HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-5-4, Page 5THU IdiGNAL : GODKKICH, ONT., THURSDAYr M&Y 4. Mi. 7 THE ANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE GlITHEAD Offf1011. TOOONTO /flew (Pw fly MX MILdLUOM S tL* S • iK. • B. 1. trAtxlR. OiNsr*AL MANAOLR. GODERICH BRANCH. 1111.000.00116 (BgERAL f'1ANRINO BuMftegli TRANSACTED. FARmtRa- NOTES rintrAU•TE0. Ta 183,413 IL PAYAOAT AL. POINTS IN CANADA. AND THE PRINCIPAL DRAFTS M 1HL UNITLO STATS.& GREAT BRITAIN, FRANCE, Besmuaa, is CITiLa •AY$NS$ SARK •UARTMILMT. nsrWiTa Of S1 OG AND UPWARD' RECLIVED. ANO CURT'_NT f;ATE3 CF :MTEREST .40 ,wTLRaeT AOO.O TO TME PR/NOaPAL AT THE ENO 01, MAT ANO ens IN KAOH VASA. ipeL'' Atteatfar glom M tUw Ooll,ot' + c • ' . R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. !-s Nota. c )u;iT r CURRENCY• the Boutillsot a Hot ('o's establMbmeat a few menthe ag-, left on weduesdsy last for WaloraberL, Colorado, in hope that the Change may bends. his health. ,u.n ertial °mares is wing tl:Ise at • Toronto Business ;ass .Luh ; a& 1 urrasce hsold his farm lake lh.t. • .owsethi.g over 0.000 was . ince N,•1 fti. 41V.it Yore% lost a yells( tie r " ter truss n.daviu,stwo, rd S. Bolton one v.0 last week. ▪ " ,:%VeWr left Inst p tut.ser Mrs. Thos. ,k to jos tier enel»w1, who has been for s,..,,0, prat ass I'Iear.rater, Mae. g , : .1. 1 aro, formerly of tots ,..,drigv, leas removed to Ilearrll. where ra• p.gbt • hoot and shoe buauDOM. ,ral„rtk: I. f:eiskte hu disposed -5f hie „ 4rt►' eels :.arcs near the old market sere t. John • rich. The prima was ljl,• c.airr:all ‘,...„hap A .w owned aimed Mott. last week dropped four ls », .11 at w leech are living bad doi.f' Ill. ',:k:t . The Murphy farm, o4 the 7th e soba of Haiku, hu been perobased 'Kens,. 1;41-04.1 Lashio, of Londaboro, IP 100 W. ACHESON & SON . BANK OF MONTREAL. $1 2,000,000. Black Cord French Silk Brussels : Fr..l. Downing leaves this week for Buffalo where he will take a position on the propeller " Empire State rooming between tlevelaad sad Duluth. Fred's object is to benefit his health. Hie brother Wm. sails .o the same boat. Wroxeter Wm. Pomeroy has enl.l his farm in Micbtocaa and returned to Wroxeter where he will rest for a time. He itaa done very well in Michigan, havug about rex °voted the account he lost in his L•isisiaaa speculation a few years ago. Heafrya : It. J., son of John Whitfield, who has been atts.ding Baltimore Ile4ioal College, passed his final examination aid is nnw M. 1)., Il. U. S. It is his iatestioo, after a short visit with friends here, to practice is the state of Kruse We wish him vi.ees.. Climes lomat week's wiod storm did not amply blow over several monuments at the cemetery. but it also broke off • number of them at the bane. It would he well if a het of then were takes sad the frieeds n otified, so that they might be repaired as of Brussels, speedily as eneseasset. Jams1. 5tretma, caferth : The many trise.I. of Rev. Silass. va the weak to the lamp farm. l 5th line, Nul►cwal4 will re(ret t•, Ion, Dist he is lth he rerei.'lp purebredffrom * Loan resin prostrated witb a sever.- attack of syt altwuk. forntcrly of Ellen. He wav taken ill :rt Sunday 1 msrrued u moratsg• and fora time has oo edition was h tee mar 4'7011 s1.Iia+'• 4 4 f roes&dared critical, but we aro pleased to Ire ka:Men t-uim'nbia t" s tl,sa l,aureoce, d ,hie to stmts that be is now esu -1 improve... Aeksow Several pieosa soosived today. V1'arranteel not to slit. prn,e, $1.75real value, $2.00. Black and Colored Velutinas FOR CONTI'alES. A large cent• _just opened. 11VELUTINAri Teekerwnith : Strong tiros. threshed rr. b their view outfit, for H. W. (.'rick ►uta rrea of elo.,r w SAmni led, in Am Mous an I a half : '•be ran T. eitt that R. weak disco ; L. 1). Psttasoa, G. ss li lie el of his ,Inver to • esatl.mam u says that swythisr sheet e1 ,(laswl. as ti 44r to nand% e u loo .low for -1 .iris-_, llsadi s he ^!fettlil»r, died es sr reo•led tot tlw top less tllvimy • year, sae 'one Ife(pJsMw the sta- iwa sia• 4 i nom•. Tysrman, of Hsaevur ▪ brubet o' J.mesh Ty.rmao, of this tows. set kilkei ty a falba* red in the big wind- ow,. 1.•: wreck. .1. 4yerni,u attended the lewd .m `t st int Jay. l'he.o Th- re•sarna of the lase Mrs. f. Borers. who died .t Hebs•, were so- tegt•sed to town by hat two soma, Harry rel t tart.- mud the remains interred on CAPITAL, REST. Special ,1 .'awing .I,V.trl,l end has ken (feud stir con- vection with tins bnrirl.h. lnleresi allowed i41 current rales. H. LOCK WO(D, tenacer Goderich Brawl& is used for all Dns.s purposes, toot only for its close re,.emblanoe.-"'s"'' v -' weonosoesessorsessessees - to a Lyons Silk Velvet, hut for it, own Itrstuty end useful. T . -" iT' T , E R news. Price, Black, i .. Colors, 70 . a yard. + v . j/ / -M--+ Dress Trimmings and Cloths C 111•T lid irge efs'sufatcturer, our Store is almost an \ . slum. of Dress Goods, reflecting ail tiederieh township Ales R%dour, of the Ilaidend cos., baa bought from Percy Evans the 128 acre farm nn the east side of the Maitl•td oon. It odious. Mr. Redcar's farms, and now glee bum *bout 250 acres in a block. Then •re so buildings os the place and Mr. Bodeen est it at • re••osakie price. seatortb Jobe Coopppp oostsector, has bora confined to his ea,idasc. by illness for the pest Ws Theo. Coleman, youngest sea of Dr. sTielsw, -having completed hie medical atedies at Toronto, has returned hose, but we presume he has not yet de- cided whore be will start is the practice et his profession Hallett : (is Sudsy a man owes: by Tyndall Bros, of the gad cos., m5N with a had annalist. The hired ars was lead- ing it eat to the stable, carrying a manure fat snider one are ; the handle of the fork •ocidsmtdty oases sle thag. and e pts mere ran sp ••[ prongs, which catered its ads H•v►sg purchased si ased the huu.as tot the Suminer Shades of tarter aril inlet in many weaves. mcCREA i H & WALSER 1 have eon arraageil, nut only to 000tsm0. the Carriage Trude, but have decided to do all classes of work is One Special Purchase of Black Henrietta 42 inches wide, for [Itis week only nt afara views and unsurpassed elsew Ler• at 7 vie. Spring Jackets Spring Jacket Cloths e1NttWT rime rAlw ran wT TTrw ASO LsiGA, W. ACHESON & SOFT. N. w Patterns this week. HYGIEIAN SUMMER VESTS. ' LISLE GAUNTLETS, Sise Guaranteed. AND CHILDREN'S WHITEWEAR. 111 our IILLIIIERY DEPARTMENT Sttsr.lav a'•ern•w,a last )!orris ' Oa Saturday of last week &•used. 1►n Thursday night of tut Edward Bryans died at the maitre. of his elk toon Hala Iatyse .ret viol Lease esu Ale sr, Lot 30, ooeo,milts 2. at the t The caner of fres& d bio makers he seem ,fps age d nearly 91 lima r,• vat e w!J t.•. ,, sr. He Loks as if the bis dltc.•,., r additi.s to heart failure and Isar troubie. Mr. Bryans woo bora in Co. Fermanagh, Ireland, os Jose 71A, 182, sad came to Quads to 1818. Mullett : The wife of Jelin McGregor. el Hallett, died o• Fridaydavit after a coin. iteratively aria Weems. er ailment was a peculiar mss aid seemed to be • puzzle to her. s6. 10-un•et rAlth vivo up his potation in was in her 461lit year, sod leaves• family d eba•teaiire.•.1 with him. Tarebury Mrs. Rob[ .Jenkins, of Tunherry, '.,ss had to oedema another wane s• Ile I. Hides hospital.%film wag rem•,,et h.an "ne of her eyes. The our - sawn s , -'a ,ifully and successfully per- form 1 You will always find the LATEST STYLES. Our stork of Walking Hata, Leghorns, ('hip PIasques, Flowers, Wreaths, 1 )rnamenta, ac.,is complete. e. H.Aericii McComb, who on the medical mss called to Weed 815 isES AND WHITEWEAR RS. R. B. SMITH. NEW FIRM. OLD ST HORSE-SH0EI19 IND EIEBIL BLAOKS I` IIHE}a 23116.1y. SONE IfUTIMS BOW OF RK11RN EMPLOYEi► IN EVERi DEPARTMENT. JNO. A. WAL$ER, P wPRIL•T0L The New CI-roc:ems, S T -LT R D Y B R O S - Have a Stock of Groceries, Crockery & Glassware which for quality and prior cannot Le extolled SPECIAL VALUE IN TEAS. The 'INDIAN ,aid JAPAN TEAS which they handle exclusively .•ati- not be .surpassed. A-4111AL SnLIUITED. STURDY BROS., AT GHO. GRANT'S OLD STAND' G-. rT_ DATIS A I►i;ALltlt 1`4 De STOVES AND RANGES R. W. RUNCIMAN Ha. purchased the grocery mid confectionery business lately conducted --by-11a. E CANPAIUXL at the corner of Montreal -St. and Square, anti legs to announce that he has added largely to the Stock. and is now prepared to meet all olid Customers and as many new ones es will favor him with a ,hare of their patronage. Ope.Iid this week a re)eat order of the celebrated R. H G. ^.c, '. :e. made and bea'.ltifu:ly finished Blouses ant. Writ° 'underwear. We have the largest range of these Goods ever shown in Goderich, all prices, from 39c. upwards. You can buy the Finished Goods for almost the price of the material. PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS From 47c. upwards. A good Double -Rib Umbrella 69c, A special bargain in a Black Silk Parasol at A Steel -Handle Umbrella at same price. Better q sties away below credit store prices. Special Values in Teas and Sugars. R. W. RUNCIMAN. 11►1r Pw•N THE: welT NNAtit WAe?I wcwn. If yeti *have decided to rut outer old stove th-, is $ 9. tr •nor of my 80PPT T8OQaaTs LL (O t++ YOU GET A FULL SIZE 16. 0 STOVE FOR W000 FOR S13.00. I BEEP THREE GRAD* O! GOAL OIL IN STOOK: The Ama'toaa Water white, - t Q for Oa* areaorat Imperial Whi W31te' _ Nitta. These prices are spot cash. Charged at the regular price. eight children. The remains were interred protect then. in his heads. alt took him oa sroom, he • ukthousandth part i• Burn's cemetery, on Monday (hhdaa a sscood to realise that they were nearly ll,1y removed l• : Irlr week PhsLp cal sad fit, •a4 before be ooald let them re hill family rThey had b n reel s is Cadillac, hands were beautifully tasder mod sore. Mid. They bad been rasiaeots of Bess- ', .eke for about 14 yeah. a large proportiase.forth : Ott Saturday last, u l;eorge of which Mr. `Mel spent in the employ of J ' Hender,oe, of McKillop, who resides near ft J. Livingston ss suguneer at the flax milt Winthrop. was coming to town with • WWI We wish tests family seesaw The, "annex- of horses wit h s wagon,asd as be was walking .tiro" mtoveroe.t is taking • good many of alongside the vehicle, the bases gel err residents.; frightened sad res awo ne ay. When top l'olbour a Death huust resnoved cis.;I they overtook a baggy in which w..s Mie. gai of the early rots of this township, is 1 Peters. She being unable to get out d the the person of Mrs Deno, e., relict of the t way the runaway team collided with her late .\dos llir,t, who diel on Friday last, vehicle, and both outfits went into the at the resldeoce of her son in Buffalo. •t the ditch in a promiscuous heap. The buggy ale of 71 year.: she was • member of the was broken, but mo other whom dwmags F.vangeltoal church, sad bee remains were was done. Mn. Peters' escape, however, were •roughs hen for interment in the , roe miraculous. Mr. Henderson's hones got en tangled ap is the harness that he Colborne Cemetery, on Tuesday. Sesforth : 4 oma earned Charlton, who I captured thew[ before they got farther. has been in tows for some time getting el) : Clinton For being drunk sad disorder- • directory, met with a serinui mishap on IT at the Salvation Army, on Sunday, the Mill Road. Tuckerennth, on Tuesday. "Buns" Castle was placed is the cooler Sun - lie was driving wits • horse .ad buggy. •c- day night and brought before the Mayor on cam ied by • lady, and in passing a lewd Monday morning, who imposed a Ane of fib of lumber, he collided with the wagon, UP -end costa. Tuesday evening a young ere setting his vehicle sad throwing oma the oc- mimed Aimer Smith was ap hetae the nta The h ad got away .sol me Mayor , • amilsr charge, •ad fined oiled Cb•rltoo 00r his companion was much ie on leteI drinking going y, for 98c. ual- oREss coons Extraordinary value in All -Wool Henrietta of French manufacture, all new colors and black at 25c. DeLain- ettes, new, beautifully printed goods, 11 1-2c. Printed Armenian Berges for house and street wear, 15c. A new line of Shot Whip Cords at 39c. BOOTS AND 8110(8 Good Shoes at prices usually charged for cheap grades. All prices, sizes and makes. See what we can do before you buy your next pair. 1 WOW( OWa inGsshienepdce the boy. cleimtD1 cepaters of a thhe bo veither Mr. stets. There ha. been wood(naids rabic Saaday e pliaer jured that the liquor is bought by the keg doriag (listos - For several weeks the wife ofthe week, sad (ossble Wey says . Joseph Wheatley a tley has been eonfioei to her! dMt►dkis bound to break this op if possible. (y rasa Oa Wednesday her husband, to information laid by inspector Paisley, Mr. warm the room, put oo • quick fire ; erotic- , i.ee was oto Tuesday fined $20 and costs for Md partially parted; selling liquor n lamer quantities than al - i'. that the popes ed LIdlarva and Steep, al- .' Jos- hit them with his hand W knock , lowed by k+w e!r r tom, together, whoa they tumbled, sad to I magistrates, SPRING FASHIONS IN FINE FOOTWEAR QURJTOII IS NO COIPLETE! Gentlemen's Fine Hats All the newest and noir Wert styles in stock- • See our DERBY HATS iN ALL SHADES: siso our WIDE -BRIM TCIUIIIST HATS in latent color, and shapes of Eng- lish and American manufacture. if you want style and comfort, combines with economy, buy your Hoot.; anti Shoes from Bots and Girls School flats and Caps In all styles and at unequalled valuer'. Call and Sae our Macintosh Coats, also our Splendid Display of Umbrellas. T. Fowler & Co. haw's, noes lods' Bo s' diPs Misses',Chilkell's, y 3300TO visa -c1. 0130=0_ Thr fak-ing ttirvl • Mw of the many linea turn are .abed ebe•sp Ladies' Kid Oxford Shoes, •• " Button Root. •olid, lliri s " Oxford Shoes - > )Arm's Lmoed Boot' z ! Soc. NOW AS TO NECKWEAR We cut Atom you the newest and most varied stock in Four -in -Hands. The popular tie for the season is the World's Fair Bow. YOUR PATRONAGE BOLIOIT'D. W. T. HAYS & CO., 1405 tf Agents Parisian Steam Laundry. MISS CA.ATE3RON" is to eel: Brat -.leas A11 other goats marked away down. Orr principle Boots and Shoes at strictly tmaierab Pelson Call and iect ear stark helm. pevdtaielt •laewbsrs, anti mainly yoer- .41 that our goo,M and prices are joie r L a,.HPAIRiNO PROMPTLY A?T1f1DaD TO. orrice !tint. a Rase of J . is door s Dees stem MINTY? 'Cs tt fin 'ober to attmonso11 that she has returned from her Speen( ?urclrats( tour, and has,eesred the lastest leading novelties 1ls MILLINERY eoetpruing the oewbt arta beeowtint Shapes, .511 as t. i k of hand some Triennia( the uspei•Ily ter this eeseon'. trade. 1n thulivag the may e_M.esw. is (;eieriob and vicinity who have favored me with their p.tsea•ee ea fesmsse .osansws, i stunt! • media termitic. t.. the Indies to 0.11 sod mopet't for th nes fives. 9406 -gym MISS CAMERON H.\MII.TONi STRICHT. TO THI LIDIBB Of 60DBEICH ►AD YICIAI4Y. Your attention is called to the fart that TX= E R=T.T1\4C a new Millinery Mart, West -St.., next door b " The fes[ Office. IS NOW OPEN I ♦ Use display fou newest Trench and American designs. tonere m 0031111A1.L1__1