'second --We consider that though tins
article may really have been • commutates -
tion, that the Editor of said paper deserves
our severest censure for publishing the
sante, and unless an apology is promptly
inserted wet feel compelled to consider this
journal unworthyof .o atuonand patron-
age, and • foe to temperance and the well-
being o society.
J. E. oa, 8. C.
James A Ram, R S., pro tem.
Prom our own corresWedeet.
House Meaning it trump now.
Frank Stott is having kis house repaired.
Moot of the farmers rl this sociality an
through seeding.
Miss Mary labeller, of Mow, was
visiting at Frank States.
Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson, of Coen,
were visiting (needs here last week.
Miss Georgie Duncan was renewing old
aogsaiata0e• on the4th Zine of Morris.
Row. Mr. Shaw, of Wroxeter, and Rev. J.
W. Pring exchanged pulpits last Sunday.
Haile • number of God Templar' eased•
ed the district meeting at Lookuow on May
James' Bailey left for Poon on T.na•y
May 16, whore he will work In • ahem
John Messer left hen for Liatowe1 em
Monday, where he bs prooarod • situation
in • chee.e factory.
The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will
be dispensed on Sunday, May 21, i• the
Presbyterian church.
The easter. elected for the current quar-
ter he the Blsvalo Lodre No. 386 1.0.O.T.
are . C. T., F. Harley ; V T Mary Seat;
M.. O. Oemeget ; 8.a, Leeiwde Coulter ; F.
8., Bmees King ; Tress., Norman Demean ;
Chaplet*, Wesley Connell ; G., W. Clog.
horn ; S., O. Mills ; R T. Stewart wag -
petaled delegate to attend the grand lodge
as Hamilton.
seep I M. P..
e Arabian a Ivor wm kessoe�ubMy�
teacher with as ivory casket,
wraeght, with the ledruotros .ot to open
it until a year had roiled round. Monty
were the sp.selatntes as to what it oostale-
d , .ad him hime impatiently waited far
whom the jewelled key should dimities the
mysterious eontesta it cats se Inst. hod
Me =hides wt away Mese and with
trembling haste mlecked the treasons; sed,
to '
repents( in delicate satin lisiwpe, lay
nothing bet • shroud of rest ; the farm el
smoothie( beentifel could bedisowned, bet
the homey had gone forever. T..rfl with
die.ppni•tmeet she did act at fret sea • slip
el phroh=sut oeataietag theft weeds :
Dear Pepil : May yen Titin from this a
!shop for your hie. Thee trin k lmt, whoa -
meiswd, bag epee it • .iegle spot of rust
by sheet it We Weems the maw thing
yes em beheld, only • Mot no its per. mer
remedies. he h Bale stride es peer
ehmorter will, by taMMoil1e toad
aur • bright and m4.11111, Gad, r
will leave oeiy the irk r.esed kat
whit harm bete. if yes sew
• jewel el gee, head after ashy -
the ra.di, yes will OM f as eperlyq se
err. Se wish yeera11 I 'reason op only
the p.m the peed, hod yes.4l ever be ea
eresseseste sleds!! low.�`
> seems s/ tett •
TEMPERANCE PARADE. peals ..etiaeat..ti pude discussion
must he o►y4ra5 that the cause of the lige! A
A Big
Turnout of the Royal
Templar* of Ttempel'anoe.
■.s, J. A. Ander..si etve. a. Ia-
sIrerllsr wan/ e'4.vsavns et.rwroe -So
4.det.lee truer In erala4.g Terms.
nail ray. Jam Prater .. all -444. Mau
Arnaud It -Tidal rroblNll... Mw we,
I. Ile .Gly cure raw the gill.
The parade of the Royal Templar of
Temperance, from the temperanoe hall to
Knox church, was one of the finest ever
held by any society to Goderich. The
attendance was large, awl •ltbourh no gar-
ish display was attempted or no gaudy
uniform worn, the eminently respectable
appointee. of those whn Wok part eon-
tribut.d much to the parade.
The march was viewed by • large number
of our townspeople, aad the universal
opinion was that the "wets' of the town
could not get together as repnw•t•tive and
respectable a gathering, and pet them on
the line of m•reh. W. C. Goode acted an
marshal during the parade and did his work
At Knox church a section of the seating
w allotted for the special use of the K. T.
of T., and when seated, each member with
• natty badge on breast, the society pre -
'tented • very pleasing spectacle. The
chapter read, although not specially select-
ed, was peoali•rly adapted to the occasion,
aad the sermon by Rev. J. A. .lnderson,
was one of the best representations of the
present condition of the temperance gees -
tion which has yet been given. The
preacher spoke in part as follows
Doul. 3t- 7 : " He strong and of • good courage.'
"It gives me plea/sure to welcome to our
midst and address this morning an uryaniza•
tion which u engaged in the great and good
work of stemming the tide of intemperance
in our land. Having sponged the cause of
suffering humanity, and of (god, their work
is a praiseworthy ate. One of the great
questions that is agitating cur oouotry at
the present day is " Wbat is to be dorm
with the liquor traffic!" It is an evil that
is deep rented in the land. its pernicious
.Bette are m.nifeat on every side, both
among the higher and lower classes of •Doi•
r;y. Melly voices are lifted up avatst it.
M:airters and doctors, lawyers and teach-
ers, scientific and literary men, editors,
judges and jaris, synods, conferences and
general assemblies on every side are lifting
up their voice* in warning, and the great
question with them all is, " Whet is to be
date with it In thio monster evil, that
is slat., hostile tc iadivi Dual and nauoual
wellbeing ; which is sapping the life -blood
of our youth and bunleninr old age ; which
is draining oar country of mtllions of dol-
lars and which is rendering men hon.eleraod
penniless, hopeless in this life and for .t
which is to come. 1s the evil to be n•
and pampered in our midst, or is it
TO 01 1145D1113 WITH A rraeg
and stamped out of the country1 To all
who are sincerely grappling with this quoit
Mon the words of our text may opportunely
be addressed " ole straw and of a good
courage." Hen the preacher referred to
the occasion on wh ch the text was tint
spoken, and pointed out how nob in sug-
gestive thought to these engaged in temper.
anor work, is the hstory of God's dealings
with his ancient people. He showed that
temperance sentiment is far in advance a
what it epee was. Egypt hs been left be-
hind, and we are marching on to the I.ted
of which the Lord our trod has said " I will
give it pato you." But the way is often
rough, and the m•roh sometimes heavy,
difficulties many and great beset the oours",
and in eooequenno. WHIM, like Meisel of old,
are faint-hearted and weak, others are
faultfinding and murmuring, almost ready
to go hack again to Egypt, ; but " Oeward"
is our watchword, our duty is plate, oar
course is before us, and above the tumult
and dip of the opposing foram we may hear
the words of our leader, " Be tenons .ted et
• good courage." The speaker then pro-
ceeded • o .deacon 'mom why m tempetr-
anoe workers we should net be demour•ged
tooi•y. First, bream of what las been s-
oumplished in the pest. Here the preacher
presented to hie audience • sad Dieters of
the past in .hich were portrayed scans of
dissipation and drunkensaw which were .f
common occurrence among .11 olem.th
clergymen poo excepted, and referred is
007141st WITHIN Tag tw10.T Or MAWS
rasm r,
whom • wedding, a birth, • baptism, :a
fnestel, • bee, • barn-raidteg, or • dame
could net be observed without the &maim
jag beteg prement, ad its intozisatiug
mamma freely seed, only en he followed by
seeps which meld strroay be credited to-
day. Bot sow all Mat is dwwged. Debit-
ing liquor hew lest ire respectability. The
highest mors of the emend religious de-
nn,ninatiese of the land, as by me reuse
declare that tits general towns M ietestoet-
iwe liquors Y contrary to the weed of God,
and to the spirit et the Christina religion,
and are minim to the people to utterly
exterminate the evil. And the Parliaments
of mar errantry whites have hitherto bean
dill! daily's( with Ile. gwstieu, reontwhw
that a ,rids is approaching, when they meet
with it, wand soak for p*eiit weans
b Isarw the Mod of the pwmwlr. e..wr.Yeg
it, and Walrus aneordiwgly. This happy
eehhwashgg�� V pwWie sesitihest eats her arrest
Mebktalwese te Ord, rd hey he mime as
prephehs ',what shall yet le sees opMehd,
sew that a sold army d (hAdi•a werhere
d ie t. field. Reim Me prewdsr weed •
wafting mels M these wile M the bee el
this stewing sse4.- -t I..eso their
In property whew the iwr..t Bean err .rags
d arms lriek M married ea, rad dwmlld
Mee, es se• hesif elleg • wry }rwsrh{
spirts el dieserswmit rsgrddiq tit era of
doe Meet 4 three lbs seal 0004 eigeswe
prohibition yf the traffic to intoxicating
drinks is gradually but surely mentos to
the front. Another imam nteuuoand by
the preacher, why as temperance workers
should be strong and courageous was
ItlEA1' 4I WI A11 ON TUR '41D1 or hinge?.
A oonecloae.eas of wrong doing begets
cowardice and fear, and will make mtu fete
frotu men shadows ; but • ouuoa:touseesa of
riebt doing will stimulate to womaniser
in that work. Hero the speaker breaded
the INeuor traffic as a mighty evil, and par
h,utenxed in a number ot teltng instances,
showing its evil tan•lencles. As to it being
an e:pawve evil, he pointed out that 10 our
own Dominion, for every dollar spent In
educating the youth of the lend 415.00 are
spent iu blunting their seuslbthttes. For
every dollar spent in diremtnauug the
knowledge of the true tied and the gospel
of Jesus G'kwt, Bd0.00 are given to the devil
to overthrow the goo.! work. As a des-
uuctive evil, its injurious effects were
pointed out upon health .ed life, and show-
ing the greater proportion of deaths •tnoog
intemperate than temperate men between
certain ages. As • destroyer of what labor
produos-tbat capital that might be used
to blas 'mankind and bring in times of pros-
perity and progress -the speaker took oe-
oado"t to say that instead of merely talking
of building poorhouses and sylums for the
destitute, bow much oetter would it be
to stop the Misuser that is producing •t
least three fourth. of the poverty andsuffer.
Mg of the land. .ks an evil dstruotive to
poetenty, reference was made to the cir-
cumstances of Sammon's birth, upon whose
mother the pledge of total ab•tioeuce was
imposed during the time her child should re•
ceive any nourishment from her either be-
fore er atter birth, intimating conclusively
that her indulgends in strong drink during
that period, would have an
tx.icaIOCs arra". t'P05 THC HLALTH.
std good condition of her child. Reference
was also made to the testimony of eminent
F.ngltsh and American physicians and to
the reports of the New York Inebriate Asy
lum, which wont to prove that the hermit,
tory cb•r&cter iA beyond dispute. Refer-
ring to the remedies for this great evil the
speaker confined himself to that of Prohibi.
tion, and thrilled many in his audience as
be reminded them of many noble characters
who bad been ruined little by little by the
insinuating habit of strong drink. "It is •
rotten tree," said he, "cut it down, why
cumbereth it the ground!" He closed with
an eloquent perorations calling upon the
Royal Templar* and all in the large aseem•
bly in the "tame of suffering humanity, in
the name of 'ridowed mothers, ago worse
still, husband -beaten mothers, in the name
of parents who are trembliug and praying
for their sons, in the name of shoeless a .J
ragged famishing children, to arise sad let
their voice be heard in thunder tons
through the press, at public meetings, at
the polls and through their representatives
in Parliament, that the Government may
be made to know that this is ea iniquity we
will not endure.
PMky Paeagrap4. Prepared tame Readers M
Tis $403991,
E.CHANTI.o. -The forst, shrubs, etc ,
look enchanting in their new spring attire.
Rtrt'sx.t, Hort. - luring last week
Mrs. ht J Crawford returned home from
an ex traded visit to friends and relations at
Ingersoll and other points.
Jere Fkarr.-It would
state of the weather just
Frost would like to put in an appearance.
His visit would not, ro far as we aro aware,
be welcomed.
Metier Strati% --Word has been re-
ceive' of the safe arrival of muter D. Why -
.rd at Winnipeg, and on Monday after his
anneal he commenced work with his uncle,
John Girvin, at carpentering. Icavid is •
hostler and will make the most of his op-
portunities. We wish him sweets.
Weareen. - The weather, which has
Mee for same time past very plea/mot,
owing to which the crops, etc., took • rapid
stride in growth; but •1 the time of writing
it feels and teems that Mother Earth in bear
whirligig of motion Inca been deposed to
gravitate towards the North pole. There-
fore we ars passing through • told wave.
A l'aecetcu. Drenches. -On Sabbath
evening lad Rev. D. Rogers, at evening
service, gave • vary interesting and prac-
tical sermon, t.kisg as the foundation of
his admo.itary remarks -"The Three(us"
"Gee thing thou laekst," "One thing I
know," One thug i apprehend ;" the •ppli•
talkie of whish w fraught with good sptr-
itual advise sad instruction.
F,cirengumcal_ - -On Friday mesh% the
96th of May, Rev. Mr Sannby, who hes
been in the minim field for menu time, will
Motion an interesting address oe ai.sios,
ie the Methodist okurch bora. A large
whines it is anticipated will be prmmat oe
that eemaion r. Mills, of ieek.ow,
will (D. V.) sawdust divine service i. the
Motbodiet oharei bee, on Sa4hnM, the
91st, both moreies Gad evening.
seers from the
now that .lack
Prot Smith Gives His Stde of
the Cave.
The emeh y ow. 1.Nltalyd fie Die Weiler
el rerdieete Lagll.hwee■ toad Their eew-
re.daal.-the elees5.a .f reiltlea1
.r neligissi. Meothise wow. 04. le be
ttI.wed-Thr rrere.e.r •a !Prepared se
Reread ht. Mold. by the Law.
To the editor of Dae Globe.
bus. --(10 my return to Tomato 1 thought
it expedient to take legal advice with regard
to my position as • life member of St.
Georges society, which was attacked 10 my
absence Lad ou which, according to reports
which reached use, • further attack ws
meditated. The question is one which ooa-
cern. not me or tee members of the 5t.
(;eorgi • society alone, but the members of
an*twisty of which at some moment when
political feeling run* high a political party
may be tempted to make use as au omen* of
oboe. 1 am advised that if 1 wets
ed of my membership for my political
nppt1atoo., when I had not ntravened the
ohsrter •oor broken any rule of the society,
the exputaon would be Illegal and I should
be retoatated by • court of haw. It would
be • desertion of public right and of the
Interesta of charity on my part to allow
that which cannot be lawfully done i. •
direct way to be indirectly oumpes ed by
cabal and insult.
The act of incorporation defines the ob-
ject of the society as "the relief of each
Datives ot !England and Wale* sod their
descendants as may from sickness or other
o•usee have (ellen into distress." On the
face of its report the society ie stated to be
•' instituted for the relief of destitute F..og-
llshsn.n and their desce.da•ts," no other
purpue being waeneooai. The twenty-
third by-law declare. atm " the introduc-
tion of political or religions subjects or
their discussion shell not be allowed in the
society." This is a distinct pledge of
pelitic•I neutrality on the put of the so-
ciety to all who become its members and
contribute to its fund, and, like every other
comment, it ought t., be oosuttructed in its
plain and natural sense. To enable my
political opponents to inflict on me a public'
insult, it eras ruled that the term "political"
was to be confined to orthodox politics,
that is, such politics as the majority choose
to deem orthodox, and that it was lawful,
,otwtihst•nding the by-law, to intrduoe
at • meeting the burning political question
of the day, and the one which, s it aroused
the most angry feeling's, the framers of the
by-law would probably have been most
daemon' to exclude. By the sante role "re
ligious" might be taken to protect only
orthodox religions, and the St. Georges
society might same day be arraigning mi. of
iia members for heresy.
it rives me, s it would give any right
minded man, pain to know that on a great
question, and one on which strong feelings
aro naturally aroused, 1 ani at variance
with many of my fellow -citizen., and es-
pecially with those of my own 'octal circle.
But, whatever may he the rule of statecraft,
• public writer can be of no use
unless he freely tells what he believes to be
the truth. Nobody oaa have Zeus personal
interest in any pslitieal change then I have.
I had in fact closed my study door on all
these controversies, and when I accepted
the honorary presidency at the Continental
Union association. it was by way of protest
in favor of freedom of discussion with which
then was a disposition to interfere. In the
old world, institutions may stilt rest on
blind allegiance ; hero they cap rest only on
public conviction, of which free discussion
IS the guarantee. Wheu from a fair
country, with undeveloped resources and
sepses .1411 uapeoplsd, its children are de-
puting by thousands, it is surely time for
open onuncila and for the exercise of fore-
sight m to our future. in all the years 1
have lived hen 1 have met few who did not
u private avow or betray their conviction
that change must come. Why then put off
the deliberation, waiting perhaps till the
country is run down ! Let the people after
fair debate, vote freely and we shall alt ac-
quiesce in the decision.
To ite.land 1 believe 1 am as trees any-
one here, and s careful of her interests and
her bobor. Her political oonesotIoe with
this oostimet ram of Marmsiag d•ager,
while it brings her slither strength sof
profit. Those bare hese her wisest otoumsil-
lore who have always wibd that she should
withdraw and be eeetset with the 1•Nieg
bold of affection .d an
the advtage o4
trade. Stich hs bees the avowed opiates
of Rngdi.hm.e whim patriotism was se un-
doubted m their emsigseoe, sad who were
high in the.ervio. of the crown.
(iw.Dwi. Burr..
Toronto, May 8.
Imennue.w,. -Oa !Sabbath Mt the re -
mine of Wm. Berry, of Ingersoll, were fe-
tarred in I).agana•a emmstery •longaide of
hie wife, who w Mid to ret moms years
ago. The deme•ss i, who had hem &Slioted
with disease et Me kidneys for moms years,
sueeembed .t hie renames le lassoo!l the
Muer part of hetet week, from w deb prem
his body wee eesveyed to kis mm, (r. W.
Berry, i eekno', and theme ea
Sabbath to Dea.easss oma etery. 11e eb-
segain at the grave were emedested W
Rev. D. Rams, pastor el Deag..s.. eir-
..*t Deseasu 1 was mod 96 years Dad 4
mouths The pall bearers wets Rehr. F.
Lawman*, Jas Somerville, 01. M. P., Wil
Hamra, W. Trdsave., G.wil n and Mao
dodo, • Anse** mineideeme being tl•at aU
of the Mem gentlemen, with the etosptles
el tam, were pail -bearers el the 4eeemed
wits'% rehabs ahem two yeses ago. The
deemed at eme tem was • riskiest of
Lesbos, lied was held is mesh sheers by
all w s Mew him. A shoals of mese eel
dasgbtmm oed gresd eaildreok =1d weal.
greed-ebSdres wnies him.
Irbot • lieletllae AstIturNv 6. te gay
About ?boa.
Prost eOsee4ss gMetrlo I News. May. law:
It io as welch an open gmetloa now me it
ever was h the days of the immortal
Shakespeare, whether tt i• mot better to
"bear the i11• we have" than " fiy to ',there
that we know not of." It is perhaps sue -
lama tw speak of the long ea(wring and
sstally patient "hello girl' as • aroma to be
Meru with Christian reeigeaues, hat the
.tern end solemn fact remains, that if Toa
ring your hell too meet to bee ear the
"linked sweeteess long drawn out" that is
suppoe.d to characterise the angelie switch
asadte of year lightning expwvi0se is
UaMe to be eheaged tc smwethisg widest
The body el Wm. Reesoli w, whoa=
pored es Ape9 is was Ishii is
mYl pssd M estl
Ahes yeel_R. Os • peeMees
saeaeila he (sled to *ewe Must 1 Ye 1the
tease pad.
�t/.viee moaner less ramp' tested , neteg.i-
eel to do away with the "ventral" operator,
Is view Befog breeght before the pehlie. hitt
why the expense of mesh a eomplieased
emeglowe alien of apparatus aholdjse 5f010
in cedar to deprive • dean Devi Belies d
• elf..me to mare their daily bread is tot.ly
beyond emir eempnhe'wica Our ....vi�.e
k-'eim may be Hashed hat while the *0
anomers tat the ..weal i.wreM ea the mess
el • els es e1gM wire eyetem, sash m the
sew-Isestri ides reqebres, maid le mem
them 4m s& M pap doe asps el impost