HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-4-27, Page 66
Leaens Needs
setd h •u Armors seed llors has.
Ins ora oss-=as'rati 'For womewe
TO 6E1 604)1) 1{0:11h.
A Torso Ips It g a.b..l.
Stand op, scholars, now, nod spell,
Spell rt atkiston,ps and kaell.
tk tae. •ane simple words as chilly,
Or gouger. or the garden lily.
To spell such wor.la as syllogism.
And lochlymo•e and synchronism,
And Pe•t•teuch and saccharine,
Apocrypha ad telaodine,
Lactitereas and treaty,
demise and homeopathy,
Paralysis and chloroform,
Rhinoceros and pachy term,
Metempsychosis, gherkins, bawpue,
I. certainly no entry tank,
Kelei isotope esti Teuneeee,
K.mech•tk• anti di+peusary.
I hphth•wg and erysipelas,
Anal coquette and ,ss.atri•.
Infallible anti ptyalrm,
Allopathy sad rheumatism.
And ca'.aclyam and beleaguer ,
Twelfth, eighteenth, rendevous, intrigue..
Aod hosts, of other word. are found
too F:nglieh and on classic ground,
Thus Rehnng's Otrait and Michaelmas.
Thermnpyl.• . Cordilleras,
�uitc, hemorrhage. ialap. Hayaua,
Cinouerf.il anal t; rt +'uanhr.
And Rappahannock and Shenandoah,
And Schuylkill, and • thousand more
Are words coat some ga.d ep.•llers moa
in dictionary Imola like thea.
Nor need one think himself a noetic
11 some of these his efforts foil
Texas Siftings.
111.11so M be 1•.eMe♦de» ,..bell• item
w Tse mare -A tf,saem enema.
As epg emhee, the mighty wartime
m witch the world el Whim is slurred
raorsessi.tewenay Tb gait(& �mttos
a..d-..sats. ween w w • ornate, a u whish or
se at presort agitating I S oda d
ore -Torr Ise ssseteaa rue new tae taodiMi is. "swill Loo west•n, of to day
diene to the style of her another or `read
la s g.seeodosMurta of mm...s•m•ae mother •.' Seem answer one way sed some
• ti)sasss or Lomat OHsww. mother la temsegersoe, the blots lee
swing numb have bees received from the
Leglelatise the ditreetxw d rest Im- de•tgams.►uw stompa rathstompA r-
Aretssn anIOU Iwgulatere of NOW York State. styles, Ne may strongly mount oat elabur
1x11 ba• bees passed wbich avocado the ate waist., b.,g. .leers., fall shuts.
highway law by anthorsing the boards of manor ug certa,ly ive and a ball yanksupervisor. of tAe several °°°°11.°to'Pteke...around lits loot, and bate that emulate the
the county road system : to Provide fort a pig eeves width na wid. We may also fest the
appotattnsnt of "mutt'0
10.' 10 Super return of the hoop skirt.
vise the construction of roads. and to issue Hat p1.. stat ha,r ureamsute grow duly
Ismds to asset the .a..p.•«.of road on,ware elaior•te. Tlnow in the shape of •
Relief sod cum.
SIN...,- 1 have. used H.gyanl's Pectoral
Malum for coughs • it colds, and it gives
relief ,n a few hour. and always resale 10 a
cure. 1 would not be without
Arrant, 1
2w Mit. Arrant, Vice, Irerim. Oat.
Welber reagae.
Te.►cher What is talent by the trimester.'
• mother tongue.
Roy -It moue fist the old meta doesn't
hate mach to a) at bate.
/•dlge.sMu rani
I.0str.s.uvi, -i was thoro0(hly oared of
indigestion by using only three bottles of R.
K , and truthfully recommend it to . 1
"ulterior from the sane melody.
2w Mtet. Davn..o'i, %Vaunting, Man.
pvst hoe at length bee• eYeaalumb1 a�o1 irmiptrr, l
proveuwnt The law gyres the rwpervrers sword are parttcularl• handsome Mit
very compete power coot the Timms o
road Improvement in so Is u 11 falls
within thetr jurisdiction in point of looil-
tly It begins by going the board of
sapervisurs to a0y meaty power, by acun
:tarring vote of at least • majority of Lb.
whole number, by reaulutioe, to adopt the
county -rued system, and, as .0.04 0. prat
ttcaale.,fter she adoption ofau. h resolution,
to calor to Ise tiesiguated ea county roads
such portions oftbe public highways in such
rust% not within .n incorporated village
or city as they shall Seem adv.wble, and
to cause such designation anti . MeV of
such crunty roads to be tiled in the clerk'.
(Oboe of such county, the toads so desig-
nated to he, so far a• precticabk, leading
market roads in such tou0ty It further
p-ovidis for the appointment of • county
engtn.er to every such county by the I.oard
of Toperwwore thereo!, rut i. rug -ulcer to be
removable at the oleasuir of the board, and
to holti odic° int three years tinter soo0et
removal. The salary of the euguseer is to
be hoed by the bond, ud s to bac a county
cigar ire
In the neat place, the law t.,akea the er
penile of ma.ntauung the county roads of
each county • county charge. It provides that
clic amount necessary to repair .111.1 main
tato the county roads In each year shall to
apptopt toted amtually bythe hoard of
supervisors, that the board may designate
the roads upon whorls the money appro-
priated own year for the repairing and
mamtenasot ot county roads shall be e%
peuded for the ensuing year: that the
county engineer shall have the supervisor)
of such etpenditure: that the board may
designate the poruou of the annual app..
provisos .loch shall be expended noon any
portion of the county roads, and shall trait
year to year make such apportionment so
far u practicable, in such manner that the
amount expended to each town shall t••• pro
portiwate to the equslisea %alua++a, -111,.
poperty of such town. Again, .t to provid-
ed that the hoard of sort visor. of .itch
county nary borrow money from time to
tome for the construction, mamtenanct
and repair of the ',.only .cads on such
county, and may issue booth or ttner
evideuees of iadsb.ednem of the county
therefor: bol %het such borlds or other
evade Mei a indil.tr,taeas shall not hear
• rate of interest taceedino : per tent.
Skidds -I with 1 comm get a great liter i per swoon, and shaft. not le• for 1 longer
term than twenty years, and Shall not be
Mapary oasis• v'-8sold for less than par. Finally the law
t1'-(1 All yon have t:. do u to win • worries that tit- ounty r.,.de ne any
ixdkti. _ county shall be co: tut vely :oder the inns
Mr. Weed** Serway Plat fsytrq. dretioo •.! the board •.f sap ii , ors trot the
Ito Wood's Norway 1'.ne Syrup cure• coa0ty engineer et the county, anti exempt
coughs, asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness, from the in:mho:ton of the highway oche, rs
oat", and ail diseases of the throat an l
lunge Prion 25c. and 50o. at all drw;
gist.. 2'v
�es aaeessd N *pare.
Tommy most he • very hely man. ' -
" 1 got a letter from him 101 un it h
spells ree,n.mended vita -nue on
Mahar .pre. M.
Ib:tit Slits, --I have used your R•ryyari.
Y ellnw 11/1 tare sprain., Iruis.Nascahs,burni,
rheumatism and croup, and dud it an tut
equalled remedy. My neigthlurs also apoal
highly of
2w MK-. 111•.11T, Montreal, Que.
'sees of .the aralm. �.
�ha.ilx,lt in the crowded car,-MoStab,
the r. the tint time i ever now you rise and
(ice your seat to at woman.'
Mc.tab sof the .ubnrl,s, hi an awe-struck
• t:spe' i - -h ' That's one hired din
Cir are aeN.
Che publi. aro to, intelligent to porch&
• worthleis article a a.rrmd time, on the
contrary, they wan" the lest ' I'hysictans
are virtually unanimous is saying Scott's
tmnbion ie the hest form of Cod Liver
r1.1 2w
pia Hplp
.,jeweler " Von don't need a key for that
,,o, h, Just torn the crown, so, and at wilt
. tanner Field ".lost like a darn ono.'.
ain't it give her tail • twist an' she Bits
up an' gats
Mare yea �eadaete T
Headache, which us usually a symptom of
stomach trouble, constipation or liver com-
plaint man be entirely curd by R. R 1t
(Rnrdook Bloat Kitten) because this meds
eine seta upon and regulates the stomach,
liver. bowels and blood.
What Nod Ord.
-goys,- 1.e excitedly cried, as he rushed
frantically aiming them, " 1 tell you 1 had
• mighty clew shove just now
" W here at'' they gasped
" At my harber'i " was the r•espnsae
moven heals bowel and wept.
and point of *caldron are jeweled el th sap-
phires, tutees, and diamonds. Hair ono,
meats include .emlie, pins, gold hood&
aigrettes, nbb.ou haws and bows, Juliet
fillets, turas. nod plumes -
It te ■urpri1ug Imo the tea jacket has
*openedeo the tea gown. The secret Ino
in the ease with which it cats he made : the
fact that It can be .urn Math dldere.t skirts
and that it has a more dressy alt wranee
- (own. Susie of these jackets ore
than t
close fiutug ..lista whin .uesveless jacket.
oil lace u, •'••Twat jackets.' For • girl of
liatite.l wardrobe a dee. '-'.ss velvet jacket.
deeply embroidered its gold thread and
edged with gold bal., etl, be foaled very
sort 'amble
It will coat ert • plena 'argot gown into
a handsome dinner. reception or theatrical
costume. The Empire and 11 ..tteau lea
gowns are an gract.iiii and pretty that it ie
to be hoged they will not be given up no
titely. To make one of the former, fit •
lining to the form and flash without brave:
on this baste a ,kilt of two piens., back
and front, to the Leight of the yoke. N',•
will say that 11 ,, skirt is of old -ruse cash
entre. Lay the lock atoll fro.tt in broad,
doubt; 601 plaits turned 10 the renter.
Mute to tit smoothly. not tightiy, under
the amts Now adju,t a juke of black vel-
vet, putting a pimp or roll of the cashmere
to hole the edge Foetal the _garment iu•
. .ably around the armhole. P;,,ce a wide
bond of jet. attending from armhole to arm-
hole for a belt, or a hi: Inch shape.1 belt ot
black velvet iliay 1e used. .t pale gray
ti s erre. •n. of
ruby vele t makes a leautdul tea gown o
this patters.
I be way to which unc gown may be made
to do the work of three or four, s to hare
the waist node in %ousve jacket pattern.
not sleeveless, remember : and to wear
under it. mak• three or four tight -fitting
waists of *Iota, th•• tris.! lv_tng covered
with doff, rent coloaed silk or wool materials.
For Instance, have r. blue gown of any ma
renal preferred. Have one vat or waist ■ 1 a V a
rot of blue silk :this will do for the street:
Cures Other
Will more Yoe. is a true minimum' id
the action of AYSR'S Seer•paii a.
when takes for diseases .risi.atieg M
impure blood i bet, while this asserties
is tree of AVER'S Sarsaparilla, as
thousands can attest, it cannot be truth-
applied usimam alers rtiooml isedwhich
and try to impose upon you, as " jest as
good as Ayers. ' Take �s Sams -
penile and �s only, if yes need a
blood.p.rillsr and would be bene/te'
permanently. This medicine. for nsofiy
My years, has enjoyed a reputation.
and made a record for cures, that has
sever bees equalled by other prepara-
tions. AYER'S Sarsaparilla eradicates
the taint of hereditary scrofula and
other blood diseases from the .iyslam,
sad it has. deservedly, the commence
lithe people.
" I cannot forbear to express my jol
at the relief I haw obtained from the
use of AYE -R'S Sarsaparilla. I ora.
*acted with kidney troubles for about
six months, suffering greatly with pain,
it the smolt of my back.In addition t.'
this, my body war covered with pimply
eruptions. The remedies prescribed
failed to help ate. I then began to take
AVERS Sarsaparilla, and, m a short
tune. the pains ceased and the pimples
disappeared. 1 advise every. young
now or wotmn, in case of sickness
n•.ulting from inquire blood, no matter
how long_ standing the case may be, to
take AYER S Sarsaparilla." -H. L Jar -
mann, 33 Wil tam st., New York City.
Will Cure You
Papered b Dr). C. Ane & Co.. l.owi. Mas..
aa•hnerc ith yoke, g 1 1 Melt - —
�- - - -
-' - MM MetEes.
" It must have bees dreadfully bard to
wear thee, o14t suits of armor."
•, Ye.. the) have the appearssce of being
I -
Years et exporwnoo pettnits to to say we min suit the most f.•
tidious tastes. ()ur papers being so beautifully blended makes it sal' •
pleasure to show thew As for prices, they are time very lowest possible
from 5c. per roll.
Customers will lint1 no trouble in +electing Borders, Friezes or C.eil ng,
he they are designed to match torr papers.
Over four hundred samples to select from.. A few liner at tort, as the+
have been in stock for some time.
Bookselle1 s and Stationer's
head iarsaire alM1 TeMpkese etat
The Henderson Plant Food
Try it and yen wall be delights•d with the w. it nourish,"
wegetetle.--Flowers. vegetables. Lawn Oras.. etc. No odor. lire
nemical to rate. Oasts soli fA• . worth at Imam (IoM
Climax Furniture Polish.
All who ire It srosou0ce it the best made. You neat it is Horns
cleaning. etc.
D'Avignon's Witch-HaLel Cream.
Usaurpase.d for the chat irritations. tan. ate . carred W a
tlpring winds.
Vas our Toad Ache Oars, only loo.
for the evening have •bright red sad a pale DUNG ANNON
yellow, and then you are with three din
tint eoettimes. One yard of sial at all that , — -
, is needed to nuke the frothed mil mist- I
Dress Reformers Is Serer. •
Roston woman devotees of drew reform
throw up their hand in horror at the style
of ft nolo appat•=l the National Council of
Women are tryan( to foist on their antler -
mg sisters. The majority are iu favor of a
divided petticoat, in fact, many more Boa
of the town, and that the system of tat atom ton women wear them than confess to It :
for working and repairing the highways but • divided outside skirt, and short at
, 'h, -i than the county roads on I. town to a this "Never," they cry, and declare
, ounty in which the county -rood system is that the proposed knee puffed trousers are
adopt'.l a hall he the money system of taxa, "horrid things.'
tion. Mrs. Margaret Shaw Ingersoll, the
Tilts measure follows 10 the main the mother of dress reform. in Ilostoo,who dare
idea advocated by Governor Flower is to practice what .he preaches, says of the
his lost annual message. which was that
the county-roai system constituted the
golden maw between the two extremes
of extravagance to state expendi.t.re and
1a• simony in local expenditure for local
improvement". it establish,. a system of
local option, as it were, under which it Is
lair to asinine that some progress will be
,nada it nodi, however, in all probability
not be to any great extent uniform progress.
far it is only fair to suppose that until th.
important's of goal nada is hotter under-
,tood some county boards will not be env
ons to take the steps in the direction of
road improvement whi•.h the law empowers
them to take. From this pato t of view it
cannot be regarded as in any sense • real-
ity. Anything like • sniffrm system os' era ..hall Rave spmwtaM steles.
road improvement for the state is hardly
porsisle without state auparrtauM it least. The Spanish le going tato so fabe a r d to Ile
The matelot. just passed. however, maks • ly • pang0 R
a decided advance iu one partictttu, same Bawls. the ewe useful ht the heart• ttf womankind
ace by
ty, estahliahing the .nosey system of taos pe
tom as the system for the moots s in which w1ivh, like no other gown, could 1.• unite
the new plan is adopted. Itra,lareet s d for a gown d.Aerent occuie01. The
-_-- —
most Coal limo and. Inrrfnr, •he most,
sew tangled attire
"All women are not sylphs, I am no' ;
therefore, I am tired and sick of .• wog the
lead p• nett build of female use•1 for Beck
and eery illustration of a tef -need cos-
>ei sine. I would like to see the repreeent 4
rive of the women who weigh 111.1 poen as
put it ea."
Mr.. George Purdy . \list Helen hayoe,
terms the latest reo.immeudatio0 ccteutric.
and declares that she will not weir sect:
frocks. She would wear an artistic: dress,
Int no trousers. Mn. Alfr-d Brooks Fry.
\lies Emma •'heridani declhree the style
iiorrid, and terms the trousers "saunyg,•
from the best English
makers in a No. 1
Cloth ; in Prints and
Sateens; also in Ging-
hams, Shaker Flan-
nels, &c., and at prices
that cannot fail to
suit intending pur-
chasers, and in per-
fectly fast co:ors ; al-
so in Costume Suit-
ings and Dle:-s Gocds,
choice new },atter ns
from 25c. in 6 yard
ler gths.
I:Ib_i: AI: IT fl D COBNT
Tie Seat hpaedy .
14 is Steen, 1 was gristly trembled with
weakness, hot of appetite, restleseams, anti
sleeplessness, and found R 13 K the Moat
strengthening and boneficial medicine 1
hate taken
Mlwr Hoo ti.,
2w 34 Puedsy-at , Toronto, (10t.
The fsut ales.re.
" Mary," said Jehe, " do von love tor.`.
Yes, Joh.,".and Mary.
' Aad will yes always 1.i. a the
" Aad V i should die, what would yne
" Rory yes. dear." sad Mary
tda.ard'i Weimer ease. aa artppe.
Cwt hew cold ranee.
" Minot Roldnesi s hall gown reminds me
of electricity."
" is what way •"
" it's so .hocking."
At the sacra the ,Recta of setare% and
cold is the ksa.i see most seriously felt. awl
.sdaager life and health if est promptly
tre•�.For this porpoise there •a no rem
edy .gsah. Nasal Rahn Prompt is 'wisp
relief sari seer fails to sera Reid he all
Mals. ISOs' a Mille, by moll, rot poll.
Addr.ot. I l oit.rd ilk to Nr ,hall'.
Varunlag to South Affirms ,
Three months .pmt in Etat (.rigOatewn,
('apo Colony, most of the time riding about
the country. has given a good opportunity
,,d become temibar with the agricultural
oonduton■ of the country. lam -on Ike
summer months the Socks colorant keep
down me-twseueth of the pasture In
waster (June, July sod a.a :f!', the pas-
ture r dried op. and on brittle that it
breaks like dried twigs. The farmers will ,
sot believe that stock will eat halo Titer I
are bound to grow winter food, which me -
of turnips and trotter ciao : th• latest
is eaten down about fair times. Whoa ,
sprinagg et" to and grass springs up, the aalli '
are •Il owed to mature, Lod generally • goo/
crop is reaped i was laughed at wheel 1
mestroned ensilage. and was politely td/
that time new faagl. l ideas may do fee
Yankees, but are no gond for Emit Griqua.
tows The tw.•ry grows grand crops of
ears, wheat, eau and barley ('ora is mot
utilised beyond the grate.
Aa a rule, .11 new American im to sad macbinety are oohed on w
'it •ue
co • The exception a with plows The
improved gent plow Ino (acnesl a grand
rspntatirm. All English three inflows ars
being discarded. in favor of the Aw,ricaa
phew "The "Arm." harrow is meeting
with ready sale in Natal. in the upland of
Natal and Nast (lrgwataad there will,
within • short period, be seed quantities of
the latest improved lmpl.mentS 1•on ors
have fie enseept.nn .d the agrioult0ral 1e-
aoeres of these parts The great wont is
• few paubi•[ men We have millions d
sere. lying NM, • grand abortive, second se
are : is feet. each easy 1,1e.e, that a
Rooth Africa..almiet, as a rale, i0 segk
for ether porta 11rr virgin sml here can
pprsoder. earthing that is grown nn other
karts, sad with less tremble .ot greater re-
--R Parkas, Natal, South Africa, 1.
Asterism A(rieaitan.t.
• Remawma Isonal OHew Ilte•Ilte.
The roman. writers ar. smut we.l.s.a
OM of Mimi, • Freereb s.th,.r of ' M high -
em repute, hes sbtsidy mimosa dniss.ed . en -
1101000 we the sehi.et of the .soli -d. of two
gating lavers, oheh re...0th vx•l pi,e m
Draw Tire girl, • holy ..t It wow to the
Primes. f4.phi., left ►•, self •d s high and
Massie Mllriiog, sod wee Milled es the somas
M the ems 1•e ant, elide eh Morteg her
fail, th• ether laver. a y.e.g ellen Is the
Gesemae .luny, hew set his inn*.
cnmtne i1 fou' deetgi for mskog them up
will be over a brilliant yellow taffeta silk
with • garniture of red roses. This ori 1
be lecoe.mg to both blond." and brunette)
and .d: thertfore become • very favorite
style .:f the summer gown, worn by young
and old alike. One New York modiste
coAL AND wool)
call her model theyr
(mesctt•, but ut la la
Castilian is the general term. Everything
eminerartes n.,der a $pm..h rias,. The
newest bengaline is milled "Sole de C•atde," '
the brocaded taffetas, with shaded back
ground, are termed "(ieloa Danica Lad ---
there are any umber of Ferdinand and
Isabella silks.
A choice selection
of New Hats to choose
Always on hand a
full aupp:y ot Family
Groceries, flesh and
good at
W. 0. 111100DD, Chemist.
Op•s oo P.ndaye for Prenviptiosr, kr.
Safety Bicycles
PNEUMATIC TIRES, ..:..: ♦ :: from 1150.00 up
• This gears patters b p rteettes.
GARDEN TOOLS AND HOSE. oto lino le 0.atglse
A Shoe -dealer should have a practical knowledge of Boob.
and Shoes in order to obtain the best results to himself Ann
his customers.
Thirty years in the business has taught me much that will bs
of great benefit to you in your dealings with me.
have the largest Stock west of Toronto, and the beet Oootil
lit has ever been niy privilege to offer.
The prices are lower than you will find them for the slat
clans of Goods anywhere else.
Ordered work and repairing given special attention
Rips sewed free of charge
b%off for cash
1 Carl, Wood and tangling deli•
vered to all parts of town
Vette That Dima.aro w lmpsw•• with quick despatch.
Same wise women ought to write the
deeelogeo of veils sad .11 wow ought Co
make it ma•d.tory foe tl.omelei& No-
thing make or mus • pretty fans so mach 1
as • veil, as was oo..insvely proven by the
violet and purple ahnnorariu ss wherewith
women elected to disfigure themselves last
winter Nn.t el them looked like condi
dates for the Keeley cure and the oth.n as
, if they MO just he. n discharged from so
erysipelas hospital fhe spring novelties
in liquor must be restored npnm warily,t
for among them are black sets, soatsefes
over with 1,.-, ••s is gold tinsel• or dotted
with stars, in odors which aro apt to give
the wearer a resembl.nef to art Indian be -
gess Slack nets with small patterns anJ
few spots beet et ..g a pretty fans and die
gone the detect of • plats sae
••Wasson" Mtae, Thaw "Ledo."
There shield he • sew diorn.u.s Mali-
tla`Imbed which would show that a lade ie •
woman who is of no me is the world, how
ever greet • necessity she may he templet,.
The woman, tike the Tan, should be satt•-
fed with nM appellation whack mower' •
m-•autng that the narrower word tans..
fun. ,h 1's moan is by far tie mese re-
spectable .nod dyste•d title.
no rise- . root Trate&
111;tr■tae appear as the street g Is foe,
the) are .TIv w .n drossy Immo grw.r
mad ev.-n,og toilettes Aitken p.tt.enate
ale, how. or, WWII be meek ens .••d••••• es
when m.o....r- m test.., M fss0Mlwehte
moat. • eat 1 0..1.1 ,heir Atria el eery ij�,�
Owl the pet. moat rMOOD even he rual.d
mord .seated with bee I1me of midlow
ILAiD O0A7 •
1 handle tits taco ,prole at hard Beal In
the market, via.: the New Tort. Ontario
a Resters Railway Cos s. Celebrated
Imckawana Valley (seal in freer else••
via : ('hemnvt. Steve, Roe and Orate.
110:FTDem Me rise Lump Coal ter nee is
nein • aro. re, 1nrseee., Mr.
lat•s1 gwslnr ,n.,,,,.•, Mee tri smith-
Ime coal slivers on Med. Special altes-
tlos glean to mostry trade.
w ('a sed split went. K leers and t tete
leas. aheay@ le meek, I matt teener that
lam rets. weed. ora and p10 as cheap
e rte ram b Moo weed ea the narbet
All say weed le mid W the .ort ens
fact tee kuf seed Moa
4 feet loos. WOOS.
and .sift >r lusher
II hove added to me w1-enima>♦d .sol
and word ta, 4 s sats ft les rah .este
All wet Masud msa.ess smea rd
Orvioa, Ysanar awn �Ob�,a•L SRI= ID old
drill eked, ?Idol wad., foot d Ham-
ilton -4C
Mrs rms.
We hare just received a M1 eieiea let it
Wilke we Raarahtne to (ail at least
10 Cents per Cheaper
Thy ca>s be bought from
,�°` oar off the tau
A trial Order will of*
of • is asser't's&
b1 .