HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-5-11, Page 3THIS SIGNAL: GODIR1OH. ONT., THURSDAYi MAY 11. HMG
-1st CORO(NO W1TH000AKEfi.
WS s.s.m•• to toeless ".sla.taA•• tee
w theermases Lis 'Mleasier Whir
dorsi imessimmt Mae Yes Mee
asrt►eenhe Write Iw Own mMerd.
reormg the Mese el Jenson, sad fits
lady parr of February at the seeress year
,ba Ureteral 1•.m. Lis of Zama,
gJ•eer el the twvaat, was visited by • w
nbls •.rtkg•oke. Estimated), the lose
Id* wan iseuiieeahi.. bet the
w,•ur' is .sty sad country was useply is
in rri ale. The hourse were
wally deperoys4. and some iIflsy the
peep* mu camped u the au dr
the most maniacs said that Zona had eft
punned fur wy year. without ads
sots supply of feel er feed. On Fe
filoague, the Woad el Dametkr•es ser
pith -aced en earthquake. Any one wh
�..: „.., hied the r ub a of web •
.,,.dally a use •New.iel
coed al. • io•a of Iter, will here no thith
coley ,n imitate,: that the People of maw
use, (note ••r leas subjects to estesio
nabeecr., would {`eve • greet deal for
rel..uk meano of di teretIuiag the •
of so s•rtbquaks. diet they might,
knot, lir awe m ew:ape with Ir
Uatortreatelr the eoeeuOS of the age •
g ut yet es for adeemed that the ••pp�1
.dao esrtbquske can be predicted roe
msr.rtie.ess .,ossa .re he an
tdrtit y. rat
M.tnously oslleeted for the hesldmeg of
aware of this meet terrible of all nasus
pe•n..wteea, rad is $j be surly hoped
tint a dui omega we shall nave rehab!
applcaec a ter wanting the people of eO
and country of tin •pprcaching danger.
Vow abodes* 5 the work is this depot -
meat, how contplioated the problem' wince
of theme,' s, we may readily rashers
grye.t iv ••1 the moat recestiwveateg•ttoea.
At the -.foe tome, too. we may well be loot
r edi 4uauoe of the hell nMtlet displayed
is terse edorts to wring freta eater.- her
moot guarded secrets. The nen study of
the stool. .hock whish stakes the ertb
ueaWe .4 met try MBiatlty o difficulty.
WI:es did the treadles sad heaving bags!
At .Mt stage a the aid anal& •:peri
egu.il! What le the magas d Ida
$ etAttie! lass eat atoldes did M awn
lad how wide iY iii -tragi-T �a
earth's asvetmeet ktasm el 1 thesioal! It le
• emery to have sputa-__ - d termwimg
al dues problems bolero ssv eineotif,; ex.
.t�"wt,. • of ear sea be advseed.
Bra' there ere veryweer eJ4 blooded
enough to enter oa the neveet.sgatiou with
the earth rocking seder their ism. Na,
54.11, would auy ore he he a position to
newer all thee* eletr.ties M a remit of
persist ubservetie..
Recent inreetegatt.ne brim aimed of err•
esa.ng these delbeslues, red isehieg the
aarti.ivaae itelt record the .ztest, dura-
nce axed dtnot,o• of sash disMsct e..ille-
tie. Aa Apparatus celled •'•aasetograpb•'
es Invented which by • p.•du.rw or is -
recorded each mental movement oa •
siert of p.par or smeared plate. These
e nstnogr.phs are •reefed u nDtoee wbj.cs
to earthquakes, where they .ted eke em-
us,1. ,eady to record the ant woreseest
of the advs.dsg foe. But mach tine and
thought were 'speeded b.4ne the Meru -
son: was brought to awytbiaagg like perfec
um:. The earlier efforts produced only a
sago,' rad uaMcspb.nb.c web of hetero
glyph:co T . borer and retest of 'soh
several usedlatiw were tr•cedek, bet than
was n •thus to indicate the order d their
mccr.ston. !improvements were neat sada
u the pet:dulra. the pee was securely st-
itched 1.. a heavy fifty -pound ball, very &c-
arat. cite -k -work kept an eaten sheet o1
Dpa•wpee in uniform forward movement u
bad ut It, •.,.l the records were rendered
Sore urtelhgibie. The first Blear autograph
rf an earthquake we obtained .t Tokio i.
Japan on July 3S, 1810, by masaa of •
Wagnerian selamograper cart uak.
had • Juratine et only two miarte, during
which there were eselerne• mentations, all
el witch were clearly recorded, the moat
nkat ,:.dicatu.g • surface soveaat of
1.6, m .metres
But lustructire a midi • treed may
mein a' nr.t lees, it was sot all that could
be 4...�... it Ind,wtst the hnrisotital bet
sot t • - ,.rticai movement. But improve -
weir.. , ntinusd to be made until, at leagti,
all necc'e.ry date were reworded, ernes
•flordhog • thorough weight into the earth -
movement derl•g the whole period ,d the
pken,•tn.sa. Prawns & t�t.ktya, in Japes.
remora. 1 tin happy idea of reeindieg the
aumh' movements by ses.s of an appare-
ls mad, '4 Dopper wire. To avoid see -
Memo the appsrwses Meet be divided i the
first too pare mord, .eek, the awuseets
daring twenty .weed., w►ib the third port
inheetes the movements ter thirty -ewe
..coeds. Ws hews 154y to compare the
records et thin �/ a with the hiero-
glyph:, remota e( the earlier mimeographs
k res iz• how import/me bee bees the pro-
per In the depsstwe.t of esteem-True-
lated from the tierces ler the Literary
dkealatie. t
y t
Mer a. hems 1►bwew •Ware tae
Peesba ei mese.ea• se.
beery year I have W nalbsited telMta-
dens Mean to stab haw sad Mma
thrive tics icy side amenably. Bet N kis
hem a en r'�' like sad water, de net mix ,,
tried every Mike seder the w for pre-
testisR the flowers, het hitherto it has
bees W vats. Eve. if I eisaee.A.d
.s the majority of the fowl. le . yard,esp
pod, motherly hew "rifle o thrify brood
would is fire moot.. CLIMIruy • moan's
Wel k and sandal watobtag of a prophets
piny, phlox or verbena4ad
Aa I wait test equal to i,enIabtug the hear
1 .trunk a happy i•eptrsaw awl bwiehed
the towers; baat.he,t • I h. anneals to
the vegetable widen. it win ,mot quite au
Cty or oouveaisut to have the flowers so
ent of sight, test tt sewed • great deal of
hard War sad Irritative, and the., .,t. an
tsitiw.mei551 el eel Woolson 1a the well -
11 1Reeiaeele. I have never grown
sowwe with es own genuine setrf.ction
beton and hese resolved to always in the
fetus pleat them there. For even the
141411114146 tower bed i4 not a great attraction
to • hews when It is turned bottom std. up
M severed with oneigktly stinks and
I did not attempt even • 1eras1nm r
.shire bed, bat procured guano's* of Iaege
Sower Dote, poguted several old kettles that
bad area their beat day., and an old better
bowl A number of hollow lop, with u.1
bark oe, made very pretty r*5l.o aewer pots
They were all filled with Wag utak. sad
planted genialness, colones, aert.1145r,
•rd inasy kinds of pleat., er creepieg vim
with • t.ndewcy to grew dow.ward sad
over the primitive Dome This motley
amortment of Flora's pereghersair• use deo
ribtted •round the hones and groetada 1
A Powerful lard; Plp•.
Cnhiuuiu leas two • aisle bright
.ed dark. Sensor is jest as likely to pi•y
is the Demos et Dees as W that d the otL,.r
Iw instance, the ether day. Mr. Swam, the
neat electrician, desisted cite be had just
term elsctriol blew -pipes eepsble dadting
the stoutest free a rapidly, that to melt
kw a fire-tad-berglar-proel este with this
6554 istruniest, woad be the work of only
•Inr m1natm sad week Its huh as eq
sod • .nisi.. The only dw•
both to the be ra
sea a tk.1ifie
teal te, that • phone eg(ige,.gwar k
rsqured blare t8.ieel bis*
etwrpill arra
S"eetae Oes • well Wish en osabe.I *.
I re • cortege method used the ether
day u Illiseis t• take the feel air out •f •
'ell 141. wall was to he ol•a.sd, het the
soil umiak da weeaftwdd to ge dews
he lied •sesrs•t•ed the quality of the
we at the Inoue He 1st dews • lighted
� hub Mesdd
last of it _•d•d to •beet de
tom it weed out es se•.ly
t wee all id iebby • w441 of air.
that1he wasted u k.�ow..e.uHss was
Po I
nen' sere
tad tee • a well bail smell m a tied •
tato Use will. to the all, sod lowered it epee
I4 bonnie he dr Citi let it 11 emery w
up, .tarried h • yew
feet from the well mad epees (4 He re41 the besteattees -
peated this spes+tiesri�or MI tunas, with
Win lowered the II.'se him. awe
hish beefed elegy
s.d highve
es at ra He them
useIP°ed wheelie
that /as W the
these whish is hweti..
. , sod th rein se
i• es umbrella him es M were me
pt' seesaw --
umat -at. Du...
never have bad geraniums do bettor or give
greater satisfaction all roan,_ if any other
flower -bring friends and neighbors are ad.
dicted to bene mod .re suffering from the in-
dictees th.reof they vol. find relief W
f••1lowleg my pian. --Sarah Rodney.
1 bat wretched heartsg Rets.
Over 0(10 veterivary .argeoua have slued
• popes tioode..neng ught check rias ea
painful to homes esti pr..ductit• of di.saee.
The evereheek rein will gotten canes a hors,
to bosom . ..IPrang. It destroys the
ddMsM Mpltly Lem to the bit which u
M. so guiding a horse. Dr.
"11 a horse pulling a load
4.41,. kaki in by • cheek rein be con -
n ot throw ►r weight into hu collar, and is
hindered trees giving lits body riot position
whir\ le .seat natural tad elective." He
groes on to speak of the eonsequeut strain of
his iinibs and ..uhe;es, dud the injury
caused by the e:metraiaed pos.tron of the
hese, wae.cby the breathing ..ad circula-
tion we affected, and the horse made rest
lees, irritable and tecomfortable. He says:
"The check rein inflicts unoea.ug tort.re
e pee the animal in another way. By bold
hag eke bead upwards it pate the muscle of
the seek on oonetaat strain They be-
eves pautulIy uneasy and tired. If the
hose menet boar it be rata the weight of
his heed apes the min, and toe mouth is
vteiewtly stretched. Thus he only ex-
chaoges one torment for another. To stat
se hs • word, the check rein leem.. •
horse's striength, Stop on disc•.., keeps
him is pain, frets std injures hie mouth
and spoils his temper."
comae Dam. of kl,l;ag Mason.
One way to cin • dog of lulling sheep is
to muzzle him in a ems!! yoga with • fight-
ing ram, while you Dover the dog with •
whip to teach hien not to attack the ram.
Every time the dog shows fight limb him ;
bet let him get out of the way of the butts
of the rant Two or three Irma will
week him not to touch the rem. Try the
same plan with a ewe or Iamb. wirk and
without the ram. But punish him at every
attempt a (meg for the sheep. The Is -
sons w.th the ram and one or two other
sheep, will he pretty sure to teach him ■ it
to trouble sheep. Sheep killing doge
should be tied up et night. Another method
le to muzzle and rte ouch dogs with • short
rope or limn near their kennels, placed on
the sheep yard so that they can escape
frees the death -dealing butt of the nuns of
the look. but yet out become afraid of the
, hemp. Still another is to tie a pies of
wooly sheepskin assgly to the lower jaw of
the dog till be beemeea thoroughly disgust-
ed with wool To make the te.ehing more
plain, put him in the sberpfoi,l during the
(aea„u Still another plat will be Loud in
mazzhng loose rings The most effective
said never -falling method se to keep ohly
trained shepherd dogs, and shoot all other
dans seew spot the term Huotimg doge
are the feet dangerous and destructive to
poultry : but meagrele are the ones that
pterelly kill sheep. --Sylvester Forks
nemeses Orw•me•tal Trews.
It M quite eemman for farmers wbo live
sear forests with yeses and thrifty under-
brush to take to the woods for apesi..us
seeded for *rewound pleating. Cakes
extra owe et gives each seedlings they rare-
ly mak. • wag ro5a, haadsom.growtk. A1.
meet invariably these trees hem long,
e prawing roots that menet all be deg u
tied however stoma the top ay be, it is
4ispr portiuu•t•ly large. T. cut beck the
top to se to hew. hell • dome vinare= buds
is the e.Iy way to seemed. Buse est oa
all smell nip growth, they lenses maw beds
est from the trusk, but skis takes more
time and the beds are not distributed do
....b as t.8.,• may be if • few series; ems
core 1171.--O.1tivatet.
Ts Preset "Damplwi O5"
"Damping elf," the restim of the stems
el yemsg pleats is hos bade km at the our.
is p bubIy dee W Magi, width de -
volley is rlub, dump soil, rempes d kurgely
of matter is routs y.
p,t .sen sever we welt soil for .trikisg
rattier, bet .N them is44gs sad. Why
set remember this k..e whim
rutsis bet bast I bare never ked s
ken by daw.1 Mks .s the serfage d the
W was skews with • layer of seed from •
half tusk tow Web is thickens. The beds
e re eke mesh sere seely w.t.r 4 whom
tame covered, the sed promoting eeudiog
eel the wrke.
Iry Men wenn armada.
IN tasalt tlw4 heof t11Mr
Bs1 �'l!♦"' psis of Renis.
Cwrat.5 Wlwwm
year damns has been mispl oed er
were oat, the powder Dur with •n theses
of replenish? it, er wry of year favorite
Wipe fir re widow weehieg vaissie de
INS 4ekle will be dredgery wis4.et
them. bet try oompepere,and I um sere
carw thew is the future le pre
hewer w the .zpseelve help. add
p jWi � madder le 1he bs4• mug
i:iit with the the with • imp dell the
ptrlab r, will ..gka the
gas dike ea
yes oil be merpei.d w Beef hew area/My M
Is lama
• tree5oswe et the P5.ese
6 the Yeeemiee easy, the "lean of
the Fe est." • dello Wee ere hales* mod
ernes/ ewtealta e4. here hats hollowed ams
as thin M s thiasteserf mi ty panda s raga
sem welt twit
Sirs. 1ze Gammon • of those very ncb
tad snappish old L. (.lad to Meet
you, 4r 'tgaitgles. I nook 1 have seen
you se D•In.onic .'..
Little Squiggles 'delighted at baring at
'acted noticel --Ah, y-a-s.e. I go there
vutivy often.
aft.. De ()•mmon-And I often wonder-
ed how so small a man oould eat so much '
The milhaer would ,.on be swamped if
all didn't know bow to true: her sales.
The smallest thin` at the World's Fur
will be the Amount of cash you bn.g away.
Dora -How do you like my Raster bog -
sat! lora - Fine' Who made It over for
The early strawberry may look pale and
week, but you will find then. It •great deal
--1 grit in him.
Every soot poet kilos• that writer's
cramp to ueotr so hard to cure as what it's
In the stomach.
What, good cowrie }i.-ovolio, • f•ith-
.wed ham 1 kinky site thee, Benvolio,
-.way with thee '
"The bride's tither gave her away, dud
he not'" "More than that He threw to
4150,000 to boot. -
About this ti::.e expect the kited of
weather that rue sr., not looking for. Then
you wen's hes duappoioied.
it is no weeder that old Father Time'. -
ways earns • scythe, for w many people
are conunuaily trying to kill hi.
Clws--W41•t en absurd flatterer lir
Softie r ! Dora --Did he saw you were
pretty! Clara --He said you were.
Rounder-0in Meeks very much like
water. 04 soak (bursting Into tenni-
Yes. I have (him often been deosived by
Mr. Micawb.r-1 wish !knew some a
easy way t: auks money. Mrs. Micawbe
-Well, mydear, you might get your life
*neural anthen die.
First Fair Oe -So Frei and Arthur bot:.
proposed to her. Wbi-h was the lucky
one! The Other Fair One -1 don't know
ye-. • Fred married her.
"The laic time I saw Trotter he was
deeply in love with two girls. How did he
settle the natter!" ', easily .aoigh-
ooir one eoul.I have his."
Hostess tat a masicale)--What makes
you think that set of my friends are good
actors'. Critic -Because they appeared as
if they really enjoyed themselves.
Mrs. Polkadot-What pretty new cur -
talus you have! Where did you get Seem!
Mut plaster -Easy esosgh. They are a
couple of my husband's Ascot ties
"My bu.bead W to work very hard,"
said Mrs. Storec ere. "Mine ha'r't " said
Mrs Softensp "Is he in busmen for him-
self' "Yes, bei an ot$ioeho.der."
Small boy -Papa, se baldness a sign of
wisdom! Paps (who is as held .. u egg)
-Ia my case it io, but it le generally a sign
that a man didn't Garry bier sanity.
He -1 see you Isaias .t the clock. I
hope it isn't for me. Sbe--(Ih, no. I was
thinking of father. He said he would be
home an hour earlier than usual to -night
Teacher --How will you ever get along in
the world if you never broil to spell ! Lit-
Doi.), (6ra44-1 shall ant need to knew
hew to spell ; 1 intend to be . typewriter.
Josue -I ant getting very much troabied
sheet them gold ebipmeste, bec•re-
Browa-Never mind, old man. there'll
probably be some left in case you out ni
wkm the core.
A Frew f paper tolls a stay of •' iariner
who, when headed the card of somebody
who wished te see his. said : 'Tell the
�tat�ssa. that I as exceedingly sorry that
A sMemekmrs *kph- rue to the
holt A where -A (need is kneed. A.
le he lie. A fires.•'. -.-
He k..Ael mil the fire. A plusbee's-
Falthfel to W there.
Mew Mulattos -Do y.s prefer awes -
nabs or Praia dreaming. Mie Perk1Mnppet
Mi.. Perham (from (br icewl-P e.ah
.very trip That WerthLeat • Jia
Dy on Mochas. -Vague.
Marlow --So Bsw. has sctuelly allowed
herself to merry that old miser, sh t
Sahel (sghiag)-Ye., moieties Andre -
yu. bow. Marley -Haw me t
= -0i. is .baked to the rooks
"Yoe think yen knew • lot about music,"
mewed Memos. But 111 bet you de's
Imre the deferents betimes greed
mod .retie epee." Yes 1 de, ' raid Jade
as.." .Hum's seas fu ie grand errs."
The kers a Or ez}riss whits eke
seta gamm ether girl talking t�hor leve we
amain c...p.r.d to the pugs the ter -
tore • wears who a neighbor weenie
sale the hired girl to the base aid Wee s
Lady essv.mer-Wesal yes like te por-
rhaw • hes of bees powder to-dy
t M.-
ra( just eueu ..oiag fess es
q )--Pfw•a is 01 wast ysr
rather t 01 hew .bees 14er kegs W M
flee Mw.
He (deepeiriegly)-I1 dorw't matter Y I
8.v get leas of Homy. 1 menet hype that
My g..'441" was • es.ge drIver. S.
(.wealyl--ThM's ell deo Yoe ass rase
to year ea.asersl kik without pies late
part keekre.
Jim -Homasty is tker bees peaky eater
all Bich -Hew t "Bemembkr Net deg i
. udef Tai "Wed, I tried two hell
days le ea 'ice gray se eye eared a
m...'% • &.r.a M 1 wee Iib • Meese
mete, M' gee lie or the els lady east ws-
d'lm: rat she goy she N."
A isewer was elkelhed •t • re -
sane u a b..yd-sehe•i W Lee-
dom "Who was David r embed the
tem "Klan .1 israel sod thekeel*�w ef
Darhlw • Datil lis pq/ Who woo lame
Best Cure for
All disorders of the Throat and
Lungs i< Asrs Sherry Psetsr.L
It has no equal as :t cough -cure.
"When I wag a boy, i hada l.ns,cb:al
tremble d each atent and stub -
bora character, that the doctor pr -
sissapd it incurable with ordinary
remedies, but recommended me to try
Ayers Cherry 1'e. t..,!. 1 d!d so, Vin.!
one bottle cured inc. For theta, f R. ro
years, I have used tins preparation with
good effect ',believer 1 take a bad ccld,
and I know of numbers of people who
keep it in the house all the time, not
consider it safe to he without --
C. P.4., Forest Hill, W. Va.
"For IDIOM than twenty-five years, 1
was a nearer from lung trouble, al-
ati4 with coughutg so severe at tutee.
tin to cause bentorrh. ge, the: paroxysm%
frequently lasting three or four hours.
I was induced to try Ayer's Cl..-rry Pec-
mad after taking four bottles, w...
cured. - Franz Holft.,.,n,
Clay Centre, Kano.
La Grippe
" Last aping I was taken down with
la grippe. At times I was complet, 1.
prostrated, and so difficult was m,
breathing; that my breast seemed as it
confined m an iron cage. 1 procured a
bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and
no sooner had 1 began taking it than
relief followed. I could not believe that
Me effect would be so rapid and the
care so complete.-- We IIP. Manian's,
Cook City, S. Dak.
Premed by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lower. trans.
Soil by as Drt•griv.. Price er ; is hotter. ¢i.
Prompt to act, *sore to ours
Why Medd/ Nan was Blow.
J•eper-Old whiner seine to be esaesally
blue to -day. Jumpupee -Yee. You sae,
his health is so good Just now be has moo-
ing about him to excite sympathy.
A Representative Farmer
The following rcrr_rkable k ere fully
certified to se being nndcniably correct in
every parti,-clar. Mr. Baer i' w. -Il known
in the vicinity, having reekt•wi here over
fifty years, and is highly *repealed all s
Ilan of the '.t riehret her: or, whose word le
as good as hie bond.
A.. will bo seen from his bettor, four
physicians had attended him, and it wal
only after !Ie had given up hope of cure
Hatt he dc.-ided to try Burfock Blcad
Hitters on the r000mmendition of r.
neighbor who had been ournd of a .irnilsr
disease by de use. Air. Hann writes u
Dean Forts, -I think I bas been olio
of the worst sufferers you Lace yet hr.^.rd
iof, having been lux ye•re in e bads of
four of our best doctors without obtain:1i g
perpanent relief, Ltd oontinoally growths,
worse, .n1t1 Smoot beyond hope a re-
covery. I tried yo.r Bitters sad gin relief
in s few days. Every oegra d a- yr bait'
was deranged, the liver esi4rpd, h.rdasl
and torpid the boort and digad*e organs
seriously deranged] • large .Mew in tn,
back, followed ley petards of the right
leg, in fed the lower hen a my body was
entirely useless. After tang Burdock
Blood Bitfw. for a few days the ob•oc-s
het ret, discreerging fully fin quarts of
intwo hours Ifelt seHIhad near :voila
shock from s powerful battery. My re
armory tiler this wee stead ..d to earl
remanent, geeing that has the leer year.
sines I have had se good htuiSh as over I
lad. I still take an occasioned bottle, net
Out I need it but bemuse I with 10 keer
m system in warbles order I
can think of sou perfect
1ea.arkable oar e
than what i have my.^lf prod through
and so words eon express my theakinlaga
fat oath perfect re.00very.
0. C. RAm,,
Walked PA.
i5 iii. imeneetion the fol lovriaet letter
from T. 0..4. , Bee. a leading t
of Weiland, Oat . speaks for itself:
Me we. T. Milburn it Co., Toronto.
(1•werutas,-,I luso 8..e pmwo.ally
ceersinted with Mr. 1,. 0. Haan far tiro
leer SS years, a: I have always foetid him
• r ry reliable n::.t. Yee may piece the
ctrnd.% onn4dr'ty itt 71Y 1e eye
with regard to your m $g hes c_t
Wwtaalwe Mato finIla tiler yea"
k that ft team mosisMos lb. way
lb.11se.Ioet l4. Bitten tai eetra him.
and the41 he maw 9141 .s did° do • day'.
week M he weir feb In hie Idl.. A>ebno.h
quits tear he 1411 fakes tea B. B. b
esu• .knob. as he mart to keep him in
Tots truly,
The laapradai ads the booth bees dbalm i o
psspith ad Its haw Mat Doom M sly
Iest eediii*ilei .ter gastotlog mog� in(•
SIssi jl�hll4 loos sod si1/lfrli►
t.• _Sai7tw . . a e.:
f Spring Stock
NOW COlyr:E=Mrr,
And we are safe is saying that we have as tine • stock of
Prints, Challies, Delanes, anti Dress Goods
as can be found in town.
tic. Prii.t, in light and dark shades.
5c. Challies and 5,. Muslin&
We have the celebrated Drumm Print in Indigo Blue,
guaranteed not to fade ; also in light colors --all fast.
Our Pongee and Delane Prints are perfect pictures, and
colors good ; also a line stock of $.teens in hock and colors.
Our Dress Goods are in splenoid shape. Arest variety
of the newest lin.•t, and trimmings .to suit. A line tri Dress
Moods at less than WHOLESALE prices- good sound goods
and good colors.
We want you to examine our fitting Mantlings. We have
a grand lot in Black, Navy, Fawn, Drab and Grey-tbe newest
things in the market.
Tweeds a specialty - gods at 315c. to 50c.
A oomplete stock of Hosiery and Gloves. We are aton-
ing a new lacing Kid Glove, every pair warranted -splendid
value. Cuff (;loves in Colored rad Black Silks. A Black Silk
Glove with • pocket----aou►ething new. Lacing Kid Gloves,
Black and Coloreds.
We have taken great pains to select our stock, and we know
our prices are right
We carr ' the 'argent stcck of Brussels,
C""°2 Tapestry, ool and Union Carpets, Art''
w Squares, Rugs and Mats, Oil Cloths, and
Arm Linoleumy ever shown in the County by
r=i=i one house, and our stock for Spring is now
...csa larger than ever, as our growing trade
!demands it. A grand line of all wools, right
from the inill..
Carpet Prices --ranging froio IOc. W $1.30 ; A goof union
at 40c., and a Brussels at 60c.
Our Carpet trade so tar this Spring is away ahead of our
ezpectationa. A big stock and close prices does it Be our.
to sew our stock before you buy. It will pay you.
We will have fully 500 sets of Lace Cur-
tains, direct from the makers in Scotland, for
Spring, from 50e. to $6.75, and of unheard of
value. See thtm.
5,i tiiwount for Caah on close cut prioe..
gip -A first-class Dreaa and Mantle Maker up -stair.
Or -eat Carpet Warehouse'
of the County.
1, o
W rtes 'ram% au& TV.ek Letters, as v►:\tt• a d'.r,mut crib.
•....arae to be Mewed out. showy *aye Perko'
M wewa 'teller.
EIT*11J .
Buchanan & Son,
Dashers le all Made of
Ad halkileree material of every deerrierea
Sokol estate B Bnecialt].
l rt Sim weep Deaa.
Cunceoo, May t' --About te e'rlamk het.
eras/ might • well-dremed ours ee...d
yogis -
MUM. 1110111.1111111.0C.4101101the lb..n Hotel is We rig ••4 t.m& se W. Meleaer .sd wile el Trae.t•.
dl V the [J. l Asara
w ► era Mese
• ed
to r4
t/•SOW •OS.
Onsielta. 4110rollb/l.m D.0
Jefferson Cent , Obis. The were gives
• ea es the leer, sed so r
lee sight the w•me& was feed doogir leg/
sad the ams e..4 .et be farad.
Tess aid yeses ka s remote &bathe .f
Oasis were &darned in the see ell -i
W 4 submerse*eela
...d le We-
ft killed
submerse* ed •d soma �•smber potdof .Metes
Wmothals isesyha e ewe limb
ewe lows w &we► by ti mat
et promo