HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-5-4, Page 7wow 1893 A.E131 L THIS le THE ;EAT PURC sPRi% MONTH FORAngcipating a big trade, we have bought heavier than ,.ver, and Wiley we claim W show the largest, most com- plete and closest marked *tack of Dr)' floods in town. UR PARTMENTDS DE foundattractive.illi fair sec UorTecns `utsfsate,ydross with ii o ttwo pattern, found t0 bear grew alike. Our Black and Colored Henrtettae, Plain fiery. and Bet* galinta are all imported direct in full pie rt, and for value aro unequalled by the trade here. �p'.` We make a specialty of Black job n(le oo .4See and nch ( Camila our SOc. Black 50C,toCashmere. at ytic. a yard. Mere worth , � gLE g,dt i�it,; OO1 I[4RION. ONT.. THtiR8i)AYr MAY 4, 1H9:f. 1893 ARPETS AND CURTAINS. When we look through our Carpet roomsometimes think we have overstepped the mark and bought too many, ut C srpet& are cheap - Tapestry and Bruarels never were as cheap. We can melt you a beautiful Brna•els Carpet, with or without bonier, for 90c. per yard. A full range of Wools and Unions et clorest prices. 8pECT1ON INVITED. JOHN T. ACHESON. (01 OPBA FOR I18PBCTIO11 AT MUNRO'S WS HAD NOTICLO SQ'31a(iLia YOU BACKACHE :0005 'IDNEY PILLS WILL CURE YOU Navy, Black and Colored Storm Berges, Whip Cords and Two -Toned Tweed FCect s. A full line of Black Stuf 3 in O hm gree, nd Swathe he Isp �p Cords, Soliel Cloth, iiettse, Amason Berge and Bengalines, Mrs. 1)e Oametos (one of than vary riot' sad snappish aid ladial- (lad to matt you. Mr Squiggles. I think I have seen you at Debnoniei'a. Little $yniggles (delighted at having at- tracted ootioel -Ah. r'a•a-a 1 go there vewy often. Mu. D• Gammon --Anil I often wonder - .d how so small a rasa weld eat so math ! The milliner would awn be swamped d she didn't know how to trim her sales. The smallest thing at the World's Fair will be the amowni ..t cash you brims away. Data --How do )ou like my Easter bas• met! ('ora -Floe ' Who made it over for yes ' The early strawberry} may look pale and weak, but you will and there is •gnat deal 'dent is him. Every poor poet knowa that writer's cramp is never so hard to cure as when it's in the stomach. What, good owns Beemth•, • faith - cured ham ! Away with thee, Beavoti,s, away with doss 1 "The bride'* father gave key away, did Ie not !" More than that. He tbrew 1. siao,000 to boot.,' About this time expect the kind .l weather that you are not lookiag ter. Thee you won't be disappointed. 11 is no wader that old Father Time .1. ways ferries • scythe, for so missy ample are dxstanuaily uviag to kill him Clam -What as absurd flatterer Mr. Ohio u ! Dors--Did he may yew wars pretty? Clue. -Be said yon were. Hoseder-ele looks vary much like water. Old seek (harming into t.arsl- Yes. I have (lie) shat been deceived by is Together with 'lateens, French ' D'Laines, Tousle .Olotb. Prints, Cha•nbrays and Printed Piques. EXTRA VALCE•iN White and ng', Pillow Cottons, kc. Nr�y +R 4 cow ;hoes are rt.aias tot as fast as tr•sdYe. 5 PRE CHNT. DISCOUNT FOR TCASH. T `�� • ji- ,\d ` 1V ice! Draper and Haberdaabar• Bat THE BEST 18 THE BEST I8 THE HEST 18 THE BAIT 14 THE HEST 18 Tn6 BEST 18 THE IIK$l' THE BEST THE RksT THE BEST THE BH.ST THE BEST THI BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE HINT THB 888T THE BEST THE BEST THE RET THE 118.* THE BEST THE BEST NE BEST i1D BEST THE RErr THE r.E.r Tii6 Itz.•T THE HU THE BEST THE BEST THE REST THE BEST THE REST THE BEAT THE BEST THE BERT THE HEST 18 1118 RUT 18 THE OUT lS TUB BEST 18 THE HEFT 18 BERT IS f THE THE THE THE TBS THS OHEAPEBT AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BHST CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BUT CNIAPSST AND THI SIUN4.L 18 THE BEST CHE%PEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BEST CHZAPIST AND THE SIGNAL I8 THE BSS* CHIAPI8T AND THE SIONAL 18 THE RBST THS HIST THS BEST THE HIST THE HEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE BEST TNS HIST THE BEET THS BEST TSR EMT TER 131187 THI HEST THE HEST rue HEST THE BEST THE RUT rHs BEST , BI itE 1'HE IIKsT THE 1:6-1' TIE 138;1 THE (BEST THI BIST THE BEST TBR REST TBS BEST THE BEST THE BEST THE 111181 THE 11E81 CHEAPEST AND THE SiGNAL 18 THE BEST CHRAPRST AND THS SIGNAL 18 THS HIST CHEAPEST AND TRE SIGNAL 18 THE BEAT CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL 18 THE BEST CHEAPIEBT AND TBE SIGNAL 18 THE BEST CHEAPEST AND THE SIGNAL: i8 THI BEET THE SIGNAL OW -1.:Y $ SiSWISS SS S $ i IS S *So S S SF8 F$ ie 1M PI c SS ElSSU S A YEAR IN A DVA NCE ! THE THE THE THE THE THE 1 0AuNDERs & Ca "Backseh• means the hid- neys ars is trouble. Dales Kidney P111siso Prod ..irI• r6 p•..E gdi 1s orad is disordered hid- "Hightail wolf try to haw a healthy city without a.w.r- aqe, se good health whoa the hidneya aro *legged, they art the way ef the "Delay la leckidney troubles 'fault in Bad il0.4 Dyspepsia, User Complaint, and the moat dan- gerous if all, Bright, Names, Diabetes and Dropsy" • he above diseases cannot evict where Dodd's Kidne Pills are meet" Said y v dealers at by moles receipt al price no wore per bud or Ws ter Up. Dr. I.. A. Sor)tk & Co. Toronto. Wrist fur hoof. ailed Jib. Talk. Mr. Micawb•r-I wish I knew some nla•, soy way to make nosey. Mrs. Miawber -Wall, sty dear, you might get year life Mooed end then die. First Fair (tae -So Fred sod Arthur both proposwas ed to bur. W►b b wthe lucky aacae�,,• The Otb.r Fair Os. -1 don't know yl: Fad tsarist her. "The last thins 1 saw trotter he was deeply in love with two girls How did he settle tpe matter Y""Ole. smelly .sough- ealv one would have him." WW retake, (at a ma -- icalel yon think that mat of my !nods are good ac ors • Critic -Bacon= they appeared as if they really ssjeyed theurelve . Mrspolkadot -What pretty sew cer- ah ]eMater-Earl ..ugh.. you get are teem• Mr couple of my busbead'a Ascot tine "My beshsad has to work very hard,' mid Mre. ,itoret:ierc. "Mime haeme'," sold Mrs. Solt u p ''U be is butemes for him- self !" "Yes, h.'■ an oi.sbe;der." Segall boy --Papa• is belies= a siP of wwdom! Paps (who is se bald as as egg) -la my ass it i., bat it is generally a sign that a mos dioli t m.rr7 bis affinity. He -1 see you looking s* the cock. 1 hops it isn't for ae. See—Ok, no. I was *taking of father. He aid he would he home aa hoer earlier this nasal to -sight. HOWARD FDRNACES C;OBL lVe are hatanpartrrn u r the beet foal self Wool It:raaces. Loc.tr. 11 EErKE!cl•att REIN PRICE, Eta. MRS. W. T. HAYS. WOOD. YTEM KF.\UVATON E MAK ALL 008 OWN TINHRE Strcifil, and Anridole for Impure, weak and impoverished blood, dye- Pelru, sleepleesowes, palpitation of the ret neuralgia loss o/ Inurlret Atm 1 nieuwry, been itis, consumption, gall stones, jaundice, kidney and urinary • diseases, 81. Vitus' dance, female meg debdit C FROM RE—DIPPED TIN PLATES. PLATES. DON'T BUY SLOP WORK! ave Troughing, Roofing, Cornice - LABORATORY. rrnr.ral LABORATORY. CODERIZII, ONTARIO Work. Heating and Plumbing. J. M. D1cLEOD, PROMPT ATTENTION. GOOD WORK SAUNDERS & COQWest St Proprietor and ):anutacturer LcLsot'e the rsit !•seuvarioa cats 1).2'1 from all d ou.:10 . Ii: town, .5 atnt. Hot.' all the drum/Ids bitoecn i/r•'o tiour.ct aiu! des urib. Brureis, t,urbaw and T,. onto.*. OODLRJOH Steam Boiler Works. iL TaeueHRD ttlel.i A. S. CHRVSTAL T. Os saeeosslhrt. iworge W. Childs, editor of the Phdald- Ikia ledttler, a jwr.elist wb• does aril Mist a Sostsy edition at his paper. may " Weald you Meru the team of ssa•s=! Ran it u in those weeds. It hes lot tires revels, ladtietey, T..,.a.•s. Prmplity 1.ndm Ness, 1 be,. W meg q bed- ews career the tellswlag amib.s ' Re h free." Keep est ed d.he,' ' De the best tad heti the rests • /hat ass% b eared son k. asdsred.• Sas EsAsss noon is ass who ho. • clear ..aimtishs, ea hoe* pt' Mr. a bright ming ad a healthy facie. I eat bring too ram Moss es the melba of Orbs r rad 1aaa era b.M ow u l Ifni se pad, and it peadateil is Ma doss' sere te lead to demagnetise amid Heath. Yen il►►w have ea.nise ewe& he w. " se to est. 'eked to frisk Mea wink/ watt..$.lrisking. Thema who hvsi s aleehoiM Melt is ie demes[. As to aedell- t l7. les abo.M try a woks eamessisss of re bee people thst Toa w bran /r ousted with. lis area to its this dna aeleolthat is d! est off . es a retort to thea ler wink tion eve yea A ser is haws by the ••esp.-t h. dart eta not nem ep ear leise Ir, vase _ I will tr msselier bet ter than In esy t►• i . S IhlMsaro fa marl asn 67. R e1 typo sill fade o'ew,as drew i.fsE •hod a esi=m. ilp iMMA hire,si- l.lh"'v_* n tys (foal •iwmt..tly psha.ly and wMdl, esti nasi... 5575 • tat• tei.Niete aatiwlt►e Yet will never ►hew saves t• sap that Ph aa-ps�'1 ohmda� • �t inns owl worth Mebsg." 1 • yr a .0 ee•a fair Ma1.r�la Y The mos ebee.13•4 Mtmstwi hi 51 ,'1, j waif _ w11R ort_ptJi.dd reason t /.w 1 elems� amain M " 1112V6011/11.1' mamma Row Ms Wo the ,Asst Senaber• " Yes,•• said the y.1. tae., as he threw Mend{ at the feet d Me pretty school teacher, " 1 love yes, sad would go to the wart'!', end ter yea" " You could sot go to tis world's sad for The world, or earth, me it is d{s&a rowed, like a ball, slightly Is - .l1 sa ti• pd'. Oma ler Moses the .M= shwof i she wa =f.=1 have sadist M wars hey" I did, hist-" " Asd it sew hove. a *eery. Mow knee Misty the 1 know : fiat what i moat 7or thates ; w.old do *lasses ore the aching .mil 1( � bat successor to c Mania d Bteakl Manufacturers of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright k Tubular .�Dii.4=ZZ Balt Pans, Smoke sacks. Sliest Iron Works, etc., etc. Also dealers is Upright and Ilonsoo1a1 0114. Valve Enstot*, Automatic ('ot-O, Kn,rineo • pre Wq. All War of 51 r and 1 ion -mums osaetastll on hand. Eaiims•es furl' she'd on spot, nodes. Rerairise preempt!' stteuded to 2;,p -t7 P. O. Ho: A. lloderieh. (hit. Teacher How will you ever get is Us Dally I6rm171 1 shall not eeHie world if yen never lora to d how to spell : I intend to be • typewriter. J„�-I am getting very much troubled about the gold shiperients,illet, old wbecasee n. Il fin— bevmomoms left a case yes west to r take the con. 'Tame is as sash Woe so • void, mmtei Naw, .Mens • unman. Rut ag tee Mena Nola be wash yes wish sf M Msg, the tf there was hen oesId dais fa N r • void "I =mast a re/AM eel Ilk will be lose- t1aAt sad sightly drte lis trek eam _uld �s darkest Aldo or a the Roth Pols, i woad Ili, t• Tem. i " este'** Mare It trite, the lava .f e�av A Frage i pep= tells a story eta minimise who, when banded the and of somebody who wished to ten him, said : "Tell the gentbaaas that I we exceedingly wry that Iammoo is A ekoneekee's epiWb--TT . to the lass A bakot's-A friend is knead. A lawyer's- Calmly be Ilea A ara H. dreaded mot the See N 7.ithfe1 to Me charge.Mies or stayer ries or Tom* dressing, ,RRiaeParket/re m, Miss Porkob'npp (gYr'�'irt�'taqo~hwsb every1trip. Thatis lest a Jim y as sloths,. —Fosse. Marlow 8o Bo=le has actually allowed herself to merry that Old *moor, eh Ethel (meow -Tea, emelatiegf Andre- , ] ■ know. Mare', How M Elba- foe a chained to the rooks ! "You tb.ok los know a Washout don't smeared Hawses. "Bat i'U bet y keen the dilemma between opera sad comic opera" '•Mar 1 do, said Jack- ets."'Theee's noese fee g.. erred opera" works- Oievete R. T. R. Beach. G Sr lei "LITTLE CHIEF" BRAND CORN, FI A.S and TOMATOMEI Are the beat Canned Coeds in the market. TAMILKANDE TEA Zee PJOZ�Irel AT4O.6O*moo 8PinPCUUND HAS Pio SUPERIOR. We are agents for both lines, and ask for them a trial, a,wared that they will please and extend our trade with you. Yours truly. CHAS. .A.. Nt8IR1'�'. A. B. CORNELL Tse LZAD w—T.TINTID=IVT..4.41.1-C74:1"-, — i McLean's Block --On the Square--IintcLean's Block, STILI. CONTINUES T) CONDUCT FUNEltAI.d k IIl9 l'el'AL'LOtV;PHI(.V. . Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to give him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. :NO CHARGE FOR HEARSES. The fors a girl experiences when she sop some ether girl talking to her lover are estflfng eom75rmi to the pangs 1".t to- tters a warm when a neighbor worts eels the hired girt te the feats sad talk. to A.eld UM to par - Le $ bot vsnsr- you Ya Osiris •btu of face powder from a. a _,-� Os ire the geester... want arU y. M ? OI hos sheet t'rus Mgt le me foe ,w. Ido )- mails demails M I s. get ( fen 01 horsy, i seams hept fist ▪ gseesdkther was • ss.Mslr. ell right. Foe Ass rain to el7�..._ •_d heels "ithos plat fate as part ieslen. _ hoe re as'Jim--arraesin is stels1▪ " "Taw" "Wee. I meg hre tea M ryMssl ems eared ors nere'a • dsPar. la 1 w.ss, Yb. • besrM ass, as' guy Mw se the els id7 whet wow Wilk to' .be Pr ewe IL" A N'prmatissm,e'wet was hunted at • re - swat N • board-.ebsel is Lea �s• yah' twoder " dismal al find Mie sea of J we. y.'wine eras Sewer Honed a the llessggeshe ..7y ache. d Detd..d Desbleas." sea tbn pepM rear • dial* l* TOMS 1131.141, Able fee pelt n fa Ain `T M Wee AY.e's !`.ewapw*I1L h pad• 11/48"'aroma ✓IMIN11'aesh. How is IT That you A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. will still go on using Wooden Pails and Tubs when THE E. B. EDDY 0" INDURATED FIBRE WARE. Is so much cleaner, sweeter, lighter and more durable? WHY Doe. 0110. BARRY, the Godcrich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the best stook of furniture and undertaker's supplies? And how is is that bo can sell so cheap 1 BECAUSE ( N.B. BUTTER MAKERS, look out for our new Fibre Ware` BUTTER PACKAGE. 1t will be on the market in a few days. • He finds that it pays in the long run. His motto e : " Small Profits anti Quick Re turns." He also snakes m specialty of picture framing. Give him a call before purchas- ing elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always oa hand "157 7 DtRTAKERUN _ 3. BROPHEY do BON Have elided to their present �n ne"k ane of 11. J. Nash'. Latest Style of sty Hearses, oho 'ha Amit lin. d funeral furnishings in tha oennty, and are now prepared to fact funerals et prices reasonable. Tis department will be strictly attended to Ivy his sow William, whs. • in the misplay of the late D. Herlon for the past ten years, h» M knowledge of the hadese, sad by pr'na•pt attention bilen to part 41 wyh psttrowa1a. Resat ,bar t as phos—WIUS(Ma, ea yaw way a the poet rasa 04"11 us a ea& Patronise True Competition. Tens Calmest, Pactno !mesa t t'e,7 .�apa � M .eO�aaatdrM 1• g�.e w Marra Maim, 5 =ruts, with 501, Sod pow It r `�"ssrapaeAgles�mdass petmrt•w trod fa •ef gas p•Y�Ma t 1 IAlIu rm *r .'vry soars sof e 111 e.m"r Ase ara M eisraAMLIO J. aopaBr! & SON. , ERA