HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-5-11, Page 44 THE 74IGNAL GOIM1CH' ONT., TH (TRBDAY. KAT 11, 1813. The Oignal, in rummage EVFOtY THURSDAY MORNING tt ei. t athean erfei. Oise .t putsi4sad ta, ttorthetreet. Godertek, Guiana versos err N•.MM1ea 1 ah.ath, In ariaane . ....... S moths, rin IM If credit Is astat. the Male per !••r t is will be eAtaaswrsUsssg Invtl..s.{1s�sylra�r.m lMla ies per Least and Ian Nssrtiwawed �iad $ H.so.rat M far each eat.ega..t {..ante. per • thawed male cards fi r mecants of ala liner and ander• is pee rear. Advertiwemeuts of Loot, Foetid. Strayed Situations Vacant. Situations Waisted as. Haslnee t lances Wanted. oat asoeediar s lino. nonpareil 11 per month. Hoaim. ou ',a!r And raring on Mala, arms exceed b .. line !: fur drat mouth. Me. K seunent mom h. larger edits la ptep.ttos. Any .pert..' no: a e. the object of which i• to prones:.• the pecuniary heneet of idly .ull- Tidusl or rouep•ay, to he cenetdeed •n ad- vertisement and charged aocor'dtnety Local notioes in nonpareil type one cent per word. no son ices lees ilhu 9Se. Local Doric.'. In ordinary reading type two coots per word. So notice for lees than Ids Notices for churches and other religious And benevolent Instil .,tions half rate. t'am.relal Contract Advertlseeses*s. A limited number of displayed advertise went* will be inserted at the 'following rates : Per inch. our Insertion. -- f0 00 fourineenlona .-- 1 " three months. - •' six months .. . 3 011 OM. year.- 1 p1 No advertisement lers than two incbee in length will be calculated on nMne basis. IS per cent. discount allowed for cash try meats on three rontba'.roatr•ct ; 10 per cent. no six :moths'. and 13 ter mot w s year's, These (and it ions will besiHefty enforced. !dhows "Tee resat- wenvese. Subscriber who fail to receive THs SIGNAL regularly, either by artier or by mall. will confer a favor by aoqusu.tinx us of the fact at se early a date WI possible. lath •l Tear label. Your label Is • standing receipt of the date to which you are paid up. flee that it Is not allowed to fall Into arrear. When • otante of address is desired. both the old and the new address sboeld be gives. HeJected manu.cripte cannot be returned. Vorrerpondence most be written on one side of paper only. Pabll.bers \.tire. J. r Le Tousel, of Ooderich, has been ap pointed Local Tr.archin, Agent for the tows - ship. of Oodericb, Colborne. Ashteld sed Wa- weneeh. Local postmaster oder the district are also empowered to receive subscriptlwir to Tut P Io5AI. All communications mum be addressed to D. Ik G iLLiCU DDY, THs PSNAt, Telephone Call 30. OoderiCb. fret YODKRICH. TH C; RBDA1. MAY 11. MIL rrWiesl paties ;them ted other stew .1 the time petard that • SIF d tlsti♦srklr is oars tl hEsL The riding o..diti s erase bag ses- tans,•d the well-paid prise' who, a the e ajoyeasat d lucrative potholes aid tat salaries, do not feel the seek of hard times as do their ,sore usforteasts brother autos,* the faruitsg and laboring dtimm, will o.e of these days wake up to tio foo as they exist. Hera in the Huron Tract the torch of Continent/diem h.a been lighted mad will miner be allowed to go oat. In Kase.. Kest, Norfolk, Welland. l&sbtas, sad other counties bordering oo the ,:rest lakes the issue u • vital one, and will t ot die. From Kasten" Ontario, tlusbec and down by the sounding sea, in the Maritime Provinces, the thought of eslarg- inv the gossibtktiss of this country by COa ,mental Union a in the brain of every man of thought. Out on the Illimitable prairie and along the shores of our western boad- vie. the same failing of 'mere., to the future of this great land is exhibited by men who do their own thakmg, and thousands are hopioy for the dawning of the day and the pawing away of the present D ight of gloom Telt TOWN 113 1 oe recent riot iu St. Patrick's ward, io the endeavor to rid the locality of the ('Twin '•dire,' proves conclusively that the people of t.oderich are becoming tired of having the town run ..n the wide•open plan by the local authorities. Tut Skis el. has no sympathy with mob rule or I yoch law, but if there s a time when the people have a right to take the law into their own hands, sit is when vire and immorality are running wide oyes in • town with the approval .wed consent of the authorities For the past two yawn t.odertch has been run on the wide-open principle, and neither the press nor public opinios has been able to take the authorities act. tin the con- trary, whatever strength could be given the brothels and illicit grogshops that eluted in the town by the knowledge that they had practical immunity from police surveillance su•l magisterial supervision they have umrueeuouably had. and availed .meltAtZ. themselves of it. it TOUT ■A• ALMOST ewtlt (ae short year ago the question of Con - macaw Liuion esu disclosed with tested breath, and many who thoroughly believed that it would prove the lest policy did not dare to make their thoughts: known. During the past year a campaign of edn- canth h.s been going on, and on every hand the resulte can be seen. True, none of the daily newspapers of Ontario have come out in favor of the new order of things -on the contrary, they have endeavored to condemn the movement on every occasion, and whes• ever the opportunity offered --but despite that, the movement has grown. and the numbers of adherents to the cause have in- creased and multiplied. At every place where a gathering is held -from • meeting of the trades and labor council to • hoard of Trade banquet the subject to up for discu.roo, and whether it be praised or berated. it keeps to the fon. Like BANyro'A ghost it will not down Daring the recent •' swing around the circle" of thel:overnor(lenerel the question of Canada's destiny was present with him on every occasion, and whether he eras ad- dressing an audience as an •axtli.ry to hie Cabinet members. or standing before a backwoods mayor and tows council, he saver falai to let them know that the ques- tion was • live one. The Dominion Premier, the Finance Min- ister sod the lesser lights in the Cabinet have all had their ay on the gosstioo, and have by so doing given it promisesoe. The Umpire has denounced it with the vrlese= of • Kazan, the virulence of • Crimmi,ow and the mendacity of • Hor•ies. And still the gssstice will not down. The Premier of Ontario has tried his beet efforts to bring odium apo. the subject, but even M has bees unable to make head way against it, and recently in the cess d police magistrate Banw'1, of Simone, wi- dsvored to belfttte the movesnest Ward of wing the ate, as he had doss in the osee of gimps Mvsaa, Iio.nty Attorney of Doff - 84. Of tete now endeavor. to pooh- pooh the matter, by referring to the expon- ents d Continental tinkle ea "cranks" •ad " soessteios" forgetful of the foot that the T)sNtsone •d Heonnene ens all sow allied with hi.. Bet is spite ot•11 muerte made to be- little the gssstaw it cootiesse to grow. Every win that leaves ler the United Staten carries expatriated Canadiw, who take with than the loved naeaery d • i.sd when, although NMm'. 0.o hese beetifsl be prodigality, ek. existisg militia"! conditions have re.deeed oyster, all siert for program. nib depopulaties of ear Anti, taros, villages sad rural metier is me tl • pootil- ear were neer the load ; the falling of d the lake erm.ree mid trade ; the 4.,rerl- smise in the vel.. .f real mere in tows, eity err e.aatry t the etirllapne et err meas. h.t.ring ts0itatless, width were se have beesem great sad gnawing nadir the beige latae..e of the N. P. ; the ti..r.g d ,areas time.,► the task and the : sad /he epee satiny a erstwhile tight -head doe et A few weeks ago an effort was made to change the loose system that had been in vogue io 1;oderich f,r some time, and a pet- ition was presented to Inc town council by the W. C. T. U., the H. T. of T. and three of the churches of the town asking that al The town .rosetable t Y ['LAI be ordered to carry out the provisions of the bylaw against allowing hours of illfame to exist within the limits of the corporation. 121 That the constable be prohibited by the council from indulging in intoxicants during his hours of duty which would ter - leanly conduce to grater efficiency on ha Part. That the council ask the Leral.ture to appoint a polite magistrate (without sal aryl for the town, and thereby chanve the existing 000dition of affairs. The petition was referred to a committee, which unanimously approved of taking steps to rid the town of the escial evil, the most important feature of is recommendation be- ing that • police magistrate be appointed. At the council meeting held Friday last the unanimous report of the committee came up for ...nnderation, and at the beck of the mayor the clause asking for the ap- pointment of • police magistrate was voted down, the followag being the mea who voted against the recommendation Councillor ('ANTELON, MURNEN, THOM PSON, AFTEL, PRIDHAM, SMiTH, NICHOLSON, Mayer BUTLER. do that the town is left es wide open se before, and brothels and illegal drinking places will continue to flourish in tow., un- til patience again owe to be a virtue, ad mob, law will be come more called in to right things • very repeaheosibleolHo.gb.owe- times TWy effective method, by the way. Nothing oan be done during the ..mar months to change the existing (acidities of Chap in (:odench, but we hope those who desire • better state of things will, like Tam O'Mhanter'. wife, " nurse their wrath to keep it warm " until next New Year's, and thea by their votes show that they dis- approve of the manses in which the town is being draped is the dirt by the 1Mr edi- tion of Rril.aa'e R.•tsrs. ares. Tag BVAa s omrtelleted*. To 00- rw•Canada that ntida is on over -governed country. Or seates.pornry is right, for thew. Au. rem wawa AID tom WIFE Ana wendsri.o who the dere la gridbg out the labored editorial artistes ea The N►ws Rec,rd Lbw* day. Dr. H1. 'a, of the Lr.4an aglsm, mays Ease of he patients have *soaped from that aminetioe of lata leigeriel ,alms, e t C--- -s isd.p.d- A ..e.1 r rattiest cads with the Uaikd area The q.l.0ma OMNI (.sale eft da•• • da la neither dead emir eisegiog. WE woaoaa w.ATOsL (iadmus Tarte& Drier, of Hemet flet ew, red JAY CAI. T..t.- Hor*iii., formerly .1 Dakota, ..w d lansd•, will thtsk .( the hollowing from the Newcastle Chreatele : Kvsry mo. that or look heyosd kis mese melt r eseniod that the greatest proxiss d English .teteem's- . kip is to prawn the good -will of the Government of the Crated !odes, w that thew two mighty powers way go h•nd-ta- Mad, .d not oppose each other ; for all %baking .les realise that the Caned Suttee will greatly i"Muteso the destiny of Rag- land. THU ag-lanTHU • A1.100 VOL'\, Mr♦ N11n w.t•TIM ink on alleged editorial tatter a 1'M Cliatou News. Record. in hs last refers to the editor of Toe Nu:. ti. u a reran. Now suppose we say that The New. -Record young nu. is • horse-thset te as great an extant as Tug Swam. mac is • Fenian, what is The Keoord Young M.0 going to do abort it' Or suppose we said that whim he esu in the bowman sit taking up church ooil/actions the authorities had to put on • ticket picker ter see that full returns were rendered. how would he feel' Then why should he endeavor to harrow our neer feeling' by his straight lyingIf be has eitbet sense 0r wit .bout him we will be glad t.. listen, but we can't stand outright Tying even from an alleged •lestsod•nt of KILL% the Boy. Tiler vvr.aa snomsg to TWO N.ws- Re•• rd last week, ig.ed " Rub." hoery ser marks of the sagest style, hasty of dic- tion ad ether expression of the hear aids IS Join Brim , sayer el Oed.ralt if est his. K's • very pod imitation. AT a rtr%eipu tip tor* ■ hem AID Loso. 08111111011 held a 'Mete Friday ev0.r hes a erase was paned in ever two leer .lag *0.A a pithier"' et the people d (.land• he takes eu the alio ag p.eMtho BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. WARKWORTH MIRACLE. TEM HAPPY TIMMINATION 01 YEARS OF 8IT11F1RIlg0. EA a 1111'71* aill.a1IIII Aa Qa5Wa .NAT WAIT. TO i7111111. -Ups wY Yt•ur1rul A 0t5WI N111O0 Mil/ Cara -A n*OuaaR IMPOINWIPI .m one w111. Warkwerth Jooru.. Not bog ago • reprees.t•uve of the Joltrual while ia oo0v.eestaon won lir. N. K.pey, druggist, drifted upon • topic which appears t•, be ot geanral lutenist sot w ily to -this leo•lity,ub t tbroot,bou( (he eoustr , we refer to the wonderful oared throng* the use o1 lir. Williams' Hak Pi111 for Pale Peopla Newspaper tees are net possessed of more curiosity than other people, but they have • feeling Chet tu- etisotively leads than to iovsttg tion, •ud in the course of our conversation we asked Mr. Ismp.+y whether he thought the sale of Dr. Willett.' Pink Pili. are really se large as claimed for them. The rawer was that judging from his own tales be was well assured that Pink Pills are the most valu- able, the most reliable and the moat sw000.s- fwlruorietary medicine extent. In ensurer to the query as 10 whether there were coy sotoworthy cases in this vicinity, Mr. Em- pty promptly responded „'t es ; many people have been greatly banedtted by the u se of Palk Pella, and 1 know of o.. case is particular, worthy of being reoorded. 11e ease to which I refer," continued Mr. E -n - pry, • to that ot Mr. Crosier, brother of Ret 1 i.rias ('router, w bo 11041441 •ears yv rs"tm,.eutd Fast Nort►.mberlaod in the Horse of l'wnu:oos. Mr. Creator was suffering from nervous affection ad the after affects of 1a grippe. He had not her Abid• :o .iu Any Ming for twoearn, was unable to est es he could not hold • knife or fork in his half paralysed hands. Ho suit - hired greatly from crsisnps is has arms .ed kgs, and had • ewitintt•1 fere. of oeldasa One ;ley Mr. Crosier trade enquiry Oen- ccrnln • I)T. Williams' Pink PIU., and I advised him to try them, and the result a that he has entirely recovered his health." Having heard this much the Journal de termined to interview Mr. Crouter, sad est from ha own lips the full particulars of bis diner, and re,ark•ble recovery. We foiled '•,r. ('ro.ter.1 his home in the beet of i ,..,,i ., Aad enjoying an c , <Ding am..ke otter . .:ay', u•il ao the woods. \W i. ,.luforr.. ,.t t'...(.J.CI of oar visit, Mr. 1'rnutet eat.l he raw glad to bear ;es;• imonc •., 1 He toes•'. r .i .-ala of D. WU- Ilanh. t'u.k Pill. •.a remedial *neat •' The o igial rause ot us yy trosblle," said Mr. ('router, " I date In a it .o.! WWII yawn. tt iwt. 1 was 19 years old 1 drank a 1L.: , : , !.t water when o sehes'ed, wh i. pi.. r.i A moat injudicious act M MY par.. 1 was sick foe tiirteese ..m►tls aid Reath to ruck, and sites that title, aril recent'.. 1 iioVC never tad whet you mild e al a .. v...1.; Two riles aria 1 hemi an snick .d la giippe whisk .seely cart me ay lib b,g* sad SW mei»'redo' ua;ly call sad cramped. and I'mold get little or no bleep at s 1.1. It was impossible for us to eat with a knife or fork and I sae forced to eat .. iib • spoon, sad yca cyte utaiea- at.n•l what a hordes life was to ue. (Ins da) 1 rtes'! ;n the Journal of n tenuuk•!de care by the Iwo of I1 . '•\'dliami Iliac Pills and 1 made up ..-y mind to them • trial. 1 gent to Mr. Lmpey'e : . supply and before the first box was rt.t:rely ta.ne 1 could nonce that they were helping me, and so you may be mire I continued their um .. Whoa I bops win the Pink Pile Mere was each • naaMns in my feet that I could not feel the floor whet' I stopped as it A. I oo.ttsued the use of the pills this d the feeling returned to my limb", the cramps left tree, I felt as though new blood was coursing through my veins, .d I can now go to bed and sleep .oaadly all night. 1 have tikes joie twelve hexes of Pink Pills sad I °r- aider them the thereat doctor • bill i ever instead of mg , in felling tired lead tdepreewed feel thofowgbly refreshed. sad ell this wonderful ahWIRs is dee to Dr. Williams' s' Pak Pills. Although 1 as 71 yarn old I nae go into the woods ad do • hard day's chopping without feeling the least bad effects 1 have now se mach oonbdenee in Dr. William's Pink P11* that 1 intend shortlytheir me again. this time ass for I believe they have n o e�fl Gr 0.Nktf up the blood aad I "trop jy "reared them to •11 Puf ms's, or to any who rate forte, the system against dismal. Mr. Creator has lived in this vioiaity for forty-five years. and r well -Uteri as an upright, honorable gentleman, whose state meats nae be fully depended on in every particular. Dr. Williaeso' Pink Pill. are • perfect blood bailder aad nerve restorer, curiae mach diseases se rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, l000motor taxi., tit Vitus d•aoe, nervous headache, nervous prosw- tiw u1 the tired feeling therefrom, the after effect" of la grippe, influenza aad seven odds, dise•sm depedag on humors is the blood, scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc., Pink Pills give • healthglow to paled . sallow oomplexions, Aad are • ecocide for the troubles peculiar to the female system', and in the ass of utoa they effect • radical core, in all cars arising free' rata' worry, over- work or excesses or any W ere These Pills are .r.ufetlstured by the Dr. Williams' Mediator Cb.p..y, Brockville. Oat., .d Seheasotady, N. Y., add .r. .old oily is boxes hearing the traps trade mark and wrapper, at hoots a box or six boxes for ta60. Hear is.id that i)T. William'' Pink Pills are set e.I is bait, or by the dogma r hsadlsd, and say dear whirlers mahstitags lm this Ian ie tryi.B.gg to deflated yew said t0Nli be sodded. The public are the earthed with all other sosllisd Mood began ag'i mien tonics, no matter whim firm. may ba gives them, They are all aellMi me whose oaken with is • poseeterl shuntyo frees the wtadorf•I no - grimmarred by Dr. Williams' Ptak A.k your dearer for Dr. Willmar' Pink Pula for Pais People sed refuse 011 i• iterese ad mab.t.tutea Dr. Williams' Pink PiIL oamy he had of all dramatis or direct by moil from Dr. Williams' Medicine (bapany from either 'Odra The pries at which theme Pilla w said make a erne at leas., ors- por*1lvely *0 irmwene as compered with other reoedies err neediest ttetlaont. LEESURR. era ear ewe eseves mdmat, Rev. Jia Walter will rudest the resse- lar srvi.m at Lothar. •d Ura. chock, Oddi rash Winship. em May 14th sad flim. ioathenww;ther�.hd work la Ton he wther tar the pmt Fermlmestb herminf .p.asle.e f1esa+y. Agate as A.T.a -11e Swine et the their bet ,tonged • greeter slstia f That ft Ibs d▪ ries w to tela Mkt1. �driesdt Odrii hat SCUMS MC, NI tZISZ tOK MAV. The exhthitinn number of ' , v,Ia%sa'- MAt:A- iiN t " is the contrite -.ion which the 'media- tors of that periodical make to the great exposition at t'hicago. They have planed to make it as tine an example of an Atari• can magarine as can be prduoed. It is put forth as • representative Dumber to show the literary, artistic and ,uectunio.l resources that are employed in such • publi- cation, and is fully representative of the individual writers who have made the ex- istence of • great magazine possible. The issue contain* nearly one-third more matter than the revular number. of "Scribner's," and the illustrations are of extraordinary •buodanor and richness, including tweaty- five full pages, two ot them in colon, the frontispiece being a reproduction of • pastel by Robert Plum. In short, it is believed that such a list of artists and writers has neve' before appeared under the cover of • ...togle magazine. 'rhe greatest care ias teen taken in the mechanical reduction of the number, which has a specially desigoed cover by S1anf. rd White, who made the original cover of the magazine. It is inter- e.tiag to note that the original drawings, manuscripts, proofs, etc., of this Exhibiting' number ore to be displayed at the Chien.. Exposition, Scribser's !Sons, New York. THIt t'O.ilorlILITA. A New York daily paper, *akin, up the idea conveyed i.- Flsrnmanon'e exciting novel, "Omega : The I.Ist Days of the World," has interviewed • 'limner of the leading men Mall professions as to what they would do if scream were to predict tomorrow that the end of the world would arrive within the next thirty days The answers are various and curious, and heighten the interest which is felt in the sexed port of Flammsrio0's great novel, which appears in the May ('osmopoLIrAs. It u a question which everyone will find interesting to ask of himself: What would you do it within Aix weeks the end of the work, ware certain! Probably no novel has ever appeared m an American magazine has been mon elaborately illustrated by more distinguished artist. Laurens, Meunier, Vogel, Meaulle, Roohegtwese, I:eradin and l'hovin all contribute to the elcplaati.•n of t h. text A clever story of another kind is t oat of the uew English novelist. Gilbert Parker, in the seine number. "American Society in Paris' is an article of another kind. but one which will interest .11 who have bad occasion to make even • short residence in the French capitol. Tut ('osworouTA4 scores • success to producing in is May number, almost simultaneously with the daily papers, an elaborate descrip- t ion of Professor I:ray's marvellous inventio. the Telautognph, which reproduces the h.ndwritiag or the work of the arta*, nmulten.oady, thousends of miles distant from the place where the writer or artist is sitting. Mr Howells' purpose in "The Traveller from Altruria" ie, anonth by month, becoming mon evident, ad is now reoeiv;ng wide attention at the hands of the critics all over the world. 1y's TH1 SAVE. Has -About twenty little boys, from ax to tem years of egg, infested the public comers last Saturday night till vary lata Mothers, think if your boy was then. - Exeter Timet Garr Rao or !fora Ftnsears. - After the first of July next, any perces found with Ireare.s re his perms and not having • certificate from. • Justice of Peace permit- ting him to do so, will be liable to imprison meat withoet the option of • flue. Abo W.IT No,. -They pkat them by the school house, they pkaLt them by the mill, they past them where the breathe will shade their own door .i11, they plant them by the roadside, those simple", .lms and hirehs;-bat why don't people pleat than rood the oouatry Marr.& erect ti's Ne•MT Crewels. Chicago Herald Sixtese room, with features bails on all the limes of foetid architactare, rode side dy aide in • World's Fair smoker last evening. The collection wag so'yackled and mottled in disposition and odor that Damns wee takes. There were two gibbering Zulus, who had cease with Airiest' dlasond dont; throe ..d Turks, with lessis mid eeimitare: • group d misty actors. • pensive (*dere!, with r eomkra; • beg^,ggled F.ngs►n ea., who divided • strap with an Arabi; • beano of pwehm ea, 41 angle. •d plata: • high - brewed sod n wbiaked Remiss, • r Onscrowded Oroek, • • eas fanner, who owded • mile na.s.ad miss from Ceylon 1 a harmer V ioostieo, two with hare legs, fear Veletas in ogler Bothe., sad a Nee weer 41.mlarwir. About ..area h.dred Charts hone - sheen west se strike Tuesday kr shorter hews. Carlyle W H•nie, the wife murderer, wee etsetroeatd at ling Sing pri.ee iia. clay. Nese ftdaead, 0. T., tires purser were killed ..d ten badly Miser by • ter.0de e e Friary aim. 1.14... IHrmtw, M. C. R. yard ►coks mai et NMwins s em' ova Ted killed !lady Mehl )Maar Risasdae bowleg on the dwarf et (lords ; TIM Memho m'as...mse e.f air pplw..M.W (Alam r slrps�j � �ride � pry per isoda la clew, told the brills d (,{sd.irk err tt.a. . w. twilleste M 0.dwieb, It is ler the 0501 Ora k.°r`theM emen i Moth ap.' i r• • who ter. .E. • tat, w ridge.► .t the Kee. T. 1. Nally, who W damp h.. semi .Hath• ase, both berg ,Hato -sesta at tett College, Nemeth. Atha prayer waif here to•ttigbt Mr. Mashyfl Ss to Gorge tows. ,Levies here es Seas&sy at the 01.01 hour. Mr Gowan will oewipy the prole. PORT ALD0RT- Fra. der ewe eserespender Ile. Jeri 8easle is simian his relatives bee. He In es halo and hearty ss ever. Will Measle left feeCdli.swood last week. He .rhes or of the raw of the " Crafts. sass. 1'. Neva, waterier tor ear harbor ia- perve esete was in this village recently. He let the oo.traot of wpp�yin. the timber q in this sashborhood. Mr. Nevis ea lie "dt bre was •e00mp•eted by Mrs Nevis. We tweet to •.mommaal the demise 44 Artier Berta, who died oa Monday bei, atter as dirge of sal, three wei& el ewe - mistime d the brain. Deeteesd was ie hie eighty -11M ad Wu for the last forty yeas a amtsest of tbie ve fir wife, test dergkt.e sad a.e ties all survive him. Thera was a very large ..ttesd.sos d the t ra e. Saturday lest. Rev. Mr Fair- beorn esed.ded the servals His sorrowing wife tied the stir e.rvivag relatives have the sympathy d •11 in their bses.ve eat. BLYTH. rims oar own eseroseesde.( The fanners are about through hers now. Joe. Tetuan and • (need from Gerrie were virtue here on Sunday lea. Mn. D. A. Fewer i•, Ws are plaa.o4 to .tate, r.00verin, from a serious Riob. lrwa had the tni0forta.e to eat hie head while pruning tress last week. The frond 4 Noble (:raspy, trio heed about four mike Borth of Blyth, was huge ly attended on Smoky leaf. The thecae have completed the ars- work os the addition to the Q.aes'e Hotel which Mr. Kelly is building. Key. J. H. Dyke, of Wlgr ve, ptreacbod e a Olde aid isswuctive sermon in the M1ctLodiet church on Monday hat. Fred. Kaase.lan, who formerly resided h ere, but for the past throeears has lived at Baden, has moved his family back to Blyth and will reside here is futon. d aro n Dow higher hethan in aur- eaets 1.g towns and villeges, owing to opresitiea. If we had opposition in the ;psis bemires in Blyth it would make this. km. seethes ASHFIELD. 0.rr* en0. --Arthur Ben.ett, one of the reser. of this township, passed to bis re- ward oe the 44.0 act., atter • psicifaU i11 sees of two weeks He was born in en.s, Ki•res hire, Soothed. in 1812. Is 1834 he married pa*horise Wella •d in 1842 they Deme to Calorick and made a home for themselves a this tow.iip. His wile Atari his three okildren, weedy,- Jai• Heart,, who licence the old heus.tead, Mks Saw - W as, wife d Pentameter Hawkins. Pert Albert and Mrs M. Marra .D saavlvs him. His funeral ea was attendedlargely attended which showed the Atari esteem in which he wan regarded . The M►sec were: Moores Qa.id, Borrows, ksrm. J. Hawkins, V.sag sated Fester. In path" lee woe • Reformer •ted in religion $ darted member of the Presbyteries' eaatrak, sal) illness keep .g him fres his air- 1.- al jinn of worship e a the Sab- bath, ori wticedivine oermmio.s our for him to p to his eternal rent, the voice et his ommiiget.ot Mailer mesa have said, " Well de ,the. rood and f ithfuI servant: eater thee iris the joy of thy Lord. Mr. Gaither the offered the positive of poet laureate to Joke R.ska. • I116.41. _ 1""E C ACUT or CHRONIC, C..* tet cured by the ase of SCOTT'S EMULSiONI of pure Cod Liver Oil, with the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. A feeble stomach takes kindly to it, and its c.antinued use adds flesh, and makes 0 l feel strong and well. ••C A V TION:"-- Dom.. e.eb.sas.sa /1,....u��e,nrwe►rse.aaA , abi .•iasW/ M Yl drortsas TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN TT TUT VIM or AT DR. B. &IOHARDSON'S sIOTAL PAWS , MU NMI MCP IUT-ITI IT iIIOD=L7SIL, OM?. rear • tberewaaah M dmtlmM (1there meetw wee► tie .mraslviniseteM taw a Ystrtdh, them wools(le arra �, .mien ansa es't v.rr Mir pea btheimilimilimisst ellintelle MOM AUK TZ-2111oltU P020/ ••Yid the �Mrrlist hn la seevveeer Asa wtho ontn: WOW TrraIw q ,Ela =reTIOITIPPOPIIIIireeTilla TO Oft Maw t." `rte !fir DS, S. ttlalMAH6i01t. eta- !1 s>j les/etrr�irm. WEAK MEN ±Earwf•• bt�eOnllgN 4 SUFFERING WOMEN rib."Likth.lttaaa wa, MLE ULM NW ..,�r0 , Mal q 00S w 50 slot es stll mat besi ••••••1•11•1 Ptb.--tNmgi bon•• i tmos. 14.6 ar iia TME DR. WILLIAMS MED. CO., �raobvlli► Ont. w Me.O.towa, Kt, X X OldChftPn (CUT PLUG.) OLD CHUM (PLUG.) No other brand of Tobacco has ever en- joyed such an immense sale and popularity in the same period as this brand of Cut Plat and Plug Tobacco. Oldest OS rebate* muss i.k•• tarry is Camas MONTREAL. Cut Ping, 10c. t lb Pao. 10e. i l Pkg. fisc. THE- - RE000NISE0 STANDARD BRANDS .Mungo, Kicker, Cable. iniyerttally acknowleelgvd to he superior in every res- pect to any other brands in the market. Always reli- able, as has been fully dem- . onstrated by the millions that are sold annually and the increasing demand for theta, notwithstanding an increased competition of o\ - er One Hundred ani Twen- ty-five Factories. This fact speaks volumes. We are not cheap Cigar manufacturers. S. DA VIS & SONS MONTREAL. Largest and Highest Grade Cigar Manufacturers in Canaej•. 74 t1 DUNLOP. Mee strewn earir o.dwit, Atbia 4. was tint ferfotte. heTh. stlhgts d N,.. 9 awed trail.. pl•ntre...d tis'« sed eve the eehnol-yard • tbo.'0•40 oleos t•R, tad it now lots quip Mite • tiiq sewed here. Crowded out lad week. Mies M..Pbergw, of (loderkh. •1•0•4 Irionb Isere last week. Maggie .sed (ireoo A11.. la."Porter. 0111 a tneshet .1041 Mie week, The late month of April, IOW has •*t 0.w • provenly('provenly('err ler work and the farmer the set • favee.kl. trams el misd owing to sot NBA's, a f.his dr4fullM is the field. Also in tittles the drill her sp•edi.g is fans walking .oder bshid tat Waft at each tern .p add abws. WOWS the taste la net used the tai llshire groomof e.wag the gram by the barb te eml he it still a ,,masa 1e the haw ere arm in W . d Ibis 'm .blr add rkwdl b the a u10 wllb 1M r... rMh r.i 1Ma' ,acute r WOO et the 044. date Was 1M edon.. d .was the - ti mnki.oA won i.eeml.d. The report el the isamither .. meat• elpel r.tlieta the hid one the 0.. el the Oats.. tresombb. Meal y. The beer et MI 3arar, M lie.. wee Mora 118.I r Mkt sail Mos New II Cillersig: Wy�.rtttat