The Signal, 1893-5-4, Page 66 THE STGN Ala : GODBRIC$ ONT, THURSDAY. MAY 4 1893. PURE POWDERED L IP{IRUT, sTRORRUTeUUT. to ▪ seed by £ c...... and Prwssr+a- • w. •a•rrw.sswema Till POET'S CORNER. hired fie. ta.eher. She sat ou the porch to the sunshine : As I went down the street, A woman whose bur w- a silver, Rut whose f.wt was bloomer ewer,, Making me think of a garden Where, to of frost and .now, ()f bleak November weather. Late fragrant !Mee grow i hear.' a footstep behind nae. And • sound of s merry laugh. And 1 knew the heart it tome from Would be liken comforting staff In the time end the hour of trouble. Hopeful, and brat r, and .troug, One of the hearts to lean on When we think that things ,;o wren,. 1 turned at the click of tl a gate•laugh, And met hie manly look A face like his gives Inc pleasure, Like the page of • pleasant book. It told of a steadfast purpose, Of • brave •••-1 danui. will . face with a prones: is it That the' grant the years fulfil. He went up the pathway singing, I saw the woman! eyes ,:row bright with a wordless welcome, As enashine warns the skier. '• Rack again, sweetheart another He cried and bent to kits The loving face that lifted For what some mothers mit.' That taief rill do depend ou 1 holdthat this Ie true : From Tads in love with their mothers Our bravest heroes grew. Eerie's grandest hearts hate been loving hearts :Since time and earth began Aad the boy who kissed hie 'nether 1. every inch a teen. 'REAOHLR AND LOVtR3 Ithrz Ms_ 1 lilac Wash w a lUnliiAlag /armlr. (J:AatS••Tu., April fl -Joseph Rohn Ion, A Wealthy Ismer and local prowler of this vieinity, has lost Rome of hu en- trance ih human nature. Inst S•turdet night a min with a clerical cast of features called at hie house, representing himself a. • preacher sed raid that he was ou hal way to Kerlin. He was very tired : would Mr. Robinson help • brother in distress and allow him to remain all n-ght' The re quest was readily granted, and for several hours the two talked of spiritual things and debated deep questions .•f theology. At l0 o'clock there .0 • knock at the o .e,r Th. n ew comer was a man. He wanted to see • clergyman, es he and hu companion, a rang wonian, were anxious to he married • Why, sant Mr Robinson, " we have a preacher right here in the house, and if you have • ti,ense he an join you... The aux lout couple gladly entered the house, and the allege.' therllogian went through the usual form of words. 4 If course there had to be witnesses. Mr. and Me.. 'Winona contented to act an that capacity and promptly salted their si{natures to a docu meat whieh they supposed was • wedding certificate. The happy couple then depart ed, giving the clergymen 125 for his palm. The latter remained all night, and was tit grateful for the kindness of Mr. and Mrs Robinson that he p:eeeoted each of then. with a crisp E5 bill. A week elapsed, and yesterday the genial heist was surprised to receive a telegram from • Wiudeor hank t, the effect that au S925 Dote ut his had jn.• been discounted there, Mr. Robinson was very much surprised, but he at once went to Windsor. and it soon dawned epee him very forcibly that the marriage certificate be had stgnel was nothing niore mot lee, than • promissory note M for the preach er and bridal oouple, it is believed they are Detroit crooks, and an attempt will be made to run them down ■I..rd'• Senanaragl ewe. 1114.1. siller. Wires a Mwelbte W.saa. alit.. She site down when combing her heir, putting oo her cosmetics and coiffuring her STUDYING EARTHUl;.1KEN THE HENS ANO THE FLOWERS Mem M leeerse fllsoro s •sewn. Me WITH A VIEW TO FORE TELLING THEfiI IyosM••os11 H.peNasese. —RECORDING EARTHQUAKES livery year I Mw had malar.ltsd tnibu s i float tryty le hake hems tau graters The we,e« to called ••sNerr.l.sr" Mrd Ilime ed. by aids smwuUy. Bea it has been a barrooms oeoapattee, for. like oil Ito Operations Are ••m.lawle•' -A N w- tad water, they de sot ests well. I haw* tiled every deer. 'order roder the .un for p •«hl 1«trrsi•rt T\u N.,&& t\• tectoria the Sowers, bet hitherto it has stars baguette Write Ita Oruro K...r.l. been in ,1a. iLrves if 1 suomed d a keep - tag the majority of the fowls In a Peed, oer During the cher of Jameury sett the g,,,,,f esutherly her. web • thrifty brood early per. of Februay ot the 'merest year. would ,n le• mtuute. destroy • taoath'• the beautiful Ionian lel. ,.f imam, the wo,e tad careful wateh,as of preoioaa flower or the Levant, was viat.ed by • for Imus,, phi.. a %erbetr bot table earthquake. Feriunately, the loss of As 1 was root espial w i.aessh,ug the hens hie was litussiderat th ble, bue desslatios 1 .truck • hap v tneporatau and. 6.u11e1 weoouuggbt 1r city and cauntry was .amply is- .. Sow, roe, he -noshed •.I of the &n•twb to desuribaWe. ,Thr h -,one. were •'must the vegetable garde' It was not quire so wholly deatr.•yed, and sunt. 41(1) thousand preily ..r wteawut to bays the flowers es People wer..smpwi ,u t\. or. ate Ju, tug . tar out of sight, not ,t ..red • great deal of the most intense .old that ieuita• had • ' I hard labor and untetion, and there was an per.eaced tor loamy )etas, without ede- • tnhmte asr,uut of set a!ecuon ,u the well- y.ate .upply ,.f fuel or f..o.i. ',o Fuirrwry crow. speru..ene. 1 hare sever grown 13th again. 11.e Island of tiassothrat•e ex- leers. with ac mann genuine satiefeetion psrieur.d au earth•lurke. Any owe wb., b. --fore auJ bate resolved to always in the O 65 a Ituteaed f or result• "f esch "au' (elate Plant them there. For •v.n the troph,, e.perial.) of • t: tt u • i with ley.hest flower ted a tint & greauttracNoa cousad ut•1: to'. of , t,, wall bete ,.o dith- to • lase when it as turned lotto= .ad. up or covered unit t nsigblly sticks and beenebes. 1 del not attempt e'en a gemmed Of °odeas bed, but pn.cu:rd quantities of large Sower pots, haunted several old kettles that bad seen 'lieu best days, and an old better howl A nun,ln•r tit t oti.•w lop, with u.s bark on, made eery pretty r too et flowerpot• They were all filled with homy e.rth, and planted geraniums, co:sues, nasturtiums, and many kinds of plants or creep:es vines with a tendency to grow downward and cover the pr imitive puts. This motley assortment of Flora'a paraphernalia was dis- tributed around the house su.l grounds i never have had 'geraniums da better or give greater r.tafacnou all round It any other uwerluva• g friends and neighbors are ad- dicted to bens end are suffering from the Me Sieuola ti,erwf they wit. find relief in following my plan. —Sae.'" Rodney. heed. When she's having • dress fitted, sus thereby acnres • perfect cut. 1f only going up in an elevator to the ser nal floor, • half minutes rest a better than none, .h. argues Aaxomplulies a dozes and ons kitchen duties on the top of • restful stool. Rattans up her bodice, settles bee bonnet sad pats on her gown when of her fest, pitying meanwhile the shortrghtedttem of the sister who Josses upon kespisg on this move until gowned. Site while w•Iting for her change ; site if res opeortsahty offer' while chatting with a frier(' Is truth, the situation must fa• deed he barren of chances for rest when nu see this sensible woman on her fast. There is just true demand in life which she cannot meet and "one with unless els s Mk her feet, and that is patting no her veil. This is • delicate nperatlnm and calls for a.• trammeled arms sod plenty of scope for movement. She tilts forward on her toes e nd back a her hoes, tars to the right, to the left, and not until each fold and wrinkle is stralgbtwnd out to leer entire sittafaetkm dew the fair armour. breathe • deep sigh of relief and d•op into • choir (imago Tribes.. Unsightly priples bletehm, las ,and all Oohing h:.et..n eel the skin are removed by .04.e Tr Low's anlplesr Soap. 1r. " There* annt her lie nailed," said t fes pecnnions boarder ache f at a«I an empty teak to lite lbw lVsshisgtniu !tar May Deers apretally Nearside einem slawse fee driving eataarrle at el this��e1s mm and every eaferer from the ieathssme dimes. shield nes Neal Reim for that per /sat. it area when all of of remediesleq, 11 the directress are faIthhilly adhered M. A stogie bottle will (reviser you of ret Said he ail fielder., as sent by mail on remit* el priori Mkt email. ne 1111 Sett .sea Mottle t.. T. Fulh•rd a ('11 , Seeej. rulty m reauuug th..l the trvople of mon• tries, .nore..r lees aulywt to seism: • do turbsuces, owed give a gnat deal for ,ovule reli,ble trteahs of detrrmmtug toe approach of an rarth,iwake, that Imo' might, et leant, be ,b'u e,ca,o tub tne,t lives Unfortnu.t•:y- u• +.erne of the age 11 n it yet s., f•, .dvauctd that flee •in roach 04 au .ar,tntu.ke rah 1. predicted con fit, at.1, 11 4 011,4' 11111 51111Ie. aro lw ag lu- duetriuu.ly c.,ilectrd for the bu.ldiug ut • science of this mu.t terrible of ell natural pheuou.eha, anal .1 ...ay be fairly hoped that au due ,..uree we sial hat •• rode!, • appliances for .ermine the prople ,1 city .tial coantry ,.t the approac0lny 'angor. How laborious e. Ili,• work w this dep.rt- rneut. hoe rompll ,tel the problems whet' present themselves, we may readily '5s..', by • •to ti et th-• most recent nveettgatio•s. At the •tun• . uu, , tis., we 1ney we11 or lust in admiration of the keen insight diaplat rd in three effort. to wring from natio, her 1110-t guarded secrets. The mere study of the tangle shock which makes the earth tremble's met by difficulty on difficulty. did the trembling and beeving begin' .1• •, hat stage IS the chief shock •[pen •.•„' What is the measure of its _.h' From what direction did it come u. , ...,or wide was its range • Was the ,arm's movement lateral or vertical' It is s c "awry to leave applamceefor determining all these probletue before auy scientific ex- p' •matron of earthquakes cam he advaurml. Rat there are very few +nen e.ld•b:,coded .001..- to ester oar the .ovesttgallon with the Berth rocking uuder their feet. Nor, indeed. would any on., be in a position to auswer •11 Inane orations as s result of Persr nal observation. Recent investigation s have aimed at over- coming these di cultic', and making the .arthqu•ae itself rm'trl the extent. dura - ties and direction of each distinct osct.ra- ttem. An 'apparatus called a "seismograph was invented which by a pendu um or iu- drx recorded each revere: movement on • sheet of paper or a smeared plate. These e eisiungr.g•' -r • • 'ted In regions subject to earthquakes, where they stand Ilk- s"u tiuels ready to record the first movement of ti:r adv•ucing foe. Rut much tom, and tbeught were expended bef. re the ms•ru• rent was brought to anything like pe: tec tsar.. The earlier efforts produced oral. a tengied and undecipherab'e web of hi.•ro- glyph:a, The force mod rx'eat of each several oscillation were_traceable, but then was nothing to Indicate the order of their succession. Improvements were next made in the pendulum. the i.en was securely at - Metiers to a heavy fifty -pound bell, very ac- •urat.• clo- k -work kept an esdlees sheet of paper n. und..nn forward movement In (rout of it, and the records were rendered more ietelhgable. The litst cleer •utograpb of an e.rthquake was obtained at Tokio so Japan on July 23, Ireton, by man. ,d • Wagnerian seumogrepu. The earthquake had a dur,ll,u of only two minutes, during which there were numerout mediations, sl1 of which were cicar.y recur led, the most violenth,dieatiog • carte.* movement of IA; millimetres Rut instracttee •s such a record may seem at lint `lance, it was not all that could be desired It indicated the horizontal but 1 n ot the vertaca. movement. Rut Improve - meso continued to be made until, at I all necessary data were recorded, Ct affording • thorough tasight Into the earth- movemeut during the whole period of the pheeomena. Po -lessor S. Sekiya, in Japan, conceive,' the happy ides 01 ren p ding the set'mtc movements by means of an appara- tus made of copper wire To avoid co. fusion the apparatus must be divided ; the first tee parts record, each, the movements during twenty ascends, while the third part indicated the movements for thirty-two seconds. We have rely to compare the records ot this apparatus with the hiero- glyphic records of the earlier esismograpYL to res axe how important hes been the IOW I gross in the department—Ti. of serene.. —Tea Laes teed from the Cerm•s for the Litwin!, Digest. A Powerful Mow Ply.. Civilisation ties two • des to it, t .mal dark. Seamn is lest as likelyto y is the sante. of one se in that of to For inmate•., the other day, Me. Swam, the great electrician, declared that M had jest sees sleet, ial blow -pipes capable ot rus..IU W the stts% iron sorapidly, that to gts� into • fire -and -burglar-proof safe with this fetal instrument, would he the work el only stew Innt11lr, and would be bah ea easy and a nol.rlwas ..peratton. The only draw - book to the Marg) r using son • esrentifle tool is, that a forty -berm eagles -power is required before the.le•trfeal blow -pipe ens work that W rete\rd hearten Ream. Over 515) veterinary surgeons have signed a paper condemning tight ,:heck nit's as painful to horses and pi..,.tuctove of 4*.ear. The over -check rein will often cause a horse to become knee -.prong It destroys the delicate eenaitivenees t • the bit which is 0(051 desirable u, guiding • bone. Ur. Kitching says "If a horse pulling • load has his head held in by • check rem he can- not throw his weight into ha collar, and u hindered from giving hr body that position which is most natural and elective.” He goes ou to speak of the consequent strain of has limbs and muse:es, and the injury caused by the c•trtramed position of aha head, whereby the breathing and circula- tion are affected, and the horse made rest leas, irritable and uncomfortable. He says: "The check rein i.,/lets unceasing torture upon 1h. animal in another way. By hold ing the head upwards', pato the muscles of Ms neck on a constant steals. The) be - .''me painfully uneasy arid Wet. If the horse cannot bear it he rests the weight of his heat upon the nu. and nu mouth is violently stretched. Thus he only ex- cbangea one torment far another. To sun. up in • weed, the check rein lessens • borse'e strength. brings on d,.enee, keeps him in pain, frets and injures his mouth end spoils his temper." Curing fees .f Kilning m\e.p. One way to cure a dog of kilhog sheep is to muzzle him in a small yid with a fight ing ram, while you cover the dog with, a whip to teach Ines ,tot to attack the ram Every time the dog shows fight lamb him but let him get out of the way of the butts of the ram. Two or three lassoes will teach aim not to teach the ram. Try the same plan with a ewe or lamb, with and without the rem. Rut punish h m at every attempt at going for the sheep. The lee sons w th the ram and ooe or two other sheep, wed be pretty sure to teach hint ■ •1 to trouble sheep. Sheep ktlliag dog, should he tied op .,night. A.:other meth d is to muzzle and is. such dogs with • short rope or chain near their kennels, plaoed 111 the sheep yard so that they can ..cape from the de•tb-dealing butt of the rales of the fleck. but yet can become afraid of the sheep. Still .nosh• -r is to tie ■ piens of wooly sh kin snugly to the lower jaw of the dog till he 0 comes thnrnnghly dtagaa' •d with wool To make the teaching more Oda, pot him is the sheepfold during the lessoa. Yttll another plan wi'1 be found is muzzling loses dogs. The most effective and never-f•il.ng method is to keep only trained shepherd dogs, and shoot .li other dogs seen upon the farm Hosting dogs are the most dangerous and destructive t . paint e - but mongrels are lbs ones that seaerally kill sheep --Sylvester Forbin. Seeepl•s out • moll With an Umbrella. I sew • eeriest method used the other day is ilhsois to take t foul air net el • well. The well was to be chimed, bat the man that teokihe job was afraid Ingo down until he had anerternerl the quality of the air .t the rotor.. He le, down • lighted oasdi, and waw tt deeo.aded to about u■ feat of the boo tom It went out as suddenly as thoegh extinguished by a wheal n( air That was s11 be wasted to know He was then sere that the sell had perenslees gas is it, and took • smell umbrella, Ned • string to the handle, a.1 lowered it open haw the w.1L H•e,ag let it go nearly to the bottom, he drew it up, carried it a few het from the well •lid upset it. He re- peated this opsratiea, ,0 o.r 30 taste•, with a1 the byotasd•rs laughing at bees, then apes los tired the light, wank horned clear sod height uvea at tae bottom. H. them essdeseesded to explain that Ere gee i• the well was asrbnnte &eel gas, which is hoarier than air, and therelnee email be brseg\t op Is an umbrella lest se t►oagh it were se mesh wider. 1t was • sir. frisk yea p1ll et*g .e eti.a -s. Lena (7w.4.... thea Tn le.0 •w. PrMa4s, • Ill ..-alit terrestl, .tat•d that Y a gam wolglilag INpods waft dolor a byer.ulw pori M Sok the !ea: t unsaid his WS al wafts AVER'S Sarsaparilla 1a superior to all other prepare- tionsclaiming to beblood-purifiers. First of all, because the principal ingredient used in it is the extract of genuine Honduras sarsaparilla root, the varlet-' ty richest in medi- cinal properties. Also, because the yellow dock, being raised expressly for the Company, is always fresh and of the very bast kind. With equal discrimina- t' arid care, each of the other ingredients are selected and com- pounded. It is THE superior Medicine because it is always the same in appearance. flavor, and effect, and, being highly concentrated. only sin:ill doss are needed. It i., therefore, the most economical blood -purifier in existence. It {I makes food nour- CIlres u ishing, work SVROFUU refreshing, and life enjoyable. it searches out all impurities in the system and expels them harmlessly by the natural channels. AVERS Sarsaparilla gives elasticity to the step, and Imparts to the aged and infirm, renewed health, strength, and vitality. AVER'S rissoles Ors.siertal Trews. - It is quite oomm00 for femme who live new jnrsats with young and thrifty end.r BIWA to take to the woods far specimens tlM4td for ornamental planting. Unless sales ear. is given such seedlings they rare - i, (sake a rigorous, headmen, growth. Al asst invariably these trees bees Tong. "prowling ruta that cannot all be dug up, and however stunted the top may be, it is disproportionately targa o cut beck the top to as to have half • doses vigorous buds is the Daly way to emceed. Some cut off all small top growth, thus forcing new buds out from the trunk, bat this takes Isere time end the beds are sot di.tribetod se overtly as themay be if a few miasmal seas are left. - ,cultivator. miasmal Cures Catarrh Sarsaparilla go!jby & T y aall p,tCs;Prise M i slz haulms.~ Is - CMS Am, tIIR am you King George of Tonga, who recently died from misesea, bad reached the Pte of 90. Re was coSverteP by C•hrutian neuaiossrree about sixty yarnago. T. Prevost "thesip•-. OE" "Dimples of." tie rottingof the steer of ywag plants is bot beds ust at the sur. face, is prohahlr 1155 10 hag,, which de- velop in rich, damp soil, compered largely e ll v.geiable matter in proems of decay. Gardners never use son soil for striking cuttings. bet set then .n Bean sed. Why not ruin-mher um lasem whoa bridling plants in hot beds' 1 have Dever had meek bus by damps' of when the eerlaee td the bed was strewn with a eyrie of mod from • h alf inch to as leek is thickness. Thehed• •ry .len'nuc\ more wily watered whoa they covered, tb mad preventing onmtly of the settees eo sr.g Whereas. if year chamois hes been mi.plseed se wore oil. the powder gene with r, e\.... of replenishing it, ew eny of year favorite helps for rapid window ws.hiag miesinaii de n ot herds that it will be drudgery w,the.t them, but try newspapers, and 1 am sere yea will ase thew in the futore is pre Memos u. time .tpe55tve helps whieh yaw o ral in rnn.ider sieesseary. Rob • large piers of m•wsp•psr is the heads wall wipp.s of the glass stilt n damp eleth and quickly polish it with the prpe the pria..r's Mk will make th. dim sad Joe .ill he seiprimd M Ind hew gullibly It Y done. a ireeerus ed else /.nett lm she Yessmils ,nag Ohs ',Wass 1 obs Itiast,• a falba he• lee lass hong sod otrvssal wstarieu old, has boss belMwd ash se that fn. • 4Nsta.w ed eft►y saris a ser R. B. HOLLAND DUNGANNON WALL PAPERS SPRING --1893 DIRECT FROM AMERICAN AND CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS, THE LATEST IN DESIGNS AND OOLORS, THE BEST III QUALITY, ALL PERSONALLY SELECTED Years of experience permits us to say we can suit the otos, fa. tidious tastes. Our papers being so beautifully blended wakes it only a pleasure to show thew. As for prices, they are the very lowest possible froom Sc. per roll. Customers will find no trouble in eels cling Bonders, Friezes or Ceilih„ as they an• designed to Itltate'h our Rapers. Over four hundred samples to select from. A few linea at cost, as titer have been in stock for some time. • FRASER it PORTER .asects WWI Tekph•.e re. Booksellers and Stationers The Henderson Plant Food CHOICE HEW PATTERNS from the best English makers in a No. 1 Cloth ; in Prints and Sateens; also in Ging- hams, Shaker Flan- nels, &c., and at prices that cannot fail to suit intending pur- chasers, and in per- fectly fast colors ' al- so in Costume Suit- ings and Dress Goods, choice new patterns from 25c. in 6 yard lengths. LIBERAL C1S11 DREAMT A choice selection of New Hats to choose from. Always os hand a full supply of Family Groceries, fresh and good et 11. B. HOLLAND SDIC NG A O, COAL nxwood YBFdD. Try it and see watt be delighted with the way 1t nourish., e1 tegrtatlos—newel% VeseMtWes, 1 alla Orme, etc. No odor. t musical to ams. Oast. emir ?w.. worth at least t'..1111. Climax Furniture Polisth. Allah* r . It pres•emee It the beet media. Tan amid N 1• Hogs den •.log. D'Avignon 's Witch -Hazel Cream. Ussvrpassed fee the ohsp. Initaliom, tan. etc., caned Was Spring '1.4.. Use lar Tooth Ache gars, only 10s. W. 0. GOODD, Chemist. Ope• oa Sundays for P.eserlptiesir, Sr. Coal, Wood and Kint'Iing deli- vered to all parts of town with quick despatch. IV1 B 00AL. o. the hast grads .1 lore nisi la Gee market. via : tM New York, Ontario a Wasesrm Rraflway Oy's. Oaletweted 1 xek•wtmm. voile, Oa•1 M foe, slew. vla: Ckem.at. move. Nis are Geate. IIDYT DOLL Rest Rbewaw Lump Oral "far tow 1s g rates atone. (unmans. see. Best quality aw00ALL.R1ossM=cal matu- las seal alumni se land. Seeeial attain See shim Memory trade. 17000. Cu and spat weed. N leekce sad !het brag. always la stock. Des', fermi that i um wooing wind, sat sod mile, m efsewp m roll era bey lees weed es the market W esy weed M 546 M the ••r• er is test or hail seed Ilea =DUNN 1/00D. t feat brag. sr ant amid split. M lash* Ina wmew 1110AL1111. 1 hove added to my well-endpprd anal . ad weed yard a sew t M we gl .54.. All owl Wound MIMMI as m•w.seed Ovnes, YAND AND Oo*i, SWIM in old drill shed, N.lmon a4, foot se Hal- iltos-aR Tefallts rasa. JOHN S. PLATT, Safety Bicycles FOR LADIES AND CIENTLIIIIIMIN. !It •i E SUIIIIIIILL1NG ALL 00111111101 111111: PNEUMATIO mugs, - .from $60.00 up CUSHION TAMS, .... « 20.00 '. OUR COMPETITORS ARE SIMPLY NOT IN iT FOR QUALITY OIL PRICE GOSHEN CARPET SWEEPERS, the flus , 4.. Im Kponod. RiSUT NLLWMOWERS. This years pette-s a ! 'esti.,. ,CHB GARDEN TOOLS AND HOSE. oar II,. r eetwplSSS R. P. WILKINSON. BOOTS AND SHOES! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL A Shoe -dealer should have • practical knowledge of Boots and Shoes in order to obtain the best results to himself and his customers. Thirty years in the business has taught me moch that will be of great benefit to you in your dealings with me. I have the largest Stock west of Toronto, and the be Goo* it has ever been my privilege to offer. The prices are lower than you will find them for the same class of Goods anywhere else. Ordered work and repairing given special attention Rips sewed free of charge 5 % off for cash E. DOWNING. NOTIOE TO THE PUBLIC. We have just received a very dais lot of NEW TEAS! BLACK, GREEN AND JAPANS Wiieh we guaranties to "all at least 10 cents per pia Cheaper Thas>� �t � il>ll! eall 1161/111411111 t*"bsstt • 4 sir* tOtal dides4111 co- d this aasertios. 1.. 0.