The Signal, 1893-5-4, Page 49 flu ' gnal, is P(Jaimaso EERY THURSDAY MORNING 515. 1e•llgAA17MT, Ohre of l'ubhatloe -a sad 10. North street. Dederick. Ontario. Terme .f Mb•eetptlea 1 Use month. th aligns a It U Three month., 1 b ,. 41t One' ear. 1 OD aimprimIf credit is aimed. the prim par Isar 1 Al .Adverse.lns Rase* Legal •n,1 other casual ad.ert.1-meats. lac. per line for ere[ insert mu, and 3 edits per lies for each subesur•ot inerrtioe. Measured by • sioapareil scale. Business ca.ols of sir lines it under, Is per year. Advert w. menta of [cost. ro,.a4 eine) d sand 8ltuatbone Vacant. elitu•alo0• M.te.'ness Chane Wanted. cot exceelise ' Maes nonpareil h per .month. Horrors on Sate and Forms on `tale, 5O1 .0 .xccrd e hues., 41 for errs month. 50c. per AAA 5.130, si, nenth. Larger advts. in Proportion - Any special notice. t63 nefta, ofoo leh h 5.'0 pecuniary the b vidual or compaay, to be considered an ad- yerti.•mrnt awl rharw,d accordlnel7• tenial notices in nonpareil type one cent per word. no not lVee ler l has Mc. Local not woo in ordinary reading tem I sin Ponta per wont. No notice for lees t Me. Notic.a for o hurl hes and other religions and ben."..h.n• in.titatioas hall rate. r.mmerei.i rentrart - Ade en teeniest.. A !untied number of dbplalyd advrrt.se Beate will be inserted at the peuowiag rate. • Per in. 1•. one interline.40 101 ., 0 Lorinrnions .... . •• three months ... 100 •• six months ...,,.....t- a 00 One year. 'J Oii leo ad%enieement lees than two isehes !• length will be calculated on above basis. 1 per cent. discount allowed for Mash pay [mute .n :1 tee r.o.thei . ontract : 10 per cent. on Mx esubtbi ..ad IS per coot. as • year's, Thew conditions will be strictly esforeed. items. "floe shaw- l" adeltvety. Subeeriter who fail to receive Tn. 31ovL r.eularly, r.rher by oyerier or bymall, wtU Monter a favor by sogsat.ting me othe fact at se early • date as possible. Leek .4 fest Label. Your label is a standing receipt of the data to which you are paid up. See that it i. not &Mowed to fall Into arrear. When • o hsnge of address Is desired, both the old and the new address should be siren. Rejected manuscripts wnout be returned. Oprreeepondence must be written on one side of paper only. r.bu.ber'• !Melee. .1. C. I..- Tonsil. of (poderich. has been ap pointed Loral Travelling Agent for The town- ships of Dotterel', Colborne. Ashfield and Wa- w• ,.ash. Loral post numeral over the district are also empowered to receive rub.criptirw. to Tea 9110.1•1„ All communications must be addressed to Ir, flQOILWCUUUT, Tn. Bwx.L, Telephoto Oslo al - Oederbh. Out. . TMUI.T. . _. MIL A Peale RTATtt:1SNlr OF T1V fad. It will be generally acceded that the 'Dominoes parlantentkry session that closed its deliberations • short time ago has been exceedingly barren of measures promoting relief or profit to our debt laden community. From the Tory government we looked not for legislation for that portion of humanity that must labor to lire, and are, therefore, not disappointed : ire mission is to foster anything and everything calculated to clinch de iron grip oo the treasury benches, asides thieve cannot be much improved for the powerful order of self-seeking poIIuciaas who enjoy all that asily•arned wealth and the pride of power inn give, they very naturally prefer the status quo rather than risk their privilege. rind profits in any change of our political system. We are not censoring the pard patriots in tbe Eovero- ment or the army of officials who possess keen commercial Inetimcta for guereliug the temple of fat emoluments and cam, for we manor expect such men to look beyond their own interests, and it must 1m troth be said that in that respect their velem is oat - to their own little circle while .11 be- yond gives them no concern. In justice to the profesaional Tory tt must be said that, in championing the colonial status gad the enrichment of the knights of the Rel I'arlor, he is ,luite consistent, for British ,•ommection and high protective duties are his professed twin political deities and as sacred in hie eyes aa the shrine of Mohomet is to the devout Museelman, hut we tunnel claim even coimsistemcy for the Reform party laden who have of late man- dieted acidi eted as remarkable a change of policy se can well he imarined, for they have evident- ly .pardoned the ,00tt.entkl free trade policy which they adopted to 1890. and their lack of enrage and oonsiaten.y oann01 be viewed by the "Old guard" as ether than regrettable :and though Tari! Reform may win, no one nal claim truthfully that it has been adopted as the Feet policy for the cow- try-. but rather es the safest cry to win with. tier sympathies are today as ever in favor of tariff reform, which was needed as much in ISM as now, .sad yet the legions of 'lir Jon. M 4.-00a 41.1, triumphed Tariff re form was equally needed in liffr7 when the Refn-tai party vainly appealed os that iamb. asa•l though it wan side to pont to a large noniber sit aeaatn 5 and memt.ers of the 1'nmmons who had vloletesi the Independ tram of l'erli.ment Act hy plundering the public domain sod.seerieg reliable pri,i loges for 1heinselv.s and relative. the Deem try turned • deaf ear to the tar, ff reformers' veer. and .gam was the imy party trio tomes. rhe yeas between that election sad the otos me 1801 mads it evident that ths std preerib.d remedy of tariff reform amd rh.ap.dsg of stere reeds would have to be supplanted by a Imre eggramtn mevamsat, sad t'iteataiin?, imatag with mod judg- ment that the growing dMersnt a-mtgat the larmnts requited • sereager policy. placed Mime presmsut sad tie etaeury thereat time U weeteleed Resipreeley wish She THE SIGNAL : GODERI CH ()NT., THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1893. Vetted S .les, hitt not Were the timid sena is the Reform awals had plucked .11 that they deemed MrProieseabis to `heir s a.uve gad super-leysl minds hem Ma platform. Hegar commercial Miss gave Oboe to Reciprocity. 1t is no aeon* teat the former was nest advocated sed tried as the riding of East Northumberland where Ih Mai.LMit , single handed, wine uerttss winning by hundreds than has any Reforms c-sstld to for that riding sante, iu either iforma ion ur Previte -lid el.ctlou Commercial Union elide it Alarmed the Reform "colonials" found much favor is the eve of the formers, for It bolsi out the hope cod espectauou of higher prices for farm produce and cheaper neerchaultee frees the iactories. furnaces and work shops of the continent, and a.rtwithetasding that it hada "looking to Wsehtugton complexion so eager were the farmers for tin.oei.l re- lief that they gave substantial evidence is that contest that their own welldoing wen first, and that they were prepared to en- danger, if not end the colonel condition is order to secure the hest market for their stock and crop. How near the reform party cense to victory in 1891 is known to all our readers, but instead of ..lvancing along the lime of battle wisely chosen by tbe leaders in that campaign they have evidently.baadous.i it, and are now painfully striving to bury the continental policy out of sieht and interest the people more in the price of 'store goods than in the greater benefits of secunnv the best and most profitable market for the fruits of our t irnier s toil. It Reciprocity wa: sound in 1890.1, it is sound to day, awl the change of front .an only be accounted for by the lack of firm- ness w the ranks of the Kt form members at Ottawa, who are said to be overawed by the cowardly council. of the maritime members who fittingly represent all that belongs to the shore end of Confederation, where everything can be relied on except the people, and where the air breeds and fosters governmental rnedi/aacy and the sycophancy of a garrison community. The Reform leaden are intelligent enough to know that free trade with Europe will not re.compen.e our farmers for the depriv soon of of the Free American market, but they are oserhorne by their timid and fear- ful followers and the hopes that have been i1uickened in their breams that the wove of tare! reform which swept over the United States in November last will overflow tee - da and place the Eovernment in their hands. The smell of the flesh pota seems to have.x- t.erminated all desire to advocate a contin- ental policy e@ the one groat beneficial measure t• strive for. It is enough for the Liberal leaden to secure power on the strength of the tariff reform wave though they well know that no possible tariff redo -tion o. European goals can give our farmers compensation for the 30 cents he pays on every bushel of barley he sella for the United States market, nor will chap European merchandise act .s • set off to the 40 cents he load. on , very bushel of bans, $400 on every ton of hay, 'L5 cents' per bushel on hie potatoes and remits, $30 00 to $50.00 on every horse [fat the .tmeriam buyer picks up, anal wheel we are to infer that Free Trade with the rutted States is to b. merely • side show and that British connection and Tariff Re- form are to be the chief attractions in the political circus we think the question forces itself on the people whether the Re- form leaden were honest in 1891 when they ran the flag it American Free Trade to .he hreeee, or .re they honest today in pointing out • low tariff on European goods ae • ,uh.tantal substitute I'mama sense tells us that the best pos- sible essible policy for the former, ea Um gre.tpro- iluoer of wealth, must be the best policy for Use country at large, and why men calling themselves friends of the people hesitate in proclaiming the true political gospel cam only be accounted for by their anxiety for office and their mistaken ids that the people love the Kwrina more then the Nowt. THe grtee sir Till MAY MAD A , (MAL °ppnNSnity .forded her of getting a mild in the hod on Monday last. IT ie ,.trrl'a. % WH r •,To ran Titian resdi.g of the Hoe Rule Bill, but CLARKE W A, t.eo•►.• Mise manses hays sot secured an ocean passage for Ulster This .s slow Mainers. - 'touts HA.• MIAS NO oras terrai rano • • RnetisT KIR , the man with the mem nom,- as the hrether of Aenv iNoetu, M 1' , dubbed him for the peat two wake R..Rta. a grey goose quill he gree back apes hien, evidently ('ora 1..0 I.1 1' A WIAT* 01 .141' ear*t•5s It .mase[ 1111 out the royalty exhibit is Os greatest show on earth it h.. secured s few dukes, earls, marquises sed such, but •p to date nary • royalty representative hsa termed up As Aaisa A. WSW. would may. " Thi. ie l ttmott.w A• wan mimeo nen .T THE 141.01 el I.A1T wash, Mew are se prisoners is jail .i the provost time The eely inmates are three area .and infirm paupers. The mamas es pedes of the jail are •hoot ahs doll.,. . day, whu'h would he paid hy the Ontario (:everesioet, t( th• lents[.. wen .vnmi.da The present inmates are psnpee, and esa- eninslly the Cwt faHe on the musty. It will le said that the e.saty M rich end... .toed it When is swim $14 a week to 'maiabis sash bdlgrnt r jolt, the ant et1 keepieg him i■ OM einem Isar. MATua LIMAS m n.slsA MT TSAT TVs atayeralty wittiest the b.rn•rekdp r i•deed ea .m, 4y honor. As timewrn's'. ARTIm9.a 011 TMS U. E Loyalties of Prison Kdwled Money, mem e1 whose de.osadasts sow reside s this section. bas been crowded out this week but will appear in our nest. &Si•t file Kinri NO eau Chemin TO IN spire the editorial oolumea Newell*. .d the Newe- oord sod the Star the lesdiug articks of ourm ee.ale.I conlack temporary lk color of the orange variety. In fact, they .re rather aro the blue ride just now, with • alight shading of the green of envy. le 11111TAT10Y lit TIAs unit 1Tter ruga ui Battery, the reproduction of editorial items from THE SIGN 41. by the New. -R. c oil of Cli.toa-with • local application -ie (lot- tery, indeed. We take off our hat to our imitative friend A poll p.rrott could not have done better than Th. News - Record. THC SP.NAI. M IN A roMrT10N TO RATS that the editor of the Chutes edition ed SI* Or.uge Sentinel had so intention of aeee/k• ing • cxuimirton in the Clone army of es• cupatioe when he resigned from the 33rd Rattalioo. He just tot tired of ,• flvhtia• an' bleelin', •n' dyin' ter his kentry -- se the small salary attached to the genual drills. MATilit BUTt.ER. r RSPORT sir THE a1Nt14a of the town council, which appeared in The Star la,t week, was exo..diogly inaccurate. His Synopsis of the peutios of the temper- as'', people was especially detected, Red was door with the deliberate intention of meting o.diem nn the petitioner.. The petition is p'h6ahed in full in this .elle, and any reader an compare it with the mayor's vendsa, TRil; ONTARIO - I,iGikLAi11Rg A PCOVINCIALPLEehC TE PRJMI>ED IN JANIJ CRI• al, frlart.t•. 8111 4101 •..•` obs •ma naafis.' sluies -Haste. •mewl,' the paver. - meat Melte - 4.eertesta Oar i ..w.r A 1)1.10.. r.aireetef T.. -say, fva,eTu, ]lay 9.-Deep.te the watery 'beatt,er that bits para Meetly fr.:kr•.. et every appearance of to. Martel- bill. fairly 4.e piiela` ve gallons" we-. support.. s ye.ter.l.y afternoon. who went home to supper .it-.- iog that the [user`e had r.csivel two him.. eyes to as [many hours. But they came hick again at night o.ly to see their protege e- mits the consent and ooze up from each reeled -tally ditentred, but still in the t Although a victory for the Government wee e.surel from the outset, although from the Inst tow Oppisttiom wen to the position f he unfoatenets cobbler .boa the .`-u- r.. thole t'aile. toned to swallow the iU-0tun` 1.. ot., tory bravely `tuck to their guar n ith n -freight party division staring them in the face. Of Modred the Governtnsat ..1titude was doubt n to their jur,10.etlo •, the necessity fee s plebiscite and the Informal anouune • meat that mob • vote would Iet take., in six is oaths from the present .ses1'-n and daring t e next municipal elections Toe et -generate pro and con regarding the Varier Lill have already been expound.0 fully indepntati•n.. and las Government answers thereto. Noth- nf atsrtliugly new less said upon the sub. j• et, .tock phrsess being largely tit- cut - ren ey. iseneeralaitos with their new-born methal the (lovernrnemt ao,wwneed their policy is two amnrdoteots. Sir. Balfour first touched off his little petard, gietot the Starter bill a torso month. Lots[. Then came the Hon. Yr. Roe with the Cabinet enamel behind •t he blew up the assassin* and com- pleted the a.mibilauon of the Martine forces 1.7 UMV.II( a r• oluti . which in addition to Silting th- matter for nit months contained the following mints: I. That the •x1.411 of the Le tura'• power 10 enact a pn,hltdtorV law 0 uscertaln and d• 41bieul. nut Thu questom of e,en the meted power -J the provisos *nowt seeding T.ef0r.• 1he 1411 premm t'o urt. 1 That she extent of the 1'rovoe•1al oaredec- tie should 1110 1.* •..c.•rtaine.l ht referenda •o the ludu,ai [`iteral •.f our resew` 1. That the i.. tared hof, re. t in sae mow 'caned w.n,bl mlatats aa*tabet the i.Mresse o4 teml.era.,• and the Ic.hIG•, and ...old rrenlr in tee l s•I,.crlalnatr and unik.ured ,rani• 1n Iknor.. That the 14. 1.. has ao.11'$ ce mud 16. a l.nereniirt eel without delay mak.• a:l ee•esemy and pr.••ppeevr step. to stews the J•dgm..t of :b. mrd Judicial tribunal as to the •stew, of any of the jurbdktloe of the Pror4elsl Legislature to enact a law for the total or partial p.eafMtloe sit the liquor trafllc. & The House omit 1 he M pa!ed to take aet.nn 'sties§ e... -h derision a as r Tl.e H.•tir w 8i1I ...a Masi 4444. the hoat:,-r deride the meow other teas to prepare and ono- *11 r.er.rsarr p•mris4.•. for 5sr.iring a pro rl•ri.l t.lehl.,te on prohibition. • that the 6,11 be r-.1 Mia der sat melba /gr. Starter smite for so hone seebnwnadiy tmoieteuurg the organ, ea Sia. %Vega would say. web the prohibition Berl that filled the tumbler no Ids desk. Hoth wiles 04 ,he Hone.., be said, were anxious to see the Matto tb.or. uughly disco'ssl. The Attorney rieneral had takes exceptt,•n that hes b;11 dial not go far eouugtr, tet it should include wholesale u well .e retail traffic. When the hill epoch. ed committee he .,spru{aro t to Incorpr-ate . ny esn.r.ding .code .hid wuml t nukes it ISO`. stringent. 14...411.1 address himself 10 two points, '•1s it des,rsuler end "Have we Ds. powerr rpeakwg of the Brat, Mr. Marvr pointed to the promrnesa•e mesa the E mitter by the press, the adores of letters re calved by him from public .od tesp.ranee banss, god pnvate indlvtdwlr, the tereper- • nree dups1tou tn. the pnaMU.s, petitions w prautes In the Hour and other `•vides°. of its x111 Iwp•rtaua and wld.upre.d osier et Referring to that famous plebiscite comfetvnr., Yr Vart.r teemed that, skho ugh the meeting win pecked for • plebiscite, although two seta of hvitatiams were is.o.& although there had been an esprea..l difference of n mhos esteems temperance Midi. then, his bill bad .Dred • virt.•ry by receiving the unanimous endorse - Soo of all pre..st Ha Mot aikido/ to the notable msathg of 1.mp•rases people on Thursday kat, the reaoluuons that were panned then. the r.premestaticea that were w ade to Sir Oliver, hr dlsagtpweusg sneerer and tbe w',.•yuent utter.ue, of the mammies. that they sew no reason to re - lade lade from their formes p0itoo of laver toward the Manor hill sad disfavor bo nay evasion of • dire item Other resoluta,' of the London Synod, th. lletbc. Ibt, Baptist sad .ether religions bodies were 4100 11011 by Mr. Harter, who Alen paint- ed out that A larger number of petitions la the Mae were for prohlhltice as troll es for • plebiscite Many petitions* peetess•n emit have been for b1. .esmura bed they been tet 1t was evening u►• Mises eba suMniska of lie I.e5.,1r hallos la the Comet, a York Mr. Ranee thew up else send aper et the ear. Ne that 441 .f .M erase sad unary es dee to Mgesr, sad shat bu-hawses wee t6. in4eusa .s,sseun dy hew t Pollee Court mltl.w Mh Ser T.wemle `ram la to 11, from l. report et jut wad prism he 1MIEtbe tlss.ns4 thea creme spy efSpasm .1 ♦ e, getter es thtrliistl Wm films. Dr.Mr prim r sad port sad ether Wawa. elf pvehlbstlsa ereowaset end Mtrm.t ee,le. v --east - -,xt,( ton ,eom.ntsaw s...te.w at frauds to Whoa An tai a tenha ey .study ter Ihe tiNerwmees to sweets the Mew, end awns the people ppaay ter lie aura Mahar the ntal OA,apt drltralsg bed demeaned SO per deal Win would result trent tend prohibition, lir. Matter aaased he. Sir Oliver Mowat, who [tad said that ehrsagem tees of ell crime and misery wee h. N Ik ser. Who, an isegtby cnpsrlsu., ae a lawyer o•asiter 4, eboe.J 'sow better. As loss as the Ouverulnast legalised the miasmas trails, they were partners in the be some The drink babit wee amtagious Oad.tooma bad sari ,t vies au • Jrrutruus Hen was resume mud p.s1iI.uOa co ub.n.. The tior.ruteat probated to trout .n the stremur., the deer In the woeo4...veryl Meg, le fact, but the see mad den.bl.•.. of the peophs. Tb. great balk of liqu.w wee cow eum.J to the u.r-root. whn•4 ..0 bel• ...•u!•1 destroy. "K •novo 16e.e lippliug &tops,ou rentor.Meiptatton from your suis Yon destroy the treating •ylew u, esies u UM bee of eociable'sena tellies • The. Sir leerier spoke to the qu .t.oaa "Have •se the p.•wer r tin quoted tM opo low of J. J McLaren, 1jh, Jm.tic. Mit tout sled other gentle:mei 1 areal in the law that the procluim had the nett se deal with the retail .ale, altb..uge its rlybt to interfere rite imp.rtaWM1 mad alar mis tsre was q seetlonabls. The Demme Al- low*, to.., hied wavelet iIm.es given • like op moo. the law prevented the sale of liquor for • Dart of este Una. tfatarilay nights for ,mouse, and all day Sunday If ChM p real power ea. 9.0.104.. so *al di. Wal yti suer. ••ty. close the stores um timudmy," later• reseed Mr. Fraser. ••l'sa we east tela Mem on week day*, tour ••Order: order saki theOpseelt,•w. By the. tone Yr Marty had renamed bill .eat. • Yo•u are forgetting en amertant part," -Lulled t:. C-,,niu s ins er of Pub!w Works. Mr 11 bit..ey ali.••J'.l to Mi. Marta' -Oh: .o s,:: jn•wpiu ; up "1 inc.•r,,uali pieeeuth to re3,, t :t wooed r -iodine of the toll!' 11 tie was .u: .wk wird Limit u. hen. Ilia 1 • it a, 110 maw 'e.7 srremale •.f mention to r.-. 1. et. Speaker. eye. Instead there vine- . a (: ieket-1 k• reluct:,n -e 1 speak un - t 1 tbs. -l• r.t mowed e•I therm 1. t, b..., l0o.41.1 at Sir It.ss, who wit ease. 1 d • fel re. He 1 _t . r. Hai: ,.e. winr rase end occup..1 *1 na.rmlee I . t., cyanid tine way for his three 0u utas hew. and for the otos who eras 'raster :it.. 1... d ald a eta sbosome after hen-H.N.. V, . lt.... !.e otre.d that prohibition was 4.e:r.i.le ■o t "ae prepared to vote for it who, it was vr•••^.cable, Mr. Martin. 1.54 1.01 quoted all t• e testimony of the A•tortevlhen-rale who Lai .w. st,trd has muuoo of the way liar pr-•tntuti.in .h ,uW bbe arrival at The MO - 6,0,1 u( obelit0u in the temperNMe reek. en a coed • „ ,.tisei of his Mil. That Molu..ou p,....t . itr...vend of Leda. had lees n. 4. ...t cis, ':.,• :le .:.,....-..em el t.• ..ti - I t-.' •psis re b.r,..01ttr. l..•• last i'1 ' •!a Si, i1n. w -v In • • •...- a, •bn.10as Mhos Ilk. ,, ca•a w- t,r ro .r6 e.smilethe othav . a:e smile me wn, la1werthesse ad in, 4 . o . •. ..ee'a et shits. i•, lab -ha T•: • 1' :ry 1' sir.. 1 MK Orel I. t ,, two q. •':• a• ee t li, t.rie.lrtm hyo as rail • I ne out i til. l .,wrr *lib elle as the othe-. 11" WU d,d i. t '11 at ti -e `sot of t• .• ,,,alt.,.. What noel a tree,' i• if it mood *he 1 the .....r w.. AI 111 i , d...0 l 11 wood l•.tve to • cis le Lqu • are ! • itbust `.ancrod for :et ,.r t hr- • veo•,. 1 .... •Deuttoto•, I:on•...n-est. the fri•- .le .•t 1... Oppait,uo, bad emu..e'l.ted ti.mei a --i-'- by tbe promise , v tri- wing its 1.r .,t.-.,hr.•t .n the pr .• :W odic, .1, of t..e Govrrurrru .•1 . ••• n hi: ntr 1 Ger wit enforc.ng • tat The ue.mbr for Mnet .8a n --.5 Dow, uson Haw..- had 4.11 that II., mai:ment did :.••• support. tiie 4..ii.•1.1 , , dol.: so. '•'18,4 .lo.: t they .pact a p1.•b.'•.1 •. • i , . • 1 Odea.,, wen they have in- •. • erg' make I Sir. Mmltour. '• ikt•y ora ,•(ra..t •o face it. , Ito Res Mc fo-ter hes mai t1• •: petite statins rt ,...11- in ,1 er is al etifu . and mss atq► , re • 1 1•..:• ,n•.. nae •• whew_ wish. t• r lice, e. "Lwot .: a • .,. J.. :1 Thumps 11 h,.• mesh t6. . ea, v -.-n." ,t,, Balfour then tatulged in eu Waters - ate oomparkens bet sem potent Ot- tawa and immures Outerta He qu..ted the recommendation of the /grassier of E.Iuoatios for the Preview* ss far back es leas when be recommended to tbe Donnie Rotes • proh bit.► lie regarding the importation. manufacture and sale of in- toxicating liquor. He compared the vacil- lating course of the Hos. Mr Fater, an ■ vowel temperance c6.mp.oe. at Ottawa with the straightforward course of Sir Oliver 3iowst. He praised tbit freak utter- ances of the Attorney -General to the tem- peruto* deputations and pieta a resume of temperance kitW.tinn from t6o birth of the =prseent admaietrauun W 103. It bad res toe umniber of homes from tali in `f7 to 3414 a,i . rb. very bode., quoted by Lr. 3I.r1r as wpportint his tummies were the -nes* who wanted the (10 rnnru W tike boli of the lic.nalneg system, which ina,m.selitly •-onugh the Oppe tio0 .ant.1 given bark to the municipalities. Then lir. Balfour u•st.noed tl:. Intlure Mai confusion resultant upon the McCarthy Act, I.x•al optlo, hylaws, the Scott Net in (Mario, the prohibitory law is New Brunswick, whose failure had retarded temperance half a century, .ad in ober ways impreesd has hearer with the ••Fesiting 1. 1." pole, of the Government. Then he said • few goal wsnis for the *borne, @bowed fns advantage., womb have all been resisted eat before, and swiveled that ti, vox 'emelt on the matter should be oMmsbt at the next municipal elections when tile sonata µ`pa wee free from party cosssderauoes, and wham also they hal before them tbe tact teat prohiMuoo would curtail their revenue fro.., licenses Mr. Milkier advanced four anal argu- ments. 1. The peerage of the Mart hill would weak." and set hank the [.`operands mese: 9, in the meantime w, could have • plebiscite, 3, amid the report of the ooneses- efoa, 4. end the question of juriudlatiea settled. H. moved the second readies et the bill the day three month.. Mr. Waters still fu• :Mr .mmioth•d the pats of the Iioveranaeml dkoowu.seel 11111 doubted the Jurisdiction of the provtao. sed asked that .1w Oov.rnnr.wt gm, as.sran., that t1.e question of jura.fietfoe would be tasted het". • the abbots tribunal. Again there wile an awkward paum The Ospontron dldu't rens ready to go os. h wee Moly the Ms tei-st*nding that the voile would he taker to -day when the absent mem- hen had amoebae* that prolonged the en. bale. •'Qwteos l Qs•.tion r shouted the lite - patient omit. Speaker Iallentytre dasa.d ►la tors*-cer- e.red het and was half way through Mr. BelIour'samendenent who•. Mr. Rom name to the meat The Minister of Rdeeaue■ ther.Mrg.Htn. rros alreathe' f1a1-.Qdhesed ►y r. lislfo.eclt.d n.b. e( previous hastyhog` tn. He detailed the bea.lebl, reser ite• and temperas., Iegelati.s of the Government, cities( the Crooke Act and the redactfea of Metnes esusod.mt spots thins sed the wahomeent regulation whteh mad* the number def M- ere proportionate to die popeaeoe Re toot up the yy.a.tlen of jsrisdi•tioe, weld the disastrous els@@s of p edpls•le 11e.ggyystM. b Mew S-umwiek and said: "i believe N r the duty of s prudes% legleht.n to seert•b 11ar w.r and then sweet., 1t ween The W.of own • meaner* as Mr. Mattern wenM malt h the evils meentiesed In IIs weeks. I wove the Rest Aet, deppts, Mt repeat. wen • gnat .duasting lasaakkk kMwlag ea•dnth.ly that moo is aseslashe •smpt •054.15pra4Mt;a.c gab aft., Mr. Mani" wail [saes OMssrlr 'Cram em• 11171844s.ie1.lbaal lawyer.7T> ,..n. M hese er lbs 1e11sa fort m Med sot thn ke,.4atld tpalar of gr Me petleieae that have Moe parhig ha The Oever.sa.tt papas. (lea Ineaaks eft ea eke. menti Arabi&.N sdlm. .f.. One r dameM M wfsalk M• feta fb =es .1 sd lbs Mai Nis if Illosor--41, Old e.e.ta ills a.0 same* L Mem Moss tee les.,ager Is r Ment awl Ms Meadtia 4 tae .[..sang -«e • wawa in er partial pswatalk Wm het of the total pra8/eklfrMl er t8. bet - poruuou, m•nshotmremid m•i.te Inmates` ins' l,quorw" The Hue Alea.eder Meehan • had ass♦ tassel the *Mimes as the co-urt11u11su0 method last the Dominion should adopt ka dsalaug with the question. A few sus w ords fort • p4Ma•-.to end Mr. Ko.. Ned Yuataeadu.ewt W tbe •m endmwl ea Web MO keen given before. els o'clock sad Mr. .maker did now irate **chair. At a psi.. tote debate was resumed. flew` ins • ducus.t•w more notoriously Arabi one 1t wee • ter of vexing the drowsy ear of ilgttt to ets ye off • dlviuos uuul wd.y. TM Tedema deep as Math ismewed palpabl y hewers *soh spatter. Meewa Woof amt. Cage and fl..obwm were the Opposites disputants. Umber. Dalt` sad Hreneoo the l.ovnnue..t. Mr. Usvls.sdureed 18. piebM- cob, referred to the dlvlslwt is the tompsr Sacs ranks oo the quest low and .:pn.ered Me 1 (named. of mew 'mug Kir t61,.r s repulse lql t g e•• ronsututu)uel lawyer by ...ting for 1 ■r, j,a..• sm.uJ.u.ut. M. lir. Krems,[ weal lino the [natter d jerts4lr tion, quote opl aloe* far- ' argue to hs. sole of the dbcusaiaa 1 trouts Sir William Hitcher, irons ib. a fus.ell e. Quo■u to Row 1fa uu.wick arts p4 is the Leal Optima' Act to the Uu • ,s Cot. t of Appeal. Other legal autbw. wer • also qu def. Mr. Benison deist that ail .rtealerlty seined between tk., end :be :3treros bill ease. Me ono hat ever doubted tie nut4unty of the provisos to par that *et Ywara Meredith, (Amoy, Woos and 0 14:11, Chi Whitey conferred solemly for • b am of enemas and Mr. Whitney moved the ad - Whimsy ni.st u( the debate, The Hume thea smut into supply, passed • 1 rellm.o•ry .ebesate of 3au 1.Oo awl ad- journed at 1014 pa It is tet ei nctwl Mat to -day's debate win to lard. The dub - w on will Mute on probably In the afteroo.w and said be w strsagbt party lines. Wawa /betaine flu% Natoli stmaini ritl:= Ming t rest 11smth, he m« osu mlt' yosr se. lees am a **IAL-Bao. 7e tr ime* sold Eonsuniption andby all &soden. elf esish1 .gabadiad SO by er pr ies e SO. BnuksNb. WHAT THE PAPERS SAY. 1811 (CUT PLUG.) r M The Mail : A better piece should be found for George Brown'. state than the hack yard of the Perlames% buildings. The great Liberal is tot beteg well treated by his former political friends. He ahc•ald b. in.ited to come forward, .sd face the approaches to the massive brows atom structure is which : ae Legislature melt.. The Ebbe The representative of Th. Pall Mall Hsdget recently had an interview with Mr. .trchi aid Hamilton, secretary - of the Leaden F exchange, in which iamb interesting to ormatioo was elicited about c 1 "new laid" soil otherwise. Towards the end of the iteervtew the secretary said . •• 1 forgot to mention the the t'stadium, ever since l he McKinley tariff, have lees sending egos over hero, but It has been • failure.-- This looks like important exi- les:* from • well-informed roan Montreal Witness About a year ago there appeared in bonne paper ws•ae anti. Roiling' feelings lied evidently Issue played upon by a clever amd inventive rupee what purported to be • papal eneeyyclied k. the damn Catholics of America ab..dving t Lem from Iheir .11.glaeeoto the t'nitud States in new of a gestural uprising that should take plate in the autumn of the present year This preposterous pastoral was seat is from various quarters. but Mounting it entirely unworthy of Mho .otic., we -4 ri.rply wrote to the bender/ that it was as evident invention. It has, however, had • great run, and not i• the cneiaery pprrvvrs. aloe,. That it his rettuivtd same crest..., eves in intelligent quarters is rendered evi- dent by thy true et the article from the Detroit Christi.. Advocate, which ee prat today along with the original forgery, as d which galloon oorvsboratis • eride.ee of the 1 intended civil war ealoslated to melte the !hair o/ •he timid stead on end. Mr Perre •mita .ob•me ter hoeing an American pope - king on Rouse, is nothing to this one for asking the tope alar of the United '•tatm Ina tseel env ga.lit/er commend to public approval the ('aliform lagtoid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. 1t is pleasing to the eye and to the tante, and by gently acting 011 the kidney,. firer and bowels, it cleanses the .ysteni rfketlelly, thereby promoting the health and comfort of .hl who ase it I p se the Timm. Under the hemming Eary Shaving" the 11.Isgkok (Siam! Times prises the beefiness card of Ab Tim. an ente.pririnp Celestes!, who says he is III be glad to Oen om t.atrosu at their residences. - He also ad. an I hat appointment 6e made by "pest surd. A POOR MAN indeed is he whose blood is poor, who has lost has appetite and hie flesh and seems to be in a rapid de- cline ; but SCOTT'S EMULSION Of Pen Nem I. CN Ulm N ami one sate It rs•Mtili assellIM MM ale rash hoed, sod • j lig 10tawde sad stalest p-Mim IMI, ear OseMA BMBq Osasss 8_ Serelala def elsmsllr_ R K ALMOST At PALATOKB As Mita. P•e.sr.e wit he Item A bar, leawlb. Spaniel ..ingesta[ eft the pe.rmrfal •.ter NEWTON BEERS Supported by the principal members of his Grand opens House N. Y. production, including the accom- plished young actress LORA ADDISON °LIFT a hie meaterpi.r .I ineledrsnta "LOST DI LONDON" NIII IPEIIAL UINIRT. Prsitivefy shows as adv.rtissi. (REIT RAIL ■IMI U NA, LONDON'S ITRIIT1i AT MAT. Ahrn AM'I fliION. Ratertid se1a _ Me. !lents ala caw at Prase- • •--. 5 •.etl.. = a1.a arlMfdb = : 4 55a.' tasatlr ere sm1.e. OLD GIIUTI (PLUG.) No other brand of Tobacco has ever gbh •.- joyed such an immense stale and popularity in the name period as this brand of Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco. Oldest at Tel arse seaselht• Mows in Canada x MONT88AL. Cht latog. 10c. i ID lung, 10e } ID AK, 20c. -TH B--- RECOGNISEO STANDARD BRANDS Mungo Kicker, Cable. -1lnivetwlIv ruknowledgl d tel Le -,iipetior 111 .-vera- res - Peet to any ntt,eer lirandt in the• market. .41way4 reli- able, as has been fully dem- onstrated by the milliuna that are told annually and the increasing demand for theta. notwithstanding an increased competition of of - er One Hundred an] Twen- ty-five Factories. This fact speaks volumes. We art not cheap Cigar manufacturers. S. D.4 IVI.S & SONS MONTREAL. Largest and Highest tirade Cigar Manufacturers in Canada. 'lis-tl TEETH EZTMCTED 'ITNOUT MIN De ran ran or sr DL E. EMSARDBON'S .eerie rattans. Mall ROUSE Mao 1•EtT-STREET OOOsi2CE, OMT. 1. 1 aid. ora a il4.lts.p w awe e.5 r.n.dtl liddsellr ,les /san swag ra.le emsbadvs .,1•stlM M In T he mad m d yplstAd te me la s ave Istaaslt t ori pif M e N etefff towns. umber stilants A..111•111, -M111211"9"211 7111srshaligt0 sa!{Jx. assay sesats Oa 1M teeth 8I5 _1 t _s raPs/Mh dente use K r pemalav,p Illonsisa n is lea `hags. after • elthe