HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-5-4, Page 2THE RUMAT.: GODERICH ONT., TT11"rfMAY, MAY 4, 189:1. 11 OUT was FRYING PM Has come not a little knowledge r to cook- ery—what to do, r well as what moi to do. Thus we have learned to Ore CI TT LEIME, the most pure and per- fect and popular cook- ingmaterial for all frying and shortening purposes. 2 PROGRESSIVE GOOIUNM 11 is the natural outcome canis of the age, and it teaches fius.oito use lard , but nth - iii er the new shortening, CtTT L 1E . 9 which is far cleaner, and more digestible than any lard can be. The success of Cotto- lene has called out worth- less imitations under similar names. Look out for these! Ask your Grocer for CorrOLBNZ. c and be sure that you get it. Mada oat? b7 N. K. FAIRRANK IL 00.. Wiellinron sod AM lata.. t t ONTREAL. SiS� MR. PANGREW'S ECONOM Y If J,sephus Pangrew thought he had one special minima in life, it was to guard ]let Jo.ephns Pangrew from the Cin of sxutr•- gence. To hear his frequent admonitions on domestic wastefulness. Moe would hays supported that Mrs. Pangrew was the most prodival of housewr-ss ; when to rcailty,sbe was one who conducted her housewihry with • wise economy. "Jane," Mr. I'.ngnw would say, "it's the little dribbling watt. in the house that keeps moot folks poor. A woman will let a 1311..e leak out of • man's packet, and be sever knows where it's gone, by being wine - fat in the little things. The waste of •pen ny here and • peony there snakes • big sum in the end. Jena, do be keerlul." A few maniples of the reproofs to which Mrs. I'antoew was subjected by her tem - comical spouse might prove interesting re- minder w more than cmc similarly •lihctel housewife. Coming into the kitchen one day he sped a bar of ereip lying in • bum of water which his wife had accidentally dropped More • minute before. While bathing her hands, one of her little children fell from • chair, and hastening to its rescue, the .oep she was rasing dipped from her hands and fel! into the water. It was while Mn P•ogrew was comforting the child that Mr I'anvrew came into the room and saw the sap. " Good gracious, Jane ! " he animatedly exclaimed, "see that cake of soap meltin' away in that watar. What do you mean by such extravagance'" " The soap dropped into the water when i rain to pick nosy up, and I c,uldn' stop to take it out," replied the wife. " Why couldn't you ! " be asked abrupt- ly,' ' Rosy wouldn't • died in that wooed.. It'sjest such wastefulness that keeps us al- ways so hard up. It's enough to discourage any tan to know that he's working so hard for is being wasted by his wife. kowtow Dela.' When It is remembered Met the bar of soap pmts only five cents, and that in the 1 ref time it lay in the water it could not have dissolved more than one-tenth of • Dent's worth, the reader's sympathies will so doubt be keenly enlisted in behalf of Mr. Pangrew'e ruinous loss If occasionally a loaf of bead was burned, neoeesiaung the lom of the crust, Mr. Pan gnus would approach his wife as though the loss involved their fin•acisl ruin. When his wife would remind him that some article of food was out, he would ex- claim ' Well, I sever saw things give out as they do is this house. I'm jest awe s. s betides'. It didn't Mee to be so in myFath ,r'. family. My mother was kral and made thinp last." " How can 1 snake things last!" ►u wife woad ay. " We have • large family, and whet we are daily drawleg from the grow - ice, how can they last! " ' Well, i saw some rim on the ground the other day that had been thrown out to the chickens. Talk of beim, eaieomic•1 and feeding chickens on rico at tet cents • It was a little rice that stock to the bottom of the kettle in cooking. and w.an't fit to at." the annoyed wife rejoined. i never waste any fond that is it to mit." " Well that's just where the point lies," parented her husband. If you caw ksarful le awaking then worlds' t be say such waste in lbs food.'. it war eel tM fuel in particular that Mr. Paegrew kept • close, eo+eomsiall eye, sad kept up • oostinauus •ages( on the amount med. " i omit one to the life of tate how you manage tow se meek weed in that hitch e. be would my. i know i could do the work there sad net sae hall as mach Many • time after hoapnv snob reproehes on his wife, Mr. Pangrew mould gr to tows and speer) • dollar for toMeen. Rat that was aot wo-teful*sse, 0 se To my that Me.. Regrew bet become tired of this omsmdass sad amdhese harangue ten demmtie prodigality i .o .xpr einem whatever of Use iodise no the ahj.rt. She had beams et wwe out awl disgusted with it, the very s atie. .4 the word " soseessy " would predate • feeling of mums tbro.gh 1.r pbyeie•1 bring the same as come. to sosm. p.nple at the rsenlLMMn of e-ralloveing pills or meter oil And aha heel for • Inv bene revolved the question in h er farad if Mem www way by which she mold pmt ea sad to sea septet peresea• t inns Ons Reamer mmeal.g this � lady M te Mar M her " Abut Ivo sr ria y.is," he replied. " Yoe bought it for • �eod bar.sm, d dt s yea t" she persisted iwisaret hareem Yss, it wee • 6tat-utast Ir for H." "Way, as* how dry earl meeked said hie wife, esaaiaiaa it more oladti. . iton't you ever cd it ! ' Te -e s." '• How -.ear tithes bare you oiled it since you had it!' emulated the iaqutdtive wow. • • . e, I down know— two or three tial,• 1 guess."replied the ee000mw•1 mss. ,. No wonder it's wearing set," said his wife. " My father used to .ay that • good harness moult! 1••t fittest) year's given good care He Sade a rule to oil his harems. ovary time it got wet and oiled it every low months • h." will kat loner, "• f1f course • hareems with much care," Mr. Pangrew repbetl. •' But I'm always so busy I da t have time to oil mid." Mrs. Pangrew stood for • few minutes thinking, tben turned an.. went out of the, barn. A new day• after, glancing out of the window, Mrs. Pangrew new bee baseband driving out of the field with the harvester When be drove up .he asked . •• Have you been harvesting • 1 didn't know the grain was ripe. , No, I'm just bringior the harvester up to got it reedy." be replied. " Where was it "' she inquired. " In the field," he answered. " You don't mean to ay the harvester led twee in the geld all winter do you'!" " YOB, it has," he replied. " 1 left it there when 1 got through last season, and I intended to bring it up and put it under corer, but 1 was so rushed I forgot about Upon •:amination, the harvester was found to be so rusted and injured by the long exposure that repairs to the amount of ten dollars bat to be purchased. Mrs. 1'angrew's opportunity had coma. "• .loeephus," .1. said, " for fifteen years 1 have listened to your everlasting naggtnE on the subject of economy. It seems to n.• the burden of your talk Wrier we were married has been an admonishing me against wsatefuloess. And I hare Dever warted is the s hole of my married life as lunch as you've paid out in repairs npoa this mech- lee, which u just the result of your mike, to take care of it. The hareem yon were trending the other day n just about ruined trom rough usage and the want of oiling I've been keeping my eyes open of hetes and 1 believe there's twenty dollars wasted of time farm under your management where Mere is one dollar wasted to the house And I've come to this couclusto• —that the time you spent guarding me from. extravagance and giving me needless lectures had better be spent in keeping from going to waste in the farm matters order your care. You have hundreds of dollars worth of machio.ry that stands out in the water the year round rusting and rotune out. haat week, throe Iambs died because yon neglected to put their mothers up out of that damp snow storm. No, 1 want to make a treaty with you dating from this hour : i never want to bear another word on my extravagance while 1 lira You will have your hoods full it you prevent waste in the farm matters that come within your own duties." Mr. Pangrew made not • word of reply He had both sen.e and justice enough to are the truth is the matter, and accepted it in keeping the tre•ty inviolate. sae Severe awed.. I Irrutuits,--1 had a severe cold, for which i took ir. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. I find it an excellent remedy, riving prompt relief sad plemant to take. 2w .1. PAr•rta, H..ta.ills, Out Weal Cash. -' Tay as you go' is my rule," said the man who was about toe rest a boats. " Excuse me." replied the real agent, " bet we cant wait for you You'll have to pay in advance." Neel Over Nada DILA, tins, I can highly recommend H•gyard'o Pectoral Belem as the beet remedy ever made for coughs and cold.. I am never without it in my boast 2w HARRY PAl.rsa, Loreeville, Oat. /pmwed i. ib. kers ..d ��d trwmmdd by whet sassed to be hsabets el add harems " What ere you delag r mho embed. Y work Imam is give, all .e1." he replied, sed I'm trying to patch it up wN A .-en a tide elle straps lust. have w~ rn eeimle hareem very estate La go. ACQUHtINO A VOCA$ati.staY. Mw se Oes a Weed aeNmtl . .t Wands I r .r DNB Use 1a C.e'r.M (tpeeeh. Retinas le more fwta•tt.g than the study u.l mord-; not hum sour, clearly the acme- sotes the so•olet ar opposed t tyro thee the nine .s l faau.i;oes bee of thew. to worm:, we clothe our thoughts. i Yloyueut, subtle, pxtt•el, or thri bieg ea these uay be, t coy are 1,,.•.• gime- and IF vwbie but,, Alnapki tr i"i gas ge- 1k Spoke, thoughts are 4*1. Male re children. Thmy .a .out .-Cite tdlu the amid or •.a the stew of inns •cups till they ere iorn tb. spubeu ,e the w,ltten word. Ons way el.arrui;lltg • geed voc•bul.., is, et coarse, b bat,Ku.ally .,saoctato,g wale pi .p a who speak utssr.otl7, Cad whose cheese ul words is carefs end els gent To int. wail. highly educated .al cougeeial peep:, to to tree.( I:brral *dominos in this regard. Oise sometimes wonders at :he stngb'.a: lapses tut., d.vee.ty sod illi:srdt• blunders conap e.ous in siva sod Nowell who ".buuid loam hotter. " true, they M. uld find piondity do kaom testier, but to daily practice few Iropio rtes very much above the ordinary levy. of tbos.- s itb wbo:e they always .wverss. A city -bred girl want to live in a part of t be eouutry when pro - rue Alluvia are the . art et. t • •u. of ,'ally talk returning a few years later to her ' home tau one would have supposed her to be the same ppomnes., so any queer little I Ores,. And downright f,e,na tat speech, 1a• elegant and lacking in 'a.d norm. ha 1 .1*. • eery susospiible person. picked op tad &dopa rel. It we and our daughter to bo proficient an music, we take her to hear the met re invited as tuna. Technique may be argner- .d by ouatsot p,actice under the leant in- structors. but she can gain feelisg, appro. ciation of color and worming, Marcie and genuine culture in Canes, wily by hwnog at rendered *ell ; and this is true of both voosi and ostrusseetal performances So :t is true tient a ;nod vocabulary a greats) augmented by habitually listening to elo- quent and beau dot apeeeb, to the polished ' diction of the pu pet, to the rounded and 1 rhythmic ieueencre of prayer sud praise. The young person who •!ways goo. 1.0 church will gun eometbans not included to our usual thought of church going — e larger and more facile vocabulary. "For two years," sud • student d French, "1 heard! to English that 1 cosy help. 1 attended a French church ; 1 went wherever French was spoken in public and in private ; i lived in a French ems mph. re." This is equally tote of English. A en cabslary is not gained in • day or • week. It is the slow accretion of many de s, tha development of many weeks.—Mariner. Haler tasty resp'. Can's Cry. Ons of aha most curious facto ooasoouo with madame is the atter abeenee of tears amid tbs mans Whatever tbs form of madness, tears are cosspicuoue by thou demo& as mach in the depression .4 met- ascholy or excitement of tnaatt as is the u tter apathy of dosnwtis. If • patient in e Medic asylum be discovered is tears it will be found that it is one beginning to remover, or an emotional out breek is as e pileptic wbo is scarcely truly rmasas while actual memo persons appear to have lost tha power of weeping, it is only tenors. ing rea.os which ma once mote unloose the fountains of Moir tears. Even when a lunatic is telling o>•• is fervid leaguegp how .he has been deprived of her children, or the outrages that have been per - parotid on herself, hoe eye ea never even moist. The ready gush of tears which sceompaDiee the plant of the as.. weasel e.atrase strangely with the dry-eyed mgpmol of the talkative lunatic. It would gjd..d same that tears give relief to feel. lags whimb, when pest utt, fwd to mad- ams It is cue of that privileges al reason to be deli to weep. Amid all the misery of the insane they bad no relief u terra — The Million. Father—•' if them waan't anything in the letter about her sot feeling well, i don't mss why you worry." Mother ' Do you suppose if she was herself that she would have written • letter with only three pssoripla V' teens,.. rare&. St.n, - For years I was troubled with deafness, and last winter weld .oaroelr bear at .11. fa spplyiag Kag7ard's Yellow Oil it restored may he rlsf mad I now bear as well es wens 1IaL Tares Coot, 2w Wesmpsth, N. S. UMW (flair marl. • • The rya ai't • eersin' quite se last as they might; was the complaint of the mu- seum proprietor. •• That ' km wiser asserted. " 1 wonder how it wsald work if we brought out a hoidens piMle►" thwart £Oaenem ttellswe Keep the blood pun the stweh u good working order, Cad the satire system free horn morbid . 1. atter by taming Bur dock Blood Mem whisk oleammen, strengthens and tease dm whole system, Cholera cannot M *sk the healthy. 2w A Heal 5sms.a. i weeder why the wedding was post- poned •" said oee girl to assbher. . 1t was wows of e m•thiee aha aid." •• Who was it!" •• Sha told him she seslls t cook. but she was gooeg to Imre" • whtrtf..s dune Gahrn.ers', 'levies oiled fee over two yarn with ,era, •ad the doctors tort having =titre 1 reseeded to try R. R R , .•j btitre 1 wed rmm. bottle 1 was cured. 1 cam ales ree.bmsmd it for .ick headache. 2. Penal. 11 Diemen, Lakeview, fat me r.spmes ea rbee Poem& Women must or•sider it • dreadful fate to Man nd arid," ssmsed Mr t3h.gw•ter " They do Jasiab," mod Mrs. Chore -aloe. " What terrible Heimg they wsmstiss.s marry to escape it !" And .lash rubbed len chi* and said NM thine Mass t.. 5e Ilene. When tba system is overloaded with bib - parity, the circulation d.,gf•k, and the stomach eat of order,as is often the mem la -psis, tires. there is se remedy a. A. OWING as Mrdnek Bused bite . te remove every Ina, ne perks& heath,MimsMaar ad tier Ne fi.m•tm •be ea tend ef the ant lialM ne*en 4.55 L is it wide et ef teArt=d Mownfnadik Litt Nsssrwsasd 1L.51 Pale 'ban rind <1sJ I • at MMetSe•w tag• K M all winless* 1.0.40ma. Hwssh and And it a Seat o•rwfort and saver S iiilAgPht •••••••••• Has roe equal he purity, n•r tier °Manliet ani sweetening, war preserving the cloths and hands from 1w - Jury, nor ter all-round nnswed ttt•sr sIr%1 u OHNAP INIITAUOIM As I asau.t,rWy .ta.w'ee. 4'..inter Ito it gentleman a bo se portraits he bad just completed t -1% rel, sir, how does Your portrait plrasu you! Gentleman (after casing at the inclose for some times—Say. you'd obtie. me ,cry much it lou'.1 just change this picture into • Lam ism pe. Oe Were "I.agotapp.-' is Now Orleans, "Leiseeppm" will be more boor red is rho be...b than is theobeervsee scooesi trader ewe o1 New Cream is future. Tie is the minae of the gratuity which the enrolee were wood to ginee to customers, Om re airtime being e►inly ebildras sad **toted people. 1t took the form anally a1 con feetwnary, pastry or mita Th. practice it • relic of the Old Spanish dominates, •1 Louisiana The word "l gaispps" is d leamrorsf.tmoa of the Spaniels phrase "Is .epps," which mead • gemami17. • sweet seer, to make • porsb•esr plased with ►b This custom, it neem-, Ire aeon obtained wteide of the se.ssd sod !Lira discriete of the city, Cad "lagniappe" was me preeeriptivel7 grounded that K same te be regarded me • right te .bleb the peop'e were legally .mtitld. la aa age of sharp eosspM 1ioe, however. the tradesmen find the gr•teit7 toe meek o1 • tax on their pro It& A few lye cgs the Retail OroeleR Aweutica ef the meted did third die trice adopted • reahtiea duly •way wits the pietaw•gee .rain.—N. Y. Email Peet. La.a-?tine 571014• An account ban boss lately alma of haw tiger hybrtdm—fist le. •Clad• having • lieu as father and • tigress ea mother. Ur. Ball has given •a intare ting dsseripWa d several 1114 theme serious animals, i• the breeding et whieh a aortae menagerie pro prietor called Allis* was chiefly ecsc.rs.d. Mr. R. F. Harnmr, tells me that to the esu momm as Cambriag. thee• a bath the Cbls tea and the staged .kin of a hybrid be- tween a hoe .ad • tigress, which had lived award to adult Iiia Mr *Huss was the brander of this spacis.a. it was sheet Tears old, did died ho Marek, 113;1. Th. feet of the bead, Mr Harmer relates, re- satabled that of the lira, while the body is itc shape •cors • piety resounded that of the tigress. The body, it is interemiag to sots, was "fatally striped, .ad tiee prevailing color was • dingy lion hue. Them was ea mase or tuft N the up alb* ail. The .ss was female, •d tha ebar,eters of us dolt showed • mere dWimet appeswh t. the Item thea is the tiger type. --Lambe (kerb ie. tee PIsreeve Palettes* A sew iavttatina for the preservation et pa■tiap, prints, ..tor -ads, damegs tad •tata•p►mly-._r. gland ie •• tame {Mei ie about to be Wench! ams. 1►to ilr fr•mm, with a ..pp.r hook ei reveller ma .areeti.., whisk lei. all respo,. •.r tight Tha air r thea enham.M4, and the Orman is in • parfait nese., and will rsussi• es till any aseidsm1 .ease. either me break the gime a Where the frame. it i. .ale teat ibis pies man be equally well applid te large palette. a te tas1l ye►a�e�g�� We Wd elle 1M armee bsew.im "N, t..e al the painting sad the ease in of seek weit•ble report's= a be prey..s the reit el light an even elle sum from mmatlmg .lam/a1 *miss. ad.enhr vibration et der ruled sirs. —Lends 1114► (Itapws.` 00111 bAg islediesr aW *m bast THE G. & J. PNEUMATIC Ytg� TIRE .171* GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. "N7 0 eM.eW:h kww• fMdA�- •: that natant' ewe . i, h invent the eMte•f•a1~ Of and sett ret less. and by • • d 11r Mae uropsrtiw of wells" lbaw Mr. Cu.. be. pr..vld.d our breakfast tables with • Jell. -.tete **roared beverage which teal sure v. ,eery heavy doctors bill.. it is by Out Poll- . mu. use of each articles of diet tbat a coma ween 11 .y be gtadualt) built op until Wrung ..ria to roast chore nodose, to disease. tiuoArwts at sabtlr melodies are tlustima snood us readyto attact wherever lbw. u a paid.week pd. 'e may casette man • Wel -batt by kcepots ,mewl. »• well fertlaed wtt► peer bk od and s proper') nourished frame." - fYesf Serried- (Malt.. Made tempt) with bolting water or .111 dowel only u, eat ke+al.y (Jeerers. labelled thus: JAlat •eret a e'.., Mmtpsate Chew. NW lenges. awalamit. Iea•..ly The this yew arisretlsa frim yes manwaevu.s..v The Hold Merge H. u. r teas-• wrweet f*K yoitowre G. W. THOMSON', C}EN T, GODERICH. OAT. FALL AND WINTER CO)OS 1893, Esrpwr's Mag...zine. ZLL Q$TRATFCD. Haarsm's MA-AZIN, toe NIB !MS esus to aaletala the eerlvn-d Nandare of .test - lea a which hes obaravtrriaod 11 truss the her g inning A'none the ha et& Mai ores .f mha year there will be caw muerte by Omant. Oan year R. t'0,1NT/been rtalroam Wootaoe, Cad W ILLI IA ISLAM Sawn Marble .W ha oostrt- bated by the most impala, wntere of the dal. isolating Mans IL waxes, Mattson 41asa t5* UArie. MAa0Aw.T DELAND, Nana-• MArtssvwe, and many others. The Watraoed dewrl.dmve papers will embrace articles y JULIAN ItAI.t-N un caw Moatber. and Wavers atyeeto; bt TenuotSS Cullen to Lodi*: kg ILl'LTwmy GRAILille ea Ra.b cad O.rmaar by Itscuaan Oswalt Darmee • lades h• - son; by Colonel .. A. bosuns we Kamern Rids. ma•. Euwi, A. Assays W•ntr.tlesset Shake apsare a l'utwedise w111 be oostinnod. Limner, ankles will be contributed lay C•AaLar $LJO? Honore Mrs J•ins T. FILLER. W,LU*5 DILA% HOWELL.. Baarpsat Merriment, sad others. The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and best market. Ready-made Clothing II, bpecialty, and everything in the latest and beat Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times prices at Tk 'broth (ash Ire P. O'DE L, Manager. DUNNs BAKINO POWDER TIIECOOICS BEST FRIEND LARGCET SAL[ tN CANADA. 1101111110 Allselis• Aral tar AT ENTS 4".>tYT.lw 1Pie.limr arm t�.t... *knout Alit*** HARPER'S PERIODICALS. iIARYKKSi .YAOAZINE ..P.. Yaw.. i5 M H.4RPZKR WiCEKLY • d M H.a RPRR'N BIZAR. . .... . ...... 4 es HAMPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE" t est p�e�. Pie to all wtl.o•gU rr. as r UMWEfet , LTna• * cad Mendes. The lysl.•r.s of tha M.aeaiw batpa mita the Nundiers for June and Dsowbsr.1 smolt win tr.t. W bee nomau tie 1 speclaed.h.onptioss begin with the Number curtest at the time of reoeirt of order. Bound Volume. ell Harper's Myps Ino for tins )ears bask. la seat cloth Mewling. will bit trot be wall psm- id, on receipt of P M per solute. (7tatb p. Ones for for binding. desists each -y melt, re. veld. e - veld. tteuittaseee shoed be trade Pessl-.aes Mann Order or bran• to avoid Aaiun K lea Verelesper•s ars wed to y tau adrr.iiac u.rar :alt sJl.wt ear eurpreas Drier of Harper t Or.tbeta addressee : HARP$R t BROTIJHRS. Noes York. 1893. Harper's 'Weekly. ZLLIIBTR A.T81r). The Signal RAnrois Waster V acknowied/N as st•*dion gest amrag mttonted weakly perfod- tads 1a cmisiriss. It occupies • Sam between OW of the hurried daily taper • id that of the less thinly monthly se. Ithw^Index both literature sed awe. ••d presser rub puri force lead felicity the teal .waste of entreat history sad this imegl.ogve themes of notion 9e .e.onot ef rte veep emaylate sande- of Wes testi..se of the Wield'. Pair,1t will be sot eel; de beet goldsis tigreat eat yrpoohtio.. but Cleo 14 beet waeesM. Miter, nubile .rat of gen o ral Interest win be fully lthtssrat.d 1. ire p s. lis onatrtb sloes Wire tram the best writers and arthis in thio oo,Nry, It will coo Claw to excel in literature, nowt and Mann thins. all other publications of ire chess. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. lar Teri H/RPKKR WEEKLY.. _ . ..... .....hal es HARP/WS �pAIPRBAZAR or HARPRXN YOU.YO I'ROPLL s de Pastaoefr a to all sabierrbbere in fee Melted Stale., (Canada and Mo 4co. The Volumes of the wesume began with the Bret Number for Jesuitry at mots year. Whew no tome fe mentioned. subscriptions will bogie with the Number current at the time et ne qeps or order. Honed Volumes of Haaraa's Wsgs1tr foe three years back. a seat cloth bullas..Hl to sent by email. peerage peed or be eape% u.ss worded oworded tis fms relabt aeon not aimed one doalmr per vdnsssi for SLOP pee vdttso.. (1044* tees for -web rol.me, suitable for bladlos w111 be seat by wren. pest eald,os re- ce a of SLOB morn. H.mMamoma should he made by l'ast•.as Mowry Order or Draft. to Wanes anes of loseNew.pwpr• err nal q espy Gifu advertise meat without the rewires ender Al HART= Bao roman, Address: HARPER t BROTHZR$, Ne. York. 1893. Harper's Bazar. ZLX.. U' T7t &TSD. )llu 1m • js.ra-1 ter the lama R ginermrn.t sad latest Iaforu.nen andsupplernents Its 1pssormtlnus, aro bis sl is rho bone d e maker the Mo. Nm es - pees le seared to •rtffr sureties e msset theg monodies.eeellder. he bright .b54sm lilt/ YI tames. ale Ire 4.01 . lthemehtte fa etre s a budget «.•t eel hewer.1. w .askry amass svorythfag r Weeded whish Is.f interest te teemma 11.50,4.151., it will be .Mttee t►at.y sad Eoyra Ly*u. ass Ttrsatnet Beautamt will f TNIRl: pns�ss� eerie• sntltlad At the lis The aahaD N wmamas he seat sea: TwY estern Collet Iroma iwwwbe MirraiestM with wearuinair•tsma W.Hrerseo., la "wasswy Mau.' well Owes • eewveted oedemas. HARPER'S ;PERIODICALS. R Per Taw, OD HARPRRSMA/jGA�AZ/I,NE «N HARP/MS/. R -reit r000mi Paorkh. 40 EtP54ats& Moods. end YGds. eshowIburs /s 1A. Miff Mei ltseiigria WI= ibreretaywssfy MsW � tM mansea t .1*.prfi1M N sAsaa Ire Mree yepss ..u.. Im car gmis� b oe.oe asses aalY spolisi •ttsattos le it. Job Printing_ fatelitima, whisk are sane palmed outside the cilias lar the prom", and proper execution of all eles.., a, priuuag. A pi -regal of this &000.,tare meat may summon mumetbiig you "'sI l.o in need of, and to such oyer we .,,ii tot your patronage, feeltag uonlideat that our efforts to pleas* will meet vitt, the approval of our animas dktete i‘tQatl Thii wieful rise is kept iu that le rangy of ttualitiee same a least heads. \\ hile IAt«tr iktsis is 1n this line we have a very Imp stock of fine writing papers sad able for every class of lrssiaew represented in this locality, o,, prising laid and wove, halm, quedrtlle and other papers, ruled or unrult d, as may be required Mttlno. �15UA are not so generally used, they kit an important place in oorotsraisl correspondence. gee what we've got under the above heads. Btu% i% (Attie' If the " pay-as-you-go " plan wan the order of the day the demand for account paper would not be .-,great : but there are sortie met who get so many dowsers that they wonder if the stock will ever run out. We don't intend it ts, and at present our stock is or plate in this line with four .ir (mood paper and neat ruling 'Mate mtsVis Both single and double dollen and cents columns. They oohs cheaper than bill hear, and are the proper thing to send after a delinquent once a month. They :ire sure to fetch him 'round— aom.time. leri r.I eeffer w imil. >R pus arebra ""'�.'•ag�N. — F(trdsr M ae54 ofrogp� iles sewn •pg df U*- A Admen : NAAMS ♦ Iliawirsak. Now, it woaki be hard to let along without envelopss� and keep up with the •anglated ler Wein we rep • large Mock o hand. We lore now •boat a hundred thoseaM ti e tl»d the prices will range frog, Mats $2.00 per Yd. We handle Its martial and legal sues escbsi,sly. Cormautrrttxitwtt has already beenpartially sou erred in some of e heeds above. There is, however, a vest moor of work under this head that to enumerate would more than take up the entire space occupied by this adv't, but we do it all et Ten 8loaa4 j art<a�tons to an "At Home or a wedding require considerable taste in seise tion sometimes, but we nuke it an easy matter by keeping is stock the very latest and beet samples to be had. Call and roe C.trtvi ar• We aim to excel in all the sillier ent kinds of work we turn set but especially in this, and keep in stock plain .Yd fancy papen suitable for all requirements. Q rowatluts of entertainments and weetinp promptly turned out, from tee plain but neat to the most elugaat with cord and pencil attached Cardia aver► T-ttkt<s This heed covers a large range of work, from a bread or milk .o&M to a neat calling card, from an or- dinary rdinary admieaion ticket to a tasty haziness card er • handsomely printed memberehip tidbit 4 natters Our facilities for tarring oat air etas of work are evidenced by tie fact that the great bulk of it it done by eta This line also is- eludes teludes bOik era which oar ti.rer, (:nal running Jet, proems are able to turn out in • surprisingly short time. 1auNt W'i $ belong to Use poster departauest also, and we make • specialty d them--- prompters being our min in Ibis respect A notice el mkt will appear in Tan SIA*AL free if charge when hills for tame sire pt here /S A Melia t$ W orNit. in the typographies' printing tiM Dam lye dere in this eAaNl,htmsst ill as -ape iitjgmg sad or** si mese Smd O*Lv *r a vete be Sokaa41 wary rwsolveb5t fir• eit,md aur thanks for peat fey MO Cad Mllelt a earliasaeo. el eat time. SA(1 d4\ tasseteer