The Signal, 1893-5-11, Page 66
94=1.7.411113=a4.:""11 kaaettei am,
asst ,a
sou by A11 Crewe rail assesses
S. W. rtas.WZ"Z% Z_-_ in•
Maa,d'. eAahmees Seem Carnet 1n' Sews.
The lew of the Nile levied. in .1nue
and coouuues until August.
Learn to hold thy too,(:,e ; five words
coat Zechatist forty weeks of silence
The most agreeable, iestorsuie toric and
mild stimulate is Milbura's Reef, iron and
Wins Im
The warships that are called such beauties
use both paint and powder when they go
on parade.
All four ..f the Reitish A,utralien
have • So.,tchinaa at to. head of thea
I lbreramtent.
I. W Corbett, the well known Rugby
football plater. will be rent to Honolulu by
the Y. NI 1
Cusightly pulpier, blotches, ten ,and all
itcmng humors of the skin are removal by
uauiu Or. Low's Sulphur Soap. 1m
'fee chief home of the gyp.ise is in Hun-
gary, where cher, is earl to be a populatioa
.f 185,000 of them.
Dr. Low'ti worm s) ruga has removed tape
warns from 15 to .30 feet long. 1. alto
destroy all other kind of worms. lm
A French statistician asserts that the
aterege stature of man hen de:revel four
inches in 200 years.
('00.tipatio. .'cilli+ many victims. Ward
off this dreadful disease by the use of Small
Sugar-coated Burdock 11W when needed.lm
The Prize Committee of the Pullman
road race etpee' to have s prize let of
$6000. Among the prizes will he 20 bi-
The Whole of Mauhattee Island was pus
chased from the Indians for 60 Dutch ypiW-
ers. " some of them,- at is said, " being of •
dread fel metal."
Ib to -day's duty, fight t.ndey's tempta-
tion Ike not weaken and distract yourself
looking forward to things you cannot see,
and could not un lerst•a1 if you raw. -
('harls Ktngeley.
A noted London bookseller nye, as the
result tot hfe loeit observation of his custom
ers, that the philosophers road by women
are Schopcuhauor, Plato, Marcus, Aureliu
Kpictetus and Roma.
The favorite means of suicide iu London
is to jump off a bridge, in New York Vr
jump front a dock or moving t.:uybost,
in Paris to inhale charcoal smoke u •
close room, in rhea or .1spa a sword or
An inkstan•1 is in the form of a begonia
leaf ; on the urns.] end to a huge le, L.
woich forms the lid of a g.rwl sized ink pot
stink tnt.o the leaf, the graceful cunei of
which entirely conceal it. The loaf forms
• pen tray.
Insomnias fearfully on the increase.
The rush and excitement of modern life so
tax the nervous system that multitudes of
people are deprival of good an.1 suf iuient
sleep, with ruinous consequences to the
serves. 1tensentber, Ayer's 1 Sarsaparilla
sakes the weak strong.
Kingston has . big,' kicker, Wm. Nelson
by naive. He is only 5 feet 4 inches in
blight, but he is said to have recently, in a
hitch -and -kick, touched with his toes a
beam 11 feet 3 inches from the greeted. He
is willing to meet any ratan in Canada, and
cascade a few inches to men of his owu
height -
Bessie H. Ballot, Kurlington, Vt., had
• disease of the scalp, causing her hair to
become harsh and dry, and to fall so freely
that she *cheerily dared to comb it. Ayer's
Hair Vigor gave her a health
ffscalp, re-
moved the dandruff, and made the hair
thick and glossy.
Brooklyn is the best cities in the United
States for hasehall games, says the ('levy.
land Leader. Thr patrons of baseball in
the ('ity of Churches never seem to forget
the old timers, and when there is to be a
game for the benefit of the player who is
"seedy there will always he plenty of tickets
sold in Brooklyn.
Hawking and ■p tting, foul breath, loss
of sense of taste and smell, oppressive head
ache, etc., are the result of catarrh. Nasal
H aim offers a oerten' and speedy relief and
permanent cure from these miseries. Thou
essda of testimonials speak of iu wonderful
merit. Try 1t; sold by all dealers, or wrest
by mail on receipt of price -50 small o. $1
Inge size bottle. C. T. Fulford & Co.,
Brockville, Out.
A M er.Feetrhed tease.
Hester -The man in the moon is oozy.
Willard Why so•
Heater -He's away off
Parlhareale (thea..
(ls.ri.swms,-i had a "'mere cold, for
which 1 took Dr. tl'ood'e Norway Pine
Syrup. I find it an comeliest remedy,
ring prompt relief and pleasant to take.
4w J PATxyaa, Huntsville, Ont.
A RNA fa the gime Wish.
• " i suppose," said the man who had just
been let out of jail, " the warden meant to
be kind, but he wasn't exactly thoughtful."
" What did he sig r " He wished me
m••y happy ,cora sf Ms day."
Dass MSS" nate.
DIAR 8I111,-4 on highly recommend
H•gyrd'. Tlsseal Hals•m as the best
remedy ever tram for oowgbe sad colds
i am never without It in my &Dogs.
2w HAW* PALMA, Lsrasrille, Ont.
Is Mira Lar Buono)♦.
Mediae* Student -De yea know, Mies
is , Wit the settee iee of dos h heart
strong to let every 24 hours
Why =Vitq w(' g) - Really'
Ston, ..Far years 1 was troubled with
deafer, and last winter oowld .tssedy
hear at all. 0. •pplyieg R •rd'. Yells.
Oil it restored my hearties and 1 sow hear
as well as anytime Mee. Trent Coos,
4w Weymouth, N. R.
4es OWN •like.`
Mrs Hake If you wnld eely he • geed
her roe don't knew how happy it would
malt• nye Disk Fricke --Fes year sake,
mochas, 1 will try it,. bet i keew by a-
primer bow miserable it twill slake .nn'
Bhesrr s Lasteme>t testy. M..esmpar,
Row so ties . Seed fele-"' ed Weeds
roe Denny Qeo to Cermet eMe••k-
Nes►dag r .sere 14..*1 p New the
seedy .f words; meekly mere dually-
ease the .skeler as egilmmil to dee m..1
tyro than the ales fasiibeas s
t�. la words we alae►. ..r though
Legweet, *abide, peetieal, or thrill.,
these may be, they aro intaagible au•1 u
smalls .illi arrayed la language. l:
.pokes thoughts are like cabers (•h idrea.
71.y .eoe.t come the world or on 1
seems of humus ratios till they are bore
the spoken or the wntte word.
Use way of acyua u.g • good t ocabular
ot course, by hebsts•IIy a.w•I.ttnagg
wait people who speak correctly, and
whom ohotce of welds is earefu and ale
,ant To live with highly educated en
oungeoial people is is usell a lamest
ednc.ttoo ro tits regard.
Oue sometimes weeders st the angular
lepeen tow sb,veuly and iIhterate heelers
magpie 110U• in bleu cad or ranee who
"should know better. Crate. they sb.•uld
and probably du know bettor, but in daily
practioe few people rise r.ry much .love
the ordinary leve:. ; t►o..• e ith whom they
always converse. A city -bred girl wont to
live in part re .he country whory pro -
sloe admits are the . art veto of daily
talk r.turstug • few rears later to het
home tis: one would have supposed her to
he the sear person, : , m.ny query little
phrar.•.:.nd dowuright f.,ruts of .peeeh, 111 -
elegant and lacking io good form, ha 1 rhe,
a very susceptible person, pick.*f up and
li we wish o,.., d.ughter to Lc pr.dicieut
to music, se take her to bear the most re-
nowued artiste Tee:torque may le a..quu-
ed by roost int p:a •to'e under the h. si it.-
stroctors, but she cot g..iu feeling, appre-
ciation of .dot and 'rasing, sincere and
genuine culture in nook, cooly by hranag
11 readers' all .u•1 this 1s true .-'t balk
vocal and instrumental performances So it
is true that a goo.1 vocabulary is greatly
augmented by hoi.a:•,lly Il.tening to elo-
quent and lissom ttul .peace, to the pp.lrshd
diction of the pu pit, to the rourdjd sad
rhythm', sentences of prayer and prares,
The young person who always goes to
church will gain something ant tacluded is
our usual thought of ohureh-going - •
larger end more facile vocabulary
"For two year.," said • student of
French, -'1 hoard no English that 1 could
help. 1 attended a French church ; I went
wherever French was spoken in public and
in prorate ; 1 Ivied is a French Mims-
This it equally true of English. A v..
cabulary is not gained in a day or a week.
It is the Pilo. accretion o1 many dais, the
development of many week.. -Harper's
& ar
rvt is i FOR NOUifiltktf ct.o.
Rale go ',Wow esea.e II rte_ I A Friend
Use at Omiese t!!heus.
N hem the Ike to the rase fib to ►wee
• brightly teed the draft is impsriset. we d.-
sfeine tie* the .hk«.asy requires ..anisa
es. sad ala swage sera be deemed, •ad baser
as to end /or a man wbu adentsads 1t to
came and do the week, who.. by planing •
a. tow pierw of ems as the hen onia ws will
Gad len ,. streeighteg senses te the sattsr
he with Ihe sus► that it lam been clewed by
of this maple moms, the draft is geed sad the
ire burn as brightly u ever.
✓ Never throw away • place et ache a if 1t
is Med pis the titch.a aroead the Mat::
all the trlinpwho the whthe edges
broken or ragged sad meat be amt od, and
loran* People Can't Cry,
One of the meet curious facts own.ot.d
with madness is the utter absence .f tears
amid the Insane, Whatever the form of
madness, tears ■re couspicuou. by their
absence, as much in the depression of mel-
ancholy or excitemeut of msnt• as in the
atter apathy of dementia. ff • patient in •
lunatic asylum be discovered in tears it
will be found that it is one beginning to
recover, or- apo- 4sotional outbreak to a
epileptic irks is scarcely truly inane;
while actual bonne appear to have
lost the power of weeping, it is cal t eturn-
ing reason which can coca more anion.. the
fountains of their tsars. Even when •
lunette is telling one in fervid language
how she has been deprived of her children, '
or the outrages that have beret per-
permed on herself, her eye it nkver reed
moist. The ready gush of tears which
accompanies the plaint of the sane woman
contrasts strangely with the dry eyed
appeal of the talkative lunatic. it would
indeed seem that tears give relief to feel.
ings which, wheal pent un, heel to mad-
ness It is one of the privileges of reaso•
to he able to weep. Amid all the misery
of the 1...a -.e they find no relief in tears. -
The \lilhou
No More "Leaslappe" is New Orleans,
"Ltgaieppe" will be more lee red in the
breach then in the observance among trades-
men of New Orleans in future. '1 his fa the
name of the gratuity which the creole@
were wont to gut« to customers, the re-
cipients being chiefly children and colored
people. it took the form u.sally of coo•
eetuwery, pastry or nuts. The practt.• u
• relic of the old Spanish dominatio• ■
Lanier ie. The word "lagni.p:pc' i. •,tion of the Spanish phrase '1a
nappa, ' which meats a gratuity, a -
eoer, to make • purchaser pleased with his
bargain. This custom, it seems, has never
obtaistd outside of the second and third
districts of the city, and "lagniappe' was
so prescriptively grounded that at sae to
be regarded as • right to which the preop e
were legally entitled. In an age of shop
competition, however, thie tradeemeo find
the gratuity tow muck of • tax on their pro-
fit*. A few days ago the Retail Drovers
Aromatic's of the second a.d third die-
tricts adopted • resolution doing away with
picturesque usage. -N. Y. Evening
Liss -Tiger Nybrlde
An account be. been lately given of lion -
tiger hybrids --that is, animals having •
lion as father sad • tigress as mother. I)r.
Ball has given an interesting description of
rivet l of these curious animals, in the
breeding of which • esrtain menagerie pro-
prieine called Atkins was chiefly concerned,
Mr. S. F. Harmer, tells us that re the mu-
seum at Cambridge the.* ie both the skele-
ton and the staffed skin of • hybrid be-
tween • lion sod • tigress, which had lived
onward to adult lifer Mr. Atkins was the
breeder of this .perimen. It was about 6
years old, and did m March, l$33. The
forst of the head, Mr. Harmer relates, re-
esmblrl then of the lion, while the body is
its shape more nearly resembled that of the
tigress. The body, it is interesting to not.,
was 'faintly striped," Led the prevailing
color was • dingy hon bus. There was no
mare or tuft at the ti of the tail The mg
was female,he sad tcharacters of the skull
showed . more detlaot approe► to the
hew than to the tiger type --modes
T. Preserve Palettes*
♦ raw Meantime der the preesrvaiise out
pslatbp, prints, waer.eolor dnwi,As and
/b.tegrapAe le abriut te he brought ewe
'f Dieters es ,lased in • close Attie e
frame, with • topper b.ek of psenlisr .a-
1Mukties, whit* Mie all respray ah -tight,
The airs thea ..harmed, ad the peruse
Is is a ponces Vanrm. std will rwrwaie es
till toy .ovideet sellers either is break the
gimes re injure the frame. jl is said the.
this plan eau he equally well applied to
large platter se to small i'hnttgrspba.
W. are told that the space t we.m the
Nes .f the pianos read the glees 1• erf such
• seprop•rties. as 1. provost N. rays
of eves the see Irma cresting
ei.mleal settee, md..nler vibration err de.
beheading -Loads, ilei(* Otap►1.
Oritian'ltfil� we+se'B'g -'
that b fig. erailiam•ttd!Ou clad r lobar
when et fart It is worn out and has to be
replaced, sere the old pieces, cot a up with
an told pour of shears or tx•ud •ud break 1t
into play mid uoc•ao;.ally tlu ow roots of
It oto the coals wham you hat.- • hot Ars
and It will seldom be um:e..ary t.. hate the
Cie clawed.
Don't think you must purchase some et
pensive mater.! for closest/Ngthe otstiest,
ties which will persist in looking dull when
you wail them to rause ; scour then. with
whiteningmol tes.d with kerosene, and
you will be pleased with the result.
Auother simple help(easily obtatm.xll u
Me use of uyater shells ; p ace one m the
tea kett,e and it will keep the cruet from;
forming on the inside. 11'heo the clinkers
bogie to collect on the hrebru:k after using
the poker, etc , until you begin to despair
of getting them off without tweaking the
brick, place a few oyster .hells teat tate cools
when the tire u not, and see how sown the
clinkers will scab off.
neat. Startll.g Rf ens--.BIairk, Pass Breen.
Veld Lae., and height Itapphlre tams.
Remo of the newest bonnets ate, to say
the L•aat of it, stalling. A little black
hose[ has • fan of lace placed ■t the back,
like some of the headdresses worn by the
Italian peasant women. 1n frost of the
lace are jet ornaments and some little yeI
low flowers are clustered toward the login
().suers bows nestling behind the lace are
famhIoaal like oars. This idea of ears
occur. again and again in the spring nod -
Korey. I was shown some trade of whits
alio, covered with ostrich feathers of a
delicate pink.
A small coif bonnet of pale green velvet
ie effectively trimmed with round jet or.•.
emou and arranged with bl.vk velvet
strings, a largo buttettly of jet resting on
the point or the honest in front. An ex
eeebngiy becoming bonnet of gold lam IS
enriched vial, colored Jewels and
with a tins trimnuug of jet. (*testers
heliotrope may he seen in !root, together
with two upright .prays, fore -ed curdy et berries and green haves.
A "picture" bonnet is made in the new
bright eapplure blue satin, covered through
out with no • black lac • and arranged with
a round cruwo an l grsth^•ed helm of satin,
beet up into s t''-nt in f ant The brim of
this bonnet a rdg-.i t F.roughout with straw
trimming sande of ;trend, e.oeely
curled .aMYorma v re•eml !login appearance
ostrich feather trtnun;ng. Fnlls of Weak
lace trim this bonnet, together with a ad
ding plu:r.. b.hg Meek ,etricit feathers
The wide strings are of black satin ribbon
'The Bpai Levan.
fh. .,..d r • sif
heath the sea ;
1 1st in me easy tldr
Wat. hh,g item then to
H... hari.le.n.r, gay. cocas fellow
N .+h a: air ne manly pride
Mel he oak, .s he i„ons darer t wV11;
Ina marten Ay his sink.
She's a eutqule Mlle duvet
In her -,Lin',. peasant rine,
.ts '.r I.ek• demurely a• nim
1,11.0400. In h..
1n all .1, tone 1 .e known th.r..
The.'t• neer talks ant ;
tier pretty hie 1-m ren .rue
Yore eases kn..rn a 1,.n.
Tnee re know:r too 1.111; r teel).lp,
No amu. ing d4.ater,.
They're IV” et bad . ryesrr.
Thee hare Dakin to r.per't.
Tbec'ce 'snarl then ler tM: china ear
Hen. r• ,h.,., :shores Ma. -e,
And 1o• art yr L 'IOW 3.11., . hats heart*
Yoe ,.a,u,I..e happy tenon
Ala' r too aka. not alt t than.
Their hie an sweet awl laA K
This Payee ., beer
And has & rral w ,w.e.ter rad
- )tar (..'.,ton Jenkins, Int lass Oadty's.
The Elam. For an Ideal N.Nday, •
Mise Krad.lnn, the novelist, hone of the
ladies asked by •n F:mgsun rootenrpersry
to give her ideas of rut Orel holiday. 8lo.:
would choose a "fortni4h• at Vertices -the
last week in April ami the first in May -
. pent half in a goal... and half on the is-
lands, with • pienie ba.ket and • volume of
Browning, Byron or Shelley." Mrs. Ken-
dal, the actress', wants to b. "somewhere
with dowers and sun, a good book aced in
mebelto hear who'. tennis mem rn.Ogh fort �OA� AND WOOD
me to hear who'+ winning,"
h1ouae+ 1■ Theatres.
1 Winless to speak through the RY:alrr of
the bewwdcml retake he ka• received
from a rwgular used 4WD ROL Mo
aye I " I was feline sick and tired and
my stomach s.ome�al eat of ardor. I
tried a member of remedies, but nose
..road to eV* ass relief until 1 was
induced to try the cid reliable Ayer s
Pills. I have taken ods one box. but 1
feel 4ke a new man. 1 think they are
the meet plasant sad easy to take of
anything 1 ever used, being w heel)
sugar-coated that even a child will take
them. I urge upon' all who are
In Need
of a laxative to try Ayer's Pills.- .e
Bootbbay (Me.) Rallis.►.
" Het ween the ages of live and fifteen,
1 was troubled with a kind of salt -rheum,
or eruption, chiefly confined to the legs,
and especially to the bend of the knee
above the call Here, running sorra
formed which would rub over, but
would break inunediatcly on moving the
leg. ]l7 mother tried everything ahc
could think of, but all was without avail.
Although a child, i react in the papers
about the beneficial ett.-; i. of Ayer's
Pills, and persuaded my mother to let
me try them. With no great faith in
the restdt. she r.rocured
Ayer's Pilis
and 1 began to use them, and tion
noticed an improvement. Encouraged
by this, I kept on till 1 took tn.• poxes.
when the ores disappeared and have
never troubled me since. - H. t hipnan,
Real Estate Agent, Roanoke, Va.
1 suffered for years from stomach
and kidney troubles, causing very severe
paint in various parts of the body. None
of the remedies 1 tried afforded me any
relief until I began taking Ayer'. Pills,
and was cured.' -Wm. Goddard, Notary
Public, Five Lakes, Mich.
Prepared by Or. J. C. Ayer t Co.. Lowell. item
Sold by al Dearness E.wyw►sre.
Every Dose Effective
Lander Mae Warns.
"Whet do you think of ('holly's new
Spring suit �'
' It speaks for itself."
from the best English
makers in a No. 1
Cloth ; in Prints and
Bateens ; also in Ging-
hams, Shaker Flan-
nels, &c., and at prices
that cannot fail to
suit intending pur-
chasers, and in per-
fectly fast colors ' al-
so in Costume luit-
ings and Dress Goods,
choice new patterns
from 25c. in 6 yard
A choice selection
of New Hats to choose
Always on hand a
full supply ot Family
Groceries,rfresh and
good ret
Ladies adies evidently prefer to wear a geld
worked pink silk or light aloe velvet blouse
to • dark alk or woolen skirt, to crush'
an satire dress of expositive motorist is
.eau of a crowded theatre. And eertaial
the light, gay colored blouses quite brigh
en op the rows of seats at the theatres
while those who do not tare for anything
. mart may resccrt to • lace pe'er•lee, Mlle
jacket or guipure or colored gauze 6.5...
, f=oal, Wood and Kineling deli-
ht,y vered to all parts of town
t- with quick despatch,
Per Varied Testes.
The oldest violin m the world wire found
in as Egyptian tomb, dating ahem 7(1453
R. C.
Mark Twain's eldest daughter, Miss
Clara Chevrons, ons, not yet 20, bas written •
playof nn allegorical charaet.., whir& is
mei to be eateetaining and clever
Mrs Moecsrs i) Conway, wife of the
author, has a ermnpleglo. se clear sad fresh
as that of the fairest girl ; and yet her hair
is as white ea silver. Whew abroad she wail
ane of the moat noted beauties le Leaden
The Rev. Pydsev Smith being asked by.
lady rby it was esparto.' that there were
more roses in the world thea see, he re
plied: "It isle eessf•rmity with the ar
r.ngemente .f mater., swiss. we always
me there of beasts t►aa sertk."l
The late 1)r. Agnew, of Philadelphia
said that cstsrr&al •Iferti.•s were alma*
saketws among the Ueeker.•aes whom he
alienated, mid he sectional it to the fact
teat the Quaker le meet protects the book
ed the held and the nape .f the ...k teem
.old air.
Oeerge Miss! *lin shall masers 1h•
enhtleey elf tbees ...weer emelt envoy the
polity sf the noel sod orb
pesetas am was moms. diger a&t• pie
Mler waithe ewer
raly sod rves�ad mesm.ataass f
:Lyn armee Oblong 1...... bled glee
EAU1beadle thecae beet .rode .f hard coal In
the market, vis.: the New York, Osterlo
t wsst.r. Railway Omer.. Celebrated
ladtawean• Valley COM to deer slime.
vi: Ch.ntas , Strove, Seg anal Orate.
007T 00AL.
nest Stows. Lamp Coal 'for me la
,.rates, Movie, fnraees, rte.
mss. ra CDew quality OAL. Illereborso .mita.
lee seal alw•re en head. Pped•1 •ites.
tin elves t0 eswatry trade•
0. ala mit wend. N bedew seed t hot
lane. always I Mock, Don't frraM riot
le res ea boy lees weed a the ranee
all my treed le ode by the mod of iU
i am Milena weer, est mad mat. ee Gies.
Not .r hall card Neo
e11 Imre Wed te mr wur..dpp. sew
I sae wad yard a wow it lea we gle mala.
AM wee hes mei messerie trmai d
drill shed, lgektowat.., bol of Haa-
TOMO emu.
ZIWDL11111 WOfD-
1 IBM lee& or ea •M WPM. M lashes
SPRING --1893
Tears of experience permits to le ay we ens suit th. emat)fsr
tielious tastes. Our papers being so beautifully Welded makes it only s
pleasure to show them. Ai for prices, they are the very lowest porn,iblo -
fr'oln ic. per roll.
Customers will find no trouble in selecting Borders, Prime. or Ceiling
as they are designed to match our papers.
Over four hundred samples to select from. A few lines at cost, as they
have been in stock for some time
as.wt',lmaysw Bell Telephone ea.
Booksellers and Stationers.
The He*tderson Plant Food
Try W sad yen will he delighted w11b the my a
raertattse-Yiewses Vorst10s . laws Ke g�
seeneah to erne. Omni only leis-, worth as Isom OAR
Climax Furniture Polish.
AY who ire It prosaism it the best mode.
afe•alei- far.
DJA vignon's Witch -Hazel Crean.
Tea used It to H, -we
('asu rpaa.ed for the chap., irriIattoes. ta, eta. cats -d by ev
lipeiag wiade.
oar Tooth Ache Oars, only 10e.
W. C. GOODE, Chemist.
Asa sa gwadye ter Praartgl sin tel
/PTNaE�UM TIrC�TyIpRES, ... from 1r6�0.010 up
00111110111110112 ARS SIMPLY 1(0T Di IT FOR SWAMPY
OR Mtn X -
amuck CARPET SWEEPERS, the naw tine i. RIeHT.
LAWN MOWERS. This years pattern be perfection.
GARDEN TOOLS AND HOSE. Our lel» is esmplete.
A Shoe -dealer should have s practical knowledge of Boots
and Shoes in order to obtain the best results to hlmaelf and
his Customers.
Thirty years in the business has taught me much that will be
of great benefit to you in your dealings with me.
I have the largest Stock west of Toronto, and the best Goods
it had; ever beef, my privilege to offer.
The prices are lower than you will find them for the same
class of Goods anywhere else.
Ordered work and repairing given special attention
Rips sewed free of charge
5 off for cash
We have just received a very choice lot of
--ooemierIIMS ate
die& re gement** to tttlall at lel!
10 Ceuta per pound Cheaper
Thaa tbe ea
ws a
A tt1a1 acid/! vie
of ibis assertiems.