HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-5-4, Page 81 THE SIGNAL : OODEBICH, ONT. THURSDAY, MAY 4 1113. AN4 man sPLIEN DI V MOM-' &M.haa M Dolt. Moto e=e.M.=f1ALE.-A BOUMti HOLSTEIN Fla R'8YUREOMNI TARTAR lPt ••IMmid sL BAKING OWDER. 1I Proposal, Orr EMU sr INT Pt. From • lady well knows beta to Tawe and Coaalry. Mttb HENRY!'tUKw*N, Mookies Farm. Dederick Tp.. le se well glossed wttk mew FEAR'S PURE CREAM TARTAR BAKING POWDER tact see beads la her mime to be seed ss • re asmmaed to the ta55rr who rend Mb advents seem as sloe has fouled 'bat ear batiste powder Sires sem 1 the jltea reee+suble Revere sad rted .ese 1.5 t.• std Weide ned alum or anonees aes.ler 1* reed We have put oar powder at sack a low pare that yes nes it marls as obese sold mid wb.. yam : the men renumesPowder the ttimeg teem the pleasure lit mita of a Pere Powder roe win od you. We beast of Its Purity. atiremeb ,...t (eas+sr Only fee. per pound. towel any lady wishing to try it Kt can hey to FOR A NPKIY(i MKD1tINE Celt F'EAR'S BURDOCK mid MANDIIAKh. BITTERS. 13t. per w . •• and makes a q t n tdy for nae. l;Et). A. FEAR. itrumpet. (lode, ich. Ont Art. ART. 5 x 11 R. CROC[ETT, ARTI'T. Landscape. 745. and portrait primates is of pd water ool. (11AY-SES Ib 1'I.uredays. Sad Saturdays. Iron 9 amu to t: o'clock. and from 1 to S **clock P.m. Architectural and mechanical deletes. Drawings ter psteuts. etc. ITL DIO :- North Let.. drat dor from the Se -are The People's CsIetakn- QPRINI. " MPRINI: ' (: E N TL E ( +PRINt; We wolf, to spring it mildly bet emphatically that Smith'is t emitter Sore has the bet bed Wings em the e,nintiy. and is mane fa.tunri *sear, for the only reliable sanitary bed sprint in market. Are'.o going to furnish a homer Then Smith can interest you. Ile has one of tb.lanceet and best assorted stocks of furni- ture in 1h, County. Arid In m•treases. pillows, widow shades.. upholsterer.. beim good' and botee-furnl.bing novelties an endives variety. The prices will suit you. A look through his Large stock will interest you. whet her you buy Of rot TI' VAi1MERS1ies.wnod. hardwood num Mr and tan bark taken in a change. SMITH'S FURNITURE STOltk, Next Dowsi.m • Shoe Store V IDDS PLANING MILL- I% GoAaH AND DOOR FACTORY.- IJA1.1.KINDS WOOD WORK.ORE. - WANTI11J, ln,0on (•*gong beading. 1 will 1'.. material .and in exchange kr building WANTKI). - ,it10 tone of hay in exchange for Melding material. WANTEI' hetes) reeds se stove or rough wood un ettch+n;te for building material. eeANTED. All ktad.oflogs inexchange for W eek. lath. mooring, ..*ding. 4rc . ke. WANTED. A few more people to sat 1 have no dry lumber on hand and nothing Mut nulla WANTED.-Allthowe who think of t.uieting le come Sad see. 1 have more lumber than an the planing mills is Oudetich or Clinton. Plans of elevation. interior of each flat furn- ished. Ju6EPH K11)11. Ably Near the O.T.R. depot. Special Notices. A' EH' ('H(II'I'1Nt: MILL I mu prepare,: to do eft arnde of grain chop plug c. n shortest notb_e. ]fill is running at all hoar.. 1 h*rr the latest and beet Improved s.ob:nery for disp•e h and efficiency. Prier! reasonable. No delay ingetttee y -our chop home with you. Jud. KiDD. 13-1y r Britsamla-et. Meohanlos' Institute. d 'IODKRiCH MECHANICS' INSTI- l7 TUTK 1.*HItARY .AND READINt4- BOOM, Cor. of haat street and Square tap main. Open f: nn, t a 6 rem.. and from 7 to 10 3.51. ABOUT 2400 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. isending laity, 11 -eek' y and fllwh.tted Papers, Magazines, ef:., on Far. lint Bit R8Htl'TICKET, ONLY 04.15. granting free use of library and Reading. Room. Applications foe membership received by Librarian. In room. W. H. Ml ItNEY. OHO. 111.1T RN. President. Secretary. 0.derlch March 11th 1110. Metal AoO0riodetton. THE BRII'isH EXCHANOE - Thls popular hotel has bees re- sited and much improved. aad once more takes its lace as the leading cam merclal benne W Oodertch. Commodious temple roomy: excelle.t aoeommodatloa to guests- W. CRAIG. proprietor. UNION HOTEL. (IODERICH -- Th' well keown srnerd and farmer* hotel has been take po.embn of by fiaulu thvthersand refitted 1• every respect mskt e or the neatest sad quietest bass be the me e trade. Ni., bottom Excenest st.Nlyy Rate. moderate. SAt'I.TS HRt1'., Propel* Mrs. 0b t f THOMA8 °UNDRY. ACOT IONEER are Agent. 0Meree . Out- asA laacaredre /1n lag. Ce.. Mental Ins- Os. Sates m- rsZieTa b way pan of W toasty. 110.47 JOAN GRIFFIN, OOUNTY AUC- • timer, Med valuator. les W hoarse* great. Sales • M..ded b all �.rr etehe�.tlr. o amu note m 7'm. ares M. Me DHHN� KNOZ, GOERAL AIIC- aNisy Lead Yammer. Modorieh. W emehterwtle eetlerl..es 1s s etlene0etaetrad+he le is • pm1Y- to Y mere 111 4*4 . 4.4 mem r.eptlt ts sd Is. JO • FSEIIAY'B LIVER WZENOEe:. a.. A B0*. ANTI CHOLERA FLUID fee. Mr 11 PiNNT IIIOTTI.E. IIODDS KiDNEY PILLS PiNE PILL/. WIIMONP IRON sod CAT1AIM PiLL& «4(4ONYt PURE RAKING POWDER. J. ter (1..n It Pi..e,vv rtow Datta Mama TWphse• No. 11. baa GOOD HOUSE POR RENT. -THAT Osemonires ltniEht, at • 'mt1has Mese t�wiles w eAmei toat0 Ax FARMS FOR SALE OR TQ MINT. - 'Holy eee0rsy of the Ise* David fisher. tolest�5tw.w�aesa. el..olets 7aa14 oma. I- oast alert a csMetme , •oath bait d Ir T. meal N o�aulalttg M storm These Wu w111 be aimee ltd Maspa.separately eya.r ratrs. J.bier. 1 Ver IL- ♦N. J. a. WHITBY.rtis MARY e. x144 HER, executrix. ur te R C. MITS. thelerich P. 0. A(2x01) UOVI TOeselimilreeld �{1LET, NEAR Apply tie to . C. PAYNE, es the peY IT ALU▪ ABE CUM FOR SALL-LOT T 31 oak 0.SOieh tp . situated .a deo ..1 r.� 4 Mom BU ttdd cad m miles !seta eNMMMiiGeedbush. R.il cloy 99 awns.. who( h win, le teems. on mores a15 sums tome* , aloegood bank berm. On res the premises are two a. )ouug. Mosel or- der. • good creek and neer Apply. to DAN1P.l.J. NAPTEL P.O. I)N-tf Mar. 1s.. (]OM TO 9191- House wilt ep- 11 weal-.bod, govt water. in • 15.vesdase ay ewe plen.au t pan or the t wit• (oat . ply carpenter, era l0 •ter Jeer* 0u ester. tColfu sty FARMB FUR SALE. - TWO YALI' a14e Improved fame es the fourth con oa.selo.et tledierieh tows hip, three mites trout Ood.rick for eart i :Men apply an I be preen ion ts M_ -ANN IIINCh1 ur b) letter et Ooderich P.O. Inn gA/CMR FARM FOR BALL -THE da). el Ip ad James Gres* raam�dl VI s iraa.M. Hr Ing lam .f lot M. 0ia.Swsion 1. ow the gravel that let.d. from Ooderlch to Wing Ism. It is situated about flu rods (root Aub- urn. ub urn. • thriving , fleece with four churches stud am/soot near at hand. A comparatively eve frame house Sikh seven lance rooms and cellar with other convenient -es, and (food bank barn and about O. large bootleg frust trees are on the premises. About 90 acres are cleared. Thr .ell le of the beet. Further information from Mem. CAMSADA V. Auburn P. 0. tea L1OR SALE. -N. 4 LOT 31, IND CON- T ceemsa. 14+51 Wawsoo0b, he acres. This tea 5ntdase term. Also Iowa lot 176. Goer- rlob. ale lar Ley. Ooderioh tows. tan which there 1. s Redd brick comer. Ably to PHILIP HOLT. N{ , VOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -THAT i' oseemedfaw building un H Brute eels, •t pormat oorapiM e a paha by WL emltr boa We. Tram easy. to r.& BCOTf. Srese le P.O. Ht)t EN FOR SALE. Nice 6 roues cottage oa et. t►avld•ai.. near Organ Factory . scv.i cellar. mer KT kR- Men. and all cos vreinvests. la amt tlkle6eea- dRoa. Terms to suit porcha6era -- Oaiy 40/0.00 Horse and acre of land witiessed orchard in 8t. travels Ward. Jus: the place for a re- tired fanner. revels Petty. 0511 115e0 PI Ate: to 1.0!1'('8 K DANCE I - Barrister, ke.. )Nate. Bock. 114 Ooderich. I. mi. \T ORTII.WEST LANDS FOR 8.4 I.E. :moo ACRES OF VALUABLE Improved and (.Improv.d farm lends at distances varyirg from 1 to 12 miles from ten Aprele Station. N. tt, T., for sale very cheap. No better lands for mired farm- ing are tube found is Canada For 11" pert., uta t .pet) :o A. D. DICKSON, Bmrlstr. 1' Q.'Applle. LAMB SMA logo rf-M. t,l ONEi TO LOAN. - 426.000 00 IVA. Private flexible heed stow emit. an - coolly. LOPTC1111. DAN0EY, Mate's block, Oedsri.4._ Nl-I1 C8E1019, . Lo, sot dem Kagland Vire Demesne* eorporst 1 A.D. mlllioe ')Ilan. A spirt fully solicited Ctom� W a 1'. BEA Montreal -t.. Ooder. 10211? FOR THE Amu gi rt eta ts�mge.t Is the warts. la . A.oet. ewer names. Mtof he .s Is f .1 *bore 0E1t. Mci..sa.fk. Illet LY J. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, LiFE AND • bosrance agent ; at lowest rwt6► . North.•t. and Square, Ood- ,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON MOLT & HOLYE4. .- nob. t t 'MOMONY TO LEMD. -A LAR 0 'MOMof Pei Irma. for hireetm- A*NI At lowest mess se to HARROW t P (� RADOLIFFE, CIENEk ►L IN• 1 *,. seresoe. Real reed* and llieem Lasalle t. Only Int lmialin repremeeted. Mons to L9M M isms. at the lowest rate el away to .Sit the der trees .serserw.. 110W A FARMER OAN OLEAN ANY MID GNAW TBOROOSHI.1. AND WITH WHAT 7170 4)0 ET. Mummy. Petr. O.l4se - Vine or other pu.s eta hems an spites. eats. Ra tease tram Mem er m can peas impended hem Mete secs r• s •t ea m B►reglies seta brakes barley. mild este. remilb l etllest meld.. *wild 5oats.f0todbsl seeds eta tM. retie 41414 pew wild o• .. rd mod. ax_ era M brea.klr espanted team Wheat. Sox all, a�eMss�0, iambi quarter. light ems,tats o.. •fid 44*56 MYaa N uusIaaable In Seed med frees (lover.ssd. tiessemiomedm . max geedcis.ae r sep5rsted from each ether. It lot Mef pain owed ran be seated e N. MIs liawa late W chuff 71b 15• ens with the IMPROVED APM$TROND ORAIN AND SEED CLEANER. • fu lmlar milt •tt.ob.se.t. No sew mill re - mired Can he pot In any mill. aid or sew. without Mil thowe.Iswvv(l.r dont marier It hme r the a Aa msehisss rsra.teed to de the evert e - 1g them. ruts 41.5.6. of Kale ons flag - Orden; per s efts EE maetm /erlao.a • .w�jMI lls'a�sll P DEPARTMENT wepromptly n re (tem the ejormwen by mesas seh as.w e..bs.aY774 w�r1.lslew .bras mea. A bbd sf ptmj. ....,...-..�... � _�_ mama... Mamp self=l1W2lit„ TO ADWi1NTIIINIE . Mettle* be lett at lib et etheore meet Ofios mot later the. 8aea9dep mean, The Dopy for mast be left not later 1Ma& day Soo` &mal Adverlimesde et to nomWedeody -.wrap iKosaMrW ItioSlir. EYMC(' NOBS' BALE 01 PARAS. W. 4).. OsIbMse w Pew mita Lt 7, Cum. n, The Nose halves et Lois 3 and area &„,..1 the hoot► quarters of Low 3 sad", e. u.. Cadbsrss. 11e acres. Part of the W. D. embers& tb half of Lot e. Cu.. 3. Caner aerie. sad port of low Si. Welched abs. Calburse. t; sorsa. Apply to tis Prior sed Andrew A. Yeast& =titers of the late W. J. Harris. or to 1t. C. Aa7s solicitor. G.dewich. 4-tf EX Et ' U TOWS NOTICE Creditors and other ' eis hs..a. mow easiest tat .f Charles klcCsrt by.11e er *Nal. Township of *s deceased. deosed. who Stam es or about the IRA day of March. A. D. ISM, are required to reader Med *Tums In writhes to Jobe E. Sullivan. Et bade*. Inesutr « �.�� let wall of said 1'harks llal'artby os. r lhr _7th day of May arse. matter Mat date the meets of said deceased will be /brributed terata. Uvular tummies. the parer* entitled regard only to the claims of wtosb auee tom been selves as above. tiuder!,b. Apll ft lam. It. N. LgW 1131 JOHN i iUL1.tYANa • OT kE, Note r' i.erehy given pursuant to the Dap %lsed Statutes of °stark. I. chapter Iia that all creditors ant other pekoes having claims nates:nr' the estate of David Platter. late of the Township 4 Colborne, In the County of Hume. yeomen. decreased, who died on or about the t.;:b day of March. 1Wl. are hereby required to deliver or deme by pest. prepald.to It t'. Hsi,. 1lodench tint . solicitora fur the elte-mun of mid di•c rased on or before the IND "sy of May. Ir00. a statement iu writing of tbetr tomes and Nldn•,ses. and full particu- lars of their claim*. also a statement of the re - cunt lt+ of amyl he d by them Aad further take notice test after the said 16.h dei of May. fled. .he said Kxeceiors will proceed to distribute the assets or the said de- ceased among the parties entitled theret.10m% lag to the claims of which notice regard Daly shall hare been gent as anove required. And the said executors shell out be liable for the assets. or any part thereof. of said estate t , ant pontos or persons of whoa, clankrclaims noti:e• shall not have been received by them at the llwe of sum h di.tryhut ton. Dated at ()oder:.••. this elth der of April A. IL. NM R. C. HAYS. HIT( solicitor fur aumot.wa. Not'ss. Adhalalstrator's _ 1.THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE N O. THE LATE NATH(NiKL PIERCE, DKCE v4E1e to Notice u hereby given naretlant revised fleatutee of Ontario. Ifir. Chapter 110, Section 34, that all creditors or persons barbel calms armed the estate of Nathaniel Pierre. late o; the Township of Asheetd. in the County of Huruo, Yeoman. deem ed, wbo died nn or about the Teo day of January. A. D. 11113. are required oo or before the flu day of May A. C. trftt to deliver or rend by post, prepaid. to the u0derst*ned Solicitors or Marble Jaae hero, Admin1Nrearir of the property of the told des- said deceased. tbetr tames, addressee criptions with fan particulars of thole Adele. • ',element of their accounts and the nature of the security ill say) held by them, versed by Statutory Der+larsttoa. Aso further take notice that after the said lath day of May. A.D. WILL the said admimy- tratne will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased anions( the parties entitled there to. bavtog resare Doli to those claims of which she shaU thea have twice. and that she will not be IIsi for the meets of the estate of *be deceased. or any part thereof. to distributed. whose she 10 any perms or pennons of claims shall not love received notice at the time of dleMiatlon such Dated ANSI 1712*. A.D.. ►a0. CAMERON. HOLT it HOLMES, ihll0ttor. sdml.Ntratrts. Met for said DeatlISirl. NICHOLBON, L.D.S.-DENTAL .1( 1. Post me*. Weet-et„ poslte rooms ep°M t;oderiob. AB .tada•d and atter-teed local snacst elics on hand for painless extrac- tion of teeth. tefbly DR. L RICHARDSON, L D. 8., demist. Oso vitalised serums ..d anr ter teeth. admewime.5i onmeliag of r a .usr� the' �l sv=- d Opattsedisei - e itaO BlIallsaL DEB. WHITELY • HUN PER. O-Orsnd Open Home. Goderlitlh boe taw NON •HAMMOM i SIIt TIM I'bJ A opera, =..-jt/I MN . (,. C. es ■IBM�e*ee. IeaOssvN anr. .4, Oats. J. R. OHAtr11w11. aeeYoaeo Ifoeebdt. ow BMW LsAV• CAMPION .t JOHNSTON, BARRIS- 0elloitore. yNilariet &c. C .,d.. Ash Otaser Jordans Dram ewe. k CAM ss r1ON. Q. C.. M. 0. JOHA.s1ON. Mosey to ban. 5, ll OFI S E. DANCEY. BARRISTER, / Hdaeit.r, C-veyaa«r, kc., -fete. Mese7 .1 a leas •t lowest nitre. UMW'O.de deb. Oat. -11 EN. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROC- . tori. Mott.. art. et Quart) OMos-41outh Cdborm beset. mdl JOHN DAVISON, BARRISTER, Sdtedtr. Oasveyaaor, Re.: Money be kind. OAss over Pur -(*es, godeolds. D 0. HAYS, SOLCITOR at. Mee, �Wms Oiever from. -Mat Pri- vate. resat, es 1d at 0 per mat. Ste5 CI_ ARROW � A PsROLDIiOOT, BA It. ka Gado Mob. J. T. Harrow.e Q.C.. Pro.dt est. CMRA13N, HOLT A HOLMES, aarsistoru. Senator" is Cbamery &a Osderteb. M. C, Olamres. Q.C. P. : Holt ;' Dudley Holmes. 0. WARD, CONVEYANCER, J'. &e.. a.4 eommlettdeser sad n- .ivby bait. of *davits es sibmittioes, ids doolars- Of mime Uses la er aettee. snit r pro- fs the et Jtstlos• the K Appeal Ar or is any oetaty r Airline' Court, earetalty olid promptly ad Pee eddies Demitasse& f!M-af • 819111111811111116 CANADIAN O OF HOME No Ilk andC_lrei ._0el 1111400 the WI mor yrs Swum les.a and =Tot i �ua101S. gs.MorJ. ArlMiM Pm falls 1 IIME 1+ lR BALM. -OOoD FFRRaES'LH wA�7.t�t� rsesptly Bios t6, M R BAIT. -TWO IS IN. OMIT KIS r ... « 1����M► r Aa.sbastWee. anp4����~ Olga ETJOYOB Both thr method and results when F . rupof Figs is taken; it iJ pleasant . '.d refr ':ung to tho taste, and sots gently- yet promptly on the ki dneys, Liver and Dowels, Cleanses ttbhee tem effretcally, dizpi is colds, head- aches and fevers :Ind cues habitual constipation. Syrup cf Figs is the only rer.:ody of it., kind ever pro- rid.::::ng to the taste end ac- ci 1.. blk to the ..tomsch, prompt in its action r::l truly beneficial in its eff"cta, t+:yrs:donls from the most when ltby. .la�Tseal►l•I,'bubstttrlCeb, its n)an e7' ilc;: gtealitiesoominendit io all rind have t .ado it the most p..;:ular remedy knc: a. 'vriir of fit = I 1 f ; ~ rah: in 7bo t .,:'lee dntggietd. e .Say' not t , , t''cure it •.. J' .: 1J wishes t._. f r it.: only by the �Dlif(l�l�1� t'IG STROP CO. FA:.r01a00, CAL. 0 13 le. II UEu. A. FEAR, AGENT AT OoDEalce PERSONAL Pw►alu►.++e. 161 Gomm b hems knees limen.. R. done* was is Wietgllsm se Bleeder. 0.. Meer's, d Oeslpk, WW1 Seedy V saes.* W. C. iearb. e1 Clint... wee Is tows en 'may. Robe 11 elman retersod from klealtobs ea Amteeday. Mr. M. amid Miss Ammo Leman wt egi Tuesday for Detroit. L L. Taper, bnrrtster of Brussels, was is towel oe Friday. P. 8. Armrnsg, of St Mari s, was m town as Friday lam. John Heatsy, formerly of Tog Ns4WA . staff, left oto Tuesday last for Introit. Mrs. A. II..:k anal children, who have trees vidtist is Saltford, rewarmed to lief - fele on Mosday. Toho Morrison left co Friday INK felt A.ht•bsls to take • position as ascend mete of the str. Olympia. Mrs. Ans Morris, aim has loss vinitise at the residesc. of Mrs. 14. C. Semason, left yesterday for Peiroles, Oat. Mr sn.l Mrs Ft dm Park were called to C'hi' ham last reek, W sttesd the 1uneraI of Alts l'ark's father, lk. Rudkw of that I,.s n. Julio .witty. ler., and Joke Waiver :eft on Saturday t it Ashtabula t. lake • position on the ate t)'ysepi:e, the f ex new as *beide, roue and the latter as satehm.... t' °' Harrison, a graau.te tri Oluelph Agrteultursl College. was is tows es Tuve- day, en 11w interests of the Travelling U),rv, to arrange for the holding of mem - init. in some of the villages in the sect tun. A slumber of yossg men of our W an left r,.ently for other paints. some ul when. wire : %ViII Smith, on Monis) tor Chicago, Alm klcVicar. on Fri(L.r for For - onto si.d Percy Sheppard, on Monday. for Tomei., They will .11 be much mimed by sitter large umber of friends. PRINTS ANI) ATEENS. \1'e are showing without doubt the hest value in prints and sat- een„ that has ever been shown in Gaierich from :M. per yo. up. Ashton's prints 7e. per yd., warrant- ed fast colors. Crumm's fine printa 10c. per yd.. every piece warranted fast. A fine line of AmQlean sateen• wide widths and toot oeien, 10e. per Via Buy you ;Tints early as they have advanced and cannot i,.; repeated at the pricer Our customers may depend Oft our prices always being right. We are pleased to show goods at all times, and I..Cve values compared. JAMES A. REID. Jaded Mom. Oodertob. March 9. 1406. *11- CROSSLEY AND HUNTER. Pit Oil MELD 7'O Foo you feel the good tint's dog hi Dr. Piet.e • Qoldee Medical p` *every. It perigee the bloodtill those' the blood, it cleaners, ft. pails, and invigorates the who h oovering from " Is. (;rims Of i& ooavaleseenoe from pOella& Sia, fevent or other Wa*tlug *i eases, nothing Sou equal it as M i� • restorative tome to bail P�Mneedod flesh and strength. k rouses every orgaa into natural er tion, promotes all the bodily few tions, and restores health and For every disease that conies frog a torpid liver or impur'r blood, Dye. pepsin, Indigestion, Biliousness, sy the ascot stubborn Skin, gyp, Scrofulous afuetions, the • Diseov. ery " is the only tealedy res mitpip that it ean be ywrtwifeesl. If it doeun't boned{ or ran:, in every case, you have your money back. 1 tees red w.rtl.. m Ilse \ertb-al. teethed lea 4 Merit. Che trews that Rev. Messrs. Crossley and Hunter had derided to run up from Berlin os Wedoseday .1 last week awl take part in • anion meeting to be held w North st Methodist church, brought out a large attendance, notwithstanding that • limey downpour of run was in progress .t the boor advertised for the meeting. The large church was crowded in body and galkry, and fully 1 700 perms& famed the platform whom tie examines began. The meeting was opossed with prayer by Rev. W. Termeoe, of Victoria -et chinch, is in an earned and impisseirsi sonar, atter which Rev. J. F. ow0l eiplamed the object of the ,meeting and told of the per su.atve efforts he was forced to make to hring the e.-angeliaa back to tioderinb. Continuing, the reg. geetlee••a hoped that • good collection would remelt, as the eyaegeltste were at some expense in omen* 5Goderich. let the •toppere May at the beMemt of year pock", brethren, sad bring theatl.'.�r. pieces.' said the pastor of ..41h-st. Methodist church, amidst • titter from the large congregat 's. Nedwithetandtsg this atroS' 4U•, Tea 4tutt*l. young men, who sat is she Ehikry. saw same hallalnjab-a teetitsg Imithete drop aged Sed ishan emits as the plate whoa Sha oolleotion was takes op. And mom pious and well- to-do sisters did tbe btW besisess, two. After the esegrepties W auUt " It i. Good to Be Here," Sad Mr. Crawly ho rendered in Bae style, "The Ramos, ' Mr. Hunter gave one of his ieiaeiable Bible readings, Brad drove the applioatioe home This eras folksiest' by The Song of Trust," by Mr. (Aessl.y, after which he wire • team addleses which bad • great el- /erisyea the osillisesa sH'seer hollowed myth a brief but list) fig addr see in which be portrayed haws eswir.i4 ieehriate had bees brought to seiveMes at the Motrepslitaa chur:b meet - tare ',meetly hell in Toronto. Is was seeking the gold sure and found the great Physician During the recital by Mr. Iletlir there wee hardly a dry eye in the adie&oe. A5 address to the new cnsvert. was then gives by Her. .1. A Anderson, after which an open oummuoion service was held of whieh many availed themselves. The evangelists lett for St. Thomas by the 7 A. u train Thursday attuning THE F:%IVRT PE IA Teti.a Recent mutt adviers cnntirn, . ur former reports of the great slaughter salsa of •pilo it the i iverpool awake, , the Lest kinds of t'e.a- than apples being auctioned off .t from 8s to 121 per bbl. while a large portion of the truit sold at from 1s 6.1 to 7. per hies These prior* are even worse than those ob- tained for the less desirable class of fall fruit, and constitute one of the worst wind- upe experienced for a number of *Sews. L this market stacks are being rradualiy worked off at 42 to 't3 per hbl for fancy fruit, while the poorer kind* w a be- ing worked off to peddlers at from 75e to 41.50 per hid, as to quality and oondities. Mootreai Trade Bulletin. AT THE CITY OF THE DEAD. • ft1aK-noar A-- $41e Taesloa-weal. misore 4. se Illemsttr sea Maitlaad Cer.stery-♦3.dsr*ch's " City at the Dead " -b oris d the lisle. Moth= her • piece of buret that .ribs is Clmeeda. It is stow over thirty yeah Gimes sixty eons were purchased by the town sad est aside for mooter psrppovsoss5esad donee the years that have inMr1.asi meat' e( tb• beim kora 1M old reidab et the ton and ilgilt4 a5554y have baud a wmain 15 M I . there dtsr " Uig'. NM dram A visit to M•itbt5d Cemetery and • amid .m•miautim 4 the ie.s tptloes ea tie tablets et tM aides time will *maw the ammeter familiar with, the name• of essay who in their day hod • pima ie the early history of the seer ise. Sesss of these tab- lets now beer *vide.es of th. wear and tear of years, bat earth lase its history, .ad tolls a story pemiliarly its owe. Om of the setiosable feeler« u memo time 0 5ee- time with the mom lery is the almost mm - plebe ae5gs that hes ea remit years sesss over the tames of the people who wish to twit Me emit where loved owe rest Is Um eldest days the wdi.•ry A.4 melds Mahe, barb( tbe name, ase, .5d date of kirtb .5d den► et the departed ase was the predemimti.g f-4srs. Body tint is al- ssmt entirely emee d, and waw semerese Arvelo,t..ttie mad almost all Me mere modem he m.mem.5b me rib es- e.d, met M be esmme1, 011 Made ogee senesediess.i�.f eeThh5a5tmtthe lt to ..m. moat few this show will be rowdily *weeded, bud me 0.011 two* ler the ha - Lt tW Odreh -- due M the •5 astsrpr�s154�barm me eemse m- eantlimperteee and y es bee see limb ae�.tLU_ sod mete ss41mlgt 1b. ins el he dim is The 0dmw MssNs Welds aum.add outstations Vosons. BOY W ANTED. -A Goon, 8101 r Active bop wanted at 4Au11OER't3 a CO. L -1t (VENERAL SERVANT WANTED - % gaire� w MES- W.• RHYNAS.w 440 Me Cord oC Thanks. !IA RD OF THANKS. -OUR ORATE V fel tbwks are extended te the Revel T.es.W. and 44. tae•7 other Meads for the Modems .ad sympathy shown to our dear 1*N.ad and father donee kir Meese and also to se masa hie decease. 11-11 MRS. E. VIVIAN and fatuity. Publlo Notlasa. NOTICE. -ALL PERSONS FOUND deepening ea my lads by shooting. hustler. ranging. csatpieg. Oakley r other wise will be prosecuted aacordi.g to law. 4seb leads are the Hart farm, in the township of Colborne, awl HIP property known as the Pane sed Resrv. in the town.htps of Ooder,ch sib0 CCAMPION, 1] X. BAECIII.En. setiotter. Proprietor. IVODERiCH FOUNDRY AND Vr MACHINE WORK& to the public : Having scquind the ahem Mittman and haw- se had sixteen roes of practical expertise*. i hope by strict anemias whininess. to seven your patronage es in the past. All kinds of ogmings mads to order. Re- pair work s meeWtyanismerel tamper st�to tresis malodour the Watford make. TbsstMI yon for past taros II remain. J. MHO 1 mor a. RUNCI.IAN. CIALTPORD TANNI ET -TO THE Ira es t - ty me= i uprstem oar even ew pepmed bedew the WOW* prigm Bmf Seam et mem dm insure. No bode to ollostlity. JOSEPH . Prophase. U.& Amigos tains. APCf'ION SALIK OF A VALUABLE Farm. the pre4.ty .f J..e. Puma. rmrentiioutt znito the pewee id mil hp casae e.ssstaed is the ma lo ill be Mined for eye by i,, 1 T�yi Randr,, Aemee.sr, K IPre 1. 0*. owe of O.drlet se 1Mh, tuts, •t If o'eloek. sees.. Mro*wy Mi11g let member see the psR L W .Yd Township .r mem, tsh of eH_ elan, e� ty be the eine se lam emery `meeeretweme tonged ad has a geed automatist erebonl men 11. Ib. ev,. erected the tellowf.5 .p ewe wed Mses berms at . Mame .II I. • fbilr stab etem at Ten h •• • t Moe Mom and ►.Ms•. enema et 'timber hem T7lte medians It waH rtessM e■ .he�eed trent revs l mass Mw 45�erWme meat of W -le 1fi..o7 ee�Lttbei4-1S+ttlme of me e.A tM 15■tldYsrgdva a wbtsh time tM e..e41r wAl"Itiew nrequired 1 wme'�ef/weiet am M r*mrb ea lbs onY 11.s. w olenatiriMtEll. ESM Use1644. is perfectly. per. manently, poo). tively cured by Dr. Sage's Ca- tarrh Remedy. The proprietors of this medi. cine prove that by their offer. It's $500 cash for a case of Catarrh which they can't cu THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. haderiell Mess aMUWEet May v1..101 hrifE _Whet,......... „..... • .. c r a W1,at 0 4i Ls to 0 Mir. fnmil !hero aton- tea 43 nm tons a St We IS re wil ((�aq,tiw tl p M" n e e i Peas.a bush. SYS t.1 �iee�yyr. two '*bath CM to 0 to 7 P l a sr w bleb- tee 5 AOfl o• A . * bash.. 0 .n to M s 16'0,•8 npasm (meth nr'd.O lb. , s A :e ., 1s. ---... Ir to 9 it Weed.�.. .... 3s.) to i01 W151 .. 01/ to0N Hides. t A t o Sillf •s -- eWs Ikeessl► Hell.. i rwl �� 0 4s •.•oT 1tt Lire trap . ... flee .. fir tlo Vetmtmees Woks in 1096. Thep yew ego it was reorganized under the tesoegr smut of J. A. Robertson, a skillet ~tem of .ash experience. `erect thee Has tie` ►*else of the firm hu t•., ruwd, atda largo member of 1!.eimproie.l reeler etrm.lM meats hate lose introduced into Ho see ties. Every grade of Scot. h. Anserina eel t'aaadiso granite and marble has that time been handled by oho firm, w u the eelehr•ted Red Swede granite. which is very popular. The KsortJA Pearl, a Norway grated*, is also taking a troet place in oe.et.ry designs. The eotsrprioe of the firm has hewn well rewarded, sod in passing tk the ceme- tery Tuesday last we ..Beed that many of the handsome columns end other memorial pieces were the outpat et the Om -knob Marble Works. Aasslpt them we ei terveat a psrtialbrl Aro nigh I• ornery of the lot* Petr Adamson, meantime d • So„ tcb granite column (..515lly imparted iron Aberdeen t cense ed by a dewed urn ted readapt en s bees ed grey grat i. her Net ..Isar* -the whole nteading emus amenters feet in height, .ad estimated M Aare cel between P(AO read 11700. A on.aterport of this esoaume.t, we understated. was or - dared from the (iod.riek Metres Works by S. i►ickese. Fey.. postmaster of Sasfnrtk. Another handeorte memeial Melt is that erected in memory of doe km Gee. Sesame .ad daughter by .enswisg trilled.. A number of neat sad h•edoomte granite cot- tage monuments, to b..diwerk of the saw firm have bean erected be mwwy of floes lata Charles Stach, Mn i Dr. s 3. M. liadmit Sed John Hater. A peculiarly wiling swim is that known es the Rstle, wdtiak were *meted by to soerewttg relatives d the late Jame. Bailey. W. S. Smelts ad (J.org. Rhyme. For nest demos they an IIITU"dinotiesabb workman.► i• .very tree is of • b order aid > pe.i Medi' apes the skill .ted mammies erratic fleet. At the works se Htlmilteam, utero an eterveni moat designs ia mmseri.i pie . chid an o. t which i. • Mndemee 8s•pk ipso its meneno5t, direst tram Aber• tear, std fa we .nde egad, targe wember ed ember deregek sed New Beemyriek t 4*s edema are it mane et delivery at Osdmf0 . The omen pew ed tracheate** of the Ares is stow le ..nes. d ,wmpietiee at the ahem, beim4 . hoedown m eemsee&t of New .wk*44s i. ., is d w 1•m RobRobert 0Iway. et Thigh will Bra ed1Mr iaimmta the Amiga god w.aiwg the work, we .rand that serrewW Motive. wipe *hire to op tibias neew oriels to deported tri.eds, *most MT. the earths deme M batter adoaloge sed with mere etotldlUet Y re15Na diem bythewl epee Oeierleill Marble1 howler h... seders. Hamel A arebvwte Wiwewsors Owe. B5a•*rttla. Apre Iles -The papules 1. p..mi•5 le thed deetms .md a•m oaks their owe reeds r m debt tree, het when a IMAM Wm 0, M ga5esdly wale re eweMe e1 him sir •�! se ITni wb.a• .kill M Me e�t� b wl:.0 • dl i r a tilt etMaMsat el Meta pub lb faith bee Ike ha b semi ether ehemiet width ha lous.. g( mod mealle. 1st the &Move .ed dt ' Aim t mot thew flesh fhb to _•d ppm • wen time end lli. 1. M. Tr, the p-��1.e kv�s, r res Ir.**Ml4 4sr?light. Dei' • Co, Me fes a ems time boa a sirs_ from ww- pKisa sod timalis-ett the ksdwys 11. tried seven maw tet w mars Kra., rilis Soo bewwittiest le try thew Be sow tare Nd Mat Owed, and to year ewer e .t'1MeWIWes•nMMbd^er1 Etter Lath is modistes', bet Om be he demo mit Wen 001 p1.e ewe et tem Meehhe. .4*_ monsw. bedtaidem OrY'G Mart •Me sash geed M s. •